January 2017, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 91-94 Christopher Perkins, The United Red Army on screen: Cinema, aesthetics and the politics of memory
by Till Knaudt - 95-98 Sébastien Lechevalier, The great transformation of Japanese capitalism
by Franz Waldenberger - 98-100 Peter Cave, Schooling selves: Autonomy, interdependence, and reform in Japanese junior high education
by Zi Wang - 101-102 Stephen Robert Nagy, Japan’s demographic revival: Rethinking migration, identity, and sociocultural norms
by Ruth Achenbach - 103-104 Hiromichi Hosoma, Kaigo suru karada [Bodies doing care]
by Peter Backhaus
September 2016, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 123-144 Enhancing autonomy in reproductive decisions? Education about family planning and fertility as a countermeasure against the low birthrate
by Isabel Fassbender - 145-164 In praise of iron grandeur: the sensibility of kōjō moe and the reinvention of urban technoscape
by Ikuho Amano - 165-184 Children with disabilities in the Japanese school system: a path toward social integration?
by Anne-Lise Mithout - 185-207 Reviving tradition in disaster-affected communities: adaptation and continuity in the kagura of Ogatsu, Miyagi Prefecture
by Florence Lahournat - 209-228 Reforming Japanese-style management: destabilizing hegemony through discourse intervention
by David Rear
March 2016, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-11 Introduction: reorienting hopes
by Iza Kavedžija - 13-31 Hope in an ageing Japan: transience and transcendence
by Jason Danely - 33-57 Subculture as social knowledge: a hopeful reading of otakuculture
by Brett Hack - 59-80 Hope found in lives lost: karoshi and the pursuit of worker rights in Japan
by Scott North & Rika Morioka - 81-99 Hope amidst uncertainty: foreign scientists in contemporary Japan
by Ieva Puzo - 101-122 Hope that sustains: revisiting New Year’s divination at Suwa Taisha
by Stephen Robertson
June 2015, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 89-110 The nuclear power debate after Fukushima: a text-mining analysis of Japanese newspapers
by Yuki Abe - 111-130 A tale of two tongues: self-translation in Sekiguchi Ryōko’s poetry
by Emanuela Costa - 131-148 Casting new light on shadow education: snapshots of juku variety
by Kim Mawer - 149-168 Multilevel relations in Japanese political parties at the beginning of the post-war period: Hokkaido as a case study
by Juha Saunavaara - 169-188 Constructing the self in Megumu Sagisawa’s and Miri Yu’s travelogues: a case study of two Japan-based female writers of Korean origin
by Toshio Takemoto - 189-212 Confronting diversity: Africans challenging Japanese societal convictions
by Paul Capobianco
March 2015, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-11 Bodies in question: narrating the body in contemporary Japan
by Louella Matsunaga - 13-31 Foucauldian theory and the making of the Japanese sporting body
by Aaron L. Miller - 33-52 Co-sleeping: engaging with the commodified dozing body in Kawabata, Yoshimoto, and Yamazaki
by Fusako Innami - 53-70 Between gyaru-o and sōshokukei danshi: body discourses in lifestyle magazines for young Japanese men
by Ronald Saladin - 71-88 Bodies of future memories: the Japanese body in science fiction anime
by Dolores Martinez
September 2014, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 171-174 Preface
by Gabriele Vogt - 175-196 New aspects of Japan’s immigration policies: is population decline opening the doors?
