January 2016, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 45-58 De-Europeanisation through Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of AKP’s Election Speeches
by Senem Aydın-Düzgit - 59-74 De-Europeanisation of Civil Society and Public Debates in Turkey: The Kurdish Question Revisited
by Alper Kaliber - 75-90 Europeanisation and De-Europeanisation Dynamics in Turkey: The Case of Environmental Organisations
by Büke Boşnak - 91-103 Policy Transfer and Discursive De-Europeanisation: Higher Education from Bologna to Turkey
by Özge Onursal-Beşgül - 105-118 Why the EU Still Matters in Turkish Domestic Politics: Insights from Recent Reforms in Migration Policy
by Alexander Bürgin - 119-132 De-Europeanisation or Counter-Conduct? Turkey’s Democratisation and the EU
by Münevver Cebeci - 133-146 De-Europeanisation in Turkey: The Case of the Rule of Law
by Beken Saatçioğlu - 147-161 Europeanisation or De-Europeanisation? Media Freedom in Turkey (1999–2015)
by Gözde Yılmaz
October 2015, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 445-464 Winds of Change? The June 2015 Parliamentary Election in Turkey
by Özge Kemahlıoğlu - 465-485 Redefining the Crisis/Redefining Democracy: Mobilising for the Right to Housing in Spain's PAH Movement
by Cristina Flesher Fominaya - 487-508 Identifying with the Nation: Spain's Left-Wing Citizens in an Age of Crisis
by Antonia María Ruiz Jiménez & Manuel Tomás González-Fernández & Manuel Jiménez Sánchez - 509-531 An Italian Leitmotiv? Corruption and Competence in the Debates of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (1946–2014)
by Luigi Curini - 533-552 An Unfinished Grassroots Populism: The Gezi Park Protests in Turkey and Their Aftermath
by Hayriye Özen - 553-571 Bye-Bye Bipolarism: The 2015 Regional Elections and the New Shape of Regional Party Systems in Italy
by Filippo Tronconi - 573-590 Climbing to the Rooftop, Falling off, yet Landing on One’s Feet (and Finding a Wallet on the Pavement?): The Electoral Fate of the Greek Ecogreens (2004–15)
by Iosif Botetzagias & Pavlos Vasilopoulos
July 2015, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 287-309 The 2014 European Parliament Elections in Southern Europe: Second-Order or Critical Elections?
by Hermann Schmitt & Eftichia Teperoglou - 311-331 Renzi's Honeymoon Effect: The 2014 European Election in Italy
by Paolo Segatti & Monica Poletti & Cristiano Vezzoni - 333-355 Habituating to the New Normal in a Post-earthquake Party System: The 2014 European Election in Greece
by Eftichia Teperoglou & Emmanouil Tsatsanis & Elias Nicolacopoulos - 357-379 Against Bipartyism, Towards Dealignment? The 2014 European Election in Spain
by Guillermo Cordero & José Ramón Montero - 381-401 More Second-Order than Ever? The 2014 European Election in Portugal
by André Freire & José Santana-Pereira - 403-424 Surprising Elections in Exciting Times? Of Proxies and Second-Order Events in the 2014 European Election in Cyprus
by Giorgos Charalambous & Bambos Papageorgiou & Adonis Pegasiou - 425-444 The Anatomy of a Misfit: The 2014 European Election in Malta
by Marcello Carammia & Roderick Pace
April 2015, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 157-179 Turkish Popular Presidential Elections: Deepening Legitimacy Issues and Looming Regime Change
by Ersin Kalaycıoğlu - 181-201 Losers' Second Chances and Control of the Party Machine: Aspirant Premiers in Regional Spain
by Javier Astudillo - 203-221 Explaining the Prevalence of Illegitimate Wage Practices in Southern Europe: An Institutional Analysis
by Colin C. Williams & Ioana A. Horodnic - 223-242 Toga Party: The Political Basis of Judicial Investigations against MPs in Italy (1983–2013)
by Andrea Ceron & Marco Mainenti - 243-263 From Mosaic to Ebru: Conviviality in Multi-ethnic, Multi-faith Burgazadası, Istanbul
by Deniz Neriman Duru - 265-285 Out of Sight, Out of Mind? External Voting and the Political Representation of Portuguese Emigrants
by Marco Lisi & Ana Maria Belchior & Manuel Abrantes & Joana Azevedo
January 2015, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-20 Neo-Nazism in an Established Democracy: The Persistence of Golden Dawn in Greece
by Antonis A. Ellinas - 21-45 Spain: No Country for the Populist Radical Right?
