December 2004, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 397-406 Two-cycles in spin-systems: sequential versus synchronous updating in multi-state Ising-type ferromagnets
by D. Bollé & J. Busquets Blanco - 407-414 Local waiting times in critical systems
by L. Laurson & M. Alava - 415-422 Solvable multi-species reaction-diffusion processes, including the extended drop-push model
by M. Alimohammadi - 423-429 Stability analysis of fronts in a tristable reaction-diffusion system
by E. Zemskov & K. Kassner - 431-434 Scaling properties of the Penna model
by E. Brigatti & J. Sá Martins & I. Roditi - 435-440 Defects in nanocrystalline SnO $\mathsf{_{2}}$ studied by Tight Binding
by A. Mazzone & V. Morandi - 441-450 (2 + 1) dimensional Hărăgus-Courcelle-Il’ichev model for the liquid surface waves in the presence of sea ice or surface tension: Bäcklund transformation, exact solutions and possibly observable effects
by Bo Tian & Yi-Tian Gao
November 2004, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 157-163 Dynamics of polaron in a polymer chain with impurities
by Y. Yan & Z. An & C. Wu - 165-173 Dielectric resonance, local field distribution, and optical response in 3D resonant composites
by B. Dai & Y. Gu & C. Li & Q.-H. Gong - 175-180 Light-polarization and intensity dependence of higher-order nonlinearities in excitonic FWM signals
by M. Buck & L. Wischmeier & S. Schumacher & G. Czycholl & F. Jahnke & T. Voss & I. Rückmann & J. Gutowski - 181-186 Design of omnidirectional asymmetrical high reflectors for optical telecommunication wavelengths
by J. Zaghdoudi & M. Kanzari & B. Rezig - 187-191 Temperature and voltage dependence of magnetic barrier junctions with a nonmagnetic spacer
by A. Shokri & A. Saffarzadeh - 193-204 Magnetic texturing of xenon-ion irradiated nickel films
by K. Zhang & K. Lieb & G. Müller & P. Schaaf & M. Uhrmacher & M. Münzenberg - 205-217 Temperature and field dependence of the magnetic properties of Nd $\mathsf{_{2-x}}$ Ce $\mathsf{_{x}}$ CuO $\mathsf{_4}$
by T. Chatterji & K. Siemensmeyer & S. Welzel & W. Caliebe - 219-230 Electronic structure and magnetic properties of RMnX (R=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Y; X=Si, Ge) studied by KKR method
by V. Klosek & J. Toboła & A. Verniére & S. Kaprzyk & B. Malaman - 231-237 Coulomb effects in semiconductor quantum dots
by N. Baer & P. Gartner & F. Jahnke - 239-245 Inhomogeneous current distribution in wide high-temperature superconducting small-angle grain boundaries
by K. Guth & V. Born & Ch Jooss - 247-253 Lattice vibrations of armchair carbon nanotubes: phonons, soliton deformations and lattice discreteness effects
by A. Dikandé - 255-261 Energy and power fluctuations in vibrated granular gases
by S. Aumaítre & J. Farago & S. Fauve & S. Namara - 263-269 Effects of the screening breakdown in the diffusion-limited aggregation model
by S. Ferreira - 271-277 Entropy production in the cyclic lattice Lotka-Volterra model
by C. Anteneodo - 279-284 Delocalization due to correlations in two-dimensional disordered systems
by G. Vasseur & D. Weinmann - 285-292 Coherent mesoscopic transport through a quantum dot-carbon nanotube system under two-photon irradiation
by Li-Na Zhao & Hong-Kang Zhao - 293-296 Hollywood blockbusters and long-tailed distributions
by S. Sinha & S. Raghavendra - 297-301 An $\mathsf{\epsilon}$ -expansion for small-world networks
by M. Hastings
November 2004, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 31-45 On the diffraction pattern of C $\mathsf{_{60}}$ peapods
by J. Cambedouzou & V. Pichot & S. Rols & P. Launois & P. Petit & R. Klement & H. Kataura & R. Almairac - 47-50 Microcavity strongly doped with CdSe nanocrystals
