April 2017, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 263-280 Debating gender and Kazakhness: memory and voice in poetic duel aytis between China and Kazakhstan
by Guldana Salimjan - 281-283 Afghan modern: the history of a global nation
by Flora Roberts - 283-285 The social process of globalization: return migration and cultural change in Kazakhstan
by Maya Satlykgylyjova - 285-287 Staying at home: identities, memories and social networks of Kazakhstani Germans
by Michael Brown - 287-289 Despite cultures: early Soviet rule in Tajikistan
by August Samie - 289-291 Collectivization and social engineering: Soviet administration and the Jews of Uzbekistan, 1917–1939
by Marianne Kamp
January 2017, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-18 Understanding Stalinism in, from and of Central Asia: beyond failure, peripherality and otherness
by Botakoz Kassymbekova - 19-36 ‘Tajikistan’s Turksib’: infrastructure and improvisation in economic growth of the Vakhsh River valley
by Patryk Reid - 37-54 A time for feasting? Autarky in the Tajik Ferghana Valley at war, 1941–45
by Flora Roberts - 55-72 Recollections of collectivization in Uzbekistan: Stalinism and local activism
by Marianne Kamp & Russell Zanca - 73-92 Stalinist spatial hierarchies: placing the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz in Soviet economic regionalization
by Niccolò Pianciola - 93-112 An unwanted dependence: Chechen and Ingush deportees and the development of state–citizen relations in late-Stalinist Kazakhstan (1944–1953)
by Isaac Scarborough - 113-130 Fatima Gabitova: repression, subjectivity and historical memory in Soviet Kazakhstan
by Maria A. Blackwood - 131-147 Stalin’s rais: governance practices in a Central Asian kolkhoz
by Sergei Abashin - 148-169 Power and purification: late-Stalinist repression in the Uzbek SSR
by Claus Bech Hansen - 170-171 China and Central Asia in the post-Soviet era: a bilateral approach
by Ryan Shaffer - 171-173 Power, networks and violent conflict in Central Asia: a comparison of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
by Farhad Kerimov
October 2016, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 473-480 Introduction
by Charles E. Ziegler - 481-500 Authoritarian legitimation: assessing discourses of legitimacy in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
by Mariya Y. Omelicheva - 501-513 Narratives of Islam in Uzbekistan: authoritarian myths and the Janus-state syndrome
by Reuel R. Hanks - 514-530 Rural economies and leadership change in Central Asia
by Lawrence P. Markowitz - 531-548 Post-violence regime survival and expansion in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan
by Erica Marat - 549-569 Great powers, civil society and authoritarian diffusion in Central Asia
by Charles E. Ziegler - 570-571 Edward A. Allworth (1920–2016)
by Alexander Cooley - 572-576 Securing Afghanistan: from the inside out
by Jennifer B. Murtazashvili - 577-578 Nationalism and identity construction in Central Asia: dimension, dynamics, and directions
by Diana T. Kudaibergenova - 579-581 Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Migration, democratization and inequality in the post-Soviet era
by Alima Bissenova - 581-584 Leadership and authority in Central Asia: the Ismaili community in Tajikistan
by Frank Bliss - 584-586 Sotveskii kishlak: mezhdu kolonializmom i modernizatsiey
by Artemy M. Kalinovsky - 586-588 Qazaqlïq, or ambitious brigandage, and the formation of the Qazaqs: state and identity in Post-Mongol Eurasia
by Michael Hancock-Parmer - 588-590 Caucasus during the Mongol Period – Der Kaukasus in der Mongolenzeit
by Michael C. Brose - 591-593 Books received
by The Editors
July 2016, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 325-326 Taking stock, looking forward
by Madeleine Reeves - 327-333 Introduction
by Henryk Alff - 334-350 The resumption of Sino–Central Asian trade, c. 1983–94: confidence building and reform along a Cold War fault line
