January 2021, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 134-136 Central Asia and the Silk Road: economic rise and decline over several millennia
by Paul Georg Geiss - 136-138 Pipe dreams: Water and empire in Central Asia’s Aral Sea basin
by Sarah Cameron - 138-140 The Central Asian revolt of 1916: a collapsing empire in the age of war and revolution
by James Pickett - 141-141 Books received
by The Editors
October 2020, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 445-462 Recasting the nation: transforming heroes of the Soviet Union into symbols of Kazakhstani patriotism
by Kristoffer Michael Rees - 463-479 What is democracy and who supports it? Findings from a university survey in Kazakhstan
by Christopher B. Primiano & Alma Kudebayeva - 480-499 Circling the barrels: Kazakhstan’s regime stability in the wake of the 2014 oil bust
by Morena Skalamera Groce - 500-519 The reality of environmental cooperation and the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea
by Agha Bayramov - 520-539 Women’s bargaining power and contraception use in post-Soviet Tajikistan
by Zarrina H. Juraqulova & Ellison B. Henry - 540-555 Transformation of musical performances at wedding ceremonies in the post-socialist period: the Kazakh tamada in Bayan-Ölgii Province, Mongolia
by Fuki Yagi - 556-577 Buying into capitalism: Mongolians’ changing perceptions of capitalism in the transition years
by Paula L. W. Sabloff - 578-595 Divorce settlement among the Uyghurs during the Republican era in Xinjiang
by Aysima Mirsultan - 596-599 Afghanistan: a history from 1260 to the present
by M. Nazif Shahrani - 599-601 Kazakhstan and the Soviet legacy: between continuity and rupture
by Cristina Palmer
July 2020, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 1-1 The Irene Hilgers Memorial Prize 2020
by The Editors - 285-302 The five shades of grey: party systems and authoritarian institutions in post-Soviet Central Asian states
by Grigorii V. Golosov - 303-323 Dispossession and displacement of migrant workers: the impact of state terror and economic development on Uyghurs in urban Xinjiang
by Sarah Tynen - 324-339 Claiming heritage: the Manas epic between China and Kyrgyzstan
by Svetlana Jacquesson - 340-360 ‘Don’t become a lost specimen!’: polygyny and motivational interconnectivity in Kyrgyzstan
by Michele E. Commercio - 361-377 Nomadic by nature? Contradictions and precarious work in Mongolian tourism
by Jesse E. Shircliff - 378-397 State-run media outlets in Central Asia: external regime legitimation through regional conflict and cooperation framing
by Mariya Pak & Filippo Menga & Daniel Feuer & Austen Dowell - 398-419 Silent partners: archaeological insights on mobility, interaction and civilization in Central Asia’s past
by Lynne M. Rouse - 420-437 Governance and order-making in Central Asia: from illiberalism to post-liberalism?
by Philipp Lottholz & John Heathershaw & Aksana Ismailbekova & Janyl Moldalieva & Eric McGlinchey & Catherine Owen - 438-439 On the threshold of Eurasia: revolutionary poetics in the Caucasus
by Adeeb Khalid - 439-441 Azan on the moon: entangling modernity along Tajikistan’s Pamir Highway
by Dinara Abildenova - 441-443 Russia and Central Asia: coexistence, conquest and convergence
by Alisher Khaliyarov
April 2020, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 167-184 ‘They do not help, only demoralize’: peasant nachalniks and the last imperial Russian reform on the Kazakh Steppe, 1902–1917
by Gulmira Sultangalieva & John B. Seitz - 185-201 Sharaf Rashidov and the international dimensions of Soviet Uzbekistan
by Riccardo Mario Cucciolla - 202-219 Gender and ethnicity in the Soviet Muslim peripheries: a feminist postcolonial geography of women’s work in the Tajik SSR (1950–1991)
by Negar Elodie Behzadi & Lucia Direnberger - 220-235 Educational infrastructure created in conditions of social exclusion: ‘Kyrgyz clubs’ for migrant children in Moscow
by Ekaterina Demintseva - 236-254 From mice-eaten passports to fingerprint scanning: fluctuating state presence and ‘entangled documents’ along the Kyrgyz–Uzbek border
by Elina Troscenko - 255-271 Legal reform or erasure of history? The politics of moral crimes in Afghanistan
by Aziz Hakimi & Masooma Sa’adat - 272-276 Lev Gumilev’s Eurasianism and ethnonationalist misappropriation of historical geography
