1999, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 102-116 The international policy coordination to reduce the financial volatility in north East Asia
by Young-Han Kim
1999, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 3-30 Towards the Asian information society through telecommunications trade and investment
by Youngse Kim - 31-48 Competition principles and policy in the APEC: How to proceed and link with WTO
by Byung-il Choi - 49-59 Foreign direct investment and country risk: Further empirical evidence
by Harri Ramcharran - 60-75 Politics of the development of small and medium-sized firms in Japan
by Sangjoon Kim - 76-89 Constructing a global architecture with an American blueprint: The ambivalent U.S. attitude toward Asian regional cooperation
by Scott Snyder - 90-103 China's multilateral approach to world order: Implications for regional cooperation
by Jaewoo Choo
1999, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 3-6 Introduction: Northeast Asian regionalism
by Tsuneo Akaha - 7-27 Asia pacific regionalism: Tentative thoughts on conceptual basis and empirical linkages
by Steve Chan - 28-49 Northeast Asian regionalism: Lessons from Europe, North America, Asia-pacific, and Southeast Asia
by Tsuneo Akaha - 50-67 China and Northeast Asian cooperation: The economic-security nexus
by Weixing Hu - 68-78 Japan's approach to economic cooperation in Northeast Asia: The role of subnational authorities
by David Arase - 79-95 Russian security concerns in Northeast Asia: Impact of economic and military decline
by Peggy Falkenheim Meyer - 96-113 Prospects for Russia's energy diplomacy in Northeast Asia
by Vladimir Ivanov - 114-132 Regional cooperation in Northeast Asia: Beyond the economic crisis
by Jaewoo Choo & Kap-Young Jeong & Ku-Hyun Jung
1999, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 3-27 Southeast Asian ethnic Chinese investing in China
by John Wong - 28-53 Comparison of FDI into China between Korean firms and ethnic Chinese firms
by Doowon Lee & Youngrok Cheong - 54-76 The ownership structures of ethnic Chinese business in the Southeast Asian region
by Kang Heum Yon - 77-90 Taiwanese investment in Southeast Asia
by Wenyi Chu & Kung-Don Ye & Mu-Lan Hsu - 91-104 Changing the Chinese competitive landscape: Reform of state-owned enterprises in China
by William Fischer - 105-116 The speed and order of economic liberalization in China and its comparison with Russia and Vietnam
by Gab-Je Jo - 117-129 The financial crisis in Southeast Asia and South Korea: Issues of political economy
by Douglas Sikorski
1998, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 3-19 Does Foreign direct investment mode choice affect the value of the investing firm?
by Myeong-Hyeon Cho - 20-44 Asia-pacific regionalism and northeast Asia Subregionalism
by Tsuneo Akaha - 45-63 Lessons of global neo-liberalism? The East Asian economic crisis reconsidered
by David Smith - 64-81 Asian financial crisis and East Asian economic cooperation: A Chinese view
by Zhu Feng & Jaewoo Choo - 82-94 The United Nations and ethnic conflicts
by John Bolton - 95-107 Zionism, Israel, and the Soviet Union: A study in the rise and fall of brief Soviet-Israeli friendship from 1945 to 1955
by Gyoo-hyoung Kahng
1998, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 3-13 An origin of the financial crisis: The Korean case
by Hakun Kim - 14-29 Crisis management in Asian countries
by Dianqing Xu & Ling Li - 30-44 The financial crisis in Southeast Asia: Its implications for Russia
by V. Yakubovsky - 45-64 The corruption structure and economic freedom in East Asia
by Gu-Ho Eom - 65-75 A non-linear time series model for the South Korean Won/British pound exchange rate : 1.1.97-9.30.98
by David Chappell & Lindsay Chant - 76-92 Corporate governance and stock market duration for South Korea and the USA
by Dan Hemmings & Jill Solomon
1998, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 3-36 The Korean financial crisis, reform and positive transformation: Is a second 'Han river miracle' possible?
