- 0901 Inflation Targeting and Exchange Rate Dynamics: Evidence From Turkey
by K. Azim Ozdemir & Serkan Yigit
- 0811 Turkiye�de Para Politikasinin Aktarimi:Para Politikasinin Mali Piyasalara Etkisi
by Zelal Aktas & Harun Alp & Refet Gurkaynak & Mehtap Kesriyeli & Musa Orak - 0810 On the Stability of Domestic Financial Market Linkages in the Presence of time-varying Volatility
by Thomas J. Flavin & Ekaterini Panopoulou & Deren Unalmis - 0809 Islenmis Gida Fiyatlarini Belirleyen Faktorler
by Yusuf Soner Baskaya & Tugrul Gurgur & Fethi Ogunc - 0808 Monetary Pressures and Inflation Dynamics in Turkey: Evidence from P-Star Model
by K. Azim Ozdemir & Mesut Saygili - 0807 Tangos, Sambas or Belly Dancing? Or, do Spreads Dance to the Same Rhythm? Signaling Regime Sustainability in Argentina, Brazil and Turkey
by Santiago Herrera & Ferhan Salman - 0806 Can Central Bank Interventions Affect the Exchange Rate Volatility? Multivariate GARCH Approach Using Constrained Nonlinear Programming
by Tolga Caskurlu & Mustafa C. Pinar & Aslihan Salih & Ferhan Salman - 0805 Entry to Export Markets and Productivity: Analysis of Matched Firms in Turkey
by Altan Aldan & Mahmut Gunay - 0804 How did the Turkish Industry Respond to Increased Competitive Pressures, 1998-2007?
by Gokhan Yilmaz & Rauf Gonenc - 0803 On Roots of Housing Bubbles
by Erdem Basci & Ismail Saglam - 0802 Oil Price Shocks, Macroeconomic Stability and Welfare in a Small Open Economy
by Deren Unalmis & Ibrahim Unalmis & Derya Filiz Unsal - 0801 Expectations, Communication and Monetary Policy in Turkey
by Yusuf Soner Baskaya & Hakan Kara & Defne Mutluer
- 0708 Empirical Analysis of Structural Change in Turkish Exports
by Faruk Aydin & Hulya Saygili & Mesut Saygili - 0707 Monetary Policy and External Shocks in a Dollarized Economy with Credit Market Imperfections
by Koray Alper - 0706 Kuresel Finansal Riskler Karsisinda Turkiye'de Reel Sektor Finansal Yapisi ve Borc Dolarizasyonu
by Erdal Ozmen & Cihan Yalcin - 0705 Interest Rate Pass-Through in Turkey
by Halil Ibrahim Aydin - 0704 The monetary transmission mechanism in Turkey : New developments
by Erdem Basci & Ozgur Ozel & Cagri Sarikaya - 0703 Exchange Rates and Fundamentals : Is there a Role for Nonlinearities in Real Time?
by Kurmas Akdogan & Yunus Aksoy - 0702 Turkiye�de Kamu Borc Stokunun Yapisi : Orijinal Gunah Gostergeleri ve Risk-Dahil Kamu Borc Yuku
by Burcu Gurcihan & Erdal Yilmaz - 0701 The Evolution and Determinants of Profitability in Turkish Manufacturing Industry, 1997-2006
by Rauf Gonenc & Gokhan Yilmaz
- 0609 Convergence Across Provinces of Turkey : A Spatial Analysis
by Altan Aldan & Esma Gaygisiz - 0608 Devlet Ic Borclanma Senetleri Icin Getiri Egrisi Tahmini
by Ozge Akinci & Burcu Gurcihan & Refet Gurkaynak & Ozgur Ozel - 0607 Corporate Sector Financial Structure in Turkey : A Descriptive Analysis
by Halil Ibrahim Aydin & Cafer Kaplan & Mehtap Kesriyeli & Erdal Ozmen & Cihan Yalcin & Serkan Yigit - 0606 The Determinants and Implications of Financial Asset Holdings of Non-Financial Firms in Turkey : An Emprical Investigation
by Cafer Kaplan & Erdal Ozmen & Cihan Yalcin - 0605 A Structural VAR Analysis of the Determinants of Capital Flows Into Turkey
by Ali Askin Culha - 0604 The Determinants of Sovereign Spreads in Emerging Markets
by Olcay Yucel Culha & Fatih Ozatay & Gulbin Sahinbeyoglu - 0603 Turkish Experience With Implicit Inflation Targeting
by Ali Hakan Kara - 0602 Turkiye�de Imalat Sanayindeki Firmalarin Fiyatlama Davranisi
by Ercan Karadas & Defne Mutluer & Yasemin Barlas Ozer & Cevriye Aysoy - 0601 Monetary Policy, Corporate Financial Composition and Real Activity
by Paul Mizen & Cihan Yalcin
- 0517 Dolarizasyon Endeksleri : Turkiye�deki Dolarizasyon Surecine Iliskin Gostergeler
by Ozge Akinci & Yasemin Barlas Ozer & Bulent Usta - 0516 Corporate Sector Debt Composition and Exchange Rate Balance Sheet Effect in Turkey
by Mehtap Kesriyeli & Erdal Ozmen & Serkan Yigit - 0515 The Determinants of the Price-Cost Margins of the Manufacturing Firms in Turkey
by Ali Culha & Cihan Yalcin - 0514 Risk Aversion, Sovereign Bonds and Risk Premium
by Ferhan Salman - 0513 Information, Capital Gains Taxes & New York Stock Exchange
by Ferhan Salman - 0512 Some Evidence on the Irrationality of Inflation Expectations in Turkey
by Hakan Kara & Hande Kucuk Tuger - 0511 Monetary Policy Challenges for Turkey in European Union Accession Process
by Fatih Ozatay - 0510 Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Turkey : It is Slow, but is it Really Low?