by Hasan H. Karrar - 351-368 The bridge that divides: local perceptions of the connected state in the Kyrgyzstan–Tajikistan–China borderlands
by Steven Parham - 369-386 Getting stuck within flows: limited interaction and peripheralization at the Kazakhstan–China border
by Henryk Alff - 387-404 Limits of diaspority in Central Asia: contextualizing Dungan's multiple belongings
by Soledad Jiménez-Tovar - 405-420 Embedded rubber sandals: trade and gifts across the Sino–Kyrgyz border
by Rune Steenberg - 421-438 Blogging Zhanaozen: hegemonic discourse and authoritarian resilience in Kazakhstan
by David Lewis - 439-463 (Over)determining social disorder: Tajikistan and the economic collapse of perestroika
by Isaac Scarborough - 464-466 Soviet Orientalism and the creation of Central Asian Nations
by Michael Hancock-Parmer - 466-468 Writing travel in Central Asian history
by Heather S. Sonntag - 468-470 Faces of the wolf: Managing the human, non-human boundary in Mongolia
by Marissa J. Smith & Rebecca Watters - 471-472 Turks across empires: marketing Muslim identity in the Russian-Ottoman borderlands, 1856–1914
by James H. Meyer
April 2016, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 145-156 Urban spaces and lifestyles in Central Asia and beyond: an introduction
by Philipp Schröder - 157-177 The manufacturing of Islamic lifestyles in Tajikistan through the prism of Dushanbe's bazaars
by Manja Stephan-Emmrich & Abdullah Mirzoev - 178-194 Where the whole city meets: youth, gender and consumerism in the social space of the MEGA shopping mall in Aktobe, western Kazakhstan
by Philipp Frank Jäger - 195-217 The ignoble savage in urban Yerevan
by Susanne Fehlings - 218-236 Avoidance and appropriation in Bishkek: dealing with time, space and urbanity in Kyrgyzstan's capital
by Philipp Schröder - 237-256 Experiencing liminality: housing, renting and informal tenants in Astana
by Kishimjan Osmonova - 257-275 ‘Only by learning how to live together differently can we live together at all’: readability and legibility of Central Asian migrants’ presence in urban Russia
by Emil Nasritdinov - 276-291 Assemblages of mobility: the marshrutkas of Central Asia
by Wladimir Sgibnev & Andrey Vozyanov - 292-308 Prayer house or cultural centre? Restoring a mosque in post-socialist Armenia
by Tsypylma Darieva - 309-310 Social policies and ethnic conflict in China: lessons from Xinjiang
by Timothy A. Grose - 311-313 Inner asia and the spatial politics of empire: archeology, mobility, and culture
by Gulnar Kendirbai - 313-315 Mensch und Umwelt in Kirgistan Politische Ökologie im postkolonialen und postsozialistischen Kontext
by Ulan Kasymov - 315-317 Pouvoir et santé en Ouzbékistan: De la colonisation russe aux transformations post-soviétiques
by Paula Michaels - 317-319 From conflict to autonomy in the Caucasus: the Soviet Union and the making of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno Karabakh
by Ross Wade - 319-321 Most secret agent of Empire: Reginald Teague-Jones, master spy of the Great Game
by Michael G. Smith - 321-323 Turks across empires: marketing Muslim identity in the Russian-Ottoman borderlands, 1856–1914
by Azade-Ayse Rorlich
January 2016, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-15 Crossing Eurasia: trans-regional Afghan trading networks in China and beyond
by Magnus Marsden - 16-25 Connecting to regional markets? Transport, logistics services and international transit challenges for Central Asian food-processing firms
by Souleymane Coulibaly & Lotte Thomsen - 26-37 Awareness and perceptions of Islamic microfinance among microfinance clients in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
by Manijeh Sabi - 38-60 Dynamics of water reallocation and cost implications in the transboundary setting of Ferghana Province
by Kai Wegerich & Ilkhom Soliev & Indira Akramova - 61-75 Modern weddings in Uzbekistan: ritual change from ‘above’ and from ‘below’
