September 2020, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-24 Convex Optimization for the Densest Subgraph and Densest Submatrix Problems
by Polina Bombina & Brendan Ames - 1-27 Nutmeg: a MIP and CP Hybrid Solver Using Branch-and-Check
by Edward Lam & Graeme Gange & Peter J. Stuckey & Pascal Hentenryck & Jip J. Dekker - 1-32 Covering of High-Dimensional Cubes and Quantization
by Anatoly Zhigljavsky & Jack Noonan
June 2020, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-13 Value-Rationalizability in Auction Bidding
by Panos L. Lorentziadis - 1-16 A Constructive Methodology to Solving the Capacitated Newsvendor Problem: an Approximate Approach
by Layek Abdel-Malek & Pinyuan Shan & Roberto Montanari - 1-21 Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling with Student Flow, Soft Constraints, and Smoothing Objectives: an Application to a Real Case Study
by Massimiliano Caramia & Stefano Giordani - 1-26 Simulation-Based Rolling Horizon Scheduling for Operating Theatres
by Anders Reenberg Andersen & Thomas Jacob Riis Stidsen & Line Blander Reinhardt - 1-33 A Stochastic Disaster Relief Game Theory Network Model
by Anna Nagurney & Mojtaba Salarpour & June Dong & Ladimer S. Nagurney
March 2020, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-3 Welcome to SN Operations Research Forum!
by Marco Lübbecke & Panos M. Pardalos - 1-4 Hoàng Tuy (7 December 1927–14 July 2019)—in Appreciation
by Athanasios Migdalas & Peter Värbrand - 1-5 Ioannis C. Demetriou and Panos M. Pardalos (eds): Approximation and Optimization: Algorithms, Complexity and Applications
by Oleg Burdakov - 1-6 Benchmarking Optimization Software - a (Hi)Story
by Hans D. Mittelmann - 1-13 Duality Theorems for Convex and Quasiconvex Set Functions
by Satoshi Suzuki & Daishi Kuroiwa - 1-27 A Variational Approach to Local Asymptotic and Exponential Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems
by Bryce A. Christopherson & Farhad Jafari & Boris S. Mordukhovich - 1-40 Finding a Portfolio of Near-Optimal Aggregated Solutions to Capacity Expansion Energy System Models
by Stefanie Buchholz & Mette Gamst & David Pisinger