by Tristan Kenderdine & Aidana Aidarkhan - 277-278 Webs of corruption: trafficking and terrorism in Central Asia
by Edward Lemon - 279-281 Sustainable land management in Greater Central Asia: an integrated and regional perspective
by Michael Zukosky - 281-283 A history of the Tajiks: Iranians of the East
by Daniel Beben
January 2020, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-10 Negotiating state and society: the normative informal economies of Central Asia and the Caucasus
by Susanne Fehlings & Hasan H. Karrar - 11-32 Trading in Dordoi and Lilo bazaars: frontiers of formality, entrepreneurship and globalization
by Philippe Rudaz - 33-45 The traders of Central Bazaar, Astana: motivation and networks
by Meiirzhan Baitas - 46-62 The formal side of informality: non-state trading practices and local Uyghur ethnography
by Rune Steenberg - 63-79 Markets at sacred sites: the globalized mobility and informality of the Armenian religious fairs
by Yulia Antonyan - 80-94 The bazaar in ruins: rent and fire in Barakholka, Almaty
by Hasan H. Karrar - 95-115 Doing business in Yabaolu Market, Beijing: (inter-)ethnic entrepreneurship, trust and friendship between Caucasian and Chinese traders
by Susanne Fehlings - 116-134 Business 2.0: Kyrgyz middlemen in Guangzhou
by Philipp Schröder - 135-154 Trade ‘outside the law’: Uzbek and Afghan transnational merchants between Yiwu and South-Central Asia
by Diana Ibañez-Tirado & Magnus Marsden - 155-156 Islam with a female face: how women are changing the religious landscape in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
by Shahnoza Nozimova - 157-159 The vanishing generation: faith and uprising in modern Uzbekistan
by Joanna Lillis - 159-161 Cinema, Nation, and Empire in Uzbekistan (1919–1937)
by August Samie - 161-163 Imperial desert dreams: cotton growing and irrigation in Central Asia, 1860–1991
by Beatrice Penati - 164-165 Books received
by The Editors
October 2019, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 1-1 The Irene Hilgers Memorial Prize 2019
by The Editors - 443-445 Editorial
by Rico Isaacs - 446-459 A cup of coffee in Bishkek: insights into the emerging coffee culture in Kyrgyzstan's capital
by Paulina Simkin & Matthias Schmidt - 460-475 The capacity to aspire: young persons and gender–age relations in southern Tajikistan and North India
by Colette Harris - 476-493 The Sinicized self: prejudice, epistemology and Uyghur perceptions of their bodies
by James McMurray - 494-509 Soviet boarding schools as a forge of national professionals and intellectuals in Soviet Tajikistan in the 1950s and 1960s
by Tuychi Rashidov - 510-530 The demographic and agricultural development of the Kokand oasis during the Russian Imperial era: nomad immigration and cotton monoculture
by Akira Ueda - 531-547 The role of the ortoq in the Mongol Empire in forming business partnerships
by Enerelt Enkhbold - 548-569 Reflections on the prehistory of the Abdālī Afghans
by Sajjad Nejatie - 570-572 The pitfalls of protection: gender, violence, and power in Afghanistan
by Melissa Kerr Chiovenda - 572-574 Russian–Turkmen encounters: The Caspian frontier before the Great Game
by Victoria Clement - 574-576 Order at the Bazaar: Power and Trade in Central Asia
by Rune Steenberg - 576-578 Theorizing Central Asian politics: the state, ideology and power
by Gian Marco Moisé
July 2019, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 307-309 Editorial
by Madeleine Reeves - 310-328 Practices of traditionalization in Central Asia
by Judith Beyer & Peter Finke - 329-345 Women of protest, men of applause: political activism, gender and tradition in Kyrgyzstan
by Judith Beyer & Aijarkyn Kojobekova - 346-362 Traditionalization, or the making of a reputation: women, weddings and expenditure in Tajikistan
by Juliette Cleuziou - 363-380 The body global and the body traditional: a digital ethnography of Instagram and nationalism in Kazakhstan and Russia
by Diana T. Kudaibergenova - 381-399 The veterans’ gala: the use of tradition in an industrial labour conflict in contemporary Kazakhstan
by Tommaso Trevisani - 400-416 Appropriating and contesting ‘traditional Islam’: Central Asian students at the Russian Islamic University in Tatarstan
by Dominik Müller - 417-431 Traditionalization as a response to state-induced development in rural Tibetan areas of Qinghai, PRC
by Jarmila Ptackova - 432-434 Central Asia in the era of sovereignty: the return of Tamerlane?
