- wp-1993-102 The Ethiopian Famines, Entitlements and Governance
by Derseh Endale
- wp-1992-101 Utilities, Preferences and Substantive Goods
by John C. Harsanyi - wp-1992-100 Lush Fields and Parched Throats: The Political Economy of Groundwater in Gujarat
by Bela Bhatia - wp-1992-099 Development and Patriarchy: the Middle East and North Africa in Economic and Demographic Transition
by Valentine M. Moghadam - wp-1992-098 Rural Poverty, Public Policy and Social Change: Some Findings from Surveys of Six Villages
by Haris Gazdar - wp-1992-097 Managing Renewable Natural Capital in Africa
by Siddig A. Salih - wp-1992-096 Reforming the Soviet Union: Lessons from Structural Experience
by Stanislav V. Zhukov & Alexander Yu Vorobyov
- wp-1991-095 Understanding the ''Informal Sector'': A Survey
by Madhura Swaminathan - wp-1991-094 The Importance of Being Earnest: Early Stages of the West German Wirtschaftswunder
by Ardo H. Hansson - wp-1991-093 The Emergence and Stabilization of Extreme Inflationary Pressures in the Soviet Union
by Ardo H. Hansson - wp-1991-092 Accelerating Privatization in Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland
by Jeffrey D. Sachs - wp-1991-091 Spontaneous Privatization in the Soviet Union: How, Why and for Whom?
by Simon Johnson - wp-1991-090 Property Rights and Economic Reform in Uzbekistan
by Simon Johnson & Bakhtior Islamov - wp-1991-089 Oil Driven Macroeconometric Model of Kuwait
by Siddig A. Salih & William H. Branson & Yusuf Al Ebraheem
- wp-1990-088 Commodity Price Fluctuations and Macro-economic Adjustments in the Developed Countries
by Walter C. Labys & Alfred Maizels - wp-1990-087 Gender and Restructuring: Perestroika, the 1989 Revolutions, and Women
by Valentine M. Moghadam - wp-1990-086 Political Theories of Development Cooperation - A Study of Theories of International Cooperation
by Lauri Siitonen - wp-1990-085 Determinants of Female Labor Force Participation in the Middle East and North Africa
by Valentine M. Moghadam - wp-1990-084 The Environment as a Commodity
by Partha Dasgupta - wp-1990-083 Modified Planned Economies at the Crossroads: The Case of Hungary
by Kalman Mizsei & Adam Török - wp-1990-082 Food Deprivation and Undernutrition in Rural Bangladesh
by S. R. Osmani - wp-1990-081 Stabilization Policy in Poland: Challenges and Constraints
by Grzegorz W. Kolodko & Marian Ostrowski & Dariusz Rosati
- wp-1989-080 Well-Being: Foundations, and the Extent of its Realization in Poor Countries
by Partha Dasgupta - wp-1989-079 Rural Women, informal Sector and Household Economy in Tanzania
by C. K. Omari - wp-1989-078 The International Debt Problem: Could Someone Please Explain It to Me?
by Kaushik Basu - wp-1989-077 Soviet Economy: Opening Up and Stabilization
by Andrei Vernikov - wp-1989-076 Gap Disequilibria: Inflation, Investment, Saving and Foreign Exchange
by Lance Taylor - wp-1989-075 Are World Financial Markets More Open?: If so Why and With What Effects?
by Robert B. Zevin - wp-1989-074 Openness, Innovation and Share Ownership: The Changing Structure of Financial Markets
by A. D. Cosh & Alan Hughes & Ajit Singh - wp-1989-073 International Capital Markets and the Limits of National Economic Policy
by Gerald Epstein & Herbert Gintis - wp-1989-072 Explanation and Practical Reason
by Charles Taylor - wp-1989-071 Distributing Health: the Allocation of Resources by an International Agency
by John E. Roemer - wp-1989-070 Objectivity and the Science/Ethics Distinction
by Hilary Putnam - wp-1989-069 The Relativity of the Welfare Concept
by Bernard M. S. van Praag - wp-1989-068 Justice, Gender and International Boundaries
by Onora O'Neill - wp-1989-067 Descriptions of Inequality: the Swedish Approach to Welfare Research
by Robert Erikson - wp-1989-066 Quality of Life Measures in Health Care and Medical Ethics
by Dan W. Brock - wp-1989-065 Capital Mobility and Policy Effectiveness in a Solvency Crisis: The Mexican Economy in the 1980s
by Jaime Ros - wp-1989-064 Exchange Controls and Policy Autonomy: The Case of Australia 1983-88
by Andrew Glyn - wp-1989-063 The Soft Option of the Reserve Currency Status
by Amit Bhaduri - wp-1989-062 Black Markets, Openness, and Central Bank Autonomy
by Tariq Banuri - wp-1989-061 Limited Liability and the Existence of Share Tenancy
by Kaushik Basu - wp-1989-060 A Proposal for ''COoperative Relief of Debt in Africa'' (CORDA)
by Jacques H. Dréze & Albert Kervyn de Lettenhove & Jean-Philippe Platteau & Paul Reding - wp-1989-059 Defending the Right to Subsist: the State vs. the Urban Informal Economy in Tanzania
by Aili Mari Tripp - wp-1989-058 Grassroots Strategies and directed Development in Tanzania: The Case of the Fishing Sector
by Marja-Liisa Swantz - wp-1989-057 Financial Markets and Governments
by Robert Pringle - wp-1989-056 Sectoral Balance: A Survey
by Amitava Krishna Dutt - wp-1989-055 Economic System Reform in China
by Yuyan Zhang - wp-1989-054 Stabilisation and Reform in the Hungarian Economy of the late 1980s
by Adam Török - wp-1989-053 Reforming Process and Consolidation in the Soviet Economy
by Andrei Vernikov - wp-1989-052 Adjustment through Opening of Socialist Economies
by Dariusz Rosati & Kalman Mizsei - wp-1989-051 Reform, Stabilization Policies, and Economic Adjustment in Poland
by Grzegorz W. Kolodko
- wp-1988-050 Food and the History of India: An 'Entitlement' Approach
by S. R. Osmani - wp-1988-049 Social Security in South Asia
by S. R. Osmani - wp-1988-048 Wage Determination in Rural Labour Markets: The Theory of Implicit Co-operation
by S. R. Osmani - wp-1988-047 Undernutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa: Is There a Sex-Bias?