by Tommaso Trevisani - 76-90 ‘A second wife is not really a wife’: polygyny, gender relations and economic realities in Tajikistan
by Juliette Cleuziou - 91-104 Remittances, rituals and reconsidering women's norms in mahallas: emigrant labour and its social effects in Ferghana Valley
by Haruka Kikuta - 105-120 Press and ethnic polarization in post-2001 Afghanistan: the 2014 presidential election experience
by Arif Sahar & Aqila Sahar - 121-135 Common Asianist intellectual history in Turkey and Japan: Turanism
by Sinan Levent - 136-137 Conflict and peace in Eurasia
by Catherine Owen - 138-140 Warlords and coalition politics in post-Soviet states
by John Heathershaw - 140-142 Women's lives and livelihoods in post-Soviet Uzbekistan: ceremonies of empowerment and peacebuilding
by R. Turaeva - 142-144 Anti-veiling campaigns in the Muslim world: Gender, modernism and the politics of dress
by Camron Michael Amin
October 2015, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 409-417 Introduction: market adaptations, interventions and daily experience
by Gül Berna Özcan - 418-439 Ideology in brick and tile: Timurid architecture of the 21st century
by Elena Paskaleva - 440-455 The ideology of development and legitimation: beyond ‘Kazakhstan 2030’
by Diana T. Kudaibergenova - 456-483 Social, environmental and economic sustainability of Kazakhstan: a long-term perspective
by Marzhan Thomas - 484-498 Uzbekistan's ‘spirit’ of self-reliance and the logic of appropriateness: TAPOich and interaction with Russia
by Bernardo Teles Fazendeiro - 499-515 Promoting empowerment? The World Bank's Village Investment Project in Kyrgyzstan
by Babken Babajanian - 516-530 ‘Donors are not interested in reality’: the interplay between international donors and local NGOs in Kyrgyzstan's HIV/AIDS sector
by Svetlana Ancker & Bernd Rechel - 531-548 The monetization of social celebrations in rural Kyrgyzstan: on the uses of hashish money
by Gulzat Botoeva - 549-563 Everyday disasters, stagnation and the normalcy of non-development: Roghun Dam, a flood, and campaigns of forced taxation in southern Tajikistan
by Diana Ibañez-Tirado - 564-566 Chaos, violence, and dynasty: politics and Islam in Central Asia
by Svetlana Peshkova - 566-567 Corruption as a last resort: adapting to the market in Central Asia
by Lawrence P. Markowitz - 568-570 Achieving a career, becoming a master. Aspirations in the lives of young Uzbek men
by Philipp Schröder - 570-572 Variations on Uzbek identity: strategic choices, cognitive schemas, and political constraints in identification processes
by Ronald Schultz - 572-574 Women, Islam, and identity: public life in private spaces in Uzbekistan
by Liliya Karimova - 574-576 The history of Central Asia, volume 1: the age of the steppe warriors
by Kenneth Lymer - 576-578 Asiatic Russia: imperial power in regional and international contexts
by Ian W. Campbell - 578-581 The making of modern Georgia, 1918–2012: the first Georgian republic and its successors
by B. George Hewitt - 581-583 Islam, society and states across the Qazaq Steppe (18th–early 20th centuries)
by Hideyuki Naganuma - 583-585 The Great Game 1856–1907: Russo-British relations in Central and East Asia
by Vsevolod Kritskiy - 585-588 Patshilik Resei zhanye Kenges Imperialarining Kazakstandagi Ruhani Otarlau Sayasatining Zardaptari (XIX gasirding 70-80 zhildari – XXI gasirding basi) [Consequences of the policies of spiritual colonization in Kazakhstan under the Russian and Soviet empires (1870–80s to the beginning of the twenty-first century)]
by R. Charles Weller - 589-591 Books received
by The Editors
July 2015, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 281-295 The Soviet study of the Barefooted Flight of the Kazakhs
by Michael Hancock-Parmer - 296-309 The puzzle of manual harvest in Uzbekistan: economics, status and labour in the Khrushchev era
by Shoshana Keller - 310-329 State retrenchment and informal institutions in Kazakhstan: people's perceptions of informal reciprocity in the healthcare sector