by Kristoffer Michael Rees - 434-436 Food and identity in Central Asia
by Sebile Yapici - 436-438 Sufism: a new history of Islamic mysticism
by Vernon James Schubel - 438-441 Silk, slaves, and stupas: material culture of the Silk Road
by Craig Benjamin
April 2019, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 165-180 Can smartphones empower labour migrants? The case of Kyrgyzstani migrants in Russia
by Vanessa Ruget & Burul Usmanalieva - 181-196 Mobile phones and self-determination among Muslim youth in Uzbekistan
by Haruka Kikuta - 197-216 Kazakhstani public opinion of the United States and Russia: testing variables of (un)favourability
by Marlene Laruelle & Dylan Royce - 217-236 Discourses of Russian-speaking youth in Nazarbayev’s Kazakhstan: Soviet legacies and responses to nation-building
by Matthew Blackburn - 237-254 Emptying lakes, filling up seas: hydroelectric dams and the ambivalences of development in late Soviet Central Asia
by Moritz Florin - 255-274 Transitions from dirty to clean energy in low-income countries: insights from Kyrgyzstan
by Rahat Sabyrbekov & Nurgul Ukueva - 275-292 Environmental migrations in Central Asia: a multifaceted approach to the issue
by Suzy Blondin - 293-295 ‘City of the future’: built space, modernity and urban change in Astana
by Zayra Badillo Castro - 295-297 Textiles as national heritage: Identities, politics and material culture
by Shannon Ludington - 297-299 Borderland capitalism: Turkestan produce, Qing silver, and the birth of an eastern market
by Jin Noda - 300-302 Blood ties and the native son: Poetics of patronage in Kyrgyzstan
by Philipp Lottholz - 302-304 Learning to become Turkmen: literacy, language and power, 1914–2014
by William Fierman - 305-306 Women in Mongol Iran: the Khātūns, 1206–1335
by Aziza Shanazarova
January 2019, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-1 Correction
by The Editors - 1-26 Securitization, insecurity and conflict in contemporary Xinjiang: has PRC counter-terrorism evolved into state terror?
by Joanne Smith Finley - 27-45 Old ‘counter-revolution’, new ‘terrorism’: historicizing the framing of violence in Xinjiang by the Chinese state
by Pablo A. Rodríguez-Merino - 46-60 What explains the rise of majority–minority tensions and conflict in Xinjiang?
