April 2024, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 135-158 Are sexist and populist attitudes connected? Positive evidence from the least-likely-case of Spain
by Hugo Marcos-Marne & Isabel Inguanzo & Homero Gil de Zuñiga - 159-180 Perceived victimhood in Italian politics: political ideology, populism, and economic grievance
by Moreno Mancosu & Federico Vegetti & Antonella Seddone & Giuliano Bobba - 181-210 A decade of dichotomy: understanding Turkey’s changing stance on the Istanbul Convention for combating violence against women
by Ömer Faruk Köktaş & Özer Köseoğlu - 211-241 Between regional cores and provinces: the electoral bases of political party support in Italy and Spain
by Davide Vampa - 243-268 The relevance and resilience of the cordon sanitaire in Portugal: the March 2024 legislative elections
by José Santana-Pereira & Susana Rogeiro Nina
January 2024, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-4 The road ahead: a note from the (new) editors of South European Society and Politics
by Bonnie N. Field & Nicolò Conti - 5-28 When and why high civil servants demand information from interest groups in policymaking. A Southern European perspective
by Giliberto Capano & Andrea Pritoni - 29-54 Generations of pride? LGBTQ+ rights, sexuality, and voting behaviour in Spain
by Stuart J. Turnbull-Dugarte & Guillermo Cordero & José María Ramírez Dueñas - 55-78 Valencian working mothers during lockdown. Discourses on family life in uncertain times
by Mercedes Alcañiz Moscardó & Emma Gómez Nicolau & Joan Sanfélix Albelda - 79-108 Food for (political) thought: political inferences from apolitical cues and their social consequences in Italy
by Gaetano Scaduto & Fedra Negri - 109-134 The 2024 local elections in Turkey: a critical juncture for Turkish democracy?
by Kursat Cinar
October 2023, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 389-413 Post-industrial alignment and class support for radical left parties in Southern Europe
by José Pedro Lopes - 415-438 Immigrant regularisation politics during COVID-19: advocacy coalitions and governments’ incentives in Italy and Spain
by Roberta Perna & María Puig Batalla - 439-468 Bridging gaps: how investment in public childcare affects women’s employment in Italy and Spain
by Lara Maestripieri & David Palomera & Roberto Rizza - 469-497 A moral or class divide for populist parties? ‘The people’ in the discourse of Podemos and Vox in Spain
by Juan Roch & Guillermo Cordero - 499-523 Perceptions of populist radical right mainstreaming as a threat to democracy: evidence from Italian voters
by Antonella Seddone & Mattia Zulianello
July 2023, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 259-284 Civicness, social relations and environmental behaviour: a new kaleidoscope of social capital in Italy
by Nicolò Bellanca & Alberto Gherardini & Mauro Maltagliati & Gianmaria L. Pessina - 285-308 Gender equality policies in Turkey’s opposition municipalities: factors that impact policy-making according to gender advocates
by Ebru Ertugal & Itir Bagdadi - 309-334 Playing populist: the relationship of convenience between populist language and demarcationist ideological positions in the Italian parliament (1948-2020)
by Silvia Decadri & Fedra Negri - 335-357 A bitter victory and a sweet defeat: the July 2023 Spanish general election
by Toni Rodon & Irene Rodríguez - 359-387 Competitive yet unfair: May 2023 elections and authoritarian resilience in Turkey
by Berk Esen & Sebnem Gumuscu & Hakan Yavuzyılmaz
April 2023, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 123-151 The implications of the European financial crisis and parties’ positions on European integration on the outcomes of government formation processes in Southern Europe
by Nicola Palma & Marc Debus - 153-175 Polarisation and youth in Turkey: young people as gatekeepers or challengers of polarisation?
