September 2017, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 253-265 Shareholder protection, income inequality and social health: A proposed research agenda
by John Ferguson & David Power & Lorna Stevenson & David Collison - 266-276 The governmentality and accountability of UK national museums and art galleries
by Aminah Abdullah & Iqbal Khadaroo - 277-279 Commentary: A theoretical model of stakeholder perceptions of a new financial reporting system
by Ian Thomson
June 2017, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 57-76 The decline of the professionally-qualified accounting academic: Recruitment into the accounting academic community
by Catriona Paisey & Nicholas J. Paisey - 77-95 Effects of the institutional environment on public-private partnership (P3) projects: Evidence from Canada
by Michael Opara & Fathi Elloumi & Oliver Okafor & Hussein Warsame - 96-115 ‘Agents-in-focus’ and ‘Agents-in-context’: The strong structuration analysis of central government accounting practices and reforms in Nepal
by Pawan Adhikari & Kelum Jayasinghe - 116-131 IFRS adoption: A costly change that keeps on costing
by Nicholas L. Pawsey - 132-137 A response to commentaries on a theoretical model of stakeholder perceptions of a new financial reporting system
by Alexandra Fontes & Lúcia Lima Rodrigues & Russell Craig
March 2017, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1-7 Public sector reforms and public private partnerships: Overview and research agenda
by Eugenio Caperchione & Istemi Demirag & Giuseppe Grossi - 8-27 Multiple logics and accounting mutations in the Italian National Health Service
by Eugenio Anessi-Pessina & Elena Cantù - 28-43 Risk transfer and stakeholder relationships in Public Private Partnerships
by Richard Burke & Istemi Demirag - 44-56 Maintaining market principles: Government auditors, PPP equity sales and hegemony
by Stewart Smyth & Dexter Whitfield
December 2016, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 235-250 Creating and reinforcing discrimination: The controversial role of accounting in bank lending
by Candauda Arachchige Saliya & Kelum Jayasinghe - 251-264 General motors: A financialized account of corporate behaviour 1909–1940
by Giuliano Maielli & Colin Haslam - 265-284 Multiple logics and accounting mutations in the Italian National Health Service
by Eugenio Anessi-Pessina & Elena Cantù - 285-299 Lake Pedder: Accounting, environmental decision-making, nature and impression management
by Sue Hrasky & Michael Jones - 300-315 A theoretical model of stakeholder perceptions of a new financial reporting system
by Alexandra Fontes & Lúcia Lima Rodrigues & Russell Craig - 316-318 Commentary: A proposal for theoretical models of stakeholder perceptions of a new financial reporting system
by Ian Thomson - 319-321 Commentary: A theoretical model of stakeholder perceptions of a new financial reporting system
by The Editors
September 2016, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 143-152 Does assurance on CSR reporting enhance environmental reputation? An examination in the U.S. context
by Rachel N. Birkey & Giovanna Michelon & Dennis M. Patten & Jomo Sankara - 153-165 Shades of governmental financial reporting with a national accounting twist
by Josette Caruana - 166-185 Integrated reporting: A structured literature review
by John Dumay & Cristiana Bernardi & James Guthrie & Paola Demartini - 186-204 Successful changes in management accounting systems: A healthcare case study
by Clelia Fiondella & Riccardo Macchioni & Marco Maffei & Rosanna Spanò - 205-219 Accounting representations of public debt and deficits in European central government accounts: An exploration of anomalies and contradictions
by Yuri Biondi - 220-234 Accounting and social movements: An exploration of critical accounting praxis
by Lesley Catchpowle & Stewart Smyth
June 2016, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 63-77 Calculating the carbon footprint: Implications for governing emissions and gender relations
