October 2016, Volume 34, Issue 10
- 971-980 Sustainable Financing of Innovative Therapies: A Review of Approaches
by Aidan Hollis - 981-992 Daclatasvir for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C: A Critique of the Clinical and Economic Evidence
by Alexis Llewellyn & Rita Faria & Beth Woods & Mark Simmonds & James Lomas & Nerys Woolacott & Susan Griffin - 993-1004 EuroQol Protocols for Time Trade-Off Valuation of Health Outcomes
by Mark Oppe & Kim Rand-Hendriksen & Koonal Shah & Juan M. Ramos‐Goñi & Nan Luo - 1005-1014 The Effects of Diagnostic Definitions in Claims Data on Healthcare Cost Estimates: Evidence from a Large-Scale Panel Data Analysis of Diabetes Care in Japan
by Haruhisa Fukuda & Shunya Ikeda & Takeru Shiroiwa & Takashi Fukuda - 1015-1022 Using Linear Equating to Map PROMIS® Global Health Items and the PROMIS-29 V2.0 Profile Measure to the Health Utilities Index Mark 3
by Ron D. Hays & Dennis A. Revicki & David Feeny & Peter Fayers & Karen L. Spritzer & David Cella - 1023-1038 A Model-Based Economic Evaluation of Biologic and Non-Biologic Options for the Treatment of Adults with Moderately-to-Severely Active Ulcerative Colitis after the Failure of Conventional Therapy
by Paul Tappenden & Shijie Ren & Rachel Archer & Rebecca Harvey & Marrissa Martyn-St James & Hasan Basarir & John Stevens & Alan Lobo & Sami Hoque - 1039-1050 Real-World Evidence: A Comparison of the Australian Herceptin Program and Clinical Trials of Trastuzumab for HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer
by Bonny Parkinson & Rosalie Viney & Marion Haas & Stephen Goodall & Preeyaporn Srasuebkul & Sallie-Anne Pearson - 1051-1065 BEACON: A Summary Framework to Overcome Potential Reimbursement Hurdles
by William C. N. Dunlop & C. Daniel Mullins & Olaf Pirk & Ron Goeree & Maarten J. Postma & Ashley Enstone & Louise Heron - 1067-1070 Publication of Cost-of-Illness Studies: Does Methodological Complexity Matter?
by T. Joseph Mattingly & C. Daniel Mullins & Eberechukwu Onukwugha
September 2016, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 829-831 Model Validation: Has it’s Time Come?
by Jonathan Karnon - 833-845 Unremarked or Unperformed? Systematic Review on Reporting of Validation Efforts of Health Economic Decision Models in Seasonal Influenza and Early Breast Cancer
by Pieter T. Boer & Geert W. J. Frederix & Talitha L. Feenstra & Pepijn Vemer - 847-861 Cost Effectiveness of HPV Vaccination: A Systematic Review of Modelling Approaches
by Joshua Pink & Ben Parker & Stavros Petrou - 901-912 The Clinical and Cost Effectiveness of Vortioxetine for the Treatment of a Major Depressive Episode in Patients With Failed Prior Antidepressant Therapy: A Critique of the Evidence
by James Lomas & Alexis Llewellyn & Marta Soares & Mark Simmonds & Kath Wright & Alison Eastwood & Stephen Palmer - 913-923 Extended Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Health Policy Assessment: A Tutorial
by Stéphane Verguet & Jane J. Kim & Dean T. Jamison - 925-937 Identifying and Revealing the Importance of Decision-Making Criteria for Health Technology Assessment: A Retrospective Analysis of Reimbursement Recommendations in Ireland
by Susanne Schmitz & Laura McCullagh & Roisin Adams & Michael Barry & Cathal Walsh - 939-951 The Clinical Impact and Cost Effectiveness of Quadrivalent Versus Trivalent Influenza Vaccination in Finland
by Lisa Nagy & Terho Heikkinen & Alfred Sackeyfio & Richard Pitman - 953-966 Cost Effectiveness of IDegLira vs. Alternative Basal Insulin Intensification Therapies in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Uncontrolled on Basal Insulin in a UK Setting
by Melanie J. Davies & Divina Glah & Barrie Chubb & Gerasimos Konidaris & Phil McEwan
August 2016, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 723-731 Economic Evaluation of Vaccination Programmes in Older Adults and the Elderly: Important Issues and Challenges
by Sevan Dirmesropian & James G. Wood & C. Raina MacIntyre & Philippe Beutels & Anthony T. Newall - 741-750 Ledipasvir-Sofosbuvir for Treating Chronic Hepatitis C: A NICE Single Technology Appraisal—An Evidence Review Group Perspective
by P. Thokala & E. L. Simpson & P. Tappenden & J. W. Stevens & K. Dickinson & S. Ryder & P. Harrison - 805-814 The Impact of Different DCE-Based Approaches When Anchoring Utility Scores
by Richard Norman & Brendan Mulhern & Rosalie Viney - 815-827 Cost Utility of Omalizumab Compared with Standard of Care for the Treatment of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria
by Jonathan Graham & Doreen McBride & Donald Stull & Anna Halliday & Stamatia Theodora Alexopoulos & Maria-Magdalena Balp & Matthew Griffiths & Ion Agirrezabal & Torsten Zuberbier & Alan Brennan
July 2016, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 625-627 Why Cancer?
by Alan Haycox - 635-644 Cost Implications of Value-Based Pricing for Companion Diagnostic Tests in Precision Medicine
by Gregory S. Zaric - 645-649 Health, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Quality of Life: What is the Difference?