by Junichi Akashi - 197-222 When migrants became denizens: understanding Japan as a reactive immigration country
by Ayako Komine - 223-243 “Having it all” – at what cost? Strategies of Chinese highly skilled women in Japan to combine career and family
by Ruth Achenbach - 245-262 “Place making” in Kawakami: aspirations and migrant realities of Chinese “technical interns”
by Meng Liang - 263-280 Representing the alternative: demographic change, migrant eldercare workers, and national imagination in Japan
by Beata Świtek
March 2014, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-28 “We must learn from Germany”: gliders and model airplanes as tools for Japan’s mass mobilization
by Jürgen Melzer & Jürgen Melzer - 29-48 Constructed heritage and co-produced meaning: the re-branding of wines from the Koshu grape
by Aaron Kingsbury - 49-69 “Who will care for me when I am dead?” Ancestors, homeless spirits, and new afterlives in low-fertility Japan
by Satsuki Kawano - 71-102 Effects of investments in out-of-school education in Germany and Japan
by Steve R. Entrich - 103-123 The death penalty in a changing society: a survey of recent developments in Japan
by Silvia Croydon - 125-149 The end of salaryman tax reduction: Japan’s tax policy and its social background
by Miki Toyofuku - 151-169 Self and salvation: visions of hikikomori in Japanese manga
by Ulrich Heinze & Penelope Thomas
August 2013, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 105-126 Sunshine and Suicides in Japan: revisiting the relevance of economic determinants of suicide
by Ulrike Schaede - 127-165 Memories of New Left protest
by Patricia G. Steinhoff - 167-187 Hōgen ronsō: the great Ryukyuan languages debate of 1940
by Patrick Heinrich - 189-213 “Company heroes” versus “superstars”: executive pay in Japan in comparative perspective
by Franz Waldenberger - 215-236 No pain, no gain: embodied masculinities and lifestyle sport in Japan
by Wolfram Manzenreiter
March 2013, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-16 You’ve got sp@m: a textual analysis of unsolicited Japanese dating invitation mails
by Peter Backhaus - 17-40 Images of Edo: reinterpreting “Japanese history” and the “buraku” through community-based narratives
by Flavia Cangià - 41-59 Popular realms of memory in Japan: the case of Sakamoto Ryōma
by Christian Tagsold - 61-86 Transcending labels and panics: the logic of Japanese youth problems
by Tuukka Toivonen & Yuki Imoto - 87-104 神国の行方 – Where to next for Shinkoku thought? / Translated by Rebekah Clements
by Satō Hirō & Rebekah Clements
July 2012, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 113-120 Preface
by Susanne Klien - 121-147 The innovative potential of inbound tourism in Japan for destination development – a case study of Hida Takayama
by Carolin Funck - 149-178 Balancing urban revitalization, tourism, and development issues in times of crisis: Kawagoe's historical district as a self-sustaining and resilient community
by Heide Imai - 179-211 A life cycle analysis of nature-based tourism policy in Japan
by Thomas Jones - 213-241 Research report: historical amnesia and the “neo-imperial gaze” in the Okinawa boom
by Oliver E. Kühne - 243-265 Ecotour providers in the Kyushu region: the characteristics of Japanese ecotourism and its relationship with global warming
by Yukio Yotsumoto
March 2012, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-19 Japan imagined: popular culture, soft power, and Japan's changing image in Northeast and Southeast Asia
by Kadosh Nissim Otmazgin & Nissim Otmazgin - 21-50 Artists and wartime politics: Natori Yōnosuke – a Japanese Riefenstahl?
