2005, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 277-289 Normative notions in descriptive dialogues
by Chris Starmer - 291-302 Experiments as exhibits and experiments as tests
by Robert Sugden - 303-315 Models are experiments, experiments are models
by Uskali Maki - 317-329 Experiments versus models: New phenomena, inference and surprise
by Mary Morgan
2005, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 3-34 Graphical models, causal inference, and econometric models
by Peter Spirtes - 35-61 Evaluating the historiography of the Great Depression: explanation or single-theory driven?
by Rick Szostak - 63-91 Persuasion: Reflections on economics, data, and the 'homogeneity assumption'
by Adam Fforde - 93-115 Clarifying the 'puzzle' between the Textbook and LSE approaches to econometrics: A comment on Cook's Kuhnian perspective on econometric modelling
by George Davis - 117-123 On the semantic approach to econometric methodology
by Steven Cook - 125-135 A misconception of the semantic conception of econometrics?
by Hsiang-Ke Chao - 137-147 A rejoinder to Cook and response to Chao: Moving the Textbook/LSE debate forward
by George Davis
2004, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 273-273 Introduction
by John Davis - 275-290 Structured pluralism
by Sheila Dow - 291-305 History and equilibrium: A partial defense of equilibrium economics
by Roger Backhouse - 307-312 Reorienting Economics: Some epistemological issues
by Sheila Dow - 313-319 No methodology without ontology! Reorienting economics
by Mark Peacock - 321-327 Critical realism and the mainstream
by Julian Reiss - 329-340 Reorienting Economics: On heterodox economics, themata and the use of mathematics in economics
by Tony Lawson - 341-357 Two rhetorical strategies of laissez-faire
by Andy Denis - 359-376 Evolutionary economics: In defence of 'vagueness'
by Matthias Klaes - 377-379 Obituary. Don Lavoie (1950-2001)
by Peter Boettke
2004, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 121-124 Ontological issues in evolutionary economics: Introduction
by Matthias Klaes - 125-146 On the proper interpretation of 'evolution' in economics and its implications for production theory
by Ulrich Witt - 147-173 General selection theory and economic evolution: The Price equation and the replicator/interactor distinction
by Thorbjørn Knudsen - 175-194 Darwinism, causality and the social sciences
by Geoffrey Hodgson - 195-212 Evolutionary realism: a new ontology for economics
by Kurt Dopfer & Jason Potts - 213-247 Conjectural revisionary economic ontology: Outline of an ambitious research agenda for evolutionary economics
by Jack Vromen
2004, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-29 The rationality postulate in economics: its ambiguity, its deficiency and its evolutionary alternative
by Viktor Vanberg - 31-51 The forgotten role of the rationality principle in economics
by Maurice Lagueux - 53-73 Some claims made for critical realism in economics: two case studies
by Geoffrey Hodgson - 75-89 On closure in economics
by Stephen John Nash
2003, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 441-463 Does economic theory need more evidence? A balancing of arguments
by Paul Anand - 465-492 Perfect information a la Walras versus perfect information a la Marshall
by Michel De Vroey - 493-494 Fifty years of Milton Friedman's 'The methodology of positive economics': Introduction
by Thomas Mayer - 495-505 'The methodology of positive economics' (1953) does not give us the methodology of positive economics
by Uskali Maki - 507-520 Did Milton Friedman's methodology license the Formalist Revolution?
by D. Wade Hands - 521-526 Methodological criticism vs. ideology and hypocrisy
by Lawrence Boland - 527-530 Remarks on 'The methodology of positive economics'
by Melvin Reder
2003, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 283-283 Introduction
by Sheila Dow - 285-306 Closed models and open systems
by Brian Loasby - 307-327 Theory, method and mode of thought in Keynes's General Theory
by Victoria Chick - 329-352 Reflexivity: curse or cure?
by John Davis & Matthias Klaes - 353-373 Terence Hutchison's 1938 essay: towards a reappraisal
by John Hart - 375-396 Androids and agents: do we need a non-computational economics?
