2000, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 403-407 Among the Vultures
by John Grahl
2000, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 149-171 A Tale of Two Models: Comparing structuralist and neoclassical computable general equilibrium models for South Africa
by Bill Gibson & Dirk Ernst Van Seventer - 173-192 Outside the Club: New Zealand's economic growth, 1870-1993
by David Greasley & Les Oxley - 193-211 Financial Liberalization, Multinational Banks and Credit Supply: The case of Poland
by Christian Weller - 213-234 Network Analysis of Eight Technological Systems
by Riccardo Leoncini & Sandro Montresor - 235-251 The Foreign Exchange Constraints to Economic Adjustment: The case of Iran
by A. Sepehri & S. Moshiri & M. Doudongee - 253-269 Intra-Industry Gaps in Technology and Investments in Technological Capabilities: Firm-level evidence from Chile
by Giuliana Battisti & Carlo Pietrobelli - 271-276 Power in the Information Age
by Frederick Guy
2000, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 5-23 Financial Openness in Turkey
by Oguz Esen - 25-43 The ERM Effect, Conflict and Inflation in the European Union
by Nicholas Sarantis & Chris Stewart - 45-54 Declining Concentration in UK Manufacturing? A problem of measurement
by Keith Cowling & Fahmi Mohd Yusof & Guy Vernon - 55-69 Economic Growth and Verdoorn's Law in the Spanish Regions, 1962-91
by Miguel Leon-Ledesma - 71-98 Ethnic Penalties in Unemployment and Occupational Attainment: Evidence for Britain
by F. Carmichael & R. Woods - 99-112 The Franchising of Passenger Rail Services in Britain
by John Preston & Gerard Whelan & Chris Nash & Mark Wardman - 113-121 Durability and Asymmetry in UK Consumers' Expenditure
by Steven Cook - 123-126 Regulating Global Capital Flows
by John Grieve Smith - 127-133 Canada's Two Economies
by Malcolm Sawyer - 135-143 Large, International Business and Economic Development
by Simon Roberts
1999, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 269-279 Labour Markets and Flexibility in the 1990s: The Europe-USA opposition revisited
by Francesca Bettio & Samuel Rosenberg - 281-311 Flexibility and Growth
by Annamaria Simonazzi & Paola Villa - 313-332 Employment and Productivity Growth in Europe and North America: The Impact of Labor Market Institutions
by Robert Buchele & Jens Christiansen - 333-351 Sectoral Patterns of Distribution in Slowly Growing Economies: The case of nine OECD countries in the 1980s and 1990s
by Pascal Petit - 353-394 Labour Market Deregulation in Australia: The slow combustion approach to workplace change
by Iain Campbell & Peter Brosnan - 395-415 'Young In, Old Out' Revisited: New Patterns of Employment Replacement in the Italian Economy
by Bruno Contini & Fabio Rapiti - 417-436 Is Mobility in the United States Still Alive? Tracking career opportunities and income growth
by Stephen Rose - 437-458 The Unequal Distribution of Job Insecurity, 1966-86
by Brendan Burchell
1999, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 149-159 Mexico's Economic Growth and the Balance of Payments Constraint: A cointegration analysis
by Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid - 161-191 Industrial Interdependence Change in Chile: 1960-90 a comparison with Taiwan and South Korea
by J. M. Albala-Bertrand - 193-206 Biased Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function
by Thomas Michl - 207-217 Maximising, Satisficing, Weights and the Evaluation of Macroeconomic Comparisons
by Kurt Rothschild - 219-240 Explaining Economic Restructuring: An input-output analysis of organisational change in the European Union
by Michael Dietrich - 241-251 Does Government Expenditure Crowd Out Private Consumption in Italy? Evidence from a Microeconomic Model
by Rosella Levaggi - 253-260 Immigration and Unemployment: New evidence from Australia and New Zealand
by Jordan Shan
