January 2014, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 203-216 The Janus Faces of a Middle Power: South Africa's Emergence in International Development
by Helen Yanacopulos - 217-227 Plundering the Past: History and Nation in Mugabe's Zimbabwe
by Kate Law - 229-230 Ruth Finnegan, Oral Literature in Africa (Cambridge, Open Book Publishers, 2012), 614 pp., £15.95 paperback, ISBN: 978-1-906924-70-6
by Felicity Wood - 230-232 John McCracken, A History of Malawi 1859–1966 (Woodbridge, UK: James Currey, 2012), xviii + 485 pp., £60/US$99 hardback, ISBN 978-1-84701-050-6
by Jack Hogan - 232-234 Heather Hughes, First President: A Life of John L. Dube, Founding President of the ANC (Auckland Park, South Africa, Jacana, 2011), 312 pp., ZAR180/US$35.95 paperback, ISBN 978-1-77009-813-8
by Tom Lodge - 234-237 Michael R. Mahoney, The Other Zulus: The Spread of Zulu Ethnicity in Colonial South Africa (Durham NC and London, Duke University Press, 2012), xiv + 292 pp., £16.99 paperback, ISBN 978-0-8223-5309-6
by John Lonsdale
December 2013, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 749-763 Introduction: Politics, Patronage and Violence in Zimbabwe
by Jocelyn Alexander & JoAnn McGregor - 765-782 ‘Rebels’ and ‘Good Boys’: Patronage, Intimidation and Resistance in Zimbabwe's Attorney General's Office after 2000
by Susanne Verheul - 783-805 Surveillance and the City: Patronage, Power-Sharing and the Politics of Urban Control in Zimbabwe
by JoAnn McGregor - 807-828 Militarisation and State Institutions: ‘Professionals’ and ‘Soldiers’ inside the Zimbabwe Prison Service
by Jocelyn Alexander - 829-843 Ideology, Civilian Authority and the Zimbabwean Military
by Blessing-Miles Tendi - 845-862 Electoral Politics and a Farm Workers' Struggle in Zimbabwe (1999–2000)
by Blair Rutherford - 863-883 The ‘Hardcore’ Student Activist: The Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU), State Violence, and Frustrated Masculinity, 2000–2008
by Dan Hodgkinson - 885-901 Ndira's Wake: Politics, Memory and Mobility among the Youth of Mabvuku-Tafara, Harare
by Sam Wilkins - 903-920 Testing Ties: Opposition and Power-Sharing Negotiations in Zimbabwe
by Thys Hoekman - 921-936 The Political Economy of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Central Zimbabwe
by Showers Mawowa - 937-953 The Role of Politics and State Practices in Shaping Rural Differentiation: A Study of Resettled Small-Scale Farmers in South-Eastern Zimbabwe
by Phillan Zamchiya - 955-962 The MDC-T's (Un)Seeing Eye in Zimbabwe's 2013 Harmonised Elections: A Technical Knockout
by Phillan Zamchiya - 963-970 Robert Mugabe's 2013 Presidential Election Campaign
by Blessing-Miles Tendi - 971-988 The 2013 Elections in Zimbabwe: The End of an Era
by Brian Raftopoulos - 989-995 ‘The Heterogeneous State and Legal Pluralism in Mozambique’
by Helene Maria Kyed - 997-999 Melancholia of Freedom: Social Life in an Indian Township in South Africa
by Sarah-Jane Cooper-Knock - 999-1000 Democratic Deficit in the Parliament of Botswana
by Christian John Makgala - 1000-1002 The State and the Social: State Formation in Botswana and Its Precolonial and Colonial Genealogies
by Neil Parsons - 1002-1003 Prickly Pear: The Social History of a Plant in the Eastern Cape
by Brett M. Bennett - 1004-1005 Thomas Pringle: South African Pioneer, Poet & Abolitionist
by C.J. Driver
2013, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 491-496 Editorial
by Lyn Schumaker - 497-509 Working through a Paradox about Sexual Culture in South Africa: Tough Sex in the Twenty-First Century
by Jonny Steinberg - 511-526 ‘Respectable Women’ versus ‘Small Houses’: Feminist Negotiations of Sexual Morality, Marriage and the Challenge of HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe
