June 2017, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 221-231 On K p,q -factorization of complete bipartite multigraphs
by Mingchao Li & Jian Wang - 233-244 Eulerian graphs and automorphisms of a maximal graph
by Atul Gaur & Arti Sharma - 245-257 Monotonicity of strata in the stratification of the cone of totally positive matrices
by Amitava Ghosh - 259-269 On commutativity of near-rings with generalized derivations
by Khalid H. Al-Shaalan - 271-283 Julia set of λ exp(z)/z with real parameters λ
by Guoping Zhan - 285-294 Hyperbolic dimension and Poincaré critical exponent of rational maps
by Huaibin Li & Pin Xu - 295-308 Congruences for ℓ-regular overpartition for ℓ ∈ {5, 6, 8}
by Nipen Saikia & Chayanika Boruah
March 2017, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-58 Some topics in the history of harmonic analysis in the twentieth century
by G. B. Folland - 59-74 On some properties of continuous g-frames and Riesz-type continuous g-frames
by Mohammad Reza Abdollahpour & Yavar khedmati - 75-90 Multiple soliton solutions for a quasilinear Schrödinger equation
by Jiayin Liu & Duchao Liu - 91-116 Well-posedness of Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation on a finite domain
by Jie Li & Kangsheng Liu - 117-132 Nonlinear Schrödinger equation for the twisted Laplacian in the critical case
by Vijay Kumar Sohani - 133-146 Multiple solutions for non-homogeneous degenerate Schrödinger equations in cone Sobolev spaces
by Mohsen Alimohammady & Ali Asghar Jafari & Morteza Koozehgar Kalleji - 147-161 Quantitative uncertainty principles for the short time Fourier transform and the radar ambiguity function
by H. Lamouchi & S. Omri
December 2016, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 583-601 On integral Cayley sum graphs
by Marzieh Amooshahi & Bijan Taeri - 603-615 An extreme values of the function S(T) in short intervals
by Maxim Aleksandrovich Korolev - 617-639 Dynamical analysis and chaos control in a heterogeneous Kopel duopoly game
by A. A. Elsadany & A. M. Awad - 641-653 Kinematical conservation laws in a space of arbitrary dimensions
by Phoolan Prasad - 655-671 A numerical study on a nonlinear conservation law model pertaining to manufacturing system
by Tanmay Sarkar - 673-686 Lower complete intersection dimension over local homomorphisms
by Li Liang & Gang Yang - 687-690 A note on finite groups in which all noncyclic proper subgroups have the same order
by Jiangtao Shi & Cui Zhang - 691-696 The Anderson-Badawi conjecture for commutative algebras over infinite fields
by Guram Donadze - 697-703 Extending Euler’s product for $$\sqrt 2 $$ 2
by Amrik Singh Nimbran - 705-716 Some results on 3-Prime near-rings with derivations
by Abdelkarim Boua & Ahmed A. M. Kamal - 717-732 Some properties of the Schröder numbers
by Feng Qi & Xiao-Ting Shi & Bai-Ni Guo - 733-739 Finite groups with some non-Abelian subgroups of non-prime-power order
by Wei Meng & Hailou Yao
September 2016, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 391-397 Characterizations of symmetrized polydisc
by Sushil Gorai & Jaydeb Sarkar - 399-407 Some Gaussian binomial sum formulæ with applications
by Emrah Kılıç & Helmut Prodinger - 409-423 The dynamics of semigroups of transcendental entire functions II
by Dinesh Kumar & Sanjay Kumar - 425-435 On the bilaplacian problem with nonlinear boundary conditions
by Hacene Saker & Naila Bouselsal - 437-447 Estimates for Wallis’ ratio and related functions
by Cristinel Mortici & Valentin Gabriel Cristea - 449-470 On ground states for the Schrödinger-Poisson system with periodic potentials
by Wen Zhang & Jian Zhang & Xiaoliang Xie - 471-489 Connection between commutative algebra and topology
by Sumit Kumar Upadhyay & Shiv Datt Kumar & Raja Sridharan - 491-500 On a matrix trace inequality due to Ando, Hiai and Okubo
by Lucijan Plevnik - 501-521 Riemann problem in non-ideal gas dynamics
by K. Ambika & R. Radha - 523-533 On the stability of higher ring left derivations