by Sonia Alonso & Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser - 47-69 Islamisation of Turkey under the AKP Rule: Empowering Family, Faith and Charity
by Ayhan Kaya - 71-92 Emergence of a Dominant Party System After Multipartyism: Theoretical Implications from the Case of the AKP in Turkey
by Pelin Ayan Musil - 93-111 Dynastic Politics: Family Ties in the Greek Parliament, 2000–12
by Stratos Patrikios & Michalis Chatzikonstantinou - 113-131 Adopting Same-Sex Unions in Catholic Malta: Pointing the Finger at ‘Europe’
by Mark Harwood - 133-155 The 2014 Local Elections in Greece: Looking for Patterns in a Changing Political System
by Yannis Tsirbas
October 2014, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 413-433 Political Representation in Bailed-out Southern Europe: Greece and Portugal Compared
by André Freire & Marco Lisi & Ioannis Andreadis & José Manuel Leite Viegas - 435-456 Representation and Austerity Politics: Attitudes of Greek Voters and Elites Compared
by Georgios Karyotis & Wolfgang Rüdig & David Judge - 457-476 Elites' and Voters' Attitudes towards Austerity Policies and their Consequences in Greece and Portugal
by Eftichia Teperoglou & André Freire & Ioannis Andreadis & José Manuel Leite Viegas - 477-499 Awakening the Sleeping Giant in Greece and Portugal? Elites' and Voters' Attitudes towards EU Integration in Difficult Economic Times
by André Freire & Eftichia Teperoglou & Catherine Moury - 501-518 Support for Democracy in Times of Crisis: Diffuse and Specific Regime Support in Portugal and Greece
by Conceição Pequito Teixeira & Emmanouil Tsatsanis & Ana Maria Belchior - 519-540 The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Ideological Space in Portugal and Greece: A Comparison of Elites and Voters
by Emmanouil Tsatsanis & André Freire & Yannis Tsirbas - 541-559 Campaign Individualisation before and after the Bailout: A Comparison between Greece and Portugal
by Marco Lisi & José Santana-Pereira - 561-581 From Notary to Ruler: The Role of the President of the Republic during the Italian Crisis (2010–14)
by Mauro Tebaldi - 583-600 Local Elections and the Turkish Voter: Looking for the Determinants of Party Choice
by Ersin Kalaycıoğlu
July 2014, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 295-307 Can the Welfare State as We Know It Survive? A View from the Crisis-Ridden South European Periphery
by Maria Petmesidou & Ana M. Guillén - 309-330 Reassessing South European Pensions after the Crisis: Evidence from Two Decades of Reforms
by David Natali & Furio Stamati - 331-352 South European Healthcare Systems under Harsh Austerity: A Progress–Regression Mix?
by Maria Petmesidou & Emmanuele Pavolini & Ana M. Guillén - 353-369 ‘Social Investment’ or Back to ‘Familism’: The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Family and Care Policies in Italy and Spain
by Margarita León & Emmanuele Pavolini - 371-392 Welfare Performance in Southern Europe: Employment Crisis and Poverty Risk
by Rodolfo Gutiérrez - 393-412 The Distributional Impact of Austerity and the Recession in Southern Europe
by Manos Matsaganis & Chrysa Leventi
April 2014, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 155-167 AKP at the Crossroads: Erdoğan's Majoritarian Drift
by Ergun Özbudun - 169-192 Plus ça Change Plus C'est la Même Chose: Consolidation of the AKP's Predominance in the March 2014 Local Elections in Turkey
by Ali Çarkoğlu - 193-214 Can Austerity Lead to Recentralisation? Italian Local Government during the Economic Crisis
by Silvia Bolgherini - 215-234 Reforms and Collective Action in a Clientelist System: Greece during the Mitsotakis Administration (1990–93)
by Aris Trantidis - 235-255 For Whom the Bailout Tolls? The Implications of the 2013 Local Elections for the Portuguese Party System
by Carlos Jalali - 257-280 Bringing Secessionism into the Mainstream: The 2012 Regional Election in Catalonia
by Guillem Rico & Robert Liñeira - 281-287 Changing to Stay the Same? The Evolution of Southern Europe's Political Systems
by Marco Lisi - 289-294 Crossing the Rubicon … and Back: Twenty Years of the Italian Northern League
by Gianluca Passarelli
January 2014, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-23 Matteo Renzi: A ‘Leftist Berlusconi’ for the Italian Democratic Party?
