September 2012, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 303-316 The evolving notion of relevance: an historical perspective to the ‘economics made fun’ movement
by Jean-Baptiste Fleury - 317-327 Economic page turners
by Björn Frank
June 2012, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 99-99 Introduction: values and justice
by John B. Davis - 101-108 Values and justice
by Amartya Sen - 109-119 Values, classical political economy and the Portuguese empire
by Emma Rothschild - 121-141 On the centrality of human value
by Teresa Carla Oliveira & Stuart Holland - 143-157 Sen, Sraffa and the revival of classical political economy
by Nuno Ornelas Martins - 159-163 Are transcendental theories of justice redundant?
by Ingrid Robeyns - 165-167 Sen's Idea of Justice and the locus of normative reasoning
by Fabienne Peter - 169-172 The idea of public reasoning
by John B. Davis - 173-176 A reply to Robeyns, Peter and Davis
by Amartya Sen
March 2012, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-19 The influence of economics on political science: by what pathway?
by Lee Sigelman & Robert Goldfarb - 21-42 Institutions, distributed cognition and agency: rule-following as performative action
by Carsten Herrmann-Pillath - 43-62 The explanation paradox
by Julian Reiss - 63-76 A test of the experimental method in the spirit of Popper
by Shaun Hargreaves Heap & Arjan Verschoor & Daniel John Zizzo
December 2011, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 323-343 Implementing theoretical models in the laboratory, and what this can and cannot achieve
by Stefania Sitzia & Robert Sugden - 345-361 Rational choice without closure: the microfoundations of virtuous cycles and vicious circles
by Adam Martin - 363-385 Virtually science: an agent-based model of the rise and fall of scientific research programs
by Daniel Farhat - 387-407 Hayek, Gödel, and the case for methodological dualism
by Ludwig M.P. van den Hauwe - 409-426 Terence Hutchison and the introduction of Popper's falsifiability criterion to economics
by John Hart - 427-432 Economic methodology: understanding economics as a science
by Ivan A. Boldyrev - 432-434 The social epistemology of economic experiments
by Helen Longino - 434-440 Von Neumann, Morgenstern, and the creation of game theory. From chess to social science, 1900--1960
by Ivan Moscati - 440-444 Why some things should not be for sale: the moral limits of markets
by Adrian Walsh
September 2011, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 217-231 Estranged parents and a schizophrenic child: choice in economics, psychology and neuroeconomics
by Don Ross - 233-253 Evidential variety as a source of credibility for causal inference: beyond sharp designs and structural models
by François Claveau - 255-270 The Stern Review and its critics: economics at work in an interdisciplinary setting
by Fredrik Hansen - 271-282 Conceptual tools for assessing experiments: some well-entrenched confusions regarding the internal/external validity distinction
by María Jiménez-Buedo - 283-296 Explaining growth? The case of the trade--growth relationship
by Jonathan Perraton - 297-301 What are animal spirits? Rationality and explanation in economics
by Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap - 301-305 Variations in causal reasoning Causality and causal modelling in the social sciences: measuring variations
by Jaakko Kuorikoski - 305-311 New directions in economics and the philosophy of economics? The Oxford handbook of philosophy of economics
by Roger E. Backhouse
2011, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 107-128 Becker random behavior and the as-if defense of rational choice theory in demand analysis
by Ivan Moscati & Paola Tubaro - 129-146 Internal consistency, price rigidity and the microfoundations of macroeconomics
by Simon Wren-Lewis - 147-162 Why economics is not a science of behaviour
by Marek Hudik - 163-176 How economic methodology became a separate science
by Till Duppe - 177-181 Review
by Ken Binmore - 183-187 The methodological promise of experimental economics
by Glenn Harrison - 189-193 Methodology for experiments should be determined empirically, not philosophically
by Don Ross - 195-199 A response to Binmore, Harrison and Ross on Experimental Economics: Rethinking the Rules
by Nicholas Bardsley & Chris Starmer & Robin Cubitt & Graham Loomes & Peter Moffatt & Robert Sugden