by Thereza R.S. de Aguiar & Anne Fearfull & María V. Sanagustín Fons - 78-88 Institutional shareholder activism in Nigeria: An accountability perspective
by Chinyere O. Uche & Emmanuel Adegbite & Mike Jones - 89-105 Public debt accounting and management in UK: Refunding or refinancing? Or, the strange case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis
by Yuri Biondi - 106-124 Conforming to accreditation in Iranian hospitals
by Dila Agrizzi & Gloria Agyemang & Ebrahim Jaafaripooyan - 125-142 Implementing public sector accruals in OECD member states: Major issues and challenges
by Pawan Adhikari & Levi Gårseth-Nesbakk
March 2016, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1-15 Value relevance of fair values in different investor protection environments
by Jimi Siekkinen - 16-28 Continuities in the use of the intellectual capital statement approach: Elements of an institutional theory analysis
by Christian Nielsen & Robin Roslender & Stefan Schaper - 29-44 Institutional formations and the Anglo-Americanization of local auditing practices: The case of Greece
by Emmanouil Dedoulis - 45-62 Impact of international financial reporting standards on the profit and equity of AIM listed companies in the UK
by Arshad Ali & Saeed Akbar & Phillip Ormrod
December 2015, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 239-248 Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS): A new business model in the FTSE100
by Colin Haslam & Nick Tsitsianis & Tord Andersson & Pauline Gleadle - 249-267 Impact of board independence on the quality of community disclosures in annual reports
by Kemi C. Yekini & Ismail Adelopo & Panagiotis Andrikopoulos & Sina Yekini - 268-280 Why did preparers lobby to the IASB's pension accounting proposals?
by Justin Chircop & Paraskevi Vicky Kiosse - 281-294 Stock market returns and the content of annual report narratives
by Tomasz Piotr Wisniewski & Liafisu Sina Yekini - 295-311 Changes in capital allocation practices – ERM and organisational change
by Mirna Jabbour & Magdy Abdel-Kader - 312-327 A feedback-based model for CSR assessment and materiality analysis
by Armando Calabrese & Roberta Costa & Francesco Rosati - 328-348 IFRS Mandatory disclosures in Malaysia: the influence of family control and the value (ir)relevance of compliance levels
by Mazni Abdullah & Lisa Evans & Ian Fraser & Ioannis Tsalavoutas - 349-365 Corporate reporting on corruption: An international comparison
by Ralf Barkemeyer & Lutz Preuss & Lindsay Lee - 366-370 Corruption, criminality and the privatised state: The implications for accounting
by Glen Lehman & Kym Thorne
September 2015, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 155-175 Securitizations and the financial crisis: Is accounting the missing link?
by Fabrizio Cerbioni & Michele Fabrizi & Antonio Parbonetti - 176-187 Beyond the fraud triangle: Swiss and Austrian elite fraudsters
by Alexander Schuchter & Michael Levi - 187-200 A changing market for PFI financing: Evidence from the financiers
by Istemi Demirag & Iqbal Khadaroo & Pamela Stapleton - 201-224 Challenges to the fraud triangle: Questions on its usefulness
by Mark E. Lokanan - 225-235 Personalisation of power, neoliberalism and the production of corruption
by Amal Hayati Ahmad Khair & Roszaini Haniffa & Mohammad Hudaib & Mohamad Nazri Abd. Karim - 236-237 Call For Papers
by The Editors
June 2015, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 83-96 Outperforming markets: IC and the long-term performance of Japanese IPOs
by Christian Nielsen & Gunnar Rimmel & Tadanori Yosano - 97-108 Cross-border acquisitions and financial leverage of UK acquirers
by Henry Agyei-Boapeah - 109-120 Accounting for producer needs: The case of Britain's rail infrastructure
by Sean McCartney & John Stittle - 121-139 Accounting harmonization in the BRIC countries: A common path?