by Dina Sharipova - 330-340 Informal payments and connections in post-Soviet Kazakhstan
by Natsuko Oka - 341-356 Keeping face in the public sphere: recognition, discretion and Uzbekistan's relations with the United States and Germany, 1991–2006
by Bernardo da Silva Relva Teles Fazendeiro - 357-372 Civilian victimization during the Tajik civil war: a typology and strategic assessment
by Jeni Mitchell - 373-389 Observing protest: media use and student involvement on 7 April 2010 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
by Nora Webb Williams - 390-392 Movement, power and place in Central Asia and beyond: contested trajectories
by Felix de Montety - 392-394 Migration and social upheaval as the face of globalization in Central Asia
by Shairbek Juraev - 394-397 Becoming Muslim in imperial Russia: conversion, apostasy, and literacy
by Rozaliya Garipova - 397-399 Central Asia: democracy, instability and strategic game in Kyrgyzstan
by Rajorshi Roy - 399-401 Edge of empires. A history of Georgia
by George Hewitt - 402-403 Into the Kazakh Steppe: John Castle's mission to Khan Abulkhayir (1736)
by Michael Hancock-Parmer - 403-405 Fortune and the cursed: the sliding scale of time in Mongolian divination
by Caroline Humphrey - 406-408 Exploring the edge of empire: Soviet era anthropology in the Caucasus and Central Asia
by Andrey Tutorskiy
April 2015, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 149-161 The Battle of Gökdepe in the Turkmen post-Soviet historical discourse
by Slavomír Horák - 162-176 Nationalism and modernism in the East Turkestan Republic, 1933–34
by Ondřej Klimeš - 177-189 Bandits, warlords, national heroes: interpretations of the Basmachi movement in Tajikistan
by Kirill Nourzhanov - 190-203 ‘How can I be post-Soviet if I was never Soviet?’ Rethinking categories of time and social change – a perspective from Kulob, southern Tajikistan
by Diana Ibañez-Tirado - 204-218 The pastoral home school: rural, vernacular and grassroots literacies in early Soviet Mongolia
by Phillip P. Marzluf - 219-236 The Paris Peace Conference and the Armenian arguments on Garabagh
by Kamala Imranli-Lowe - 237-254 Natural resource policies and standard of living in Kazakhstan
by Halil Burak Sakal - 255-271 Linking past and future: cross-border development and quality of life in the Badakhshans
by Graham Sherbut & Nazneen Kanji & Juanita Hatcher - 272-274 Social and cultural change in Central Asia: the Soviet legacy
by R. Charles Weller - 274-276 Allah's kolkhozes: migration, de-Stalinisation, privatisation and the new Muslim congregations in the Soviet realm (1950s–2000s)
by Shoshana Keller - 276-277 The socialist way of life in Siberia: transformation in Buryatia
by Eleanor Peers - 277-279 Xinjiang and the expansion of Chinese Communist power: Kashgar in the early twentieth century
by Michael C. Brose
January 2015, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-10 Offshore Central Asia: an introduction
by John Heathershaw & Alexander Cooley - 11-28 Blurring the line between licit and illicit: transnational corruption networks in Central Asia and beyond
by Alexander Cooley & J.C. Sharman - 29-45 Offshore gas intermediary companies in Eurasia
by Stacy Closson & Charles Dainoff - 46-56 Global money laundering and its domestic political consequences in Kyrgyzstan
by Erica Marat - 57-77 Regime security, base politics and rent-seeking: the local and global political economies of the American air base in Kyrgyzstan, 2001–2010
by Kemel Toktomushev - 78-92 Gaming the state: consequences of contracting out state building in Afghanistan
by Jennifer Murtazashvili - 93-109 State as resource, mediator and performer: understanding the local and global politics of gold mining in Kyrgyzstan
by Asel Doolot & John Heathershaw - 110-124 Global Astana: nation branding as a legitimization tool for authoritarian regimes
by Adrien Fauve - 125-139 Author-critic forum