by Begüm Uzun & Demet Lüküslü - 177-206 The waning of ideology? Presidential elections in the Republic of Cyprus, 5 February 2023
by Vasiliki Triga & Nikandros Ioannidis & Constantinos Djouvas - 207-230 Towards a predominant party system: the May 2023 election in Greece
by Yannis Tsirbas - 231-257 The nationalisation of subnational elections in polarised Spain: the May 2023 regional and local elections
by Amuitz Garmendia Madariaga & Pedro Riera
January 2023, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-17 South European Society and Politics: The Road Travelled so Far
by Susannah Verney & Anna Bosco - 19-46 Democratic Backsliding, Conflict, and Partisan Mobilisation of Ethnic Groups: Local Government Control and Electoral Participation in Turkey
by Reşat Bayer & Özge Kemahlıoğlu - 47-73 Intra-party Balance of Power: Cartelisation versus Communist Organisational Tradition in the Cypriot Radical Left AKEL
by Yiannos Katsourides & Chrystalla Agathocleous - 75-100 Shared or Self-rule? Regional Legislative Initiatives in Multi-level Spain, 1979-2021
by Marc Sanjaume-Calvet & Andreu Paneque - 101-122 More Flexible, Less Productive? The Impact of Employment Protection Legislation Reforms in Italy
by Francesco Stolfi & Oliver Fritsch
October 2022, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 431-458 Southern Europe Managing the First Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Crucial Effect of Timing
by Susannah Verney & José Real-Dato & Juan Rodríguez-Teruel - 459-485 Italy, the Sick Man of Europe: Policy Response, Experts and Public Opinion in the First Phase of Covid-19
by Giulia Vicentini & Maria Tullia Galanti - 487-519 The Limits of Power Concentration and Expert Knowledge in Emergency Management: Spain’s Government Response during the First Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic
by Juan Rodríguez Teruel & Eloísa del Pino & José Real-Dato - 521-549 A Portuguese Miracle: The Politics of the First Phase of Covid-19 in Portugal
by Patrícia Silva & Edna Costa & João Moniz - 551-576 Regaining Trust: Evidence-Informed Policymaking during the First Phase of the Covid-19 Crisis in Greece
by Stella Ladi & Angelos Angelou & Dimitra Panagiotatou - 577-606 Surviving the Covid-19 Pandemic under Right-wing Populist Rule: Turkey in the First Phase
by Özge Kemahlıoğlu & Oya Yeğen
July 2022, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 329-357 Radical-Right Surge in a Deinstitutionalised Party System: The 2022 Italian General Election
by Alessandro Chiaramonte & Vincenzo Emanuele & Nicola Maggini & Aldo Paparo - 359-383 Back to the Post-Fascist Past or Landing in the Populist Radical Right? The Brothers of Italy Between Continuity and Change
by Leonardo Puleo & Gianluca Piccolino - 385-405 Yet Another Populist Party? Understanding the Rise of Brothers of Italy
by Gianfranco Baldini & Filippo Tronconi & Davide Angelucci - 407-429 The Italian Democratic Party at the Crossroad: Party Activism and the Middle-Level Élite
by Paola Bordandini & Carlo Baccetti & Laura Sartori
April 2022, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 197-222 Explaining Morality Policy Coalitions in Spanish Parliamentary Votes: The Interaction of the Church-State Conflict and Territorial Politics
by Margarita León & Manuel Alvariño & Llorenç Soler-Buades - 223-251 Political Polarisation on Social Media: Competing Understandings of Democracy in Turkey
by Didem Türkoğlu & Meltem Odabaş & Doruk Tunaoglu & Mustafa Yavaş - 253-278 Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: The Evolution of Democratic Digital Innovations in Podemos
