December 2003, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 359-363 PT-invariant Helmholtz optics and its applications to slab waveguides
by S. Moayedi & A. Rostami - 365-375 Conductance of a large point contact with Rashba effect
by V. Ramaglia & D. Bercioux & V. Cataudella & G. Filippis & C. Perroni & F. Ventriglia - 377-383 Fluctuation conductivity in layered d-wave superconductors near critical disorder
by I. Tifrea & D. Bodea & I. Grosu & M. Crisan - 385-390 Tomographic-probability description of solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates
by S. Nicola & R. Fedele & M. Man’ko & V. Man’ko - 391-399 Percolation of polyatomic species on a square lattice
by V. Cornette & A. Ramirez-Pastor & F. Nieto - 401-410 Interplay between phase ordering and roughening on growing films
by B. Drossel & M. Kardar - 411-418 Size effect of quantum conductance in single-walled carbon nanotube quantum dots
by H. Liu & Y. Tao - 419-422 Andreev scattering and cotunneling between two superconductor-normal metal interfaces: the dirty limit
by D. Feinberg - 423-428 Aggregate size distributions in migration driven growth models
by Jianhong Ke & Zhenquan Lin & Youyi Zhuang
November 2003, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 157-160 Scaling behavior of jamming fluctuations upon random sequential adsorption
by E. Loscar & R. Borzi & E. Albano - 161-167 Electronic state anisotropy and the Fermi surface topology of the incommensurate organic superconducting crystal (MDT-TSF)(AuI $\mathsf{_2}$ ) $\mathsf{_{0.436}}$
by T. Kawamoto & T. Mori & C. Terakura & T. Terashima & S. Uji & H. Tajima & K. Takimiya & Y. Aso & T. Otsubo - 169-173 Macroscopic evidence of quantum coherent oscillations of the total spin in the Mn-[ $\mathsf{3\times3}$ ] molecular nanomagnet
by S. Carretta & P. Santini & E. Liviotti & N. Magnani & T. Guidi & R. Caciuffo & G. Amoretti - 175-181 Suppression of incommensurate spin-density waves in thin epitaxial Cr(110) layers of a V/Cr multilayer
by H. Fritzsche & S. Bonn & J. Hauschild & K. Prokes & J. Klenke - 183-186 Magnetic moment of an electron gas on the surface of constant negative curvature
by D. Bulaev & V. Margulis - 187-191 Can the spin-orbit interaction break the channel degeneracy (conservation) of the two-channel orbital Kondo problem?
by O. Újsághy & A. Zawadowski - 193-202 Charge density plateaux and insulating phases in the $\mathsf{t-J}$ model with ladder geometry
by A. Fledderjohann & A. Langari & K.-H. Mütter - 203-207 Dynamic fracture model for acoustic emission
by M. Minozzi & G. Caldarelli & L. Pietronero & S. Zapperi - 209-214 2-Dimensional polymers confined in a strip
by H.-P. Hsu & P. Grassberger - 215-220 Periodic instantons and domain structure in a ferromagnetic film
by G.-P. Zheng & J.-Q. Liang & Y.-H. Nie & W. Yin - 221-231 Spectral properties of the Brownian self-transport operator
by D. Grebenkov & M. Filoche & B. Sapoval - 233-243 Exploring valleys of aging systems: the spin glass case
by J. Dall & P. Sibani - 245-251 Bulk mediated surface diffusion: the infinite system case
by J. Revelli & C. Budde & D. Prato & H. Wio - 253-262 Transport properties of a mesoscopic metallic loop connected to leads
by L. Arrachea - 263-269 Landau-Zener interferometry for qubits
by A. Shytov & D. Ivanov & M. Feigel’man - 271-279 Characterization of anti-phase boundaries in epitaxial magnetite films
by S. Celotto & W. Eerenstein & T. Hibma - 281-287 Charge-carrier transport properties of ultrathin Pb films
by I. Vilfan & H. Pfnür - 289-293 The optimal velocity traffic flow models with open boundaries
by H. Ez-Zahraouy & Z. Benrihane & A. Benyoussef
November 2003, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 3-13 Electrical conduction in nanostructured carbon and carbon-metal films grown by supersonic cluster beam deposition
by M. Bruzzi & P. Piseri & S. Miglio & G. Bongiorno & E. Barborini & C. Ducati & J. Robertson & P. Milani - 15-20 Predicted spin-orbit coupling effect on the magnetic ordering of crystalline uranium dioxide
by J. Boettger - 21-26 The factorized form for dielectric relaxation
by J. Ribeiro & L. Vieira - 27-36 Third harmonics of the AC magnetic susceptibility: a method for the study of flux dynamics in high temperature superconductors
by M. Polichetti & M. Adesso & S. Pace - 37-56 Equation of motion method for composite field operators
