2001, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 353-365 Iran's interests in Central Asia: A contemporary assessment
by Ertan Efegil & Leonard A Stone - 367-381 Transformation in the Tajik Pamirs: Gornyi-Badakhshan-an example of successful restructuring?
by Hiltrud Herbers - 383-390 The situation in Nuristan
by Max Klimburg - 391-404 The Crimean Tatars in Uzbekistan: Speaking with the dead and living homeland
by Greta Lynn Uehling
2001, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 141-154 A summer of innuendo: Growing competition among Dagestan's political elite
by Robert Bruce Ware & Enver Kisriev - 155-165 Environmental initiatives in contemporary Iran
by Richard C Foltz - 167-182 Foreign policy and domestic reform in Central Asia
by Gregory Gleason - 183-194 Nationalism as a geopolitical phenomenon: The Central Asian case
by Farkhod Tolipov - 195-227 Exploring issues of violence within the recent context of the Hazarajat, Afghanistan
by Iesha Singh - 229-249 Caucasian Boundaries. Documents and Maps. 1802-1946
by The Editors - 251-255 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2001, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 5-32 Islam in East Europe
by Gyorgy Lederer - 33-54 Impoverishment of the masses in the transition period: Signs of an emerging 'new poor' identity in Uzbekistan
by Alisher Ilkhamov - 55-62 Population displacement in the Caucasus-an overview
by Dennis Sammut - 63-83 The Islamic revival in Central Asia: A potent force or a misconception?
by Ghoncheh Tazmini - 85-95 The social use of personal names among the Kyrgyz
by Erlend H Hvoslef - 97-106 Mahallah and kinship relations. A study on residential communal commitment structures in Central Asia of the 19th century
by Paul Georg Geiss - 107-122 Review Article
by Guy Imart - 123-132 Book Reviews
by The Editors
2000, Volume 19, Issue 3-4
- 309-314 Open letter to the French philosopher André Glucksman
by Aslan Maskhadov - 315-327 The prospects for genocide in Chechnya and extremist retaliation against the West
by Michael Fredholm - 328-338 How many soldiers and civilians died during the Russo-Chechen war of 1994-1996?
by John B Dunlop - 339-347 Khattab's audacious raid (22 December 1997): Prelude to the Second Chechen War
by Adam Geibel - 348-363 Emerging spatial patterns of the demographics, labour force and FDI in Uzbekistan
by Reuel R Hanks - 364-393 Society and politics in Bukhara, 1868-1920
by Adeeb Khalid - 394-415 Imperatives of national territorial delimitation and the fate of Bukhara 1917-1924
by Anita Sengupta - 416-425 State, national awareness and levels of identity in Afghanistan from monarchy to Islamic state
by Pierre Centlivres & Micheline Centlivres-Demont - 426-440 Controlling the frontier: Monasteries and infrastructure in the Volga region, 1552-1682
by Matthew P Romaniello - 441-445 Note sur les relations acade´miques entre le Kirghizstan et la Turquie
by A. Mokeev & R. Dor - 446-463 Policy options for resolving post-Soviet ethnic conflict
by Robert M Cutler - 468-479 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 469-472 Rewriting the history of the Terek region
by Brian J Boeck
2000, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 189-221 A sea or a lake? The Caspian's long odyssey
by Witt Raczka - 223-234 Uygur-Tang relations, 744-840
by Colin MacKerras - 235-252 The Islamic factor in Dagestan
by Robert Bruce Ware & Enver Kisriev - 253-264 Praxis of taqiyya : Perseverance of Pashaye Ismaili enclave, Nangarhar, Afghanistan
by Hafizullah Emadi - 265-280 From holy war to opium war? A case study of the opium economy in North Eastern Afghanistan
by Jonathan Goodhand - 281-296 Small and medium-sized enterprises in the transition economy of Uzbekistan: Conditions and perspectives
by Nurullo A Khalmurzaev - 297-303 Book reviews
by The Editors
2000, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 5-16 Imperial Russification: Dagestani mountaineers in Russian exile, 1877-83
by Austin Jersild - 17-39 The other end of the Silk Road: Japan's Eurasian initiative
by Michael Robert Hickok - 41-77 The Kurds of Soviet Azerbaijan, 1920-91
by Daniel Müller - 79-93 Tibet: In search of a resolution
by Amalendu Misra - 95-115 The death and burial of Chinggis Khaan
by Bat-Ochir Bold - 117-140 Moyen-Orient, Caucase et Asie centrale: Des concepts geo´politiques a ¤ construire et a ¤ reconstruire?
