January 2002, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 191-201 Orbital-selective Mott-insulator transition in Ca 2 - x Sr x RuO 4
by V.I. Anisimov & I.A. Nekrasov & D.E. Kondakov & T.M. Rice & M. Sigrist - 203-208 Electronic structure and metal-insulator transition in SrTi 1 - x Ru x O 3
by M. Abbate & J.A. Guevara & S.L. Cuffini & Y.P. Mascarenhas & E. Morikawa - 209-216 Self-organized branching process for a one-dimensional rice-pile model
by F. Slanina - 217-222 Modeling and simulations of the behavior of glass particles in a rotating drum in heptane and water vapor atmospheres
by N. Olivi-Tran & N. Fraysse & P. Girard & M. Ramonda & D. Chatain - 223-231 Advanced memory effects in the aging of a polymer glass
by L. Bellon & S. Ciliberto & C. Laroche - 233-238 Thermal conductance for single wall carbon nanotubes
by Qingrong Zheng & Gang Su & Jian Wang & Hong Guo - 239-243 Parity and ruin in a stochastic game
by E. Ben-Naim & P.L. Krapivsky - 245-251 Self-similarity in highway traffic
by E.G. Campari & G. Levi - 253-259 In search for the optimal strategy in population dynamics
by K. Sznajd-Weron & M. Wolański
September 2001, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 139-151 The exciton dead layer revisited
by M. Combescot & R. Combescot & B. Roulet - 153-158 Magnetic properties of undoped YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6 + x system
by Govind & A. Pratap & Ajay & R.S. Tripathi - 159-163 A simple theory for high Δ T c ratio in d-wave superconductors
by R. Combescot & X. Leyronas - 165-170 Dimensional crossover of quantum interference effects in thin quasicrystalline Al-Cu-Fe films
by T. Grenet & F. Giroud - 171-178 Density dependence of mean kinetic energy in liquid and solid hydrogen at 19.3 K
by M. Zoppi & D. Colognesi & M. Celli - 179-182 Infrared transmission study of Pr 2 CuO 4 crystal-field excitations
by G. Riou & S. Jandl & M. Poirier & V. Nekvasil & M. Diviš & P. Fournier & R.L. Greene & D.I. Zhigunov & S.N. Barilo - 183-189 Finite-temperature characterization and simulations of the molecular assemblies Mn 6 and Ni 12
by G. Kamieniarz & R. Matysiak & A. Caramico D'Auria & F. Esposito & C. Benelli - 191-199 First-principles electronic structure of rare-earth arsenides
by M. Said & F. Ben Zid & C.M. Bertoni & Stefano Ossicini - 201-209 Weierstrass $$\wp $$ -lumps
by R.J. Cova & W.J. Zakrzewski - 211-219 Two-point correlation function in systems with van der Waals type interaction
by D. Dantchev - 221-228 Adaptive random walks on the class of Web graphs
by B. Tadić - 229-234 Localization properties of two interacting particles in a quasi-periodic potential with a metal-insulator transition
by A. Eilmes & R.A. Römer & M. Schreiber - 235-241 Phase transitions of a spin-one alternating magnetic superlattice
by A. Saber & P. Mazzoldi & G. De Marchi & S. Lo Russo & G. Mattei - 243-248 Intermittency of 1D velocity spatial profiles in turbulence: a magnitude cumulant analysis
by J. Delour & J.F. Muzy & A. Arnéodo - 249-266 Upper bounds on the convective heat transport in a rotating fluid layer of infinite Prandtl number: case of large Taylor numbers
by N.K. Vitanov - 267-271 Properties of a growing random directed network
by G.J. Rodgers & K. Darby-Dowman
September 2001, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 37-47 Dynamics of vertical Bloch lines in bubble garnets: Experiments and theory
by A. Thiaville & J. Miltat & J. Ben Youssef - 49-56 Continuous canonical transformation for the double exchange model
by T. Domański - 103-106 Estimating ground-state properties of quantum dot arrays using a local Thomas-Fermi-Dirac approximation
by R. Pino & A.J. Markvoort & P.A.J. Hilbers
July 2001, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 139-147 Electrodynamics of current-biased inductive cubic networks of Josephson junctions