by F. Mancini & A. Avella - 57-64 Precessional switching of thin nanomagnets: analytical study
by T. Devolder & C. Chappert - 65-73 Ground state features of the Fröhlich model
by G. Filippis & V. Cataudella & V. Marigliano Ramaglia & C. Perroni & D. Bercioux - 75-80 Temperature dependent local Cu-O displacements from underdoped to overdoped La-Sr-Cu-O superconductor
by N. Saini & H. Oyanagi & T. Ito & V. Scagnoli & M. Filippi & S. Agrestini & G. Campi & K. Oka & A. Bianconi - 81-86 Delocalization and wave-packet dynamics in one-dimensional diluted Anderson models
by F. Moura & M. Santos & U. Fulco & M. Lyra & E. Lazo & M. Onell - 87-90 Ab initio phonon dispersion relations of $\mathsf{\alpha}$ -Ga
by I. Spagnolatti & M. Bernasconi - 91-98 Influence of quenched dilution on the quasi-long-range ordered phase of the $\mathsf{2d}$ $\mathsf{XY}$ model
by B. Berche & A. Fariñas-Sánchez & Yu. Holovatch & R. Paredes - 99-104 Solvable multi-species extensions of the drop-push model
by F. Roshani & M. Khorrami - 105-113 Jamming transition of a granular pile below the angle of repose
by S. Deboeuf & E. Bertin & E. Lajeunesse & O. Dauchot - 115-118 Noised-induced phase transition in an oscillatory system with dynamical traps
by I. Lubashevsky & M. Hajimahmoodzadeh & A. Katsnelson & P. Wagner - 119-128 Stability analysis of a noise-induced Hopf bifurcation
by K. Mallick & P. Marcq - 129-136 The complexity of the spherical $\mathsf{p}$ -spin spin glass model, revisited
by A. Crisanti & L. Leuzzi & T. Rizzo - 137-140 Surface plasmons on a quasiperiodic grating
by J. Pereira & G. Farias & R. Costa Filho - 141-147 Mixing length scales: step meandering and island nucleation on vicinal surfaces
by M. Rusanen & I. Koponen & J. Kallunki - 149-153 Effects of saving and spending patterns on holding time distribution
by N. Ding & N. Xi & Y. Wang
October 2003, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 443-447 Electron velocity in superlattices
by U. Merc & C. Pacher & M. Topic & F. Smole & E. Gornik - 449-463 Hyperfine interaction of the 5 $\mathsf{d}$ impurities in hexagonal Co
by G. Seewald & B. Hinfurtner & E. Zech & E. Hagn & A. Burchard & D. Forkel-Wirth & R. Eder - 465-473 On $\mathsf{c=1}$ critical phases in anisotropic spin-1 chains
by C. Degli Esposti Boschi & E. Ercolessi & F. Ortolani & M. Roncaglia - 475-480 Superconductivity in the doped “pseudo-ladder” compound CaCu $_\mathsf{2}$ O $_\mathsf{3}$
by N. Plakida & A. Vladimirov & S.-L. Drechsler - 481-491 Effects of vacuum annealing on the transport property of La $\mathsf{_{0.67}}$ Sr $\mathsf{_{0.33}}$ MnO $\mathsf{_{3-\delta}}$ films
by J. Sun & H. Yeung & H. Wong & T. Zhu & B. Shen - 493-504 Large-amplitude behavior of the Grinfeld instability: a variational approach
by P. Kohlert & K. Kassner & C. Misbah - 505-511 Mean-field solution of the parity-conserving kinetic phase transition in one dimension
by D. Zhong & D. ben-Avraham & M. Muñoz - 513-515 Multiscale self-organized criticality and powerful X-ray flares
by A. Bershadskii & K. Sreenivasan - 517-524 Ag deposited onto the (100) surface in silicon studied by Density Functional Theory and Classical Molecular Dynamics
by A. Mazzone - 525-530 Elastic properties of a cellular dissipative structure
by P. Brunet & J.-M. Flesselles & L. Limat - 531-549 Nonlinear effects and shock formation in the focusing of a spherical acoustic wave
by C. Appert & C. Tenaud & X. Chavanne & S. Balibar & F. Caupin & D. d’Humiéres - 551-564 Medial surfaces of hyperbolic structures
by G. Schröder & S. Ramsden & A. Christy & S. Hyde - 565-570 A minimal dissipation type-based classification in irreversible thermodynamics and microeconomics
by A. Tsirlin & V. Kazakov & N. Kolinko
October 2003, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 291-294 On the scattering of sound by a magnetic field in a MHD fluid
by F. Pétrélis & F. Lund - 295-300 Nonlinear properties of ferromagnetic La $\mathsf{_{1-x}}$ Ca $\mathsf{_{x}}$ MnO $\mathsf{_3}$ single crystals
by V. Markovich & Y. Yuzhelevski & G. Gorodetsky & G. Jung & C. Beek & Ya Mukovskii - 301-309 The high-pressure phase sequence in nanocrystalline zirconia
by P. Bouvier & V. Dmitriev & G. Lucazeau - 311-316 Crystallographic and magnetic structure of ZnV $\mathsf{_2}$ O $\mathsf{_4}$