1999, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 5-21 Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment: An analysis of the aggregate demand-side effects for postwar Canada
by Hassan Bougrine & Mario Seccareccia - 23-39 Wage Determination Regimes and Pay Inequality: A comparative study of Latin American countries
by Adriana Marshall - 41-53 The Balance of Payments Constraint and the Post 1973 Slowdown of Economic Growth in the G7 Economies
by Paul Turner - 55-69 Disinflation and the December 1994 Devaluation in Mexico
by Carlos Ibarra - 71-85 The Stabilisation of LDCs' Export Earnings. The impact of the EU STABEX programme
by Francesco Aiello - 87-109 A Model of Structural Change and Openness: Applications to the Argentine economy
by Jorge Buzaglo - 111-123 On the Limits of the Post-Industrial Society Structural Change and Service Sector Employment in Spain
by Daniel Diaz Fuentes - 125-141 What Do Progressives Need to Know About Trade? Some observations on the competitiveness debate
by Donald Richards
1998, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 333-359 Increased Earnings Inequality and Macroeconomic Performance: the case of Canada in the 1980s
by Fiona Macphail - 361-380 The Distribution of Economic Well-being in Urban Russia at the End of the Soviet Era
by Bjorn Gustafsson & Ludmila Nivorozhkina - 381-396 Convergence and the Caribbean
by Fiona Atkins & Derick Boyd - 397-414 On Structural Sources of the 1994 Turkish Crisis: a CGE modelling analysis
by A. Erinc Yeldan - 415-422 Is Delegating Half of Demand Management Sensible?
by Neil Rankin - 423-443 Structural Change in OECD Export Specialisation Patterns: de-specialisation and 'stickiness'
by Bent Dalum & Keld Laursen & Gert Villumsen - 445-457 Monetary Cooperation in Europe and the Problem of Differential Productivity Growth: an argument for a 'two-speed' Europe
by Bob Beachill & Geoff Pugh - 459-464 Selective Globalisation
by Roland Muri - 465-469 Towards a New Bretton Woods
by John Grieve Smith
1998, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 165-185 The NAIRU and Classical Unemployment in the OECD Countries
by Jakob Madsen - 187-204 Alternative Theories of Competition: evidence from Greek manufacturing
by Persefoni Tsaliki & Lefteris Tsoulfidis - 205-219 Discrimination and Job Quality: the youth labour market in the 1980s
by Stanley Sedo & Bruce Elmslie - 221-240 Bank Influence and the Failure of US Monetary Policy during the 1953-54 Recession
by Edwin Dickens - 241-255 The Economic Analysis of Industrial Accidents: a re-assessment
by Nick Adnett & Alistair Dawson - 257-270 External Financial Fragility and Capital Flight in Mexico
by Julio Lopez - 271-281 Trends in Industrial Concentration in Japan, 1983-92
by Bienvenido Cortes - 283-300 Regional Integration and Intra-industry Trade in Latin America, 1980-90
by Robert Guell & Donald Richards - 301-310 Uncertainty in Orthodox Economic Theory
by Evan Gilbert - 311-315 Economic Globalization: a break from the past?
by Simon Roberts - 317-324 Economic Policy and Industrial Restructuring in South Africa—political economy approaches
by Simon Roberts
1998, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 5-7 Empirical Studies of the Chinese Economy in Transition
by Haiyan Song & Juzhong Zhuang - 9-24 Evaluating Partial Reforms in the Chinese State Industrial Sector: a stochastic frontier cost function approach
by Zinan Liu & Juzhong Zhuang - 25-37 Cost Behaviour of Chinese State-owned Manufacturing Enterprises in the 1980s
by Donald Hay & Guy Liu - 39-51 Barriers to Entry and Industrial Performance in China
by Guo Biao Yang - 53-67 Can China Feed its People into the Next Millennium? Projections for China's grain supply and demand to 2010
by Liming Wang & John Davis - 69-88 Reforming the Collective Farm: a model
by Minquan Liu - 89-106 The Impact of the China Factor on the pre-1997 Hong Kong Economy: a macroeconometric analysis
by Shu-Ki Tsang & Shu-Hung Tang - 107-127 Trade with China: do the figures add up?