by R. De Luca - 149-156 Hyperfine interactions at 181 Hf(→ 181 Ta) impurities implanted in Er 2 O 3 and Gd 2 O 3 : structural and electronic dependence of the EFG in bixbyite sesquioxides
by L.A. Errico & M. Rentería & A.F. Pasquevich & A.G. Bibiloni & K. Freitag - 157-165 Jahn-Teller, charge and magnetic ordering in half-doped manganese oxides
by S. Fratini & D. Feinberg & M. Grilli - 167-178 Thermodynamics and optical conductivity of unconventional spin density waves
by B. Dóra & A. Virosztek - 179-186 Vanadium valency and hybridization in V-doped hafnia investigated by electron energy loss spectroscopy
by A. Gloter & V. Serin & Ch. Turquat & C. Cesari & Ch. Leroux & G. Nihoul - 187-191 Ageing, rejuvenation and memory phenomena in a Bi-2212 superconductor showing the paramagnetic Meissner effect
by E.L. Papadopoulou & P. Nordblad - 193-201 X-ray absorption analysis of sputter-grown Co/Pt stackings before and after helium irradiation
by T. Devolder & S. Pizzini & J. Vogel & H. Bernas & C. Chappert & V. Mathet & M. Borowski - 203-211 A microscopic mechanism for rejuvenation and memory effects in spin glasses
by S. Miyashita & E. Vincent - 213-221 Spike autosolitons and pattern formation scenarios in the two-dimensional Gray-Scott model
by C.B. Muratov & V.V. Osipov - 223-228 Synchronization learning of coupled chaotic maps
by L.G. Moyano & G. Abramson & D.H. Zanette - 229-237 Neighborhood preferences in random matching problems
by G. Parisi & M. Ratiéville - 239-247 Quantum Brownian motion on potential surfaces coupled via tunneling in an external electric field[-2mm]
by E.G. Thrapsaniotis - 249-256 Linear and nonlinear optical properties of semiconductor nanorings with magnetic field and disorder - Influence on excitons and biexcitons
by T. Meier & P. Thomas & S.W. Koch - 257-265 Optical absorption and energy-loss spectra of aligned carbon nanotubes
by F.J. García-Vidal & J.M. Pitarke - 267-269 On the relationship between the entropy and enthalpy of interfacial segregation
by L. Rubinovich & M. Polak
July 2001, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 3-10 On the nonequilibrium light-induced diamagnetism
by I. Tralle - 11-16 Melting of the cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion in LaMnO 3 single crystal studied by Raman spectroscopy
by L. Martín-Carrón & A. de Andrés - 17-29 Electron-hole diagrams versus exciton diagrams: the simplest problem on interacting excitons
by O. Betbeder-Matibet & M. Combescot - 31-35 Energy spectrum of a 2D Dirac electron in the presence of a constant magnetic field
by V.M. Villalba & A. Rincón Maggiolo - 37-42 Imperfect nesting and Peierls instability for a two-dimensional tight-binding model
by Q. Yuan & T. Nunner & T. Kopp - 43-51 Determination of the chemical potential and the energy of the ν=1/2 FQHE system for low temperatures
by J. Dietel - 53-63 Semi-fermionic representation of SU( N) Hamiltonians
by M.N. Kiselev & H. Feldmann & R. Oppermann - 65-69 Controlling chaos by a modified straight-line stabilization method
by Haibo Xu & Guangrui Wang & Shigang Chen - 71-77 Cold ignition of combustion-like waves of cryo-chemical reactions in solids
by A. Pumir & V.V. Barelko - 79-87 Two-dimensional dilute Bose gas in the normal phase
by P. Pieri & G.C. Strinati & I. Tifrea - 89-98 Hydrogenic impurity ground state in quantum well: the envelope function revisited
by M. Combescot & R. Combescot & B. Roulet - 99-110 Spin-transport in multi-terminal normal metal-ferromagnet systems with non-collinear magnetizations
by A. Brataas & Y.V. Nazarov & G.E.W. Bauer - 111-115 Quantum phase expectation values of a mesoscopic Josephson junction from quantum current measurements
by R. Migliore & A. Messina & A. Napoli - 117-122 Electron beam puncturing of carbon nanotube containers for release of stored N 2 gas
