December 2013, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 423-431 Negotiating well-being in Central Asia
by David W. Montgomery - 432-447 Ordering ideals: accomplishing well-being in a Kyrgyz cooperative of elders
by Judith Beyer - 448-461 How to build a better future? Kyrgyzstani development workers and the ‘knowledge transfer’ strategy
by Jeanne Féaux de la Croix - 462-474 ‘The state starts from the family’: peace and harmony in Tajikistan's eastern Pamirs
by Till Mostowlansky - 475-486 Relations made over tea: reflections on a meaningful life in a Central Asian mountain village
by David W. Montgomery - 487-500 Sewing to satisfaction: craft-based entrepreneurs in contemporary Kyrgyzstan
by Aisalkyn Botoeva & Regine A. Spector - 501-513 Anxiety, order and the other: well-being among ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks
by Noor O'Neill Borbieva - 514-526 Even honey may become bitter when there is too much of it: Islam and the struggle for a balanced existence in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan
by Maria Louw - 527-541 Discovering a sense of well-being through the revival of Islam: profiles of Kazakh imams in Western Mongolia
by Cynthia Werner & Holly Barcus & Namara Brede - 542-548 Review essay: popular religious practice and shamanism in Inner and Central Asia
by Jeanne Féaux de la Croix - 549-551 Great games, local rules; the new great power context in Central Asia
by Luca Anceschi - 551-553 Tajikistan's difficult development path
by Grigol Ubiria - 553-555 Sistemnaya modernizatsia: instituty, upravlenie i scenarii and Regionalnaya integratsia i imperativy innovatsionnogo razvitia Kyrgyzstana
by Rafis Abazov & Zhanar Aldubasheva - 555-557 Speaking Soviet with an accent: culture and power in Kyrgyzstan
by Brinton Ahlin - 557-559 Bukhara and the Muslims of Russia: Sufism, education, and the paradox of Islamic prestige
by James Pickett - 559-561 Bukharan Jews and the dynamics of global Judaism
by Yaacov Ro'i - 562-564 Books received
by The Editors
September 2013, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 239-254 Rethinking liberal peacebuilding, statebuilding and transition in Afghanistan: an introduction
by Jonathan Goodhand & Mark Sedra - 255-270 Statebuilding in Afghanistan: challenges and pathologies
by William Maley - 271-286 Statebuilding in Afghanistan: a contradictory engagement
by Astri Suhrke - 287-305 Contested boundaries: NGOs and civil–military relations in Afghanistan
by Jonathan Goodhand - 306-317 A tale of two retreats: Afghan transition in historical perspective
by Jonathan Steele - 318-335 March towards democracy? The development of political movements in Afghanistan
by Antonio Giustozzi - 336-352 The dynamics of informal political networks and statehood in post-2001 Afghanistan: a case study of the 2010–2011 Special Election Court crisis
by Timor Sharan - 353-370 Order, stability, and change in Afghanistan: from top-down to bottom-up state-making
by Andreas Wilde & Katja Mielke - 371-387 The hollowing-out of the liberal peace project in Afghanistan: the case of security sector reform
by Mark Sedra - 388-405 Getting savages to fight barbarians: counterinsurgency and the remaking of Afghanistan
by Aziz A. Hakimi - 406-422 Nexuses of knowledge and power in Afghanistan: the rise and fall of the informal justice assemblage
by Torunn Wimpelmann
2013, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 115-133 Ethnicity and the politics of heritage in Uzbekistan
by Laura Adams - 134-147 The ‘heart’ of Eurasia? Kazakhstan's centrally located capital city
by Natalie Koch - 148-160 The lessons of the ‘Nookat events’: central government, local officials and religious protests in Kyrgyzstan
by Alisher Khamidov - 161-174 Creating and contesting meanings of place and community in the of Kyrgyzstan
by Alan DeYoung & Rakhat Zholdoshalieva & Umut Zholdoshalieva - 175-188 Sino-Mongolian relations and Mongolia's non-traditional security
by Jeffrey Reeves - 189-209 Endurance of the Soviet imperial tongue: the Russian language in contemporary Georgia
by Timothy Blauvelt - 210-224 International politics in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century central Asia: beyond anarchy in international-relations theory
