May 2006, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-31 Institutional Interaction in Global Environmental Governance: The Case of the Cartagena Protocol and the World Trade Organization
by Sebastian Oberthür & Thomas Gehring - 32-54 The Making of Global Environmental Norms: Endangered Species Protection
by Charlotte Epstein - 55-84 When is Sustainable Forestry Sustainable? The Forest Stewardship Council in Argentina and Brazil
by Ralph Espach - 85-111 Shop Right: American Conservatisms, Consumption, and the Environment
by Nadivah Greenberg - 112-117 Environmental Movements in Majority and Minority Worlds: A Global Perspective
by David A. Sonnenfeld
February 2006, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-22 The Opposite of Learning: Ossification in the Climate Change Regime
by Joanna Depledge - 23-49 Does Bureaucracy Really Matter? The Authority of Intergovernmental Treaty Secretariats in Global Environmental Politics
by Steffen Bauer - 50-75 Planting Trees to Mitigate Climate Change: Contested Discourses of Ecological Modernization, Green Governmentality and Civic Environmentalism
by Karin Bäckstrand & Eva Lövbrand - 76-101 The Rearguard of Modernity: Environmental Skepticism as a Struggle of Citizenship
by Peter Jacques - 102-124 A Qualitative Analysis of the WTO's Role on Trade and Environment Issues
by Rachel McCormick
November 2005, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-24 Hostage to Norms: States, Institutions and Global Forest Politics
by Radoslav S. Dimitrov - 25-46 The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and Shifts in the Discourse of Precaution
by Peter Andrée - 47-72 Picking the Wrong Fight: Why Attacks on the World Trade Organization Pose the Real Threat to National Environmental and Public Health Protection
by Alasdair R. Young - 73-94 Fishing under Flags of Convenience: Using Market Power to Increase Participation in International Regulation
by Elizabeth R. DeSombre - 95-119 How Transnational Environmental Advocacy Networks Socialize International Financial Institutions: A Case Study of the International Finance Corporation
by Susan Park - 120-122 A World Environmental Organization: Solution or Threat for Effective International Environmental Governance?
by J. Samuel Barkin - 122-124 Cities and Climate Change: Urban Sustainability and Global Environmental Governance
by Kai N. Lee - 124-125 A Sea Change: Exclusive Economic Zones and Governance Institutions for Living Marine Resources
by Frank Alcock - 126-127 Environmental Policymaking: Assessing the Use of Alternative Policy Instruments
by Benjamin Cashore - 128-129 The Business of Global Environmental Governance
by Erik Lundsgaarde - 130-131 The New Accountability: Environmental Responsibility across Borders
by Susan Park
August 2005, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-3 The Global South and the Environment: Essays in Memory of Marian A.L.Miller
by Jennifer Clapp - 6-13 Cancer and Global Environmental Politics: Proposing a New Research Agenda
by Peter Dauvergne - 14-22 Capacity Development for the Environment: Broadening the Scope
by Ambuj D. Sagar & Stacy D. VanDeveer - 23-34 Global Environmental Governance for Corporate Responsibility and Accountability
by Jennifer Clapp - 35-47 Dying of Consumption: Accidents or Sacrifices of Global Morality?
by Peter Dauvergne - 48-69 The Third World and Global Environmental Negotiations: Interests, Institutions and Ideas
by Marc Williams - 70-94 Race, Class and the Global Politics of Environmental Inequality
by Peter Newell - 95-124 From "Project" to "Context": Community Based Natural Resource Management in Botswana
by Larry A. Swatuk - 125-130 Acid Rain Science and Politics in Japan: A History of Knowledge and Action toward Sustainability
by William Varettoni & Jeremy S. Boss - 131-133 Dams and Development: Transnational Struggles for Water and Power
by Richard A. Matthew - 133-135 Governing through Markets: Forest Certification and Non-State Authority
by Kate O'Neill - 135-137 National Governance and the Global Climate Change Regime
by William C.G. Burns
May 2005, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-9 Questioning the Motivations for International Repositories for Nuclear Waste
by Alan Marshall - 10-37 Explaining the Gaps between Mandate and Performance: Agency Theory and World Bank Environmental Reform
by Tamar Gutner - 38-60 Norm Entrapment and Preference Change: The Evolution of the European Union Position on International Emissions Trading
by Loren Cass - 61-87 Participating or Just Talking? Sustainable Development Councils and the Implementation of Agenda 21
by Jonathan Rosenberg & Linus Spencer Thomas - 88-113 From Science to Multiculturalism: Postmodern Trends in Environmental Organizations
by Gabriel Ignatow - 114-116 Environmental Politics and Policy: A Comparative Approach
by Alastair Iles - 116-118 Science and Politics in the International Environment
by Mark Henderson - 118-119 Nature's Experts: Science, Politics and the Environment
by Paul P. Craig - 119-121 Environmental Protest in Western Europe
by Jörg Balsiger
February 2005, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-23 The Making of the 2003 EU Emissions Trading Directive: An Ultra-Quick Process due to Entrepreneurial Proficiency?
