2007, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 43-54 On the Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Constraints to the Real Side of the Economy
by Alex Luiz Ferreira - 55-73 Convergence in Productivity Across Industries: Some Results for New Zealand and Australia
by Troy Matheson & Les Oxley - 75-98 Technical Diffusion, Productivity Convergence and Specialisation in OECD Manufacturing
by Dirk Frantzen - 99-117 Does Multinationality Affect the Propensity to Innovate? An Analysis of the Third UK Community Innovation Survey
by Marion Frenz & Grazia Ietto-Gillies - 119-133 The Relationship Between Growth, Total Investment and Inward FDI: Evidence from Time Series Data
by Liangshu Qi - 135-156 USA, Japan and the Euro Area: Comparing Business-Cycle Features
by Peter McAdam - 157-174 Second-Generation Immigrants in the Swedish Labour Market
by Lars Behrenz & Mats Hammarstedt & Jonas Månsson - 175-188 Evaluating the Relative Innovative Position of European Union Member Countries: An Empirical Analysis
by A. Altuzarra & C. Puerta & F. Serrano
2006, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 535-535 SPECIAL ISSUE: Industrial Development Policy
by Keith Cowling - 537-553 Industrial Policy and Vulnerable Capitalism
by David Bailey & Keith Cowling - 555-572 Public Policy for Economic Competitiveness: An Analytical Framework and a Research Agenda
by David Bailey & Lisa De Propris & Roger Sugden & James Wilson - 573-601 The Matrix Approach to Industrial Policy
by Karl Aiginger & Susanne Sieber - 603-621 Empirical Evidence on Industrial Policy using State Aid Data
by Patrizio Bianchi & Sandrine Labory - 623-643 Corporate Governance and Economic Performance
by Dennis Mueller
2006, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 411-423 Linking Public Investment to Private Investment. The Case of Spanish Regions
by Diego Martinez-Lopez - 425-448 Who Gains from Restructuring the Post-Soviet Transition Economies, and Why?
by T. Huw Edwards - 449-467 Post-Fordism and Population Ageing
by William Jackson - 469-490 Impact of the Minimum Wage on Expected Profits
by Gail Pacheco & Vic Naiker - 491-514 Parental Income and Continuing Education of Second Generation Immigrants in Sweden
by Ali Tasiran & Kerem Tezic - 515-526 Pooled Mean Group Estimation of the Bilateral Trade Balance Equation: USA vis-a-vis her Trading Partners
by Gour Gobinda Goswami & Sadaquat Junayed - 527-530 Capitalism Unleashed
by John Grieve Smith - 531-534 Globalization of Employment and Inequality
by Tommaso Rondinella
2006, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 281-282 Preface
by Philip Arestis - 283-299 The Tyranny of the Identity: Growth Accounting Revisited
by Jesus Felipe & John McCombie - 301-317 Aggregate Production Functions and Growth Economics
by Jonathan Temple - 319-336 Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply and Economic Growth
by Amitava Krishna Dutt - 337-352 Interest, Debt and Capital Accumulation—A Kaleckian Approach
by Eckhard Hein - 353-373 Technical Efficiency and Financial Deepening in the non-OECD Economies
by Philip Arestis & Georgios Chortareas & Evangelia Desli - 375-389 Flexible Exchange Rates, Fed Behavior, and Demand Constrained Growth in the USA
by L. Randall Wray - 391-410 Convergence or Divergence? The Impacts of Globalisation on Growth and Inequality in Less Developed Countries
by Michelle Baddeley
2006, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 151-170 Public Investment and Economic Performance in Highly Indebted Poor Countries: An Empirical Assessment
by Marianna Belloc & Pietro Vertova - 171-187 Flexible Labour, Firm Performance and the Dutch Job Creation Miracle
by Alfred Kleinknecht & Remco Oostendorp & Menno Pradhan & C. W. M. Naastepad - 189-212 Corporate Governance and the Public Interest
by J. Robert Branston & Keith Cowling & Roger Sugden - 213-221 The Revealed Preference of Regulatory Menus: Evidence from the Pre-Nationalisation British Gas Industry
by Terry Robinson - 223-241 Innovation, Diffusion and Cumulative Causation: Changes in the Spanish Growth Regime, 1960-2001
