September 2015, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 269-285 Does Foreign Bank Entry Make Chinese Banks Stronger?
by Yingkai Yin & Yahua Zhang & Xiaotian Tina Zhang & Fang Hu - 286-307 Determinants of Technical Efficiency in Chinese Banking: A Double Bootstrap Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
by Kok Fong See & Yong He - 308-323 Offshore Banking and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Donghun Kim - 324-334 The Interactions of Stock Prices and Exchange Rates in the ASEAN-5 Countries: New Evidence Using a Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Approach
by Chin-Chia Liang & Ming-Yung Chen & Cheng-Hua Yang - 335-352 Efficiency and Risk in Commercial Banks - Hybrid DEA Estimation
by Mu-Jen Chen & Yung-ho Chiu & Chyanlong Jan & Yu-Chuan Chen & Hsiang-Hsi Liu - 353-368 The Effects of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Fixed-Capital Formation at Home: The Roles of Host Location and Industry Characteristics
by Wen Chung Hsu & Chengqi Wang & Jeremy Clegg
June 2015, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 151-166 Stability of Monetary Union with Outsiders
by Hiroya Akiba - 167-183 Sovereignty and Central Banking: Evidence from the East Asian Region in the Early 1900s
by Sung Jun Park & Howard Kahm - 184-201 General Equilibrium Perspective on Twin Deficits Hypothesis: An Empirical Study with US Results
by Tuck Cheong Tang - 202-218 The Size of the Affiliation Effect
by Hae Won Byun - 219-236 Real Exchange Rate Dynamics in the Asian Economies: Can Regime Shifts Explain Purchasing Power Parity Puzzles?
by Siew-Voon Soon & Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah & Sung K. Ahn - 237-268 The Effect of Business Risk on Capital Structure of Indian Corporate Firms: Business Groups vs. Stand-alone Firms
by Indrani Chakraborty
March 2015, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-30 How Private Property Protection Influences the Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Economic Growth?
by Jihong Zhang & Ding Du & Walter G. Park - 31-63 Globalization, Economic Growth and Institutional Development in China
by Chien-Chiang Lee & Chi-Chuan Lee & Chun-Ping Chang - 64-73 Population Ageing and Saving Rates in China, Japan and Korea: A Panel Granger Causality Analysis
by Yuwei Hu - 74-100 Dynamics of Idiosyncratic Volatility and Market Volatility: An Emerging Market Perspective
by Pei Pei Tan & Don U.A. Galagedera - 101-115 Financial Derivatives Usage and Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from Korean Firm-level Data
by Danbee Park & Joocheol Kim - 116-149 Purchasing Power Parity of ASEAN-5 Countries Revisited: Heterogeneity, Structural Breaks and Cross-sectional Dependence
by Qaiser Munir & Sook Ching Kok
December 2014, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 315-318 Financial Systems and Economic Outcomes: A Comparative Perspective
by Shang-Jin Wei - 319-337 Policy Choices and Resilience to International Monetary Shocks
by Xuehui Han & Shang-Jin Wei - 338-354 Independence and Architecture of Financial Supervision: With Focus on the Effects on Banking Stability
by Iljoong Kim & Inbae Kim - 355-380 Tsunami: Market Tightness and Asset Price Volatility
by Yong Kim - 381-407 Evaluating the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Four-trillion Yuan Stimulus Package: Evidence from Stock Market Returns of Chinese Listed A Shares
by Zhiguo Li & Xiaorong Zhang - 408-428 Sluggish Recovery from the Financial Crisis: Crowding-out Effect and Contagion
by Yeon Joon Kim & Joo Young Lee - 429-452 Why is the Inter-firm Credit Market in Korea Special? An Agency View of Trade Credit Use by Chaebols
by Daehwan Kim & Jeffrey Nilsen
September 2014, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 207-220 How Does Corruption Influence the Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth?
