2007, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 229-243 The Non-equivalence Revisited: Staggered Price and Wage Contracts
by Jangryoul Kim & Gieyoung Lim - 245-266 Vertical Specialization and New Determinants of FDI: Evidence from South and East Asia
by Klimis Vogiatzoglou - 267-285 Corporate Governance Reforms in the Post-1997 Asian Crisis: Is There Really a Convergence to the Anglo-American Model?
by Choon Yin Sam - 287-299 A Comparative Analysis of Export Price Pass-through in Three Open Asian Economies: Korea, Singapore and Thailand
by Amit Ghosh & Ramkishen S. Rajan
2007, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 103-119 East Asian Real Exchange Rates and PPP: New Evidence from Panel-data Tests
by Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah & Raj Aggarwal & Chan Tze Haw - 121-136 Loan Loss Provisions, Earnings, Capital Management and Signalling: Evidence from Indian Banks
by Saibal Ghosh - 137-145 AVAR Analysis of the Impacts of Company Tax Rates on Foreign Direct Investment and other Macro-economic Variables in Australia
by Albert Wijeweera & Stuart Mounter - 147-166 A Comparative Study of the Economic Reforms in China and India: What Can We Learn?
by Shaomin Li & Anil Nair - 167-182 International Competitiveness in the ICT Industry: Evaluating the Performance of the Top 50 Companies
by George Emm. Halkos & Nickolaos G. Tzeremes - 183-192 New Multilateralism in Action for Peace: A Case Study of the US-led Operation Unified Assistance in the Asian Tsunami Disaster
by Jaime Alvarado & Patrick Mendis
2007, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-15 Service Industries in the North-east Asian Countries: Strengthening the Competitiveness through Competition and Opening
by Hyungdo Ahn & Sanghack Lee - 17-35 Sources of and Responses to the Liability of Foreignness: The Case of Korean Companies in the Netherlands
by Bas Daamen & Jean-Francois Hennart & Dong-Jae Kim & Young-Ryeol Park - 37-51 The Determinants of the U.S. Foreign Direct Investment: Does the Region Matter?
by Omar M. Al Nasser - 53-67 The Architect of Taiwan's Economic Miracle: Evolutionary Economics of Li Kuo-Ting
by Fu-Lai Tony Yu - 69-87 Economic Management in Taiwan and Mainland China: Why and How They Have Been Politicized
by Choon Yin Sam - 89-102 Determinants of Malaysian Trade Balance: An ARDL Bound Testing Approach
by Jarita Duasa
2006, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 381-396 Manufacturing Sector Growth: A Case Study of Singapore
by Sajid Anwar - 397-411 Learning-by-Exporting: Micro-dynamic Evidence from Taiwan
by Deng-Shing Huang & Pei-Chou Lin & Yo-Yi Huang - 413-424 China's Pension Reform: A Precondition Approach
by Yu-Wei Hu - 425-444 Growth Constraints and Determinants of a South Pacific Island in a Global Economy: A Study of Fiji
by T. K. Jayaraman & Chee-Keong Choong - 445-461 The Transfer of Property Rights from the Public to the Private Sector in Hong Kong: A Critical Assessment
by Miron Mushkat & Roda Mushkat - 463-475 Monetary Policy in the Industrial World: Reflections on some Basic Issues
by Jaleel Ahmad
2006, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 239-257 Market Risk in Demutualized Self-Listed Stock Exchanges: An International Analysis of Selected Time-Varying Betas
by Andrew Worthington & Helen Higgs - 259-284 Singapore's Perspectives on the Proliferation of RTAs in East Asia and Beyond
by Mun Heng Toh - 285-301 Japan's Policy Stance on East Asian Neo-Regionalism: From Being a “Reluctant”, to Becoming a “Proactive” State
by Chang-Gun Park - 303-326 Monetary Policy and Sectoral Bank Lending in Malaysia
by Mohd Zaini Abd Karim & Amy Azhar Mohd Harif & Azira Adziz - 327-361 India's Global Trade Potential: The Gravity Model Approach
by Amita Batra - 363-378 Lean Hong Kong Harvest and the Doha Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
by Dilip Das
2006, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 135-143 Taxation and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: Time Series Evidence from the US