by Fulvio Castellacci & Isabel Alvarez - 243-253 Unemployment and Welfare Participation in a Structural VAR: Rethinking the 1990s in the United States
by Corrado Andini - 255-272 Stability and Turbulence in the Size Distribution of Firms: Evidence from Dutch Manufacturing
by Orietta Marsili
2006, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-20 The Impact of Power Equality, Income, and the Environment on Human Health: Some Inter-Country Comparisons
by Mariano Torras - 21-45 The Effects of Devaluation on Aggregate Output: Empirical Evidence from Africa
by Zelealem Yiheyis - 47-68 Generating Participation and Democracy: An Illustration from Electricity Reform in Mexico
by J. Robert Branston & Roger Sugden & Pedro Valdez & James Wilson - 69-83 Wages, Profits, and Rent-Sharing in an Open Economy
by L. Josh Bivens - 85-101 Structural Problems in Financing Development: Issues Relating to India
by Santonu Basu - 103-123 Production Efficiency in the South African Banking Sector: A Stochastic Analysis
by C. Charles Okeahalam - 125-149 The Effect of Specialisation on Banks' Efficiency: An International Comparison
by Jose Pastor & Lorenzo Serrano
2005, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 379-379 Preface
by Philip Arestis - 381-398 An Institutional Perspective to Finance and Development as an Alternative to Financial Liberalisation
by Philip Arestis & Howard Stein - 399-417 Economic Volatility and Capital Account Liberalization in Emerging Countries
by Korkut Erturk - 419-437 Shareholder Value Maximisation, Stock Market and New Technology: Should the US Corporate Model be the Universal Standard?
by Ajit Singh & Jack Glen & Ann Zammit & Rafael De-Hoyos & Alaka Singh & Bruce Weisse - 439-457 Financial Globalization, Social Exclusion and Financial Crisis
by Gary Dymski - 459-476 Risk Appetite, Home Bias and the Unstable Demand for Emerging Market Assets
by Sofia Babilis & Valpy Fitzgerald - 477-497 Taxation of International Private Capital Flows and Securities Transactions in Developing Countries: Do Public Finance Considerations Augment the Macroeconomic Dividends?
by Ilene Grabel
2005, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 271-287 The business cycle in a financially deregulated context: Theory and evidence
by Moritz Cruz - 289-300 Foreign direct investment, growth and income inequality in less developed countries
by Kevin Sylwester - 301-319 Population growth and savings rates: Some new cross-country estimates
by Christopher Cook - 321-342 Gender differences in self-employment
by Yannis Georgellis & Howard Wall - 343-358 Wage expectations in northern and southern Italian regions: An interpretation based on psychological and social factors
by Maria De Paola & Claudio Lupi & Patrizia Ordine - 359-368 Time variation in the cointegrating relationship between stock prices and economic activity
by David McMillan - 369-377 The effects of differences in year-round, full-time labor market experience on gender wage levels in the United States
by Paul Gabriel
2005, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 137-162 The high road and the low road to international competitiveness: Extending the neo-Schumpeterian trade model beyond technology
by William Milberg & Ellen Houston - 163-178 Employment dynamics in foreign and domestic plants: Evidence from Irish manufacturing
by Holger Gorg & Eric Strobl - 179-197 Anthropometric failure and persistence of poverty in rural India
by Raghav Gaiha & Veena Kulkarni - 199-218 Testing separability of public consumption in household decisions
by Luca Pieroni & David Aristei - 219-242 Income and substitution effects of fiscal policy on work effort
by Basil Dalamagas - 245-261 Temporal causality and the dynamics of democracy, emigration and real income in Fiji
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Russell Smyth - 265-266 Inequality and the state
by John Grieve Smith
2005, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-28 What ever happened to Germany? Is the decline of the former european key currency country caused by structural sclerosis or by macroeconomic mismanagement?