by S. Trasobares & O. Stéphan & C. Colliex & G. Hug & W.K. Hsu & H.W. Kroto & D.R.M. Walton - 123-127 Langevin dynamics of financial systems: A second-order analysis
by E. Canessa - 129-135 Experimental modeling of physical laws
by I. Grabec - 139-147 Electrodynamics of current-biased inductive cubic networks of Josephson junctions
by R. Luca
May 2001, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 155-158 Anomalous scaling of stock price dynamics within ARCH-models
by H.E. Roman & M. Porto & N. Giovanardi - 159-161 Optical measurements of the superconducting gap in MgB 2
by B. Gorshunov & C.A. Kuntscher & P. Haas & M. Dressel & F.P. Mena & A.B. Kuz'menko & D. van der Marel & T. Muranaka & J. Akimitsu - 163-174 Interplay of structural, magnetic and transport properties in thelayered Co-based perovskite LnBaCo 2 O 5 (Ln=Tb, Dy, Ho)
by F. Fauth & E. Suard & V. Caignaert & B. Domengès & I. Mirebeau & L. Keller - 175-183 The case for universality of the phase diagram of the Fabre and Bechgaard salts
by H. Wilhelm & D. Jaccard & R. Duprat & C. Bourbonnais & D. Jérome & J. Moser & C. Carcel & J.M. Fabre - 185-190 Formation of porous silicon: an in situ investigation with high-resolution X-ray diffraction
by V. Chamard & C. Pichat & G. Dolino - 191-204 Exact diagonalization of the S=1/2 XY ferromagnet on finite bcc lattices to estimate T=0 properties on the infinite lattice
by J. Schulenburg & J.S. Flynn & D.D. Betts & J. Richter - 205-210 Pore size distribution in porous glass: fractal dimension obtained by calorimetry
by R. Neffati & J. Rault - 211-217 Aging effects and dynamic scaling in the 3D Edwards-Anderson spin glasses: a comparison with experiments
by M. Picco & F. Ricci-Tersenghi & F. Ritort - 219-228 Interplay between spin-density-wave and superconducting states in quasi-one-dimensional conductors
by R. Duprat & C. Bourbonnais - 229-240 Validation criterion for noise-induced mechanism of sidebranching in directional solidification
by A. Pocheau & M. Georgelin - 241-250 Breakdown of rotational symmetry at semiconductor interfaces: a microscopic description of valence subband mixing
by S. Cortez & O. Krebs & P. Voisin - 251-268 Subleading long-range interactions and violations of finite size scaling
by D. Dantchev & J. Rudnick - 269-282 Hamiltonian structure of thermodynamics with gauge
by R. Balian & P. Valentin - 283-287 Quantum switch based on coupled waveguides
by B.S. Pavlov & I.Yu. Popov & S.V. Frolov - 289-294 Growing mechanisms in the QKPZ equation aaand the DPD models
by A. Dıaz-Sánchez & L.A. Braunstein & R.C. Buceta - 295-304 Logarithmic corrections to scaling in turbulent thermal convection
by B. Dubrulle - 295-304 Logarithmic corrections to scaling in turbulent thermal convection
by B. Dubrulle
April 2001, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 471-471 Special issue on Econophysics
by M. Ausloos - 473-479 Forecast in foreign exchange markets
by R. Baviera & M. Pasquini & M. Serva & D. Vergni & A. Vulpiani - 481-492 Value-at-risk prediction using context modeling
by K. Denecker & S. Van Assche & J. Crombez & R. Vander Vennet & I. Lemahieu - 493-501 From market games to real-world markets
by P. Jefferies & M.L. Hart & P.M. Hui & N.F. Johnson - 503-509 Empirical properties of the variety of a financial portfolio and the single-index model
by F. Lillo & R.N. Mantegna - 511-515 Beliefs and stochastic modelling of interest rate scenario risk
by E. Galic & L. Molgedey - 517-522 Extracting factors for interest rate scenarios
by L. Molgedey & E. Galic - 523-526 Power law distributions and dynamic behaviour of stock markets
by P. Richmond - 527-530 Correlations in financial time series: established versus emerging markets
by M. Beben & A. Orłowski - 531-535 Observations of deterministic chaos in financial time series by recurrence plots, can one control chaotic economy?