by Lene Christiansen - 527-542 The Medical History of Abortion in South Africa, c
by Rebecca Hodes - 543-556 Medicine, Politics and Disease on South Africa's Gold Mines
by Jock McCulloch - 557-576 Cross-Border Lives, Warfare and Rape in Independence-Era Botswana
by Maitseo Bolaane - 577-596 The Dilemma of Anti-Xenophobia Discourse in the Aftermath of Violence in De Doorns
by Philippa Kerr & Kevin Durrheim - 597-614 The King, the Missionary and the Missionary's Daughter
by Peter Delius & Kirsten Rüther - 615-621 Introduction – South Africa on Film
by Hilary Sapire - 623-640 ‘Cinematographic Calamity’ or ‘Soul-Stirring Appeal to Every Briton’: in England and South Africa, 1915–1931
by Brian Willan - 641-659 Nation-Building Movies Made in South Africa (1916–18): I.W. Schlesinger, Harold Shaw, and the Lingering Ambiguities of South African Union
by Neil Parsons - 661-680 : The Life and Times of the South African Newsreel from 1910 to 1948
by Emma Sandon - 681-699 Cinematic Cities: A ‘Film and History’ Overview for South Africa's Major Metropolises from the 1890s to the 1950s
by Vivian Bickford-Smith - 701-719 ‘Assignment Africa’: Donald Swanson's Colonial Imaginary and (1949)
by Jacqueline Maingard - 721-726 All Tickets Please, or How Cinema Histories of South Africa Can Stop Re-Enacting the Racialised Past
by Carli Coetzee - 727-738 Fears and Desires in South African Crime Fiction
by Sam Naidu - 739-740 Improvising Medicine: An African Oncology Ward in an Emerging Cancer Epidemic
by Karen Barnes - 740-742 Apartheid Turning Points: Ending Apartheid
by Joanne Davies - 742-745 The Ethics of Dissident Desire in Southern African Writing; Moving Spirit: The Legacy of Dambudzo Marechera in the 21st Century
by Brendon Nicholls - 745-747 State of Peril: Race and Rape in South African Literature
by M.J. Daymond - 748-748 The History of Dispossession at Orania and the Politics of Land Restitution in South Africa
by Edward Cavanagh
2013, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 241-249 Editorial
by Joost Fontein - 251-270 Colonial Conquest and the Tambookie Frontier: The Story of Maphasa, .1830–1853
by Anne Mager - 271-291 The Returns of the King: The Case of Mphephu and Western Venda, 1899–1904
by Lindsay Braun - 293-311 The Dawning of Angola's Citizenship Revolution: A Quest for Inclusionary Politics
by Paulo Faria - 313-335 Politics of Memory, Decentralisation and Recentralisation in Mozambique
by Victor Igreja - 337-352 An Independent Caprivi: A Madness of the Few, a Partial Collective Yearning or a Realistic Possibility? Citizen Perspectives on Caprivian Secession
by Ester Massó Guijarro - 353-369 Land and Colonialism in Mozambique–Policies and Practice in Inhambane, .1900–.1940
by Bárbara Direito - 371-389 ‘The Time of the United Nations in South West Africa is Near’: Local Drama and Global Politics in Apartheid-Era Hereroland
by Molly McCullers - 391-407 The History of Dispossession at Orania and the Politics of Land Restitution in South Africa
by Edward Cavanagh - 409-423 Mining and ‘Traditional Communities’ in South Africa's ‘Platinum Belt’: Contestations over Land, Leadership and Assets in North-West Province .1996–2012
by Andrew Manson - 425-446 Solomon Plaatje's Decade of Creative Mobility, 1912–1922: The Politics of Travel and Writing in and beyond South Africa
by Janet Remmington - 447-463 Students, Apartheid and the Ecumenical Movement in South Africa, 1960–1975
by Ian Macqueen - 465-480 Why the University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland Failed: Lessons from the Brief History of a Regional University in Southern Africa
by Brian Mokopakgosi - 481-484 At Home in the World in Postcolonial Lusaka
by Ranka Primorac - 485-486 Who Rules South Africa?