by Marco Meloni & Fabio G. Lupato - 279-303 Absolute and Benchmarked Economic Voting. A Subnational Perspective on a Decade of Elections in Southern Europe
by Marco Giuliani - 305-327 ‘Your Luck is Our Luck’: Covid-19, the Radical Right and Low Polarisation in the 2022 Portuguese Elections
by José Santana-Pereira & Elisabetta De Giorgi
January 2022, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-26 Affective Polarisation in Times of Political Instability and Conflict. Spain from a Comparative Perspective
by Mariano Torcal & Josep M. Comellas - 27-50 Electoral Competition and Partisan Affective Polarisation in Spain
by Isabel Rodríguez & Diego Santamaría & Luis Miller - 51-73 Territorial Polarisation after Radical Parties’ Breakthrough in Spain
by Amuitz Garmendia Madariaga & Pedro Riera - 75-95 Media Diet and Polarisation: Evidence from Spain
by Albert Padró-Solanet & Joan Balcells - 97-123 Twitter and Affective Polarisation: Following Political Leaders in Spain
by Javier Lorenzo-Rodríguez & Mariano Torcal - 125-146 In-Party Like, Out-Party Dislike and Propensity to Vote in Spain
by Danilo Serani - 147-169 Affective and Territorial Polarisation: The Impact on Vote Choice in Spain
by Toni Rodon - 171-196 Partisan Sentiments and Political Trust: A Longitudinal Study of Spain
by Mariano Torcal & Emily Carty
October 2021, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 437-464 Societal Responses to Right-Wing Extremism: Antifascist Mobilisation against Golden Dawn in Greece
by Antonis Ellinas & Iasonas Lamprianou - 465-487 Framing Gender through Affects: Antifeminism and Love in the Spanish Far Right (Vox)
by Alexandre Pichel-Vázquez & Begonya Enguix Grau - 489-515 Embattled Ballots, Quiet Streets: Competitive Authoritarianism and Dampening Anti-Government Protests in Turkey
by Anıl Kahvecioğlu & Semih Patan - 517-540 Higher Means Harder for Female Descriptive Representation? Women with Family Responsibilities and Party Primaries for Local, Regional and National Chambers in Spain
by Guillermo Cordero & Santiago Pérez-Nievas & Marta Paradés & Xavier Coller - 541-566 Political Participation among Natives and Immigrants: Identity and Socio-economic Status within the Turkish Cypriot Electorate
by Enis Porat & Sertac Sonan & Omer Gokcekus
July 2021, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 303-327 Are All Populist Voters the Same? Institutional Distrust and the Five Star Movement in Italy
by Davide Angelucci & Davide Vittori - 329-353 ‘Enough’ of What? An Analysis of Chega’s Populist Radical Right Agenda
by Mariana S. Mendes - 355-382 A Popular Mandate for Strongmen: What Public Opinion Data Reveals About Support for Executive Aggrandizement in Turkey, 1996-2018
by Dean Schafer - 383-411 Changing Preferences versus Issue Salience: The Political Success of Anti-immigration Parties in Italy
by Beatrice Magistro & Nicolas Wittstock - 413-436 The Silent Electoral Earthquake in Cyprus: A Crisis of Political Representation
by Antonis A. Ellinas & Yiannos Katsourides
April 2021, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 133-151 The ‘Lost Generation’ and Its Political Discontents: Age-related Divides in Southern Europe after the Crisis
by Emmanouil Tsatsanis & Marco Lisi & André Freire - 153-179 Trust, Satisfaction and Political Engagement during Economic Crisis: Young Citizens in Southern Europe
by Mario Quaranta & João Cancela & Irene Martín & Yannis Tsirbas - 181-207 Has the Great Recession Shaped a Crisis Generation of Critical Citizens? Evidence from Southern Europe
by Gema García-Albacete & Javier Lorente - 209-237 Generational and Ideological Gaps in Democratic Support: Seeds of Deconsolidation in Post-Crisis Southern Europe?