by Keisuke Okada & Sovannroeun Samreth - 221-243 Exchange Rate Pass-through, Unemployment and Optimal Implementable Monetary Policy Rule for Emerging Economies
by Chak Hung Jack Cheng - 244-268 The Determinants and Motivations of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment: A Spatial Gravity Model Approach
by Shun-Chiao Chang - 269-284 Option Implied Tail Index and Volatility Based on Heavy-tailed Distributions: Evidence from KOSPI 200 Index Options Market
by Joocheol Kim & Hyun-Oh Kim - 285-314 The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Production Networks between China and East Asia and the Role of the USA and the Rest of the World as Final Markets
by Jing Zhou & Mar&xed;a C. Latorre
June 2014, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 93-109 ICT, CO 2 Emissions and Economic Growth: Evidence from a Panel of ASEAN
by Jung Wan Lee & Tantatape Brahmasrene - 110-130 Widening Gap in College Admission and Improving Equal Opportunity in South Korea
by Young-Chul Kim & Young-Joon Kim & Glenn C. Loury - 131-152 Interindustry Knowledge Transfer and Absorption via Two Channels: The Case of Korea
by Won-Sik Hwang & Jeong-Dong Lee - 153-183 Does Globalization Matter on Fiscal Decentralization? New Evidence from the OECD
by Barbara Ermini & Raffaella Santolini - 184-206 Bankers on the Board, Market Competition, and Conflicts of Interest
by Taeyoon Sung & Danbee Park
March 2014, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-2 Digital Revolution, Marketing, and East Asia Economies
by Junyean Moon & Udo Wagner - 3-24 Social Capital in the Chinese Virtual Community: Impacts on the Social Shopping Model for Social Media
by Haejung Kim & Jiyoung Kim & Ran Huang - 25-41 The Effect of Online Social Network Characteristics on Consumer Purchasing Intention of Social Deals
by Min-Sook Park & Jong-Kuk Shin & Yong Ju - 42-57 The Influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Information Adoption in Online Customer Communities
by Ronnie Cheung - 58-72 Culture-Specific Number Symbolism in Restaurant Prices
by Udo Wagner & Jutatip Jamsawang - 73-92 The Effects of Corporate Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility on Winning Customer Support: An Integrative Examination of the Roles of Satisfaction, Trust and Identification
by Yi Xie
December 2013, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 311-313 New Economic Architectures after the Global Financial Crisis and Their Implications in East Asia
by Shin - 314-345 Positive Feedback Trading Under Stress: Evidence from the US Treasury Securities Market
by Cohen & Shin - 346-361 BASEL III Counterparty Risk and Credit Value Adjustment: Impact of the Wrong-way Risk
by Noh - 362-381 The Global Financial Crisis Revisited: Competition and Regulation
by Choi - 382-395 Identification of Systemically Important Financial Institutions and Implications for Financial Architecture in Korea
by Hyun & Yoshino - 396-424 Influence of the Banks' Money Mediation Behavior on the Monetary Policy: A Study of Korean Case
by Ha & So - 425-459 Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Degree of Financial Integration among East Asian Countries
by Lee & Yi & Park
September 2013, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 215-237 Foreign and Domestic Shocks: Macroeconomic Responses of ASEAN-3 Countries
by Zaidi & Karim & Azman-Saini - 238-250 Religion and Educational Attainment in East Asia: First Evidence from the East Asian Social Survey
by Bessey - 251-268 How Does Social Capital Reduce the Size of the Shadow Economy?
by Lee - 269-290 Corporate Investment Behaviour and Monetary Policy: Evidence from Firm-level Data for Malaysia
by Zulkhibri - 291-310 Firm's Choice between Export and R&D and its Effect on the Firm's Productivity and Survival
by Aw & Song
June 2013, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 99-112 The Role of Home and Host Country Characteristics in FDI: Firm-Level Evidence from Japan, Korea and Taiwan
by Kazunobu Hayakawa & Hyun-Hoon Lee & Donghyun Park - 113-134 Liberalization, Industrial Nationalism, and the Malaysian Automotive Industry
by Kaoru Natsuda & Noriyuki Segawa & John Thoburn - 135-167 The Role of Intra-Conglomerate Equity Investment: Evidence from Korean Business Groups
by Doyeon Kim & Taehyun Kim & Taeyoon Sung - 168-181 Trade Union and Global Economic Growth
by Chung-Hui Lai - 182-214 Exchange Rate Variability and the Macro-economy: Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries
by Magda Kandil
March 2013, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-14 Are Devaluations Contractionary in Africa?