by Jørgen Wettestad - 24-57 A Herd Mentality in the Design of International Environmental Agreements?
by David G. Victor & Lesley A. Coben - 58-81 Implementing International Environmental Treaties in Developing Countries: China's Compliance with the Montreal Protocol
by Jimin Zhao - 82-104 Governing GMOs in the EU: A Deviant Case of Environmental Policy-making?
by G. Kristin Rosendal - 105-130 An Alternative Explanation for the Failure of the UNCED Forest Negotiations
by Deborah S. Davenport - 131-135 Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the U.S. and the E.U
by Marcus Schaper - 136-138 International Environmental Justice: A North South Dimension
by Paul G. Harris - 138-141 The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge to China's Future
by Jerry McBeath - 141-143 Smart Alliance-How a Global Corporation and Environmental Activists Transformed a Tarnished Brand
by Ronnie D. Lipschutz
November 2004, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-1 Marian A.L. Miller 1950-2003
by Jennifer Clapp & Peter Dauvergne - 1-15 Addressing the Global Governance Deficit
by Peter M. Haas - 16-22 Trends in Global Environmental Governance: The Emergence of a Mutual Supportiveness Approach to Achieve Sustainable Development
by Mukul Sanwal - 23-35 The Emergent "System" of Global Environmental Governance
by Adil Najam & Ioli Christopoulou & William R. Moomaw - 36-53 Three-Not Two-Major Environmental Counternarratives to Globalization
by Emery Roe & Michel J.G. van Eeten - 54-75 NGO Influence in the Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol: Compliance, Flexibility Mechanisms, and Sinks
by Lars H. Gulbrandsen & Steinar Andresen - 76-107 Mapping Environmental Justice in Technology Flows: Computer Waste Impacts in Asia
by Alastair Iles - 108-141 One Basin at a Time: The Global Environment Facility and Governance of Transboundary Waters
by Andrea K. Gerlak - 142-147 Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany, and the United States
by Jerry McBeath - 148-151 The Green State-Rethinking Democracy and Sovereignty
by Jason Lambacher - 151-153 The Commons in the New Millennium: Challenges and Adaptations
by Inger Weibust
August 2004, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-8 The WTO and the Environment: Its Past Record is Better than Critics Believe, but the Future Outlook is Bleak
by Eric Neumayer - 9-21 Trade and the Environment: Stuck in a Political Impasse at the WTO after the Doha and Cancun Ministerial Conferences
by Urs P. Thomas - 22-64 Who Ratifies Environmental Treaties and Why? Institutionalism, Structuralism and Participation by 192 Nations in 22 Treaties
by J. Timmons Roberts & Bradley C. Parks & Alexis A. Vásquez - 65-84 Understanding Disenfranchisement: Civil Society and Developing Countries' Influence and Participation in Global Governance for Sustainable Development
by Dana R. Fisher & Jessica F. Green - 85-106 Expert Advice and Desertification Policy: Past Experience and Current Challenges
by Marybeth Long Martello - 107-127 The Convention to Combat Desertification and the Role of Innovative Policy-Making Discourses: The Case of Burkina Faso
by Hans Bruyninckx - 128-154 Dynamics of the Southern Collective: Developing Countries in Desertification Negotiations
by Adil Najam - 155-159 Ideology, Social Theory, and the Environment
by Jack Manno - 160-167 Multilateral Development Banks and the Challenge of Reform
by Eva T. Thorne
May 2004, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-11 Ecological Politics, Violence, and the Theme of Empire
by Simon Dalby - 12-19 Ecology in an Age of Empire: A Reply to (and extension of) Dalby's Imperial Thesis
by Ken Conca - 20-23 Imitations of Empire
by Ronnie D. Lipschutz - 24-50 The Big Chill: The WTO and Multilateral Environmental Agreements
by Robyn Eckersley - 51-74 Redefining the Issues: NGO Influence on International Forest Negotiations
by David Humphreys - 75-99 Overlapping Public and Private Governance: Can Forest Certification Fill the Gaps in the Global Forest Regime?