by Andrea Germer & Andrea Germer - 51-70 Memory and myth: the bombings of Dresden and Hiroshima in German and Japanese TV drama
by Griseldis Kirsch - 71-94 Nippon‘s nostalgic national narrative: Ishihara Shintarō‘s kamikaze film Ore
by Ulrich Heinze - 95-112 Rethinking Japan’s democracy: origins of “hybrid institutions” and their political consequences
by Masaru Kohno
August 2011, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 129-132 Editorial
by Florian Kohlbacher & Carola Hommerich - 133-155 Myths about Japanese employment practices: An increasing insider–outsider conflict of interests
by Naohiro Yashiro - 157-186 Institutional barriers to work beyond retirement in an aging Japan: Evidence from a recent employee survey
by Atsuhiro Yamada & Masa Higo - 187-212 In the midst of transition: Salaryman senryū poems and the perception of workplace change
by Wendy A. Spinks & Wendy Spinks - 213-234 No chance for romance: Corporate culture, gendered work, and increased singlehood in Japan
by Akiko Yoshida & Akiko Yoshida
March 2011, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by Carola Hommerich & Florian Kohlbacher - 5-25 Kiyoku, tadashiku, utsukushiku: Takarazuka Revue and the project of identity (re-)solidification
by Maria Gr jdian - 27-47 Reinforcing identities? Non-Japanese residents, television and cultural nationalism in Japan
by Alexandra Hambleton - 49-69 Eating disorders and self-harm in Japanese culture and cultural expressions
by Gitte Marianne Hansen - 71-92 Spiritual safety nets and networked faith: The “liquidity” of family and work under late modernity
by Isaac Gagné - 93-127 Autonomy, religiosity and national identification as determinants of life satisfaction: A theoretical and empirical model and its application to Japan
by Wolfgang Jagodzinski
January 2010, Volume 22, Issue 1-2
- 1-2 Editorial
by Florian Coulmas - 3-6 Preface
by Barbara G. Holthus & Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt - 7-21 Stability and increasing fluidity in the contemporary Japanese social stratification system
by Yoshimichi Sato - 23-45 When dismissal becomes a business transaction: Analysis of the processes and consequences of haken-giri under the global recession
by Shinji Kojima - 47-74 Divided society model and social cleavages in Japanese politics: No alignment by social class, but dealignment of rural-urban division
by David Chiavacci - 75-98 Eine andere Form der Ungleichheit: Behinderung und soziale Stratifikation in Japans kakusa shakai-Diskussion
by URS Matthias Zachmann - 99-113 Understanding buraku inequality: Improvements and challenges
by Christopher Bondy - 115-136 From the traditions of J-horror to the representation of kakusa shakai in Kurosawa’s film Tokyo Sonata
by Roman Rosenbaum - 137-152 Gender and class in Miura Atsushi’s karyū shakai [low-stream society]: Literature review
by Schad-Seifert Annette - 153-178 Collaboration or confrontation? Local and non-local actors in the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial
by Susanne Klien - 179-204 Constructing difference in Japan: Literary counter-images of the Okinawa boom
by Hein Ina - 205-221 The personal is political in Kinuta o utsu onna [The cloth fuller]: A ‘little narrative’ by zainichi Korean writer Lee Hoe Sung
by Elise Foxworth
January 2010, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 11-11 Vorwort
by Maren Godzik - 15-24 Altern in Japan Herausforderungen und Chancen
by Maren Godzik - 25-53 Autonomy, Reciprocity and Communication in Older Spouse Relationships
by Akiko Oda - 55-71 Ältere Menschen und das Vormundschafts-recht für Volljährige in Japan
by Junko Ando - 73-93 Altern und Suizidalität im heutigen Japan
by Julius Popp & Johannes H. Wilhelm - 95-124 Zur Situation älterer Obdachloser in urbanen Räumen Japans: Ursachen, Überlebensstrategien und Hilfsmassnahmen
by Julia Obinger - 125-161 Arbeiten bis ins hohe Alter: Institutionelle und nicht-institutionelle Einflüsse auf das Erwerbsverhalten älterer Menschen in Japan
by Carolina Paulsen - 163-196 Gründungsdynamik in alternden Gesellschaften—das Beispiel Japan
by Kazue Haga - 197-222 Ältere Menschen in der japanischen Fernsehwerbung: Eine umfragebasierte und inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung
by Michael Prieler & Florian Kohlbacher & Shigeru Hagiwara & Akie Arima - 223-251 Mastery with Age: The Appeal of the Traditional Arts to Senior Citizens in Contemporary Japan
by Katrina Moore & Ruth Campbell - 253-270 Daring to Take On Female Roles: Japanese Male Retirees as Volunteer Carers
by Jill Miller - 271-298 „Tele-Altenpflege” und „Robotertherapie”: Leben mit Robotern als Vision und Realität für die alternde Gesellschaft Japans
by Cosima Wagner - 301-333 Open Society, Closed Market?