by Eckhard Hein & Achim Truger - 29-50 Germany in crisis: the unification challenge, macroeconomic policy shocks and traditions, and EMU
by Jorg Bibow - 67-85 How best to link poverty reduction and debt sustainability in IMF-World Bank models?
by Sushanta Mallick & Brigitte Granville - 87-106 Cross-country asymmetries in monetary policy transmission: evidence from EMU members
by Carlo Altavilla & Luigi Landolfo - 107-118 Detecting long-run relationships in regional house prices in the UK
by Steven Cook - 119-135 Why does the velocity of money move pro-cyclically?
by Pedro Leao
2004, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 51-65 Earnings distribution, corporate governance and CEO pay
by Frederick Guy
2004, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 399-422 The three tier strategy followed by successful European countries in the 1990s
by Karl Aiginger - 423-441 Recurrent unemployment, welfare benefits and heterogeneity
by JOSE Ma ARRANZ & Juan Muro - 443-469 Monetary integration strategies and perspectives of new EU countries
by Sergio Rossi - 471-482 An efficiency analysis of Swedish employment offices
by Rikard Althin & Lars Behrenz - 483-496 Consumption and stock markets in Asian economies
by Xiaohui Liu & Chang Shu - 497-509 The 'Market' for contingent protection
by Donald Feaver & Kenneth Wilson
2004, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 271-287 Output, Inflation and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve
by Jagjit Chadha & Charles Nolan - 289-299 Saving, Lending and Interest Rates: A Critique (of the Model) of Financial Liberalisation in India
by Romar Correa & Tripati Rao - 301-322 Exchange Rate Pass-through: The Role of Regime Changes
by Douglas Steel & Alan King - 323-348 Linder Revisited: Trade and Development in the Spanish Economy
by Carmen Fillat-Castejon & Jose Ma Serrano-sanz - 349-368 Optimising and Non-optimising Balance of Trade Models: A Comparative Evidence from India
by Tarlok Singh - 369-380 The J-Curve: Evidence from Fiji
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Seema Narayan - 381-395 Dynamic Efficiency with Learning by Doing
by Jati Sengupta
2004, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 127-149 Similitudes and Discrepancies in Post-Keynesian and Marxist Theories of Investment: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation
by Marc Lavoie & Gabriel Rodriguez & Mario Seccareccia - 151-165 Political-Economic Regime and the Wage Curve: Evidence from Chile, 1957-96
by Janine Berg & Dante Contreras - 167-189 Exports, Supply Constraints and Growth: An Investigation using Regional Data
by Salvatore D'Acunto & Sergio Destefanis & Marco Musella - 191-207 Inflation-Growth Profiles Across Countries: Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries
by Ardeshir Sepehri & Saeed Moshiri - 209-224 A New Look at Old Issues: Keynesian Unemployment Revisited
by Martin Zagler - 225-246 Are Firm Growth Rates Random? Analysing Patterns and Dependencies
by Toke Reichstein & Michael Dahl - 247-262 Size and Determinants of Capital Structure in the Greek Manufacturing Sector
by F. Voulgaris & D. Asteriou & G. Agiomirgianakis
2004, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-4 Review Article
by John Grieve Smith - 1-8 Stock Market Liquidity and Economic Growth: a Critical Appraisal of the Levine/Zervos Model
by Andong Zhu & Michael Ash & Robert Pollin - 1-14 An Econometric Investigation into the Macroeconomic Relationship between Investment and Saving: Evidence from the EU Region
by Constantinos Alexiou - 1-19 Monetary Policy Uncovered: Theory and Practice
by Giuseppe Fontana & Alfonso Palacio-Vera - 1-22 Political Freedom, External Liberalization and Financial Stability
by Christian Weller & Laura Singleton - 1-23 How Robust is the Empirical Link between Business-Cycle Volatility and Long-Run Growth in OECD Countries?
