March 2008, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 65-71 Global Insurgency or Global Confrontation? Counter-insurgency Doctrine and the “‘Long’ War” on Terrorism
by Matthew Kowalski - 73-79 Non-Proliferation and Counter‐Proliferation: What is the Difference?
by Mark Fitzpatrick - 81-89 In Defence of Doctrine…But Not Dogma
by Group Captain Neville Parton
December 2007, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 341-344 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 345-357 On Classifying Terrorism: A Potential Contribution of Cluster Analysis for Academics and Policy-makers
by Erica Chenoweth & Elizabeth Lowham - 359-377 A Mathematical Approach to Limit Illegal Border-Crossings -- with Application in Protecting Critical Infrastructure
by Amy (Wenxuan) Ding - 379-387 Quest for Credibility: Australian Defence Risk Management Framework
by Svetoslav Gaidow* - 389-403 US Army Transformation: Where is the Future?
by Shih-Yueh Yang & William C. Vocke - 405-417 Blood on the Ground: Canada and the Southern Campaign in Afghanistan
by Sean M. Maloney - 419-438 India's Tortuous Road to Defence-Industrial Self-Reliance
by Manjeet S. Pardesi & Ron Matthews - 439-440 Kazakhstan and Islam
by Dmitri Vertkin - 441-447 Economics and Security Studies: Is the South African Military Academy Still on Track?
by H. F. De Wet - 449-453 Book Review
by Shima Keene
September 2007, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 233-235 Editorial
by Julian Palmore - 237-256 Deterrence, Blackmail, Friendly Persuasion
by Edward Ifft - 257-279 Russia's Evolving Strategic Nuclear Deterrent
by Stephen J. Cimbala - 281-295 The Proliferation Security Initiative: A Global Prohibition Regime in the Making?
by James R. Holmes & Andrew C. Winner1 - 297-313 A State's Choice: Nuclear Policy in a Changing World Between Libya and North Korea
by Tiran Rothman - 315-330 Nuclear Command and Control in Pakistan
by Shaun Gregory - 331-334 What If: A Perspective on the Iranian Nuclear Weapon
by Matthew S. Duchene
June 2007, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 125-126 Editorial
by Andrew Dorman & Matthew Uttley - 127-141 The British Army's New Way in Warfare: A Doctrinal Misstep?
by Colin McInnes - 143-163 The Mau Mau Emergency as Part of the British Army's Post-War Counter-Insurgency Experience
by Huw Bennett - 165-183 Northern Ireland and the British Approach to Counter-Insurgency
by Christopher Tuck - 185-200 The British Experience of Low-Intensity Conflict in Sierra Leone
by Andrew Dorman - 201-225 British Counter-Insurgency in Afghanistan
by Warren Chin - 227-232 The British Approach to Counter-Insurgency: An American View
by Thomas G. Mahnken
March 2007, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 7-25 Increasing ISAF's Impact on Stability in Afghanistan
by Emma Sky - 27-40 Technology and War: A Trinitarian Analysis
by J. Stone - 41-54 US—Turkish Relations: Can the Future Resemble the Past?
by Bill Park - 55-67 Net-centric or Networked Military Operations?
by Terry Moon - 69-85 The Two-China Crisis: Background, Implications and Outcomes
by Robert Daniel Wallace - 87-100 The Economics of War and Foreign Policy: What's Missing?