by Wolfram Latsch - 397-415 Rationalism and mainstream economics
by Alex Viskovatoff
2002, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 3-10 Towards a useful methodology discipline
by Lawrence Boland - 11-26 Ceteris paribus conditions: materiality and the application of economic theories
by Marcel Boumans & Mary Morgan - 27-32 Game theory, mathematics, and economics
by James Buchanan - 33-40 Methodology in a pluralist environment
by Sheila Dow - 41-47 Why economists disregard economic methodology
by Bruno Frey - 49-63 Economic methodology is dead - long live economic methodology: thirteen theses on the new economic methodology
by D. Wade Hands - 65-68 A new era for economic methodology
by Daniel Hausman - 69-75 Making sense of economists: from falsification to rhetoric and beyond
by Arjo Klamer - 77-84 Improving communication in economics: a task for methodologists
by Thomas Mayer - 85-92 Methodological issues in new institutional economics
by Claude Menard - 93-97 Economic methodology and feminist critiques
by Julie Nelson - 99-104 Deduction and the practice of economics: the necessity of a sense of limits
by Warren Samuels - 105-110 Patterns of rationality and the varieties of inference
by Roberto Scazzieri - 111-112 A native informant speaks
by Robert Solow - 113-130 The evolutionary turn in game theory
by Robert Sugden - 131-134 What I've learned about writing economics
by Hal Varian - 135-138 Where is economic methodology going?
by Jesus P. Zamora Bonilla
2001, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 393-409 The rational-behavioral debate in financial economics
by Alon Brav & J. B. Heaton & Alexander Rosenberg - 411-435 Analytical egalitarianism, anecdotal evidence and information aggregation via proverbial wisdom
by David Levy & Sandra Peart - 437-453 Economic explanation, ordinality and the adequacy of analytic specification
by Donald Katzner & Peter Skott - 455-476 Research programs, model-building and actor-network-theory: Reassessing the case of the Leontief Paradox
by Justin Bledin & Sharon Shewmake
2001, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 107-130 The context problematic, behavioral economics and the transactional view: an introduction to 'John Dewey and economic theory'
by Elias Khalil - 131-156 Toward a transactional theory of decision making: creative rationality as functional coordination in context
by Shabnam Mousavi & Jim Garrison - 157-160 Transaction, development, and capacity: commentary on 'Toward a transactional theory of decision making'
by Kenneth Stikkers - 161-179 A transactional view of entrepreneurship: a Deweyan approach
by Elias Khalil - 181-190 Entrepreneurship and values in a democratic and pragmatic economics: commentary on 'A transactional view of entrepreneurship'
by John Shook - 191-212 A pragmatic view on values in economics
by Arjo Klamer - 213-221 Pragmatism about values and the valuable: commentary on 'A pragmatic view on values in economics'
by John Stuhr - 223-243 Reconciling homo economicus and John Dewey's ethics
by Mark White - 245-257 Values as consequences of transaction: commentary on 'Reconciling homo economicus and John Dewey's ethics'
by Frank Ryan
2001, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-39 Fixing the point: the contribution of early game theory to the tool-box of modern economics
by Nicola Giocoli - 41-58 Vague language and precise measurement: the case of poverty
by Mozaffar Qizilbash - 59-78 A Kuhnian perspective on econometric methodology
by Steven Cook - 79-85 Methodological individualism, cognitive homogeneity and environmental determinism
by Andre Clark
2001, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 265-273 Introduction
by Esther-Mirjam Sent & Arjo Klamer - 275-288 The new dissemination of knowledge: digital libraries and institutional roles in scholarly publishing
by John MacKenzie Owen - 289-315 Attention and the art of scientific publishing
by Arjo Klamer & Hendrik van Dalen - 317-335 The Faustian grip of academic publishing
by Robert Parks - 337-357 Pricing the serials library: in defence of a market economy
by Henk Plasmeijer - 359-377 A conversation with Terence Hutchison
by John Hart
2001, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 119-139 Still dead after all these years: interpreting the failure of general equilibrium theory
by Frank Ackerman - 141-168 Reflection on rules in science: an invisible-hand perspective
by Thomas Leonard - 169-189 Functional explanation in economics: a qualified defence
by William Jackson - 191-212 Building and using economic models: a case study analysis of the IS-LL model
by Thomas Dohmen - 213-234 The role of grounded theory in developing economic theory
by John Finch
2001, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-10 The ramifications of John Searle's social philosophy in economics
by Stephan Boehm - 11-30 Filling in the Background
by Jochen Runde - 31-52 The human agent in behavioural finance: a Searlean perspective
by Philip Faulkner - 53-64 From the philosophy of mind to the philosophy of the market
by Peter Boettke & J. Robert Subrick - 65-80 Searle's Background: comments on Runde and Faulkner
by Alex Viskovatoff - 81-86 Comment on Boettke and Subrick and Faulkner
by Steven Horwitz
2001, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 361-384 Models, stories and the economic world
by Mary Morgan - 385-414 Discovered preferences and the experimental evidence of violations of expected utility theory
by Robin Cubitt & Chris Starmer & Robert Sugden - 415-419 Observations on the practice of data-mining: comments on the JEM symposium
by Steven Cook - 420-422 How science proceeds: the role of assumptions in the explanation of phenomena
by Timothy Roth
2001, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 167-167 Introduction
by Kevin Hoover - 169-201 Successes and failures in the transformation of economics
by Richard Lipsey - 203-228 The use of intentional language in scientific articles in finance
by Gisele Chevalier & Richard Hudson - 229-251 Are rival theories of smoking underdetermined?