by Jorg Dopke - 1-26 Explaining European Unemployment: Testing the NAIRU Hypothesis and a Keynesian Approach
by Engelbert Stockhammer
2003, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 339-359 Small manufacturing establishments in developing countries: An empirical analysis
by John Weeks - 361-376 The phillips curve and US macroeconomic performance during the 1990s
by Mark Setterfield & Kristen Leblond - 377-398 The net social wage in greece 1958-95
by Thanasis Maniatis - 399-417 Assessing the contribution of public capital to private production: Evidence from the German manufacturing sector
by Andreas Stephan - 419-435 Human capital in OECD countries: Technical change, efficiency and productivity
by Joaquin Maudos & Jose Manuel Pastor & Lorenzo Serrano - 437-448 Where do the highly educated migrate? Micro-level evidence from finland
by Jari RitsilAa & Mika Haapanen - 449-450 In search of a third way: Between liberalization and intervention
by Sushanta Mallick
2003, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 231-248 Why do Banks Fail?
by Santonu Basu - 249-267 A 'Generalised' Version of the Balance-of-Payments Growth Model: An application to neighbouring regions
by Kevin Nell - 269-292 Slow Growth, Trade Liberalisation and the Mexican Disease: A medium-term macroeconomic model with an application to Mexico
by Carlos Ibarra - 293-308 Relative Responsiveness of Trade Flows to a Change in Prices and Exchange Rate
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Orhan Kara - 309-326 Does the Dollar Index Really Measure Outward Orientation?
by Turan Subasat - 327-337 Sacrifice Ratios: Some lessons from EMU countries, 1960-2001
by Juncal Cunnado & Fernando PErez De Gracia
2003, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 125-146 The Causality between R&D and Productivity in Manufacturing: An international disaggregate panel data study
by D. Frantzen - 147-166 Does Gender have any Effect on Aggregate Saving? An empirical analysis
by Stephanie Seguino & Maria Sagrario Floro - 167-180 Private Pension Funds in Oligopolistic Financial Markets: Some qualifications to conventional theory of financial development
by NoemI Levy & Guadalupe MANTEY - 181-192 Oil Price Shocks and the Asymmetric Adjustment of UK Output: A Markov-switching approach
by Mark Holmes & Ping Wang - 193-208 An Empirical Analysis of Short-run and Long-run Irish Export Functions: Does exchange rate volatility matter?
by Don Bredin & Stilianos Fountas & Eithne Murphy - 209-221 Does the Ricardian Equivalence Proposition Hold in Less Developed Countries?
by Gianluigi Giorgioni & Ken Holden - 223-229 Review Article
by Egon Matzner
2003, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-22 Balance of Payments Constrained Growth and Developing Countries: An examination of Thirlwall's hypothesis
by Jonathan Perraton - 23-48 The Demand for Military Spending in Developing Countries
by Paul Dunne & Sam Perlo-Freeman - 49-68 Triangular Relations in Public Service Economics
by Daniele Archibugi & Giuseppe Ciccarone & Mauro Mare & Bernardo Pizzetti & Flaminia Violatiabstract - 69-83 Regional Economic Integration, the Environment and Community: East Asia and APEC
by John Davis - 85-103 Determinants of Capital Flight: An econometric case study of Bangladesh
by Imam Alam & Rahim Quazi - 105-114 VAT Evasion and VAT Avoidance: Is there a European Laffer curve for VAT?