by David R. Henderson - 101-106 God, History and Countering Insurgency
by Greg Mills & Terence Mcnamee - 107-114 The Officer's Academic Training Options and His Preparation for Fighting in the Limited Conflict Area
by Dan Fayutkin - 115-118 Is the Insurgency Growing? A Novel Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of the Iraqi Insurgency
by David R. Bowne - 119-122 Book Review
by Shima Keene
December 2006, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 345-351 Editorial
by Matthew Rosenstein - 353-372 The New Energy in the US--India Relationship
by Anupam Srivastava & Seema Gahlaut - 373-385 America's Nuclear Addiction
by Jeffrey S. Lantis - 387-408 David Versus Goliath? Pakistan'sNuclear Doctrine: Motivations, Principles and Future
by Rizwan Zeb - 409-419 The India--Pakistan Peace Process
by Rifaat Hussain - 421-434 Quest for a Chindian Arc: Leadership in the Asian Century
by Jaideep Saikia - 435-449 The Maoist Movement in India
by P. V. Ramana - 451-468 Silver Linings: Natural Disasters, International Relations and Political Change in South Asia, 2004--5
by Swarna Rajagopalan
September 2006, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 215-219 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 221-239 Strategic Reassurance in a Proliferation-Permissive orld: American and Russian Options
by Stephen J. Cimbala - 241-260 The Evolution of China's Strategic Nuclear Weapons
by Ta-Chen Cheng - 261-273 Too Much of a Good Thing? Some Reflections on Increased Security and its Costs
by Nazery Khalid - 275-299 Exploiting the Potential of Informal Networks in the Middle East for Conducting Non-conventional Assisted Recovery
by Michael A. Mcnerney & Marshall V. Ecklund - 301-310 A Systems Theoretic Accident Model Applied to Biodefense
by Joseph R. Laracy - 311-314 Avian Influenza: Effects of an Epidemic
by Owen Kopon - 315-323 The War on Terrorism and the Need for Altercasting
by Jason Cooley - 325-328 Analysis of the US-India Nuclear Deal
by Scott Woods - 329-335 Denuclearizing a Regime: What South Africa's Nuclear Rollback Might Tell Us About Iran
by Terence Mcnamee & Greg Mills
June 2006, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 105-110 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 111-121 A clear and present danger to international security: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
by Julian Palmore - 123-140 Disruptive military innovation and the War on Terror: Some thoughts for perfect opponents
by Raymond E. Franck & Terry C. Pierce - 141-157 Coercive counter-proliferation and escalation: Assessing the Iran military option
by James Devine & Julian Schofield - 159-177 Theoretical aspects of military logistics
by Vladimir Prebilič - 179-189 Managing defense infrastructure: The case of military housing
by Francois Melese & Jim Airola - 191-196 US foreign and national security policies: An explanation based on theoretical approaches
by Wu Yue - 197-202 Commanding the future: Command and control in a networked environment
by Caroline Croser - 203-206 Dipping a toe in the Black Sea
by David Barchard
March 2006, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 5-21 Maritime Counter-proliferation with Chinese Characteristics
by James Holmes & Toshi Yoshihara & Andrew Winner - 23-44 Carrier Airpower in the Royal Navy during the Cold War: The International Strategic Context
by Andrea Ellner - 45-59 Terrorism on London Public Transport
by Glen M. Segell - 61-72 Military Persuasion, Intelligence and the War on Terror
by Stephen J. Cimbala - 73-88 The Geopolitics of Weapons Procurement in the Gulf States
by Nadim Hasbani - 89-94 Technical Obstacles and Limitations to the Implementation of Effective Mid-course Ground-based Missile Defense
by Grant Kopec - 95-99 Why a Ballistic Missile Defense Program is the Wrong Path to US National Security
by Timothy Bradley - 101-102 On Setting Priorities for International Security
by Julian Palmore
December 2005, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 331-333 Editorial
by Julian Palmore & Martin Edmonds - 335-367 All that glisters: Is network-centric warfare really scientific?
by Darryn J. Reid & Graham Goodman & Wayne Johnson & Ralph E. Giffin - 369-386 How to predict the unpredictable: On the early detection of terrorist campaigns
by Matenia P. Sirseloudi - 387-398 The transatlantic alliance revisited: Does america still need “old Europe”?