2011, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-12 Scientific realism as a challenge to economics (and vice versa)
by Uskali Maki - 13-28 How validity travelled to economic experimenting
by Floris Heukelom - 29-52 Acceptance of unsupported claims about reality: a blind spot in economics
by Ole Rogeberg & Hans Olav Melberg - 53-78 Imagining the imaginable: a reinterpretation of the function of economists' concern about structural isomorphism in economic theorizing
by Szu-Ting Chen - 79-81 Making philosophy of economics relevant
by Harold Kincaid - 83-86 Theory-centrism in experimental economics
by Francesco Guala - 87-92 Comments on 'Error in Economics: Toward a More Evidence-Based Methodology' by Julian Reiss
by John DiNardo - 93-96 Theory, generalisations from cases and methodological maxims in evidence-based economics: Responses to the reviews by DiNardo, Guala and Kincaid
by Julian Reiss
2010, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 359-373 Terence Hutchison and Frank Knight: a reappraisal of their 1940-1941 exchange
by John Hart - 375-395 Two puzzles regarding the replacement ratio in the context of renewal theory
by George Bitros - 397-398 Introduction: Methodological implications of the financial crisis
by Kevin Hoover - 399-418 Should the financial crisis inspire normative revision?
by Don Ross - 419-427 The economics profession, the financial crisis, and method
by David Colander - 429-444 Implications for models in monetary policy
by Stan du Plessis - 445-448 Identity economics: towards a more realistic economic agent?
by Miriam Teschl - 448-452 Is spontaneous order a value-free descriptive methodological tool?
by N. Emrah Aydinonat
2010, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 241-260 A neurolinguistic approach to performativity in economics
by Carsten Herrmann-Pillath - 261-275 Personal identity: a theoretical and experimental analysis
by Fernando Aguiar & Pablo Branas-Garza & Maria Paz Espinosa & Luis Miller - 277-299 Certainly not! A critical realist recasting of Ludwig von Mises's methodology of the social sciences
by Paul Lewis - 301-316 Structure and change: Douglass North's economics
by Graham Brownlow - 317-332 What is economics? Attitudes and views of German economists
by Bruno Frey & Silke Humbert & Friedrich Schneider - 333-338 Making sense of Friedman's methodology in theory and action
by Roberta Muramatsu - 338-343 Which structure do models represent? Representation and structure in economics: the methodology of econometric models of the consumption function
by Alessio Moneta - 344-347 The dismal science: how thinking like an economist undermines community
by Alessandro Lanteri
2010, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 103-106 Neuroeconomics: hype or hope?
by Caterina Marchionni & Jack Vromen - 107-117 When economics meets neuroscience: hype and hope
by Uskali Maki - 119-131 The disunity of neuroeconomics: a methodological appraisal
by Roberto Fumagalli - 133-146 Inductive modeling using causal studies in neuroeconomics: brains on drugs
by Moana Vercoe & Paul Zak - 147-157 The philosopher in the scanner (or: how can neuroscience contribute to social philosophy?)
by Francesco Guala & Tim Hodgson - 159-169 Neuroeconomics: more than inspiration, less than revolution
by N. Emrah Aydinonat - 171-183 Where economics and neuroscience might meet
by Jack Vromen - 185-196 The methodologies of neuroeconomics
by Glenn Harrison & Don Ross - 197-205 Function and mechanism: the metaphysics of neuroeconomics
by Michiru Nagatsu - 207-218 Do neurobiological data help us to understand economic decisions better?
by Alessandro Antonietti - 219-228 Explanatory relevance across disciplinary boundaries: the case of neuroeconomics
by Jaakko Kuorikoski & Petri Ylikoski
2010, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction
by Uskali Maki - 3-15 Methodology in action
by Roger Backhouse - 17-36 On the surprising finding that expected utility is literally computed in the brain
by Jack Vromen - 37-51 The division of labour in science: the tradeoff between specialisation and diversity
by Rogier De Langhe - 53-75 Econometric reduction theory and philosophy
by Genaro Sucarrat - 77-81 The Invisible Hand viewed and reviewed
by Edna Ullmann-Margalit - 81-87 Comparative process tracing: yet another virtue of mechanisms?