by J.A. Hołyst & M. Żebrowska & K. Urbanowicz - 537-541 False Euro (FEUR) exchange rate correlated behaviors and investment strategy
by M. Ausloos & K. Ivanova - 543-546 Wavelet-based detection of coherent structures and self-affinity in financial data
by B.J.W. Fleming & D. Yu & R.G. Harrison & D. Jubb - 547-550 Crowd-anticrowd theory of multi-agent market games
by M. Hart & P. Jefferies & P.M. Hui & N.F. Johnson - 551-553 Risk analysis in investment appraisal based on the Monte Carlo simulation technique
by A. Hacura & M. Jadamus-Hacura & A. Kocot - 555-559 Optimal trading from minimizing the period of bankruptcy risk
by S. Liehr & K. Pawelzik - 561-564 Liquid markets and market liquids
by G. Cuniberti & L. Matassini - 565-568 The volatility in a multi-share financial market model
by A. Ponzi - 569-572 Rules extraction in short memory time series using genetic algorithms
by L.Y. Fong & K.Y. Szeto - 573-579 The distribution and scaling of fluctuations for Hang Seng index in Hong Kong stock market
by B.H. Wang & P.M. Hui - 581-584 The prediction of periods of high volatility in exchange markets
by C. Windsor & A. Thyagaraja - 585-589 Evidence for the exponential distribution of income in the USA
by A. Drăgulescu & V.M. Yakovenko - 591-594 Economic mapping to the renormalization group scaling of stock markets
by E. Canessa - 595-600 Beyond Black-Scholes: semimartingales and Lévy processes for option pricing
by S. Galluccio - 601-607 Power, Lévy, exponential and Gaussian-like regimes in autocatalytic financial systems
by Z.F. Huang & S. Solomon - 609-617 Self-similar approach to market analysis
by V.I. Yukalov - 619-625 Transition from coherence to bistability in a model of financial markets
by R. D'Hulst & G.J. Rodgers
April 2001, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 303-311 The two-dimensional t-t'-U model as a minimal model for cuprate materials
by A. Avella & F. Mancini & D. Villani & H. Matsumoto - 313-319 A system with a complex phase transition: Indium chains on Si(111)
by O. Gallus & Th. Pillo & M. Hengsberger & P. Segovia & Y. Baer - 321-333 Microscopic interactions in CuGeO 3 and organic Spin-Peierls systems deduced from their pretransitional lattice fluctuations
by J.-P. Pouget - 335-341 Time-domain interferometry using synchrotron radiation applied to diffusion in ordered alloys
by M. Kaisermayr & B. Sepiol & H. Thiess & G. Vogl & E.E. Alp & W. Sturhahn - 343-348 Stripe orders driven by long-range Coulomb forces in the 2D-Hubbard model
by R. Citro & M. Marinaro - 349-366 Bayesian reconstruction of approximately periodic potentials for quantum systems at finite temperature
by J.C. Lemm & J. Uhlig & A. Weiguny - 367-395 Multiple domain growth and memory in the droplet model for spin-glasses
by H. Yoshino & A. Lemaıtre & J.-P. Bouchaud - 397-403 Escape of Brownian particles in a bistable sawtooth potential driven by correlated white noises
by J.Y. You & L. Cao & S.Z. Ke & D.J. Wu - 405-417 Soliton diffusion on the classical, isotropic Heisenberg chain
by M. Meister & F.G. Mertens & A. Sánchez - 419-425 Next-nearest neighbor interaction and localized solutions of polymer chains
by D. Hennig - 427-440 Passive tracer dynamics in 4 point-vortex flow
by A. Laforgia & X. Leoncini & L. Kuznetsov & G.M. Zaslavsky - 441-449 Coulomb repulsion versus Hubbard repulsion in a disordered chain
by F. Selva & J.-L. Pichard - 451-467 Coherent control of the self-trapping transition
by M. Holthaus & S. Stenholm
March 2001, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 153-156 Dynamical pinning and non-Hermitian mode transmutation in the Burgers equation
by H.C. Fogedby - 157-163 Size and randomness effects on the temperature-dependent hopping conductivity of nanocrystalline chains
by X.H. Yan & J.W. Ding & Q.B. Yang - 165-175 Quantum theory of the magneto-optical effect and magnetization of Nd-substituted yttrium iron garnet
