March 2025, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 99-124 If you do not change your behavior: preventive repression in Lithuania under Soviet rule
by Eugenia Nazrullaeva & Mark Harrison - 125-141 The big brothers: measuring influence of large firms on electoral mobilization in Russia
by Viktoriia Poltoratskaia - 142-160 Measuring and validating the Ukrainian ethnic coherence instrument
by Scott Feinstein - 161-180 “Did it have to come to this?” three images of Vladimir Putin’s attitudes toward Ukraine
by George W. Breslauer
January 2025, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-24 Public opinion toward Russia’s war against Ukraine: investigating wartime attitudes in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
by Hannah S. Chapman & Raushan Zhandayeva - 25-41 Popular conservatisms and the structure of Russian society
by Anna A. Dekalchuk & Ivan S. Grigoriev & Regina Smyth - 42-63 Dissecting Putin’s regime ideology
by Maria Snegovaya & Jade McGlynn - 64-82 Two statisms of Putin’s ideology: from proclamations of patriotic values to welfare promises of wartime mobilization
by Ivan Fomin - 83-97 A hidden form of mass event: the law, politics, and practice of single pickets in Russia
by Nicole M. Daphnis
November 2024, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 429-451 Authoritarian succession, rules, and conflicts: Tokayev’s gambit and Kazakhstan’s bloody January of 2022 (Qandy Qantar)
by Gaziz Abishev & Bakhytzhan Kurmanov & Zhaxylyk Sabitov - 452-471 “You should care by prohibiting all this obscenity”: a public policy analysis of the Russian law banning medical and legal transition for transgender people
by Yana Kirey-Sitnikova - 472-480 Effects of a coup attempt on public attitudes under autocracy: quasi-experimental evidence from Russia
by Alexei Zakharov & Ora John Reuter & Vladimir Shuklin & Denis Volkov - 481-499 State pranking: deceit and humor in Russia-West relations
by Stanislav Budnitsky - 500-525 Corruption, development, and the state in Putin’s Russia
by Alexander Strakhov
September 2024, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 345-361 Do reforms reduce corruption perceptions? Evidence from police reform in Ukraine
by Grigore Pop-Eleches & Graeme Robertson - 362-382 God is not back: the long-term effects of Soviet secularism
by Liu Peng - 383-400 Russia’s war strategy: what Chechnya suggests for Ukraine
by Marat Iliyasov & Yoshiko M. Herrera - 401-427 The framing of politics in a Ukrainian comedy show: a populist appeal?
by Natalya Ryabinska
July 2024, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 243-249 The regional dimension of Russia’s resilience during its war against Ukraine: an introduction
by Ekaterina Paustyan & Irina Busygina - 250-261 The sources of territorial resilience in Putin’s Russia
by Irina Busygina - 262-277 Federalism at war: Putin’s blame game, regional governors, and the invasion of Ukraine
by Stanislav Klimovich - 278-295 “We don’t abandon our own people”: public rhetoric of Russia’s governors during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine
by Nikita Khokhlov - 296-312 Elite cohesion and resilience of the Russian regions: the case of Belgorod Oblast
by Ekaterina Paustyan - 313-325 Russian regions in wartime: fiscal and economic effects of the Russo-Ukrainian war
by Andrey Yushkov & Michael Alexeev - 326-343 Authoritarian welfare and resilience: politics of child benefits in Russia
by Gulnaz Sharafutdinova
May 2024, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 159-174 Language shift in time of war: the abandonment of Russian in Ukraine
by Volodymyr Kulyk - 175-203 Redistributive policy and redistribution preferences: the effects of the Moscow redevelopment program
by Israel Marques & Alexei Zakharov - 204-221 There won’t be a free Belarus without a free Ukraine: motivations of Belarusian volunteers fighting for Ukraine in the Russo-Ukrainian war
by Hana Josticova & Huseyn Aliyev - 222-241 Going jingo: a classification of the wartime positions of Russia’s “systemic opposition” parties
by Jan Matti Dollbaum & Seongcheol Kim
March 2024, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 71-87 Our zona: the impact of decarceration and prison closure on local communities in Kazakhstan
by Gavin Slade & Alexei Trochev - 88-104 Historical consciousness and the consolidation of the opposition: uses of the history of revolution and dissent in Russian protest art, 2008–2012
by Nadezda Petrusenko - 105-118 Presidential popularity and international crises: an assessment of the rally-‘round-the-flag effect in Russia
by Margit Bussmann & Natalia Iost - 119-138 Rainfall variability and labor allocation in Uzbekistan: the role of women’s empowerment
by Vladimir Otrachshenko & Olga Popova & Nargiza Alimukhamedova - 139-158 Voices of the Caucasus: mapping knowledge production on the Caucasus region
by Lala Jumayeva & Aleksey Gunya & Mark Youngman & Lidia Kurbanova & Nino Kemoklidze
January 2024, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-18 Life through grey-tinted glasses: how do audiences in Latvia psychologically respond to Sputnik Latvia’s destruction narratives of a failed Latvia?
