September 2013, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 175-176 Editorial
by Julian Palmore & Martin Edmonds - 177-187 Terrorism: a philosophical discourse
by Allan Orr - 188-202 The perils of special approaches to counterterrorism: the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes in 2005
by Alastair Finlan - 203-217 Learning in counterinsurgency: what do we really know?
by James Hasik - 218-233 Does counterterrorism spending reduce the incidence and lethality of terrorism? A quantitative analysis of 34 countries
by Orlandrew E. Danzell & Steve Zidek - 234-252 Jihad or qatal? Examining Al Qaeda's modus operandi
by Shireen K. Burki - 253-262 Boko Haram and the challenges of Nigeria's war on terror
by Samuel Oyewole
June 2013, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 87-88 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 89-103 Increased Chinese and American defence involvement in Africa
by Scott Firsing & Ogi Williams - 104-116 Coping with traps of vulnerability: a review of the impact of post-colonial issues on the independence of South Sudan
by Majak D'Agoôt - 117-127 Identifying the spoilers in the security sector reform -- disarmament demobilisation and reintegration process in the Congo
by Nina Wilén - 128-140 The long and winding road … to success? Unit peace operation effectiveness and its effect on mission success
by Chiara Ruffa - 141-155 Linking a throughput simulation to a systems dynamics simulation to assess the utility of a US Navy foreign humanitarian aid mission
by Jordan Cohen & Johnny Quilenderino & Joseph Bubulka & Eugene P. Paulo - 156-169 A case study in bio-inspired engineering design: defense applications of exoskeletal sensors
by Mark Ginsberg & Jeff Schiano & Megan Kramer & Marianne Alleyne - 170-171 Contractors at war: the transformation of US expeditionary operations
by M. J. Williams - 172-173 Threat finance: disconnecting the lifeline of organised crime and terrorism
by Michael Levi
March 2013, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 3-15 The politics of defense revival in Argentina
by Jorge Battaglino - 16-29 Explaining Lebanese Shii adherence to Hezbollah: alienation, religiosity and welfare provision
by Simon Haddad - 30-41 Pakistan's policy on minimum deterrence: why minimum is not the minimum?
by Zafar Khan - 42-53 Strategic intelligence during coin detention operations -- relational data and understanding latent terror networks
by Spencer Willardson - 54-67 Aligning national “logics” in a European military helicopter program
by Daniel Uiterwijk & Joseph Soeters & Paul van Fenema - 68-75 Reforming the notion of national sovereignty by external intervention
by Michael Steinberg - 76-84 Portfolio analysis for defense: taking account of networking
by Terry Moon & Paul Whitbread & Peter Dortmans
December 2012, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 273-274 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 275-287 Reconciling strategic studies … with itself: a common framework for choosing among strategies
by Leo J. Blanken - 288-302 The national defense function and federalism: the importance of the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act
by Louise Stanton - 303-315 An historical review of US defense strategy from Vietnam to operation Iraqi freedom
by Robert R. Tomes - 316-325 Can Afghanistan avoid the Natural Resource Curse?
by Jonathan Lipow & Francois Melese - 326-342 Unpacking the various meanings of redundancy: from refining the concept to military planning
by Leo J. Blanken & Jason J. Lepore - 343-359 Small world, big guns: globalization, interstate security networks and conventional weapons imports
by Steven J. Childs - 360-367 Involving the elephant: technical isolation and the role of India in a possible solution to the Iranian nuclear crisis
by Henry U. Ufomba - 368-369 Underground structures of the Cold War: the world below
by John G. Allen - 369-371 Nomonhan 1939: the Red Army's victory that shaped World War II
by John G. Allen - 371-372 Theorist of maritime strategy: Sir Julian Corbett and his contribution to military and naval thought
by Eric Grove
September 2012, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 199-201 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 202-212 The Iranian nuclear dilemma: light at the end of the tunnel?
by Matthew Moran & Christopher Hobbs - 213-225 Iran's nuclear programme: civil and/or military goals?
by Bart Smedts - 226-233 Can NATO survive an accident prone Euro?