by Fotios Moustakis & Rudra Chaudhuri - 399-412 A regional dimension to peace operations: European contributions to the UN and implications for Turkish co-operation and co-ordination
by Siret Hürsoy - 413-418 Analysis of the dispute over Taiwan using a game theory approach
by Erica Lynn - 419-424 Nuclear deterrence in the 21st century
by Dingli Shen - 425-432 Missile Defense and Europe: Strengthening Transatlantic Co-operation in an Evolving Setting
by Julian Palmore
September 2005, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 223-242 The European security strategy: Multilateral security with teeth?
by Andrea Ellner - 243-265 Defense expenditure, spill-ins and threats in Asia-Pacific 1985--2001
by Stefan Markowski & Massimiliano Tani - 267-281 Nuclear weapons in the Twenty-first century: From simplicity to complexity
by Stephen J. Cimbala* - 283-302 Creation of new knowledge
by David Sanders - 303-311 Game theory and the Second Iraq War
by Jason Mead - 312-321 The decline of the American superpower
by Michael J. Lombardi
June 2005, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 121-142 Does the Iraq war reflect a phase change in warfare?
by Avi Kober - 143-158 Fear of the unknown: The coalition from operation desert fox to operation Iraqi freedom
by James Mckay - 159-177 Defense RDT&E and knowledge management: A new enquiry into public and public‐private coordination
by Valérie Merindol - 179-199 From casa militar to an instrument of political control: A functional analysis of the defense ministries in Argentina and Chile
by Michael Radseck - 201-212 Military innovation during war: Paradox or paradigm?
by Michael Mcnerney - 213-216 Amateurs, conscripts, citizens, professionals: How do armed forces measure up?
by Patrick Mileham
March 2005, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-19 European Military Capabilities, the Defense Industry and the Future Shape of Armaments Co-operation
by Andrew James - 21-35 Endeavors to Restructure the Bundeswehr: The Reform of the German Armed Forces 1990--2003
by Kerry Longhurst - 37-66 The German offensive of 1914: A new perspective
by Matthew Fuhrmann & Nathan Edwards & Michael Salomone - 67-78 The security and defense matrix: Concepts matter in defense analysis?
by Salvador Raza - 79-95 Public attitudes towards a career in the British Armed Forces
by Asifa Hussain & Mohammed Ishaq - 97-104 The art of war in operation Iraqi Freedom
by Matthew Morgan - 105-110 Cross-straits relations and the 2004 Taiwanese Elections
by Simon Baynham - 111-114 Augustine's Laws: Norman Augustine
by Martin Edmonds
December 2004, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 311-312 Editorial
by Julian I. Palmore - 313-320 Terrorist motivations for chemical and biological weapons use: Placing the threat in context
by Audrey Kurth Cronin - 321-336 Nuclear proliferation and international systems
by Stephen J. Cimbala - 337-341 Deterring terrorists from using WMD: A brinkmanship strategy for the United Nations
by Francois Melese & Diana Angelis - 343-354 Counter-proliferating the rogue states
by Glen Segell - 355-372 Exploring the structure of terrorists' WMD decisions: A game theory approach
by Raymond E. Franck & Francois Melese - 373-380 Terrorism and security of water distribution systems: A primer
by M. D. Ginsberg & V. F. Hock - 381-389 Missile defense and Europe: WMD and terrorism
by Julian I. Palmore
September 2004, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 209-228 Contextual Criticality of Knowledge-Flow Dynamics: Understanding a US Tragedy of Friendly Fire
by Mark Nissen & Erik Jansen & Carl Jones & Gail Thomas - 229-243 Knowledge management and potentially useful new hyperdidactic structures
by David Sanders - 245-259 Base realignment and closure: Guiding principles for Peru
by Robert McNab - 261-272 Military modernization and political choice: Germany and the uspromoted military technological revolution during the 1990s
by Sorin Lungu - 273-287 United states marine corps aerial refueling requirements: Queuing theory and simulation analysis
by William Gates & Mitchell McCarthy - 301-303 Landmark in defense literature
by Stewart Fraser
June 2004, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 109-111 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Robert Gray - 113-131 The “Americanization” of EU nuclear non‐proliferation policy
by Tom Sauer - 133-152 Jointness and desert storm: a retrospective
by Richard Weitz - 153-164 UNDOF: operational analysis and lessons learned
by Dan Lindley - 165-177 The delineation of defense equipment projects in the UK ministry of defence
by Trevor Taylor & Derrick Neal - 179-199 Fifty years of British army officership 1960--2010: Part II: Prospective
by Patrick Mileham - 201-203 Diplomacy by Henry Kissinger
by Robert Bresler
January 2004, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Robert Gray & Martin Edmonds - 3-19 Saving lives with speed: Using rapidly deployable forces for genocide prevention
by Micah Zenko - 21-37 Small states: invited to NATO — able to contribute?