by Milad Karimi & John Brazier - 651-664 Economic Evaluation of Mental Health Interventions: A Guide to Costing Approaches
by James Shearer & Paul McCrone & Renee Romeo - 673-680 Trastuzumab Emtansine for Treating HER2-Positive, Unresectable, Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer After Treatment with Trastuzumab and a Taxane: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal
by Hazel Squires & Matt Stevenson & Emma Simpson & Rebecca Harvey & John Stevens - 681-707 Systematic Review of Model-Based Economic Evaluations of Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease
by Luis Hernandez & Asli Ozen & Rodrigo DosSantos & Denis Getsios - 709-721 Cost-Utility Analysis of Lurasidone Versus Aripiprazole in Adults with Schizophrenia
by Krithika Rajagopalan & David Trueman & Lydia Crowe & Daniel Squirrell & Antony Loebel
June 2016, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 529-531 Can Clinical Guidelines Afford to Ignore Cost Effectiveness? An Ethical Perspective
by Kenneth Boyd & Peter Hall - 533-550 Systematic Review of the Economic Burden of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
by Shuyan Gu & Huimei Hu & Hengjin Dong - 551-567 Systematic Review of Modelling Approaches for the Cost Effectiveness of Hepatitis C Treatment with Direct-Acting Antivirals
by Jagpreet Chhatwal & Tianhua He & Maria A. Lopez-Olivo - 569-585 A Systematic Review of Cost-Effectiveness Models in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
by Martin Henriksson & Ramandeep Jindal & Catarina Sternhufvud & Klas Bergenheim & Elisabeth Sörstadius & Michael Willis - 587-596 Apremilast for the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis: A Critique of the Evidence
by Sebastian Hinde & Ros Wade & Stephen Palmer & Nerys Woolacott & Eldon Spackman - 597-608 Identification of Evidence for Key Parameters in Decision-Analytic Models of Cost Effectiveness: A Description of Sources and a Recommended Minimum Search Requirement
by Suzy Paisley - 609-616 Biosimilars: How Can Payers Get Long-Term Savings?
by Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz & Adrian Towse & Mikel Berdud - 617-624 Exploring Uncertainty in Economic Evaluations of Drugs and Medical Devices: Lessons from the First Review of Manufacturers’ Submissions to the French National Authority for Health
by Salah Ghabri & Françoise F. Hamers & Jean Michel Josselin
May 2016, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 423-426 Pharmaceutical Price Schemes in Europe: Time for a ‘Continental’ One?
by Livio Garattini & Alessandro Curto & Nick Freemantle - 427-433 Assessing the Value of New Treatments for Hepatitis C: Are International Decision Makers Getting this Right?
by Beth Woods & Rita Faria & Susan Griffin - 435-446 Value-Based Assessment of New Medical Technologies: Towards a Robust Methodological Framework for the Application of Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis in the Context of Health Technology Assessment
by Aris Angelis & Panos Kanavos - 447-461 Conducting Economic Evaluations Alongside Randomised Trials: Current Methodological Issues and Novel Approaches
by Dyfrig Hughes & Joanna Charles & Dalia Dawoud & Rhiannon Tudor Edwards & Emily Holmes & Carys Jones & Paul Parham & Catrin Plumpton & Colin Ridyard & Huw Lloyd-Williams & Eifiona Wood & Seow Tien Yeo - 463-477 Rivaroxaban for Preventing Atherothrombotic Events in People with Acute Coronary Syndrome and Elevated Cardiac Biomarkers: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal
by Abdullah Pandor & Daniel Pollard & Tim Chico & Robert Henderson & Matt Stevenson - 479-498 Economic Burden and Quality-of-Life Effects of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Systematic Review of the Literature
by Simon Frey & Carl R. Blankart & Tom Stargardt - 499-508 Complex Valuation: Applying Ideas from the Complex Intervention Framework to Valuation of a New Measure for End-of-Life Care
by Joanna Coast & Elisabeth Huynh & Philip Kinghorn & Terry Flynn - 509-520 Cost Effectiveness of First-Line Oral Therapies for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Modelling Study
by Kathryn Coyle & Doug Coyle & Julie Blouin & Karen Lee & Mohammed F. Jabr & Khai Tran & Lisa Mielniczuk & John Swiston & Mike Innes - 521-527 EQ-5D Utilities in Chronic Spontaneous/Idiopathic Urticaria
by Emma Hawe & Doreen McBride & Maria-Magdalena Balp & Haijun Tian & Anna Halliday & Donald E. Stull
April 2016, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 323-329 Should the Lambda (λ) Remain Silent?
by Hossein Haji Ali Afzali & Jonathan Karnon & Mark Sculpher - 331-332 Richard Edlin, Christopher McCabe, Claire Hulme, Peter Hall, Judy Wright: Cost Effectiveness Modelling for Health Technology Assessment: A Practical Course
by Doug Coyle - 333-336 Do Pills Have No Ills? Capturing the Impact of Direct Treatment Disutility
by Alexander Thompson & Bruce Guthrie & Katherine Payne - 337-348 The Clinical and Cost Effectiveness of Ustekinumab for the Treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis: A Critique of the Evidence
by Joanne O’Connor & Stephen Rice & Alison Smith & Mark Rodgers & Rocio Rodriguez Lopez & Dawn Craig & Nerys Woolacott - 349-361 AdViSHE: A Validation-Assessment Tool of Health-Economic Models for Decision Makers and Model Users
by P. Vemer & I. Corro Ramos & G. A. K. Voorn & M. J. Al & T. L. Feenstra - 363-391 Cost Effectiveness of Paliperidone Long-Acting Injectable Versus Other Antipsychotics for the Maintenance Treatment of Schizophrenia in France
by Sylvain Druais & Agathe Doutriaux & Magali Cognet & Annabelle Godet & Christophe Lançon & Pierre Levy & Ludovic Samalin & Pascal Guillon - 393-402 What Can We Expect from Value-Based Funding of Medicines? A Retrospective Study
by Anthony Harris & Jing Jing Li & Karen Yong - 403-417 Cost-Effectiveness Modelling of Sofosbuvir-Containing Regimens for Chronic Genotype 5 Hepatitis C Virus Infection in South Africa
by Ilanca Fraser & Johanita Burger & Martie Lubbe & George Dranitsaris & Mark Sonderup & Tienie Stander - 419-420 Comment on: “Disinvestment and Value-Based Purchasing Strategies for Pharmaceuticals: An International Review”
by Angelo Claudio Palozzo & Andrea Messori - 421-422 Authors’ Reply to Palozzo and Messori: ‘‘Disinvestment and Value-Based Purchasing Strategies for Pharmaceuticals: An International Review’’
by Bonny Parkinson & Adam G. Elshaug
March 2016, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 217-220 PCSK9 Inhibitors: A Technology Worth Paying For?