by Jonathan Lipow - 234-246 “ Flectas non frangas ”: revisiting early twenty-first century UK--US defense relations (2000--2005) after five years
by Adam D.M. Svendsen - 247-259 The “motivated bias” dilemma in warfare and intelligence
by Matthew H. Wahlert - 260-267 Operational aspects of a future war between Egypt and Israel
by Ehud Eilam - 268-269 Land based air power or aircraft carriers? A case study of the British debate about maritime air power in the 1960s
by Steven Jermy - 270-271 Strategy for action: using force wisely in the twenty-first century
by Bernard Jenkin
June 2012, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 97-99 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 100-113 Challenges of measuring progress in Afghanistan using violence trends: the effects of aggregation, military operations, seasonality, weather, and other causal factors
by Eric Gons & Jonathan Schroden & Ryan McAlinden & Marcus Gaul & Bret Van Poppel - 114-130 Are non‐lethal weapons a viable military option to strengthen the hearts and minds approach in Afghanistan?
by Sjef Orbons - 131-139 Force protection and society
by Mark Clegg - 140-151 Rhetoric versus reality: Canadian defence planning in a time of austerity
by Peter Jones & Philippe Lagassé - 152-162 The mercurial development of Russia's United Aircraft Corporation
by Ron Matthews & Alma Lozano - 163-175 Into the black box? Technology sharing in major arms transfers and beyond
by Björn Hagelin - 176-184 The Shi Lang, a vehicle for regional change?
by Henry Philippens - 185-191 Egypt: new government, old challenges
by Ehud Eilam - 192-193 British naval aviation -- the first 100 years
by Cdr Ken Jay - 194-195 Democracy's arsenal: creating a twenty-first-century defense industry
by Matthew R.H. Uttley
March 2012, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Stephen Cimbala - 3-16 The elephant in the room: US ballistic missile defence under Barack Obama
by Andrew Futter - 17-35 The Obama administration's phased-adaptive architecture: technological, operational and political issues
by Daniel Goure - 36-54 The Chinese and Asian impact on Russian nuclear policy
by Stephen Blank - 55-64 Russia, America and missile defense
by Mikhail Tsypkin - 65-80 Minimum deterrence and missile defenses: what's new, what's true, what's arguable
by Stephen J. Cimbala - 81-96 Outflanking missile defences: the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, nuclear weapons and terrorism
by Ian Bellany
December 2011, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 291-293 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 295-309 Who Knows About This? Western Policy Towards Iran: The Lockerbie Case
by Davina Miller - 311-324 Appraising the Threat of an Islamist Military Coup in Post-OBL Pakistan
by Julian Schofield & Michael Zekulin - 325-340 Terrorism, Religion and Community
by James Dingley - 341-357 Bound by History? Exploring Challenges to French Nuclear Disarmament
by Matthew Moran & Matthew Cottee - 359-373 The Politics of Weapons Procurement:Why Some Programs Survive and Others Die
by Christopher M. Jones & Kevin P. Marsh - 375-382 Modeling Terrorist Target Selection: Organski's Power Transition Theory
by Okon E. Eminue & Henry U. Ufomba - 383-387 A Defense of Expensive Defense Systems
by Jonathan Lipow & Yakir Plessner - 389-393 Douhet, Trenchard, Mitchell, and the Future of Airpower
by Major David Berkland - 395-401 Book Reviews
by Emilian Kavalski & J. G. Allen & James Dingley & Marc Schelhase
September 2011, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 199-202 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 203-223 Security Co-operation and 1206 Funding: More of the Same, a Dangerous Precedent, or a Model for the Future?