by Adrian Guelke - 486-487 African Naturalist: The Life and Times of Rodney Carrington Wood 1889–1962
by Tanja Hammel - 487-489 Making African Christianity: Africans Reimagining Their Faith in Colonial South Africa
by Joel Cabrita
2013, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by Donal Lowry - 5-6 Editorial
by David Simon & Morris Szeftel - 7-30 Untangling the Lion's Tale: Violent Masculinity and the Ethics of Biography in the ‘Curious’ Case of the Apartheid-Era Policeman Donald Card
by Leslie Bank & Andrew Bank - 31-43 Reply to the Article by Leslie and Andrew Bank
by Donald Card - 45-57 Discourses of Poor Work Ethic in Botswana: A Historical Perspective, 1930–2010
by Christian Makgala - 59-76 Gender and the Chief Justice: Principle or Pretext?
by Elsje Bonthuys - 77-97 From May 2008 to 2011: Xenophobic Violence and National Subjectivity in South Africa
by Judith Hayem - 99-117 Buying Loyalty: Zimbabwe's Marange Diamonds
by David Towriss - 119-133 To Disclose or Not to Disclose, That is the Question! Antiretroviral Therapy, Access to Resources and Stigma in Southern Africa
by Emily Frank & Alexander Rödlach - 135-150 ‘And so they moved one by one’: Forced Removals in a Free State Town (1956–1977)
by Isabella Kentridge - 151-170 Transmission and Change in South African Motherhood: Black Mothers in Three-Generational Cape Town Families
by Elena Moore - 171-192 Re-Thinking the Emergence of the Struggle for South African Liberation in the United States: Max Yergan and the Council on African Affairs, 1922–1946
by Charles Johnson - 193-205 The Virtual Memory Landscape: The Impact of Information Technology on Collective Memory and Commemoration in Southern Africa
by Sabine Marschall - 207-225 ‘They Became Afraid When They Saw Us’: MK Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in the Bantustan of Transkei, 1988–1994
by Daniel Douek - 227-234 The Battle against HIV/AIDS
by Jenny Doubt - 235-236 The Unbearable Whiteness of Being: Farmers' Voices From Zimbabwe
by Kate Law - 237-238 Remembering John Marshall and Bitter Roots: The Ends of a Kalahari Myth
by Jason Robinson - 238-239 Radio in Africa: Publics, Cultures, Communities
by Harri Englund
2012, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 745-752 Editorial
by Morris Szeftel - 753-767 ‘Satan has come to Rietfontein’: Race in South Africa's Satanic Panic
by Nicky Falkof - 769-786 Facing Barbarians: A Narrative of Spatial Segregation in Colonial Namibia
by Giorgio Miescher - 787-807 The Impact of Organised Crime on State Social Control: Organised Criminal Groups and Local Governance on the Cape Flats, Cape Town, South Africa
by Derica Lambrechts - 809-826 Finite Land: Challenges Institutionalising Land Restitution in South Africa, 1995–2000
by Cherryl Walker - 827-845 Land Restitution in Port Elizabeth: Anatomy of a Relative Success
by Christiaan Beyers - 847-861 Working Class Action and Informal Trade on the Durban Docks, 1930s–1950s
by Ralph Callebert - 863-884 The Politics of Regenerative Nationalism in South Africa
by Alexander Beresford - 885-897 Home, Farm and Shop: The Migration of Madeiran Women to South Africa, 1900–1980
by Clive Glaser - 899-925 Strategy and Tactics: Chinese Immigrants and Diasporic Spaces in Johannesburg, South Africa
by Philip Harrison & Khangelani Moyo & Yan Yang - 927-949 The Disengagement of the South African Medical Diaspora in Canada
by Jonathan Crush & Abel Chikanda & Wade Pendleton - 951-965 Victims of the Rhodesian Immigration Policy: Polish Refugees from the Second World War
by Baxter Tavuyanago & Tasara Muguti & James Hlongwana - 967-980 The Collective Dimension of Shame and of Responsibility