by F. Zhang & Y. Xu & J.H. Yang & M. Guillot - 177-181 Effect of Cu doping at the Mn site on the transport aaand magnetic behaviors of La 2/3 Ca 1/3 MnO3
by S.L. Yuan & Z.Y. Li & X.Y. Zeng & G.Q. Zhang & F. Tu & G. Peng & J. Liu & Y. Jiang & Y.P. Yang & C.Q. Tang - 177-181 Effect of Cu doping at the Mn site on the transport aaand magnetic behaviors of La 2/3 Ca 1/3 MnO 3
by S.L. Yuan & Z.Y. Li & X.Y. Zeng & G.Q. Zhang & F. Tu & G. Peng & J. Liu & Y. Jiang & Y.P. Yang & C.Q. Tang - 183-188 High resolution photoemission spectroscopy study near the Fermi edge for different surfaces prepared on the icosahedral AlPdMn phase
by T. Schaub & J. Delahaye & C. Berger & H. Guyot & R. Belkhou & A. Taleb-Ibrahimi & Y. Calvayrac - 189-208 Thermal conductivity and thermal Hall effect in Bi- and Y-based high-T c superconductors
by B. Zeini & A. Freimuth & B. Büchner & M. Galffy & R. Gross & A.P. Kampf & M. Kläser & G. Müller-Vogt & L. Winkler - 209-215 Ground-state properties of the Falicov-Kimball model in one and two dimensions
by P. Farkašovský - 217-233 The Bethe lattice spin glass revisited
by M. Mézard & G. Parisi - 235-240 Structural and magnetic studies of CuO-TeO 2 and CuO-TeO 2 -B 2 O 3 glasses
by F. Ciorcas & S.K. Mendiratta & I. Ardelean & M.A. Valente - 235-240 Structural and magnetic studies of CuO-TeO 2 and CuO-TeO 2 -B 2 O 3 glasses
by F. Ciorcas & S.K. Mendiratta & I. Ardelean & M.A. Valente - 241-254 An investigation of the quantum J 1 - J 2 - J 3 model on the honeycomb lattice
by J.B. Fouet & P. Sindzingre & C. Lhuillier - 255-265 Finite-size correlation length and violations of finite-size scaling
by S. Caracciolo & A. Gambassi & M. Gubinelli & A. Pelissetto - 255-265 Finite-size correlation length and violations of finite-size scaling
by S. Caracciolo & A. Gambassi & M. Gubinelli & A. Pelissetto - 267-276 Random quantum magnets with broad disorder distribution
by D. Karevski & Y-C. Lin & H. Rieger & N. Kawashima & F. Iglói - 277-280 Quantum effects in the interaction of the exciton with a leaky quasi-mode cavity
by Zhao-xian Yu & Zhi-yong Jiao - 281-288 Temporal correlations and persistence in the kinetic Ising model: the role of temperature
by J.M. Drouffe & C. Godrèche - 289-299 Collective quantum tunneling of strongly correlated electrons in commensurate mesoscopic rings
by I. Bâldea & H. Köppel & L.S. Cederbaum
March 2001, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-6 Stochastic equations generating continuous multiplicative cascades
by F. Schmitt & D. Marsan - 7-17 Magnetic, electronic, dielectric and optical properties of Pr(Ca:Sr)MnO 3
by J. Sichelschmidt & M. Paraskevopoulos & M. Brando & R. Wehn & D. Ivannikov & F. Mayr & K. Pucher & J. Hemberger & A. Pimenov & H.-A. Krug von Nidda & P. Lunkenheimer & V.Yu. Ivanov & A.A. Mukhin & A.M. Balbashov & A. Loidl - 19-25 The chromium spin density wave: magnetic X-ray scattering studies with polarisation analysis
by D. Mannix & P.C. de Camargo & C. Giles & A.J.A. de Oliveira & F. Yokaichiya & C. Vettier - 27-33 Sum rule for the optical absorption of an interacting many-polaron gas
by J. Tempere & J.T. Devreese - 35-54 Magnetic anisotropy and domain patterns in electrodeposited cobalt nanowires
by Y. Henry & K. Ounadjela & L. Piraux & S. Dubois & J.-M. George & J.-L. Duvail - 55-64 Phase transitions in two-dimensional anisotropic quantum magnets
by A. Cuccoli & T. Roscilde & V. Tognetti & R. Vaia & P. Verrucchi - 65-74 Remnant Fermi surface in a pseudogap regime of the two-dimensional Hubbard model at finite temperature
by T. Saikawa & A. Ferraz - 75-83 Nanoquartz vs. macroquartz: a study of the α↔β phase transition
by S. Rıos & E.K.H. Salje & S.A.T. Redfern - 85-90 The origin of disorder in CH 3 HgX (X = Cl, Br and I) crystals investigated by temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy
by V. Mohaček-Grošev & D. Kirin - 91-103 Pairing mechanism in the doped Hubbard antiferromagnet: the 4×4 model as a test case
by M. Cini & E. Perfetto & G. Stefanucci - 105-122 Validity of the zero-thermodynamic law in off-equilibrium coupled harmonic oscillators
by A. Garriga & F. Ritort - 123-131 Specific heat of the ideal gas obeying the generalized exclusion statistics
by Takahiro Aoyama - 133-139 High quality CVD diamond: a Raman scattering and photoluminescence study
by M.G. Donato & G. Faggio & M. Marinelli & G. Messina & E. Milani & A. Paoletti & S. Santangelo & A. Tucciarone & G. Verona Rinati - 141-149 Lattice Boltzmann model for magnetic fluid interfaces
by V. Sofonea & W.-G. Früh
January 2001, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 167-170 Charge excitations in heavy electron metals
by L. Degiorgi & F.B.B. Anders & G. Grüner - 171-176 Ferroelastic domain structure of (CH 3 ) 4 N CdCl 3 (TMCC) crystal
by T. Breczewski & I. Peral & G. Madariaga - 177-184 Electronic and magnetic properties of ruthenocuprates
by B.H. Frazer & Y. Hirai & M.L. Schneider & S. Rast & M. Onellion & I. Nowik & I. Felner & S. Roy & N. Ali & A. Reginelli & L. Perfetti & D. Ariosa & G. Margaritondo - 185-193 Commensurate-incommensurate transition in two-coupled chains of nearly half-filled electrons
by M. Tsuchiizu & P. Donohue & Y. Suzumura & T. Giamarchi - 195-205 Ground state energy calculations of the ν=1/2 and the ν=5/2 FQHE system
by J. Dietel - 207-213 Local structure of Co and Ni in decagonal AlNiCo investigated by polarized EXAFS
by O. Zaharko & C. Meneghini & A. Cervellino & E. Fischer - 215-223 Evolution of ( La 1 - y Pr y ) 0.7 Ca 0.3 MnO 3 crystal structure with A-cation size, temperature, and oxygen isotope substitution
by A.M. Balagurov & V.Yu. Pomjakushin & D.V. Sheptyakov & V.L. Aksenov & N.A. Babushkina & L.M. Belova & O.Yu. Gorbenko & A.R. Kaul - 225-239 Stabilisation of fcc cobalt layers by 0.4 nm thick manganese layers in Co/Mn superlattices
by A. Michel & V. Pierron-Bohnes & J.P. Jay & P. Panissod & S. Lefebvre & M. Bessière & H.E. Fischer & G. Van Tendeloo - 241-247 Single-crystal like NMR spectra of CeCu 5 Au powder samples
by E. Kerscher & M.T. Kelemen & K.H. Diefenbach & O. Stockert & H. v. Löhneysen & E. Dormann - 249-258 Non-homogeneous random walks, generalised master equations, fractional Fokker-Planck equations, and the generalised Kramers-Moyal expansion
by R. Metzler - 259-263 Pinning of cracks in two-dimensional disordered media
by J. Rosti & L.I. Salminen & E.T. Seppälä & M.J. Alava & K.J. Niskanen - 265-269 Entropy and optimal partition for data analysis
by R. Steuer & L. Molgedey & W. Ebeling & M.A. Jiménez-Montaño - 271-280 Transport and Coulomb drag for two interacting carbon nanotubes
by A. Komnik & R. Egger - 281-287 Magnetic circular dichroism in Co 2p photoemission of Co/Cu(1 1 13): Separation of the fundamental spectra
by G. Panaccione & G. van der Laan & H.A. Dürr & J. Vogel & N.B. Brookes - 289-296 From anisotropic dots to smooth RFe 2 (110) single crystal layers (R=rare earth)
by A. Mougin & C. Dufour & N. Maloufi & K. Dumesnil & Ph. Mangin - 297-316 The lifetime of the soliton in the improved Davydov model at the biological temperature 300 K for protein molecules
by Pang Xiao-feng - 317-317 Erratum To: Low-energy excitations of Yb 4 As 3 in a magnetic field
by G. Uimin & K. Kudasov & P. Fulde & A. Ovchinnikov - 319-319 Erratum To: μSR evidence of low frequency spin fluctuations in the AF phase of hole-doped NiO
by F. Tedoldi & A. Campana & P. Carretta
September 2000, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 3-6 Finite-temperature phase diagram of the Hubbard model
by G. Migliorini & A. Nihat Berker - 7-10 Mott transition of the f-electron system in the periodic Anderson model with nearest neighbor hybridization
by K. Held & R. Bulla - 11-14 Optical properties of multilayer structures