by William S. Weintraub & Samuel S. Gidding - 217-220 PCSK9 Inhibitors: A Technology Worth Paying For?
by William Weintraub & Samuel Gidding - 221-224 Economic Evidence of Pneumococcal Vaccination in Older Adults: Uncertain Modelling or Competitive Tendering?
by Livio Garattini & Anna Padula & Milene Costa - 221-224 Economic Evidence of Pneumococcal Vaccination in Older Adults: Uncertain Modelling or Competitive Tendering?
by Livio Garattini & Anna Padula & Milene Rangel Costa - 225-226 Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar (ed): Pharmaceutical Prices in the 21st Century
by Suzanne Rose Hill - 225-226 Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar (ed): Pharmaceutical Prices in the 21st Century
by Suzanne Hill - 227-244 Methods for Health Economic Evaluation of Vaccines and Immunization Decision Frameworks: A Consensus Framework from a European Vaccine Economics Community
by Bernhard Ultsch & Oliver Damm & Philippe Beutels & Joke Bilcke & Bernd Brüggenjürgen & Andreas Gerber-Grote & Wolfgang Greiner & Germaine Hanquet & Raymond Hutubessy & Mark Jit & Mirjam Knol & Rüdiger Kries & Alexander Kuhlmann & Daniel Levy-Bruhl & Matthias Perleth & Maarten Postma & Heini Salo & Uwe Siebert & Jürgen Wasem & Ole Wichmann - 227-244 Methods for Health Economic Evaluation of Vaccines and Immunization Decision Frameworks: A Consensus Framework from a European Vaccine Economics Community
by Bernhard Ultsch & Oliver Damm & Philippe Beutels & Joke Bilcke & Bernd Brüggenjürgen & Andreas Gerber-Grote & Wolfgang Greiner & Germaine Hanquet & Raymond Hutubessy & Mark Jit & Mirjam Knol & Rüdiger Kries & Alexander Kuhlmann & Daniel Levy-Bruhl & Matthias Perleth & Maarten Postma & Heini Salo & Uwe Siebert & Jürgen Wasem & Ole Wichmann - 245-257 Vedolizumab for the Treatment of Adults with Moderate-to-Severe Active Ulcerative Colitis: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal
by Munira Essat & Paul Tappenden & Shijie Ren & Alice Bessey & Rachel Archer & Ruth Wong & Alan Lobo & Sami Hoque - 245-257 Vedolizumab for the Treatment of Adults with Moderate-to-Severe Active Ulcerative Colitis: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal
by Munira Essat & Paul Tappenden & Shijie Ren & Alice Bessey & Rachel Archer & Ruth Wong & Alan Lobo & Sami Hoque - 259-272 Cost-Effectiveness Models in Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Issues and Challenges
by Jordana K. Schmier & Carolyn K. Hulme-Lowe - 259-272 Cost-Effectiveness Models in Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Issues and Challenges
by Jordana Schmier & Carolyn Hulme-Lowe - 273-284 Are Efficient Designs Used in Discrete Choice Experiments Too Difficult for Some Respondents? A Case Study Eliciting Preferences for End-of-Life Care
by Terry N. Flynn & Marcel Bilger & Chetna Malhotra & Eric A. Finkelstein - 273-284 Are Efficient Designs Used in Discrete Choice Experiments Too Difficult for Some Respondents? A Case Study Eliciting Preferences for End-of-Life Care
by Terry Flynn & Marcel Bilger & Chetna Malhotra & Eric Finkelstein - 285-301 Can the EVIDEM Framework Tackle Issues Raised by Evaluating Treatments for Rare Diseases: Analysis of Issues and Policies, and Context-Specific Adaptation
by Monika Wagner & Hanane Khoury & Jacob Willet & Donna Rindress & Mireille Goetghebeur - 285-301 Can the EVIDEM Framework Tackle Issues Raised by Evaluating Treatments for Rare Diseases: Analysis of Issues and Policies, and Context-Specific Adaptation
by Monika Wagner & Hanane Khoury & Jacob Willet & Donna Rindress & Mireille Goetghebeur - 303-314 Budget Impact Analysis of Using Dihydroartemisinin–Piperaquine to Treat Uncomplicated Malaria in Children in Tanzania
by Amani Mori & Ole Norheim & Bjarne Robberstad - 303-314 Budget Impact Analysis of Using Dihydroartemisinin–Piperaquine to Treat Uncomplicated Malaria in Children in Tanzania
by Amani Thomas Mori & Ole Frithjof Norheim & Bjarne Robberstad - 315-322 Use of Value of Information in Healthcare Decision Making: Exploring Multiple Perspectives
by Jill Bindels & Bram Ramaekers & Isaac Ramos & Leyla Mohseninejad & Saskia Knies & Janneke Grutters & Maarten Postma & Maiwenn Al & Talitha Feenstra & Manuela Joore - 315-322 Use of Value of Information in Healthcare Decision Making: Exploring Multiple Perspectives
by Jill Bindels & Bram Ramaekers & Isaac Corro Ramos & Leyla Mohseninejad & Saskia Knies & Janneke Grutters & Maarten Postma & Maiwenn Al & Talitha Feenstra & Manuela Joore
February 2016, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 91-93 Big Data and Its Role in Health Economics and Outcomes Research: A Collection of Perspectives on Data Sources, Measurement, and Analysis
by Eberechukwu Onukwugha - 91-93 Big Data and Its Role in Health Economics and Outcomes Research: A Collection of Perspectives on Data Sources, Measurement, and Analysis
by Eberechukwu Onukwugha - 95-100 Specification Issues in a Big Data Context: Controlling for the Endogeneity of Consumer and Provider Behaviours in Healthcare Treatment Effects Models
