May 2024, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 125-130 The UN convention on cybercrime: a milestone in cybercrime cooperation?
by Joyce Hakmeh - 131-148 Learning from the ground up: lessons from civil society engagement in addressing the human rights implications of cybercrime legislation
by Ian Andrew Barber & Sheetal Kumar - 149-158 No country is an island: embracing international law enforcement cooperation to reduce the impact of cybercrime
by John Billow - 159-178 Ransomware as a threat to peace and security: understanding and avoiding political worst-case scenarios
by Mischa Hansel & Jantje Silomon - 179-199 On the scale from ransomware to cyberterrorism: the cases of JBS USA, Colonial Pipeline and the wiperware attacks against Ukraine
by Lora Pitman & Wendy Crosier - 200-220 ‘This is not a human rights convention!’: the perils of overlooking human rights in the UN cybercrime treaty
by Tatiana Tropina - 221-238 Applying the right lessons from the negotiation and implementation of the UNTOC and the UNCAC to the implementation of the newly agreed UN ‘cybercrime’ treaty
by Ian Tennant & Ana Paula Oliveira - 239-255 From prepaid cards to bitcoin: How did ransomware hackers adopt cryptocurrencies?
by Nori Katagiri - 256-287 Back to the territorial state: China and Russia’s use of UN cybercrime negotiations to challenge the liberal cyber order
by Arun Sukumar & Arindrajit Basu - 288-291 Global protection against cybercrime is now within reach: HE Faouzia Mebarki explains why the first United Nations effort to create a legally binding instrument on a cyber issue could have far reaching impacts
by Joyce Hakmeh - 292-293 Deter, disrupt, or deceive: assessing cyber conflict as an intelligence contest
by Tash Buckley - 294-296 Hacker, influencer, faker, spy: intelligence agencies in the digital age
by Beth Whittaker
January 2024, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 1-14 Introduction from the editor
by Emily Taylor - 15-19 How to maintain trust, respect sovereignty and protect privacy: a new generation of international agreements on cross-border data access
by Norman Barbosa - 20-51 Risks to cybersecurity from data localization, organized by techniques, tactics and procedures
by Peter Swire & DeBrae Kennedy-Mayo & Drew Bagley & Sven Krasser & Avani Modak & Christoph Bausewein - 52-62 Cross-border data sharing: implications for the legal profession in the context of government access to data and protection of legal professional privilege
by Anna Drozd - 63-69 Interview – Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, European Commission
by The Editors - 70-94 Shades of authoritarian digital sovereignty: divergences in Russian and Chinese data localisation regimes
by Liliya Khasanova & Katharin Tai - 95-120 Data free flow with trust: current landscape, challenges and opportunities
by Theodore Christakis - 121-123 Arabic glitch: technoculture, data bodies, and archives
by Jessica McClearn - 124-124 Correction
by The Editors
September 2023, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 281-286 Introduction From the editor
by The Editors - 287-307 ‘Leapfrogging’ or ‘lagging’?: highlighting critical information infrastructure protection challenges and opportunities in Egypt and Nigeria
by Nate Allen & Sherif Hashem & Elizabeth Kolade - 308-326 The implications of the Arabic case for Bangla content moderation on Facebook: future considerations for combating ‘Bangla’ hate speech
by Mohammad Pizuar Hossain - 327-330 Interview with Will Middleton: The UK's approach to cyber security capacity building in a changing world
by The Editors - 331-364 Cybersecurity and the politics of knowledge production: towards a reflexive practice
by Fabio Cristiano & Xymena Kurowska & Tim Stevens & Louise Marie Hurel & Noran Shafik Fouad & Myriam Dunn Cavelty & Dennis Broeders & Tobias Liebetrau & James Shires - 365-383 Evidence-based cybersecurity policy? A meta-review of security control effectiveness
by Daniel W. Woods & Sezaneh Seymour - 384-385 Unwired
by Isabel Scavetta - 386-388 Atlas of the senseable city
by Kevin Zandermann - 388-390 Privacy is hard and seven other myths: achieving privacy through careful design
by Kathy Liu
May 2023, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 135-136 Introduction from the editor
by Joyce Hakmeh - 137-141 Special issue on domain name system (DNS)
by James Burrell - 142-164 Web 3 disruption and the domain name system: understanding the trends of blockchain domain names and the policy implications
by Georgia Osborn & Nathan Alan - 165-185 Self-regulation, internet domains and Indian Ocean territories
by Samuel Bashfield & James Mortensen - 186-217 Towards an understanding of global ‘private ordering’ in ICANN: text mining 23 years of Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) Decisions
by Derrick L. Cogburn & Theodore Andrew Ochieng & Haiman M. Wong - 218-238 The legacies of long tail and the unfolding of consolidation and concentration in the top-level domain sector
by Carolina Aguerre - 239-256 DNS4EU: a step change in the EU’s strategic autonomy?