by Emanuela Tegla - 981-991 Writing Crime in the New South Africa: Negotiating Threat in the Novels of Deon Meyer and Margie Orford
by Christopher Warnes - 993-1006 Public and Private Space in Contemporary South Africa: Perspectives from Post-Apartheid Literature
by Tom Penfold - 1007-1011 ‘The Future is Bright’ versus ‘The Future is Bleak’: A Comparison of Recent Documentaries on Land Reform in Zimbabwe
by Rory Pilossof - 1013-1014 Emerging Traditions: Toward a Postcolonial Stylistics of Black South African Fiction in English
by Chantal Zabus - 1014-1015 Musical Echoes: South African Women Thinking in Jazz
by Nishlyn Ramanna - 1016-1017 Historical Dictionary of Malawi
by Zoë Groves - 1017-1019 Youth Violence: Sources and Solutions in South Africa
by Steffen Jensen
2008, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 237-238 Editorial
by Wayne Dooling - 239-253 Export-Oriented Policies, Women's Work Burden and Human Development in Mauritius
by Myriam Blin - 255-268 Townships in Transition: Women's Caring Keeps the Township Together
by Maren Bak - 269-291 Customary Land Tenure, Inheritance Rules, and Smallholder Farmers in Malawi
by Tsutomu Takane - 293-304 Self-reliance and the History of Higher Education: The Botswana University Campus Appeal (BUCA)
by Brian T. Mokopakgosi - 305-324 ‘Men of the Cloth’: The Federal Theological Seminary of Southern Africa, Inkatha and the Struggle against Apartheid
by Philippe Denis - 325-342 Translating the Nation: From Plaatje to Mpe
by Michael Green - 343-358 Television News in South Africa: Mediating an Emerging Democracy
by Simon Cottle & Mugdha Rai - 359-378 Zimbabwe's Parliamentary Election of 2005: The Myth of New Electoral Laws
by Norma Kriger - 379-396 Patriotic History and Public Intellectuals Critical of Power
by Blessing-Miles Tendi - 397-410 Averting White Male (Ab)normality: Psychiatric Representations and Treatment of ‘Homosexuality’ in 1960s South Africa
by Tiffany F. Jones - 411-427 Sexual Politics and the Zuma Rape Trial
by Steven Robins - 429-449 Being a ‘Movement of the People’ and a Governing Party: Study of the African National Congress Mass Character
by Vincent Darracq - 451-470 Recent Comparative Approaches to Imperial History and Settler Colonialism
by Joseph M. Hodge - 471-471 Stanley Trapido
by Stanley Trapido - 473-473 Erratum
by The Editors
2007, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 707-714 Introduction. Histories of Healing: Past and Present Medical Practices in Africa and the Diaspora
by Lyn Schumaker & Diana Jeater & Tracy Luedke - 715-731 Spirit and Matter: The Materiality of Mozambican Prophet Healing
by Tracy Luedke - 733-750 Quests for Health and Contests for Meaning: African Church Leaders and Scottish Missionaries in the Early Twentieth Century Presbyterian Church in Northern Malawi
by Markku Hokkanen - 751-765 The Modern Traditional Healer: Locating ‘Hybridity’ in Modern Traditional Medicine, Southern Tanzania
by Rebecca Marsland - 767-782 Medical Hybridisms and Social Boundaries: Aspects of Portuguese Colonialism in Africa and India in the Nineteenth Century
by Cristiana Bastos - 783-799 Finding and Foregrounding Massage in Khoisan Ethnography
by Chris Low - 801-810 Productive Misunderstandings and the Dynamism of Plural Medicine in Mid-century Bechuanaland
by Julie Livingston - 811-828 Three Worships, an Old Warlock and Many Lawless Forces: The Court Trial of an African Doctor who Practised ‘Obeah to Cure’, in Early Nineteenth Century Jamaica
