January 2025, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-28 Structural challenges in adapting to modern warfare: lessons from the Ukrainian War and the Czech defence industry
by Oldřich Krpec & Zdeněk Kříž - 29-48 Nuclear chess on the Korean Peninsula: analysing North Korea’s “second mission” and strategic implications
by Hwee-rhak Park & Wooyun Jo - 49-80 Strategic options for the European defence industry in the 2020s
by Tobias Mueller - 81-104 War on the pandemic: European armed forces and the impact of COVID-19 deployments on military readiness
by Marcel Berni & Pierre-Louis Gonin - 105-124 Operation Interflex: a change in the character of security force assistance?
by Vibeke Gootzen & Ivor Wiltenburg & Martijn Kitzen - 125-144 Navalist blues: a short history of Turkey’s unorthodox navy leagues (1909–2021)
by Mustafa Serdar Karakaya - 145-165 Reassessing NATO’s deterrence and defence posture in the Baltics: rebalancing strategic priorities to counter Russian hybrid aggression
by David V. Gioe & Marina Miron & Marc Ozawa - 166-183 The insecurity of Taiwan: the dangers of a coercive campaign
by Balazs Szanto - 184-185 The MiG diaries: fighter pilot memoirs & accounts of Cuban, SAAF and Angolan air combat in Southern African skies
by Sonja Theron - 185-189 Special operations success: balancing capabilities and control
by Lawrence E. Cline - 189-191 Four battlegrounds – power in the age of artificial intelligence
by Zsolt Lazar
October 2024, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 463-476 Why emerging and disruptive capabilities are a mixed blessing for NATO as a nuclear alliance
by Wannes Verstraete - 477-498 Unpacking the learning dynamics of a military task force in Afghanistan from a project-based organising perspective
by E. J. de Waard & M. van der Vorm - 499-518 Gaining local legitimacy in stabilisation operations: the Spanish peacekeepers case in Lebanon-UNIFIL II
by Marién Durán & Alberto Bueno - 519-539 Fighting and winning in the Arctic: improving polar warfare capabilities
by Jeremy M. McKenzie & Chad M. Pillai & Ryan R. Duffy & Jahara Matisek - 540-558 Defence sector and military cooperation between Turkey and the Central Asian Republics: limitations and prospects amidst intensified regional and global rivalry
by Göktuğ Sönmez & Gökhan Batu - 559-575 Trade-offs and prisoner of war policy under renewed great power tension
by Spencer L. Willardson - 576-578 ‘Slava Ukraini!’ Strategy and the spirit of Ukrainian resistance 2014–2023
by Sandor Fabian - 579-581 Rebuilding Arab defense: US security cooperation in the Middle East
by Peter Wagner - 581-585 Reassessing Russia's security policy
by Zdeněk Kříž
July 2024, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 319-340 Exploring the speed of change: European defence budgets in an age of danger
by Edward Hunter Christie & Caroline Buts & Cind Du Bois - 341-360 The restructuring process of the Polish defence industry in the twenty-first century: doing more of the same while expecting different results
by Piotr Śledź - 361-378 Wanted: a strategy to integrate deterrence
by James J. Wirtz & Jeffrey A. Larsen - 379-404 Military mimicry: the art of concealment, deception, and imitation
by Ron Matthews & Thomas J. Matthews - 405-429 Russia’s Arctic icebreaking capability: an assessment
by Nurlan Aliyev - 430-449 The AUKUS agreement: a new form of the plurilateral defence alliance? A view from downunder
by Stefan Markowski & Robert Wylie & Satish Chand - 450-456 Purpose and Power: US Grand Strategy from the revolutionary era to the present
by Paul B. Rich - 456-460 Illusions of control: dilemmas in managing U.S. proxy forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria
by Lawrence E. Cline - 460-461 The US Navy and the national security establishment: a critical assessment
by Hogr Tarkhani
April 2024, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 167-189 Arms acquisition in the Baltic States and transfers to Ukraine: balancing national security
by Donatas Palavenis - 190-210 Analysis and prospect of DPRK nuclear issue based on “Strategic logic of nuclear proliferation”
by Hanhyung Lee - 211-234 The hidden cost of excess capabilities: a threat to future military readiness
by Ivo Peets - 235-269 Artificial intelligence and information warfare in major power states: how the US, China, and Russia are using artificial intelligence in their information warfare and influence operations