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Abera Gelan - 15-28 Does Financial Reform Promote the Inflow of FDI? Evidence from China's Panel Data
by Qichun He & Meng Sun - 29-42 Economics of Intellectual Property in the Context of a Shifting Innovation Paradigm: A Review from the Perspective of Developing Countries
by Keun Lee & Jinyoung Kim & Junbyoung Oh & Kyoo-ho Park - 43-54 The Extent of Growth Dependence of Selected East Asian Economies on the USA
by Eu Chye Tan & Chor Foon Tang - 55-71 Housing, Wealth Effects, and Monetary Policy
by Kwang Hwan Kim & Munechika Katayama - 72-97 Refinements to the Sharpe Ratio -- Evidence from Malaysian Equity Funds
by Soo-Wah Low & Yi-Bing Chin
December 2012, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 293-297 Global Imbalances and Financial Stability
by Thomas D. Willett - 299-317 Dealing with Global Economic Imbalances: The Political Economy of Policy Coordination
by Graham Bird - 319-340 Global Imbalances in a World of Inflexible Real Exchange Rates and Capital Controls
by Andrew Hughes Hallett & Juan Carlos Martinez Oliva - 341-360 Power Relationships and the Political Economy of Global Imbalances
by Thomas D. Willett & Eric M. P. Chiu - 361-377 The Evolutionary Pattern of Global Imbalance: Evidence from Cross Country Data from 1970 to 2010
by Wenkai Sun
September 2012, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 209-232 Is an Optimum Currency Area Feasible in East and South East Asia?
by Chandan Sharma & Ritesh Kumar Mishra - 233-242 Macroeconomics of Agricultural Trade Liberalization
by Bhaskar Goswami & Ranjanendra Narayan Nag - 243-257 How the Rapid Development of VoIP Technologies Affects Consumer Welfare and the Market
by Jeong Ho Kwak & Bong Gyou Lee - 259-277 Malaysia--China in the Liberalization Era: Structural Modelling of International Parity Conditions and Transmission Mechanism
by Tze-Haw Chan & Chee-Wooi Hooy - 279-290 Integration of Long-Term Interest Rates: Empirical Evidence for G7 Countries
by Burcu Kiran
June 2012, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 111-129 Volatility Transmission and Correlation Analysis between the USA and Asia: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis
by Natàlia Valls & Helena Chuliá - 131-145 Mark-ups and Rent Sharing: The Case of Korean Manufacturing Firms
by Kap-Young Jeong & Donghun Kim - 147-162 Linear and Nonlinear Cointegration of Purchasing Power Parity: Further Evidence from Developing Countries
by Seref Bozoklu & Sinem Kutlu - 163-187 The Retirement Consumption in Korea: Evidence from the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study
by Insook Cho - 189-207 Re-examining the Fisher Effect: An Application of Small Sample Distributions of the Covariate Unit Root Test
by Ching-Chuan Tsong & Cheng-Feng Lee
October 2012, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 33-54 Does Fiscal Policy Help Those Who Need It Most? Evidence from the US and the Eurozone
by Jong-Hee Kim & Ki-Young Park & Taeyoon Sung
March 2012, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-31 The Discipline Effects of Fixed Exchange Rates: Constraint versus Incentive Effects and the Distinction between Hard and Soft Pegs
by Eric M.P. Chiu & Sirathorn B.J. Dechsakulthorn & Stefanie Walter & Joshua C. Walton & Thomas D. Willett - 55-75 US--Malaysia Trade at Commodity Level and the Role of the Real Exchange Rate
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Hanafiah Harvey - 77-95 Oil and Small Open Macroeconomy: A case of Korea
by Junhee Lee & Joonhyuk Song
December 2012, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 97-110 Output relationships of China and India with the USA: How do the Asian giants respond to America?