by Emmanouil Tsatsanis & Enrico Borghetto & André Freire & José Ramón Montero - 239-270 Assessing the Impact of Age, Cohort and Period Effects on Partisanship and Support for Mainstream Parties: Evidence from Southern Europe
by Marco Lisi & Mario Quaranta & José Real-Dato & Emmanouil Tsatsanis - 271-301 Age and Descriptive Representation in Southern Europe: The Impact of the Great Recession on National Parliaments
by André Freire & Andrea Pedrazzani & Emmanouil Tsatsanis & Xavier Coller & Paolo Segatti
January 2021, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-26 Defeating Populists: The Case of 2019 Istanbul Elections
by Seda Demiralp & Evren Balta - 27-53 Who Is Patriarchal? The Correlates of Patriarchy in Turkey
by Burcu Ozdemir-Sarigil & Zeki Sarigil - 55-82 Transnationalism and Welfare Chauvinism in Italy: Evidence from the 2018 Election Campaign
by Alessandro Pellegata & Francesco Visconti - 83-108 Street-level Bureaucrats and Coping Mechanisms.The Unexpected Role of Italian Judges in Asylum Policy Implementation
by Cristina Dallara & Alice Lacchei - 109-132 ‘Social Media Help Me Distinguish between Truth and Lies’: News Consumption in the Polarised and Low-trust Media Landscape of Greece
by Antonis Kalogeropoulos & Lamprini Rori & Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou
October 2020, Volume 25, Issue 3-4
- 257-284 Polarisation in Southern Europe: Elites, Party Conflicts and Negative Partisanship
by Anna Bosco & Susannah Verney - 285-315 Leader Polarisation: Conflict and Change in the Italian Political System
by Fabio Bordignon - 317-350 Policy Polarisation in Italy: The Short and Conflictual Life of the ‘Government of Change’ (2018–2019)
by Nicolò Conti & Andrea Pedrazzani & Federico Russo - 351-379 Looking for Affective Polarisation in Spain: PSOE and Podemos from Conflict to Coalition
by Lluís Orriols & Sandra León - 381-410 Polarisation and Electoral Realignment: The Case of the Right-Wing Parties in Spain
by Juan Rodríguez-Teruel - 411-439 Political Polarisation in Greece: The Prespa Agreement, Left/Right Antagonism and the Nationalism/Populism Nexus
by Athena Skoulariki - 441-474 The Multiple Spanish Elections of April and May 2019: The Impact of Territorial and Left-right Polarisation
by Pablo Simón - 475-501 Populism Put to the Polarisation Test: The 2019–20 Election Cycle in Italy
by Filippo Tronconi & Marco Valbruzzi - 503-532 Two-partyism Reloaded: Polarisation, Negative Partisanship, and the Return of the Left-right Divide in the Greek Elections of 2019
by Emmanouil Tsatsanis & Eftichia Teperoglou & Angelos Seriatos - 533-563 Two-bloc Logic, Polarisation and Coalition Government: The November 2019 General Election in Spain
by Pablo Simón
April 2020, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 127-150 The Exceptional Case of Post-Bailout Portugal: A Comparative Outlook
by Elisabetta De Giorgi & José Santana-Pereira - 151-178 How to Combine Public Spending with Fiscal Rigour? ‘Austerity by Stealth’ in Post-Bailout Portugal (2015-2019)
by Catherine Moury & Elisabetta De Giorgi & Pedro Pita Barros - 179-203 Party System Renewal or Business as Usual? Continuity and Change in Post-Bailout Portugal
by Marco Lisi & Edalina Rodrigues Sanches & Jayane dos Santos Maia - 205-228 Demand without Supply? Populist Attitudes and Voting Behaviour in Post-Bailout Portugal
by José Santana-Pereira & João Cancela - 229-255 In the Shadow of the ‘Government of the Left’: The 2019 Legislative Elections in Portugal
by Carlos Jalali & João Moniz & Patrícia Silva
January 2020, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-26 Between Domestic Learning and External Coercion: Budgeting and Fiscal Management Reform in Greece
by Calliope Spanou - 27-48 Reforming Greece’s Tax Administration during the Financial Crisis: The Paradox of Power Asymmetry
by Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos & Argyris G. Passas - 49-74 Migration Crisis, Organised Crime and Domestic Politics in Italy: Unfolding the Interplay
by Iole Fontana - 75-98 Migration and Healthcare Reforms in Spain: Symbolic Politics, Converging Outputs, Oppositions from the Field
by María Bruquetas-Callejo & Roberta Perna - 99-125 Repression without Exception: A Study of Protest Bans during Turkey’s State of Emergency (2016-2018)
by Mert Arslanalp & T. Deniz Erkmen
October 2019, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 421-440 European Banking Union to the Rescue? How Supranational Institutions Influenced Crisis Management in Italy
by Manuela Moschella & Lucia Quaglia - 441-462 Preferring Rome to Brussels: Mapping Interest Group Europeanisation in Italy
by Andrea Pritoni - 463-484 Institutional Suicide and Elite Coordination: The Spanish Transition Revisited
by Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca & Luis Fernando Medina - 485-511 Political Consequences of Welfare Regimes: Social Assistance and Support for Presidentialism in Turkey
by Işık D. Özel & Kerem Yıldırım - 513-533 Facebook: An Emerging Arena for Politics of Self-Determination in northern Cyprus?