by Roxana Radu - 257-276 Establishing baseline criteria for the mitigation of the illegitimate sale of health-related products using the DNS
by Mark W. Datysgeld - 277-279 Cloud empires: how digital platforms are overtaking the state and how we can regain control
by Niamh Healy
January 2023, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial introduction – Vol 8.1
by The Editors - 4-25 Unpacking due diligence in cyberspace
by Harriet Moynihan - 26-47 Out with the old, in with the new: examining national cybersecurity strategy changes over time
by W. Alec Cram & Jonathan Yuan - 48-66 President Obama and China: cyber diplomacy and strategy for a new era
by Sally K. Burt - 67-87 Cyber statecraft by net states: the case of Meta, 2016–2021
by Callum J. Harvey & Christopher L. Moore - 88-113 Patchy incentives: using law to encourage effective vulnerability response
by Andrew Cormack & Éireann Leverett - 114-130 Normal cyber accidents
by Sarah Backman - 131-133 Atlas of AI: power, politics and the planetary costs of artificial intelligence
by Sachin Tiwari - 133-134 Original sin: power, technology and war in outer space
by Julia Cournoyer
September 2022, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 253-255 Editorial introduction
by The Editors - 256-274 China’s use of rhetorical adaptation in development of a global cyber order: a case study of the norm of the protection of the public core of the internet
by Courtney J. Fung - 275-293 A sliding scale of secrecy: toward a better understanding of the role of publicity in offensive cyber operations
by Gil Baram - 294-317 Cyberattacks on local governments 2020: findings from a key informant survey
by Donald F. Norris & Laura K. Mateczun - 318-335 Cybersecurity discourses and their policy implications
by Robert Siudak - 336-352 The soft underbelly of cyber defence in democracy: how interest groups soften Japan’s cyber policy
by Nori Katagiri - 353-374 Exploring the relationship between IT development, poverty and cybercrime: an Armenia case study
by Tim Hall & Ulrike Ziemer - 375-398 Building cybersecurity capacity: a framework of analysis for national cybersecurity strategies
by Anthony J. S. Craig & Richard A. I. Johnson & Max Gallop - 399-400 Cyber Threats and Nuclear Weapons
by Elia Duran-Smith
May 2022, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 137-139 Vol 7.2 Editorial Introduction
by The Editors - 140-154 The need for cybersecurity data and metrics: empirically assessing cyberthreat
by Brandon Valeriano - 155-174 Who’s in charge and how does it work? US cybersecurity of critical infrastructure
by Chris Bronk & Wm Arthur Conklin - 175-193 Responding to large-scale cyberattacks: a toolbox for policymakers
by Sico van der Meer - 194-212 Industrial policy and governments’ cybersecurity capacity: a tale of two developments?
by Walid Tijerina - 213-229 Information vs the cyberspace domain
by Bryan James Nakayama - 230-248 Cyber information operations: Cambridge Analytica’s challenge to democratic legitimacy
by Melissa-Ellen Dowling - 249-250 Four internets: data, geopolitics, and the governance of cyberspace
by Lokendra Sharma - 251-252 The cryptopians: idealism, greed, lies, and the making of the first big cryptocurrency craze
by Ayden Férdeline
January 2022, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-4 Vol 7.1 Editorial introduction
by The Editors - 5-23 Rules, institutions, or both? Estimating the drivers of telecommunication investment in Latin America
by Juan Jung & Angel Melguizo - 24-37 Digital identity for development should keep pace with national cybersecurity capacity: Nigeria in focus
by Babatunde Okunoye - 38-54 Assessing Japan’s cybersecurity policy: change and continuity from 2017 to 2020
by Nori Katagiri - 55-71 Power to the connected? Determinants of member states’ bargaining success in the making of the EU Digital Single Market
by Clément Perarnaud - 72-94 Democracy and cyberconflict: how regime type affects state-sponsored cyberattacks
by Lance Y. Hunter & Craig D. Albert & Eric Garrett & Josh Rutland - 95-96 The hacker and the state: cyber attacks and the new normal of geopolitics
by George Berry - 97-135 Revisiting past cyber operations in light of new cyber norms and interpretations of international law: inching towards lines in the sand?