by S. Rabaste & J. Bellessa & C. Bonnand & J. Plenet & L. Spanhel - 51-61 Influence of oxygen vacancies on the magnetic and electrical properties of La $\mathsf{_{1-x}}$ Sr $\mathsf{_{x}}$ MnO $\mathsf{_{3-x/2}}$ manganites
by S. Trukhanov & L. Lobanovski & M. Bushinsky & V. Khomchenko & N. Pushkarev & I. Troyanchuk & A. Maignan & D. Flahaut & H. Szymczak & R. Szymczak - 63-83 The trion: two electrons plus one hole versus one electron plus one exciton
by M. Combescot & O. Betbeder-Matibet & F. Dubin - 85-94 Quasicrystalline order in binary dipolar systems
by F. Scheffler & P. Maass & J. Roth & H. Stark - 95-102 Dynamical two electron states in a Hubbard-Davydov model
by L. Cruzeiro & J. Eilbeck & J. Marín & F. Russell - 103-112 Thermal diffusion of envelope solitons on anharmonic atomic chains
by C. Brunhuber & F. Mertens & Y. Gaididei - 113-117 An analytical study of substrate current in submicron MOS devices
by G. Vaidyanaath G. & A. Singh - 123-129 Efficiency and robustness in ant networks of galleries
by C. Buhl & J. Gautrais & R. V. Solé & P. Kuntz & S. Valverde & J. L. Deneubourg & G. Theraulaz - 123-129 Efficiency and robustness in ant networks of galleries
by J. Buhl & J. Gautrais & R. Solé & P. Kuntz & S. Valverde & J. Deneubourg & G. Theraulaz - 131-140 Non-concave fundamental diagrams and phase transitions in a stochastic traffic cellular automaton
by S. Maerivoet & B. Moor - 141-153 Partial derivative approach for option pricing in a simple stochastic volatility model
by M. Montero
October 2004, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 435-438 Insulating surface layer on single crystal K $\mathsf{_{3}}\mathsf{C}\mathsf{_{60}}$
by J. Schiessling & L. Kjeldgaard & T. Käämbre & I. Marenne & L. Qian & J. O’Shea & J. Schnadt & M. Garnier & D. Nordlund & M. Nagasono & C. Glover & J.-E. Rubensson & N. Mårtensson & P. Rudolf & J. Nordgren & P. Brühwiler - 445-449 Interplay between structural and magnetic properties of Lu $\mathsf{_{2}}$ Fe $\mathsf{_{17}}$ at high pressure
by D. Kozlenko & V. Glazkov & B. Savenko & V. Voronin - 451-456 Long-wavelength nonpolar phonons in semiconductor heterostructures
by F. León-Pérez & R. Pérez-Alvarez - 457-470 Aging, rejuvenation, and memory effects in short-range Ising spin glass: Cu $\mathsf{_{0.5}}$ Co $\mathsf{_{0.5}}$ Cl $\mathsf{_{2}}$ -FeCl $\mathsf{_{3}}$ graphite bi-intercalation compound
by M. Suzuki & I. Suzuki - 471-478 The electronic contribution to the specific heat of NdBa $\mathsf{_2}\mathsf{Cu_3}\mathsf{O_{6 + x}}$
by U. Tutsch & P. Schweiss & H. Wühl & B. Obst & Th Wolf - 479-483 Formation of silver particles and silver oxide plume nanocomposites upon pulsed-laser induced liquid-solid interface reaction
by Q. Liu & C. Wang & G. Yang - 485-493 Quantitative analysis of gold nanoparticles from synchrotron data by means of least-squares techniques
by A. Cervellino & C. Giannini & A. Guagliardi & D. Zanchet - 495-501 Modulational instability on triangular dynamical lattices with long-range interactions and dispersion
by M. Stepić & A. Maluckov & Lj Hadžievski & F. Chen & D. Runde & D. Kip - 503-516 Investigation of quantum phase transitions using multi-target DMRG methods
by C. Degli Esposti Boschi & F. Ortolani - 517-524 Amorphous to polycrystalline transition in Co $\mathsf{_x}$ Si $\mathsf{_{1-x}}$ alloy thin films
by M. Vélez & C. Mény & S. Valvidares & J. Diaz & R. Morales & L. Alvarez-Prado & P. Panissod & J. Alameda - 525-533 Dynamical solutions of a quantum Heisenberg spin glass model
by M. Bechmann & R. Oppermann - 549-556 Charge separation in liquids
by M. Mikhelashvili & O. Agam - 557-560 What are spin currents in Heisenberg magnets?