by Emel Akçalı
July 2019, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 287-315 Competition in a Populist Authoritarian Regime: The June 2018 Dual Elections in Turkey
by Yunus Sözen - 317-342 Killing Competitive Authoritarianism Softly: The 2019 Local Elections in Turkey
by Berk Esen & Sebnem Gumuscu - 343-370 Local Governments and Social Movements in the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Milan and Barcelona as ‘Cities of Welcome’
by Raffaele Bazurli - 371-395 The Puzzle of Expansionary Welfare Reforms under Harsh Austerity: Explaining the Italian Case
by Patrik Vesan & Stefano Ronchi - 397-419 Negative Perceptions of Jews in Turkish Politics: An Analysis of Parliamentary Debates, 1983-2016
by Türkay Salim Nefes
April 2019, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 155-176 Beyond Conditionality: Policy Reversals in Southern Europe in the Aftermath of the Eurozone Crisis
by Catherine Moury & Alexandre Afonso - 177-204 When the Lenders Leave Town: Veto Players, Electoral Calculations and Vested Interests as Determinants of Policy Reversals in Spain and Portugal
by Catherine Moury & Daniel Cardoso & Angie Gago - 205-232 Here to Stay? Reversals of Structural Reforms in Southern Europe as the Crisis Wanes
by Rui Branco & Daniel Cardoso & Ana M. Guillén & Stefano Sacchi & David Luque Balbona - 233-257 Electoral Coalitions and Policy Reversals in Portugal and Italy in the Aftermath of the Eurozone Crisis
by Alexandre Afonso & Fabio Bulfone - 259-285 Export or Perish: Can Internal Devaluation Create Enough Good Jobs in Southern Europe?
by Sofia A. Perez & Manos Matsaganis
January 2019, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-28 Southern Europe and the Eurozone Crisis Negotiations: Preference Formation and Contested Issues
by Leonardo Morlino & Cecilia Emma Sottilotta - 29-52 Policy Failure in the Triangle of Growth: Labour Market, Human Capital, and Innovation in Spain and Italy
by Luigi Burroni & Alberto Gherardini & Gemma Scalise - 53-77 Piecing Together the ‘Turkish Puzzle’ on Female Labour Force Participation: Comparative Insights from Southern Europe
by H. Tolga Bolukbasi & A. Onur Kutlu - 79-101 Facilitating the Italian Mafia: The Grey Zone of Complicity and Collusion
by Felia Allum & Rossella Merlino & Alessandro Colletti - 103-127 Post-crisis Political Normalisation? The 2018 Presidential Elections in the Republic of Cyprus
by Vasiliki Triga & Fernando Mendez & Constantinos Djouvas - 129-154 Yet Another Case of Electoral and Government Epidemic? The Turkish Cypriot Legislative Election of January 2018
by Ahmet Sözen & Sertaç Sonan
October 2018, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 405-427 Populism, Blame Shifting and the Crisis: Discourse Strategies in Portuguese Political Parties
by Marco Lisi & Enrico Borghetto - 429-450 Populism from Below: Socio-economic and Ideological Correlates of Mass Attitudes in Greece
by Emmanouil Tsatsanis & Ioannis Andreadis & Eftichia Teperoglou - 451-477 Far-Right Extremism and Populist Rhetoric: Greece and Cyprus during an Era of Crisis
by Giorgos Charalambous & Panos Christoforou - 479-501 Populist Success in a Hung Parliament: The 2018 General Election in Italy
by Alessandro Chiaramonte & Vincenzo Emanuele & Nicola Maggini & Aldo Paparo - 503-524 Portugal’s Leftist Government: From Sick Man to Poster Boy?