by Lars H. Gulbrandsen - 100-102 Exploring Sustainable Consumption: Environmental Policy and the Social Sciences
by Ian Thomas - 102-105 Greening NAFTA: The North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation
by Paul Stanton Kibel - 105-106 The Political Economy of the Environment
by Paul Craig
February 2004, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-22 Global Environmental Change and the Nation State
by Frank Biermann & Klaus Dingwerth - 23-28 The Role of the Nation State in International Environmental Policy
by Jürgen Trittin - 29-46 Lead Markets for Environmental Innovations: A New Role for the Nation State
by Martin Jänicke & Klaus Jacob - 47-71 Sovereignty Bounded: Public Trusteeship for Common Pool Resources?
by Peter H. Sand - 72-96 Post-Sovereign Environmental Governance
by Bradley C. Karkkainen - 97-114 Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity Management: The Case of India
by Philippe Cullet & Jawahar Raja - 115-121 Faces of Environmental Racism: Confronting Issues of Global Justice
by Gabriela Kütting - 122-124 Moral and Political Reasoning in Environmental Practice
by Ronnie Lipschutz - 124-126 Livable Cities? Urban Struggles for Livelihood and Sustainability
by Bryan McDonald
November 2003, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-1 Ronie-Richele Garcia-Johnson 1968-2003
by Liliana Botcheva & Thomas Princen & Erika Sasser & Paul Steinberg - 1-23 The Persistence of the Kyoto Protocol: Why Other Annex I Countries Move on Without the United States
by Jon Hovi & Tora Skodvin & Steinar Andresen - 24-41 Civic Science for Sustainability: Reframing the Role of Experts, Policy-Makers and Citizens in Environmental Governance
by Karin Bäckstrand - 42-60 Globalization, Poverty and the Environment in West Africa: Too Poor to Pollute?
by Gabriela Kütting - 61-86 Nonstate Influence in the International Whaling Commission, 1970-1990
by Tora Skodvin & Steinar Andresen - 87-91 Environmental Politics and Policy: A Comparative Approach
by Veronica Ward - 92-97 Democracy's Dilemma: Environment, Social Equity, and the Global Economy
by J. Samuel Barkin - 98-108 The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming
by Anita Krajnc - 109-110 International Environmental Cooperation: Politics and Diplomacy in Pacific Asia
by Jerry McBeath - 110-112 Governing Global Biodiversity-The Evolution And Implementation Of The Convention On Biological Diversity
by Dagmar D. Lohan
August 2003, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-7 Time to Replace Globalization with Localization
by Colin Hines - 8-13 The Counterintuitive Relationship between Globalization and Climate Change
by J. Samuel Barkin - 14-46 Mapping Institutional Linkages in European Air Pollution Politics
by Henrik Selin & Stacy D. VanDeveer - 47-73 Perceptions of Legitimacy and Efficacy in International Environmental Management Standards: The Impact of the Participation Gap
by Susan Summers Raines - 74-96 The Oslo-Potsdam Solution to Measuring Regime Effectiveness: Critique, Response, and the Road Ahead
by Jon Hovi & Detlef F. Sprinz & Arild Underdal - 97-104 Determining Regime Effectiveness: A Commentary on the Oslo-Potsdam Solution
by Oran R. Young - 105-107 Regime Effectiveness and the Oslo-Potsdam Solution: A Rejoinder to Oran Young
by Jon Hovi & Detlef F. Sprinz & Arild Underdal - 108-111 Tropical Forests and the Human Spirit: Journeys to the Brink of Hope
by Jerry McBeath - 112-114 Pollution Control in East Asia: Lessons from Newly Industrializing Economies
by Ken Wilkening - 114-116 Environmental Leadership in Developing Countries: Transnational Relations and Biodiversity Policy in Costa Rica and Bolivia
by Howard Warshawsky - 116-118 Environmental Peacemaking
by Robert Darst - 118-120 The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World?