by Hakan Kara & Fethi Ogunc - 0509 Public Sector Price Controls and Electoral Cycles
by Fatih Ozatay - 0508 Effects of US Interest Rates and News on the Daily Interest Rates of a Highly Indebted Emerging Country : Evidence from Turkey
by Olcay Yucel Emir & Fatih Ozatay & Gulbin Sahinbeyoglu - 0507 A Monetary Disequilibrium Model for Turkey : Investigation of a Disinflationary Fiscal Rule and its Implications on Monetary Policy
by K. Azim Ozdemir - 0506 The Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Interventions for the Turkish Economy : A Post-Crisis Period Analysis
by Ozge Akinci & Olcay Yucel Culha & Umit Ozlale & Gulbin Sahinbeyoglu - 0505 Causes and Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Interventions for the Turkish Economy
by Ozge Akinci & Olcay Yucel Culha & Umit Ozlale & Gulbin Sahinbeyoglu - 0504 Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Turkey : Has it Changed and to What Extent?
by Hakan Kara & Hande Kucuk Tuger & Umit Ozlale & Burc Tuger & Devrim Yavuz & Eray M. Yucel - 0503 Estimating Output Gap for the Turkish Economy
by Cagri Sarikaya & Fethi Ogunc & Dilara Ece & Hakan Kara & Umit Ozlale - 0502 The Price Puzzle in Emerging Markets : Evidence from the Turkish Economy Using Model Based Risk Premium Derived from Domestic Fundamentals
by Zelal Aktas & Neslihan Kaya & Umit Ozlale - 0501 A Dynamic Model of Central Bank Intervention
by Ana Maria Herrera & Pinar Ozbay
- 0415 Monetary Policy under Imperfect Commitment : Reconciling Theory with Evidence
by Hakan Kara - 0414 Nonlinearity and Structural Change in Interest Rate Reaction Functions for the US, UK and Germany
by Mehtap Kesriyeli & Denise R. Osborn & Marianne Sensier - 0413 Revealing Turkey�s Public Debt Burden : A Transparent Payments Approach
by Ertunc Alioglu & Can Erbil & Ferhan Salman - 0412 The Demand for Base Money in Turkey : Implications for Inflation and Seigniorage
by K. Azim Ozdemir & Paul Turner - 0411 Public Debt in Turkey
by K. Azim Ozdemir - 0410 Optimal International Reserves Behavior for Turkey
by K. Azim Ozdemir - 0409 Export Supply and Import Demand Models for the Turkish Economy
by M. Faruk Aydin & Ugur Ciplak & Eray M. Yucel - 0408 Balancing Turkey�s Intertemporal Budget Gap
by Ferhan Salman - 0407 The Impact of Firm-Specific Characteristics on the Response to Monetary Policy Actions
by Cihan Yalcin & Spiros Bougheas & Paul Mizen - 0406 Access to External Finance : Theory and Evidence on the Impact of Firm-Specific Characteristics
by Spiros Bougheas & Paul Mizen & Cihan Yalcin - 0405 Para : Para Hukuku ve Kaynaklari
by Z. Ernur Demir Abaan - 0404 Importance of Base Money Even When Inflation Targeting
by Melike Altinkemer - 0403 High Public Debt and Effects of News on Interest Rates
by Olcay Yucel Emir & Fatih Ozatay & Gulbin Sahinbeyoglu - 0402 Relative Price Variability : The Case Of Turkey 1994-2002
by Hande Kucuk & Burc Tuger - 0401 Trade Protection Measures, Agricultural and Food Prices
by Ugur Ciplak & Eray M. Yucel
- 0308 Banking Sector Fragility and Turkey�s 2000�01 Financial Crisis
by Fatih Ozatay & Guven Sak - 0307 What Triggers Inflation in Emerging Market Economies?