by F. Schütz & P. Kopietz & M. Kollar - 561-568 Magnetic field rotation in the screw gallium flow
by V. Noskov & S. Denisov & P. Frick & S. Khripchenko & D. Sokoloff & R. Stepanov - 569-573 Dynamics of the tuning process between singers
by R. Urteaga & P. Bolcatto
October 2004, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 281-287 A potential model for single crystals of the Li $_\mathsf{2}$ O-B $_\mathsf{2}$ O $_\mathsf{3}$ system based on non-equivalence of boron atoms
by V. Maslyuk & T. Bredow & H. Pfnür - 289-294 Specific heat of magnetic Ce alloys within a two-component model
by A. Lobos & A. Aligia & J. Sereni - 295-300 Influence of the Coulomb parameter U on partial densities of states of CuGeO $_\mathsf{3}$ : comparison with X-ray spectral data
by A. Galakhov & V. Galakhov & V. Anisimov & E. Kurmaev & A. Sokolov & L. Gridneva & V. Maltsev & L. Leonyuk & A. Moewes & S. Bartkowski & M. Neumann & J. Nordgren - 301-306 Temperature stable low loss ceramic dielectrics in (1-x)ZnAl $\mathsf{_{2}}$ O $\mathsf{_{4}}$ -xTiO $\mathsf{_{2}}$ system for microwave substrate applications
by K. Surendran & N. Santha & P. Mohanan & M. Sebastian - 307-312 Diamagnetic properties of metamaterials: a magnetostatic analogy
by E. Shamonina & L. Solymar - 313-318 Microwave properties of Ba $\mathsf{_{0.6}}$ K $\mathsf{_{0.4}}$ BiO $\mathsf{_3}$ crystals
by S. Fricano & M. Bonura & A. Agliolo Gallitto & M. Vigni & L. Klinkova & N. Barkovskii - 319-323 Evolution of the initially ordered structure in a magnetic fluid film during a thermal cycle
by Y. Ke & S. Yang & H. Horng & Chin-Yih Hong & H. Yang - 325-332 Roles of interfaces in nanostructured silicon luminescence
by C. Ternon & C. Dufour & F. Gourbilleau & R. Rizk - 333-336 Dependence of the average to-node distance on the node degree for random graphs and growing networks
by K. Malarz & K. Kułakowski - 337-343 Hopf bifurcation and chaos in a single inertial neuron model with time delay
by Chunguang Li & Guangrong Chen & Xiaofeng Liao & Juebang Yu - 345-363 A parsimonious and universal description of turbulent velocity increments
by O. Barndorff-Nielsen & P. Blæsild & J. Schmiegel - 365-375 Large deviations in spin-glass ground-state energies
by A. Andreanov & F. Barbieri & O. Martin - 377-382 An extension to the Wheeler phase-field model to allow decoupling of the capillary and kinetic anisotropies
by A. Mullis - 383-393 Enthalpy relaxation of polymers: comparing the predictive power of two configurational entropy models extending the AGV approach
by L. Andreozzi & M. Faetti & F. Zulli & M. Giordano - 413-420 Interaction between free boundaries and domain walls in ferroelastics
by S. Conti & U. Weikard - 421-431 The influence of aggressive drivers on the properties of a stochastic traffic model
by N. Moussa
September 2004, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 149-162 The Hubbard model with intersite interaction within the Composite Operator Method
by A. Avella & F. Mancini - 163-170 Formation of polaron clusters
by C. Perroni & G. Iadonisi & V. Mukhomorov - 177-184 Microwave propagation in two dimensional structures using lossy cylindrical glass rods
by E. Nagesh & G. Santosh Babu & V. Subramanian & V. Sivasubramanian & V. Murthy - 185-195 On the Meissner effect in a superconductor with 4-fermion attraction
by P. Tarasewicz - 197-200 Polaron cross-overs and d-wave superconductivity in Hubbard-Holstein model
by R. Ramakumar & A. Das - 201-205 Ba $\mathsf{_{0.1}}$ Sr $\mathsf{_{0.9}}$ TiO $\mathsf{_{3}}$ -BaTi $\mathsf{_{4}}$ O $\mathsf{_{9}}$ composite thin films with improved microwave dielectric properties