by Alessandro Ghio & Roberto Verona - 140-154 Critical Muslim Intellectuals’ discourse and the issue of ‘Interest’ (ribā): Implications for Islamic accounting and banking
by Rania Kamla & Rana Alsoufi
March 2015, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1-18 The corrosive effects of neoliberalism on the UK financial crises and auditing practices: A dead-end for reforms
by Prem Sikka - 21-33 Reportable irregularities and audit quality: Insights from South Africa
by Warren Maroun - 34-50 Accounting for rituals and ritualization: The case of shareholders’ associations
by Chinyere O. Uche & Jill F. Atkins - 51-63 An illusion of success: The consequences of British rail privatisation
by Andrew Bowman - 66-82 Management accounting and decision making: Two case studies of outsourcing
by Lars Braad Nielsen & Falconer Mitchell & Hanne Nørreklit
December 2014, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 227-240 Disclosure on climate change: Analysing the UK ETS effects
by Thereza Raquel Sales de Aguiar & Jan Bebbington - 241-257 CEO statements in sustainability reports: Substantive information or background noise?
by Ralf Barkemeyer & Breeda Comyns & Frank Figge & Giulio Napolitano - 258-273 New accounts: Towards a reframing of social accounting
by Rob Gray & Andrew Brennan & Jeff Malpas - 275-277 Responsible social accounting communities, symbolic activism and the reframing of social accounting. A commentary on new accounts: Towards a reframing of social accounting
by Ian Thomson - 278-287 What's new about New accounts? Assessing change proposals for social and environmental accounting
by Brennan G. Allen - 288-290 Towards a pragmatic social accounting
by Sumit Lodhia - 291-295 On Gray, Malpas, and Brennan's “The role of social accounts: Situating political ideas”
by Cornelia Beck & Glen Lehman - 296-298 New accounts of old accounts, the chatter of silence and not being who we are not
by Rob Gray & Jeff Malpas & Andrew Brennan
September 2014, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 155-169 Corporate social responsibility and earnings management in U.S. banks
by Vassiliki Grougiou & Stergios Leventis & Emmanouil Dedoulis & Stephen Owusu-Ansah - 171-183 Fair value accounting from a distributed cognition perspective
by Noriaki Okamoto - 184-199 Changes in the measurement of fair value: Implications for accounting earnings
by Neil Fargher & John Ziyang Zhang - 200-211 Accounting for carbon and reframing disclosure: A business model approach
by Colin Haslam & John Butlin & Tord Andersson & John Malamatenios & Glen Lehman - 212-226 An ongoing journey of corporate social responsibility
by Jesse Dillard & David Layzell
June 2014, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 91-108 Corporate accountability and human rights disclosures: A case study of Barrick Gold Mine in Tanzania
by Sarah Lauwo & Olatunde Julius Otusanya - 111-121 Whistle-blowing by external auditors: Seeking legitimacy for the South African Audit Profession?
by Warren Maroun & Jill Solomon - 122-131 Equity valuation in practice: The influence of net financial expenses
by Leif Atle Beisland - 132-144 Standalone CSR reporting by U.S. retail companies
by Dennis M. Patten & Na Zhao - 145-151 Trends in statistically based quarterly cash-flow prediction models
by Kenneth S. Lorek - 152-154 Commentary on “Trends in statistically based quarterly cash-flow prediction models”
by C. Richard Baker
March 2014, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1-17 Goodwill under IFRS: Relevance and disclosures in an unfavorable environment
by Diogenis Baboukardos & Gunnar Rimmel - 18-37 Corporate reporting implication in migrating from defined benefit to defined contribution pension schemes: A focus on the UK
by J. Josiah & O. Gough & J. Haslam & N. Shah - 38-54 Audit opinion and earnings management: Evidence from Greece
by Maria Tsipouridou & Charalambos Spathis - 55-66 Determinants of academic cheating behavior: The future for accountancy in Ireland
by J.A. Ballantine & P. McCourt Larres & M. Mulgrew - 67-89 International Accounting Education Standards Board: Organisational legitimacy within the field of professional accountancy education
by Louise Crawford & Christine Helliar & Elizabeth Monk & Monica Veneziani - 90-90 Financial Reporting and Business Communication Eighteenth Annual Conference
by The Editors
December 2013, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 245-248 Accounting for the Apple Inc business model: Corporate value capture and dysfunctional economic and social consequences
by Glen Lehman & Colin Haslam - 249-267 Apple's changing business model: What should the world's richest company do with all those profits?