by Biru Paksha Paul
December 2011, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 385-407 Measuring Social Capital in East Asia and Other World Regions: Index of Social Capital for 72 Countries
by Dan Lee & Kap-Young Jeong & Sean Chae - 409-419 Liquidity Constraints, the Composition of Government Expenditure, and Economic Growth
by Wenkai Sun & Xianghong Wang - 421-444 Globalization, Real Output and Multiple Structural Breaks
by Chun-Ping Chang & Chien-Chiang Lee & Meng-Chi Hsieh - 445-461 Level and Volatility of Stock Prices and Aggregate Investment: The Case of Thailand
by Mansor H. Ibrahim - 463-481 Regulatory Policies and Business Strategies on Patent Protection: A General Model and Cases for the East Asian Economy
by Taeha Kim & Beomsoo Kim - 483-502 Entrepreneurship and an Apprentice-based Cluster: The Evolution of Houli's Saxophone Cluster in Taiwan
by Ho-Don Yan & Yu-Chen Kuo & Shan-Yu Chen
September 2011, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 229-249 An Accumulation of International Reserves and External Debt: Evidence from Developing Countries
by Siti Nurazira Mohd Daud & Jan M. Podivinsky - 251-267 Examining the Day-of-the-Week Effects in Chinese Stock Markets: New Evidence from a Stochastic Dominance Approach
by Zhuo Qiao & Weiwei Qiao & Wing-Keung Wong - 269-298 Opening the Black Box on Bank Efficiency in China: Does Economic Freedom Matter?
by Fadzlan Sufian & Muzafar Shah Habibullah - 299-313 The Role of Human Capital in Networks Effects: Evidence from US Exports
by Gieyoung Lim & Chong-Uk Kim - 315-322 Endogenous Lobbying and Protection under Monopolistic Competition
by Jaiho Chung - 323-360 Consumption, Credit, and Macroeconomic Policies: Theory and Evidence from the United States
by Magda Kandil & Ida Aghdas Mirzaie - 361-384 International Evidence on the Link between Quality of Governance and Stock Market Performance
by Soo-Wah Low & Si-Roei Kew & Lain-Tze Tee
2011, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 141-143 Finance and Economic Development in China: An Introduction
by Jang-Sup Shin - 145-160 The Pattern of Financing Industrialization in China: Understanding Sources of Fixed Investment
by Kang Chen & Jang-Sup Shin - 161-178 China's Banking Reform: The Remaining Agenda
by Charles Kwong - 179-191 Efficiency Spillovers of Foreign Direct Investment in the Chinese Banking System
by Ziliang Deng & Honglin Guo & Guilan Kong - 193-210 Equity Financing and the Pecking Order Hypothesis in the Emerging Market: Evidence from Taiwan's Relocated Firms in China (TRFC)
by Chen-Jui Huang - 211-225 The Impact of Chinese Exchange Rate Policy on the Rest of the World: Evidence from Firm-Level Data
by Barry Eichengreen & Hui Tong
2011, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Regional Effects of Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy in Japan: Evidence from Post-Crisis Firm Data
by Mamoru Nagano - 21-43 Determinants of the Informal Sector and their Effects on the Economy: The Case of Korea
by Donghun Joo - 45-65 An Estimation of the Latent Bilateral Trade between India and Pakistan Using Panel Data Methods
by Vijay Vemuri & Shahid Siddiqi - 67-81 Dynamics of Growth and Profitability: The Case of Japanese Manufacturing Firms
by Akihiko Nakano & Donghun Kim - 83-121 Revealing the International Spillovers Structure of Innovation for Asian Region
by Ku-Hsieh Chen & Hao-Yen Yang - 123-138 Location Decision of Korean Manufacturing FDI: A Comparison between Korean Chaebols and Non-Chaebols
by Young-Ryeol Park & Jeoung Yul Lee & Sunghoon Hong
2010, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 351-364 Non-linearities in Real Interest Rate Parity: Evidence from OECD and Asian Developing Economies
by Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah & Venus Khim-Sen Liew & Ron Mittelhammer - 365-381 Impacts of Sequential Free Trade Agreements in East Asia: A CGE and Political Economy Analysis
by Chang-Soo Lee & Don Moon - 383-403 The Money-prices Nexus for Malaysia: New Empirical Evidence from the Time-varying Cointegration and Causality Tests
by Chor Foon Tang - 405-430 Efficiency and Stability Issues in Monetary Policy
by Jangryoul Kim - 431-439 An investigation of cointegration between energy consumption and economic growth: Dynamic evidence from East Asian countries