by Aiden Hoyle & Charlotte Wagnsson & Thomas E. Powell & Helma van den Berg & Bertjan Doosje - 19-38 The best among the connected (men): promotion in the Russian state apparatus
by Guzel Garifullina - 39-55 Dominant party and co-ethnic vote in Russia’s ethnic republics
by Olga Avdeyeva - 56-70 The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the strengthening of Ukrainian identity among former Soviet immigrants from Ukraine: Israel as a case study
by Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin
November 2023, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 391-405 Authoritarian media and foreign protests: evidence from a decade of Russian news
by Yana Otlan & Yulia Kuzmina & Aleksandra Rumiantseva & Katerina Tertytchnaya - 406-419 Transitional justice options for post-war Russia
by Monika Nalepa & Thomas F. Remington - 420-439 From mercenary to legitimate actor? Russian discourses on private military companies
by Karen Philippa Larsen - 440-461 The politics of bank failures in Russia
by Zuzana Fungáčová & Alexei Karas & Laura Solanko & Laurent Weill - 462-486 Omnibalancing in China-Russia relations: regime survival and the specter of domestic threats as an impetus for bilateral alignment
by Björn Alexander Düben
September 2023, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 309-328 A blind and militant attachment: Russian patriotism in comparative perspective
by Michael Alexeev & William Pyle - 329-346 The willingness of Ukrainians to fight for their own country on the eve of the 2022 Russian invasion
by Oleksandr Reznik - 347-365 Truth with a Z: disinformation, war in Ukraine, and Russia’s contradictory discourse of imperial identity
by Vera Tolz & Stephen Hutchings - 366-389 Putinism beyond Putin: the political ideas of Nikolai Patrushev and Sergei Naryshkin in 2006–20
by Martin Kragh & Andreas Umland
July 2023, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 223-256 Perceptions of the past in the post-Soviet space
by Kristin M. Bakke & Kit Rickard & John O'Loughlin - 257-272 Commitment problems and the failure of the Minsk process: the second-order commitment challenge
by Paul D’Anieri - 273-290 Building voting coalitions in electoral authoritarian regimes: a case study of the 2020 constitutional reform in Russia
by Paul Chaisty & Stephen Whitefield - 291-307 Saving lives or saving the economy? Support for the incumbent during the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia
by Kirill Chmel & Aigul Klimova & Nikita Savin
May 2023, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 121-154 How the internet and social media reduce government approval: empirical evidence from Russian regions
by Dina Rosenberg & Eugenia Tarnikova - 155-172 Demographic and attitudinal legacies of the Armenian genocide
by Max Schaub - 173-194 The art of partial commitment: the politics of military assistance to Ukraine
by Alexander Lanoszka & Jordan Becker - 195-212 “Killing nature—killing us”: “Cultural threats” as a fundamental framework for analyzing Indigenous movements against mining in Siberia and the Russian North