by Dennis Broeders & Els de Busser & Fabio Cristiano & Tatiana Tropina
September 2021, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 267-270 Editorial introduction vol 6.3 – cyberspace4all: towards an inclusive cyberspace governance
by Emily Taylor & Joyce Hakmeh - 271-276 The United Nations’ cyberstability processes: surprising progress but much left to do
by Christopher Painter - 277-297 The (im)possibilities of addressing election interference and the public core of the internet in the UN GGE and OEWG: a mid-process assessment
by Dennis Broeders - 298-317 Understanding cybersecurity capacity building and its relationship to norms and confidence building measures
by Robert Collett - 318-339 Look south: challenges and opportunities for the ‘rules of the road’ for cyberspace in ASEAN and the AU
by Irene Poetranto & Justin Lau & Josh Gold - 340-359 Cyber norms: technical extensions and technological challenges
by Alexandra Kulikova - 360-374 A multi-stakeholder foundation for peace in cyberspace
by Kaja Ciglic & John Hering - 375-393 The missing piece in human-centric approaches to cybernorms implementation: the role of civil society
by Sheetal Kumar - 394-410 The vital role of international law in the framework for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace
by Harriet Moynihan - 411-428 Unblurring the lines: military cyber operations and international law
by Kubo Mačák - 429-450 On the strategic consequences of digital espionage
by Joe Devanny & Ciaran Martin & Tim Stevens
May 2021, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 115-117 Vol 6.2 Editorial introduction
by The Editors - 118-136 Why cybersecurity insurance should be regulated and compulsory
by Jan Martin Lemnitzer - 137-154 Securing higher education against cyberthreats: from an institutional risk to a national policy challenge
by Noran Shafik Fouad - 155-176 Functional systems within cryptolaundering processes: a work domain analysis model of cryptolaundering activities
by Dennis Desmond & Paul Salmon & David Lacey - 177-195 Online content regulation policy in Kenya: potential challenges and possible solutions
by Sylvia Ndanu Mutua & Zhang Yanqiu - 196-213 Blame the messenger: perceived mis/disinformation exposure on social media and perceptions of newsfeed algorithmic bias
by Eric Jardine - 214-235 Cybersecurity capacity-building: cross-national benefits and international divides
by S. Creese & W. H. Dutton & P. Esteve-González & R. Shillair - 236-242 Cybersecurity in Southeast Asia: a vision for Vietnam. Interview with Dr Nguyen Viet Lam
by The Editors - 243-261 The European Union-United States cybersecurity relationship: a transatlantic functional cooperation
by Dimitrios Anagnostakis - 262-263 China’s quest for foreign technology: beyond espionage
by Valentin Weber - 264-265 Letter to the Editor
by Harriet Moynihan
January 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial introduction
by The Editors - 4-8 Guest editorial – From cyberspace to the datasphere: strategic challenges of the digital revolution
by The Editors - 9-30 The strategic surprise of Russian information operations on social media in 2016 in the United States: mapping a blind spot
by Camille Francois & Herb Lin - 31-49 The normalisation and domestication of digital disinformation: on the alignment and consequences of far-right and Russian State (dis)information operations and campaigns in Europe
by Martin Innes & Helen Innes & Colin Roberts & Darren Harmston & Daniel Grinnell - 50-67 Mapping the spread of Russian and Chinese contents on the French-speaking African web
by Frédérick Douzet & Kévin Limonier & Selma Mihoubi & Elodie René - 68-80 Cryptocurrencies and processing power in Russia: a new strategic territory in eastern Siberia?
by Hugo Estecahandy & Kevin Limonier - 81-95 Free and open source software in the new digital public policies in Russia
by Marie-Gabrielle Bertran - 96-113 Cyberspace is used, first and foremost, to wage wars: proliferation, security and stability in cyberspace
by Frédérick Douzet & Aude Gery
September 2020, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 329-331 Editorial introduction
by The Editors - 332-349 Nordic lights? National AI policies for doing well by doing good
by Jacob Dexe & Ulrik Franke - 350-371 Proposing cybersecurity regulations for smart contracts
by Raffi Teperdjian - 372-391 Patient-centric cybersecurity
by Aaron F. Brantly & Nataliya D. Brantly - 392-412 Cybersecurity and cyber defence in the emerging democracies
by Carlos Solar - 413-428 Hacking democracy: managing influence campaigns and disinformation in the digital age
by Niels Nagelhus Schia & Lars Gjesvik - 429-448 Now you [don’t] see me: how have new legislation and changing public awareness of the UK surveillance state impacted OSINT investigations?