by William Lazonick & Mariana Mazzucato & Öner Tulum - 268-279 Apple's financial success: The precariousness of power exercised in global value chains
by Colin Haslam & Nick Tsitsianis & Tord Andersson & Ya Ping Yin - 280-289 The Apple business model: Crowdsourcing mobile applications
by Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn & Debra Howcroft - 290-299 Owning the consumer—Getting to the core of the Apple business model
by Johnna Montgomerie & Samuel Roscoe - 300-314 Opportunist dealing in the UK pig meat supply chain: Trader mentalities and alternatives
by Andrew Bowman & Julie Froud & Sukhdev Johal & Adam Leaver & Karel Williams - 315-324 Working for the local community: Substantively broader/geographically narrower CSR accounting
by Alan Sitkin - 325-327 Accounting and Business Research Special Issue Call for Papers
by The Editors
September 2013, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 163-181 A Habermasian model of stakeholder (non)engagement and corporate (ir)responsibility reporting
by Elisabetta Barone & Nathan Ranamagar & Jill F. Solomon - 182-195 The contract, accounting and trust: A case study of an international joint venture (IJV) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
by Mathew Tsamenyi & Ahmad Z. Qureshi & Hassan Yazdifar - 196-212 Further evidence on the determinants of audit pricing in universities
by Bai Xue & Noel O'Sullivan - 213-230 Dissemination and institutionalization of public sector accounting reforms in less developed countries: A comparative study of the Nepalese and Sri Lankan central governments
by Pawan Adhikari & Chamara Kuruppu & Sumohon Matilal - 231-243 Sustainability reporting: The role of “Search”, “Experience” and “Credence” information
by Breeda Comyns & Frank Figge & Tobias Hahn & Ralf Barkemeyer
June 2013, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 81-91 Vulnerable and exploitable: The need for organisational accountability and transparency in emerging and less developed economies
by Ataur Rahman Belal & Stuart M. Cooper & Robin W. Roberts - 92-109 Social and environmental accounting as symbolic and substantive means of legitimation: The case of HIV/AIDS reporting in South Africa
by Teerooven Soobaroyen & Collins G. Ntim - 110-123 Accounting for the environmental impacts of Texaco's operations in Ecuador: Chevron's contingent environmental liability disclosures
by Stacie Buccina & Douglas Chene & Jeffrey Gramlich - 124-134 Gas flaring in Nigeria: Analysis of changes in its consequent carbon emission and reporting
by Aminu Hassan & Reza Kouhy - 135-149 Corporate social reporting by MNCs’ subsidiaries in Sri Lanka
by Eshani Beddewela & Christian Herzig - 150-161 Social and environmental NGOs’ perceptions of Corporate Social Disclosures: The Case of Bangladesh
by Mahmood Ahmed Momin
March 2013, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1-14 Corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance: A comment and reflection
by John Hasseldine & Gregory Morris - 15-28 Smoke and mirrors: Corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance—A reply to Hasseldine and Morris
by Prem Sikka - 29-39 Conversations with inmate accountants: Motivation, opportunity and the fraud triangle
by Steven Dellaportas - 40-53 Effects of municipal, auditing and political factors on audit delay
by Sandra Cohen & Stergios Leventis - 54-66 Seeking legitimacy: Social reporting in the healthcare sector
by Patrizio Monfardini & Antonio D. Barretta & Pasquale Ruggiero - 67-80 Some thoughts on the recognition of assets, notably in respect of intangible assets
by Nevine El-Tawy & Tony Tollington
December 2012, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 231-250 UK health sector performance management: Conflict, crisis and unintended consequences
by Lynne Conrad & Pinar Guven Uslu - 251-265 Students as surrogates for practicing accountants: Further evidence
by Tony Mortensen & Richard Fisher & Graeme Wines - 266-278 Towards recognising workforce health as a constituent of intellectual capital: Insights from a survey of UK accounting and finance directors
by Robin Roslender & Joanna E. Stevenson & Howard Kahn - 279-293 The governance of intangibles: Rethinking financial reporting and the board of directors
by Yuri Biondi & Antoine Rebérioux - 294-309 New dogs, old tricks. Why do Ponzi schemes succeed?