by Erik Männik - 39-54 Creating an arms control mechanism in North East Asia: the application of the European security co-operation regime
by Michael Sheehan - 55-67 Dream teams and brilliant eyes: the SBIRS low program, Northrop Grumman's acquisition of TRW, and the implications for the structure of the military space industry
by James Hasik - 69-86 Fifty Years of British Army Officership 1960-2010
by Patrick Mileham - 97-98 Landmark in Defense Literature
by Tim Ripley
December 2003, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 307-308 Editorial
by Julian Palmore - 309-317 Absolute gains, relative gains, and US security policy on China This paper is translated from a Chinese version published at World Economics and International Politics , 11, 2002, pp. 17--21
by Li Bin - 319-326 China's evaluation of the adjustment to US security policy since September 11, 2001
by Shen Dingli - 327-348 A game theory view of military conflict in the Taiwan strait
by Raymond Franck & Francois Melese - 349-367 The prospect for power projections of the People's Republic of China
by Eric Nathaniel Heller - 369-375 US ballistic missile defense and China
by Julian Palmore - 377-388 China's energy and regional security perspectives
by T. S. Gopi Rethinaraj - 389-404 Is China the Next Superpower?
by Martin Sengupta
September 2003, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 199-202 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds - 203-218 The importance of being special: Planning for the future of US special operations forces
by Michael Fitzsimmons - 219-240 The relevance of the US transformation paradigm for the Australian defense forces
by Christopher Flaherty - 241-264 Profiling terrorists: A taxonomy of evolutionary, developmental and situational causes of a terrorist actThanks go to Michael McGuire, MD, Neuropsychiatric Dept., UCLA, for commenting on the first draft of this paper and to Thomas Bouchard, PhD., James Butcher, PhD., and David Lykken, PhD., Dept of Psychology, University of Minnesota, for relevant reading material. Also, thanks to Jennifer Molina, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, for helping in the preparation of this manuscript for publication
by William Charlesworth - 265-276 Keeper of the peace: Canada and security transition operations
by Matthew Bouldin - 277-291 Profressional Notes
by Stephen Wrage & Simon Baynham & Greg Mills - 293-299 The paradox of instability and stability: United States “Primacy”, China, and the National Missile Defense (NMD) debate
by James Hentz - 301-304 The essentials of military knowledge
by Martin Edmonds
June 2003, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 97-99 Editorial
by Robert Gray & Martin Edmonds - 101-109 Prospects for precision air power
by Stephen Wrage - 111-130 The revolution in military affairs and coalition operations: Problem areas and solutions
by Thomas-Durell Young - 131-148 Don't get your mass kicked: A management theory of military capability
by Bruce Newsome - 149-164 Globalizing the iron triangle: Policy-making within the US defense industrial sector
by Tara Lavallee - 165-175 Ethics and international security in the information age
by Joelien Pretorius - 177-188 Fighting in Afghanistan: Lessons from the Soviet intervention, 1979--89
by Geoff Shaw & David Spencer - 189-190 Strategic corporal or tactical colonel? Anchoring the right variable
by Simon King - 191-192 The Soviet high command, 1918--1941. A military-political history
by Steven Main - 193-196 Masters of war: Classical strategic thought-third, revised and expanded edition
by Tim Benbow
March 2003, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Robert Gray - 5-14 The United States, Iraq and weapons of mass destruction
by Gawdat Bahgat - 15-33 Missile defense at the waterfront: Implications of the SCUD missile attack and Al Jubayl Port, 15--16 February 1991
by Adam Siegel - 35-54 The “China Threat”, National Missile Defense and American public opinion
by James Nathan & Charles Tien - 55-68 Potent or paralyzing? nuclear weapons in contemporary French military strategyThe author would like to thank Peter Viggo Jakobsen and Jens Claus Hansen for their helpful comments as well as the University of Southern Denmark and the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI) for generous research support
by Sten Rynning - 69-72 “Dirty Bombs”: An analysis of radiological weapons
by Julian Palmore - 73-88 The next US defense investment cycle: Will experience improve it?