by Yong-Soo Jung - 535-544 Completeness theorem for the dissipative Sturm-Liouville operator on bounded time scales
by Hüseyin Tuna - 545-551 Generalizations of the area theorem for meromorphic univalent functions with nonzero pole
by Bappaditya Bhowmik & Firdoshi Parveen - 553-579 Computing eigenelements of Sturm-Liouville problems by using Daubechies wavelets
by M. M. Panja & M. K. Saha & U. Basu & D. Datta & B. N. Mandal
June 2016, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 169-182 Convergence of estimated option price in a regime switching market
by Anindya Goswami & Sanket Nandan - 183-194 Persistence probabilities in centered, stationary, Gaussian processes in discrete time
by M. Krishna & Manjunath Krishnapur - 195-212 Multi-armed bandits based on a variant of Simulated Annealing
by Mohammed Shahid Abdulla & Shalabh Bhatnagar - 213-228 Generalising diagonal strict concavity property for uniqueness of Nash equilibrium
by Eitan Altman & Manjesh Kumar Hanawal & Rajesh Sundaresan - 229-272 Mechanisms with learning for stochastic multi-armed bandit problems
by Shweta Jain & Satyanath Bhat & Ganesh Ghalme & Divya Padmanabhan & Y. Narahari - 273-289 Bulk behaviour of some patterned block matrices
by Debapratim Banerjee & Arup Bose - 291-299 Event-driven stochastic approximation
by Vivek S. Borkar & Neeraja Sahasrabudhe & M. Ashok Vardhan - 301-328 Langevin type limiting processes for adaptive MCMC
by G. K. Basak & Arunangshu Biswas - 329-342 Review of methodology and design of broadband wireless networks with linear topology
by Vladimir Vishnevsky & Achyutha Krishnamoorthy & Dmitry Kozyrev & Andrei Larionov - 343-355 A class of stochastic differential equations with pathwise unique solutions
by B. Rajeev & K. Suresh Kumar - 357-388 GI/M/1 type queueing-inventory systems with postponed work, reservation, cancellation and common life time
by A. Krishnamoorthy & Dhanya Shajin & B. Lakshmy
March 2016, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-8 Inertial proximal algorithm for difference of two maximal monotone operators
by M. Alimohammady & M. Ramazannejad - 9-22 Cuspidality and the growth of Fourier coefficients of modular forms : A survey
by Soumya Das - 23-31 B-essential and B-Weyl spectra of sum of two commuting bounded operators
by Faiçal Abdmouleh - 33-57 Elementary wave interactions in magnetogasdynamics
by Yujin Liu & Wenhua Sun - 59-72 Non-triviality of a product in the Adams E 2-term
by Rui Zhi Huang & Xiu Gui Liu - 73-84 Hypo-EP operators
by Arvind B. Patel & Mahaveer P. Shekhawat - 85-96 Application of the novel (G′/G)-expansion method to construct traveling wave solutions to the positive Gardner-KP equation
by M. Ali Akbar & Md. Nur Alam & Md. Golam Hafez - 97-110 Neighborhood contraction in graphs
by S. S. Kamath & Prameela Kolake - 111-124 Annihilator condition of a pair of derivations in prime and semiprime rings
by Basudeb Dhara & Nurcan Argaç & Krishna Gopal Pradhan - 125-166 A calculus of Fourier integral operators with inhomogeneous phase functions on R d
by Sandro Coriasco & Joachim Toft
December 2015, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 759-772 A unified a posteriori error estimate of local discontinuous Galerkin approximations for reactive transport problems
by Jiming Yang - 773-780 Minimum implicit degree condition restricted to claws for hamiltonian cycles
by Xing Huang - 781-807 Quantum stochastic calculus and quantum Gaussian processes
by K. R. Parthasarathy - 809-825 A class of constacyclic codes over a finite field-II
by Madhu Raka - 827-851 Breakdown of classical solutions to Cauchy problem for inhomogeneous quasilinear hyperbolic systems
by Yumei Xu & Libin Wang - 853-864 Normality and sharing functions
by Gopal Datt & Sanjay Kumar - 865-877 A survey on Zariski cancellation problem
by Neena Gupta - 879-892 On support properties of functions and their Jacobi transform
by Néjib Ben Salem & Saifallah Ghobber - 893-900 The Gauss-Bonnet theorem