by Albert Wijeweera & Don Clark - 145-151 Analysis of Short-term Exchange Rate Movements in Korea: Application of an Extended Mundell-Fleming Model
by Yu Hsing - 153-175 Exchange Rate Regimes: Middling Through
by Ashima Goyal - 177-192 Regional Economic Integration in the Pacific: An Empirical Study
by T. K. Jayaraman & Huay-Huay Lee & Hock-Ann Lee - 193-206 A Durable Replacement Model for Symbolic versus Utilitarian Consumption: An Integrated Cultural and Socio-economic Perspective
by Shijin Yoo & Seh-Woong Chung & Jin Han - 207-230 The Korean Economy in Transition: In Search for a New Model
by Doowon Lee - 231-238 Ending Financial Repression in China
by James Dorn
2006, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-20 Australia's Involvement in Free Trade Agreements: An Economic Evaluation
by Mahinda Siriwardana - 21-42 Education Expansion, Expenditures per Student and the Effects on Growth in Asia
by Katarina Keller - 43-66 Decomposing Gender Wage Differentials in Urban Ethiopia: Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee (LEE) Manufacturing Survey Data
by Tilahun Temesgen - 67-96 The Nexus between IT Investment and Banking Performance in Korea
by Sangjoon Jun - 97-111 An Empirical Examination of Capital Mobility in East Asia Emerging Markets
by Ying Huang & Feng Guo - 113-127 Financial Restructuring and Economic Growth in Thailand
by Sajid Anwar & Desh Gupta
2005, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 355-362 Globalization and East Asian Economies: An Introduction
by Jang-Sup Shin & Ha-Joon Chang - 363-378 Globalization, Global Standards, and the Future of East Asia
by Ha-Joon Chang - 379-395 Globalization and Challenges to the Developmental State: A Comparison between South Korea and Singapore
by Jang-Sup Shin - 397-414 Globalization and Local Political Economy: The Multi-scalar Approach
by Bae-Gyoon Park - 415-434 From East Asian “Miracle” to Neo-liberal “Mediocrity”: The Effects of Liberalization and Financial Opening on the Post-crisis Korean Economy
by James Crotty & Kang-Kook Lee - 435-452 Responses to Globalization from a Big Transition Economy: The Case of China
by Ding Lu - 453-471 Trade-related Investment Liberalization under the WTO: The Malaysian Experience
by Rajah Rasiah
2005, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 261-290 Labour Use and its Adjustment in Indian Manufacturing Industries
by Amit Bhandari & Almas Heshmati - 291-307 An International Comparison of Banking Sectors: A DEA Approach
by Cesar Oliveira & Benjamin Tabak - 309-320 CEPA and Pan Pearl River Delta Economic Integration: A Comparative Business Development Perspective
by David Pollard - 321-329 Risk and Asian Exchange Rate Regimes
by Ashima Goyal & Ankita Agarwal - 331-344 Catastrophic Shocks and Capital Markets: A Comparative Analysis by Disaster and Sector
by Andrew Worthington & Abbas Valadkhani - 345-354 International Organizations and Global Affairs
by Bruno Sergi
2005, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 145-165 Performance of Domestic and Foreign Banks: The Case of Korea and the Asian Financial Crisis
by Yongil Jeon & Stephen Miller - 167-180 The Rising Supply of College Graduates and Declining Returns for Young Cohort: The Case of Korea
by Kang-Shik Choi & Jin-Ho Jeong & Jin Hwa Jung - 181-200 The Long Emergence of a Modern Insurance Industry in China
by Xiaohong Wu & Thomas Hout & Michael Enright - 201-211 Is Dollarization Good for Cambodia?
by Kiwon Kang - 213-231 A Cultural Analysis of South Korea's Economic Prospects
by O. Yul Kwon - 233-259 Currency Substitution and the Stability of the Demand for Money in East Asia
by Olugbenga Onafowora & Oluwole Owoye
2005, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-19 A Eurasian Economic Vision for the Twenty-first Century
by Valerie Engammare & Jean-Pierre Lehmann - 21-64 Strategy for a Regional Exchange Rate Arrangement in East Asia: Analysis, Review and Proposal
by Masahiro Kawai & Shinji Takagi - 65-82 The Microfoundations of the Developmental State and the Asian Economic Crisis
by Jongryn Mo - 83-97 How Significant and Effective are North Korea's "Market Reforms"?