by Deryck Murray - 829-843 ‘Long-Nosed’ Hybrids? Sharing the Experiences of White Izangoma in Contemporary South Africa
by Joanne Thobeka Wreford - 845-860 Death before Dying: Understanding AIDS Stigma in the South African Lowveld
by Isak Niehaus - 861-874 Science, Social Science and Pseudo-Science in the HIV/AIDS Debate in Southern Africa
by Shula Marks - 875-887 Book Reviews
by Alison Buckler
2006, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 649-665 Heritage in Southern Africa: Imagining and Marketing Public Culture and History
by JoAnn McGregor & Lyn Schumaker - 667-682 Unravelling History and Cultural Heritage in Botswana
by Neil Parsons - 683-699 Cape Dutch Tongaat: A Case Study in ‘Heritage’
by Peter Merrington - 701-717 Contradictions and Challenges in Representing the Past: The Kuomboka Festival of Western Zambia
by Lawrence Flint - 719-736 Heritage, Identity and Youth in Postcolonial Namibia
by Ian Fairweather - 737-754 Family Stories or a Group Portrait? South Africa on Display at the KIT Tropenmuseum, 2002–2003: The Making of an Exhibition
by Leslie Witz & Ciraj Rassool - 755-770 The Kingdom, the Power and Forevermore: Zimbabwe Culture in Contemporary Art and Architecture
by Innocent Pikirayi - 771-794 Silence, Destruction and Closure at Great Zimbabwe: Local Narratives of Desecration and Alienation
by Joost Fontein - 795-806 Mapping Museum–Community Relations in Lwandle
by Bongani Mgijima - 807-821 Imagining the Nyika Plateau: Laurens van der Post, the Phoka and the Making of a National Park
by John McCracken - 823-838 Whites and Water: How Euro-Africans Made Nature at Kariba Dam
by David McDermott Hughes - 839-854 Book Reviews
by Pier M. Larson
2006, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 425-427 Editorial
by Deborah Gaitskell - 429-447 Ethnicity, not Class? The 1929 Bulawayo Faction Fights Reconsidered
by Enocent Msindo - 449-466 The Flaming Terrapin Valley of a Thousand Hills:
by Tony Voss - 467-487 Hope, Fear, Shame, Frustration: Continuity and Change in the Expression of Coloured Identity in White Supremacist South Africa, 1910–1994
by Mohamed Adhikari - 489-503 Collective Rural Identity in Steinkopf, a Communal Coloured Reserve, c.1926–1996
by Robin Oakley - 505-524 Feeding and Fleecing the Native: How the Nyasaland Transport System Distorted a New Food Market, 1890s–1920s
by Elias Mandala - 525-544 Kwacha: The Violence of Money in Malawi's Politics, 1954–2004
by John Lwanda - 545-562 Land Restitution and Democratic Citizenship in South Africa
by Mark Everingham & Crystal Jannecke - 563-581 New Sites of Citizenship: Recognition of Traditional Authority and Group-based Citizenship in Mozambique
by Helene Maria Kyed & Lars Buur - 583-603 The New Southern African Customs Union Agreement: Dependence with Democracy
by Richard Gibb - 605-622 SADC's Uncommon Approach to Common Security, 1992–2003
by Laurie Nathan - 623-647 Book Reviews
by T. Dunbar Moodie
2005, Volume 31, Issue S4
- 1-1 Introductory Note
by The Editors - 3-56 Section (i): Articles and Review Articles (1974–2004)
by The Editors - 57-108 Section (ii): Book Reviews (1974–2004)
by The Editors - 109-125 Section (iii): Books Reviewed in Review Articles (1974–2004)
by The Editors - 127-147 Author Index (1974–2004)
by The Editors - 149-198 Subject Index (1974–2004)
by The Editors
2005, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 475-476 Editorial
by Deborah Gaitskell - 477-493 The Trades Union Congress and Apartheid, 1948–1970
by John Major - 495-511 Growth without Capital: A Renascent Fishery in Zambia and Katanga, 1960s to Recent Times