by M. S. Raghunathan - 901-920 The Levitin-Polyak well-posedness by perturbations for systems of general variational inclusion and disclusion problems
by J. W. Chen & Y. J. Cho & S. A. Khan & Z. Wan & C. F. Wen
October 2015, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 585-612 On some special types of Fontaine sheaves and their properties
by Radu Gaba - 613-631 The spectral characterization of wind-wheel graphs
by Fei Wen & Qiongxiang Huang & Xueyi Huang & Fenjin Liu - 633-645 Complete join hyperlattices
by A. Soltani Lashkenari & B. Davvaz - 647-668 Numerical solution of initial-boundary system of nonlinear hyperbolic equations
by E. H. Doha & A. H. Bhrawy & M. A. Abdelkawy & R. M. Hafez - 669-678 An analysis of higher order terms for ion-acoustic waves by use of the modified Poincaré-Lighthill-Kuo method
by Hilmi Demiray - 679-693 On multiplicity of triangles
by S. S. Rukmani & J. Prema & V. Vijayalakshmi - 695-700 On Chevalley’s ℤ-form
by M. S. Raghunathan - 701-714 The numerical factors of Δ n (f, g)
by Qingzhong Ji & Hourong Qin - 715-721 The t-Nagata ring of t-Schreier domains
by Jung Wook Lim - 723-738 On positive solutions of m-point boundary value problems for p-Laplacian impulsive dynamic equations on time scales
by Fatma Tokmak Fen & Ilkay Yaslan Karaca - 739-756 Algebraic solutions of the Hirota bilinear form for the Korteweg-de Vries and Boussinesq equations
by K. Krishnakumar & K. M. Tamizhmani & P. G. L. Leach
August 2015, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 399-414 On the relationship between a quantum Markov semigroup and its representation via linear stochastic Schrödinger equations
by Franco Fagnola & Carlos Mora - 415-417 Fuglede’s theorem
by V. S. Sunder - 419-439 Symplectic dilations, Gaussian states and Gaussian channels
by K. R. Parthasarathy - 441-462 On the distribution of the discrete spectrum of nuclearly perturbed operators in Banach spaces
by Michael Demuth & Franz Hanauska - 463-476 Factorization property of convolutions of white noise operators
by Un Cig Ji & Young Yi Kim & Yoon Jung Park - 477-488 An averaging trick for smooth actions of compact quantum groups on manifolds
by Debashish Goswami & Soumalya Joardar - 489-494 The distance formula for the derivation problem
by Jaeseong Heo - 495-515 Noncommutative differential calculus on a quadratic algebra
by Partha Sarathi Chakraborty & Satyajit Guin - 517-538 Fermionic Meixner classes, Lie algebras and quadratic Hamiltonians
by L. Accardi & I. Ya. Aref’eva & I. V. Volovich - 539-582 Spectral zeta function on pseudo H-type nilmanifolds
by Wolfram Bauer & Kenro Furutani & Chisato Iwasaki
June 2015, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 255-267 Composition operators on Hardy-Sobolev spaces
by Li He & Guang Fu Cao & Zhong Hua He - 269-277 Calderon’s reproducing formula for Watson wavelet transform
by S. K. Upadhyay & Alok Tripathi - 279-286 Laplacian spectral characterization of some graph join
by Lizhu Sun & Wenzhe Wang & Jiang Zhou & Changjiang Bu - 287-307 On a question of Uri Shapira and Barak Weiss
by Leetika Kathuria & R. J. Hans-Gill & Madhu Raka - 309-335 Some properties of a subclass of harmonic univalent functions defined by the multiplier transformations
by Saurabh Porwal - 337-348 Bernstein type inequalities for rational functions
by Idrees Qasim & A. Liman - 349-357 Notes on nonpure piecewise-Koszul algebras
by Jia-Feng Lü - 359-370 Generalizations of some Hermite-Hadamard-type inequalities
by Houkei Fok & Seakweng Vong - 371-381 Characterizations of commutative max rings and some applications
by A. Haghany & Y. Tolooei & M. R. Vedadi - 383-395 Some results on C-inverses of a core matrix
by Jacek Mielniczuk
April 2015, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 121-138 An L p - L q version of Miyachi’s theorem for the Riemann-Liouville operator
by Hleili Khaled & Omri Slim - 139-145 A note on the loglog law for diffusion in random environment