by Reza Hasmath - 61-80 Islam by smartphone: reading the Uyghur Islamic revival on WeChat
by Rachel Harris & Aziz Isa - 81-101 The Wang Lixiong prophecy: ‘Palestinization’ in Xinjiang and the consequences of Chinese state securitization of religion
by Joanne Smith Finley - 102-128 ‘Thoroughly reforming them towards a healthy heart attitude’: China’s political re-education campaign in Xinjiang
by Adrian Zenz - 129-147 Colonization with Chinese characteristics: politics of (in)security in Xinjiang and Tibet
by Dibyesh Anand - 148-150 Paradox of power: the logics of state weakness in Eurasia
by Kyle Estes - 150-151 Living language in Kazakhstan: the dialogic emergence of an ancestral worldview
by Cynthia Werner - 152-154 Uzbekistan’s foreign policy: the struggle for recognition and self-reliance under Karimov
by Mariya Y. Omelicheva - 154-156 From belonging to belief: modern secularisms and the construction of religion in Kyrgyzstan
by Noor O'Neill Borbieva - 156-158 Visions of justice: Shari’a and cultural change in Russian Central Asia
by Robert D. Crews - 158-160 Power, politics, and tradition in the Mongol Empire and the Īlkhānate of Iran
by Nicholas Morton - 161-163 Books received
by The Editors
October 2018, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 503-525 Mobile pastoralism a century apart: continuity and change in south-eastern Kazakhstan, 1910 and 2012
by Carole Ferret - 526-545 Critical social media information flows: political trust and protest behaviour among Kazakhstani college students
by Amanzhol Bekmagambetov & Kevin M. Wagner & Jason Gainous & Zhaxylyk Sabitov & Adil Rodionov & Bagysh Gabdulina - 546-562 Oasis in the steppe: health and masculinity of Kazakhstani miners
by Eeva Kesküla - 563-581 Modern education and literary traditions: a comparative view on the development of modern Uyghur and Tibetan literature
by Michal Zelcer-Lavid - 582-601 Bride kidnapping in post-Soviet Eurasia: a roundtable discussion
by Cynthia Werner & Christopher Edling & Charles Becker & Elena Kim & Russell Kleinbach & Fatima Esengeldievna Sartbay & Woden Teachout - 602-603 Soviet and Muslim: the institutionalization of Islam in Central Asia
by Shoshana Keller - 604-606 The Central Asia–Afghanistan relationship: From Soviet intervention to Silk Road initiative
by Tristan Kenderdine - 606-608 Threads of empire: loyalty and tsarist authority in Bashkiria, 1552–1917
by Daniel E. Schafer
July 2018, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 341-356 Capitalism in Mongolia – ideology, practice and ambiguity
by Rebekah Plueckhahn & Dulam Bumochir - 357-371 Generating capitalism for independence in Mongolia
by Dulam Bumochir - 372-385 The formation and distribution of procapitalist perspectives in Mongolia
by Gantulga Munkherdene - 386-402 Collaboration for survival in the age of the market: diverse economic practices in postsocialist Mongolia
by Byambabaatar Ichinkhorloo - 403-418 The financialization of help: moneylenders as economic translators in the debt-based economy
by Hedwig Amelia Waters - 419-437 Networks and the negotiation of risk: making business deals and people among Mongolian small and medium businesses
by Narantuya Chuluunbat & Rebecca Empson - 438-456 Negotiation, social indebtedness, and the making of urban economies in Ulaanbaatar
by Rebekah Plueckhahn & Terbish Bayartsetseg - 457-474 Electoral gifting and personal politics in Mongolia’s parliamentary election season
by Lauren Bonilla & Tuya Shagdar - 475-483 Afterword: Mongolian-made capitalism
by David Sneath - 484-486 The Afghan-Central Asian borderland: the state and local leaders
by John Heathershaw - 486-488 Informal order and the state in Afghanistan
by Judith Beyer - 488-491 Nationalism in Central Asia: a biography of the Uzbekistan–Kyrgyzstan boundary
by Russell Zanca - 491-493 Fragile conviction: changing ideological landscapes in urban Kyrgyzstan
by Johan Rasanayagam - 493-496 Ancient irrigation systems of the Aral Sea area: the history, origin, and development of irrigated agriculture
by Mehrnoush Soroush - 496-499 What is beyond the river? Power, authority, and social order in Transoxania, 18th-19th centuries
by Daniel Beben - 499-501 The rise and fall of Khoqand, 1709–1876: Central Asia in the global age
by Ian W. Campbell
April 2018, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 191-207 Native rhythms in the city: embodied refusal among Uyghur male migrants in Ürümchi
by Darren Byler - 208-227 Building transregional and historical connections: Uyghur architecture in urban Xinjiang
by Madlen Kobi - 228-246 Making the ‘empowered woman’: exploring contradictions in gender and development programming in Kyrgyzstan
by Elena Kim & Asel Myrzabekova & Elena Molchanova & Olha Yarova - 247-264 A mob for hire? Unpacking older women’s political activism in Kyrgyzstan
by Elmira Satybaldieva - 265-285 The power of place, or powerless places? Hybrid attitudes towards Soviet symbols in post-Soviet Georgia
by Peter Kabachnik - 286-304 State responses to reputational concerns: the case of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Kazakhstan
by Saipira Furstenberg - 305-321 Public councils in Kazakhstan: a case of emergent participative democracy?
