December 2003, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 359-364 Globalisation and its Discontents: A Concern about Growth and Globalization
by Christine Cooper & Dean Neu & Glen Lehman - 365-399 The Role of Offshore Financial Centres in Globalization
by Prem Sikka - 400-424 Globalization and Its New Spaces for (Alternative) Accounting Research
by Jeffery Everett - 425-448 Enhancing Organizational Global Hegemony with Narrative Accounting Disclosures: An Early Example
by Jeffrey Unerman - 449-471 Accounting for Globalization
by Cameron Graham & Dean Neu
September 2003, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 247-250 The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them
by Gaffikin Michael - 251-269 Modern accounting scholarship: the imperative of positive economic science
by Paul F. Williams - 270-290 Financial reporting in the 1930s in the United States preserving the status quo
by Barbara D. Merino - 291-311 The a priori wars: The modernisation of accounting thought
by Michael J. R. Gaffikin - 312-338 The effects of fraud risk assessments and a risk analysis decision aid on auditors’ evaluation of evidence and judgment
by Anna M. Rose & Jacob M. Rose - 339-358 An ‘Austrian’ perspective on commercial accounting practices in the public sector
by Odd J. Stalebrink & John F. Sacco
June 2003, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 111-131 Trust me! A personal account of confidentiality issues in an organisational research project
by Helen Irvine - 132-165 Internet reporting: Current trends and trends by 2010
by Michael John Jones & Jason Zezhong Xiao - 166-184 The role of academic research in policy debates: a 1990 survey of student responses to the 150‐hour rule
by David J. Karmon & Dwight M. Owsen - 185-200 The hidden public pension obligations in six European states: a generational accounting perspective
by Paul J.m. Klumpes - 201-223 Resisting the auditing industry: the case of the Sound Diffusion Action Group
by Prem Sikka - 224-245 The relevance of theories of political economy to the understanding of financial reporting in South Africa: the case of value added statements
by Chris Van staden
March 2003, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-3 Foreword to Special Issue
by Michael Jones & Howard Mellett - 4-27 Disclosure and choice of accounting policies: The case of cross–border mergers
by Sally Aisbitt - 28-59 The choice of discount rate for external reporting purposes: Considerations for standard setting
by Leonard Eckel & Steve Fortin & Kathryn Fisher - 60-83 From the theory of financial intermediation to segment reporting: The case of German banks
by Susanne Homölle - 84-109 How culture affects the use of information technology
by Sharon K. Johns & L. Murphy smith & Carolyn A. Strand
September 2002, Volume 26, Issue 3-4
- 219-232 Global Accountability and Sustainability: Research Prospects
by Glen Lehman - 233-244 Conjectures on accounting education in Tasmania, 1803 to 1833: the convict, the classicist and the cleric
by Russell Craig - 245-270 Accounting for Public Private Partnerships
by Darrin Grimsey & Mervyn K. Lewis - 271-290 ‘Facilitating’ globalization processes: Financial technologies and the World Bank
by Dean Neu & Elizabeth Ocampo gomez & Omar García Ponce de león & Margarita Flores zepeda - 291-319 The Global Audit
by Cheryl R. Lehman & Fahrettin Okcabol - 320-339 Early employment problems of Australian accounting graduates: An exploratory study
by John K. Courtis & Omar Abdullah Zaid
June 2002, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 97-125 The politics of restructuring the standard setting bodies: the case of the UK’s auditing practices board
by Prem Sikka - 126-151 Investigating standard setting: accounting for the United Kingdom’s private finance initiative
by Ron Hodges & Howard Mellett - 152-171 Media exposure, public policy pressure, and environmental disclosure: an examination of the impact of tri data availability
by Dennis M. Patten - 172-190 Disclosure (discernibility) and compliance of accounting policies: Asia–Pacific evidence
by Ross Taplin & Greg Tower & Phil Hancock - 191-218 Management information for ecologically—oriented decision–making. A case study of the introduction of co–generation in eleven spanish companies
by Susana Gago
March 2002, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-30 Rites of passage and the self‐immolation of academic accounting labour: an essay exploring exclusivity versus mutuality in accounting scholarship
by Rob Gray & James Guthrie & Lee Parker - 31-44 Stakeholders' perceptions of organizational decline
by Ralph W. Adler & Kate Chaston - 45-71 Problematising the construction of journal quality: an engagement with the mainstream
by Joanne Locke & Alan Lowe - 72-86 The construction of journal quality: no engagement detected
by Markus J. Milne - 87-95 Angst and hubris but no critique detected
by Alan Lowe & Joanne Locke
December 2001, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 319-333 Banal Accounts: Subaltern Voices
by Dean Neu - 334-352 Economic Recession, Corporate Distress and Income Increasing Accounting Policy Choice
by Malcolm Smith & Jo‐anne Kestel & Peter Robinson - 353-379 An Empirical Study of Bank Loan Officers’ Functional Fixation on Agricultural Co‐operatives and their Reported Earnings
by Desley Sands & Pak Auyeung - 380-394 Whither (or Wither) Accounting Education in the New Millennium
by M.R. Mathews - 395-397 What is the Real Problem Whither (or Wither) Accounting Education in the New Millennium?