by Robert Goldfarb & Thomas Leonard & Steven Suranovic - 253-273 The role of ideology in disagreements among economists: a quantitative analysis
by Thomas Mayer - 275-285 Economic models as mini-theories
by Steven Rappaport - 287-311 Natural economic quantities and their measurement
by Julian Reiss - 313-337 Rationality as optimal choice versus rationality as valid inference
by Alex Viskovatoff
2001, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 313-339 Theoretical isolation in contract theory: suppressing margins and entrepreneurship
by Kirsten Foss & Nicolai Foss - 341-371 Disciplined stories in the governance of the New Institutional Economics
by Keith Acheson - 373-394 Classical Utilitarianism and the methodology of determinate choice, in economics and in ethics
by Tom Warke - 395-426 Should we abandon optimization theory? The need for bounded rationality
by Frederic Laville - 427-445 Martin Hollis: philosopher of social science
by Robert Sugden
2001, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 171-181 Introduction: is data mining a methodological problem?
by Roger Backhouse & Mary Morgan - 183-194 Data mining: a reconsideration
by Thomas Mayer - 195-210 Three attitudes towards data mining
by Kevin Hoover & Stephen Perez - 211-216 Data mining and the econometrics industry: comments on the papers of Mayer and of Hoover and Perez
by Adrian Pagan & Michael Veall - 217-230 I am not, nor have I ever been a member of a data-mining discipline
by Clinton Greene - 231-264 Revisiting data mining: 'hunting' with or without a license
by Aris Spanos - 265-277 Data mining and the selection of instruments
by Alastair Hall & Fernanda Peixe
2001, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-31 Credible worlds: the status of theoretical models in economics
by Robert Sugden - 33-57 Rational choice, functional selection and empty black boxes
by Philip Pettit - 59-93 The logic of normative falsification: rationality and experiments in decision theory
by Francesco Guala - 95-108 Methodology now!
by Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap - 109-125 Reclaiming relevant realism
by Uskali Maki - 127-133 Realist philosophy and methodology of economics: what is it?
by Daniel Hausman
1999, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 319-330 The domain of hypotheses and the realism of assumptions
by Thomas Mayer - 331-350 Verisimilitude and the scientific strategy of economic theory
by Jesú s P. Zamora Bonilla - 351-380 Incentives and preference reversals: escape moves and community decisions in experimental economics
by Timo Tammi - 381-402 Representation and stability in testing and measuring rational expectations
by Marcel Boumans - 403-421 Comparative perspectives in development economics
by Barbara Ingham - 423-438 Raúl Prebisch and the beginnings of the Latin American school of economics: a rhetorical perspective
by Ana Maria Bianchi & Cleofas Salviano - 439-441 A brief response to Jurgen Lange-von Kulessa
by Geoffrey Hodgson - 443-444 A brief reaction to a brief response
by Jurgen Lange-von Kulessa - 445-451 Book Reviews
by Steven Rappaport - 451-456 Book Reviews
by Daniel Hausman - 457-467 Book Reviews
by Daniel Fusfeld
1999, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 159-169 The methodology of macroeconomics
by Roger Backhouse & Andrea Salanti - 171-198 Recent developments in monetary policy analysis: the roles of theory and evidence
by Bennett McCallum - 199-219 The evolution of IS-LM models: empirical evidence and theoretical presuppositions
by Alessandro Vercelli - 221-238 New Keynesian economics, nominal rigidities and involuntary unemployment
by Huw Dixon - 239-258 Unit roots and all that: the impact of time-series methods on macroeconomics
by Ron Smith - 259-290 Models and relations in economics and econometrics
by Katarina Juselius - 291-296 Book Reviews
by John Dupré - 297-303 Book Reviews
by Philippe Fontaine
1999, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-30 Experiments in economics: should we trust the dismal scientists in white coats?