by L. Yan & L. Chen & C. Tan & C. Ong & Md. Anisur Rahman & T. Osipowicz - 223-230 Modelling one-dimensional driven diffusive systems by the Zero-Range Process
by M. Evans & E. Levine & P. Mohanty & D. Mukamel - 231-254 Test of universality in the Ising spin glass using high temperature graph expansion
by D. Daboul & I. Chang & A. Aharony - 255-258 Problems with fitting to the power-law distribution
by M. Goldstein & S. Morris & G. Yen - 259-277 Stochastic analysis of different rough surfaces
by M. Waechter & F. Riess & Th. Schimmel & U. Wendt & J. Peinke
September 2004, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 3-9 Influence of growth mode on stoichiometry in epitaxial calcium ruthenate thin films
by U. Scotti di Uccio & F. Bevilacqua & G. Condorelli & G. Mascolo & F. Ricci & F. Miletto Granozio - 11-21 Real space renormalization group with effective interactions: applications to 2-D spin lattices
by M. Hajj & N. Guihéry & J.-P. Malrieu & B. Bocquillon - 31-42 Local structure around Ce in the Nd $\mathsf{_{2-x}}$ Ce $\mathsf{_{x}}$ CuO $\mathsf{_{4\pm \delta}}$ superconductor probed by EXAFS
by P. Ghigna & G. Spinolo & E. Santacroce & S. Colonna & S. Mobilio & M. Scavini & R. Bianchi - 43-48 On-line monitoring of Au nanoparticles formation by optical spectroscopy
by R. Salvati & A. Longo & G. Carotenuto & L. Nicolais & S. Nicola & G. Pepe - 61-65 Kramers-Kronig relations and sum rules of negative refractive index media
by K.-E. Peiponen & V. Lucarini & E. Vartiainen & J. Saarinen - 75-78 A scheme for secure direct communication using EPR pairs and teleportation
by F. Yan & X. Zhang - 107-112 The stationary properties and the state transition of the tumor cell growth mode
by D. Mei & C. Xie & L. Zhang - 113-121 Investigation of a protein complex network
by A. Mashaghi & A. Ramezanpour & V. Karimipour - 123-133 Localized spin modes on the insulating antiferromagnetic stepped surface model
by M. Tamine - 135-145 Stability of oscillatory flows past compliant surfaces
by R. Thaokar & V. Kumaran
August 2004, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 355-355 Collective phenomena in mesoscopic systems
by F. Guinea & J. Vicent - 357-363 Current fluctuation spectrum in dissipative solid-state qubits
by R. Aguado & T. Brandes - 365-369 Effect of topology on the transport properties of two interacting dots
by V. Apel & M. Davidovich & E. Anda & G. Chiappe & C. Busser - 371-377 First principles simulations of the magnetic and structural properties of Iron
by V. García-Suárez & C. Newman & C. Lambert & J. Pruneda & J. Ferrer - 415-419 Observing the lateral confinement of surface state electrons in room temperature stable metallic nanostructures
by F. Calleja & J. Hinarejos & A. Vázquez de Parga & R. Miranda - 427-431 Dynamics of the first-order magnetostructural transition in Gd 5 (Si x Ge 1-x ) 4
by F. Casanova & A. Labarta & X. Batlle & E. Vives & J. Marcos & L. Mañosa & A. Planes - 433-437 Emission wavelength engineering of InAs/InP(001) quantum wires
by D. Fuster & L. González & Y. González & J. Martínez-Pastor & T. Ben & A. Ponce & S. Molina - 445-452 High-field interlayer tunnelling transport in layered cuprates: Uncovering the pseudogap state
by L. Krusin-Elbaum & T. Shibauchi - 459-462 Mechanisms of periodic pinning in superconducting thin films
by M. Montero & O. Stoll & Ivan Schuller - 463-470 Magnetization reversal measurements in mesoscopic amorphous magnets by magneto-optical Kerr effect