by Mohammad-Reza Djalili & Thierry Kellner - 141-155 The role of Turkish schools in the educational system and social transformation of Central Asian countries: The case of Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan
by Cennet Engin Demir & Ayse Balci & Fusun Akkok - 157-183 Industrial structure and regional development in Central Asia: A microdata analysis on spatial allocation of industry
by Ichiro Iwasaki
1999, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 413-418 Introduction
by Marie Bennigsen - 419-434 Azerbaijan: Perspectives from the crossroads
by Tadeusz Swietochowski - 435-461 Nagorno Karabagh: Transition and the elite
by Hratch Tchilingirian - 463-499 Abkhazia, Georgia and the Circassians (NW Caucasus)
by George Hewitt - 501-534 Ossetiyaland of uncertain frontiers and manipulative elites
by Julian Birch - 535-574 Chechnia: Political developments and strategic implications for the North Caucasus
by Marie Bennigsen
1999, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 276-276 Notes on contributors
by The Editors - 277-279 Introduction: Text and Turpan: The historiography of place in Inner Asia
by Linda Benson - 281-301 A survey of Uyghur documents from Turpan and their importance for Asian and Central Eurasian history
by Dolkun Kamberi - 303-318 Tourism and Turpan: The power of place in Inner Asia/Outer China
by Stanley Toops - 319-346 Imagined communities: Kazak nationalism and Kazakification in the 1990s
by Azamat Sarsembayev - 347-357 Turkman tribalism
by Paul Georg Geiss - 359-372 Daghestan: The quest for national identity
by Tamara Sivertseva - 373-383 An American view of Uzbekistan
by Henry L Clarke - 385-391 A note on 'The House of Oblivion'
by Siamak Adhami - 393-401 Book reviews
by The Editors
1999, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 149-184 Every shark east of Suez: Great power interests, policies and tactics in the Transcaspian energy wars
by Stephen Blank - 185-196 The devaluation of the concept of autonomy: National minorities in the former Soviet Union
by Svante E Cornell - 197-223 Policy of economic transition in Kyrgyzstan
by Rafis Abazov - 225-241 Quand le saint legitime le politique: Le mausolee de Afaq Khwaja a Kashgar
by Thierry Zarcone - 243-251 Tajikistan: The rocky road to peace
by R. Grant Smith - 253-269 Book reviews
by The Editors
1998, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial board
by The Editors - 532-532 Notes on contributors
by The Editors - 533-537 Editors' preface
by Deniz Kandiyoti & Ruth Mandel - 539-560 farmers and others: Farm restructuring in Uzbekistan
by Alisher Ilkhamov - 561-578 Rural livelihoods and social networks in Uzbekistan: Perspectives from Andijan
by Deniz Kandiyoti - 579-596 Money and social connections in the Soviet and post‐Soviet Uzbek city
by Victoria Koroteyeva & Ekaterina Makarova - 597-612 Household networks and the security of mutual indebtedness in rural Kazakstan
by Cynthia Werner - 613-628 Taking shelter: The art of keeping a roof overhead in post‐soviet Almaty
by Andrew Brown - 629-638 Structural adjustment and soap opera: A case study of a development project in Central Asia
by Ruth Mandel - 639-654 From pioneers to entrepreneurs: Young women, consumerism, and the world picture’ in Kyrgyzstan
by Kathleen Kuehnast - 655-671 Coping with daily life in post‐soviet Tajikistan: The Gharmi villages of Khatlon Province
by Colette Harris - 673-699 Negotiating locality, Islam, and national culture in a changing borderlands: The revival of the ritual among young Uighur men in the Ili valley
by Sean Roberts - 701-718 Crafts, entrepreneurship and gendered economic relations in Southern Xinjiang in the era of ‘socialist commodity economy'
by Ildikó Bellér‐Hann - 719-731 Book reviews
by George Hewitt & Anthony Hyman