by William H. Crown - 95-100 Specification Issues in a Big Data Context: Controlling for the Endogeneity of Consumer and Provider Behaviours in Healthcare Treatment Effects Models
by William Crown - 101-106 Big Data and Health Economics: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
by Brendan Collins - 107-114 NETIMIS: Dynamic Simulation of Health Economics Outcomes Using Big Data
by Owen Johnson & Peter Hall & Claire Hulme - 107-114 NETIMIS: Dynamic Simulation of Health Economics Outcomes Using Big Data
by Owen A. Johnson & Peter S. Hall & Claire Hulme - 115-126 Transforming Healthcare Delivery: Integrating Dynamic Simulation Modelling and Big Data in Health Economics and Outcomes Research
by Deborah Marshall & Lina Burgos-Liz & Kalyan Pasupathy & William Padula & Maarten IJzerman & Peter Wong & Mitchell Higashi & Jordan Engbers & Samuel Wiebe & William Crown & Nathaniel Osgood - 115-126 Transforming Healthcare Delivery: Integrating Dynamic Simulation Modelling and Big Data in Health Economics and Outcomes Research
by Deborah A. Marshall & Lina Burgos-Liz & Kalyan S. Pasupathy & William V. Padula & Maarten J. IJzerman & Peter K. Wong & Mitchell K. Higashi & Jordan Engbers & Samuel Wiebe & William Crown & Nathaniel D. Osgood - 127-138 National Database for Autism Research (NDAR): Big Data Opportunities for Health Services Research and Health Technology Assessment
by Nalin Payakachat & J. Mick Tilford & Wendy J. Ungar - 127-138 National Database for Autism Research (NDAR): Big Data Opportunities for Health Services Research and Health Technology Assessment
by Nalin Payakachat & J. Tilford & Wendy Ungar - 139-154 Realising the Value of Linked Data to Health Economic Analyses of Cancer Care: A Case Study of Cancer 2015
by Paula K. Lorgelly & Brett Doble & Rachel J. Knott - 139-154 Realising the Value of Linked Data to Health Economic Analyses of Cancer Care: A Case Study of Cancer 2015
by Paula Lorgelly & Brett Doble & Rachel Knott - 155-160 Using Linked Electronic Health Records to Estimate Healthcare Costs: Key Challenges and Opportunities
by Miqdad Asaria & Katja Grasic & Simon Walker - 155-160 Using Linked Electronic Health Records to Estimate Healthcare Costs: Key Challenges and Opportunities
by Miqdad Asaria & Katja Grasic & Simon Walker - 161-168 Validation of the Hospital Episode Statistics Outpatient Dataset in England
by Joanna C. Thorn & Emma Turner & Luke Hounsome & Eleanor Walsh & Jenny L. Donovan & Julia Verne & David E. Neal & Freddie C. Hamdy & Richard M. Martin & Sian M. Noble - 161-168 Validation of the Hospital Episode Statistics Outpatient Dataset in England
by Joanna Thorn & Emma Turner & Luke Hounsome & Eleanor Walsh & Jenny Donovan & Julia Verne & David Neal & Freddie Hamdy & Richard Martin & Sian Noble - 169-179 Understanding Adherence and Prescription Patterns Using Large-Scale Claims Data
by Margrét V. Bjarnadóttir & Sana Malik & Eberechukwu Onukwugha & Tanisha Gooden & Catherine Plaisant - 169-179 Understanding Adherence and Prescription Patterns Using Large-Scale Claims Data
by Margrét Bjarnadóttir & Sana Malik & Eberechukwu Onukwugha & Tanisha Gooden & Catherine Plaisant - 181-194 Calculating Total Health Service Utilisation and Costs from Routinely Collected Electronic Health Records Using the Example of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome Before and After Their First Gastroenterology Appointment
by Caroline Canavan & Joe West & Timothy Card - 181-194 Calculating Total Health Service Utilisation and Costs from Routinely Collected Electronic Health Records Using the Example of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome Before and After Their First Gastroenterology Appointment
by Caroline Canavan & Joe West & Timothy Card - 195-205 Using Classification and Regression Trees (CART) to Identify Prescribing Thresholds for Cardiovascular Disease
by Chris Schilling & Duncan Mortimer & Kim Dalziel & Emma Heeley & John Chalmers & Philip Clarke - 195-205 Using Classification and Regression Trees (CART) to Identify Prescribing Thresholds for Cardiovascular Disease
by Chris Schilling & Duncan Mortimer & Kim Dalziel & Emma Heeley & John Chalmers & Philip Clarke - 207-216 Cost Prediction Using a Survival Grouping Algorithm: An Application to Incident Prostate Cancer Cases
by Eberechukwu Onukwugha & Ran Qi & Jinani Jayasekera & Shujia Zhou - 207-216 Cost Prediction Using a Survival Grouping Algorithm: An Application to Incident Prostate Cancer Cases
by Eberechukwu Onukwugha & Ran Qi & Jinani Jayasekera & Shujia Zhou
January 2016, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-3 Health Technology Assessment as a Priority-Setting Tool for Universal Health Coverage: The Call for Global Action at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2016
by Yot Teerawattananon & Alia Luz - 1-3 Health Technology Assessment as a Priority-Setting Tool for Universal Health Coverage: The Call for Global Action at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2016
by Yot Teerawattananon & Alia Luz - 5-11 The Irish Cost-Effectiveness Threshold: Does it Support Rational Rationing or Might it Lead to Unintended Harm to Ireland’s Health System?