by Jorge M. Fernandes & Pedro C. Magalhães & José Santana-Pereira - 525-545 The Political Economy of Central Banking in Turkey: The Macroprudential Policy Regime and Self-Undermining Feedback
by Mustafa Yağcı - 547-570 Declining Poverty and Inequality in Turkey: The Effect of Social Assistance and Home Ownership
by Hasan Tekgüç
July 2018, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 303-322 Mayors and Corruption in Spain: Same Rules, Different Outcomes
by Salvador Parrado & Carl Dahlström & Víctor Lapuente - 323-340 Do Popular Assemblies Contribute to Genuine Political Change? Lessons from the Park Forums in Istanbul
by Emel Akçalı - 341-364 Like Leaves in the Wind? Economic Conditions and Government Survival in Italy (1946–2015)
by Luca Pinto - 365-386 The Determinants of Women’s Empowerment in Turkey: A Multilevel Analysis
by Kursat Cinar & Tekin Kose - 387-403 Second Chamber Reform in Italy: Federalism Left Behind
by Brunetta Baldi
April 2018, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 197-217 Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Democratic Backsliding in Turkey: Beyond the Narratives of Progress
by Cemal Burak Tansel - 219-238 Labour and Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Changes and Continuities Under the AKP Governments in Turkey
by Sümercan Bozkurt-Güngen - 239-257 Authoritarian Turn or Continuity? Governance of Media through Capture and Discipline in the AKP Era
by Bilge Yeşil - 259-280 Reclaiming the National Will: Resilience of Turkish Authoritarian Neoliberalism after Gezi
by Ali Bilgiç - 281-302 Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Regime Security in Turkey: Moving to an ‘Exceptional State’ under AKP
by Özlem Kaygusuz
January 2018, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-12 Italian Politics in an Era of Recession: The End of Bipolarism?
by Martin J. Bull & Gianfranco Pasquino - 13-28 In the Eye of the Storm: The Italian Economy and the Eurozone Crisis
by Martin J. Bull - 29-46 The Italian Welfare State in the Crisis: Learning to Adjust?
by Stefano Sacchi - 47-62 After and Beyond Amoral Familism: The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Social Capital Italian-style
by Raimondo Catanzaro - 63-79 Trade Unions and Employment Relations in Italy during the Economic Crisis
by Ida Regalia & Marino Regini - 81-96 Electoral Reform as an Engine of Party System Change in Italy
by Marta Regalia - 97-114 Protest in Italy in Times of Crisis: A Cross-Government Comparison
by Massimiliano Andretta - 115-132 Italian Migration Policies in Times of Crisis: The Policy Gap Reconsidered
by Tiziana Caponio & Teresa M. Cappiali - 133-146 The Disappearance of Political Cultures in Italy
by Gianfranco Pasquino - 147-162 Voters without a Party: The ‘Long Decade’ of the Italian Centre-Right and its Uncertain Future
by Marco Tarchi - 163-180 The Italian Five Star Movement during the Crisis: Towards Normalisation?