by Stefan Lippert & Thomas Ammann - 337-369 Rezensionen
by Ralph Lützeler & Heinrich Menkhaus & Hiromi Tanaka-Naji & Cosima Wagner & Christian Weisgerber
January 2009, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 11-12 Vorwort
by Die Herausgeber - 15-33 Regionalentwicklung und Ungleichheit: Raumdisparitäten als Thema zur Prime Time—eine Einführung
by Volker Elis & Ralph Lützeler - 35-67 Landes- und Regionalentwicklung zwischen Wachstum und Schrumpfung: Regionale Disparitäten und Räumliche Planung in Japan
by Thomas Feldhoff - 69-102 Schrumpfende Städte als Herausforderung: Japan, Hokkaidō und der Fall der Stadt Yūbari
by Winfried Flüchter - 103-128 Weite Himmel über der Kaiserstadt: Die Kehrtwende in Kyotos Stadtplanung
by Christoph Brumann - 129-162 Ruheständler als Lebenselixier? Ruhestandswanderung und lokale Neubelebungsstrategien am Beispiel von Atami und Ishigaki
by Maren Godzik - 163-192 Kommunale Gebietsreformen der Heisei-Zeit und lokale Identität: Das Beispiel der Kommune Arita-chō
by Cornelia Reiher - 193-222 Eine neue Identität für Regionalstädte: Deindustrialisierung, kommunale Gebietsreform und Tourismus
by Carolin Funck - 223-245 Japanese Rural Revitalization: The Reality and Potential of Cultural Commodities as Local Brands
by Anthony Rausch - 247-277 Recent Developments in the Representation of National Memory and Local Identities: The Politics of Memory in Tsushima, Matsuyama, and Maizuru
by Tatsushi Hirano & Sven Saaler & Stefan Säbel - 281-305 The Local Dimension of Energy and Environmental Policy in Japan
by Andrew DeWit & Tatsuhiko Tani - 307-329 From Environmental Accountability to Corporate Social Responsibility? Reflections on the CSR Boom in Japan from the Perspective of Business Management and Civil Society Groups
by Susanne Brucksch & Carolina Grünschloß - 333-387 Rezensionen
by Maren Godzik & Patrick Heinrich & Matthias Koch & Ralph Lützeler & Heinrich Menkhaus & Michael Prieler & Christian W. Spang & Axel Klein & Alexandra Wittig - 388-394 Zu den Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Jahrbuchs
by The Editors
January 2008, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 13-20 Familienangelegenheiten: Ein Überblick
by Peter Backhaus - 21-47 Staat, Nation und Familie: Zum Verhältnis von Feminismus und Nationalstaat in Japan, 1918–1945
by Andrea Germer - 49-79 Zwischen Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit: Die moderne Familie in Japan und Deutschland bis 1945
by Michiko Mae & Julia Schmitz - 81-104 Die kulturelle Prägung des weiblichen Rollen-verständnisses durch die Instrumentalisierung (neo)konfuzianischer Traditionen in Südkorea und Japan
by Momoyo Hüstebeck - 105-128 Japans Abschied von der Mittelschicht-gesellschaft: Auflösung des Familienhaushalts oder Pluralisierung der Lebensformen?