by Kent Matthews - 115-119 Review Article
by John Grieve Smith - 121-124 Review Article
by John Grahl
2002, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 373-390 Revisiting the Roots of Japan's Economic Stagnation: The role of the Japanese corporation
by Keith Cowling & Philip Tomlinson - 391-405 Market Power and Interest Rate Spreads in the Caribbean
by Winston Moore & Roland Craigwell - 407-416 Family Income and Wealth, Youth Unemployment and Active Labour Market Policies
by Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa & Claudio Lupi - 417-433 Expected Life-earnings Paths with and without Higher Education: The case of India
by Autar Dhesi - 435-449 Public Versus Private Savings Rates in LDCs: Please Effects in recent development
by Christopher Cook - 451-463 The Hysteretic Effects on the Real Exchange Rates
by Dionysios Chionis - 465-477 Modelling the Persistence of Unemployment in Canada
by Luis Gil-Alana - 479-482 Contesting Neoliberal Globalisation: An egalitarian perspective
by Esra Erden & Philip Kozel - 483-492 Arguments for a Re-regulation of Global Finance
by Egon Matzner - 493-496 Addressing Lacunae of Neo-classical Economics: Firms, production and technology
by Simon Roberts
2002, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 253-264 Innovation and the Economy
by Jonathan Michie & Christine Oughton & Mario Pianta - 265-276 Technology, Growth and Employment
by Marva Corley & Jonathan Michie & Christine Oughton - 277-293 Diversity of Innovation in Europe
by L. Nascia & G. Perani - 295-307 Employment Effects of Product and Process Innovation in Europe
by Tommaso Antonucci & Mario Pianta - 309-318 The Impact of Innovation on Employment in Services: Evidence from Italy
by Rinaldo Evangelista & Maria Savona - 319-331 How innovative is Swedish industry? A factor and cluster analysis of CIS II
by Mark Sellenthin & Leif Hommen - 333-346 Technology Gap and Cumulative Growth: Models and outcomes
by Fulvio Castellacci - 347-357 The Skill Bias: Comparative evidence and an econometric test
by Mariacristina Piva & Marco Vivarelli - 359-371 Firms' Technological Trajectories and the Creation of Foreign Subsidiaries
by Davide Castellani
2002, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 107-129 The Real Effects of Transnational Activity upon Investment and Labour Demand within Japan's Machinery Industries
by Philip Tomlinson - 131-151 Rural Public Works and Poverty Alleviation--the case of the employment guarantee scheme in Maharashtra
by Raghav Gaiha & Katsushi Imai - 153-168 Does Financial Development 'Lead' Economic Growth?
by Jordan Shan & Alan Morris - 169-186 Using Micro Data to Test the Divergence between Prices and Labour Values
by Andrew Trigg - 187-215 A Problem with Some Estimations and Interpretations of the Mark-up in Manufacturing Industry
by Jesus Felipe & J. S. L. McCombie - 217-226 Basic Research and International Spillovers
by Mark Funk - 227-242 Modernization, Heterogeneity and Employment in Mexico
by Lopez Julio - 243-251 The Poverty of Flexibility
by Gary Slater
2002, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Euro: Reflections on the first three years
by Philip Arestis & Andrew Brown & Kostas Mouratidis & Malcolm Sawyer - 19-29 The Performance of the European Central Bank
by Mike Artis - 31-50 The Monetary Policies of the European Central Bank and the Euro's (Mal-)Performance: A stability-oriented assessment
by Jorg Bibow - 51-69 Interests and 'Independence': The European Central Bank and the theory of bureaucracy
by James Forder - 71-96 Does One Size Fit All? A currency union with asymmetric transmissions and a stability pact
by Andrew Hughes Hallett & Laura Piscitelli - 97-105 The Euro: An Italian perspective
by Augusto Graziani
2001, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 359-374 Do Low Wages Stimulate Investment? An analysis of the relationship between distribution and investment in Turkish private manufacturing industry
by Ozlem Onaran & Nurhan Yenturk - 375-396 Patterns of Productivity Growth and the Wage Cycle in Turkish Manufacturing
by Ebru Voyvoda & A. Erinc Yeldan - 397-410 A Quantitative Exploration on the Determinants of (De-)Industrialisation: The case of Greece
by Helen Louri & Ioanna Pepelasis Minoglou - 411-428 An Interactive Economic Policy Approach to Manage Structural Change: The case of industry conversion in the German state of Bremen
by Wolfram Elsner - 429-446 External Scale Economies in Turkish Manufacturing Industries
by Ergun Dogan
2001, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 233-259 Making EMU Work: Some lessons from the 1990s
by Jorg Bibow - 261-285 Why do Aggregate Production Functions Work? Fisher's simulations, Shaikh's identity and some new results
by Jesus Felipe & Carsten Holz - 287-303 Thirlwall's Law and the Stability of Export and Import Income Elasticities
by Erkin Bairam & Lawrence Ng - 305-321 The Fiscal Consequences of Privatisation: Australian evidence on privatisation by public share float
by M. Harris & J. N. Lye - 323-334 Labour Demand and Wage-induced Innovations: Evidence from the OECD countries
by Jakob Madsen & Richard Damania - 335-351 League Structure and Match Attendances in English Rugby League
by Stephen Dobson & John Goddard & John Wilson - 353-355 Does New Technology Cost Jobs?