by Filippo Tronconi - 181-196 The Italian Democratic Party from Merger to Personalism
by Sofia Ventura
October 2017, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 405-426 Unwilling to Forget: Local Memory Initiatives in Post-Franco Spain
by Paloma Aguilar - 427-446 Voting for Movement Parties in Southern Europe: The Role of Protest and Digital Information
by Lorenzo Mosca & Mario Quaranta - 447-471 Back to the Suitcase? Emigration during the Great Recession in Spain
by Amparo González-Ferrer & Francisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes - 473-490 Political Parties and Grassroots Clientelist Strategies in Urban Turkey: One Neighbourhood at a Time
by Ceren Ark-Yıldırım - 491-508 Trade Unions and Political Parties in Italy (1946–2014): Ideological Positions and Critical Junctures
by Andrea Ceron & Fedra Negri - 509-529 Winning Against the Trend: Labour’s Victory in the 2017 Maltese Parliamentary Election
by Roderick Pace
July 2017, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 281-302 Referendum on Renzi: The 2016 Vote on the Italian Constitutional Revision
by Luigi Ceccarini & Fabio Bordignon - 303-326 A Small Yes for Presidentialism: The Turkish Constitutional Referendum of April 2017
by Berk Esen & Şebnem Gümüşçü - 327-344 Believing in Conspiracy Theories: Evidence from an Exploratory Analysis of Italian Survey Data
by Moreno Mancosu & Salvatore Vassallo & Cristiano Vezzoni - 345-364 Framing Exclusion in the Public Sphere: Far-Right Mobilisation and the Debate on Charlie Hebdo in Italy
by Pietro Castelli Gattinara - 365-384 Civic Participation and Citizenship in Turkey: A Comparative Study of Five Cities
by Bahar Rumelili & Didem Çakmaklı - 385-404 Administrative Innovations and Accountability Failures: The Termination of the Spanish Telecommunications Agency
by Ana García-Juanatey & Jacint Jordana & David Sancho
April 2017, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 139-156 Social Movements within Organisations: Occupy Parties in Italy and Turkey
by Jonas Bergan Draege & Daniela Chironi & Donatella della Porta - 157-177 The Innovation Paradox in Southern Europe. Unexpected Performance During the Economic Crisis
by Davide Donatiello & Francesco Ramella - 179-195 Gender Quotas and Political Representation in Spain and Portugal: Electoral Competition, Learning and Emulation
by Pablo Simón & Tània Verge - 197-216 Inter-ethnic (In)tolerance between Turks and Kurds: Implications for Turkish Democratisation
by Zeki Sarigil & Ekrem Karakoc - 217-238 Patterns of ‘Othering’ in Turkey: A Study of Ethnic, Ideological, and Sectarian Polarisation
by Ayşe Betül Çelik & Rezarta Bilali & Yeshim Iqbal - 239-260 A Decade of Lost Growth: Economic Policy in Spain through the Great Recession
by Keith Salmon - 261-279 Parties and Change in the Post-Bailout Cyprus: The May 2016 Parliamentary Elections
by Vasiliki Triga
January 2017, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-1 Correction to: S. Erdem Aytaç, Ali Çarkoğlu, and Kerem Yıldırım, Taking Sides: Determinants of Support for a Presidential System in Turkey
by The Editors - 1-20 Taking Sides: Determinants of Support for a Presidential System in Turkey
by S. Erdem Aytaç & Ali Çarkoğlu & Kerem Yıldırım - 21-42 Party System Change in Italy: Politicising the EU and the Rise of Eccentric Parties
by Daniela Giannetti & Andrea Pedrazzani & Luca Pinto - 43-60 Institutional Grievances and Right-Wing Extremism: Voting for Golden Dawn in Greece
by Iasonas Lamprianou & Antonis A. Ellinas - 61-80 Islamist Mobilisation in Secularist Strongholds: Institutional Change and Electoral Performance in Turkey
by Feryaz Ocaklı - 81-99 Lifestyle Preferences and Strategies of Spanish Working Mothers: A Matter of Choice?