by Peter Svedberg - wp-1988-046 A Model of Nutrition, Health and Economic Productivity
by Peter Svedberg - wp-1988-045 Famine Prevention in India
by Jean Drèze - wp-1988-044 The Food Crisis in Africa: A Comparative Structural Analysis
by Jean-Philippe Platteau - wp-1988-043 The Rise and Fall of the Golden Age
by Andrew Glyn & Alan Hughes & Alan Lipietz & Ajit Singh - wp-1988-042 The World Economic Slowdown and the Asian and Latin American Economies: A Comparative Analysis of Economic Structure, Policy and Performance
by Alan Hughes & Ajit Singh - wp-1988-041 Economic Openness: Problems to the Century's End
by Lance Taylor - wp-1988-040 The Diversity of Unemployment Experience Since 1973
by Robert Rowthorn & Andrew Glyn - wp-1988-039 Profit Squeeze and Keynesian Theory
by Stephen A. Marglin & Amit Bhaduri - wp-1988-038 Macropolicy in the Rise and Fall of the Golden Age
by Gerald Epstein & Juliet B. Schor - wp-1988-037 Conditionality: Facts, Theory and Policy: Contribution to the Reconstruction of the International Financial System
by Dragoslav Avramović - wp-1988-036 A New Paradigm of Work Organization: The Japanese Experience
by Masahiko Aoki - wp-1988-035 Keynesianism and the Scandinavian Models of Economic Policy
by Jukka Pekkarinen - wp-1988-034 Commodity Instability and Developing Countries: The Debate
by Alfred Maizels
- wp-1987-033 Modernization and its Discontents: A Perspective from the Sociology of Knowledge
by Tariq Banuri - wp-1987-032 Non-Relative Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach
by Martha C. Nussbaum - wp-1987-031 Nature, Function and Capability: Aristotle on Political Distribution
by Martha C. Nussbaum - wp-1987-030 Internal Criticism and Indian Rationalist Traditions
by Martha C. Nussbaum & Amartya Sen - wp-1987-029 The Food Problems of Bangladesh
by S. R. Osmani - wp-1987-028 Market Responses to Anti-Hunger Policies: Effects on Wages, Prices and Employment
by Martin Ravallion - wp-1987-027 Feeding China: The Experience Since 1949
by Carl Riskin - wp-1987-026 Ethiopian Famines 1973-1985: A Case-Study
by Gopalakrishna Kumar - wp-1987-025 Freedom of Choice: Concept and Content
by Amartya Sen - wp-1987-024 Economic Reform in the USSR
by Georgy Skorov - wp-1987-023 Post-Keynesian Theorists and the theory of Economic Development
by Sukhamoy Chakravarty - wp-1987-022 Some Reflections on Comparative Latin American Economic Performance and Policy
by Albert Fishlow - wp-1987-021 A Theory of Surplus Labour
by Kaushik Basu - wp-1987-020 A Theory of Association: Social Status, Prices and Markets
by Kaushik Basu - wp-1987-019 Africa and India: What Do We Have to Learn from Each Other?
by Amartya Sen - wp-1987-018 Gender and Cooperative Conflicts
by Amartya Sen - wp-1987-017 Smallpox in Two Systems of Knowledge
by Frederique Apffel-Marglin - wp-1987-016 Controversies in Nutrition and their Implications for the Economics of Food
by S. R. Osmani - wp-1987-015 Undernutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Critical Assessment of the Evidence
by Peter Svedberg - wp-1987-014 Technological Stagnation, Tenurial Laws and Adverse Selection
by Kaushik Basu - wp-1987-013 Walras' Law
by Don Patinkin - wp-1987-012 The International Debt Problem: Prospects and Solutions
by Stephany Griffith-Jones - wp-1987-011 Middle Powers in the International System: A Preliminary Assessment of Potential
by Bernard Wood - wp-1987-010 Adapting to Undernourishment: The Clinical Evidence and Its Implications
by Partha Dasgupta & Debraj Ray
- wp-1986-009 Is Sex Bias Significant?
by Nanak Kakwani - wp-1986-008 On Measuring Undernutrition
by Nanak Kakwani - wp-1986-007 Real and Relative Wage Rigidities: Wage Indexation in the Open Economy Staggered Contracts Model
by Pertti Haaparanta - wp-1986-006 Dual Exchange Markets and Intervention
by Pertti Haaparanta - wp-1986-005 Liberalization of Capital Movements and Trade: Real Appreciation, Employment and Welfare
by Pertti Haaparanta & Juha Kähkönen - wp-1986-004 Income Inequality, Welfare and Poverty in a Developing Economy with Applications to Sri Lanka
by Nanak Kakwani - wp-1986-003 The Intertemporal Effects of International Transfers
by Pertti Haaparanta - wp-1986-002 Decomposition of Normalization Axiom in the Measurement of Poverty: A Comment
by Nanak Kakwani - wp-1986-001 Food, Economics and Entitlements
by Amartya Sen