by N. Richard - 15-32 Electric quadrupole interactions and the γ–α phase transition in Ce: the role of conduction electrons
by A.V. Nikolaev & K.H. Michel - 33-42 Resonance Raman excitation and electronic structure of the single bonded dimers (C ¯ 60 ) 2 and (C 59 N) 2
by W. Plank & T. Pichler & H. Kuzmany & O. Dubay & N. Tagmatarchis & K. Prassides - 43-50 Evidence of domain wall scattering in thin films of granular CoFe-AgCu
by V. Franco & X. Batlle & A. Labarta - 51-55 Pressure dependence and non-universal effects of microscopic couplings on the spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO 3
by R. Raupach & A. Klümper & F. Schönfeld - 57-68 Mechanical detection of nuclear spin relaxation in a micron-size crystal
by O. Klein & V.V. Naletov & H. Alloul - 69-83 Magnetic tunneling told to ignorants by two ignorants
by J. Villain & A. Fort - 85-94 On electron pairing in unconventional superconductors
by P. Brovetto & V. Maxia & M. Salis - 95-102 Gap and pseudogap evolution within the charge-ordering scenario for superconducting cuprates
by L. Benfatto & S. Caprara & C. Di Castro - 103-109 Stabilization of A-type layered antiferromagnetic phase in LaMnO 3 by cooperative Jahn-Teller deformations
by M. Capone & D. Feinberg & M. Grilli - 111-114 Critical behavior of a three-state Potts model on a Voronoi lattice
by F.W.S. Lima & U.M.S. Costa & M.P. Almeida & J.S. Andrade Jr. - 115-119 Fluctuations and the existence of potential in dissipative semiclassical systems
by B.C. Bag & D.S. Ray - 121-130 Copolymer at a selective interface and two-dimensional wetting: a grand canonical approach
by C. Monthus & T. Garel & H. Orland - 131-136 Planar cracks in the fuse model
by S. Zapperi & H.J. Herrmann & S. Roux - 137-142 Dynamic scaling and self-organized criticality in diffusion fronts growth
by A. Memsouk & Y. Boughaleb & R. Nassif & H. Ennamiri - 143-145 Different amplitude and time distribution of the sound of light and classical music
by P. Diodati & S. Piazza - 147-158 On the physical relevance of max- and log-max-selfsimilar distributions
by T. Huillet & A. Porzio & M. Ben Alaya - 159-166 A cellular automata model for highway traffic
by E.G. Campari & G. Levi - 167-170 Statistical mechanics of money: how saving propensity affects its distribution
by A. Chakraborti & B.K. Chakrabarti - 171-185 Magnetic field effects on coherent backscattering of light
by R. Lenke & G. Maret
July 2000, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 423-427 Double-Q magnetic structures and strong planar anisotropy in tetragonal ErRu 2 Ge 2 and ErRu 2 Si 2
by A. Garnier & D. Gignoux & B. Ouladdiaf & D. Schmitt & T. Shigeoka
August 2000, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 389-392 Resonance split of ballistic conductance peaks in electric and magnetic superlattices
by Z.Y. Zeng & L.D. Zhang - 393-396 Magnetic field induced ordering in quasi-one-dimensional quantum magnets
by S. Wessel & S. Haas - 397-402 Absence of dynamical crossover in the vortex creep near by the second peak effect in superconducting Hg-1201 single crystals
by A. Daignere & T. Aouaroun & C. Simon - 403-410 Magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity of Perylene radical cation salts
by R. Desquiotz & M. Hofmann & E. Dormann - 411-422 Magneto-optical Kerr effect in bilayer structures
by N. Richard - 429-434 Magnetic properties of ErFe 6 Fa 6 studied by magnetization and neutron diffraction
by K. Prokes & R.T. Gramsma & Y. Janssen & E. Brück & K.H.J. Buschow & F.R. de Boer - 435-438 Uniform susceptibility of classical antiferromagnets in one and two dimensions in a magnetic field
by D. Hinzke & U. Nowak & D.A. Garanin - 439-446 Stability of low-dimensionally-confined bipolarons
by R.T. Senger & A. Erçelebi - 447-454 In situ X-ray diffraction investigation of porous silicon strains induced by the freezing of a confined organic fluid
by C. Faivre & D. Bellet & G. Dolino