by Anjuli R. K. Shere - 449-470 Desecuritising cybersecurity: towards a societal approach
by Joe Burton & Clare Lain
May 2020, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 159-162 Editorial introduction
by Joyce Hakmeh - 163-179 Artificial intelligence and the rights to assembly and association
by Cameran Ashraf - 180-198 Countering foreign interference: election integrity lessons for liberal democracies
by Adam Henschke & Matthew Sussex & Courteney O’Connor - 199-217 Deepfake news: AI-enabled disinformation as a multi-level public policy challenge
by Christopher Whyte - 218-238 Managing digital contention in China
by Ying Miao - 239-264 Standardising the splinternet: how China’s technical standards could fragment the internet
by Stacie Hoffmann & Dominique Lazanski & Emily Taylor - 265-284 President Obama and US cyber security policy
by Eugenio Lilli - 285-301 Continuous terrain remodelling: gaining the upper hand in cyber defence
by Eviatar Matania & Eldad Tal-Shir - 302-325 The cybersecurity of municipalities in the United States: an exploratory survey of policies and practices
by William Hatcher & Wesley L. Meares & John Heslen - 326-327 Sandworm: a new era of cyberwar and the hunt for the Kremlin’s most dangerous hackers
by Florian J. Egloff & Max Smeets
July 2020, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial Introduction
by The Editors - 5-8 Guest Editorial
by The Editors - 9-29 On market concentration and cybersecurity risk
by Dan Geer & Eric Jardine & Eireann Leverett - 30-45 The influence of internet architecture on centralised versus distributed internet services
by Jari Arkko - 46-64 Consolidation in the DNS resolver market – how much, how fast, how dangerous?
by Roxana Radu & Michael Hausding - 65-93 What lies beneath: transparency in online service supply chains
by Jennifer Cobbe & Chris Norval & Jatinder Singh - 94-106 Unpacking interoperability in competition
by Chris Riley - 107-139 Evaluating competition in the Internet’s infrastructure: a view of GAFAM from the Internet exchanges
by Jesse H. Sowell - 140-157 Reshaping the internet – the impact of the securitisation of internet infrastructure on approaches to internet governance: the case of Russia and the EU
by Eva Claessen
September 2019, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 305-308 Introduction from the editor
by The Editors - 309-325 Some emotional considerations in cyber conflict
by Rose McDermott - 326-345 Criminal use of cryptocurrencies: a great new threat or is cash still king?
by Simon Butler - 346-361 Insecure at any bit rate: why Ralph Nader is the true OG of the software design industry
by Paul Maxwell & Robert Barnsby - 362-379 Governance in international technical standards-making: a tripartite model
by Dominique Lazanski - 380-403 The state of Microsoft?: the role of corporations in international norm creation
by Nancy Ayer Fairbank - 404-424 The Uberization of the United Nations’ regime to prevent the online financing of terrorism: tackling the problem of obfuscation in virtual currencies
by Ethem Ilbiz - 425-441 Cybersecurity: today’s most pressing governance issue
by Christopher Nolan & Glenn Lawyer & Ryan Marshall Dodd - 442-460 The AI-cyber nexus: implications for military escalation, deterrence and strategic stability
by James Johnson - 461-462 The perfect weapon: war, sabotage, and fear in the cyber age
by Joshua E. Kenway
May 2019, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 139-142 Introduction from the Editor
by The Editors - 143-159 Can I still trust you, my dear doll? A philosophical and legal exploration of smart toys and trust
by Esther Keymolen & Simone Van der Hof - 160-177 Enabling mass surveillance: data aggregation in the age of big data and the Internet of Things
by Marie-Helen Maras & Adam Scott Wandt - 178-196 A port in the data-sharing storm: the GDPR and the Internet of things
by Nóra Ni Loideain - 197-215 Online child sexual exploitation: towards an optimal international response
by Victoria Baines - 216-234 Indonesian cyberspace expansion: a double-edged sword
by Thomas Paterson - 235-256 Hack-and-leak operations: intrusion and influence in the Gulf
by James Shires - 257-274 Deterring Russian cyber warfare: the practical, legal and ethical constraints faced by the United Kingdom
by Rod Thornton & Marina Miron - 275-289 Conceptualizing cyber policy through complexity theory
by Aaron F. Brantly - 290-301 Cyber power and control: a perspective from strategic theory
by Samuel Zilincik & Michael Myklin & Petr Kovanda - 302-303 Democracy hacked: political turmoil and information warfare in the digital age
by Rebecca Beigel - 303-304 The age of surveillance capitalism: the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power