by Fabio Bordignon - 25-50 The ‘Normalisation’ of the Protester: Changes in Political Action in Italy (1981–2009)
by Mario Quaranta - 51-70 The Comeback of the Right in Crisis-Ridden Cyprus: The 2013 Presidential Elections
by Yiannos Katsourides - 71-87 Party Regulation in Post-Authoritarian Contexts: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective
by Ingrid van Biezen & Fernando Casal Bértoa - 89-112 The Carrot and the Stick: Party Regulation and Politics in Democratic Spain
by Fernando Casal Bértoa & Juan Rodríguez-Teruel & Oscar Barberà & Astrid Barrio - 113-134 New Challenges to Political Party Financial Supervision in Portugal
by Luís de Sousa - 135-152 A Self-interested Legislator? Party Regulation in Italy
by Daniela R. Piccio - 153-154 South European Society and Politics Reviewers in the Years 2012 and 2013
by The Editors
December 2013, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 397-426 Living Parallel Lives: Italy and Greece in an Age of Austerity
by Susannah Verney & Anna Bosco - 427-449 Five Stars and a Cricket. Beppe Grillo Shakes Italian Politics
by Fabio Bordignon & Luigi Ceccarini - 451-471 A Landlord's Notice to Quit: The May 2012 Municipal Elections in Italy
by James L. Newell - 473-497 Don't Count Your Chickens before They're Hatched: The 2013 Italian Parliamentary and Presidential Elections
by Gianfranco Baldini - 499-521 Beppe Grillo's First Defeat? The May 2013 Municipal Elections in Italy
by Piergiorgio Corbetta & Rinaldo Vignati - 523-542 In the Shadow of Grexit: The Greek Election of 17 June 2012
by Sofia Vasilopoulou & Daphne Halikiopoulou - 543-565 The Rise of Golden Dawn: The New Face of the Far Right in Greece
by Antonis A. Ellinas - 567-589 Determinants of Extreme Right Reappearance in Cyprus: The National Popular Front (ELAM), Golden Dawn's Sister Party
by Yiannos Katsourides - 591-610 Double Punishment for Regional and National Incumbents: The March 2012 Regional Election in Andalusia
by Braulio Gómez Fortes & Laura Cabeza & Irene Palacios
2013, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 283-304 Tax and Trust: The Fiscal Crisis in Greece
by Georgia Kaplanoglou & Vassilis Rapanos - 305-331 Economic Crisis, Troika and the Environment in Greece
by Joseph Lekakis & Maria Kousis - 333-354 Job Precariousness and Political Orientations: The Case of Italy
by Piergiorgio Corbetta & Pasquale Colloca - 355-374 Resolute Leaders and ‘Cardboard Deputies’: Parliamentary Party Unity in the New Spanish Democracy
by Bonnie Field - 375-395 With or Without the EU: Europeanisation of Asylum and Competition Policies in Turkey
by Umut Aydin & Kemal Kirişci
2013, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 121-137 Europeanisation and Dynamics of Continuity and Change: Domestic Political Economies in the ‘Southern Periphery’
by Canan Balkir & H. Bolukbasi & Ebru Ertugal - 139-157 Europeanisation, Independent Bodies and the Empowerment of Technocracy: The Case of the Greek Auditing Oversight Body
by Spyros Blavoukos & Constantinos Caramanis & Emmanouil Dedoulis - 159-176 The Europeanisation of Macroeconomic Policies and Financial Regulation in Italy
by Lucia Quaglia - 177-196 All Hands on Deck! How Europeanised Is the Maltese Labour Market?