by Marianne Kamp & Russell Zanca & Nazif Shahrani & Aurélie Biard & Johan Rasanayagam - 140-142 The art of symbolic resistance: Uyghur identities and Uyghur-Han relations in contemporary Xinjiang
by Nicholas Tapp - 142-144 Organized crime, political transitions and state formation in post-Soviet Eurasia
by John Heathershaw - 144-145 The construction of the Tiflis-Aleksandropol-Kars railway (1895–1899)
by Alexander Balistreri - 145-147 Border work: spatial lives of the state in rural Central Asia
by Stanley D. Brunn
October 2014, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 435-448 Mr Light and people's everyday energy struggles in Central Asia and the Caucasus: an introduction
by David Gullette & Jeanne Féaux de la Croix - 449-462 The illumination of marginality: how ethnic Hazaras in Bamyan, Afghanistan, perceive the lack of electricity as discrimination
by Melissa Kerr Chiovenda - 463-481 Kyrgyzstan's dark ages: framing and the 2010 hydroelectric revolution
by Amanda E. Wooden - 482-499 Resource dependence and measurement technology: international and domestic influences on energy sector development in Armenia and Georgia
by Jason E. Strakes - 500-516 Flows of oil, flows of people: resource-extraction industry, labour market and migration in western Kazakhstan
by Philipp Frank Jäger - 517-530 Notes on the moral economy of gas in present-day Azerbaijan
by Tristam Barrett - 531-549 Switching off or switching source: energy consumption and household response to higher energy prices in the Kyrgyz Republic
by Franziska Gassmann & Raquel Tsukada - 550-565 Bottom-up and top-down dynamics of the energy transformation in the Eastern Pamirs of Tajikistan's Gorno Badakhshan region
by Tobias Kraudzun - 566-568 Ethnographies of the state in Central Asia: performing politics
by Natalie R. Koch - 568-569 Ocherki Yevraziiskoi Integratsii
by Anna Matveeva - 569-570 The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Eurasian geopolitics: new directions, perspectives, and challenges
by Austin Jersild - 571-572 The fire below: how the Caucasus shaped Russia
by Kalpana Sahni - 573-575 Central Asia in international relations: the legacies of Halford Mackinder
by Alexander C. Diener - 575-577 On the fringes of the Harmonious Society: Tibetans and Uyghurs in socialist China
by Henryk Alff - 577-578 Lost enlightenment: Central Asia's Golden Age from the Arab conquest to Tamerlane
by Timothy Nunan - 579-580 Books received
by The Editors
July 2014, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 297-311 Uzbekistan between the great powers: a balancing act or a multi-vectorial approach?
by Aleksandr Pikalov - 312-328 Performing statehood: Afghanistan as an arena for Central Asian states
by Kristin Fjæstad & Heidi Kjærnet - 329-345 A war of perception: the struggle for legitimacy, influence and power through media in post-2001 Afghanistan
by Joshua Dalton - 346-359 Keeping labour mobility informal: the lack of legality of Central Asian migrants in Kazakhstan
by Bhavna Davé - 360-374 A new look: professionalization of NGOs in Kyrgyzstan
by Kanykey Bayalieva-Jailobaeva - 375-389 Migration and patrilineal descent: the role of women in Kyrgyzstan
by Aksana Ismailbekova - 390-404 Ijtihad into philosophy: Islam as cultural heritage in post-Stalinist Daghestan
by Michael Kemper - 405-420 Abdürreşid İbrahim's journey to China: Muslim communities in the late Qing as seen by a Russian-Tatar intellectual
by Noriko Yamazaki - 421-421 Note
by Nick Megoran - 421-423 Eurasia's ascent in energy and geopolitics
by Yelena N. Zabortseva - 423-425 Youth and globalization in Central Asia: everyday life between religion
by Ken Roberts - 425-427 Urban spaces after socialism: ethnographies of public places in Eurasian cities
by Emily Canning - 427-429 Reorganizing crime: mafia and anti-mafia in post-Soviet Georgia
by Perry Sherouse - 429-430 Explorations in the social history of modern Central Asia (19th-early 20th century)