by Ping Lü & Guangyu Yang & Xiaocai Zhang - 147-161 Weighted Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg type inequality on the Heisenberg group
by Yazhou Han - 163-173 On the Hamiltonicity of random bipartite graphs
by Yilun Shang - 175-190 The Gerstenhaber bracket of Hochschild cohomology of triangular quadratic monomial algebra
by Yuan Chen & Yanhong Guo & Yunge Xu - 191-195 On trees with equal 2-domination and 2-outer-independent domination numbers
by Marcin Krzywkowski - 197-217 The existence and exponential stability for neutral stochastic partial differential equations with infinite delay and poisson jump
by Huabin Chen - 219-228 Disjointness in supercyclicity on the algebra of Hilbert-Schmidt operators
by Liang Zhang & Ze-Hua Zhou - 229-237 Whittaker transform on distributions
by M. M. Rodrigues & N. Vieira - 239-249 The L p - continuity of imaginary powers of the Dunkl harmonic oscillator
by Béchir Amri & Hassen Tayari
February 2015, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-10 On sums of generalized Ramanujan sums
by Yusuke Fujisawa - 11-24 The dynamics of semigroups of transcendental entire functions I
by Dinesh Kumar & Sanjay Kumar - 25-40 Holomorphic extension of certain discrete functions on ℤ n and the related problems
by Ahmed Abouelaz & Radouan Daher - 41-50 Sufficient conditions for univalence and quasiconformal extensions
by Murat Çağlar & Halit Orhan - 51-58 The Liouville’s theorem of harmonic functions on Alexandrov spaces with nonnegative Ricci curvature
by Zhenhua Jiao & Qiang Li - 59-72 Local duo rings whose finitely generated modules are direct sums of cyclics
by M. Behboodi & G. Behboodi Eskandari - 73-83 Dirichlet partition on symmetric matrices
by M. Ghorbel & M. Farah - 85-90 Symmetry identities of q-Bernoulli polynomials of the second kind
by Dae San Kim & Taekyun Kim - 91-106 Coefficient inequality for certain subclasses of analytic functions associated with Hankel determinant
by D. Vamshee Krishna & T. Ram Reddy - 107-118 General rotational surfaces with pointwise 1-type Gauss map in pseudo-Euclidean space E 2 4
by Ferdağ Kahraman Aksoyak & Yusuf Yayli
December 2014, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 805-817 Some new families of integral graphs
by G. Indulal & R. Balakrishnan & A. Anuradha - 819-835 Heat transfer in MHD oscillatory flow of dusty fluid in a rotating porous vertical channel
by Khem Chand & K. D. Singh & Shavnam Sharma - 837-849 IFP-injective, IFP-flat modules and localizations
by Bo Lu & Zhongkui Liu - 851-860 Matrix product(modulo-2) of graphs
by K. Manjunatha Prasad & G. Sudhakara & H. S. Sujatha & K. V. Soumya - 861-874 On a functional connected to the laplacian in a family of punctured regular polygons in ℝ2
by A. R. Aithal & Acushla Sarswat - 875-923 The coincidence Nielsen number for covering maps for orientable manifolds
by Fida Moh’D - 925-942 On the depth of fiber cones of stretched m-primary ideals
by A. V. Jayanthan & Ramakrishna Nanduri - 943-952 Balancing Dirichlet series and related L-functions
by Sudhansu S. Rout & G. K. Panda - 953-975 Braided equivariant crossed modules and cohomology of Γ-modules
by N. T. Quang & C. T. K. Phung & P. T. Cuc - 977-988 The character spaces and Šilov boundaries of vector-valued Lipschitz function algebras
by K. Esmaeili & H. Mahyar - 989-1002 Multiple soliton solutions, soliton-type solutions and rational solutions for the (3+1)-dimensional potential-YTSF equation
by Jianguo Liu & Zhifang Zeng - 1003-1015 Estimation under failure-censored step-stress life test for the generalized exponential distribution parameters
by Ali A. Ismail - 1017-1028 An efficient method for nonlinear fractional differential equations: combination of the Adomian decomposition method and spectral method
by E. Babolian & A. R. Vahidi & A. Shoja
October 2014, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 557-582 Bessel functions for GL 2
by James W. Cogdell - 583-632 On the greatest prime factor of ab + 1