by Annette Schad-Seifert - 129-150 Gedanken über die Zukunft der Familie in Japan—Eine Studie vorehelicher Partnerschaften
by Jörg Kruth - 151-168 Two Plus One Still Equals Two: Inclusion and Exclusion in the Japanese Family
by Diana Adis Tahhan - 169-188 Deferred Benefits, Romance, and the Specter of Later-Life Divorce
by Allison Alexy - 189-206 Families, Fathers, Film: Changing Images from Japanese Cinema
by Timothy Iles - 207-220 The Japanese Advertising Family
by Michael Prieler - 221-241 Images of Japanese Society in the “New Civics Textbook”: Neo-Nationalist Antidotes for Demographic Challenges and Social Change
by Klaus Vollmer - 245-278 Rezensionen
by Heinrich Menkhaus & Sven Saaler & Christian W. Spang & Torsten Weber & Peter Backhaus & Patrick Heinrich
January 2007, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 9-11 Vorwort
by René Haak - 15-26 Arbeitswelten in Japan: Werte im Wandel, Strukturen im Umbruch
by René Haak & Ulrike Maria Haak - 27-57 „Schwarze Schiffe” in der japanischen Arbeitswelt
by David Chiavacci - 59-83 How Japanese single Mothers Work
by Aya Ezawa - 85-110 The Female-dominated Path and Attainment of Marital Status for Japanese Women
by Mayumi Nakamura - 111-148 Arbeitsmigration nach Japan: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, politischer Diskurs
by Jeannette Behaghel & Gabriele Vogt - 149-180 Organic Sources for the Revitalization of Rural Japan
by Peter Matanle - 181-219 Betriebliche Weiterbildung für industrielle Arbeiter in Japan
by Takahiro Nishiyama - 221-244 NEETs' Challenge to Japan: Causes and Remedies
by Khondaker Mizanur Rahman - 247-269 Bürgerliche Gesellschaft versus Zivilgesellschaft—die neuere Debatte in Japan
by Gesine Foljanty-Jost & Karoline Haufe - 271-301 Die Machtposition des japanischen Regierungschefs
by Patrick Köllner - 305-328 Rezensionen
by Parissa Haghirian & Axel Klein & Susanne Klien & Sven Saaler - 329-334 Zu den Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Jahrbuchs
by The Editors
January 2006, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 13-28 Deutschland in Japan—Zwischen von Siebold und der Maus
by Annette Schad-Seifert & Gabriele Vogt - 31-56 Deutsche Mediziner in Japan—ein Beitrag zum Wissenstransfer in der Edo-Zeit
by Edgar Franz - 57-82 Imperialism in a Nutshell: Conflict and the “Concert of Powers” in the Tripartite Intervention, 1895
by Urs Matthias Zachmann - 83-108 Deutsche Jesuiten in Japan
by Harald Fuess - 109-131 Schlagwort „Nicklisch”—zur Repräsentanz eines deutschen Wirtschaftswissenschaftlers in japanischen Nachschlagewerken
by Andreas Moerke - 133-163 Die japanische Beschäftigung mit dem deutschen Rechtswesen
by Heinrich Menkhaus & Koresuke Yamauchi - 165-187 Rising Sun, Iron Cross—Military Germany in Japanese Popular Culture
by Matthew Penney - 189-208 Gutenberg in Tokio
by Stefanie Nartschik - 209-241 Deutschland als Vorbild im japanischen Umweltdiskurs
by Isa Ducke - 245-269 Cultural Turn in der Literaturtheorie?
by Robert F. Wittkamp - 271-277 Max Webers Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus nach 100 Jahren—Perspektiven der Sozialwissenschaften in Ostasien
by Wolfgang Schwentker & Kimae Toshiaki - 281-310 Rezensionen
by Michael Wachutka & Andrea Germer & Florian Coulmas & Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg & Winfried Flüchter & Roman Ditzer - 311-317 Zu den Autorinnen und Autoren des Jahrbuchs
by The Editors
January 2005, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 11-24 Grenzgänge—Zur (De-)Konstruktion sozialer Gruppen und kollektiver Identitäten in Japan. Eine Hinleitung
by Andrea Germer - 27-57 Alien Attack?
by Ryoko Yamamoto - 59-90 A Touchstone for Transnational Feminism: Discourses on the Comfort Women in 1990s Japan
by Ulrike Wöhr - 91-117 Re-made in Japan: Nikkeijin Disruptions of Japan's Ethno-Spatial Boundaries
by Eric Ishiwata - 119-144 Telling Her Story: Narrating a Japanese Lesbian Community
by James Welker - 145-165 “We are all ‘Residents of Japan’”: The Construction of Common Identity and the Success of the Anti-fingerprinting Movement
by Akemi Nakamura - 167-199 Historische Ansätze von Gruppendefinitionen im modernen Japan
by Sven Saaler - 201-236 Chiiki tsūka—eine Währung für die Community?