by Ryan Shandler
January 2019, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction from the Editor
by The Editors - 4-21 Building confidence in the cybersphere: a path to multilateral progress
by Theresa Hitchens & Nancy W. Gallagher - 22-34 Russia’s vision of cyberspace: a danger to regime security, public safety, and societal norms and cohesion
by Lincoln Pigman - 35-55 A critical strategy for Taiwan’s cybersecurity: a perspective from critical security studies
by Hon-min Yau - 56-59 Interview, Damian Collins MP
by The Editors - 60-71 A zero-sum game: the zero-day market in 2018
by Joss Meakins - 72-89 Determinants of cyber readiness
by Christos Andreas Makridis & Max Smeets - 90-116 Cyber negotiation: a cyber risk management approach to defend urban critical infrastructure from cyberattacks
by Gregory Falco & Alicia Noriega & Lawrence Susskind - 117-137 Rebalancing cybersecurity imperatives: patching the social layer
by David V. Gioe & Michael S. Goodman & Alicia Wanless
September 2018, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 287-290 Introduction from the editor
by The Editors - 291-305 Comparative industrial policy and cybersecurity: a framework for analysis
by Vinod K. Aggarwal & Andrew W. Reddie - 306-326 The rise of China as a cybersecurity industrial power: balancing national security, geopolitical, and development priorities
by Tai Ming Cheung - 327-343 Government as facilitator: how Japan is building its cybersecurity market
by Benjamin Bartlett - 344-362 A centralised cybersecurity strategy for Taiwan
by Hsini Huang & Tien-Shen Li - 363-384 The European Union’s cybersecurity industrial policy
by Paul Timmers - 385-406 Industrial policy: the holy grail of French cybersecurity strategy?
by Danilo D’Elia - 407-429 A comprehensive security approach: bolstering Finnish cybersecurity capacity
by Melissa K. Griffith - 430-444 UK cybersecurity industrial policy: an analysis of drivers, market failures and interventions
by Madeline Carr & Leonie Maria Tanczer - 445-466 Comparative industrial policy and cybersecurity: the US case
by Vinod K. Aggarwal & Andrew W. Reddie - 467-468 Cyber mercenaries: the state, hackers, and power
by Florian J. Egloff - 469-469 Erratum
by The Editors
May 2018, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 143-146 Introduction from the editor: Evolutions in cybersecurity: issues, norms and frameworks
by The Editors - 147-164 Maritime cybersecurity policy: the scope and impact of evolving technology on international shipping
by Kimberly Tam & Kevin D. Jones - 165-186 From editorial obligation to procedural accountability: policy approaches to online content in the era of information intermediaries
by Mark Bunting - 187-200 Gaps in United States federal government IoT security and privacy policies
by Deb Crawford & Justin Sherman - 201-216 ‘Cyber’ semantics: why we should retire the latest buzzword in security studies
by Andrew Futter - 217-235 Challenges and opportunities for cyber norms in ASEAN
by Candice Tran Dai & Miguel Alberto Gomez - 236-257 Linking cyber strategy with grand strategy: the case of the United States
by Valentin Weber - 258-283 Review of cybersecurity frameworks: context and shared concepts
by Riza Azmi & William Tibben & Khin Than Win - 284-285 Exploding data: reclaiming our cyber security in the digital age
by Thomas Henshaw
January 2018, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction from the editor
by The Editor - 5-23 The threats from modern digital subversion and sedition
by David Omand - 24-38 Cyber-securing our elections
by Amy E. Pope - 39-43 Fake news, disinformation, manipulation and online tactics to undermine democracy
by Susan Morgan - 44-60 Taming cyber warfare: lessons from preventive arms control
by Mischa Hansel & Max Mutschler & Marcel Dickow - 61-76 Unpacking cyber norms: private companies as norm entrepreneurs
by Louise Marie Hurel & Luisa Cruz Lobato - 77-95 Conceptualising conflicts in cyberspace
by Stefan Steiger & Sebastian Harnisch & Kerstin Zettl & Johannes Lohmann - 96-115 Freedom of expression in the digital age: enhanced or undermined? The case of Egypt
by Noha Fathy - 116-139 Mind the denominator: towards a more effective measurement system for cybersecurity
by Eric Jardine - 140-141 Top must-reads: the editorial team choices
by The Editors
September 2017, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 289-292 Introduction from the editor
by Emily Taylor - 293-295 Guest Editorial
by Kathryn C. Brown - 296-317 Multi-stakeholder internet governance: successes and opportunities
by Lawrence E. Strickling & Jonah Force Hill - 318-322 Internet multi-stakeholder governance
by Sally Wentworth