by John McKay - 99-118 Substituting and Complementing Models of Economic Development in East Asia
by Jang-Sup Shin - 119-127 When is privatization better facilitated? Global evidence from the telecom sector
by Sang Lee & Shakil Quayes - 129-144 Power and developmental regimes in Singapore, China and Malaysia
by Alexius Pereira & Chee Kiong Tong
2004, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 1-13 Multinational Corporations and Child Labor
by Rajen Mookerjee & Annalisa Orlandi - 15-34 The development strategy for china's travel service industry after china's WTO entry: Present status and future prospects
by Gi-Eun Chung - 35-50 Globalization and the anti-globalization lobby: A deficit of thoughtfulness and clairvoyance
by Dilip Das - 51-73 Democratic consolidation and electoral reform in Southeast Asia: Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia
by Dong-Yoon Lee & Sang Hwa Chung - 75-96 Voluntary associations, social capital, and civil society in comparative perspective: South Korea and Sweden
by Inchoon Kim - 97-122 Schumpeter and arrow: Who wins in Korea and Taiwan? A case method analysis of cross country industrial structure
by You-liang Deng
2004, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 1-22 The changing dynamics of regionalism in South Korea's elections
by Hans Stockton & Uk Heo - 23-42 Dynamic panel cointegration approaches to the estimation of money demand functions
by Sangjoon Jun - 43-60 Interactions of stock markets within the greater China economic bloc
by Seungwook Bahng & Seung-Myo Shin - 61-75 Strategies of Korean firms in china's high-tech market: Striving for a new and sustainable business model
by Mihnsoo Kim - 77-96 Localization of foreign multinational companies in Korea
by Dong-Ik Choi - 97-111 Policies of five Caspian coastal states: Do concerns about relative gains play any role?
by Yusin Lee
2004, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 1-16 The Asia-Pacific's economic processes: Beyond cooperative networks
by Jim Rolfe - 17-38 Going beyond Cancun: Realizing the development promise of the Doha agenda
by Shalendra Sharma - 39-56 The French commitment to European monetary integration: A review of the two EMS crises (1981-83, 1992-93)
by Jae-Seung Lee - 57-78 Optimal currency area theory and monetary integration in the Andean and Caribbean regions
by Philippe De Lombaerde - 79-98 The competitiveness of China's telecommunications industry before and after China's accession to the WTO
by Hwy-Chang Moon & Yan-Ling Yu - 99-130 Foreign direct investment in China: Policy, recent trend and impact
by K. C. Fung & Hitomi Iizaka & Sarah Tong
2004, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-9 Can China learn from Hong Kong's experience in fighting corruption?
by Shaomin Li - 11-31 The process of financial reforms in China
by Chanil Park - 33-50 Alternative futures and foreign direct investment in China
by Miron Mushkat - 51-67 RMA and Strategic intelligence: The case of China and Japan
by Woondo Choi - 69-83 Changes in misalignment of the Korean won: Towards a flexible exchange rate regime
by Gab-Je Jo - 85-94 Impacts of macroeconomic policies on the Mexican output
by Yu Hsing
2003, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 1-19 Theoretical review of globalization thesis: Capital mobility and the state
by Whasun Jho - 21-44 Toward regional financial and monetary cooperation in East Asia
by Young-il Park - 45-66 Competition policy in Indonesia: Conglomerates versus SMEs
by In Soo Kang - 67-94 Northern policy and Japan: North Korea-Japan normalization negotiations and Japanese policy towards North Korea
by Won-Deog Lee - 95-119 The new growing paradigm of Chinese security perspective
by Chang Hoon Cha - 121-148 Xinjiang and China's security
by Stephen Blank
2003, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editor's note
by Woosang Kim - 1-21 Guns and butter: Why do human security and traditional security co-exist in Asia?
by Amitav Acharya - 23-39 Human security in the Korean Penninsula: A case of the north Korean drug trafficking
by Woosang Kim & Sung-Kwon Cho - 41-66 Human security aspects of international migration: The case of South Korea
by Shin-wha Lee - 67-83 Economic threat to human security: Household debt problem in Korea
by Hyun-Seok Yu - 85-93 War on weapons of mass destruction and terrorism: The right track for human security?
by Tae-Hyo Kim - 95-108 Emerging feature of multilateral security in Asia-pacific: From “double-track” to “multi-layered” mechanism
by Ken Jimbo
2003, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 1-19 The competitive liberalization of world trade and Korea's foreign trade policy
by Chulki Ju - 21-41 Institutions, choices, and outcomes: A comparative analysis of the 1997 financial crisis experience in South Korea and Taiwan
by Uk Heo & Alexander Tan - 43-58 The response of the Indian stock market to the movement of Asia's emerging markets: From isolation toward integration?