by Lance Y. Hunter & Craig D. Albert & Josh Rutland & Kristen Topping & Christopher Hennigan - 270-291 The pedagogy of Cyber-WAR:
by Roman Kolodii - 292-310 Carl von Clausewitz and Foucault on war and power
by Damian Winczewski - 311-313 Research agenda for intelligence studies and government
by Ran Yi - 313-315 Cold rivals – the new era of US-China strategic competition
by Zsolt Lazar - 315-317 The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Military–Civil Fusion – A New Paradigm for Military Innovation
by Maj. Balázs Taksás
January 2024, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-19 Military adaptation to combat mentoring: Belgium’s Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team experience
by Ivor Wiltenburg & Vibeke Gootzen - 20-40 The Polish Air Force in transition: lessons from the F-16 programme
by Tadeusz Pieciukiewicz & Anna Brzozowska & Jędrzej Kowalczewski & Arkadiusz Kurkiewicz & Tomasz Miedziński & Dariusz Płóciennik & Krystian Zięć & Rafał Lipka - 41-59 The Bushmen of Angola
by John P. Cann - 60-79 Outsourcing national defense: an impediment to the US strategy of great power competition
by Thomas Bruneau - 80-96 Understanding security force assistance: a matter of control?
by Alies Jansen - 97-119 Artificial intelligence and arms races in the Middle East: the evolution of technology and its implications for regional and international security
by Jeremy Julian Sarkin & Saba Sotoudehfar - 120-137 Geographically small but not weak: comparing the national security policies of Israel and Singapore
by Hanna Samir Kassab - 138-160 How conventional arms control failures caused the Russo-Ukraine War
by William E. Lippert - 161-162 The new age of naval power in the Indo-Pacific: strategy, order and regional security
by Mark Bailey - 162-164 Limited force and the fight for the just war tradition
by Joseph A. Ledford - 165-166 Darfur peacekeepers: the African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur (AMIS) from the perspective of a Hungarian military advisor
by Scott Woodruff Lyons
October 2023, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 409-410 In memoriam: Richard Bitzinger Scholar and Mentor Remembered
by Zsolt Lazar - 411-431 Warfare under scrutiny: British public perspectives of soldiers, and tactical behaviours in operation HERRICK
by Adam Shindler - 432-451 The client’s struggle to control private military companies effectively
by Frank Daumann - 452-480 What’s in a name? Confucian considerations for referring to U.S. military contractors
by Caroline Batka - 481-501 Using the concept of mission command in defence resources management – the case of Romania
by Maria Constantinescu - 502-520 The importance of war stratagem: the case study of the 1973 war Mount Hermon battles
by Haim Yogev & Ronen A. Cohen & Eyal Lewin - 521-538 Trusting machine intelligence: artificial intelligence and human-autonomy teaming in military operations
by Michael Mayer - 539-560 Reinforcing deterrence: assessing NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept
by Zoltan Szenes - 561-565 Outsourcing national defense: why and how private contractors are providing public services
by Caroline Batka - 565-567 Military strategies of the new European allies. A comparative study. (Cass Military Studies)
by Bohuslav Pernica - 568-570 Subversion – the strategic weaponization of narratives
by Zsolt Lazar
July 2023, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 279-280 Introduction
by Zdeněk Kříž - 281-295 Mugged by reality: Russia's strategic narratives and the war in Ukraine
by Kateřina Fridrichová - 296-311 The Russian invasion and its failure in the first days
by Richard Stojar - 312-328 Ukraine’s third wave of military reform 2016–2022 – building a military able to defend Ukraine against the Russian invasion
by Deborah Sanders - 329-352 Responding to needs: military aid to Ukraine during the first year after the 2022 invasion
by Nicholas Marsh - 353-368 How Ukraine reveals Russian nuclear strategy
by Stephen Blank - 369-386 Cloaked disintegration – Ukraine war and European defence-industrial co-operation in Central and Eastern Europe
by Martin Chovančík & Oldřich Krpec - 387-406 The costly gamble: how Russia's invasion of Ukraine weakened its role as a balancing power
by Zdeněk Kříž - 407-408 Concluding remarks: Russian invasion - the dawn of a new world order without American hegemony?