by Maria Savona
2001, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 129-149 Foreign Trade of Manufactures and Men and Women's Employment and Earnings in Germany and Japan
by David Kucera - 151-161 Macroeconomic Volatility during Argentina's Import Substitution Stage
by P. Ruben Mercado - 163-180 Liberalisation, Exports and Growth in Mexico 1978-94: A structural analysis
by Pablo Ruiz-Napoles - 181-198 On Cross-country Comparability of Government Statistics: Public expenditure trends in OECD National Accounts
by Massimo Florio - 199-211 Technical Efficiency in China's Iron and Steel Industry: Evidence from the new census data
by Xiao-Guang Zhang & Siqi Zhang - 213-227 An International Comparison and Analysis of Lotteries and the Distribution of Lottery Expenditures
by Thomas Garrett - 229-232 Is Manufacturing Industry Finished?
by John Grieve Smith
2001, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 5-29 Employment and Capital Accumulation in Unionised Labour Markets: Evidence from five south-European countries
by Natasha Miaouli - 31-53 The Spanish Labour Market: Reforms and consequences
by Jesus Ferreiro & Felipe Serrano - 55-64 Economic Fundamentals and Exchange Rate Movements
by Keith Pilbeam - 65-75 Minimum Wage Policy and Poverty in the United States
by Lonnie Stevans & David Sessions - 77-106 Intra-industry Trade and Innovation: An empirical study of the Colombian manufacturing industry
by Carlos Pombo - 107-128 The Impact of Income Taxation on the Labor Supply of Part-time and Full-time Workers
by John Baffoe-Bonnie
2000, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 413-426 What Role for Multinationals in the New Theories of International Trade and Location?
by Grazia Ietto-Gillies - 427-448 Public Sector Employment, Wage Inequality and the Gender Pay Ratio in the UK
by Damian Grimshaw - 449-459 The Velocity of Circulation: Some new evidence on international integration
by Mark Holmes - 461-473 Technical Efficiency Indicators in a Philippine Manufacturing Sector
by Federico Mini & Edgard Rodriguez - 475-483 Is Government Size Optimal in the Gulf Countries of the Middle East? An empirical investigation
by Hassan Aly & Mark Strazicich - 485-493 Up Around the Bend: Linear and nonlinear models of the UK economy compared
by Geraint Johnes
2000, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 285-305 Convergence: International comparisons based on a simultaneous equation model with regional effects
by Bernard Fingleton - 307-321 The Delta-Model Revisited: Recent trends in the structural performance of the Dutch economy
by Bart Van Ark & Jakob De Haan - 323-341 Spatial Variation in Labour Productivity in British Manufacturing
by Daniel Graham - 343-360 Migration and Labour Market Adjustment: Empirical evidence from Finland 1985-90
by Hannu Tervo - 361-370 Testing Growth Convergence with Time Series Data— a non-parametric approach
by Mikael Linden - 371-390 Posterior Analysis of Environmental Damage Evaluation in Europe
by Efthymios Tsionas & George Halkos - 391-401 The Conduct of Industrial Policy in an Integrated Europe
by Paz Estrella Tolentino