by Ilker Domac & Eray M. Yucel - 0306 Explaining and Forecasting Inflation in Turkey
by Ilker Domac - 0305 Recent Experiences With Capital Controls : Is There A Lesson for Turkey?
by Melike Altinkemer - 0304 Does the Exchange Rate Regime Matter for Inflation? Evidence from Transition Economies
by Ilker Domac & Kyle Peters & Yevgeny Yuzefovich� - 0303 Electronic Money Free Banking and Some Implications for Central Banking
by Yuksel Gormez & Christopher Houghton Budd - 0302 Prospects for Electronic Money : A US - European Comparative Survey
by Yuksel Gormez & Forrest Capie - 0301 Optimal Monetary Policy, Commitment, and Imperfect Credibility
by A. Hakan Kara
- 0214 Effects of the Interest Rate Defense on Exchange Rates During the 1994 Crisis in Turkey
by Inci Gumus - 0213 Turkiye�de Kamu Kesimi Ic Borclanmasinin Bankacilik Sektoru Bilancolarina ve Risklerine Olan Etkileri
by Faruk Aydin - 0212 2002 Yilinin Ilk Yarisinda Stok Birikiminin GSYIH Buyumesine Katkisi
by Evren Ceritoglu - 0211 Calculation Of Output-Inflation Sacrifice Ratio : The Case Of Turkey
by Devrim Yavuz & Arzu Cetinkaya - 0210 Inflation Dynamics and Reaction Function in High-inflation Environment : An Implication for Turkey
by Runchana Pongsaparn - 0209 Open Market Operations In Turkey
by Gokhan Yilmaz - 0208 Cari Islemler Hesabina Cesitli Yaklasimlar, Surdurulebilirlik ve Turkiye Ornegi
by S. Tolga Tiryaki - 0207 Inflation Targeting as a Monetary Policy and its Applicability to Developing Countries
by Anil Duman - 0206 Bankalararasi Para Piyasasi
by Serkan Yigit - 0205 The Seasonal Adjustment of the Consumer and Wholesale Prices : a Comparison of Census X-11, X-12 Arima and Tramo/Seats
by Meltem Gulenay Ongan - 0204 The Cyclicality Of Mark-Up Ratios : The Case Of Turkish Industry
by Evren Ceritoglu - 0203 The Causality Between Financial Development and Economic Growth : The Case of Turkey
by Deren Unalmis - 0202 Kamu Kesimi Itibariyle Mali Etki Hesaplamasi : Turkiye Uygulamasi
by Cem Cebi - 0201 Bankacilik Sektorunun Yabanci Para Pozisyon Acigi : Turkiye Ornegi
by Cafer Kaplan
- 0001 The real exchange rate definitions and calculations
by Ahmet N. Kipici & Mehtap Kesriyeli
- 9902 TEFE ve TUFE Endeksleri ile Alt Kalemlerindeki Mevsimsel Hareketlerin Incelenmesi
by Soner Baskaya & Pelin Berkmen & H.Murat Ozbilgin & Erdal Yilmaz - 9901 Modeling the Volatility In the Central Bank Reserves In An Emerging Market Setting
by Ferhan Salman & Aslihan Salih
- 9801 The Global Crisis and The Turkish Economy
by Sukru Binay & Ferhan Salman
- 9704 1980'li Yillardan Gunumuze Para Politikasi Gelismeleri
by Mehtap Kesriyeli - 9703 Para : Teorik Bir Tarama ve Tartisma
by Ernur Demir Abaan - 9702 Turkiye�de Enflasyona Endeksli Kamu Menkul Kiymetlerinin Cikarilmasina Iliskin Bir Calisma
by Ercan Balaban - 9701 Reel Doviz Kuru Tanimlari ve Hesaplama Yontemleri
by Ahmet N. Kipici & Mehtap Kesriyeli
- 2128 Non-linear effects of fiscal stimulus on fiscal sustainability Indicators in Turkey
by Cem Cebi & K. Azim Ozdemir - 2122 Cross-border Transactions and Network Analysis: Evidence from Turkey
by Tuba Pelin Sumer & Suheyla Ozyildirim