by Susanne C. Moser
May 2003, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-10 Conceptualizing Global Environmental Governance: From Interstate Regimes to Counter-Hegemonic Struggles
by Matthew Paterson & David Humphreys & Lloyd Pettiford - 11-24 Poisons in the System: The Global Regulation of Hazardous Pesticides
by Peter Hough - 25-39 Taking Institutions Seriously: How Regime Analysis can be Relevant to Multilevel Environmental Governance
by John Vogler - 40-55 Life Protective or Carcinogenic Challenge? Global Forests Governance under Advanced Capitalism
by David Humphreys - 56-71 Globalization and the Governance of Biotechnology
by Peter Newell - 72-87 Private Environmental Governance and International Relations: Exploring the Links
by Robert Falkner - 88-102 Place and Chips: Virtual Communities, Governance and the Environment
by Roy Smith - 103-119 Movements, Networks, Hierarchies: A Gender Perspective on Global Environmental Governance
by Charlotte Bretherton - 120-134 Challenging Global Environmental Governance: Social Movement Agency and Global Civil Society
by Lucy H. Ford
February 2003, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-10 World Summit on Sustainable Development: Toward a Post-Jo'burg Environmentalism
by Paul Wapner - 11-32 Understanding Policy Change in Developing Countries: The Spheres of Influence Framework
by Paul F. Steinberg - 33-50 Principles for Sustainability: From Cooperation and Efficiency to Sufficiency
by Thomas Princen - 51-71 Two Steps Forward, One Step Backward: Societal Capacity and Israel's Implementation of the Barcelona Convention and the Mediterranean Action Plan
by Erika Weinthal & Yael Parag - 72-98 Implementing International Environmental Agreements in Russia: Lessons from Fisheries Management, Nuclear Safety and Air Pollution Control
by Geir Hønneland & Anne-Kristin Jørgensen - 99-116 Toward Renewed Legitimacy? Nuclear Power, Global Warming, and Security
by Peter Stoett - 117-124 Confronting Consumption
by Nayna J. Jhaveri - 125-142 Environment and Global Modernity
by Jon Mulberg - 143-144 The Institutional Dimensions of Environmental Change: Fit, Interplay, Scale
by Elizabeth R. DeSombre - 145-147 Environment and Statecraft: The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-Making
by Oran R. Young - 148-150 The Drama of the Commons. Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change, National Research Council
by Kai N. Lee
November 2002, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-34 Ecoviolence: Shrinking Pie, or Honey Pot?
by Indra de Soysa - 35-57 After the Boomerang: Environmental Movements and Politics in the La Plata River Basin
by Kathryn Hochstetler - 58-83 A Quantitative Approach to Evaluating International Environmental Regimes
by Ronald B. Mitchell - 84-101 Business Strategy and International Environmental Governance: Toward a Neo-Gramscian Synthesis
by David L. Levy & Peter J. Newell - 102-124 A Political Economy of Russian Nature Conservation Policy: Why Scientists have Taken a Back Seat
by David Ostergren & Peter Jacques - 125-130 Environment, Scarcity and Violence
by Simon Dalby - 131-133 Political Nature: Environmentalism and the Interpretation of Western Thought
by Paul Wapner - 134-136 Domestic Sources of International Environmental Policy: Industry, Environmentalists and U.S. Power
by Inger Weibust - 136-138 Green Parties in National Governments
by Kate E. Marshall - 138-140 Earth Summit 2002: A New Deal
by Anita Krajnc
August 2002, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-16 Liberal Environmentalism and Global Environmental Governance
by Steven Bernstein - 17-39 Green Political Theory and the State: Context is Everything
by Christian Hunold & John S. Dryzek - 40-62 Environmental Scarcity and Conflict: A Contrary Case from Lake Victoria
by Marielle J. Canter & Stephen N. Ndegwa - 63-97 Making the Law of the Jungle: The Reform of Forest Legislation in Bolivia, Cameroon, Costa Rica, and Indonesia
by Eduardo Silva & David Kaimowitz & Alan Bojanic & Francois Ekoko & Togu Manurung & Iciar Pavez - 98-117 The Time Dimension in International Regime Interplay
by Regine Andersen - 118-123 Transnational Environmental Policy: Reconstructing Ozone
by Judith A. Layzer - 124-126 Insatiable Appetite: The United States and the Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World
by Paul F. Steinberg - 126-128 State Responsibility for Transboundary Air Pollution in International Law
by Daniel C. Turack - 128-130 International Encyclopedia of Environmental Politics
by Steve Charnovitz - 130-132 Toxic Exports: The Transfer of Hazardous Wastes from Rich to Poor Countries
by Ronnie D. Lipschutz
May 2002, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-1 Anil Agarwal 1947-2002
by Paul Wapner - 1-10 Beyond Pollution Havens
by David Wheeler - 11-19 What the Pollution Havens Debate Overlooks
by Jennifer Clapp - 20-28 Environmental Change, Protest, and Havens of Environmental Degradation: Evidence from Asia