by Étienne Fouvry - 633-689 Close encounters among the primes
by J. B. Friedlander & H. Iwaniec - 691-706 Ramanujan — Fourier series and a theorem of Ingham
by H. Gopalakrishna Gadiyar & M. Ram Murty & R. Padma - 707-746 Galois representations, automorphic forms, and the Sato-Tate Conjecture
by Michael Harris - 747-758 Fourier coefficients of forms of CM-type
by N. Laptyeva & V. Kumar Murty - 759-776 Maps to weight space in Hida families
by Ravi Ramakrishna - 777-785 An exercise concerning the selfdual cusp forms on GL(3)
by Dinakar Ramakrishnan - 787-801 Zeta-like multizeta values for $\mathbb{F}_q [t]$
by José Alejandro Lara Rodríguez & Dinesh S. Thakur
August 2014, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 415-432 Analytical and numerical simulation investigation in effects of radiation and porosity on a non-orthogonal stagnation-point flow towards a stretching sheet
by D. D. Ganji & S. Jafarmadar & B. Jalilpour & R. Rahimi & A. B. Shotorban & Seyed H. Hashemi Kachapi - 433-441 Applications of the extended test approach to (2 + 1)-dimensional Gardner equation
by Mohammed K. Elboree - 443-459 On Hermitian generalized inverses and positive semidefinite generalized inverses
by Xifu Liu - 461-467 The representation of fractional powers of coercive differential operators
by Jingren Qiang & Quan Zheng & Miao Li - 469-478 Some limit properties for the coefficients of the q-Catalan numbers
by Zikai Wu & Hongxia Du - 479-495 The expected discounted penalty function for two classes of risk processes perturbed by diffusion with multiple thresholds
by Wuyuan Jiang & Zhaojun Yang - 497-511 Universal problem for Kähler differentials in A-modules: Non-commutative and commutative cases
by M. Abel & P. P. Ntumba - 513-530 Dual topology of the Heisenberg motion groups
by Majdi Ben Halima & Aymen Rahali - 531-538 Main Q-eigenvalues and generalized Q-cospectrality of graphs
by Tianyi Bu & Lizhu Sun & Wenzhe Wang & Jiang Zhou - 539-553 Construction of vector valued wavelet packets on ℝ+ using Walsh-Fourier transform
by P. Manchanda & Vikram Sharma
June 2014, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 265-284 The Shephard type problems and monotonicity for L p -mixed centroid body
by Yibin Feng & Weidong Wang - 285-296 On application of Euler’s differential method to a continued fraction depending on parameter
by Agamirza E. Bashirov & Mahmoud Jafari Shah Belaghi - 297-310 On the theory of continuous time series
by A. Elhassanein - 311-320 Some radii problems related to certain p-valent meromorphic functions
by S. Mustafa & P. Goswami & S. K. Lee & M. Arif - 321-342 Effect of suction/injection on free convection along a vertical plate in a nanofluid saturated non-Darcy porous medium with internal heat generation
by A. J. Chamkha & A. M. Rashad & Ch. Ram Reddy & P. V. S. N. Murthy - 343-362 A novel approach towards fuzzy Γ-ideals in ordered Γ-semigroups
by Faiz Muhammad Khan & Nor Haniza Sarmin & Asghar Khan - 363-376 Improving the accuracy of solutions of the linear second kind volterra integral equations system by using the taylor expansion method
by K. Maleknejad & T. Damercheli - 377-394 On inner automorphisms and certain central automorphisms of groups
by Zahedeh Azhdari & Mehri Akhavan-Malayeri - 395-412 Solving nonlinear parabolic PDEs via extended hybrid BDF methods
by Moosa Ebadi & M. Y. Gokhale
April 2014, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 139-164 Parameter-dependent integral on time scales
by Chunmei Zhang & Ke Wang - 165-184 Solutions of Riccati-Abel equation in terms of third order trigonometric functions
by Robert M. Yamaleev - 185-198 Global asymptotic stability of a second-order system of difference equations
by Tran Hong Thai & Vu Van Khuong - 199-212 Average densities of frequency bands of wavelets
by Zhihua Zhang - 213-238 Nullity distributions associated to Cartan connection
by Nabil L. Youssef & A. Soleiman & S. G. Elgendi - 239-260 Coloring the edges of a directed graph