by Jonathan Luminati - 225-235 “Get Real” -- A Pragmatic Approach to a Philosophical Debate on the Changing Nature of War
by Yael Brahms - 237-249 Looking Beyond the J-UCAS's Demise
by Alain De Neve & Christophe Wasinski - 251-265 Enhancing Private Sector Participation in India's Defense Production
by Laxman Kumar Behera - 267-276 Borders in the South Caucasus
by Shannon O'Lear - 277-282 Economic and Security Implications of Afghanistan's Newly Discovered Mineral Wealth
by Jonathan Lipow & Francois Melese - 283-287 Book Reviews
by Hiro Lugo & Lawrence James & Tim Ripley
June 2011, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 97-99 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 101-117 Mission Command Between Theory and Practice: The Case of the IDF
by Uzi Ben-Shalom & Eitan Shamir - 119-134 A Stakeholder-Based Analysis of the Benefits of Network Enabled Capability
by Elena Irina Neaga & Michael Henshaw - 135-147 Evaluating Counter-IED Strategies
by Lora Weiss & Elizabeth Whitaker & Erica Briscoe & Ethan Trewhitt - 149-167 Crystal Balling Future Threats 2020--2030: Security Foresights of “Actors” and “Drivers” in Perspective
by Jaïr van der Lijn - 169-186 Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security
by David Dawson - 187-193 Book Reviews
by Fiona McCallum & Mark Baillie & Martin Edmonds & Jeffrey Mills
March 2011, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction and Editorial
by Andrew Dorman & David Hastings Dunn - 5-18 UK--US Relations After the Three Bs -- Blair, Brown and Bush
by David Hastings Dunn - 19-30 Britain, Europe and Defense in the Post-Industrial Age
by Robert Dover - 31-41 Britain and the Wider World
by Wyn Rees - 43-54 Hero, Victimor Villain? The Public Image of the British Soldier and its Implications for Defense Policy
by Helen McCartney - 55-64 The Military, War and the State: Testing Authority, Jurisdiction, Allegiance and Obedience
by Anthony Forster - 65-76 British Defense Policy and the War in Iraq 2003--2009
by Warren Chin - 77-87 Making 2+2=5: The 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review
by Andrew M. Dorman - 89-93 Book Reviews
by Christopher Clapham & Mamun Ahmed & Michael Shrimpton
December 2010, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 349-351 Editorial
by Julian Palmore & Martin Edmonds - 353-369 Deliberations of a Nuclear Terrorist: Patience or Opportunism?
by Simen A. Ellingsen - 371-385 Unintentional Militarism: Over-reliance on Military Methods and Mindsets in US National Security and its Consequences
by Cathy Downes - 387-400 Linking Defense Planning and Resource Decisions: A Return to Systems Thinking
by Natalie J. Webb & Anke Richter & Donald Bonsper - 401-413 Causality Between Economic Growth and Military Expenditure: The Case of France
by Julien Malizard - 415-430 Defending Small States: Norwegian and Danish Defense Policies in the Post-Cold War Era
by Håkon Lunde Saxi - 431-438 Rational Actors: Neither Mad nor M.A.D.: The Meanings of Rationality, Rogue States and Terrorists
by Amitai Etzioni - 439-440 Book Reviews
by Simon Reay Atkinson
September 2010, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 239-242 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 243-260 The Artful Dodger: On Pakistan, Reality Bites
by Allan Orr - 261-272 The Randomization of Terrorist Attacks
by Peter J. Phillips - 273-288 A Cognitive Approach to COIN: Countering Dangerous Beliefs
by Jeffrey A. McNeil - 289-304 Casualties and Threats: Conditions of Support for War
by James A. Nathan & Charles Tien - 305-319 Gulf States/Saudi Arabia and Russia's Approach to Iran: Similarities and Differences
by Dmitry Shlapentokh - 321-324 IDF Operational-Level Doctrine and Education During the 1990s
by Tamir Libel - 325-330 Non-Proliferation and Engagement: Iran and North Korea Should Not Let the Opportunity Slip By
by Heinz Gärtner - 331-333 F-35: Price and Prejudice
by Cédric Laguerre & Marc De Vore - 335-341 Academia and Policy: Enhancing Co-operation; Increasing Understanding
by Rick “Ozzie” Nelson & Ben Bodurian - 343-345 Book Reviews
by Patrick Mileham
June 2010, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 125-128 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 129-142 Transforming US National Security: A Call for Strategic Idealism
by Gregory D. Foster - 143-159 Military Cohesion, Culture and Social Psychology
by Charles Kirke - 161-179 Strategy at the Crossroads: Medical Humanitarian Assistance Missions for Navy Hospital Ships
by Natalie J. Webb & Anke Richter - 181-188 Did Monetary Forces Help Turn the Tide in Iraq?