by Andrey Plotnitskiy & Arnab Roy Chowdhury - 213-222 Is Putin’s popularity (still) real? A cautionary note on using list experiments to measure popularity in authoritarian regimes
by Timothy Frye & Scott Gehlbach & Kyle L. Marquardt & Ora John Reuter
March 2023, Volume 39, Issue 1-2
- 1-9 Exogenous shock and Russian studies
by Vladimir Gel’man - 10-26 Plus ça change: getting real about the evolution of Russian studies after 1991
by Regina Smyth - 27-37 Methods in Russian studies: overview of top political science, economics, and area studies journals
by Lanabi La Lova - 38-48 Survey research in Russia: in the shadow of war
by Bryn Rosenfeld - 49-59 Fear of punishment as a driver of survey misreporting and item non-response in Russia and its neighbors
by William M. Reisinger & Marina Zaloznaya & Byung-Deuk Woo - 60-69 Credibility revolution and the future of Russian studies
by Alexander Libman - 70-85 Branching out or inwards? The logic of fractals in Russian studies
by Tomila Lankina - 86-91 On double miss in Russian studies: can social and political psychology help?
by Gulnaz Sharafutdinova - 92-100 Political ethnography and Russian studies in a time of conflict
by Jeremy Morris - 101-107 Critical approaches and research on inequality in Russian studies: the need for visibility and legitimization
by Guzel Yusupova - 108-120 Rise and fall: social science in Russia before and after the war
by Margarita Zavadskaya & Theodore Gerber
November 2022, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 441-459 Making sense of the January 2022 protests in Kazakhstan: failing legitimacy, culture of protests, and elite readjustments
by Diana T. Kudaibergenova & Marlene Laruelle - 460-478 Populism for the ambivalent: anti-polarization and support for Ukraine’s Sluha Narodu party
by Konstantin Ash & Miroslav Shapovalov - 479-496 Understandings of democracy and “good citizenship” in Ukraine: utopia for the people, participation in politics not required
by Joanna Szostek & Dariya Orlova - 497-512 “You’re a disgrace to the uniform!” Lev Protiv’s challenge to the police in Moscow streets and on YouTube
by Gilles Favarel-Garrigues - 513-530 Central planning casts long shadows: new evidence on misallocation and growth
by Jan Hagemejer & Joanna Tyrowicz
September 2022, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 349-365 US-Russian partnerships in science: working with differences
by Irina Dezhina & Elizabeth A. Wood - 366-385 The buck stops elsewhere: authoritarian resilience and the politics of responsibility for COVID-19 in Russia
by Paul Chaisty & Christopher J Gerry & Stephen Whitefield - 386-409 Explaining Putin’s impunity: public sector corruption and political trust in Russia
by Marina Zaloznaya & Jennifer Glanville & William M. Reisinger - 410-426 Building fences? sectoral immigration bans in Russian regions
by Song Ha Joo - 427-439 Russia’s return to Africa: a renewed challenge to the West?