by Zdeněk Kříž
April 2023, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 123-145 Assessing the security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapon programme
by Tahir Mahmood Azad & Karl Dewey - 146-170 Driving innovation in air power: the cold war’s four generations of fighter jets
by Ilan Shklarsky & Eitan Shamir - 171-190 Understanding Sweden’s security economy
by Wayne Stephen Coetzee & Joakim Berndtsson - 191-206 Targeted killings and the erosion of international norm against assassination
by SeyedMilad KashefiPour Dezfuli - 207-232 The military application of artificial intelligence technology in the United States, China, and Russia and the implications for global security
by Lance Y. Hunter & Craig D. Albert & Christopher Henningan & Josh Rutland - 233-252 The military and commercial development of brain–computer interfaces: international (in)security with brain-machine teaming
by Bryan T. Stinchfield - 253-255 Military technology and revolutions in warfare: priming the drone debate
by Ash Rossiter - 256-259 The Second Drone Age: defining war in the 2020s
by James Rogers - 260-262 Military drones, air defence, and the hider-finder competition in air warfare
by Antonio Calcara & Ivan Zaccagnini & Mauro Gilli & Andrea Gilli - 263-266 “No end of a lesson:” observations from the first high-intensity drone war
by Marc R. DeVore - 267-270 Out of Africa: the impact of drones in Sub-Saharan conflicts
by Brendon J. Cannon - 271-274 Drones in modern war: evolutionary, revolutionary, or both?
by Sarah Kreps & Paul Lushenko - 275-277 American Defense Reform: Lessons from Failure and Success in Navy History
by Thomas C. Bruneau - 277-278 Islamic state’s online propaganda: a comparative analysis
by Carl Gibson
January 2023, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-14 Why the Turkish defense industry between 1919 and 1950 failed?
by Uğur Ermiş & Günseli Gümüşel - 15-33 Defence procurement in perspective: what the history of the aircraft industry can tell us about UK defence procurement
by Matthew Powell - 34-46 The Greek defence industry: from crisis to equilibrium
by Spyridon Plakoudas - 47-72 The position of the special operations forces soldiers on the so-called global war on terrorism. A survey report
by Marcin Lasoń - 73-90 Identifying and planning military potential and national power: the case of the Israeli civilian-military planning units
by Yoram Fried - 91-110 Institutional counterinsurgency frameworks in the Lake Chad Basin: the case of the Multinational Joint Task Force against Boko Haram
by Gershon Adela - 111-117 Threat/risk assessment tool to assess vulnerability of Polish cities to Russian attacks
by Zbigniew Galar & Adam Sadowski - 118-121 Artificial intelligence and the future of warfare: the USA, China and strategic stability
by Reuben Steff
October 2022, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 369-388 The strategic vulnerability of NATO blood supply logistics: a case study of Estonian national defence
by Colonel Ronald Ti - 389-409 South African defence decision-making: analysing dysfunctional approaches
by Col (ret) Gerhard M. Louw & Abel Esterhuyse - 410-430 Building military expeditionary culture: Spanish Army after international operations
by Guillermo López-Rodríguez - 431-452 Transnational industry and national security: China and American industrial security
by Kenneth Boutin - 453-469 Information warfare: methods to counter disinformation
by Andrew Dowse & Sascha Dov Bachmann - 470-489 Gunboat diplomacy à la Russe: Russia’s naval base in Sudan and its implications
by Stephen Blank
July 2022, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 243-246 Asia-Pacific special edition – introduction
by Zsolt Lazar & Kogila Balakrishnan - 247-257 The security environment in the Asia-Pacific: the context for arming