by Mervyn K. Lewis - 310-312 Environmental Management Accounting: Case studies of South-East Asian Companies
by C Herzig & T Viere & S Schaltegger & R.L Burritt & Ki-Hoon Lee
September 2012, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 149-149 Editorial
by Helen Tregidga & Markus Milne & Glen Lehman - 150-153 Analyzing the quality, meaning and accountability of organizational reporting and communication
by Helen Tregidga & Markus Milne & Glen Lehman - 154-165 Visual disclosure strategies adopted by more and less sustainability-driven companies
by Sue Hrasky - 166-177 An exploration of the relationship between language choice in CEO letters to shareholders and corporate reputation
by Russell J. Craig & Niamh M. Brennan - 178-193 ‘Metaphoring’ people out of this world: A Critical Discourse Analysis of a chairman’s statement of a UK defence firm
by Doris M. Merkl-Davies & Veronika Koller - 194-208 Ethos, logos, pathos: Strategies of persuasion in social/environmental reports
by Colin Higgins & Robyn Walker - 209-222 Accounting and marketing communications in arts engagement: A discourse analysis
by Helen Oakes & Steve Oakes - 223-230 Analyzing the quality, meaning and accountability of organizational reporting and communication: Directions for future research
by Helen Tregidga & Markus Milne & Glen Lehman
June 2012, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 81-90 Voluntary disclosure theory and financial control variables: An assessment of recent environmental disclosure research
by Ronald P. Guidry & Dennis M. Patten - 91-108 Market relevance of university accounting programs: Evidence from Australia
by Peipei Pan & Hector Perera - 109-121 Information technology investments and nonfinancial measures: A research framework
by Ashraf Khallaf - 122-133 Successful promotion or segregation from partnership? An examination of the “post-senior manager” position in public accounting and the implications for women’s careers
by Elizabeth Dreike Almer & Margaret G. Lightbody & Louise E. Single - 134-144 Motivations, expectations and preparedness for higher education: A study of accounting students in Ireland, the UK, Spain and Greece
by Marann Byrne & Barbara Flood & Trevor Hassall & John Joyce & Jose Luis Arquero Montaño & José María González González & Eleni Tourna-Germanou - 145-146 Call for papers: A mode of governance and accountability for a better world?: Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change
by The Editors - 147-147 Call for papers: The global financial crisis and accounting: The British Accounting Review
by The Editors
March 2012, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1-4 Transformation and reform after the financial crisis
by Glen Lehman & Colin Haslam - 5-17 Accounting for national success and failure: Rethinking the UK case
by Ismail Erturk & Julie Froud & Sukhdev Johal & Adam Leaver & Karel Williams - 18-26 Off-shoring and out-sourcing for shareholder value: Promise versus reality
by Edward Lee & Ya Ping Yin - 27-37 The private equity business model: On terra firma or shifting sands?
by Tord Andersson & Colin Haslam - 38-50 Differing perceptions of non-executive directors’ roles in UK SMEs: Governance conundrum or cultural anomaly?
by Rosie Boxer & Aidan Berry & Lew Perren - 51-61 Regulating audit quality: Restoring trust and legitimacy
by Claus Holm & Mahbub Zaman - 62-80 Regulatory regime change in Turkish banks: Reactive or proactive?