by J. J. Mulhern - 89-90 Terrorism
by Stanly Michalak
December 2002, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 303-305 Editorial
by Andrew Dorman & Thomas-Durell Young - 307-317 The Falklands War and British defense policy
by Eric Grove - 319-332 British Special Forces and the Falklands conflict: Twenty years on
by Alastair Finlan - 333-349 British command and control in the Falklands Campaign
by Stephen Prince - 351-362 Twenty years after: Argentina in the wake of the South Atlantic War
by John Arquilla & María Moyano Rasmussen - 363-378 Delayed reaction: UK maritime expeditionary capabilities and the lessons of the Falklands conflict
by Ian Speller - 379-381 A message from the Falklands: The life and gallant death of David Tinker Lieutenant RN
by Martin Edmonds - 383-388 The hidden hand: Britain, America and Gold War secret itelligence
by Roderick Bailey
September 2002, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 199-200 Editorial
by Julian Palmore - 201-220 Deterrence and friction: implications for missile defense
by Stephen Cimbala - 221-226 Expanding the framework for analyzing National Missile Defenses: a proposal for discussion
by Raymond Franck - 227-238 The access deterrence scenario: A new approach to assessing national missile defenses
by Raymond Franck & Francois Melese - 239-260 An assessment of the intercept test program of the ground-based midcourse national missile defense system
by Lisbeth Gronlund & David Wright & Stephen Young - 261-270 Ballistic missile defenses and the new triad
by Julian Palmore - 271-292 Rogue state response to BMD: The regional context
by Michael Simon - 293-302 How can national missile defense best enhance security?
by Clifford Singer
June 2002, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 105-106 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Robert Gray - 107-121 Coalition warfare: The commander's role
by Derek Reveron - 123-143 Comparing European responses to defense industry globalization
by Andrew James - 145-155 The dynamic limitations of the US defense acquisition process
by Chiang Ren - 157-170 Definition, diagnosis, therapy: A civil-military critique
by Daniel Nelson - 171-183 British Sikhs' identification with the armed forces
by Asifa Hussain & Mohammed Ishaq - 185-187 On the psychology of military incompetence
by Patrick Mileham - 189-195 American-British-Canadian intelligence relations 1939--2000
by John Morrison
March 2002, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Robert C. Gray & Martin Edmonds - 3-14 The Influence of Logistics on War Widening
by Stacy Bergstrom Haldi - 15-38 Low-intensity Conflicts: Why the Gap Between Theory and Practise?
by Avi Kober - 39-49 US-Australian Defense Cooperation: A Model for Twenty-first Century Security Arrangements
by Jonathan O. Gackle - 51-73 The New Public Management and Defense Departments: The Case of Canada
by David Detomasi - 75-84 European Security and the Russian Duma
by Glen M. Segell - 85-88 Future Personnel: Where Will They Come From?
by Thomas Schindlmayr - 89-91 What Future for Transatlantic Security Relations After 11 September?
by Martin Agüera - 93-94 Landmark in Defense Literature
by Martin Edmonds