by Joseph MacKay - 225-226 Explaining Foreign Policy: International Diplomacy and the Russo-Georgian War
by Valentina Feklyunina - 227-228 Legends of the Caucasus
by Ian Lanzillotti - 229-231 Nation, language, Islam: Tatarstan's sovereignty movement
by Matthew Derrick - 231-233 Under Solomon's Throne: Uzbek Visions of Renewal in Osh
by Igor Rubinov - 233-235 The heritage of Soviet Oriental studies
by Eren Tasar - 235-237 Central Eurasian Studies: Past, Present and Future
by İdil Tunçer-Kılavuz
2013, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-2 Marie Bennigsen-Broxup (1944–2012)
by Laurence Broers - 3-18 Muslim medical culture in modern Central Asia: a brief note on manuscript sources from the sixteenth to twentieth centuries
by Devin DeWeese - 19-36 The opium war at the ‘roof of the world’: the ‘elimination’ of addiction in Soviet Badakhshan
by Alisher Latypov - 37-51 Mentally ill or chosen by spirits? ‘Shamanic illness’ and the revival of Kazakh traditional medicine in post-Soviet Kazakhstan
by Danuta Penkala-Gawęcka - 52-65 Prohibition, stigma and violence against men who have sex with men: effects on HIV in Central Asia
by Alisher Latypov & Tim Rhodes & Lucy Reynolds - 66-84 Kyrgyzstan: still a regional ‘pioneer’ in HIV/AIDS or living on its reputation?
by Svetlana Ancker & Bernd Rechel & Martin McKee & Neil Spicer - 85-94 Author–critic forum: popular protest and regime change in Central Asia
by Nick Megoran & John Heathershaw & Asel Doolotkeldieva & Madeleine Reeves & Sally Cummings & Scott Radnitz - 95-99 Approaching religious diversity in Central Asia
by David Montgomery - 100-102 Lost in transition: redefining students and universities in the contemporary Kyrgyz Republic
by Sarah Amsler - 102-104 The Caucasus under Soviet rule
by Peter Kabachnik - 104-107 Fragments of the Afghan frontier
by James Sidaway - 107-109 Azerbaijan Since Independence
by Gunel Salimova & Anar Valiyev - 109-111 Political Islam in Central Asia: The Challenge of Hizb ut-Tahrir
by Galina Yemelianova - 111-113 Strategia protsvetania strani v usloviyakh meniauchegosia mira. Uroki mirovogo krizisa I modernizatsia Kazakhstanskoi ekonomiki
by Rafis Abazov & Salauat Muximov
2012, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 379-393 ‘Going away on foot’ once again: the revival of temporary labour migration from Russia's Dagestan
by Edward Holland & Eldar Eldarov - 395-408 The impact of remittances and equivalence scales on poverty in Tajikistan
by Gianni Betti & Lars Lundgren - 409-423 History writing as agitation and propaganda: the Kazakh history book of 1943
by Harun Yilmaz - 425-443 Persistence and change in Soviet and Russian relations with Afghanistan
by Andrei Dörre & Tobias Kraudzun - 445-464 Ethno-religious dynamics and the emergence of the (Secret Unity Party) in Afghanistan in the late 1940s
by Faridullah Bezhan - 465-467 Afghanistan declassified: a guide to America's longest war
by J. Conway - 467-469 State building and conflict resolution in the Caucasus
by Bayram Balci - 469-471 The genealogical construction of the Kyrgyz Republic: kinship, state and ‘tribalism’
by Alexander Wolters - 471-472 Bitter choices: loyalty and betrayal in the Russian conquest of the North Caucasus
by Alex Marshall - 472-474 Japanese–Mongolian relations, 1873–1945: faith, race and strategy
by Makoto Tachibana - 475-477 Books received
by The Editors
2007, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 317-334 Poetry of witness: Uzbek identity and the response to Andijon
by Sarah Kendzior - 335-353 Islam in post-Soviet Georgia
by Bayram Balci & Raoul Motika - 355-372 Divergent paths, divergent outcomes: linking differences in economic reform to levels of US foreign direct investment and business in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
by Pamela Blackmon - 373-387 Theories on Central Asian factionalism: the debate in political science and its wider implications
by David Gullette - 389-406 Livelihoods in transition: changing land use strategies and ecological implications in a post-Soviet setting (Kyrgyzstan)
by Jyldyz Shigaeva & Michael Kollmair & Peter Niederer & Daniel Maselli - 407-428 How does transition work in Central Asia? Coping with ideological, economic and value system changes in Uzbekistan