by R. Morales & J. Martín & M. Vélez & J. Alameda - 483-488 On the use of STM superconducting tips at very low temperatures
by J. Rodrigo & H. Suderow & S. Vieira - 499-504 Defects in graphite may be magnetic and magnetostrictive as revealed by scanning tunneling microscopy
by H. Wang & A. Papageorgopoulos & N. Garcia
August 2004, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 231-234 Optical evidence for the proximity to a spin-density-wave metallic state in $\mathsf{Na_{0.7}CoO_2}$
by G. Caimi & L. Degiorgi & H. Berger & N. Barisic & L. Forró & F. Bussy - 235-241 Neutron scattering study of PbMg $_{\mathsf{1/3}}$ Ta $_{\mathsf{2/3}}$ O $_{\mathsf 3}$ and BaMg $_{\mathsf{1/3}}$ Ta $_{\mathsf{2/3}}$ O $_{\mathsf 3}$ complex perovskites
by S. Gvasaliya & B. Roessli & D. Sheptyakov & S. Lushnikov & T. Shaplygina - 243-250 Ab-initio calculation of the metal-insulator transition in sodium rings and chains and in mixed sodium-lithium systems
by W. Alsheimer & B. Paulus - 251-258 On the relationship between the temperature and the geometry of the two-dimensional superconducting system
by P. Gusin & J. Warczewski - 259-264 Magnetocaloric effect in transition metals based compounds: a theoretical approach
by N. Oliveira - 265-271 Temperature dependence of exchange bias and coercivity in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers
by Jing-guo Hu & Guojun Jin & An Hu & Yu-qiang Ma - 273-281 Enhancement of stability in randomly switching potential with metastable state
by B. Spagnolo & A. Dubkov & N. Agudov - 283-294 Off-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relation in a spin glass
by D. Hérisson & M. Ocio - 295-299 On a dynamical-like replica-symmetry-breaking scheme for the spin glass
by C. Dominicis & E. Brézin - 301-304 Active thermal convection in vibrofluidized granular systems
by Guoqing Miao & Kai Huang & Yi Yun & Rongjue Wei - 305-312 Study of a monomer-monomer reaction system with short-range repulsive interactions
by M. Sanservino & A. López & E. Albano & R. Monetti - 313-319 Subcritical behavior in the alternating supercritical Domany-Kinzel dynamics
by N. Masuda & N. Konno - 321-326 Engineering quantum decoherence of charge qubit via a nanomechanical resonator
by Y. Wang & Y. Gao & C. Sun - 327-335 Influence of evaporation on Bénard-Marangoni instability in a liquid-gas bilayer with a deformable interface
by C. Moussy & G. Lebon & J. Margerit - 337-346 Electronic structures and bonding of oxygen on plutonium layers
by M. Huda & A. Ray - 347-352 Conditional dynamics driving financial markets
by M. Boguñá & J. Masoliver
July 2004, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 125-128 Chebyshev expansion approach to the AC conductivity of the Anderson model
by A. Weisse - 129-136 Electrical resistivity in the ferromagnetic metallic state of La-Ca-MnO $\mathsf{_{3}}$ : Role of electron-phonon interaction
by D. Varshney & N. Kaurav - 145-151 Interpreting remanence isotherms: a Preisach-based study
by R. Roshko & C. Viddal
July 2004, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 43-48 Suppression of superconductivity by non-magnetic disorder in the organic superconductor $\mathsf{(TMTSF)_{2}(ClO_{4})_{(1-x)}(ReO_{4})_{x}}$
by N. Joo & P. Auban-Senzier & C. Pasquier & P. Monod & D. Jérome & K. Bechgaard - 49-54 An investigation of string-like cooperative motion in a strong network glass-former
by V. Teboul & A. Monteil & L. Fai & A. Kerrache & S. Maabou - 55-61 On the number of contacts of two polymer chains situated on fractal structures