by Jesse F. Dillard - 398-401 The Education of Accountants—A Comment
by Scott Henderson - 402-404 Whether there is an Accounting Profession? A Commentary on “Whither (or Wither) Accounting Education in the New Millennium” by M.R. Mathews
by C. Richard Baker - 405-406 Index to Volume 25, 2001
by The Editors
September 2001, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 211-213 Accounting Millennium Themes: Toward Accounting in a Steady‐State
by Glen Lehman - 214-245 From Women's Liberation to Feminism: Reflections in Accounting Academia
by Christine Cooper - 246-263 Narratives and Numbers: From Acontextual to Contextualized Financial Analysis
by Brendan Mcsweeney - 264-282 Questioning the Role of Stakeholder Engagement in Social and Ethical Accounting, Auditing and Reporting
by David L. Owen & Tracey Swift & Karen Hunt - 283-299 Discovering its Own Relevance? Reflections on the ‘New’ Management Accounting in the Public Sector
by Amanda Ball - 300-317 Reducing the Risk of Corporate Irresponsibility: The Trend to Corporate Social Responsibility
by Rick Sarre & Meredith Doig & Brenton Fiedler
June 2001, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 103-127 Islam and accounting
by Mervyn K. Lewis - 128-157 Sustainable development: a review of the international development, business and accounting literature
by Jan Bebbington - 158-173 Resource consents — intangible fixed assets?
by Lin Tozer & Lindsay Hawkes - 174-188 A single statement of financial performance: its time has come
by Robert Beale & Howard Davey - 189-210 Public sector accounting and financial management in a developing country organisational context: a three‐dimensional view
by Abu Shiraz Rahaman & Stewart Lawrence
March 2001, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-6 Accounting research prospects
by The Editors - 7-30 The corporate memory structure of expert portfolio managers: a multi‐trial free recall study
by Neil J. Cocks & Errol R. Iselin & Divesh S. Sharma - 31-55 “Action at a distance”: accounting inscriptions and the reporting of episodes of clinical care
by Alan Lowe - 56-78 An investigation into fraud prevention and detection of small businesses in the United States: responsibilities of auditors, managers, and business owners
by Gary G Johnson & Charryl L. Rudesill - 79-88 Cultural relativity and accounting for sustainability: a research note
by M.R. Mathews & M.A. Reynolds - 89-101 An investigation of pricing behavior in the municipal audit market
by Lynn A. Johnson
December 2000, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 319-343 Identifying the Sources of Gains From Takeovers
by S. Manson & R. Powell & A. W. Stark & H. M. Thomas - 344-365 The Adoption of Environment‐related management accounting: an analysis of corporate environmental sensitivity
by Geoffrey R. Frost & Trevor D. Wilmshurst - 366-378 Towards the Increased use of Action Research in Accounting Information Systems
by C. Richard Baker - 379-390 Comment: ‘Action research’: mission impossible? Commentary on ‘Towards the increased use of action research in accounting information systems’ by C. Richard Baker
by Brendan Mcsweeney - 391-406 An Empirical Model of the Information Systems Development Process: A Case Study of an Automotive Manufacturer
by Jim Hughes & Trevor Wood‐harper - 407-421 Integrating the Accountant and the Information Systems Development Process
by Jesse F. Dillard - 422-428 Information Systems Reliability Assurance: the Ingerent Difficulty in Structered Analysis of Dynamic Processes
by Steve G. Sutton - 429-430 Index to Volume 24 2000
by The Editors
September 2000, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 231-247 The annual report: an exercise in ignorance?