by Derek Hall - 29-36 Pollution Havens and the Transfer of Environmental Risk
by Laura A. Strohm - 37-62 Horizontal Politics: Transnational Environmental Activism and Global Cultural Change
by Paul Wapner - 63-91 Environmental Change and Foreign Policy: A Survey of Theory
by John Barkdull & Paul G. Harris - 92-115 Ecological Modernization and the Global Economy
by Arthur P. J. Mol - 116-122 Environmental Regime Effectiveness: Confronting Theory with Evidence
by Veronica Ward - 123-130 Governing High Seas Fisheries: The Interplay of Global and Regional Regimes
by Peter Jacques - 131-133 Learning to Manage Global Environmental Risks, Volume 2: A Comparative History of Social Responses to Climate Change, Ozone Depletion, and Acid Rain
by Ronald B. Mitchell - 133-134 The Roots of Japan's International Environmental Politics
by Ryo Kohsaka
February 2002, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-11 Constructing Environmental Conflicts from Resource Scarcity
by Peter M. Haas - 12-18 Turtles and Trade: The WTO's Acceptance of Environmental Trade Restrictions
by Elizabeth R. DeSombre & J. Samuel Barkin - 19-45 Sustainable Consumption Governance in a Globalizing World
by Doris A. Fuchs - 46-64 A New Vigilance: Identifying and Reducing the Risks of Environmental Terrorism
by Elizabeth L. Chalecki - 65-82 Patenting Biodiversity? Rejecting WTO/TRIPS in Southern Africa
by Andrew T. Mushita & Carol B. Thompson - 83-110 Economic Growth, Environmental Scarcity, and Conflict
by Rafael Reuveny - 111-119 North Sea Cooperation: Linking International and Domestic Pollution Control
by Stacy D. VanDeveer - 120-122 Killing for Conservation: Wildlife Policy in Zimbabwe
by Geoffrey Wandesforde-Smith - 122-124 Waste Trading Among Rich Nations: Building a New Theory of Environmental Regulation
by Anna Levine
November 2001, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 1-9 Trade and Environment in the World Trading System: A Decade of Stalemate?
by Marc Williams - 10-17 Environmental and Health Research: Overlapping Agendas
by Caroline Thomas - 18-42 Risky Business: Insurance Companies in Global Warming Politics
by Matthew Paterson - 43-64 Climate Change and the Oil Industry: Common Problems, Different Strategies
by Jon Birger Skjærseth & Tora Skodvin - 65-85 NGO Influence in International Environmental Negotiations: A Framework for Analysis
by Michele M. Betsill & Elisabeth Corell - 86-107 A Comparative Look at NGO Influence in International Environmental Negotiations: Desertification and Climate Change
by Elisabeth Corell & Michele M. Betsill - 108-114 Structure and Agent in the Scientific Diplomacy of Climate Change: An Empirical Case Study of Science-Policy Interaction in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Advances in Global Change Research, Vol. 5)
by Stephen Bocking - 115-116 Earth Odyssey: Around theWorld in Search of Our Environmental Future
by Judith Shapiro
August 2001, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-10 Confronting Consumption
by Ken Conca - 11-30 Consumption and its Externalities: Where Economy Meets Ecology
by Thomas Princen - 31-52 Individualization: Plant a Tree, Buy a Bike, Save the World?
by Michael F. Maniates - 53-71 Consumption and Environment in a Global Economy
by Ken Conca - 72-91 Environmental History, Political Economy and Change: Frameworks and Tools for Research and Analysis
by Ronnie D. Lipschutz - 92-113 Competing Political Visions: WTO Governance and Green Politics
by Martin Weber - 114-141 A Paradox of Virtue?: "Other" Knowledges and Environment-Development Politics
by Marybeth Long Martello - 142-145 Nature Production and Power: Towards an Ecological Political Economy
by Paul K. Gellert - 145-147 Environmental Conflict: An Anthology
by Steen Nordstrom
May 2001, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-9 Global Climate Change and the Futility of the Kyoto Process
by Marvin S. Soroos - 10-17 Climate Policy as Accumulation Strategy: The Failure of COP6 and Emerging Trends in Climate Politics
by Matthew Paterson - 18-29 It's Capacity, Stupid: International Assistance and National Implementation
by Stacy D. VanDeveer & Geoffrey D. Dabelko - 30-41 Backward Boycotts: Demand Management and Fishery Conservation
by J. Samuel Barkin & Kashif Mansori - 42-47 Two Ways of Reasoning, One Outcome: The World Bank's Evolving Philosophy in Establishing a "Sustainable Water Resources Management" Policy
by Jeremy Allouche & Matthias Finger - 48-70 Conflict or Cooperation? The Social and Political Impacts of Resource Scarcity on Small Island States
by Richard A. Matthew & Ted Gaulin - 71-94 The Global Environment Facility-a Role Model for International Governance?
by Charlotte Streck - 95-111 Dehierarchization and Sustainable Development in Liberal and Non-liberal Societies
by Marcel Wissenburg - 112-114 Domestic Sources of International Environmental Policy: Industry, Environmentalists, and U.S. Power
by Kate E. Marshall