by Sándor Szabó & Bogdán Zavalnij
February 2014, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-12 Exact solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation with space and time dependent coefficients by the extended unified method
by H. I. Abdel-Gawad & Mohamed Osman - 13-26 Central semicommutative rings
by L. Wang & J. C. Wei - 27-38 An improved approximate analytic solution for Riccati equations over extended intervals
by A. R. Vahidi & M. Didgar & R. C. Rach - 39-52 Symmetry results for systems involving fractional Laplacian
by Xiongjun Zheng & Jian Wang - 53-74 Some modular relations for the Göllnitz-Gordon functions and Ramanujan’s modular equations
by Ernest X. W. Xia & Olivia X. M. Yao - 75-90 A generalization of the symmetry between complete and elementary symmetric functions
by Mircea Merca - 91-110 Adjoint action for quantum algebra U r,t
by Yanyong Hong & Zhixiang Wu - 111-120 Exp-function method for the exact solutions of Sawada-Kotera equation
by M. Matinfar & M. Aminzadeh & M. Nemati - 121-136 Existence and convergence theorems for generalized hybrid mappings in uniformly convex metric spaces
by Withun Phuengrattana & Suthep Suantai
December 2013, Volume 44, Issue 6
- 729-741 Unsteady MHD stagnation-point flow with heat and mass transfer in a micropolar fluid in the presence of thermophoresis and suction/injection
by Aurangzaib & Sharidan Shafie - 743-756 MHD free convective flow through porous medium in the presence of hall current, radiation and thermal diffusion
by Aarti Manglesh & M. G. Gorla - 757-770 Free convection effects on the oscillatory flow past a vertical porous plate in the presence of radiation for an optically thin fluid
by Suresh Rana - 771-794 Dawson’s chess revisited
by Keivan Borna & N. A. Ashrafi Payaman - 795-808 Weakly s-supplemented subgroups and p-nilpotency of finite groups
by Shouhong Qiao - 809-822 Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of some primitive abundant semigroups
by Ranran Cui & Yanfeng Luo - 823-847 Finite element method for a class of parabolic integro-differential equations with interfaces
by B. Deka & R. C. Deka - 849-863 Hausdorff dimensions of the Julia sets of reluctantly recurrent rational maps
by Huaibin Li - 865-882 Positive periodic solutions of a Hassell-Varley type predator-prey system
by Wonlyul Ko & Kimun Ryu
October 2013, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 559-586 Free vibration analysis of a rigidly fixed viscothermoelastic hollow sphere
by J. N. Sharma & D. K. Sharma & S. S. Dhaliwal - 587-604 Analogues of Miyachi, cowling-price and Morgan theorems for compact extensions of ℝ n
by Salma Azaouzi & Ali Baklouti & Mounir Elloumi - 605-619 n-almost prime submodules
by S. Moradi & A. Azizi - 621-642 A unified elliptic-type integral and associated recurrence relations
by S. C. Pandey - 643-671 Identities and congruences for the general partition and Ramanujan’s tau functions
by Nayandeep Deka Baruah & Bipul Kumar Sarmah - 673-681 Differential polynomial rings which are generalized Asano prime rings
by M. R. Helmi & H. Marubayashi & A. Ueda - 683-694 A direct method for global nonexistence of one dimensional wave equation with nonlinear boundary-source
by Hongyinping Feng & Shengjia Li & Xia Zhi - 695-710 Limiting spectral distribution for a type of sample covariance matrices
by Junshan Xie - 711-725 On equality of central and class preserving automorphisms of finite p-groups
by Hemant Kalra & Deepak Gumber
August 2013, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 419-441 Viscous potential flow analysis of magnetohydrodynamic interfacial stability through porous media
by M. H. Obied Allah - 443-466 Effects of chemical reaction and radiation on an unsteady MHD flow past an accelerated infinite vertical plate with variable temperature and mass transfer
by N. Ahmed & J. K. Goswami & D. P. Barua - 467-472 On size, order, diameter and minimum degree
by Simon Mukwembi