by James F. O’Mahony & Diarmuid Coughlan - 5-11 The Irish Cost-Effectiveness Threshold: Does it Support Rational Rationing or Might it Lead to Unintended Harm to Ireland’s Health System?
by James O’Mahony & Diarmuid Coughlan - 13-22 Myths and Misconceptions of Within-Cycle Correction: A Guide for Modelers and Decision Makers
by Elamin H. Elbasha & Jagpreet Chhatwal - 13-22 Myths and Misconceptions of Within-Cycle Correction: A Guide for Modelers and Decision Makers
by Elamin Elbasha & Jagpreet Chhatwal - 23-31 Lenalidomide for the Treatment of Low- or Intermediate-1-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes Associated with Deletion 5q Cytogenetic Abnormality: An Evidence Review of the NICE Submission from Celgene
by Hedwig Blommestein & Nigel Armstrong & Steve Ryder & Sohan Deshpande & Gill Worthy & Caro Noake & Rob Riemsma & Jos Kleijnen & Johan Severens & Maiwenn Al - 33-42 The Cost Effectiveness of Docetaxel and Active Symptom Control versus Active Symptom Control Alone for Refractory Oesophagogastric Adenocarcinoma: Economic Analysis of the COUGAR-02 Trial
by David Meads & Andrea Marshall & Claire Hulme & Janet Dunn & Hugo Ford - 43-58 Cost-of-Illness Studies: An Updated Review of Current Methods
by Eberechukwu Onukwugha & Jacquelyn McRae & Alex Kravetz & Stefan Varga & Rahul Khairnar & C. Mullins - 59-76 Is There a European View on Health Economic Evaluations? Results from a Synopsis of Methodological Guidelines Used in the EUnetHTA Partner Countries
by Emelie Heintz & Andreas Gerber-Grote & Salah Ghabri & Francoise F. Hamers & Valentina Prevolnik Rupel & Renata Slabe-Erker & Thomas Davidson - 59-76 Is There a European View on Health Economic Evaluations? Results from a Synopsis of Methodological Guidelines Used in the EUnetHTA Partner Countries
by Emelie Heintz & Andreas Gerber-Grote & Salah Ghabri & Francoise Hamers & Valentina Rupel & Renata Slabe-Erker & Thomas Davidson - 77-90 Cost Effectiveness of Ofatumumab Plus Chlorambucil in First-Line Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia in Canada
by William Herring & Isobel Pearson & Molly Purser & Hamid Reza Nakhaipour & Amin Haiderali & Sorrel Wolowacz & Kavisha Jayasundara - 77-90 Cost Effectiveness of Ofatumumab Plus Chlorambucil in First-Line Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia in Canada
by William Herring & Isobel Pearson & Molly Purser & Hamid Nakhaipour & Amin Haiderali & Sorrel Wolowacz & Kavisha Jayasundara
December 2015, Volume 33, Issue 12
- 1241-1244 Cost-Effectiveness Modeling in Multiple Sclerosis: Playing Around with Non-Healthcare Costs?
by Livio Garattini & Francesca Ghislandi & Milene Costa - 1245-1253 Economic and Quality-of-Life Implications of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
by Zobair Younossi & Linda Henry - 1255-1268 Dealing with Time in Health Economic Evaluation: Methodological Issues and Recommendations for Practice
by James O’Mahony & Anthony Newall & Joost Rosmalen - 1269-1279 Ipilimumab for Previously Untreated Unresectable Malignant Melanoma: A Critique of the Evidence
by Christina Giannopoulou & Eleftherios Sideris & Ros Wade & Thirimon Moe-Byrne & Alison Eastwood & Claire McKenna - 1281-1288 Cost-Value Analysis and the SAVE: A Work in Progress, But an Option for Localised Decision Making?
by Jonathan Karnon & Andrew Partington - 1289-1300 Valuing QALYs in Relation to Equity Considerations Using a Discrete Choice Experiment
by Liesbet Wetering & Job Exel & Ana Bobinac & Werner Brouwer - 1301-1310 Cost Effectiveness of Falls and Injury Prevention Strategies for Older Adults Living in Residential Aged Care Facilities
by Jody Church & Marion Haas & Stephen Goodall - 1311-1324 Cost Effectiveness of Sucroferric Oxyhydroxide Compared with Sevelamer Carbonate in the Treatment of Hyperphosphataemia in Patients Receiving Dialysis, from the Perspective of the National Health Service in Scotland
by Florian Gutzwiller & Alena Pfeil & Zanfina Ademi & Patricia Blank & Peter Braunhofer & Thomas Szucs & Matthias Schwenkglenks
November 2015, Volume 33, Issue 11
- 1101-1105 Is Meta-Analysis for Utility Values Appropriate Given the Potential Impact Different Elicitation Methods Have on Values?