by Chao-Dong Huang & Simon Broadbent - 129-139 Stock Returns and Volatility: an empirical study of Chinese stock markets
by Haiyan Song & Xiaming Liu & Peter Romilly - 141-155 An Empirical Study of Urban Credit Cooperatives in China
by Eric Girardin & Stephen Bazen
1997, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 333-368 Is There Long Run Industrial Convergence in Europe?
by Rossana Galli - 369-385 Skilled Labour and International Specialisation in OECD Countries
by Lars Lundberg & Par Wiker - 387-398 Does Inflation Grease the Wheels of Adjustment? New evidence from the US economy
by Thomas Palley - 399-419 Labour Rents, Adjustment Costs and the Cost of US Steel Trade Restraints in the 1980s
by Robert Scott & Robert Blecker - 421-438 The Quality of Manufactured Products in Britain and Germany
by Valerie Jarvis & S. J. Prais - 439-449 Cointegration Tests of the Profit-maximising Equilibrium in Greek Manufacturing: 1958-91
by Theodore Lianos & Stilianos Fountas - 451-468 A Cross-country Test of the Permanent Income Hypothesis
by Joseph De Juan & John Seater - 469-473 Employment Law and Equality
by Duncan Campbell - 475-477 Europe, Forthcoming …
by Jeremy Howells - 479-484 The State and Economic Transformation
by Vishnu Padayachee - 485-490 Making Markets Work
by Christos Pitelis - 491-495 What Lies beyond Capitalism?
by Geoff Hodgson
1997, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 181-194 Trade and Technology from a Schumpeterian Perspective
by Bart Verspagen & Katharine Wakelin - 195-211 The Theory of Transnational Firms: an empirical reassessment
by Janis Kapler - 213-228 Inevitable Disappointment? The ERM as the framework for UK monetary policy 1990-92
by David Cobham - 229-247 An Index of Segmentation in Local Labour Markets
by Douglas Orr - 249-262 Public Investment and Growth: testing the non-linearity hypothesis
by Trish Kelly - 263-285 Towards Fair Employment in Northern Ireland?
by Norma Heaton & Paul Teague - 287-302 Does Liberalization Reduce Foreign Trade Data Discrepancies? Counterevidence from Turkey, 1970-91
by ErtuGrul Tokdemir & Gulay Gunluk-Senesen - 303-309 The Economics of Innovation and Technological Change: two handbooks and two masters
by Daniele Archibugi - 311-314 Seeking the Causes of Slow Productivity Growth and Rising Inequality in the US
by Steven Pressman - 315-319 Global Free Trade: is there an alternative?
by John Grieve Smith - 321-325 The Other Side of New Zealand's Economic Reforms
by Paul Dalziel
1997, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 5-26 The Dynamic Harrod Foreign Trade Multiplier and the Demand-orientated Approach to Economic Growth: an Evaluation
by J. S. L. McCombie & A. P. Thirlwall - 27-48 Financial Structure and Corporate Behavior in Japan and the US: insulation versus integration with speculative pressures
by Don Goldstein - 49-64 Industrialization and Developing Countries' Indebtedness: A Theoretical and Empirical analysis
by Behzad Yaghmaian - 65-89 Trade Effects of European Union Enlargement: an ex post model of trade between Spain and Latin America
by Pilar Fajarnes & M. Thea Sinclair - 91-104 Linkages and Industrial Policy for Eastern Europe
by Subrata Ghatak & Barbara Roberts - 105-118 Employment Protection and Labour Mobility in Europe: an empirical analysis using the EU's labour force survey
by Ronald Schettkat - 119-134 Productivity, Efficiency and Strike Activity
by A. P. Dickerson & P. A. Geroski & K. G. Knight - 135-153 The English Football Industry: profit, performance and industrial structure
by Stefan Szymanski & Ron Smith - 155-158 Costly Inequalities
by Maura Sheehan - 159-163 Uncertainty and Economics
by Evan Gilbert - 165-168 Full Employment Abandoned
by John Grieve Smith