by Roger E. Kanet & Dina Moulioukova
July 2022, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 251-273 Sovereigntism vs. anti-corruption messianism: a salient post-Soviet cleavage of populist mobilization
by Sebastian Hoppe - 274-292 Activism in exile: how Russian environmentalists maintain voice after exit
by Laura Henry & Elizabeth Plantan - 293-311 Parade, plebiscite, pandemic: legitimation efforts in Putin’s fourth term
by Matthew Blackburn & Bo Petersson - 312-328 Media framing of political protests – reporting bias and the discrediting of political activism
by Pál Susánszky & Ákos Kopper & Frank T. Zsigó - 329-348 Long Soviet shadows: the nomenklatura ties of Putin elites
by Maria Snegovaya & Kirill Petrov
May 2022, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 155-174 Independent media under pressure: evidence from Russia
by Tom Paskhalis & Bryn Rosenfeld & Katerina Tertytchnaya - 175-205 Antisemitism in Russia: evaluating its decline and potential resurgence
by Thomas Sherlock - 206-221 Social sanctions and violent mobilization: lessons from the Crimean Tatar case
by Huseyn Aliyev - 222-249 Who cares about sanctions? Observations from annual reports of European firms
by Denis Davydov & Jukka Sihvonen & Laura Solanko
March 2022, Volume 38, Issue 1-2
- 1-8 The Belarus crisis: people, protest, and political dispositions
by Olga Onuch & Gwendolyn Sasse - 9-25 Anti-opposition crackdowns and protest: the case of Belarus, 2000–2019
by Sasha de Vogel - 26-42 “All of Belarus has come out onto the streets”: exploring nationwide protest and the role of pre-existing social networks
by Emma Mateo - 43-61 The geopolitical orientations of ordinary Belarusians: survey evidence from early 2020
by John O’Loughlin & Gerard Toal - 62-87 Anti-regime action and geopolitical polarization: understanding protester dispositions in Belarus
by Olga Onuch & Gwendolyn Sasse - 88-106 You are what you read: media, identity, and community in the 2020 Belarusian uprising
by Samuel A. Greene - 107-124 Attitudes towards democracy and the market in Belarus: what has changed and why it matters
by Félix Krawatzek & Julia Langbein - 125-145 Is Telegram a “harbinger of freedom”? The performance, practices, and perception of platforms as political actors in authoritarian states
by Mariëlle Wijermars & Tetyana Lokot - 146-149 Protest, platforms, and the state in the Belarus crisis
by Graeme Robertson - 150-154 Belarusian public opinion and the 2020 uprising
by Bryn Rosenfeld
November 2021, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 507-525 Mixed signals: what Putin says about gender equality
by Janet Elise Johnson & Alexandra Novitskaya & Valerie Sperling & Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom - 526-543 Democracy promotion in times of autocratization: the case of Poland, 1989–2019
by Tsveta Petrova & Paulina Pospieszna - 544-558 Political foundations of state support for civil society: analysis of the distribution of presidential grants in Russia
by Vsevolod Bederson & Andrei Semenov - 559-577 The legislative role of the Russian Duma and the Kazakh Mazhilis: authoritarianism and power sharing in post-Soviet Eurasia
by Gerrit Krol - 578-599 From failing state to strategic partner: analyzing US and NATO political elite images of Georgia and policy implications from 1991 to 2020
by Natia Gamkrelidze
September 2021, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 413-416 State, business, and the political economy of modernization: introduction
by Jardar Østbø - 417-434 Composition of the ruling elite, incentives for productive usage of rents, and prospects for Russia’s limited access order
by Andrei Yakovlev - 435-452 Hybrid surveillance capitalism: Sber’s model for Russia’s modernization
by Jardar Østbø - 453-469 A tale of two councils: the changing roles of the security and state councils during the transformation period of modern Russian politics
by Ekaterina Schulmann & Mark Galeotti - 470-488 Dysfunctional orders: Russia’s rubbish protests and Putin’s limited access order
by Geir Flikke - 489-505 The future has to wait: 5G in Russia and the lack of elite consensus
by Janis Kluge