by Richard A. Bitzinger - 258-268 The Politicisation of Archaeology in Border Demarcation Conflict in the Asia Pacific Region
by Luke Hally - 269-283 The Philippine defence-development-disaster security paradigm
by Ava Avila & Ron Matthews - 284-295 Dual-neutrality for the Koreas: a two-pronged approach toward reunification
by Pascal Lottaz & Heinz Gärtner - 296-316 Evaluating civil-military relationship for effective procurement decision-making: the case of two fighter jet procurements of the Republic of Korea
by Haneol Lee - 317-335 The challenges in buyer-supplier relationship for technological absorption capability in international defence acquisition: the case of Southeast Asia
by Kogila Balakrishnan & Zsolt Lazar - 336-348 Made in India: an aspiring brand in global arms bazaar
by Laxman Kumar Behera - 349-368 Imagining maritime conflict in the Indo-Pacific: can analogies substitute for strategy?
by James J. Wirtz
April 2022, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 125-145 Non-governmental pro-defence organisations in Poland – untapped potential for enhancing Polish defence capabilities?
by Urszula Staśkiewicz - 146-168 Sangonhá: a PAIGC “liberated zone” gone awry, January 1969
by John P. Cann - 169-189 European cooperation in maintaining defence equipment in operational condition: an analytical framework derived from economic geography
by Droff Josselin - 190-209 Make or buy? Explaining diverging frigate procurement approaches in Denmark and Norway
by Michael Kluth - 210-229 Turkey's rise as a drone power: trial by fire
by Ash Rossiter & Brendon J. Cannon - 230-237 Maritime strategy and naval power in the 21st century – dissembling the Rubik’s cube
by James A. Russell - 238-241 Of high tides and of perfect storms: US Navy strategic planning, 1970s–1990s
by Sebastian Bruns
January 2022, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-30 The mismatch: Royal Australian Navy maritime constabulary 1955–2020
by Mark L. Bailey - 31-52 U.S. Presidents’ use of drone warfare
by Paul Lushenko - 53-73 Israel’s Intelligence gathering and analysis for the target assassination of Baha Abu al-Ata (2019)
by Glen Segell - 74-90 Artificial intelligence at the operational level of war
by Steven I. Davis - 91-105 UN peacekeeping and Chinese Private Security Companies: assessing demand factors for China
by Christopher Spearin - 106-121 The unsettled foundation: self-management and its implications for Yugoslavia’s policy of Total National Defence
by James Horncastle - 122-123 Terrorism futures: evolving technology and TTPs use
by Lawrence E. Cline
October 2021, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 387-413 How to measure value from defence spending? The Malaysian case study
by Kogila Balakrishnan - 414-434 The Philippines maritime forces and its maritime military power projection capabilities: unfulfilled ambitions?
by Lukasz Stach - 435-452 Russia’s scalable soft power: leveraging defense diplomacy through the transfer of S-400 triumph
by Alessandro Arduino & Asif Shuja - 453-471 The Mediterranean Eskadra and Russia’s military-political strategy in the Mediterranean Basin
by Stephen Blank & Younkyoo Kim - 472-491 The shape of warfare to come: a Swedish perspective 2020–2045
by Alastair Finlan - 492-508 Planetary defence systems – threat to survival?
by Jakub Pražák - 509-511 Joint by Design
by Zsolt Lazar
July 2021, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 251-273 The decline of South Africa’s defence industry
by Ron Matthews & Collin Koh - 274-294 Defining cyberwar: towards a definitional framework
by Cameran Ashraf - 295-327 Strategic utility of security sector assistance, from a small state perspective
by Marius Kristiansen & Njål Hoem - 328-345 How are drones being flown over the gray zone?