by Seungwook Bahng - 59-90 Changes of Thai economy since 1970 1
by Kiwon Kang - 91-105 Inner hybridity in the city: Toward a critique of multiculturalism
by Kwok-bun Chan - 107-122 The role of U.S. naval power in the Asia-pacific region: From regional protector to regional balancer
by Taeyoung Yoon
2003, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 3-19 China, Japan and Korea: Prospects for enhancing closer economic relations
by Sim-Yee Lau & Takashi Shirasu - 21-38 Regional economic cooperation and the Chinese economy
by Xiangshuo Yin - 39-55 Energy cooperation between Russia and Northeast Asian countries: Prerequisities, directions and problems
by Boris Saneev - 57-79 Korea's economic strategy under the Roh Moo-Hyun government: A proposal
by O. Yul Kwon - 81-102 Latin American multinationals: A historical and theoretical approach
by Andres Franco & Philippe De Lombaerde - 103-118 The political economy of state failure
by Miron Mushkat
2002, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 3-16 Institution building under “10+3”: Tackling the practical issues
by Shiping Tang - 17-38 Economic integration in northeast Asia: Preconditions and possible trajectories
by Bernhard Seliger - 39-55 New transport system formation as an entrance to the world market for Siberian regions
by Mark Bandman & Vladimir Malov - 57-73 Distributive justice in Korean politics after the IMF Bailout
by Dong-Jin Jang - 75-90 When culture meets trade: Screen quota in Korea
by Byung-il Choi - 91-100 Changing faces of Japanese defense policy: Past and future
by Narushige Michishita
2002, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 3-24 Economics and security in Northeast Asia: The iron silk road, its context and implications
by Stephen Blank - 25-40 Uncertainty in foreign policy making: A Bayesian game analysis of Korea
by Hee Min Kim & Jun Choi - 41-66 The political economy of China's future
by Miron Mushkat - 67-93 Modernization and dependency revisited: U.S. direct investment, development, and polity in Latin America, 1950-1998
by Uk Heo & Karl DeRouen - 95-108 APEC and Asia-Pacific regionalism: Conditions and prospects
by Ihn-Hwi Park - 109-124 A model of intermarriage involving attribute exchange
by Shaomin Li & Edward Jow-Ching Tu & Ming Ouyang
2002, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 1-19 Social networks, rule of law and economic growth in China: The elusive pursuit of the right combination of private and public ordering
by Randall Peerenboom - 21-34 Social networks and electronic commerce in China
by Jane Winn - 35-47 Change of U.S.-Russia relations after the September 11 terrorist attacks
by Sangtu Ko - 49-63 Globalization and socialization in China
by Sukhee Han - 65-87 The growth of Chinese economy and analysis on the industrial competitiveness of Korea and China
by Jung-Dong Park - 89-104 Reforming the IMF: Can it serve as an “international lender of last resort?”
by Shalendra Sharma
2002, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-11 Does east love guanxi more than west? The evolution of relation-based governance: Contemporary and historical evidences
by Shaomin Li - 13-26 Does Confucianism have a role in East Asian economy, social networks and civil society? Some reflections from the perspective of the song era and the 20th century
by Hoyt Cleveland Tillman - 27-45 The political ambiguity of voluntary associations in late imperial and modern China: Chinese forms of cultural hegemony, coercion and social control in comparative perspective
by R. Bin Wong - 47-64 Chinese banking reform of 1998-2000 and its effect on the development of a commercial credit culture
by Che Chang Ooh - 65-92 Classification of ownership patterns in Korean conglomerates
by Ungki Lim - 93-102 Toward peace on the Korean Peninsula: What should we do?
by Zhang Yunling
2001, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 3-21 Exchange rate regimes in post-crisis Asia: What explains the “hollowing of the middle”
by Shalendra Sharma - 23-50 South Korea's economic reform and its aftermath
by Doowon Lee - 51-67 Information and communications technologies in the two Koreas: Contrasts, commonalities, challenges
by Tim Beal - 69-81 The relationship between china and Siberia/Russian Far East: Economic cooperation and security conflicts
by Woo-jun Kim - 83-111 Development of the township-village enterprises and the re-instttutionalization of the family in China
by Seok-Choon Lew & Tae-Eun Kim - 113-126 Terrorism and crisis management: The Rangoon bombing incident of 1983
by Taeyoung Yoon
2001, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 3-17 US Foreign policy in the war against terrorism: Challenges, prospects, and ROK's desirable options
by Tae-Hyo Kim - 19-33 The role of regional identity in Asia-Europe relations with special reference to ASEM
by Jung-Hoon Lee & Jin Park - 35-49 A new look at ideals and practices of filial piety: The case of exemplary filial persons
by Kyu-Taik Sung & Bok Song - 51-72 Convergence or divergence? : The South Korean state after the Asian financial crisis
by Kap-Young Jeong & Yeon-ho Lee - 73-89 East Asian capitalism: Towards a normative framework
by Daniel Bell - 91-106 Damaged exports: Dynamics and limits of governance reform in Southeast Asia
by Kanishka Jayasuriya
2001, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 3-24 Central Asia: Development under conditions of globalization
by Stanislav Zhukov - 25-40 Globalization of agriculture and European integration: A deepening effect of the Uruguay round
by Jinwoo Choi - 41-51 Neoliberal globalization and domestic accommodation: Combining efficiency and legitimacy
by Hochul Lee - 52-73 The United Nations and low politics: Environmental & human security in East Asia
by Shin-wha Lee - 74-93 Intra-alliance politics in Northeast Asia: The Japanese 'defensive intervention' towards South Korea under American pressure
by Sun-won Park - 94-107 Crisis or transformation? Japan viewed from Hungary
by Andras Hernadi
2001, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 3-23 Environment-security nexus in northeast Asia
by Sung-han Kim - 24-44 Hans Morgenthau on realist normative theory, Cold War structure and some implications on Inter-Korean relations
by Chaesung Chun - 45-56 Is 'disciplining North Korea' a risky business?