by Linda Simpson - 248-263 Expanding the future financial corporate reporting package
by John K Courtis - 264-277 The performance measurement panacea
by Natalie Buckmaster - 278-295 Investors’ perceptions of the relative importance of investment issue
by John Tippet - 296-318 Environmental audits in local government: a useful means to progress in sustainable development
by Linda Lewis
June 2000, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 131-150 Advanced management accounting techniques in manufacturing: utilization, benefits, and barriers to implementation
by Ralph Adler & André M. Everett & Marilyn Waldron - 151-169 Environmental auditing: the audit theory gap
by Margaret Lightbody - 170-186 Social and environmental accounting and student choice: an exploratory research note
by David Collison & Rob Gray & David Owen & Donald Sinclair & Lorna Stevenson - 187-196 Accounting for macro‐social impacts: a new research agenda
by M.R. Mathews - 197-222 The accounting craft and the environmental crisis: reconsidering environmental ethics
by Jane Andrew - 223-230 Evidence and the public interest versus expediency: critical commentary on “Could corporate environmental reporting shadow financial reporting?” by Aris Solomon
by Brendan O'dwyer - 231-231 Call For Papers
by The Editors
March 2000, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-4 Social And Environmental Accounting: Trends And Directions For The Future
by David Owen & Glen Lehman - 5-29 Ecological Modernization And The Limits Of Environmental Accounting?
by Jeff Everett & Dean Neu - 30-55 Could Corporate Environmental Reporting Shadow Financial Reporting?
by Aris Solomon - 56-79 Making Discrimination Visible: the Potential for Social Accounting
by Carol Adams & George Harte - 80-100 Legitimacy Theory or Managerial Reality Construction? Corporate Social Disclosure in Marks and Spencer Plc Corporate Reports, 1969–1997
by David J. Campbell - 101-130 Firms' Disclosure Reactions to Major Social Incidents: Australian Evidence
by Craig Deegan & Michaela Rankin & Peter Voght
December 1999, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 325-326 Accounting and Information Systems: Call For Papers
by Mike Metcalfe & Glen Lehman - 327-358 The Effect of the Prospective Payment System on Rural Health Care
by Jesse F Dillard & Howard L Smith - 359-377 Differential Reporting and the Effect on Loan Evaluations: An Experimental Study
by Pamela Kent & Lois Munro - 378-407 The New Information Age and International Intellectual Property Law—Emerging and Recurring Issues for the Next Millennium
by Kyle B Usrey - 408-440 Accounting for Forests in Social, Economic and Political Contexts
by K.F Herbohn & J.L Herbohn - 441-444 Book Reviews
by The Editors - 445-446 Index to Volume 23 1999
by The Editors
September 1999, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 207-207 Directions and Possible Futures
by The Editors - 209-239 A review of materiality research
by Takiah Mohd Iskandar & Errol R Iselin - 241-273 Information Processing Strategy During Analytical Procedures: Where and How Auditors Focus Their Attention
by Ed O’donnell & Mark Lehman - 275-292 Investigating and Preventing Fraud Against Australian Businesses: Counting the Costs and Exploring The Strategies
by Rick Sarre & Brenton Fiedler - 293-305 A Regional Study Of Listed Companies’ Compliance with International Accounting Standards
by Greg Tower & Phil Hancock & Ross H. Taplin - 307-316 Harmonisation and Proposed Standard‐Setting Reforms
by Chris Warrell - 317-323 Book Reviews
by The Editors
June 1999, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 109-135 Changing public sector accountability: critiquing new directions
by Lee Parker & Graeme Gould - 137-154 Environmental disclosure by Australian mining companies: environmental conscience or commercial reality?
by Carol A Tilt & Christopher F Symes - 155-174 A generalized model of decision‐making processes for companies in financial distress
by Stewart A Leech & Nicole Clark & Philip A Collier - 175-192 Recent trends in environment accounting: how green are your accounts?
by Fraser Bell & Glen Lehman - 193-205 A comparison of the impact of franchising on return and risk for two Australian industries
by Rick Newby & Malcolm Smith
March 1999, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction: Special Issue on International Audit Research
by Glen Lehman - 3-9 Editorial: Contemporary Audit Controversies
by The Editors - 11-34 Lobbying the Auditing Practices Board: Analysis of Responses to the Expanded Audit Report
by Stuart Manson & Mahbub Zaman - 35-57 Resignation or Abdication—the Credibility of Auditor Resignation Statements
by John Dunn & Margaret Stewart - 59-92 Reporting Accounting?
by Pam Edwards & Jean Shaoul - 93-108 Auditors’ Reputation: an Analysis of Press Coverage in New Zealand
by K. A. Van peursem & A. Hauriasi