by Joseph Norton - 37-58 The Korean financial crisis: Causes, impact on FDI, and implications for Central Asia
by Young Rok Cheong & Kap-Young Jeong & Young-ryeol Park - 59-76 South Korea's foreign economic policy: New parameters and pressures examined
by Christopher Dent - 77-94 A model of measuring partisan seat safety for the discussion of legislative dominance under divided government
by Youngjae Jin - 95-106 Technology transfer and HRD in East Asia: Historical review of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan
by Shuji Aoyama - 107-124 Organizational renewal in Hungarian industry and its effects since 1989: The case of Budapest
by Edit Eva Kiss
1998, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-26 International cooperation in establishing a regional order in Northeast Asia
by Tsuneo Akaha - 27-47 Strategic approach to the embodiment of regional cooperation in Northeast Asia
by Yong-Suk Oh - 48-62 Open regionalism: An alternative to the regional trading bloc in East Asia?
by Yongsun Paik - 63-87 The economic necessity of the Northeast Asian economic sphere
by Jung Mo Kang - 88-101 Environmental cooperation in Northeast Asia
by Miranda Schreurs - 102-118 Regional labor flow and economic integration: The case of South and North Korea
by Woo Jung & Kyttack Hong - 119-131 China's reunification and international security in Northeast Asia: After Hong Kong what?
by James Tang
1997, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 3-19 Interactions of science and technology policies in creating a competitive industry: Korea's electronics industry
by Roy Shin - 21-43 International technology licensing contracts, governance structure, and incentives: An empirical examination
by Taekwon Kim - 45-64 Political economy of transition of Brunei Darussalam: Towards retardation or development?
by Burra Srinivas - 65-88 Technology transfer in East Asia and its implications for regional cooperation
by Sim-Yee Lau - 89-107 Cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates: Theory and research findings on American and Japanese expatriates
by Young-Chul Chang - 109-135 Debates over labor reforms in Post-Mao China (1978-1995)
by Jung-Hee Lee
1997, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 3-36 Comparative perspective of corporate governance: Europe and East Asia
by Jean-Pierre Lehmann - 37-58 U.K. corporate governance in historical perspective
by Josephine Maltby & Roy Wilkinson - 59-75 The political economy of corporate governance reform in Korea
by Kap-Young Jeong & Jongryn Mo - 77-95 Benefits and costs of Japanese system of corporate governance
by Takeo Hoshi - 97-111 Strong insiders, weak outsiders: A critical look at the Korean system of corporate governance
by Jae Yeol Kwon - 113-130 Shareholders, stakeholders and the performance of large U.K. firms
by Michael Dietrich - 131-146 Institutional shareholders dissenting actions in the Korean stock market
by Ungki Lim
1997, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 3-16 Agricultural policies and markets in the new Germany
by David Keithly - 17-27 Can small nations survive in a Federalizing Europe?: The economic and political development of Slovenia
by Kurt Jefferson - 29-49 Market forces and security
by Chung-in Moon - 51-74 Rapid industrialization, the birth of religio-economic entrepreneurship and the expansion of christianity in Korea
by Gil Soo Han - 75-91 Political economy of telecommunications market opening in Korea: Interplay of domestic and foreign interests
by Byung-il Choi - 93-115 Korean NGOs: Global trend and prospect
by Hyuk-Rae Kim
1997, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editorial message
by Kap-Young Jeong - 7-18 The role of the government in the Korean economic development: Its implication for Central Asian countries
by Chang Young Jung - 19-27 Caucasus, Turkey and the oil problem
by Werner Gumpel - 29-49 Who has soft budget constraints?
by Thomas Rawski - 51-67 Consideration of three major policy errors committed in East Germany
by Bruno Schonfelder - 69-90 A spectral analysis of political business cycles in the US
by Eun Kook Lee - 91-101 East Asia after 1997: Two alternative scenarios
by Eric Heikkila & Koichi Mera - 103-121 Structural adjustment and its alternatives for African development
by Ho-Won Jeong