by Federica Russo - 87-92 Why economic modelers can't exclude psychological processing variables
by Don Ross
2009, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 361-375 Novelty and the bounds of unknowledge in economics
by Ulrich Witt - 377-391 The economic concept of evolution: self-organization or Universal Darwinism?
by Sylvie Geisendorf - 393-408 Statistical vs. economic significance in economics and econometrics: further comments on McCloskey and Ziliak
by Tom Engsted - 409-416 Intentions in invisible-hand accounts
by Aki Lehtinen - 417-422 When is a model like a thermometer?
by Kevin Hoover - 422-426 Rational economic man revisited
by Robert Sugden - 426-431 Revitalizing causality: realism about causality in philosophy and social science
by C. Tyler DesRoches - 431-434 The cult of statistical significance: how the standard error costs us jobs, justice, and lives
by Chee Kian Leong
2009, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 243-263 Is endogenous growth theory degenerating? Another look at Lakatosian appraisal of growth theories
by Michal Brzezinski & Michal Dzielinski - 265-285 Hayek's theory on complexity and knowledge: dichotomies, levels of analysis, and bounded rationality
by Stefano Fiori - 287-291 Introduction
by D. Wade Hands - 293-296 An unfinished manuscript by Terence Hutchison
by Roger Backhouse - 297-314 A formative decade: methodological controversy in the 1930s
by T. W. Hutchison - 315-324 A skirmish in the Popper Wars: Hutchison versus Caldwell on Hayek, Popper, Mises, and methodology
by Bruce Caldwell - 325-340 Machlup's misrepresentation of Hutchison's methodology
by John Hart - 341-350 Realism and relevance in the economics of a free society: the Knight-Hutchison debate
by Ross Emmett
2009, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 109-123 Mismeasuring the value of statistical life
by Till Grune-Yanoff - 125-138 Buchanan's catallactic critique of Robbins' definition of economics
by Alain Marciano - 139-144 Applying economics, using evidence
by Roger Backhouse & Matthias Klaes - 145-157 Pragmatic methodology: a sketch, with applications to transaction cost economics
by Oliver Williamson - 159-174 Exploring different visions of the model-empirics nexus: Solow versus Lipsey
by Robert Goldfarb & Jonathan Ratner - 175-189 Ethics, evidence and international debt
by Julie Nelson - 191-206 Fixing ideas: how research is constrained by mandated formalism
by Arthur Diamond - 207-219 Review Symposium
by Ken Binmore - 221-232 Listening, really listening: a response to Graafland, Binmore and Ferber on The Bourgeois Virtues
by Deirdre McCloskey
2009, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-19 Is individual rationality essential to market price formation? The contribution of zero-intelligence agent trading models
by Paola Tubaro - 21-43 Explaining the inability of economists to practice what they preach: the funding of the American Economic Review with author charges
by Thomas David Scheiding - 45-56 Creativity, probability and uncertainty
by Matthew Wilson - 57-69 Fuzzy logic and Keynes's speculative demand for money
by Sheila Dow & Dipak Ghosh - 71-88 Behavioral experiments: how and what can we learn about human behavior
by Ana Santos
2008, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 325-342 Sraffa's mathematical economics: a constructive interpretation
by K. Vela Velupillai - 343-363 The explanatory logic and ontological commitments of generalized Darwinism
by J. W. Stoelhorst - 365-390 Rationality, behavior, institutional, and economic change in Schumpeter
by Agnes Festre & Pierre Garrouste - 391-407 On the autonomy of experiments in economics
by Martin Jones - 409-423 Method and appraisal in economics, 1976-2006
by Uskali Maki
2008, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 241-244 Introduction: Also Sprach der homo oeconomicus
by Miranda del Corral & Jesus Zamora Bonilla - 245-259 Simulating processes of concept formation and communication
by Timo Honkela & Ville Kononen & Tiina Lindh-Knuutila & Mari-Sanna Paukkeri - 261-274 Games and Quantity implicatures
by Robert van Rooij - 275-284 The evolution of Horn's rule
by Kris De Jaegher - 285-299 The surprise exam paradox, rationality, and pragmatics: a simple game-theoretic analysis
by Jose Luis Ferreira & Jesus Zamora Bonilla
2008, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 131-146 The roles of stories in applying game theory
by Till Grune-Yanoff & Paul Schweinzer - 147-167 Anger and economic rationality