by Rose Azzopardi - 197-216 Portugal in the European Union: The Limits of Convergence
by Sebastián Royo - 217-236 Spain's Catch up with the EU Core: The Implausible Quest of a ‘Flying Pig’?
by Luis Moreno - 237-257 Europeanisation of Employment Policy in Turkey: Tracing Domestic Change through Institutions, Ideas and Interests
by H. Bolukbasi & Ebru Ertugal - 259-280 Europeanisation in the ‘Southern Periphery’: Comparative Research Findings on the EU's Impact on Domestic Political Economies
by Canan Balkir & H. Bolukbasi & Ebru Ertugal - 281-281 Acknowledgements
by Canan Balkir & H. Bolukbasi & Ebru Ertugal
2013, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-19 ‘Zippin’ up My Boots, Goin’ Back to My Roots': Radical Left Parties in Southern Europe
by Myrto Tsakatika & Marco Lisi - 21-39 Rediscovering Civil Society? Renewal and Continuity in the Portuguese Radical Left
by Marco Lisi - 41-60 Impulse and Decadence of Linkage Processes: Evidence from the Spanish Radical Left
by Luis Ramiro & Tània Verge - 61-79 Renewal and Tradition: Comparing Italian Radical Left Parties through their Middle-Level Elites
by Paola Bordandini - 81-99 The Radical Left's Turn towards Civil Society in Greece: One Strategy, Two Paths
by Myrto Tsakatika & Costas Eleftheriou - 101-119 A Society within Society: Linkage in the Case of the Cypriot Communist Party
by Giorgos Charalambous & Christophoros Christophorou
2012, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 533-551 The ‘Beanpole Family’: Cultural Aspects of ‘the Demographic Crisis’ in Greece
by Margaret Kenna - 553-571 Rural Immigration, Family Farm Modernisation and Reactivation of Traditional Women's Farming Tasks in Greece: Masculinities and Femininities Reconsidered
by Michael Petrou - 573-589 Growing Secularisation in a Catholic Society: The Divorce Referendum of 28 May 2011 in Malta
by Roderick Pace - 591-597 Which Istanbul? Whose Past? Whose Future?
by Alan Duben - 599-601 The Politics of Industrial Relations: Labor Unions in Spain
by Robert Fishman - 601-603 The Italian Way: Food and Social Life
by Elizabeth Krause - 603-605 Modern Greece: A History since 1821
by Dimitris Livanios - 605-607 An Island in Europe: The EU and the Transformation of Cyprus
by George Christou - 607-609 The Politics of Italy: Governance in a Normal Country
by Ciro D'amore - 609-611 Women, Politics and Pensions: Pension Reform in Greece Between 1975–2002
by Maria Petmesidou
2010, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-10 European Citizenship and the National Elites of Southern Europe
by Nicolò Conti & Maurizio Cotta & Pedro Tavares de Almeida - 11-33 Italy: Still a Pro-European, but not a Fully Europeanised Elite?
by Christophe Roux & Luca Verzichelli - 35-56 The Perception of the European Union by Political and Economic Elites in Spain
by Miguel Jerez Mir & José Real Dato & Rafael Vázquez García - 57-77 Attitudes of the Portuguese Elites towards the European Union
by Diogo Moreira & João Pedro Ruivo & António Costa Pinto & Pedro Tavares de Almeida - 79-96 Attitudes of Greek Parliamentarians Towards European and National Identity, Representation, and Scope of Governance
by Roula Nezi & Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos & Panayiota Toka - 97-119 European Citizenship in Party Euromanifestos: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective (1994–2004)
by Nicolò Conti - 121-142 Southern Europe: a Distinctive and More Pro-European Region in the EU?
by Nicolò Conti & Maurizio Cotta & Pedro Tavares de Almeida - 143-149 Old and New Perspectives on Basque Nationalism and Violence
by Jan Mansvelt Beck - 151-155 Italian Politics and the Cattaneo Institute
by Ciro D'Amore