by Timur Dadabaev - 429-444 The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, trade, and the roles of Iran, India and Pakistan
by Nicklas Norling & Niklas Swanström - 445-463 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2007, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 1-1 Notes on contributors
by The Editors - 167-184 The inverted cycle: Kabul and the strongmen's competition for control over Kandahar, 2001–2006
by Antonio Giustozzi & Noor Ullah - 185-202 Authoritarian politics and economic reform in Uzbekistan: past, present and prospects
by Martin Spechler - 203-216 Religious revival, nationalism and the ‘invention of tradition’: political Tengrism in Central Asia and Tatarstan
by Marlène Laruelle - 217-233 and : non-consensual bride kidnapping and tradition in Kyrgyzstan
by Russ Kleinbach & Lilly Salimjanova - 235-250 The making of
by Daniel Waugh - 251-277 ‘Bilingual’ education and discontent in Xinjiang
by Eric Schluessel - 279-291 Peril and promise: a survey of India's strategic relationship with Central Asia
by Scott Moore - 293-316 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2007, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-1 Notes on contributors
by The Editors - 1-6 Introduction: Stability, sovereignty, and the resilience of politics under authoritarian rule
by Matteo Fumagalli - 7-30 The Uzbek puzzle revisited: an analysis of economic performance in Uzbekistan since 1991
by Kobil Ruziev & Dipak Ghosh & Sheila Dow - 31-48 Post-Soviet institutional design and the paradoxes of the ‘Uzbek path’
by Deniz Kandiyoti - 49-64 Political society and civil society in Uzbekistan—never the twain shall meet?
by Daniel Stevens - 65-84 Neopatrimonialism, interest groups and patronage networks: the impasses of the governance system in Uzbekistan
by Alisher Ilkhamov - 85-104 After the Kolkhoz: rural elites in competition
by Tommaso Trevisani - 105-122 Ethnicity, state formation and foreign policy: Uzbekistan and ‘Uzbeks abroad’
by Matteo Fumagalli - 123-140 Worlds apart: the making and remaking of geopolitical space in the US–Uzbekistani strategic partnership
by John Heathershaw - 141-154 Author–Critic forum: ‘Radical Islam in Central Asia’
by Nick Megoran - 155-159 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 161-165 Erratum
by Stuart Horsman
2006, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 373-385 Social policy and development in Central Asia and the Caucasus
by Armine Ishkanian - 387-401 The contribution of the PRSP to social policy development in Central Asia and the Caucasus
by Michael Reynolds - 403-418 The social exclusion framework and poverty reduction strategy in Tajikistan
by Babken Babajanian - 419-440 The unfinished journey from Semashko to Bismarck: health reform in Central Asia from 1991 to 2006
by Michael Borowitz & Rifat Atun - 441-460 Formalizing informal payments: the progress of health reform in Kyrgyzstan
by Angela Baschieri & Jane Falkingham - 461-480 After the Cold War: international politics, domestic policy and the nuclear legacy in Kazakhstan
by Cynthia Werner & Kathleen Purvis-Roberts - 481-498 Child mortality in Central Asia: social policy, agriculture and the environment
by Jennifer Franz & Felix Fitzroy - 499-514 Problems and trends in education in Central Asia since 1990: the case of general secondary education in Kyrgyzstan
by Alan Deyoung - 515-532 Human capital in Central Asia: trends and challenges in education
by Bolormaa Shagdar - 533-549 Expanding state authority, cutting back local services: decentralization and its contradictions in Uzbekistan
by Neema Noori - 551-556 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 557-558 CESS Award for Best Graduate Student Paper
by The Editors
2006, Volume 25, Issue 1-2
- 1-26 Afghanistan's post-Taliban transition: the state of state-building after war
by Thomas Johnson - 27-59 The pendulum of gender politics in Afghanistan
by Maliha Zulfacar - 61-74 Mission impossible: the politico-geographical engineering of Soviet Central Asia's republican boundaries
by Amanda Farrant - 75-91 Central Asia: is there an alternative to regional integration?