by Jennifer Griffiths - 431-433 Four types of loyalty in early modern central Asia: the Tūqāy-Timūrid takeover of greater Mā Warā al-Nahr, 1598-1605
by Nicholas Walmsley
April 2014, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 131-142 Introduction: Killing the Cotton Canard and getting rid of the Great Game: rewriting the Russian conquest of Central Asia, 1814–1895
by Alexander Morrison - 143-152 Paul's great game: Russia's plan to invade British India
by David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye - 153-169 ‘Nechto eroticheskoe’, ‘courir après l'ombre’? – logistical imperatives and the fall of Tashkent, 1859–1865
by Alexander Morrison - 170-179 The defence of Khujand in 1866 through the eyes of Russian officers
by Inomjon Mamadaliev - 180-198 The Russian conquest of the Bukharan Emirate: military and diplomatic aspects
by A.M. Malikov - 199-214 ‘Our friendly rivals’: rethinking the Great Game in Ya'qub Beg's Kashgaria, 1867–77
by Ian W. Campbell - 215-231 The ‘fierce fight’ at Oshoba: a microhistory of the conquest of the Khoqand Khanate
by Sergei Abashin - 232-245 Povorot and the Khanate of Khiva: a new canal and the birth of ethnic conflict in the Khorazm oasis, 1870s–1890s
by Akifumi Shioya - 246-269 Samarkand and its cultural heritage: perceptions and persistence of the Russian colonial construction of monuments
by Svetlana Gorshenina - 270-288 ‘How will we appear in the eyes of inovertsy and inorodtsy?’ Nikolai Ostroumov on the image and function of Russian power
by Bakhtiyar Babajanov - 289-291 Na perekrestke kommunikatsyi: zhurnalistika, media Kazakhstana; Novie media v mire i Kazakhstane
by Rafis Abazov & Zhadyra Toibayeva - 291-293 Party system formation in Kazakhstan: between formal and informal politics
by Rustem Kadyrzhanov - 293-295 Afghan rumour bazaar: secret sub-cultures, hidden worlds and the everyday life of the absurd
by Brian Glyn Williams
January 2014, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-14 The politics of culture and the space for Islam: Soviet and post-Soviet imaginaries in Uzbekistan
by Johan Rasanayagam - 15-28 Contesting and negotiating religion and ethnic identity in Post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan
by David Radford - 29-46 A word of justice: Islam and state repression in the North-West Caucasus
by Geraldine Fagan - 47-61 Performing ethnic relations in Russia's North Caucasus: regional spectacles in Stavropol’ krai
by Andrew Foxall - 62-79 The role of the pristavstvo institution in the context of Russian imperial policies in the Kazakh Steppe in the nineteenth century
by Gulmira Sultangalieva - 80-94 Teaching Islam at a home school: Muslim women and critical thinking in Uzbekistan
by Svetlana Peshkova - 95-112 History and hero-making: patriotic narratives and the Sovietization of Kazakh front-line propaganda, 1941–1945
by Roberto J. Carmack - 113-115 Institutional reform in Central Asia: politico-economic challenges
by Katarzyna Kaczmarska - 115-116 Globalizing Central Asia: geopolitics and the challenges of economic development
by Natalie R. Koch - 117-118 Istoriya obshestvenno-kyltyrnogo reformatorstva na Kavkaze i v Tsentralnoi Azii (XIX -nachalo XX veka) [History of social and cultural reformation in the Caucasus and Central Asia (XIX – start of XX century)]
by Rafis Abazov & Zhanat Doskhozhina - 119-120 The silk road: a very short introduction
by David Christian - 120-123 Chinese migrants in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe
by Henryk Alff - 123-124 Beyond Swat: history, society and economy along the Afghanistan-Pakistan frontier
by Julien Mercille - 125-127 Nomads and networks: the ancient art and culture of Kazakhstan
by Kenneth Lymer - 127-129 Ideia nezavisimosti v izobrazitelnom iskusstve Kazakhstana
by Rafis Abazov & Sabyr Baizakov - 129-130 XX asr o'zbek adabiyotining Amerikada o'rganilishi [The study of twentieth-century Uzbek literature in America]
by Adeeb Khalid