July 2021, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 303-317 Producing state capacity through corruption: the case of immigration control in Russia
by Caress Schenk - 318-335 Beyond “hybrid warfare”: a digital exploration of Russia’s entrepreneurs of influence
by Marlene Laruelle & Kevin Limonier - 336-361 Perceptions of governance: state and non-state governance in the North Caucasus
by Sasha Klyachkina - 362-382 Still winners and losers? Studying public opinion’s geopolitical preferences in the association agreement countries (Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine)
by Ángel Torres-Adán - 383-403 Ethnic intermarriage in Russia: the tale of four cities
by Alexey Bessudnov & Christiaan Monden - 404-412 Roundtable on Gulnaz Sharafutdinova’s the red mirror: putin’s leadership and russia’s insecure identity
by Timothy Frye & Brian D. Taylor & Will Pyle & Klaus Segbers & Gulnaz Sharafutdinovae
May 2021, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 199-221 Cuckoos in the nest: the co-option of state-owned enterprises in Putin’s Russia
by Nikita Makarchev & Piotr Wieprzowski - 222-241 Heterarchy: Russian politics between chaos and control
by Richard Sakwa - 242-260 Rethinking the role of personal connections in the Russian labor market: getting a job as a law graduate in Russia
by Kathryn Hendley - 261-275 Patriotic disunity: limits to popular support for militaristic policy in Russia
by Håvard Bækken - 276-301 Sanctions and dollar dependency in Russia: resilience, vulnerability, and financial integration
by Erik Andermo & Martin Kragh
March 2021, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 99-118 Institutional development in transition economies – the role of institutional experience
by Ulrich Eydam & Irakli Gabriadze - 119-136 Outsourcing social services to NGOs in Russia: federal policy and regional responses
by Linda J. Cook & Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova & Anna Tarasenko - 137-154 Post-Soviet traditionalism, human capital, and fertility: the case of the North Caucasus
by Konstantin Kazenin & Vladimir Kozlov - 155-173 Citizenship as a cornerstone of civic national identity in Ukraine
by Lowell Barrington - 174-197 Towards a two-dimensional analytical framework for understanding Georgian foreign policy: how party competition informs foreign policy analysis
by Levan Kakhishvili
January 2021, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-25 Russia’s “impressionable years”: life experience during the exit from communism and Putin-era beliefs
by William Pyle - 26-44 The politics of exporting higher education: Russian university branch campuses in the “Near Abroad”
by Maia Chankseliani - 45-64 Russian “cognitive propaganda”: the case of Impressum Club in Tallinn
by Andrey Makarychev - 65-79 Smart enough to make a difference? An empirical test of the efficacy of strategic voting in Russia’s authoritarian elections
by Mikhail Turchenko & Grigorii V. Golosov - 80-97 Is Vladimir Putin a strong leader?
by Kenneth Wilson
November 2020, Volume 36, Issue 5-6
- 393-394 Political economy of development: perspectives from contemporary Russia
by Tatiana Karabchuk & Noah Buckley & Ekaterina Borisova - 395-415 Firm performance and regional economic freedom: the case of Russia
by Anna Bykova & Dennis Coates - 416-433 Stopping the feast in times of plague: fighting criminal corporate raiding in diverse Russian regions
by Anton Kazun - 434-450 Property rights in Russia after 2009: from business capture to centralized corruption?
by Michael Rochlitz & Anton Kazun & Andrei Yakovlev - 451-474 Politics and banking in Russia: the rise of Putin
by Koen Schoors & Laurent Weill - 475-494 United we stand: the effects of subnational elite structure on succession in two Russian regions
by Guzel Garifullina & Kirill Kazantcev & Andrei Yakovlev - 495-514 Public-private partnerships for skill development in the United States, Russia, and China
by Thomas F. Remington & Po Yang
July 2020, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 281-296 Demonizing the enemy: the influence of Russian state-sponsored media on American audiences
by Aleksandr Fisher - 297-322 Secrecy and military expenditures in the Russian budget