by V. Miljković & I. Živić & S. Milošević - 63-71 Adsorption and localization of random copolymers subject to a force: The Morita approximation
by G. Iliev & E. Orlandini & S. Whittington - 73-77 Transition to hexagonal pattern under the variation of intrinsic length scales of a reaction diffusion system
by J. Sienkiewicz & A. Bhattacharyay - 79-86 Path integral computation of phonon anharmonicity
by M. Zoli - 87-92 Calculation of tunnel splitting in a biaxial spin particle with an applied magnetic field
by Bin Zhou & Shun-Qing Shen & Jiu-Qing Liang - 93-102 Mesoscopic transport through toroidal carbon nanotubes threaded with a THz magnetic flux
by H.-K. Zhao & J. Wang
June 2004, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 441-446 Oscillator strength calculations in color centers of diamond and the role of spin
by Mehdi Heidari Saani & Mohammad Vesaghi & Keivan Esfarjani - 447-451 Stabilization of magnetic polarons in antiferromagnetic semiconductors by extended spin distortions
by J. Castro & I. González & D. Baldomir - 453-457 The influence of deposition parameters on production of soft Fe $\mathsf{_{81}}$ Co $\mathsf{_{13.5}}$ Si $\mathsf{_{3.5}}$ C $\mathsf{_{2}}$ and Fe $\mathsf{_{67}}$ Co $\mathsf{_{18}}$ Si $\mathsf{_{1}}$ B $\mathsf{_{14}}$ films
by H. Kockar - 459-468 Breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law in strongly-coupled electron-phonon system, application to the cuprates
by K. Lee & A. Alexandrov & W. Liang - 469-473 Effect of orbital currents on the restricted optical conductivity sum rule
by L. Benfatto & S. Sharapov & H. Beck - 475-481 Splitting rules for the 2nd hierarchy structure of the electronic spectra of 2D FC(n) quasicrystals
by Feng Li & Xiangbo Yang - 483-489 Ultrafast creation and annihilation of space-charge domains in a semiconductor superlattice observed by use of Terahertz fields
by F. Klappenberger & K. Alekseev & K. Renk & R. Scheuerer & E. Schomburg & S. Allen & G. Ramian & J. Scott & A. Kovsh & V. Ustinov & A. Zhukov - 513-519 Breakdown of universality in directed spiral percolation
by S. Sinha & S. Santra - 521-525 Sympatric speciation in an age-structured population living on a lattice
by A. Sousa
June 2004, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 335-339 Quantitative expression of the spin gap via bosonization for a dimerized spin-1/2 chain
by E. Orignac - 341-350 The extended third-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation and Galilean transformation
by V. Karpman - 351-356 Improvement of signal transmission through spike-timing-dependent plasticity in neural networks
by S. Wang & J. Xu & F. Liu & W. Wang - 357-363 Kinetic barriers in RNA unzipping
by A. Imparato & L. Peliti - 365-375 2D hyperbolic groups induce three-periodic Euclidean reticulations
by V. Robins & S. Ramsden & S. Hyde - 377-384 Orientation dependence of proximity effect in ferromagnet/ $\mathsf{d}$ -wave superconductor junctions
by L. Yang & Z. Zheng & H. Yu & G. Sun & D. Xing
May 2004, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 41-47 Constant pressure reactive molecular dynamics simulations of phase transitions under pressure: The graphite to diamond conversion revisited
by F. Zipoli & M. Bernasconi & R. Martoňák - 49-54 Non-Heisenberg two-dimensional ferromagnet in an external magnetic field
by Yu Fridman & O. Kozhemyako & B. Eingorn - 55-60 Pairing of bosons in the condensed state of the boson-fermion model
by A. Alexandrov - 77-85 Torsional stiffness of viscoelastic spheres in contact