by Tessa Peasgood & John Brazier - 1107-1135 Assessing the Economics of Dengue: Results from a Systematic Review of the Literature and Expert Survey
by Dagna Constenla & Cristina Garcia & Noah Lefcourt - 1137-1154 Can The EQ-5D Detect Meaningful Change? A Systematic Review
by Nalin Payakachat & Mir Ali & J. Tilford - 1155-1185 Cost Effectiveness of Chemotherapeutic Agents and Targeted Biologics in Ovarian Cancer: A Systematic Review
by Insiya Poonawalla & Rohan Parikh & Xianglin Du & Helena VonVille & David Lairson - 1187-1194 Sipuleucel-T for the Treatment of Metastatic Hormone-Relapsed Prostate Cancer: A NICE Single Technology Appraisal; An Evidence Review Group Perspective
by Emma Simpson & Sarah Davis & Praveen Thokala & Penny Breeze & Peter Bryden & Ruth Wong - 1195-1214 Evaluating the Generalisability of Trial Results: Introducing a Centre- and Trial-Level Generalisability Index
by Adrian Gheorghe & Tracy Roberts & Karla Hemming & Melanie Calvert - 1215-1228 Cost-Effectiveness of an Individualized First-Line Treatment Strategy Offering Erlotinib Based on EGFR Mutation Testing in Advanced Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients in Germany
by Katharina Schremser & Wolf Rogowski & Sigrid Adler-Reichel & Amanda Tufman & Rudolf Huber & Björn Stollenwerk - 1229-1236 Reimbursement Decisions for Pharmaceuticals in Sweden: The Impact of Disease Severity and Cost Effectiveness
by Mikael Svensson & Fredrik Nilsson & Karl Arnberg
October 2015, Volume 33, Issue 10
- 985-991 Preferred Reporting Items for Studies Mapping onto Preference-Based Outcome Measures: The MAPS Statement
by Stavros Petrou & Oliver Rivero-Arias & Helen Dakin & Louise Longworth & Mark Oppe & Robert Froud & Alastair Gray - 993-1011 The MAPS Reporting Statement for Studies Mapping onto Generic Preference-Based Outcome Measures: Explanation and Elaboration
by Stavros Petrou & Oliver Rivero-Arias & Helen Dakin & Louise Longworth & Mark Oppe & Robert Froud & Alastair Gray - 1013-1028 A Review of the Development and Application of Generic Multi-Attribute Utility Instruments for Paediatric Populations
by Gang Chen & Julie Ratcliffe - 1029-1047 A Systematic Review of the Economic and Humanistic Burden of Gout
by Gemma Shields & Stephen Beard - 1049-1067 Systematic Literature Review of the Methods Used to Compare Newer Second-Generation Agents for the Management of Schizophrenia: A focus on Health Technology Assessment
by Gregory Kruse & Bruce Wong & Mei Duh & Patrick Lefebvre & Marie-Hélène Lafeuille & John Fastenau - 1069-1082 Pre-eclampsia Diagnosis and Treatment Options: A Review of Published Economic Assessments
by Neily Zakiyah & Maarten Postma & Philip Baker & Antoinette Asselt - 1083-1090 Adjusting for Baseline Covariates in Net Benefit Regression: How You Adjust Matters
by Wanrudee Isaranuwatchai & Maureen Markle-Reid & Jeffrey Hoch - 1091-1100 Cost-Effectiveness of Proton Pump Inhibitor Co-Therapy in Patients Taking Aspirin for Secondary Prevention of Ischemic Stroke
by Nobuyoshi Takabayashi & Kyoko Murata & Shiro Tanaka & Koji Kawakami
September 2015, Volume 33, Issue 9
- 887-892 Calculating the Baseline Incidence in Patients Without Risk Factors: A Strategy for Economic Evaluation
by Scott Nelson & Daniel Malone & Joanne Lafleur - 893-904 Dabrafenib for Treating Unresectable, Advanced or Metastatic BRAF V600 Mutation-Positive Melanoma: An Evidence Review Group Perspective
by Nigel Fleeman & Adrian Bagust & Sophie Beale & Angela Boland & Rumona Dickson & Kerry Dwan & Marty Richardson & Yenal Dundar & Helen Davis & Lindsay Banks - 905-924 Disinvestment and Value-Based Purchasing Strategies for Pharmaceuticals: An International Review
by Bonny Parkinson & Catherine Sermet & Fiona Clement & Steffan Crausaz & Brian Godman & Sarah Garner & Moni Choudhury & Sallie-Anne Pearson & Rosalie Viney & Ruth Lopert & Adam Elshaug - 925-937 The Economic and Humanistic Burden of Severe Sepsis
by Bogdan Tiru & Ernest DiNino & Abigail Orenstein & Patrick Mailloux & Adam Pesaturo & Abhinav Gupta & William McGee - 939-955 Costs to Health Services and the Patient of Treating Tuberculosis: A Systematic Literature Review
by Yoko Laurence & Ulla Griffiths & Anna Vassall - 957-965 Exploring the Use of Cost-Benefit Analysis to Compare Pharmaceutical Treatments for Menorrhagia
by Sabina Sanghera & Emma Frew & Janesh Gupta & Joe Kai & Tracy Roberts - 967-979 A Health Economic Evaluation of Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation: Guideline Adherence Versus the Observed Treatment Strategy Prior to 2012 in Denmark
by Anne Vestergaard & Lars Ehlers - 981-982 Comment on: “Healthy Decisions: Towards Uncertainty Tolerance in Healthcare Policy”
by Afschin Gandjour - 983-983 The Authors’ Reply: Comment on “Healthy Decisions: Towards Uncertainty Tolerance in Healthcare Policy”
by Janneke Grutters & Marjolein Asselt & Kalipso Chalkidou & Manuela Joore
August 2015, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 777-781 Development and Use of Disease-Specific (Reference) Models for Economic Evaluations of Health Technologies: An Overview of Key Issues and Potential Solutions
by Gerardus Frederix & Hossein Haji Ali Afzali & Erik Dasbach & Robyn Ward - 783-809 Cost Effectiveness of Preventive Treatment for Tuberculosis in Special High-Risk Populations
by Roland Diel & Niklas Lampenius & Albert Nienhaus - 811-831 The Economic Costs of Type 2 Diabetes: A Global Systematic Review
by Till Seuring & Olga Archangelidi & Marc Suhrcke - 833-847 Nalmefene for Reducing Alcohol Consumption in People with Alcohol Dependence: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal
by Matt Stevenson & Abdullah Pandor & John Stevens & Andrew Rawdin & Peter Rice & Jez Thompson & Marsha Morgan - 849-855 Choice of Outcome Measure in an Economic Evaluation: A Potential Role for the Capability Approach
by Paula Lorgelly - 857-865 Characterizing Heterogeneity Bias in Cohort-Based Models
by Elamin Elbasha & Jagpreet Chhatwal - 867-877 A Checklist for Reporting Valuation Studies of Multi-Attribute Utility-Based Instruments (CREATE)
by Feng Xie & A. Pickard & Paul Krabbe & Dennis Revicki & Rosalie Viney & Nancy Devlin & David Feeny - 879-882 Does it Matter Whether Canada’s Separate Health Technology Assessment Process for Cancer Drugs has an Economic Rationale?