by Alper Aslan & Hakan Kum - 441-454 Corruption and Economic Efficiency: Panel Data Evidence
by George Emm Halkos & Nickolaos Tzeremes
2010, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 225-246 Examining Stock Volatility in the Segmented Chinese Stock Markets: A SWARCH Approach
by Zhuo Qiao & Weiwei Qiao & Wing-Keung Wong - 247-268 Transmission of Stock Prices and Volatility from the Influential Major Markets on the Emerging Market: A Case Study of the Korean Stock Market
by Joon Young Kim & Jungryol Kim & Sang Bong Kim - 269-289 Bank Efficiency and Macro-economic Factors: The Case of Developing Countries
by Sok-Gee Chan & Mohd Zaini Abd Karim - 291-315 The Importance of Absorptive Capacity in the Road to Becoming a “Giant Lion”—ASUSTek Computer Inc
by Chyong Ling Judy Chen & Susan Margaret Belcher - 317-326 Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from Japan
by Chew Ging Lee - 327-348 Estimating Exchange Rate Exposure of Trade-intensive Firms: Application to Korean Oil-refiners and Petrochemicals
by Sunghee Choi
2010, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 117-128 The S-Curve Dynamics of US-Hong Kong Commodity Trade
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Jia Xu - 129-149 Volatility Spillovers between the US and China Stock Markets: Structural Break Test with Symmetric and Asymmetric GARCH Approaches
by Gyu-Hyen Moon & Wei-Choun Yu - 151-173 Globalization and Economic Growth: A Political Economy Analysis for OECD Countries
by Chun-Ping Chang & Chien-Chiang Lee - 175-195 The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia: A Revisit
by Chee-Keong Choong & Siew-Yong Lam - 197-214 The Role of Manufacturing-specific Technology in Determining the Composition of Hours Worked in Korea
by Bae-Geun Kim & Kwang Hwan Kim - 215-223 Exchange Rate and Reserves in Asian Countries: Causality Test
by Mohammad Afzal
2010, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-13 The Global Financial Crisis: New Implications and Perspectives for Emerging Economies
by Kap-Young Jeong & Euysung Kim - 15-24 Asian Exchange Rates during the Credit Crisis: Policies to Avoid Depreciation
by Mark David Witte - 25-42 Global Crisis, Exchange Rate Response, and Economic Performance: A Story of Two Countries in East Asia
by Yun Jeong Choi & Doyeon Kim & Taeyoon Sung - 43-58 A Multi-country Monetary Economic Growth Model with International Trade and National Monetary Policies
by Wei-Bin Zhang - 59-82 The Global Crisis and the Impact on Remittances to Developing Asia
by Shikha Jha & Guntur Sugiyarto & Carlos Vargas-Silva - 83-90 An Equity Market Perspective on the Korean Financial Crisis
by Wook Sohn & Bobae Choi - 91-98 Test of the Marshall-Lerner Condition for Eight Selected Asian Countries and Policy Implications
by Yu Hsing - 99-113 Predicting the Global Crisis Recovery Period: Lessons from the 1997 Crisis
by Jarita Duasa & Nursilah Ahmad
2009, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 335-369 Asian Financial Crisis and the Evolution of Korean Banks Efficiency: A DEA Approach
by Fadzlan Sufian & Muzafar Shah Habibullah - 371-384 House Prices and the Stance of Monetary Policy: The Case of Korea
by Jangryoul Kim & Gieyoung Lim - 385-395 Monetary Model of Exchange Rate for Thailand: Long-run Relationship and Monetary Restrictions
by Venus Khim-Sen Liew & Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah & Chin-Hong Puah - 397-408 Linkages among US Interest Rates and East Asian Purchases of US Treasury Securities
by Dene Hurley - 409-429 From Scorned to Loved? The Political Economy of the Development of the Stock Market in China
by Sonia Wong Man Lai & Yong Yang - 431-459 Genes and Social Mobility: A Case for Progressive Income Tax
by Ki Young Park
2009, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 229-250 The Long-run Effects of Structural Change and the Treatment of International Capital Accumulation, Mobility and Ownership
by George Verikios & Kevin Hanslow - 251-263 Electricity Generation and Economic Efficiency: Panel Data Evidence from World and East Asian Countries
by George Emm Halkos & Nickolaos Tzeremes - 265-276 Foreign Direct Investment and Services Trade: Evidence from Malaysia and Singapore
by Koi Nyen Wong & Tuck Cheong Tang & Dietrich Fausten - 277-295 Neo-liberal Korea and Still Developmentalist Japan: Myth or Reality?