by Won-June Hwang - 346-363 Security and defence policy documents: a new dataset
by Sebastián Briones Razeto & Nicole Jenne - 364-380 Analysing armed forces transformation: methodology and visualisation
by Mauro Mantovani & Ralf Müllhaupt - 381-383 The maritime turn in EU foreign and security policies – aims, actors, and mechanisms of integration
by Oscar L. Larsson - 383-385 Border Frictions: Gender, Generation and Technology on the Frontline
by Sarah Perret
April 2021, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 145-163 Carry that weight: assessing continuity and change in NATO’s burden-sharing disputes
by Tommi Koivula - 164-176 To free or not to free (ride): a comparative analysis of the NATO burden-sharing in the Czech Republic and Lithuania – another insight into the issues of military performance in the Central and Eastern Europe
by Jaroslav Dvorak & Bohuslav Pernica - 177-192 Beyond bare numbers: the qualitative subtleties of free-riding on NATO’s engagement in the Middle East
by Kristýna Pavlíčková & Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz - 193-211 Military dissent in the United States: are there lessons from Latin america?
by David Pion Berlin & Andrew Ivey - 212-231 Military modernisation in Southeast Asia in the Indo-Pacific strategic context
by Shang-su Wu - 232-249 Assembling a Force to Defeat Boko Haram: How Nigeria Integrated the Market into its Counterinsurgency Strategy
by Christopher Kinsey & Andreas Krieg
January 2021, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-8 Security perception and security policy in Central Europe, 1989–2019
by Tamás Csiki Varga - 9-22 The security perception and security policy of Hungary, 1989–2018
by Ádám Budai - 23-37 Security perception and security policy of the Slovak Republic, 1993–2018
by Tomáš Čižik - 38-52 The security perception and security policy of the Czech Republic, 1993–2018
by Zdeněk Kříž - 53-65 The security perception and security policy of Ukraine, 1991–2018
by Hennadiy Maksak - 66-79 The security perception and security policy of Austria, 1989–2017
by Tamás Levente Molnár - 80-95 The security perception and security policy of Poland, 1989–2017
by Milena Palczewska - 96-113 Security perception and security policy in Romania since the 1989 Revolution
by Alexandra Sarcinschi - 114-128 Security perception in Croatia since the declaration of independence
by László Szerencsés - 129-143 The security perception and security policy of Serbia
by Aleksandar Vanchoski
October 2020, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 377-397 North Korea’s choice of a nuclear strategy: a dynamic approach
by Manseok Lee & Sangmin Lee - 398-421 Identifying leader’s intent: an analysis of Kim Jong-Un
by Heather Kearney & Michelle Black - 422-448 Deterrence in the age of artificial intelligence & autonomy: a paradigm shift in nuclear deterrence theory and practice?
by James Johnson - 449-449 Debate opener: where is the European defence industry heading? European defence industrial cooperation is at crossroads
by Zsolt Lazar - 450-452 How can the European Commission help Europe’s defence industry? By making the most out of what it is already doing
by Julia Muravska - 453-454 Death spiral of European offset?
by Ron Matthews & Jonata Anicetti - 455-457 Between Europeanisation and domestic favouritism: recent progresses of defence-industrial restructuring in Germany
by Mitja Kleczka - 458-459 Future of the European Defence Industrial and Technological Base (EDTIB) post Brexit: Nationalism versus integration?