by Inés Campillo & Lorena Armijo - 101-119 Unexpected Persistence Amidst Enlargement Stasis: Usages of Europe in Turkey’s Nuclear Energy Debate
by Defne Günay & Emre İşeri - 121-138 A Resurgent Presidency? Portuguese Semi-Presidentialism and the 2016 Elections
by Jorge M. Fernandes & Carlos Jalali
October 2016, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 383-406 From Electoral Epidemic to Government Epidemic: The Next Level of the Crisis in Southern Europe
by Anna Bosco & Susannah Verney - 407-426 The January 2015 Parliamentary Election in Greece: Government Change, Partial Punishment and Hesitant Stabilisation
by Yannis Tsirbas - 427-450 Realignment under Stress: The July 2015 Referendum and the September Parliamentary Election in Greece
by Emmanouil Tsatsanis & Eftichia Teperoglou - 451-468 The 2015 Portuguese Legislative Election: Widening the Coalitional Space and Bringing the Extreme Left in
by Elisabetta De Giorgi & José Santana-Pereira - 469-492 The Breakdown of the Spanish Two-Party System: The Upsurge of Podemos and Ciudadanos in the 2015 General Election
by Lluis Orriols & Guillermo Cordero - 493-517 The Challenges of the New Spanish Multipartism: Government Formation Failure and the 2016 General Election
by Pablo Simón - 519-540 SYRIZA’s Electoral Rise in Greece: Protest, Trust and the Art of Political Manipulation
by Myrto Tsakatika - 541-560 U-Turn: The Portuguese Radical Left from Marginality to Government Support
by Marco Lisi - 561-585 Fast and Furious: Podemos’ Quest for Power in Multi-level Spain
by Juan Rodríguez-Teruel & Astrid Barrio & Oscar Barberà - 587-607 Going National: Ciudadanos from Catalonia to Spain
by Juan Rodríguez Teruel & Astrid Barrio
July 2016, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 281-299 Different Types of Right-Wing Populist Discourse in Government and Opposition: The Case of Italy
by Giuliano Bobba & Duncan McDonnell - 301-318 Technology and Politics: Have the ICTs Turned into a Domain for Civil–Military Relations in Turkey?
by Rabia Karakaya Polat & Özlem Kayhan Pusane - 319-337 In Search of Strategies to Face the Economic Crisis: Evidence from Greek Farms
by Athanasios Ragkos & Stavriani Koutsou & Theodoros Manousidis - 339-357 Podemos and Ciudadanos Shake up the Spanish Party System: The 2015 Local and Regional Elections
by Toni Rodon & María José Hierro - 359-381 The 2015 Catalan Election: The Independence Bid at the Polls
by Lluis Orriols & Toni Rodon
April 2016, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 163-180 Portuguese Democratisation 40 Years on: Its Meaning and Enduring Legacies
by Marina Costa Lobo & António Costa Pinto & Pedro C. Magalhães - 181-196 Bringing the Past Back in: How Attitudes towards the Democratic Transition Influence the Portuguese Voter
by Marina Costa Lobo - 197-210 An Ever-Shadowed Past? Citizens’ Attitudes towards the Dictatorship in Twenty-First Century Portugal
by José Santana-Pereira & Filipa Raimundo & António Costa Pinto - 211-226 Portuguese Citizens’ Support for Democracy: 40 Years after the Carnation Revolution
by Edalina Rodrigues Sanches & Ekaterina Gorbunova - 227-242 The Media as a Window on the Past? The Impact of Television and Newspaper Consumption on Knowledge of the Democratic Transition in Portugal
by José Santana-Pereira - 243-262 Allocating Campaign Effort in Spain: Evidence from Four General Elections
by Enrique García-Viñuela & Ignacio Jurado & Pedro Riera - 263-280 Back to a Predominant Party System: The November 2015 Snap Election in Turkey
by Sabri Sayarı
January 2016, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-14 Encounters with Europe in an Era of Domestic and International Turmoil: Is Turkey a De-Europeanising Candidate Country?
by Senem Aydın-Düzgit & Alper Kaliber - 15-28 From AKP’s ‘Conservative Democracy’ to ‘Advanced Democracy’: Shifts and Challenges in the Debate on ‘Europe’
by Başak Alpan - 29-43 Shifting Logics: The Discourses of Turkish Political Elites on EU Accession
by Canan Balkır & Sedef Eylemer