by Daniel John Zizzo - 169-184 Collective intention, social identity, and rational choice
by Jelle de Boer
2008, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-37 Sound and fury: McCloskey and significance testing in economics
by Kevin Hoover & Mark Siegler - 39-55 Signifying nothing: reply to Hoover and Siegler
by Deirdre McCloskey & Stephen Ziliak - 57-68 The rhetoric of 'Signifying nothing': a rejoinder to Ziliak and McCloskey
by Kevin Hoover & Mark Siegler - 69-97 Idealization, abstraction, and the policy relevance of economic theories
by Menno Rol - 99-119 The role of data/code archives in the future of economic research
by Richard Anderson & William Greene & B. D. McCullough & H. D. Vinod
2007, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 403-408 Introduction: Thomas Schelling's distinctive approach
by S. Abu Turab Rizvi - 409-428 Player heterogeneity and empiricism in Schelling
by Alessandro Innocenti - 429-454 Models, conjectures and exploration: an analysis of Schelling's checkerboard model of residential segregation
by N. Emrah Aydinonat - 455-471 Some like it cold: Thomas Schelling as a Cold Warrior
by Esther-Mirjam Sent - 473-497 Realism, closed systems and abstraction
by Stephen Pratten - 499-519 Reorienting critical realism: a system-wide perspective on the capitalist economy
by Andrew Brown
2007, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 273-273 Introduction
by Roger E. Backhouse - 275-290 The turn in economics and the turn in economic methodology
by John B. Davis - 291-309 Great expectations, mixed results and resilient beliefs: the troubles of empirical research in economic controversies
by Pedro N. Teixeira - 311-337 The 'materials' of experimental economics: technological versus behavioral experiments
by Ana C. Santos - 339-352 Setting the scene with 'firms' and 'workers'
by Fredrik Hansen - 353-370 What does tacit knowledge actually explain?
by Jonathan Perraton & Iona Tarrant - 371-393 'Practical comparability' and ends in Economics
by Ricardo F. Crespo
2007, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 143-166 The experiment in macroeconometrics
by John Aldrich & Anna Staszewska - 167-185 A Gricean analysis of understanding in economic experiments
by Martin K. Jones - 187-209 Piero Sraffa: economic reality, the economist and economic theory: an interpretation
by Neri Salvadori & Rodolfo Signorino - 211-226 Meanings of methodological individualism
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 227-248 A structure of the consumption function
by Hsiang-Ke Chao
2007, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction: the methodology of development economics
by Sheila Dow - 5-25 The metamorphosis of Lewis's dual economy model
by Dipak Ghosh - 27-46 Evaluating Marxian contributions to development economics
by Jonathan Perraton - 47-55 On rhetoric and being realistic about the monetary policy of developing countries
by Jan Toporowski - 57-82 Pluralist methodology for development economics: the example of moral economy of Indian labour markets
by Wendy Olsen - 83-105 Modernism, reflexivity and the Washington Consensus
by Daniel Gay - 107-131 Needs and resources in the investigation of well-being in developing countries: illustrative evidence from Bangladesh and Peru
by J. Allister McGregor & Andrew McKay & Jackeline Velazco
2006, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 401-423 Tractability assumptions and the Musgrave-Maki typology
by Frank Hindriks - 425-446 Contrastive explanation and unrealistic models: The case of the new economic geography
by Caterina Marchionni - 447-467 Economic history and economic theory
by Filippo Cesarano - 469-483 Coleman's Hypothesis on trusting behaviour and a remark on meta-studies
by Friedel Bolle & Jessica Kaehler - 485-506 Evidence of a Harvard and Chicago Matthew Effect
by Marshall Medoff
2006, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 293-298 Introduction: Capabilities and identity
by Flavio Comim & Miriam Teschl - 299-325 Searching for identity in the capability space
by Alan Kirman & Miriam Teschl - 327-348 Identities, capabilities and revisions
by Pierre Livet - 349-369 Identity, commitment and morality
by Herlinde Pauer-Studer - 371-390 Social identity strategies in recent economics
by John Davis
2006, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 159-160 Fragility and robustness in econometrics: Introduction to the symposium
by Kevin Hoover - 161-177 When are inferences too fragile to be believed?