by Peter Berck & Jonathan Lipow - 189-211 A Tactical Campaign at the Horn of Africa: Deploy Unmanned Surface Vehicles for Maritime Security
by Amy Wenxuan Ding - 213-230 Dragon Boats: Assessing China's Anti-Piracy Operations in the Gulf of Aden
by Erik Lin-Greenberg - 231-235 Book Reviews
by Patrick Mileham & John G. Allen & James Higgs
March 2010, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-10 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds - 11-30 Norms as Weapons of War
by John A. Gentry - 31-63 How Not to do Post-invasion: Lessons Learned from US Decision-making in Iraq (2002--2008)
by Charles-Philippe David - 65-80 Is Iraq Different?: An Examination of Whether Civilian Fatalities Adhere to the “Law of War” in the 2003--2008 Iraq Conflict
by Jomana Amara & Robert M. McNab - 81-98 The US Defense Acquisition Workforce Since the Cold War
by Travis Sharp - 99-106 The Leadership Behaviors of Senior Engineering Officers in the Royal Air Force
by W. Brian Howieson - 107-115 Canadian Maritime Hubris: The Absence of a Future Maritime Security Strategy (FMSS)
by David Mugridge - 117-120 Book Reviews
by Shima Keene & Graham Edmonds
December 2009, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 325-329 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 331-353 Poppy Blues: The Collapse of Poppy Eradication and the Road Ahead in Afghanistan
by James A. Nathan - 355-372 The Root Causes of Terrorism: Why Parts of Africa Might Never Be at Peace
by Robert L. Feldman - 373-392 Justifying War in the Post-Cold War Era: Shifting Norms of International Society?
by Nicholas Kerton-Johnson - 393-412 North Korea and Nuclear Danger: Context and Policy Options
by Stephen J. Cimbala - 413-423 Ways of Warfare and Strategic Culture
by P. K. Gautam - 425-432 A Brave New World: China Embraces the Caribbean
by Loro Horta - 433-442 The Sword of Damocles: An Everlasting Bio-Threat?
by Bart R. Smedts
September 2009, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 217-222 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 223-234 The Global Maritime Partnership and Somali Piracy
by James Kraska & Brian Wilson - 235-253 Testing Shinseki: Speed, Mass and Insurgency in Post-war Iraq
by Andrew J. Enterline & J. Michael Greig & Yoav Gortzak - 255-269 National Security Councils: Their Potential Functions in Democratic Civil-Military Relations
by Thomas C. Bruneau & Florina Cristiana (Cris) Matei & Sak Sakoda - 271-284 Precision Approaches: Leadership Targeting and the Helicopter as a Strategic Strike Asset in Small Wars
by Benjamin Armstrong - 285-298 Healthcare Issues of the Iraq and Afghan Wars: Short- and Long-term Impacts on US Veterans' Healthcare -super-1
by Jomana Amara & Ann Hendricks - 299-304 Pandemic Scope and Severity of Novel Influenza A/H 1 N 1 (Swine Flu)
by Julian Palmore - 305-311 Malaise or Farce - The International Failure of Maritime Security
by David Mugridge - 313-320 Book Reviews
by James Dingley & Shima Keene & Michael Smith & David Pinder
June 2009, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 99-104 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 105-118 The Logic of Change: Pushing the Boundaries of Insurgent Behavior Theory-super-1
by Claire Metelits - 119-135 A Model to Support CBRN Defence
by M. J.F. Healy & K. Weston & M. Romilly & K. Arbuthnot - 137-155 A Mathematical Approach for Variable Speed Convoy Movement Problem(CMP)
by P. N. Ram Kumar & T. T. Narendran - 157-173 Intelligence and Impact Contests in Systems with Fake Targets
by Gregory Levitin & Kjell Hausken - 175-192 US Strategic Nuclear Arms Control: Campaign Echoes and Obama's Options
by Stephen J. Cimbala - 193-200 The Bush Doctrine and the Anglo-American Special Relationship
by Lamont Colucci - 201-204 The Second Lebanon War -- A Two-Year Perspective
by Dan Fayutkin - 205-213 National Missile Defense
by Daniel Rosenfield