by E. Dintwa & M. Zeebroeck & E. Tijskens & H. Ramon
April 2004, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 563-570 Metal-insulator transition in the Hubbard model: a simple description including the Kondo effect
by V. Irkhin & A. Zarubin - 617-634 Gauge Poisson representations for birth/death master equations
by P. Drummond - 635-649 Real Hamiltonian forms of Hamiltonian systems
by V. Gerdjikov & A. Kyuldjiev & G. Marmo & G. Vilasi
April 2004, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 525-531 Monte Carlo simulations of hydrogen adsorption on the W(110) and Mo(110) surfaces
by N. Petrova & I. Yakovkin & Yu Ptushinskii
March 2004, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 141-141 Preface on “Applications of Networks”
by G. Caldarelli & A. Erzan & A. Vespignani - 183-186 Structure of cycles and local ordering in complex networks
by G. Caldarelli & R. Pastor-Satorras & A. Vespignani - 187-191 Optimization of robustness of complex networks
by G. Paul & T. Tanizawa & S. Havlin & H. Stanley - 345-352 Statistical properties of corporate board and director networks
by S. Battiston & M. Catanzaro - 353-362 Clustering and information in correlation based financial networks
by J.-P. Onnela & K. Kaski & J. Kertész - 363-371 Networks of equities in financial markets
by G. Bonanno & G. Caldarelli & F. Lillo & S. Micciché & N. Vandewalle & R. Mantegna
February 2004, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 439-446 On the nature of the magnetic transition in a Mott insulator
by M. Fleck & A. Lichtenstein & M. Zacher & W. Hanke & A. Oleś - 507-514 On the crescentic shape of barchan dunes
by P. Hersen
January 2004, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 139-142 Autocorrelation functions of nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations
by T. Frank - 143-148 Vibrational properties of C 20 -based solids
by I. Spagnolatti & A. Mussi & M. Bernasconi & G. Benedek - 149-162 Quantum well states in thin (110)-oriented Au films and k-space symmetry
by E. Hüger & K. Osuch - 163-167 Low-temperature properties of the Ce(Pd 1−x Ni x ) system
by J.-P. Kappler & A. Herr & G. Schmerber & A. Derory & J.-C. Parlebas & N. Jaouen & F. Wilhelm & A. Rogalev - 169-175 Thermodynamic properties of an alternating-spin (1/2,1) two-leg ladder
by X. Chen & Q. Jiang & W. Shen - 177-185 Magnetization and configurational anisotropy in magnetic clusters: Monte Carlo simulation
by Zhigao Huang & Zhigao Chen & Fengming Zhang & Youwei Du - 187-192 Modulated replica symmetry breaking schemes for antiferrimagnetic spin glasses
by R. Oppermann & D. Sherrington & M. Kiselev - 193-198 Dynamical phase transition in the two-point functions of the autonomous one-dimensional single-species reaction-diffusion systems
by A. Aghamohammadi & M. Khorrami - 199-204 Rotating bound states of dissipative solitons in systems of reaction-diffusion type
by A. Liehr & A. Moskalenko & Yu. Astrov & M. Bode & H.-G. Purwins - 205-212 Bulk mediated surface diffusion: finite bulk case
by J. Revelli & C. Budde & D. Prato & H. Wio - 213-221 Bound states of breathers in the Frenkel-Kontorova model
by M. Meister & L. Floría - 223-228 Searching low-energy conformations of two elastin sequences
by H. Arkín - 229-239 Transmission of sound through a single vortex
by G. Brillant & F. Chillá & J.-F. Pinton - 241-255 Electrohydrodynamic wave-packet collapse and soliton instability for dielectric fluids in (2 + 1)-dimensions
by M. El-Sayed - 257-269 What is a mean gravitational field?