by Kun Young Park - 57-78 The rise of neo-liberal revolution in Britain: Thatcherism in the British conservative party
by Hoon Jaung - 79-102 Japanese bargaining behavior and U.S.-Japan relationship: FSX co-development project
by Woondo Choi - 103-119 Northeast Asian economic regionalism: A Korean view
by Kap-Young Jeong & Kwan-Kyoo Choe
2000, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 3-19 Understanding the NGO revolution in Korea
by Sung Soo Joo - 20-42 The growth of the non-government sector in Korea and its relations with the state
by Junki Kim - 43-61 New environment for development of NGOS in China
by Deng Guosheng - 62-72 New roles of NPOS and partnership with government and/or business in China
by Yan-Chun Meng - 73-88 New roles of nonprofit organizations and partnership with government and/or business
by Kaori Kuroda - 89-105 The emerging non-profit sector in Japan: Recent changes and prospects
by Nobuko Kawashima - 106-128 Japanese nonprofit sector in comparative perspective
by Naoto Yamauchi
2000, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 3-19 A comparative study on Japanese and South Korean media coverage of foreign and security affairs
by Yongho Kim - 20-54 Deregulation and Japan's industry: The case of the petroleum industry
by Takeo Kikkawa - 55-68 A Korea-Japan FTA: Economic effects and policy implications
by Inkyo Cheong - 69-81 Social capital and producer organizations in Japanese political economy
by Sangjoon Kim - 82-97 U.S., China, and the WTO: Trading with the enemy?
by Zhiqun Zhu - 98-118 The economic development models and the Confucian market economy model of East Asia
by Sung Whan Ju - 119-140 A commodity chain approach to the development of Korean personal computer industry: Resource, opportunity, and capability
by Joon Han & Hyun-Chin Lim - 141-162 An unfinished story yet: The structural causes and aftermath of the economic crises in East Asia
by Sang-Hwa Chung
2000, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 3-23 Causes of the financial crisis and the need of monetary cooperation in East Asia
by Yong-Suk Oh - 24-47 Globalization, state and industrialization: The automobile and telecommunications industries in Southeast Asia
by Hidetaka Yoshimatsu - 48-64 The German manufacturing industry faces globalization: Old achievements, new challenges
by Bernhard Seliger - 65-82 The political economy of defense procurement and acquisition: The case of South Korean ministry of defense
by Seung Keon Kim - 83-102 Prospects for East Asian economic regionalism in the 21st century
by Woosang Kim & Yeonho Lee - 103-116 The voluntary organizations and democracy in Korea: A civil society perspective
by Chang-Soon Hwang - 117-133 Future policy directions for doi moi in Vietnam
by Simon Norton & Jill Solomon
2000, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 3-4 Preface
by Jung-Hoon Lee - 5-20 ASEM in retrospect: A brief historical overview
by Yeonho Lee - 21-52 ASEM and the evolving global order
by Richard Higgott - 53-66 The economics of ASEM: Success formula for Europe and Asia
by Sahng-Gyoun Lee - 67-78 Implications of the Asian value discourse on ASEM?
by Geun Lee - 79-96 Regional indentities and inter-regional dialogue: The European union and the ASEM process
by Ben Rosamond - 97-118 Security issues in Europe: An Asian perspective
by Chung Min Lee
1999, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 3-29 Korean economic reforms after 1997 financial crisis
by Insill Yi - 30-49 National governance in South Korea and developing new state-business relations in the post crisis era
by Ku-Hyun Jung - 50-69 FDI and regional economic integration: A case of near
by Youngrok Cheong - 70-78 The causes of the economic crisis: A synthetic approach
by Hakun Kim - 79-101 Asian NIES in the region's economic recovery and the options for South Korea: The potentials for Japan-Korea FTA
by Yukiko Fukagawa