by Istemi Demirag
December 2011, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 209-216 Capital and income financialization: Accounting for the 2008 financial crisis
by David Hatherly & Gavin Kretzschmar - 217-231 A CEO with many messages: Comparing the ideological representations provided by different corporate reports
by Hannele Mäkelä & Matias Laine - 232-246 Disclosure responses to mining accidents: South African evidence
by Charmaine M. Coetzee & Chris J. van Staden - 247-261 Readability of accountants’ communications with small business—Some Australian evidence
by Gerard William Stone - 262-274 The accounting treatment of intangibles – A critical review of the literature
by Daniel Zéghal & Anis Maaloul - 275-284 An exploration of stewardship theory in a Not-for-Profit organisation
by Ron Kluvers & John Tippett - 285-286 Third global accounting and organizational change research conference 2012
by The Editors - 287-287 Islam, accounting and society
by The Editors - 288-288 FRBC Call for Papers
by The Editors - 289-289 Erratum to “Has the global financial crisis produced a new world order?” [Account. Forum 35 (2011) 90–103]
by Richard A. Iley & Mervyn K. Lewis
September 2011, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 127-129 Social and Environmental Accounting and Accountability
by Chris van Staden & Thomas Kern & Nicholas McGuigan & Susan Wild - 130-138 Accounting for climate change and the self-regulation of carbon disclosures
by Jane Andrew & Corinne Cortese - 139-157 Media coverage and voluntary environmental disclosures: A developing country exploratory experiment
by Evangeline Elijido-Ten - 158-175 Changes in social and environmental reporting practices in an emerging economy (2004–2007): Exploring the relevance of stakeholder and legitimacy theories
by Jyoti Devi Mahadeo & Vanisha Oogarah-Hanuman & Teerooven Soobaroyen - 176-186 Sustainability reporting by local government in Australia: Current and future prospects
by Belinda Williams & Trevor Wilmshurst & Robert Clift - 187-204 Corporate social responsibility reporting: A comprehensive picture?
by Lies Bouten & Patricia Everaert & Luc Van Liedekerke & Lieven De Moor & Johan Christiaens - 205-207 Book review
by Thomas Kern & Nicholas McGuigan
June 2011, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 75-89 The nature, use and impression management of graphs in social and environmental accounting
by Michael John Jones - 90-103 Has the global financial crisis produced a New World Order?
by Richard A. Iley & Mervyn K. Lewis - 104-117 Theoretical perspectives on intellectual capital: A backward look and a proposal for going forward
by Leire Alcaniz & Fernando Gomez-Bezares & Robin Roslender - 118-125 Voluntary hospices in England: A viable business model?
by Grigorios Theodosopoulos
March 2011, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 1-10 Twenty-one years of social and environmental accountability research: A coming of age
by Lee D. Parker - 11-18 Accounting for long-tail asbestos liabilities: Metaphor and meaning
by Lee Moerman & Sandra van der Laan - 19-31 The measurement of sustainability disclosure: Abundance versus occurrence
by Corina Joseph & Ross Taplin - 32-46 The influence of international taxation structures on corporate financial disclosure patterns
by Grantley Taylor & Greg Tower & Mitch Van Der Zahn - 47-60 The impact of introductory accounting courses on student perceptions about the purpose of accounting information and the objectives of business: A comparison of the UK and Japan
by David Collison & John Ferguson & Yoshinao Kozuma & David Power & Lorna Stevenson - 61-72 SCAM: Design of a learning and teaching resource
by Louise Crawford & Christine Helliar & Elizabeth Monk & Lorna Stevenson - 73-73 Call for papers: Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting Conference 2011
by The Editors
September 2010, Volume 34, Issue 3-4
- 1-1 Editorial Board
by The Editors - 153-168 Smoke and mirrors: Corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance
by Prem Sikka - 169-183 Examining CSR disclosure strategies within the Australian food and beverage industry
by Suresh Cuganesan & James Guthrie & Leanne Ward - 184-195 Issues arising for accounting harmonization: The case of stock options in Italy
by Silvano Corbella & Cristina Florio - 196-210 Transparent Costing: Has the emperor got clothes?
by Janek Ratnatunga & Erwin Waldmann - 211-221 Corporate strategy financialized: Conjuncture, arbitrage and earnings capacity in the S&P500
by Tord Andersson & Colin Haslam & Edward Lee & George Katechos & Nick Tsitsianis - 222-227 Did Berle and Means get it wrong? Reflections on Thorstein Veblen, Paul Samuelson, and ‘Corporate Strategy Financialized’
by Mervyn K. Lewis