by Isa Ducke & Natascha Thoma - 239-256 Konstruktivismus, Wahrnehmung und Gedächtnis
by Robert F. Wittkamp - 257-278 Die Konstruktion der träumenden Frau oder weshalb es in Japan „nur” Traumdichterinnen gibt
by Simone Müller - 279-305 „Die beste und schönste Sprache der Welt”
by Patrick Heinrich - 309-332 Rezensionen
by Klaus Gottheiner & Stephan Köhn & Ursula Flache & Isa Ducke
January 2004, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 17-35 Missverständnisse in der Begegnung mit Japan—Eine Hinführung
by Harald Dolles & Isa Ducke - 37-68 Missverständnis und Methode
by Klaus Vollmer - 69-83 Alternative Understandings of Power in Meiji Japan
by Alexis Dudden - 85-116 Misdirected Understandings
by Xavier Guillaume - 117-151 Japanese Miscommunication with Foreigners
by Rotem Kowner - 153-197 Missverstehen—reflektieren—unterscheiden—erkennen
by Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg - 199-218 Interkulturelle Routinen in deutschen und amerikanischen Unternehmen in Japan
by Alois Moosmüller - 219-246 Globalisierung, Technik, Normen—Warum weichen japanische Unternehmen von internationalen Normen ab?
by Cornelia Storz - 249-279 Japans Begegnung mit Okinawa
by Gabriele Vogt - 281-314 Between “Washington Consensus” and “Asian Way”
by Clemens Philippi
January 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 17-42 Japan als Fallbeispiel in den Wissenschaften—Eine Einführung
by Ines Günther & Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit & Matthias Koch - 43-68 Is Japan a Civilization Sui Generis?
by Johann P. Arnason - 69-102 Comparing Modern Japan: Are There More Comparisons to Make?
by Raymond Grew - 103-138 Japan in der internationalen Militarismusforschung
by Sven Saaler - 139-164 Japan: Politische Entscheidungsstrukturen im Spiegel politikwissenschaftlicher Deutungen
by Paul Kevenhörster - 165-177 Japanisches Kartellrecht—von aussen gesehen
by Wernhard Möschel - 179-202 Japan als Gegenst and komparativer Analysen in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, dargestellt am Thema „Corporate Governance”
by Franz Waldenberger - 203-236 The Changing Interpretation of the Flying Geese Model of Economic Development
by Christian Schröppel & Nakajima Mariko - 237-266 Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit im japanischen Modernisierungsprozess
by Mae Michiko - 267-285 Linguistische Typologie und Japanisch
by Götz Wienold - 287-310 The Uniqueness of the Japanese Novel and Its Contribution to the Theory of the Novel
by Janet A. Walker - 313-327 Pioneer of “Taishō Democracy”: Abe Isoo's Social Democratic Idealism and Japanese Concepts of Democracy from 1900 to 1920
by Harald Meyer
January 2001, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 21-44 Zwischen Burger und Sushi—Essen und Ernährung im modernen Japan
by Nicola Liscutin & René Haak - 45-63 From Yokohama to Amsterdam: Meidi-ya and Dietary Change in Modern Japan
by Katarzyna J. Cwiertka - 65-89 Erkenntnis geht durch den Magen
by Franz Hintereder-Emde - 91-116 Literary Daughters' Recipes
by Aoyama Tomoko - 117-156 Heilmittel, Genussmittel, Erfrischungsgetränk
by Katja Schmidtpott - 157-182 Die Esskultur als Spiegelbild japanischer Lebensrhythmen
by Birgit Quitterer - 183-209 Gourmetcomics in Japan
by Stephan Köhn - 211-228 Food Safety in Modern Japan
by Raymond A. Jussaume & Hisano Shûji & Taniguchi Yoshimitsu - 229-247 Facing Globalisation: Japanese Farmers' Responses to Changing Markets
by Ann D. Brucklacher - 249-282 Japans Agrarimport—ein Überblick
by Hanns Günther Hilpert - 283-297 Tampopo: Food and the Postmodern in the Work of Itami Jûzô
by Timothy Iles
January 2000, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 19-30 Notiz zum Begriffsverständnis von shimin shakai in Japan
by Wolfgang Seifert - 31-53 The Emergence of a Civil Society in Japan
by Wilhelm Vosse - 55-78 Doing the Defendant's Laundry: Support Groups as Social Movement Organizations in Contemporary Japan
by Patricia G. Steinhoff