by Erik Andermo & Martin Kragh - 323-345 Disruption and decline: the gendered consequences of civil war and political transition for education in Tajikistan
by Michelle L. O’Brien - 346-364 The Great Game and the evolving nature of political talk shows on Russian television
by Beth Knobel - 365-388 Russia’s civil service: professional or patrimonial? Executive-level officials in five federal ministries
by Stephen Fortescue - 389-391 Putinomics: power and money in resurgent Russia
by Hasan Selim Özertem
May 2020, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 189-191 Trajectories of political protest in post-Soviet spaces: an introduction
by Jan Matti Dollbaum & Heiko Pleines & Susanne Schattenberg - 192-210 Protest trajectories in electoral authoritarianism: from Russia’s “For Fair Elections” movement to Alexei Navalny’s presidential campaign
by Jan Matti Dollbaum - 211-225 “Do you dare to go to the square?” The legacy of Soviet dissidents in Russian public protests of the 2000s and 2010s
by Dmitry Kozlov - 226-245 Exclusiveness of civic nationalism: Euromaidan eventful nationalism in Ukraine
by Oleg Zhuravlev & Volodymyr Ishchenko - 246-267 Protesting that is fit to be published: issue attention cycle and nationalist bias in coverage of protests in Ukraine after Maidan
by Andrii Gladun - 268-279 Guns to butter: sociotropic concerns and foreign policy preferences in Russia
by Maria Snegovaya
March 2020, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 101-121 Social media and Russian territorial irredentism: some facts and a conjecture
by Jesse Driscoll & Zachary C. Steinert-Threlkeld - 122-139 Destined for deadlock? Russia, Ukraine, and the unfulfilled Minsk agreements
by Kristian Åtland - 140-158 Biting the hand that feeds them? Abkhazia–Russia client–patron relations
by Pål Kolstø - 159-170 Terrorist attacks and public approval of the Russian president: evidence from time series analysis
by Igor Fedotenkov - 171-187 Playing the “Game” of Transparency and Accountability: Non-elite Politics in Kyrgyzstan’s Natural Resource Governance
by Janyl Moldalieva & John Heathershaw
January 2020, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-19 Getting the opposition together: protest coordination in authoritarian regimes
by David Armstrong & Ora John Reuter & Graeme B. Robertson - 20-36 Protest in electoral autocracies: a new dataset
by Tomila Lankina & Katerina Tertytchnaya - 37-60 When the party’s over: political blame attribution under an electoral authoritarian regime
by Elena Sirotkina & Margarita Zavadskaya - 61-82 Experiences in Russia of Kyrgyz and Ukrainian labor migrants: ethnic hierarchies, geopolitical remittances, and the relevance of migration theory
by Theodore P. Gerber & Jane Zavisca - 83-100 Ethnicity and voters’ evaluations of political leadership: “lab-in-the-field” experiments in Russian regions
by Olga A. Avdeyeva & Richard E. Matland
November 2019, Volume 35, Issue 5-6
- 359-364 Introduction: new directions in survey research on Russian elites
by Sharon Werning Rivera & William Zimmerman - 365-375 Staring at the West through Kremlin-tinted glasses: Russian mass and elite divergence in attitudes toward the United States, European Union, and Ukraine before and after Crimea
by Noah Buckley & Joshua A. Tucker - 376-392 Understanding the sources of anti-Americanism in the Russian elite
by Sharon Werning Rivera & James D. Bryan - 393-405 Digital media and perceptions of the United States among the Russian elite, 2004–2016
by Olesya Tkacheva - 406-421 A surprising connection between civilizational identity and succession expectations among Russian elites
by Henry E. Hale - 422-432 Militant internationalism and dogmatism among foreign policy elites: evidence from Russia, 1995–2016
by Kirill Zhirkov - 433-449 Ideology among Russian elites: attitudes toward the United States as a belief system
by Danielle N. Lussier - 450-460 Do elites matter in Russian foreign policy? The gap between self-perception and influence
by Kirill Petrov & Vladimir Gel’man - 461-470 Neo-Eurasianism and the Russian elite: the irrelevance of Aleksandr Dugin’s geopolitics
by Kirill Kalinin - 471-476 Moscow elites and the use of coercive foreign policy
by Elena Bashkirova & Tamara Litikova & Dina Smeltz