by Inomjon Bobokulov - 93-114 Selective enforcement and irresponsibility: Central Asia's shrinking space for independent media
by Olivia Allison - 115-128 ‘A little help from my friend?’ Analysis of network links on the meso level in Uzbekistan
by Kai Wegerich - 129-141 Trapped in permanent neutrality: looking behind the symbolic production of the Turkmen nation
by Barbara Kiepenheuer-Drechsler - 143-148 Ethnic composition of Kazakhstan on the eve of the Second World War: re-evaluation of the 1939 Soviet census results
by Mark Tolts - 149-156 A case study of foreign direct investment in Kyrgyzstan
by Mehmet Dikkaya & Ibrahim Keles - 157-178 History and identity among the Hemshin
by Hovann Simonian - 179-191 Shaykh Batal Hajji from Surkhokhi: towards the history of Islam in Ingushetia
by Julietta Meskhidze - 193-203 From tactical terrorism to Holy War: the evolution of Chechen terrorism, 1995–2004
by Yagil Henkin - 205-216 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2005, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-4 Introduction
by Chad Thompson & John Heathershaw - 5-19 ‘A wash with weapons’?: the case of small arms in Kyrgyzstan
by S. Macfarlane & Stina Torjesen - 21-38 The paradox of peacebuilding: peril, promise, and small arms in tajikistan
by John Heathershaw - 39-52 The trafficking of narcotics, arms and humans in post-soviet central Asia: (mis)perceptions, policies and realities
by Nicole Jackson - 53-66 In search of harmony: repairing infrastructure and social relations in the Ferghana valley
by Christine Bichsel - 67-81 Locating danger: and the search for fixity in the Ferghana valley borderlands
by Madeleine Reeves - 83-96 Preventing conflict by building civil society: post-development theory and a central Asian–uk policy success story
by Nick Megoran
2004, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 109-139 Iran and Central Asia: paradigm and policy
by Mohiaddin Mesbahi - 141-166 Post‐Soviet realities of society in Uzbekistan
by Timur Dadabaev - 167-182 Uighur migration across Central Asian frontiers
by William Clark & Ablet Kamalov - 183-203 Imagining a Chechen military aristocracy: the story of the Georgian princesses held hostage by Shamil
by Susan Layton - 205-217 Between Sunnism and Shiism: Islam in post‐Soviet Azerbaijan
by Bayram Balci
2003, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 373-375 Introduction
by George Hewitt - 377-404 Secession and war: a moral analysis of the Russian–Chechen conflict
by Bruno Coppieters - 405-420 Moral justifications of secession: the case of Chechnya
by Roman Khalilov - 421-432 Military aspects of the two Russo–Chechen conflicts in recent times
by Charles W. Blandy - 433-436 Peace initiatives of the government of President Aslan Maskhadov
by Aslambek Kadiev - 437-457 The quest for peace in Chechnya: the relevance of Pakistan's Tribal Areas experience
by Maria Sultan - 459-464 What life is like in Chechnya under the Russian occupation—the realities of today's Chechnya
by Anonymous - 465-468 A journalist reflects on the two wars in Chechnya
by Thomas de Waal - 469-471 A report by two charity workers
by Chris Hunter & Camilla Carr - 473-479 The Chechen crisis and the desired international community support
by Said Beano - 481-509 The Russian–Chechen tragedy: the way to peace and democracy
by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
2003, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 5-21 Muslim revivalism and the emergence of civic society. A case study of an Israeli-Circassian community
by Chen Bram - 23-44 Les Ouzbeks d'Arabie Saoudite entre inte´gration et renouveau identitaire via le pe¤lerinage
by Bayram Balci - 45-59 Foreign policy and domestic reform in Mongolia
by Tsedendamba Batbayar - 61-66 Citizen Genghis? On explaining Mongolian democracy through 'political culture'
by Andrew F March - 67-81 The Kazakness of sedentarization: Promoting progress as tradition in response to the land problem
by Peter Rottier - 83-102 The New Great Game and the new great gamers: Disciples of Kipling and Mackinder
by Matthew Edwards - 103-115 A Chechen national hero of the Caucasus in the 18th century: Sheikh Mansur
by Zu¨Beyde Gu¨Ne-Yadcy - 117-127 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2002, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 349-370 Azerbaijan After a Decade of Independence: Less Oil, More Graft and Poverty
by Alec Rasizade - 371-384 The Use and Abuse of History: ‘National Ideology’ as Transcendental Object in Islam Karimov's ‘Ideology of National Independence’
by Andrew F March - 385-402 Modernity, Nationalism, Resistance: Identity Politics in Post-Soviet Kazakhstan
by Cengiz Surucu - 403-410 The Globality of Tajik Nationalisms–a Research Note
by Franz Wennberg - 411-415 The Russian-Chechen Conflict
by Roman Khalilov - 417-422 Broadcasting to Tibet
by Hansjörg Bienier - 423-434 September 11: A Dynamic for Russo-Turkish Co-operation or Conflict?