by Colin Knox & Saltanat Janenova - 322-324 Dictators without borders: power and money in Central Asia
by Navruz Nekbakhtshoev - 324-325 The family in Central Asia: new perspectives
by Jesko Schmoller - 326-327 History of Central Asia, Vol. 3. The Age of Islam and the Mongols
by Timothy May - 328-330 Afghan History through Afghan Eyes
by Daniel Beben - 330-333 Practicing Islam: knowledge, experience, and social navigation in Kyrgyzstan
by Svetlana Peshkova - 333-336 Central Asia in art: from Soviet Orientalism to the new republics
by Diana T. Kudaibergenova - 336-338 Wakhan Quadrangle: exploration and espionage during and after the Great Game
by Till Mostowlansky - 338-339 Negotiating identities: work, religion, gender, and the mobilisation of tradition among the Uyghur in the 1990s
by Michael Krautkraemer
January 2018, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-12 Critical approaches to security in Central Asia: an introduction
by Edward Lemon - 13-30 Disorder over the border: spinning the spectre of instability through time and space in Central Asia
by Natalie Koch - 31-49 Islamic discourses in Azerbaijan: the securitization of ‘non-traditional religious movements’
by Galib Bashirov - 50-67 The terrorist attacks in the Volga region, 2012–13: hegemonic narratives and everyday understandings of (in)security
by Renat Shaykhutdinov - 68-84 Living dangerously: securityscapes of Lyuli and LGBT people in urban spaces of Kyrgyzstan
by Marc von Boemcken & Hafiz Boboyorov & Nina Bagdasarova - 85-99 Security matters in marriage: Uyghurs’ perceptions of security in Xinjiang, China
by Mei Ding - 100-118 Navigating the safety implications of doing research and being researched in Kyrgyzstan: cooperation, networks and framing
by Nurbek Bekmurzaev & Philipp Lottholz & Joshua Meyer - 119-136 Kyrgyzstan’s informal settlements: yntymak and the emergence of politics in place
by Bert Cramer - 137-159 Counter-extremism, power and authoritarian governance in Tajikistan
by Edward Lemon & Hélène Thibault - 160-171 Under Solomon’s throne: Uzbek visions of renewal in Osh
by Aisalkyn Botoeva & Stefan B. Kirmse & Ali Igmen & Morgan Liu & Marianne Kamp - 172-174 State formation in Afghanistan: a theoretical and political history
by Yaqub Ibrahimi - 174-176 Kazakhstan in the making: legitimacy, symbols, and social changes
by Sofya du Boulay - 176-178 Xinjiang and the modern Chinese state
by Kwangmin Kim - 178-180 Women musicians of Uzbekistan: from courtyard to conservatory
by Kerstin Klenke - 180-183 Russkiye konsulstva v Sintsiane (konets XIX–nachalo XX vv.) [Russian consulates in Xinjiang (late XIX–early XX centuries)]
by Ablet Kamalov - 183-185 Bukharan Jews in the Soviet Union: autobiographical narrations of mobility, continuity and change
by Zeev Levin - 185-187 Sikunder Burnes: Master of the Great Game
by Alexander Morrison - 187-189 Russian Hajj: Empire and the Pilgrimage to Mecca
by Danielle Ross
October 2017, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 409-429 Turkmenistan and the virtual politics of Eurasian energy: the case of the TAPI pipeline project
by Luca Anceschi - 430-452 The return of the regulator: Kazakhstan’s cotton sector reforms since independence
by Martin Petrick & Dauren Oshakbayev & Regina Taitukova & Nodir Djanibekov - 453-472 Undermining Western democracy promotion in Central Asia: China’s countervailing influences, powers and impact
by Aijan Sharshenova & Gordon Crawford - 473-492 Transformations in Turkmen higher education: current opportunities and challenges at a new university