by Kogila Balakrishnan - 460-462 The impact of Brexit on European defence industry
by Jocelyn Mawdsley - 463-464 A Polish perspective on the European defence industry
by Robert Czulda
July 2020, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 249-274 The Un-Holy Russo-Chinese alliance
by Stephen Blank - 275-299 The politics of counter-terrorism in post-authoritarian states: Indonesia’s experience, 1998–2018
by Muhamad Haripin & Chaula Rininta Anindya & Adhi Priamarizki - 300-313 Modern liberal wars, illiberal allies, and peace as the failure of policy
by Lukas Milevski - 314-334 Peacekeeping and civil–military relations in Uruguay
by Diego Esparza & Santiago Arca Henon & Hope Dewell Gentry - 335-351 To free or not to free (ride): a comparative analysis of the NATO burden-sharing in the Czech Republic and Lithuania
by Kristýna Pavlíčková & Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz - 352-371 Cyber-weapons in nuclear counter-proliferation
by Doreen Horschig - 372-373 World War II at sea: a global history
by Greg Kennedy - 373-375 Strategic challenges in the Baltic Sea region: Russia, deterrence, and reassurance
by Viljar Veebel
April 2020, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 129-160 Addressing the “headwinds” faced by the European arms industry
by Mitja Kleczka & Caroline Buts & Marc Jegers - 161-179 Private military contractors’ financial experiences and incentives
by Caroline Batka & Molly Dunigan & Rachel Burns - 180-200 United States defence contractors and the future of military operations
by Charles W. Mahoney - 201-217 Defence industry in Iran – between needs and real capabilities
by Robert Czulda - 218-233 Clustering in defence-related procurement: the case of a Belgian naval construction cluster
by C. Peeters & R. Pilon - 234-244 The Czech defence and security industry: taking the pulse to an ailing man
by Bohuslav Pernica - 245-247 Technology Offsets in International Defence Procurement
by Zsolt Lazar
January 2020, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-29 Tarnishing victory? Contested histories & civil–military discord in the U.S. Navy, 1919–24
by Branden Little - 30-41 “These aren’t the SLOC’s you’re looking for”: mirror-imaging battles of the Atlantic won’t solve current Atlantic security needs
by Steve Wills - 42-64 Being there: US Navy organisational culture and the forward presence debate
by Montgomery McFate - 65-87 Mind over matter? Multinational naval interoperability during Operation Iraqi Freedom
by Steven Paget - 88-100 Innovation for seapower: U.S. Navy strategy in an age of acceleration
by James J. Wirtz - 101-108 What U.S. Navy strategists and defense planners should think about in the era of maritime great power competition
by Peter Haynes - 109-122 The U.S. Navy's task forces: 1–199
by Colin D. Robinson - 123-124 Asia’s naval expansion: an arms race in the making?
by James Russell - 124-125 Progressives in Navy Blue: maritime strategy, American empire, and the transformation of U.S. naval identity, 1873-1898
by Branden Little - 126-127 The War for the Seas: a maritime history of World War II
by Corbin Williamson - 127-128 US Naval Strategy and national security: the evolution of American maritime power
by Márton Péri
October 2019, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 343-361 The strategic purpose of individual augmentee officers for junior partners in multinational military operations
by Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen - 362-383 Consumer drone evolutions: trends, spaces, temporalities, threats
by Anna Jackman - 384-405 The struggle of a Kantian power in a Lockean world – German leadership in security and defence policy
by Antti Seppo & Iulia-Sabina Joja - 406-422 Are the Baltic States and NATO on the right path in deterring Russia in the Baltic?
by Viljar Veebel & Illimar Ploom - 423-429 Glimpse into an army at its peak: notes on the Somali National Army in the 1960–80s
by Colin D. Robinson - 430-446 The snowball phenomenon: the US Marine Corps, military mythology and the spread of hybrid warfare theory
by Paul B. Rich
July 2019, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 223-240 Land power in the age of joint interdependence: toward a theory of land power for the twenty-first century
by William T. Johnsen - 241-260 Sharing the load: factors in supporting local armed groups in insurgencies
by Lawrence E. Cline - 261-282 Fighter aircraft acquisition in Croatia: failure of policy delivery
by Amadeo Watkins - 283-307 Success and failures of the Gripen offsets in the Visegrad Group countries
by Zsolt Lazar - 308-325 The Russian hybrid warfare strategy – neither Russian nor strategy
by Sandor Fabian - 326-342 Revisiting the justification for an all-volunteer force
by Jomana Amara