by Jeffrey Hoch & Jaclyn Beca & Mona Sabharwal & Scott Livingstone & Anthony Fields - 883-886 The Silence in Hoch et al.’s Commentary about the Rationale for and Objective(s) of Canada’s Separate HTA Process for Cancer Drugs: The Importance of Transparency and Accountability when Allocating Taxpayers’ Dollars
by Heather McDonald & Cathy Charles & Laurie Elit & Amiram Gafni
July 2015, Volume 33, Issue 7
- 613-617 For a Step Change to Curb the Obesity Epidemic
by Christian Frois & Pierre-Yves Cremieux - 619-628 Policy Makers’ Views of Obesity-Related Challenges Around the World
by Pierre Cremieux - 629-641 Gap Between Evidence and Patient Access: Policy Implications for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery in the Treatment of Obesity and its Complications
by Amarpreet Chawla & Chia-Wen Hsiao & Martha Romney & Ricardo Cohen & Francesco Rubino & Philip Schauer & Pierre Cremieux - 643-653 The Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Reimbursement for Obesity Pharmacotherapy in the USA
by Charles Baum & Katherine Andino & Eric Wittbrodt & Shelley Stewart & Keith Szymanski & Robin Turpin - 655-672 Obesity in the Context of Aging: Quality of Life Considerations
by Francesco Corica & Giampaolo Bianchi & Andrea Corsonello & Natalia Mazzella & Fabrizia Lattanzio & Giulio Marchesini - 673-689 The Epidemiology of Obesity: A Big Picture
by Adela Hruby & Frank Hu - 691-697 The Effect of Obesity and Chronic Conditions on Medicare Spending, 1987–2011
by Lindsay Allen & Ken Thorpe & Peter Joski - 699-706 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Qsymia for Weight Loss
by Eric Finkelstein & Eliza Kruger & Sunil Karnawat - 707-722 Savings in Medical Expenditures Associated with Reductions in Body Mass Index Among US Adults with Obesity, by Diabetes Status
by John Cawley & Chad Meyerhoefer & Adam Biener & Mette Hammer & Neil Wintfeld - 723-734 Do Statins Reduce the Health and Health Care Costs of Obesity?
by Étienne Gaudette & Dana Goldman & Andrew Messali & Neeraj Sood - 735-748 The Economic Burden of Obesity by Glycemic Stage in the United States
by Qian Li & Steven Blume & Joanna Huang & Mette Hammer & Thomas Graf - 749-763 The Expected Net Present Value of Developing Weight Management Drugs in the Context of Drug Safety Litigation
by Anita Chawla & Ginger Carls & Edmund Deng & Edward Tuttle - 765-776 Preventing Obesity in the USA: Impact on Health Service Utilization and Costs
by Michele Cecchini & Franco Sassi
June 2015, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 537-549 Simulation and Matching-Based Approaches for Indirect Comparison of Treatments
by K. Ishak & Irina Proskorovsky & Agnes Benedict - 551-560 A Practical Guide for Using Registry Data to Inform Decisions About the Cost Effectiveness of New Cancer Drugs: Lessons Learned from the PHAROS Registry
by Hedwig Blommestein & Margreet Franken & Carin Uyl-de Groot - 561-569 Pharmacological Management of Chronic Lower Back Pain: A Review of Cost Effectiveness
by Marion Haas & Richard Abreu Lourenco - 571-579 Welfarism Versus Extra-Welfarism: Can the Choice of Economic Evaluation Approach Impact on the Adoption Decisions Recommended by Economic Evaluation Studies?