by Kelly Lee Gaynor - 493-510 Cultural histories of kumiss: tuberculosis, heritage and national health in post-Soviet Kazakhstan
by Gabriel McGuire - 511-533 From the Achaemenids to Somoni: national identity and iconicity in the landscape of Dushanbe’s capitol complex
by Katherine Hughes - 534-554 Contested spaces: the use of place-names and symbolic landscape in the politics of identity and legitimacy in Azerbaijan
by Arsène Saparov - 555-574 Categorically misleading, dialectically misconceived: language textbooks and pedagogic participation in Central Asian nation-building projects
by James Pickett - 575-577 Veiled and unveiled in Chechnya and Daghestan
by Geraldine Fagan - 577-579 Humanitarian invasion: global development in Cold War Afghanistan
by Markus Göransson - 579-581 Imperial Russia’s Muslims: Islam, empire, and European modernity, 1788–1914
by Edward Lazzerini - 581-583 Muslim women of the Fergana Valley: a 19th-century ethnography from Central Asia
by Aksana Ismailbekova - 583-585 Democracy in Central Asia: competing perspectives and alternative strategies
by Aliya Tskhay - 585-588 Uyghur nation: reform and revolution on the Russia–China Frontier
by Ablet Kamalov - 588-590 Rewriting the nation in modern Kazakh literature
by Eva-Marie Dubuisson - 591-592 Trading worlds: Afghan merchants across modern frontiers
by Till Mostowlansky - 593-595 The force of custom: law and the ordering of everyday life in Kyrgyzstan
by August Samie - 596-597 Books received
by The Editors - 598-598 Erratum
by The Editors
July 2017, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 293-299 The Helsinki Final Act four decades on
by Payam Foroughi - 300-312 The OSCEs of Central Asia
by Pál Dunay - 313-330 Human rights concepts in the OSCE region: changes since the Helsinki Final Act
by Aaron Rhodes - 331-352 Overlap with contestation? Comparing norms and policies of regional organizations in the post-Soviet space
by Alessandra Russo & Andrea Gawrich - 353-372 Benefactor, industry or intruder? Perceptions of international organizations in Central Asia – the case of the OSCE in Tajikistan
by Karolina Kluczewska - 373-390 Helsinki’s counterintuitive effect? OSCE/ODIHR’s election observation missions and solidification of virtual democracy in post-communist Central Asia: the case of Tajikistan, 2000–2013
by Payam Foroughi & Uguloy Mukhtorova - 391-394 Timur Kasymovich Beisembiev, 1955–2016
by Alexander Morrison - 395-398 Making Uzbekistan: nation, empire, and revolution in the early USSR
by Beatrice Penati - 398-400 Oil and water: being Han in Xinjiang
by Hilda Eitzen - 400-403 The Šabdan Baatır Codex: epic and the writing of northern Kyrgyz history
by Arienne M. Dwyer - 403-405 The state as investment market: Kyrgyzstan in comparative perspective
by Azamat Sakiev - 405-407 Iranian languages and literatures of Central Asia: from the eighteenth century to the present
by John R. Perry
April 2017, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 175-194 Engagement with empire as norm and in practice in Kazakh nomadic political culture (1820s–1830s)
by Virginia Martin - 195-211 Venerating the pir: patron saints of Muslim ceramists in Uzbekistan
by Haruka Kikuta - 212-230 Coercive capacity, land reform and political order in Afghanistan
by Ilia Murtazashvili & Jennifer Murtazashvili - 231-246 Pathways to child work in Tajikistan: narratives of child workers and their parents
by Mashura Akilova - 247-262 Gender and the academic profession in contemporary Tajikistan: challenges and opportunities expressed by women who remain
by Zumrad Kataeva & Alan J. DeYoung