July 2019, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 277-292 Vigilante justice and informal policing in post-Euromaidan Ukraine
by Yuliya Zabyelina - 293-307 Fighting on behalf of the state—the issue of pro-government militia autonomy in the Donbas war
by Tor Bukkvoll - 308-322 Exceptions to Authoritarianism? Variegated sovereignty and ethno-nationalism in a Siberian resource frontier
by Gertjan Plets - 323-337 The political implications of popular support for presidential term limits in Russia
by Paul Chaisty & Stephen Whitefield - 338-357 Reforming sacred institutions, part II: the Soviet Party-State and the Roman Catholic Church compared
by George W. Breslauer
May 2019, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 181-204 Russia’s use of semi-state security forces: the case of the Wagner Group
by Kimberly Marten - 205-222 Opposition to immigration in contemporary Russia
by Anastasia Gorodzeisky - 223-239 Defining the nation in Russia’s buffer zone: the politics of citizenship by birth on territory (jus soli) in Moldova, Azerbaijan, and Georgia
by Maxim Tabachnik - 240-257 Regime type versus patronal politics: a comparison of “ardent democrats” in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
by Barbara Junisbai & Azamat Junisbai - 258-276 The electoral logic of governor rotations in Ukraine: rulers’ authority, party strength, and regional polarization
by Masatomo Torikai
March 2019, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 77-92 Russia Today’s strategy and effectiveness on YouTube
by Robert W. Orttung & Elizabeth Nelson - 93-121 Migration and geopolitical preferences
by Ruxanda Berlinschi - 122-139 The devil in the details: constitutional regime types in post-Soviet Eurasia
by Petra Stykow - 140-160 Russia’s ministry of ambivalence: the failure of civic nation-building in post-Soviet Russia
by J. Paul Goode - 161-180 How oil autocracies learn to stop worrying: Central Eurasia in 2008 global financial crisis
by Anar K. Ahmadov
January 2019, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-24 The politics of bank ownership and currency policies in Central and Eastern Europe
by Jana Grittersová - 25-40 Instrumentalizing the recent past? The new Cold War narrative in Russian public space after 2014
by Vasile Rotaru - 41-62 The practice and implications of legislative proxy voting in Ukraine
by Erik S. Herron & Brian Fitzpatrick & Maksym Palamarenko - 63-76 “But it is our duty!” Exploring Gazprom’s reluctance to Russian gas sector reform
by Julia S. P. Loe
November 2018, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 353-366 Millionaires and the public in Czech politics
by Andrew Roberts - 367-383 Disciplined and undisciplined repression: illicit economies and state violence in Central Asia’s autocracies
by Lawrence P. Markowitz & Mariya Y. Omelicheva - 384-411 Symbolic state-building in contemporary Russia
by Susanne Wengle & Christine Evans - 412-429 Charitable giving and the future of NGOs in Russia: what can we learn from individual data?
by Liudmila Zasimova & Marina Kolosnitsyna
September 2018, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 265-266 Introduction: rethinking structure and agency in post-Soviet regime dynamics
by Vladimir Gel’man - 267-281 Timing is everything: a quantitative study of presidentialist regime dynamics in Eurasia, 1992–2016
by Henry E. Hale - 282-296 Bringing actors back in: political choices and sources of post-Soviet regime dynamics
by Vladimir Gel’man - 297-316 Considering the Orange legacy: patterns of political participation in the Euromaidan Revolution
by Regina Smyth - 317-332 The structural sources of postcommunist regime trajectories
by Lucan Ahmad Way & Adam Casey - 333-347 Running to stand still: aggressive immobility and the limits of power in Russia
by Samuel A. Greene - 348-352 Bringing Kitschelt back in: a comment on “Rethinking Structure and Agency in Post-Soviet Regime Dynamics”
by Timothy Frye
July 2018, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 191-212 The logic of competitive influence-seeking: Russia, Ukraine, and the conflict in Donbas
by Tatyana Malyarenko & Stefan Wolff - 213-227 Broadcasting agitainment: a new media strategy of Putin’s third presidency
by Vera Tolz & Yuri Teper