by Yong Wook Lee & Sun Young Kwak - 297-319 An Empirical Study of OEM in Taiwan's Apparel Industry
by Yi-Ping Lien - 321-332 Changes and Determinants of Suppliers' Customer Scope in the Korean Automobile Industry after the Asian Financial Crisis
by Deuk-Kyu Bok - 333-333 Special Issue on Global Financial Crisis and Its Policy Implication on East Asian Emerging Economies
by Kap-Young Jeong
2009, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 117-141 Location Strategies of Foreign Investors in China: Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing Multinationals
by Norifumi Kawai - 143-159 Non-linear Co-integration between Nominal Interest Rates and Inflation: An Examination of the Fisher Hypothesis for Asian Countries
by Salah Nusair - 161-184 Technological Change and Returns to Education: The Implications for the S&E Labor Market
by Jin Hwa Jung & Kang-Shik Choi - 185-203 Corporate Strategies and Performances of Korean Firms: The Unified Theory of the Firm Perspective
by Hong Park & Geon-Cheol Shin & Iksu Jurn - 205-214 Modeling the Behavior of the KRW/USD Exchange Rate and Policy Implications
by Yu Hsing - 215-227 An Examination of the Government Spending and Economic Growth Nexus for Malaysia Using the Leveraged Bootstrap Simulation Approach
by Chor Foon Tang
2009, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-11 When is a Global Currency Optimal?
by Mark David Witte - 13-28 The Political Economy of Chinese “Federalism”: New Analytical Directions
by Miron Mushkat & Roda Mushkat - 29-47 A Contribution to the Empirics of Finance-growth Nexus in China: A Complex System Perspective
by Jean-Claude Maswana - 49-62 Taiwan's Entrepreneurs and International Coordination: Evolution of Global Production Network in Electronics and IT Industries
by Fu-Lai Tony Yu - 63-76 Horizontal and Vertical Intra-industry Trade and Firm's Investment Strategies: Evidence from the IT Industry in the Asian, EU and US Markets
by Shun-Chiao Chang - 77-99 Will Taiwan's Economy be Marginalized by China? A Macro-economic Policy Coordination Approach
by Kuo-Chun Yeh - 101-116 Monetary Unions and Endogeneity of the OCA Criteria
by Hiroya Akiba & Yukihiro Iida
2008, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 405-427 Does the Home Country's National Culture Affect MNCs' Performance? Empirical Evidence of the World's Top 100 East-West Non-financial MNCs
by George Halkos & Nickolaos Tzeremes - 429-445 Chindia: Does Culture Matter in Hindu and Confucian Economies?
by Leah Green & Patrick Mendis - 447-467 China and India in World Trade: Are the Asia Giants a Threat to Malaysia?
by Evelyn Devadason - 469-486 Taiwan's Yacht Industry: A Tale of Two Entrepreneurial Firms
by Ho-Don Yan - 487-495 Which Method Should the Central Bank Choose to Estimate the Model Economy? A Korean Monetary Policy Example
by Jangryoul Kim & Gieyoung Lim - 497-506 International Dependency and Economic Fluctuations in East Asian NIEs
by Bihong Huang - 507-526 Contemporary Phase of Globalization: Does It Have a Serious Downside?