by John Aldrich - 179-218 Revisiting the omitted variables argument: Substantive vs. statistical adequacy
by Aris Spanos - 219-240 Some varieties of robustness
by Jim Woodward - 241-256 Clap happy: Applause and the voting paradox
by Steven Pressman - 257-282 Comparing responses to critical realism
by Siobhan Austen & Therese Jefferson
2006, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-24 Economists as experts: Overconfidence in theory and practice
by Erik Angner - 25-47 A positivist tradition in early demand theory
by David Teira Serrano - 49-75 Evaluating growth theories and their empirical support: An assessment of the convergence hypothesis
by Nevin Cavusoglu & Edinaldo Tebaldi - 77-96 Model selection and multiple research goals: The case of rational addiction
by Andrew Yuengert - 97-111 De gustibus est disputandum: Frank H. Knight's reply to George Stigler and Gary Becker's 'De gustibus non est disputandum' with an introductory essay
by Ross Emmett - 113-119 Reflexivity in perspective: A note on Davis and Klaes' reading of Las Meninas
by Thomas Basbøll - 121-123 Imprecise precision: Rejoinder to Basbøll
by John Davis & Matthias Klaes
2005, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 495-515 Experiments in economics: External validity and the robustness of phenomena
by Francesco Guala & Luigi Mittone - 517-542 Methodological issues in forecasting: Insights from the egregious business forecast errors of late 1930
by Robert Goldfarb & H. O. Stekler & Joel David - 543-562 A defence of absurd theories in economics
by Ole Røgeberg & Morten Nordberg - 563-579 Methods of evolutionism and rivalry with neoclassical analysis. The example of the National System of Innovation concept
by Patrick Eparvier - 581-597 The Duhem-Quine thesis and experimental economics: A reinterpretation
by Morten Søberg
2005, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 361-361 Introduction
by John Davis - 363-381 The meaning of open systems
by Victoria Chick & Sheila Dow - 383-406 Unobservability, tractability and the battle of assumptions
by Frank Hindriks - 407-431 Models as measuring instruments: measurement of duration dependence of unemployment
by Peter Rodenburg - 433-453 Causality in macroeconometrics: some considerations about reductionism and realism
by Alessio Moneta - 455-469 Anthropology as the basic science of economic theory: towards a cultural theory of economics
by Nils Goldschmidt & Bernd Remmele
2005, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 177-184 Experiment, theory, world: A symposium on the role of experiments in economics
by Robert Sugden - 185-196 Economics in the lab: Completeness vs. testability
by Francesco Guala - 197-210 Experiments and the domain of economic theory
by Robin Cubitt - 211-223 'Testing' game theory
by Daniel Hausman - 225-237 Artificiality: The tension between internal and external validity in economic experiments
by Arthur Schram - 239-251 Experimental economics and the artificiality of alteration
by Nicholas Bardsley - 253-263 The challenge of representative design in psychology and economics
by Robin Hogarth - 265-276 Monetary incentives, what are they good for?
by Daniel Read