by F. Debbasch - 271-274 Majority orienting model for the oscillation of market price
by H. Takahashi & Y. Itoh
January 2004, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 3-6 Correlation in the Al plasma excitation
by P. Schattschneider & B. Jouffrey - 7-14 Spin-gap phase in the extended t — J chain
by Yu-Wen Lee & Yu-Li Lee - 15-18 Energy scales and quasiparticle properties in an extended Hubbard model for HTC
by R. Citro & M. Marinaro - 19-24 Dynamic regimes in films with a periodic array of antidots
by A. Silhanek & S. Raedts & M. Bael & V. Moshchalkov - 25-37 Single-crystal structural study of the pressure-temperature-induced dimerization of C 60
by R. Moret & P. Launois & T. Wågberg & B. Sundqvist & V. Agafonov & V. Davydov & A. Rakhmanina - 39-46 Electric field dynamics at charged point in two component plasma
by M. Meftah & T. Chohra & H. Bouguettaia & F. Khelfaoui & B. Talin & A. Calisti & J. Dufty - 47-53 Off equilibrium dynamics in the 2d-XY system
by S. Abriet & D. Karevski - 55-78 Glass models on Bethe lattices
by O. Rivoire & G. Biroli & O. Martin & M. Mézard - 79-83 Soliton ratchets out of point-like inhomogeneities
by L. Morales-Molina & F. Mertens & A. Sánchez - 85-89 Morphological instability induced by the interaction of a particle with a solid-liquid interface
by L. Hadji - 91-100 Scaling of fracture strength in disordered quasi-brittle materials
by P. Nukala & S. Simunovic - 101-107 Crossover behaviour of 3-species systems with mutations or migrations
by M. Ifti & B. Bergersen - 109-115 Characterizing neuromorphologic alterations with additive shape functionals
by M. Barbosa & L. F. Costa & E. Bernardes & G. Ramakers & J. Pelt - 117-125 Quantitative interpretation of EELS and REELS spectra
by V. Afanas’ev & A. Lubenchenko & M. Gubkin - 127-136 Dissipation in the dynamics of a moving contact line: effect of the substrate disorder
by S. Moulinet & C. Guthmann & E. Rolley
February 2003, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 383-389 Slow dynamics due to entropic barriers in the one-dimensional ‘descent model’
by V. Desoutter & N. Destainville - 391-397 Formation and propagation of oscillating bubbles in DNA initiated by structural distortions
by D. Hennig
December 2003, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 297-300 Radially interrupted viscous fingers in a lifting Hele-Shaw cell
by S. Sinha & S. Kabiraj & T. Dutta & S. Tarafdar - 301-312 Gap nodes and time reversal symmetry breaking in strontium ruthenate
by J. Annett & B. Györffy & G. Litak & K. Wysokiński - 313-316 Field-domain dynamics in negative-effective-mass terahertz oscillators
by J. Cao & H. Liu - 317-326 Selection rules and superconducting correlations in carbon nanotubes
by J. González - 327-334 Carrier relaxation time divergence in single and double layer cuprates
by M. Schneider & S. Rast & M. Onellion & J. Demsar & A. Taylor & Y. Glinka & N. Tolk & Y. Ren & G. Lüpke & A. Klimov & Y. Xu & R. Sobolewski & W. Si & X. Zeng & A. Soukiassian & X. Xi & M. Abrecht & D. Ariosa & D. Pavuna & A. Krapf & R. Manzke & J. Printz & M. Williamsen & K. Downum & P. Guptasarma & I. Bozovic - 335-348 Self-energy-functional approach: Analytical results and the Mott-Hubbard transition
by M. Potthoff - 349-357 Light scattering and dielectric manifestations of secondary relaxations in molecular glassformers
by A. Brodin & R. Bergman & J. Mattsson & E. Rössler