by David Gordon - 513-529 Tropical Medicine and Animal Diseases: Onderstepoort and the Development of Veterinary Science in South Africa 1908–1950
by Karen Brown - 531-546 ‘Your Petitioners are in Mortal Terror’: The Violent World of Chinese Mineworkers in South Africa, 1904–1910
by Gary Kynoch - 547-567 Maximum Average Violence: Underground Assaults on the South African Gold Mines, 1913–1965
by T. Dunbar Moodie - 569-586 Sons and Fathers/Boys to Men in the Time of AIDS: Learning Masculinity in Zambia
by Anthony Simpson - 587-610 : Gender and Sexual Violence in Bulawayo, Colonial Zimbabwe, 1946–1956
by Koni Benson & Joyce M. Chadya - 611-630 Reconstructing ‘Home’ in Apartheid Cape Town: African Women and the Process of Settlement
by Rebekah Lee - 631-648 Model Communities and Respectable Residents? Home and Housing in a Low-income Residential Estate in the Western Cape, South Africa
by Fiona C. Ross - 649-662 Postcolonial Civility
by Frederick Klaits - 663-679 Book Reviews
by Fran Buntman
2004, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 1-1 Front Matter
by The Editors - 213-214 Editorial
by Lyn Schumaker - 215-234 Nationalist Historiography, Patriotic History and the History of the Nation: the Struggle over the Past in Zimbabwe
by Terence Ranger - 235-249 Orality in the Black Zimbabwean Novel in English
by Maurice Vambe - 251-268 A Coming of Age? Re-conceptualising Gender and Development in Urban Botswana
by Kavita Datta - 269-290 Redressing School Inequalities in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
by Anthony Lemon - 291-316 Reflections on Thabo Mbeki’s African Renaissance
by Elias Bongmba - 317-337 Territorial Manipulation in Apartheid South Africa: Resettlement, Tribal Politics and the Making of the Northern Ciskei, 1975–1990
by Luvuyo Wotshela - 339-358 The Man who would be Inkosi: Civilising Missions in Shepstone’s Early Career
by Thomas McClendon - 359-375 Reframing Remembrance: the Politics of the Centenary Commemoration of the South African War of 1899–1902
by Albert Grundlingh - 377-392 A Century Later: New Fictional Representations of the Boer War
by David Medalie - 393-414 Book Reviews
by Roy Brownell & Stephen Howe & Sheridan Johns & Karin Barber & T. Moodie & Gary McCulloch & Jo Beall & Robert Mattes & Janet Seeley & Jonathan Haslam - 415-415 Erratum
by The Editors
2003, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 595-613 Introduction: Historical Geographies of Southern Africa
by Alan Lester - 615-637 Race, Power and Urban Control: Johannesburg's Inner City Slum-yards, 1910–1923
by Susan Parnell - 639-655 A Scottish Socialist Reads Carlyle in Johannesburg Prison, June 1900: Reflections on the Literary Culture of the Imperial Working Class
by Jonathan Hyslop - 657-680 ‘Land of Contrasts’ or ‘Home we have always known’?: the SAR∓H and the Imaginary Geography of White South African Nationhood, 1910–1930
by Jeremy Foster - 681-699 ‘Christmas Time’ and the Struggles for the Household in the Countryside: Rethinking the Cultural Geography of Migrant Labour in South Africa
by Zolani Ngwane - 701-715 Changing Landscape and Oral Memory in South-Central Zimbabwe: Towards a Historical Geography of Chishanga, c. 1850–1990
by Gerald Chikozho Mazarire - 717-737 The Victoria Falls 1900–1940: Landscape, Tourism and the Geographical Imagination
by JoAnn McGregor - 739-757 Building a Postcolonial Archive? Gender, Collective Memory and Citizenship in Post-apartheid South Africa
by Cheryl McEwan - 759-789 Johannesburg's 1936 Empire Exhibition: Interaction, Segregation and Modernity in a South African City
by Jennifer Robinson - 791-812 Book Reviews
by The Editors