by Fotios Moustakis & Ella Ackerman - 435-437 Russo-Turkmen Historical Dictionary, Vol. 1
by Rustem Safronov - 439-440 Publications Received
by The Editors
2002, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 239-240 Introduction
by Moshe Gammer - 241-244 Shamil's testament
by Dibir M Mahomedov - 245-248 On the social aims and spiritual ideals of the Mountaineers during the Caucasian War
by Dibir M Mahomedov - 249-264 Jih # d in the name of God: Shaykh Shamil as the religious leader of the Caucasus
by Anna Zelkina - 265-278 The Daghestani legal discourse on the Imamate
by Michael Kemper - 279-282 Reactions in Cairo to Shamil's victories: A Finn's testimony
by Kaj Öhrnberg - 283-299 Nineteenth century German travelogues as sources on the history of Daghestan and Chechnya
by Clemens P Sidorko - 301-324 Imam Shaykh Mansur: A few stanzas to a familiar portrait
by Julietta Meskhidze - 325-332 Imam Shamil's manuscripts in the collections of Princeton University (from the history of Daghestan's book culture in the 19th century)
by Natalya Tahirova - 333-340 Shamil and the Murid movement, 1830-1859: An attempt at a comprehensive bibliography--Supplement 1
by Moshe Gammer
2002, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 133-142 Walking the tightrope between nationalism(s) and Islam(s): The case of Daghestan
by Moshe Gammer - 143-156 Prospects for political stability and economic development in Dagestan
by Robert Bruce Ware & Enver Kisriev - 157-166 The Russian army in Chechnya
by Pavel Felgenhauer - 167-183 Kazakhstan and Central Asia: Regional perspectives
by Zharmukhamed Zardykhan - 185-197 Creating, recreating and redefining ethnic identity: Ah L ska/Meskhetian Turks in Soviet and post-Soviet contexts
by Ayşegül Aydingün - 199-209 Chicherin on the delimitation of Turkestan: Native Bolsheviks versus Soviet foreign policy. Seven letters from the Russian archives on razmezhevanie
by Hasan Ali Karasar - 211-227 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2002, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-18 Civilizing the Middle Kingdom's wild west
by Abigail Sines - 19-36 Why Mongolia? The political culture of an emerging democracy
by Paula L.W Sabloff - 37-54 The mythology of munificent Caspian bonanza and its concomitant pipeline geopolitics
by Alec Rasizade - 55-70 Spheres of communal participation: Placing the state within local modes of interaction in rural Uzbekistan
by Johan Rasanayagam - 71-90 Between the state and cultural zones: Nation building in Turkmenistan
by Ahmet T Kuru - 91-105 Discipline, knowledge and imperial power in Central Asia: 19th century notes for a genealogy of social forms
by Brian Silverstein - 107-122 The liberal and socialist influences on Azerbaijani nationalism at the beginning of the 20th century
by Cengiz Çağla
2001, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 413-413 Focus on Afghanistan
by The Editors - 415-426 Perverting Islam: Taliban social policy toward women
by Larry P Goodson - 427-450 Radical political movements in Afghanistan and their politics of peoples' empowerment and liberation
by Hafizullah Emadi - 451-465 Political Islam in Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan
by Shahram Akbarzadeh - 467-496 Gender and ethnicity in the 'transitional democracy' of Kyrgyzstan
by Lori M. Handrahan - 497-517 The Jungar Tuvas: Language and national identity in the PRC
by Talant Mawkanuli - 519-527 On merchants and monsters: Common motifs in tales from medieval China and 19th-century Bukhara
by Siamak Adhami
2001, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 261-288 Democratic development in Azerbaijan and the role of the Western oil industry
by Daniel Heradstveit - 289-303 Xinjiang at the turn of the century: The causes of separatism
by Colin Mackerras - 305-321 Shanghai 5 and the emerging alliance in Central Asia: The closed society and its enemies
by Amalendu Misra - 323-351 China's response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
by A.Z Hilali