by Dilip Das
2008, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 311-332 Financial Market Volatility and International Reserve Holding Behaviour: A Case Study for Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand
by Hee-Ryang Ra - 333-339 Test of the Response of the Overnight Rate to the Real Exchange Rate: The Case of Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore
by Yu Hsing - 341-362 GTAP Model Analysis of the Economic Effects of an Australia-China FTA: Welfare and Sectoral Aspects
by Mahinda Siriwardana & Jinmei Yang - 363-377 Aggregate Import Demand Function for Japan: A Cointegration Re-investigation
by Tuck Cheong Tang - 379-386 Multinational Enterprises, Technology Diffusion, and Host Country Absorptive Capacity: A Note
by Khaled Elmawazini & Pran Manga & Samir Saadi - 387-403 The Asymmetric Loss Function and the Central Banks' Ability in Developing Countries
by Osama Sweidan
2008, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 135-155 Sectoral Innovation System and a Technological Catch-up: The Case of the Capital Goods Industry in Korea
by Yoon-Zi Kim & Keun Lee - 157-169 Modeling the Dollarization: A Case Study for Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam
by Hee-Ryang Ra - 171-199 Managing the Monetary Consequences of Reserve Accumulation in Emerging Asia
by Alice Ouyang & Ramkishen Rajan & Tom Willett - 201-225 Interdependence of ASEAN-5 Stock Markets from the US and Japan
by M. Shabri Abd. Majid & Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera & Mohd. Azmi Omar - 227-247 Regulatory Pressure, Market Discipline, and Bank Spreads in India: An Empirical Exploration
by Saibal Ghosh - 249-264 The Paradoxes of Thailand's Pre-crisis Export Performance
by Philippe De Lombaerde - 265-292 State-led Catching up Strategies and Inherited Conflicts in Developing the ICT Industry: Behind the US-East Asia Semiconductor Disputes
by Lutao Ning - 293-310 A Kiss of Life for the Withering Doha Round of the Multilateral Trade Negotiations?
by Dilip Das
2008, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-22 Governance Inhibitors in IT Strategy and Management: An Empirical Study of Korean Enterprises
by Junghoon Lee & Chihoon Lee & Kap-Young Jeong - 23-50 Total Factor Productivity in Korean Manufacturing Industries
by Inha Oh & Jeong-Dong Lee & Almas Heshmati - 51-62 Why are there so many Preferential Trade Areas? A Political Economy Perspective
by Jaleel Ahmad - 63-73 Building an Entrepreneurial Economy: The Case of Korea 1998-2005
by Idan Moskovitch & Dong-Jae Kim - 75-84 Panel Cointegration Estimation of International Knowledge Spillovers
by Gwanghoon Lee - 85-106 The Geopolitics of Caspian Oil: Rivalries of the US, Russia, and Turkey in the South Caucasus
by Younkyoo Kim & Gu-Ho Eom - 107-123 Performance and Capital Structure of Privatized Firms in Europe
by Maria Jose Arcas & Patricia Bachiller - 125-133 Determinants of Malaysian Trade Balance: An ARDL Bound Testing Approach - A Commentary
by Tuck Cheong Tang
2007, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 301-303 Manufacturing Sector Productivity Growth in the Asia Pacific Region
by Jeong-Dong Lee & Almas Heshmati - 305-319 The Impact of Biochemical Oxygen Demand Emissions on Malaysia's Manufacturing Productivity Growth
by Elsadig Musa Ahmed - 321-342 Total Factor Productivity Growth in Indonesian Manufacturing: A Stochastic Frontier Approach
by Mohamad Ikhsan - 343-359 Innovation Types and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Korean Manufacturing Firms
by Keunjae Lee & Sang-Mok Kang - 361-384 Neural Network Based Models for Efficiency Frontier Analysis: An Application to East Asian Economies' Growth Decomposition
by Hailin Liao & Bin Wang & Tom Weyman-Jones - 385-405 Structural Change and Productivity Growth in the Japanese Manufacturing Industry
by Enrico Tanuwidjaja & Shandre Thangavelu
2007, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 193-215 Provincial Development in China: Lessons from EU Regional Policy Experience
by Phillip J. Bryson & Keren Sun - 217-227 Some Methodological Issues on Estimating Foreign Exchange Exposure of US Multinational Firms: Evidence from the Asian Crisis
by Sunghee Choi & Arthur T. Denzau