by Chris Starmer - 31-59 Explanations of an empirical puzzle: what can be learnt from a test of the rational expectations hypothesis?
by Heather Anderson - 61-78 Methodological aspects of the encompassing principle
by Steven Cook - 79-94 Walter Bagehot on economic methodology: evolutionism and realisticnessl
by Michel Zouboulakis - 95-124 Economics of science: survey and suggestions
by Esther-Mirjam Sent - 125-130 'Ultra-deductivism', perfect knowledge and the methodology of economics
by Daniel Hausman - 131-132 'Ultra-deductivism', perfect knowledge and the methodology of economics: some lingering doubts
by T. W. Hutchison - 133-139 Book Reviews
by Esther-Mirjam Sent - 145-147 Book Reviews
by Arjo Klamer
1998, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 201-221 Is the tatonnement hypothesis a good caricature of market forces?
by Michel De Vroey - 223-246 The new growth theory: some intellectual growth accounting
by Nicolai Foss - 247-261 Simplicity in econometric modelling: some methodological considerations
by Bernd Hayo - 263-297 On the problematic link between fundamental ethics and economic policy recommendations
by Olof Johansson-Stenman - 299-304 Book Reviews
by Bruce Caldwell - 304-310 Book Reviews
by Arthur Diamond - 310-317 Book Reviews
by Amitava Krishna Dutt
1998, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-21 On the use and nonuse of surveys in economics
by Bryan Boulier & Robert Goldfarb - 23-41 Four detours
by D. P. O'Brien - 43-91 Ultra-deductivism from Nassau Senior to Lionel Robbins and Daniel Hausman
by Terence Hutchison - 93-114 Sargent and the unbearable lightness of symmetry
by Esther-Mirjam Sent - 115-146 Transforming macroeconomics: an interview with Robert E. Lucas Jr
by Brian Snowdon & Howard Vane - 147-154 Separateness, inexactness, and economic method
by Uskali Maki - 155-156 Separateness, inexactness and economic method: a very brief response
by Daniel Hausman - 157-163 Book Reviews
by Robert Sugden - 164-170 Book Reviews
by Bernt Stigum - 171-178 Book Reviews
by Timo Tammi - 179-185 Book Reviews
by Andrea Salanti
1997, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 193-198 Models and theories
by Axel Leijonhufvud - 199-220 The rhetoric of Friedman's quantity theory manifesto
by Thomas Mayer - 221-244 Now you see it, now you don't: emerging contrary results in economics
by Robert Goldfarb - 245-266 Hayekian equilibrium and change
by Peter Lewin - 267-287 Searching for a methodological synthesis -Hayek's individualism in the light of recent holistic criticism
by Juergen Lange-von Kulessa - 289-296 Theory appraisal in neoclassical economics
by Daniel Hausman - 297-302 What about falsifiability? Further notes on Hausman's revision of the neoclassical economic methodology
by Geert Reuten - 303-308 Book Reviews
by John Davis - 309-314 Book Reviews
by Christian Arnsperger - 315-320 Book Reviews
by Roger Backhouse
1997, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-21 Special issue on rationality and methodology
by Jochen Runde & Paul Anand - 23-41 Rationality and backward induction
by Ken Binmore - 43-60 Decisions in games: why there should be a special exemption from Bayesian rationality
by Marco Mariotti - 61-81 Salience and focusing in pure coordination games
by Andrew Colman - 83-100 The rationality hypothesis in economics: from Wall Street to Main Street
by Thomas Russell - 101-125 Situated rationality
by Tony Lawson - 127-151 On the relations between philosophy and economics
by Terence Hutchison - 153-163 Book Reviews
by Alex Viskovatoff - 164-170 Book Reviews
by Pierre Salmon - 171-173 Book Reviews
by Harry Garretsen - 174-178 Book Reviews
by Sergio Cremaschi
1996, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 187-213 On the relations between philosophy and economics
by Terence Hutchison - 215-236 Abstraction and unrealistic assumptions in economics
by Steven Rappaport - 237-259 The rhetoric of policy relevance in international economics
by William Milberg - 261-284 Towards a methodology of tendencies
by Piet-Hein van Eeghen - 285-306 Equilibrium and time: Marshall's dilemma
by Neil Hart