by James Buchanan & Sarah Wordsworth - 581-597 Cost Effectiveness of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors for Type 2 Diabetes
by Jinsong Geng & Hao Yu & Yiwei Mao & Peng Zhang & Yingyao Chen - 599-610 Cost-Utility Analysis of a Medication Review with Follow-Up Service for Older Adults with Polypharmacy in Community Pharmacies in Spain: The conSIGUE Program
by Francisco Jódar-Sánchez & Amaia Malet-Larrea & José Martín & Leticia García-Mochón & M. López del Amo & Fernando Martínez-Martínez & Miguel Gastelurrutia-Garralda & Victoria García-Cárdenas & Daniel Sabater-Hernández & Loreto Sáez-Benito & Shalom Benrimoj - 611-611 Erratum to: Cost Effectiveness of Oromucosal Cannabis-Based Medicine (Sativex ® ) for Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis
by Lanting Lu & Hilary Pearce & Chris Roome & James Shearer & Iain Lang & Ken Stein
May 2015, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 423-433 Economic Evaluations with Agent-Based Modelling: An Introduction
by Jagpreet Chhatwal & Tianhua He - 435-443 Exploring Structural Uncertainty in Model-Based Economic Evaluations
by Hossein Haji Ali Afzali & Jonathan Karnon - 445-455 A Review and Classification of Approaches for Dealing with Uncertainty in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Healthcare Decisions
by Henk Broekhuizen & Catharina Groothuis-Oudshoorn & Janine Til & J. Hummel & Maarten IJzerman - 457-466 The Clinical and Cost Effectiveness of Aflibercept in Combination with Irinotecan and Fluorouracil-Based Therapy (FOLFIRI) for the Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Which has Progressed Following Prior Oxaliplatin-Based Chemotherapy: a Critique of the Evidence
by Ros Wade & Ana Duarte & Mark Simmonds & Rocio Rodriguez-Lopez & Steven Duffy & Nerys Woolacott & Eldon Spackman - 467-488 Systematic Review of Humanistic and Economic Burden of Symptomatic Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
by Kunal Srivastava & Deepika Thakur & Sheetal Sharma & Yogesh Punekar - 489-509 Probabilistic Markov Model Estimating Cost Effectiveness of Methylphenidate Osmotic-Release Oral System Versus Immediate-Release Methylphenidate in Children and Adolescents: Which Information is Needed?
by Saskia Schawo & Annemarie Kolk & Clazien Bouwmans & Lieven Annemans & Maarten Postma & Jan Buitelaar & Michel Agthoven & Leona Hakkaart-van Roijen - 511-520 Cost of Acute Stroke Care for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Compared with Those in Sinus Rhythm
by Ali Ali & Joanne Howe & Ahmed Abdel-Hafiz - 521-531 Cost-Utility Analysis of Intravenous Immunoglobulin for the Treatment of Steroid-Refractory Dermatomyositis in Thailand
by Naruemon Bamrungsawad & Nathorn Chaiyakunapruk & Nilawan Upakdee & Chayanin Pratoomsoot & Rosarin Sruamsiri & Piyameth Dilokthornsakul - 533-534 Adapting the CHEERS Statement for Reporting Cost-Benefit Analysis
by Sabina Sanghera & Emma Frew & Tracy Roberts - 535-536 Reply to Roberts et al.: CHEERS is Sufficient for Reporting Cost-Benefit Analysis, but May Require Further Elaboration
by Don Husereau & Michael Drummond & Stavros Petrou & Dan Greenberg & Josephine Mauskopf & Federico Augustovski & Andrew Briggs & David Moher & Elizabeth Loder & Chris Carswell
April 2015, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 285-325 Economic Features of Antibiotic Resistance: The Case of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
by Fernando Antonanzas & Carmen Lozano & Carmen Torres - 327-340 Systematic Review of Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Treatments for Psoriasis
by Wei Zhang & Nazrul Islam & Canice Ma & Aslam Anis - 341-353 Cost-of-Illness Studies for Bipolar Disorder: Systematic Review of International Studies
by Huajie Jin & Paul McCrone - 355-366 An Educational Review of the Statistical Issues in Analysing Utility Data for Cost-Utility Analysis
by Rachael Hunter & Gianluca Baio & Thomas Butt & Stephen Morris & Jeff Round & Nick Freemantle - 367-380 Cost Effectiveness of Dabrafenib as a First-Line Treatment in Patients with BRAF V600 Mutation-Positive Unresectable or Metastatic Melanoma in Canada
by Thomas Delea & Jordan Amdahl & Alice Wang & Mayur Amonkar & Marroon Thabane - 381-393 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of OnabotulinumtoxinA (BOTOX ® ) for the Management of Urinary Incontinence in Adults with Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity: A UK Perspective
by Rizwan Hamid & Clara Loveman & Jim Millen & Denise Globe & Catherine Corbell & Danielle Colayco & Sanja Stanisic & Dmitry Gultyaev - 395-408 Cost Effectiveness of Novel Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Depending on the Quality of Warfarin Anticoagulation Control
by Andrej Janzic & Mitja Kos - 409-422 Predicting the Impact of Adverse Events and Treatment Duration on Medical Resource Utilization-Related Costs in Hepatitis C Genotype 1 Treatment-Naïve Patients Receiving Antiviral Therapy
by Essè Akpo & Karin Cerri & Joris Kleintjens
March 2015, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 191-192 Is it Time to Update Societal Value Sets for Preference-Based Measures of Health?
by A. Pickard - 193-203 Resource Modelling: The Missing Piece of the HTA Jigsaw?
by Praveen Thokala & Simon Dixon & Beate Jahn - 205-224 A Systematic Review of Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Drugs for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
by Mickaël Hiligsmann & Silvia Evers & Wafa Ben Sedrine & John Kanis & Bram Ramaekers & Jean-Yves Reginster & Stuart Silverman & Caroline Wyers & Annelies Boonen - 225-233 Alteplase for the Treatment of Acute Ischaemic Stroke: A NICE Single Technology Appraisal; an Evidence Review Group Perspective
by Michael Holmes & Sarah Davis & Emma Simpson - 235-241 Is There an Economic Rationale for Cancer Drugs to Have a Separate Reimbursement Review Process for Resource Allocation Purposes?
by Heather McDonald & Cathy Charles & Laurie Elit & Amiram Gafni