March 2009, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 7-20 Terrorism Damage Exchange Rates: Quantifying Defender Disadvantage
by Martin Shubik & Aaron Zelinsky - 21-36 Irresistible Force or Immoveable Object? The “Revolution in Military Affairs” and Asymmetric Warfare
by Tim Benbow - 37-52 Consumer Choice and Dempster-Shafer Models of Threat Prioritization for Emerging Dual-Use Technologies: Their Application to Synthetic Biology
by Stephen D. Unwin & Barbara A. Fecht - 53-67 An Holistic View of UK Military Capability Development☆
by Yi Yue & Michael Henshaw - 69-79 The Canadian Forces' Information and Intelligence Fusion Center: A Preliminary Capacity Planning Study-super-1
by Kevin Y.K. Ng & M. Natalie Lam - 81-88 Moral Dynamics andMilitary Operations
by Patrick Mileham - 89-98 Reflections on Politics, Strategy and Norms in Outer Space
by Hugo L. E. Meijer
December 2008, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 341-344 Editorial
by David Whetham - 345-347 Introduction
by John Kiszely - 349-361 A Force for (Relative) Good: An Augustinian Persepective
by Martin L. Cook - 363-380 The Beginning and the End of Humanitarian Intervention: Kosovo 1999
by Robert Wilton - 381-391 Why it is Time to Stop Being a “Force for Good”
by Paul Robinson - 393-400 The Ethical Imperatives of Foreign and Defence Policy
by Mervyn Frost - 401-419 A Force for Good? War, Crime and Legitimacy: The British Army in Iraq
by Rachel Kerr
September 2008, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 233-236 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 237-245 Security in the Persian Gulf: Two Conflicting Models
by Gawdat Bahgat - 247-266 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: A Transformation in Mine Counter‐Measure Operations
by Bao Nguyen & David Hopkin & Handson Yip - 267-279 Problems Plaguing the African Union Peacekeeping Forces
by Major Robert L. Feldman - 281-301 Intelligence Sharing for Counter‐Insurgency
by James Igoe Walsh - 303-315 Strategic Bombardment and Kosovo: Evidence from the Boer War
by Kieran Webb - 317-324 Which Moderates are More Important?
by Jason Cooley - 325-327 On Setting Priorities for International Security II: Economic and Security Implications of Natural Disasters
by Julian Palmore
June 2008, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 101-105 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 107-128 Defense Acquisition: New Insights from Transaction Cost Economics
by Raymond Franck & Francois Melese - 129-146 Safeguards Against Nuclear Terrorism: HEU vs Plutonium
by Simen A. Ellingsen - 147-164 The Retreat fromWestphalia: Iraq and the “Shadow of Power”
by James Nathan - 165-179 NATO and the Aegean Disputes
by Christos Kassimeris - 181-195 Issues in Integrating Territorial Army Soldiers into Regular British Units for Operations: A Regular View
by Charles Kirke - 197-202 The New French Military Reserve and the Test of Overseas Operations
by Jacques Aben - 203-211 Spiraling Out of Control: How Missile Defense's Acquisition Strategy is Setting a Dangerous Precedent
by Victoria Samson - 213-216 The Second Lebanon War: A One‐Year Perspective
by Dan Fayutkin - 217-224 More on Avian Influenza A/H 5 N 1 Threats in Light of Recent Statistics
by Julian Palmore - 225-230 Book Reviews
by Simon Reay Atkinson & Jairo Lugo
March 2008, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Martin Edmonds & Julian Palmore - 5-17 The What, Why, When and How of Interoperability
by Terry Moon & Suzanne Fewell & Hayley Reynolds - 19-32 New Zealand's Defence Policy: From Realism to Idealism?
by David McCraw - 33-43 China in Africa: The Push Continues But All's Not Well
by Harsh V. Pant* - 45-52 Why Uganda Has Failed to Defeat the Lord's Resistance Army
by Robert L. Feldman - 53-60 The Wassenaar Arrangement (WA): How it is Broken and Needs to be Fixed
by Heinz Gärtner - 61-64 Illicit Arms Transfers: Linking Weapons Characteristics and Strategic Applications
by Jason E. Strakes