by M. Reehuis & A. Krimmel & N. Büttgen & A. Loidl & A. Prokofiev - 317-323 A magnetic study of the one dimensional Sr $\mathsf{_{3}}$ NiIrO $\mathsf{_{6}}$ compound
by D. Flahaut & S. Hébert & A. Maignan & V. Hardy & C. Martin & M. Hervieu & M. Costes & B. Raquet & J. Broto - 325-329 Precursor diamagnetism above the superconducting transition in YNi $_\mathsf{2}$ B $_\mathsf{2}$ C
by A. Lascialfari & T. Mishonov & A. Rigamonti & I. Zucca & G. Behr & W. Loser & S. Drechsler - 331-337 New insight on spin polarized current injection in high-T $\mathsf{_c}$ cuprate/manganite devices
by J. Dumont & M. Moragués & B. Leridon & J. Lesueur & J. Contour - 339-348 NQR study of phase transitions in CH $\mathsf{_3}$ HgX (X=Cl, Br, I)
by J. Pirnat & J. Luznik & J. Seliger & Z. Trontelj & D. Kirin - 349-355 Electronic structure and photoemission studies on Kondo semimetal U $\mathsf{_2}$ Ru $\mathsf{_2}$ Sn
by G. Chelkowska & J. Morkowski & A. Szajek & J. Stepien-Damm & R. Troc - 357-364 Electron spin resonance studies on quantum tunneling in spinel ferrite nanoparticles
by C. Hsieh & J. Lue - 365-370 DMRG studies on interchain coupling model for quasi-one-dimensional organic magnet
by K. Yao & Q. Liu & Z. Liu & X. Liu & G. Sun - 371-375 Study by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy of a Dy@C $_{\mathsf{82}}$ single crystal
by T. Wågberg & P. Launois & R. Moret & H. Huang & S. Yang & I. Li & Z. Tang - 377-389 Asymmetric evolving random networks
by S. Coulomb & M. Bauer - 391-398 Some features of the conditional ${\mathsf q}$ -entropies of composite quantum systems
by J. Batle & A. Plastino & M. Casas & A. Plastino - 399-411 A column of grains in the jamming limit: glassy dynamics in the compaction process
by J. Luck & A. Mehta - 413-420 Full counting statistics of a general quantum mechanical variable
by Yu Nazarov & M. Kindermann - 421-427 Short-distance wavefunction statistics in one-dimensional Anderson localization
by H. Schomerus & M. Titov - 429-439 Anisotropic effects in surface acoustic wave propagation from a point source in a crystal
by A. Maznev & A. Lomonosov & P. Hess & Al Kolomenskii
September 2003, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 155-175 Analytical and numerical treatment of the Mott-Hubbard insulator in infinite dimensions
by M. Eastwood & F. Gebhard & E. Kalinowski & S. Nishimoto & R. Noack - 177-189 Charge instabilities in strongly correlated bilayer systems
by G. Seibold - 191-199 Sample dependence of anisotropy and restriction of electron-spin diffusion in the quasi-one dimensional organic conductor (fluoranthene) $\mathsf{_2}$ PF $\mathsf{_6}$
by T. Wokrina & J. Gmeiner & N. Kaplan & E. Dormann - 201-207 Dynamical phase transition in two-dimensional fully frustrated Josephson junction arrays with resistively shunted junction dynamics
by M.-B. Luo & Q.-H. Chen - 209-216 Far-infrared probe of size dispersion and population fluctuations in doped self-assembled quantum dots
by J. Isaia & L. Vaulchier & S. Hameau & R. Ferreira & Y. Guldner & E. Deleporte & J. Zeman & V. Thierry-Mieg & J. Gérard - 217-221 Electronic structure and linear optical properties of Sr $\mathsf{_{2}}$ CuO $\mathsf{_{2}}$ Cl $\mathsf{_{2}}$ studied from the first principles calculation
by H. Weng & X. Wan & J. Zhou & J. Dong - 223-232 Dynamical CPA approach to an itinerant fermionic spin glass model
by M. Bechmann & R. Oppermann - 233-238 Electro-reflectance spectra of blue bronze
by R. Rai & V. Bondarenko & J. Brill - 239-253 Phase behavior and collective excitations of the Morse ring chain
by A. Chetverikov & J. Dunkel - 255-259 Relaxation into equilibrium under pure Schrödinger dynamics
by P. Borowski & J. Gemmer & G. Mahler - 261-266 Conditions for the existence of interface spin waves in a biferromagnetic interface
by G. Yun & X. Liang - 267-278 Laser diffraction by periodic dynamic patterns in anisotropic fluids
by T. John & U. Behn & R. Stannarius - 279-288 Analytical results for the Sznajd model of opinion formation
by F. Slanina & H. Lavicka
September 2003, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-12 Dynamic susceptibility of reentrant Fe-rich inhomogeneous amorphous alloys
by F. Barquín & J. Sal & P. Gorria & J. Garitaonandia & J. Barandiarán - 13-20 A model Hamiltonian for MgB $\mathsf{_{2}}$ which takes into account its unusual phononic features
by M. Acquarone & L. Romanó - 21-31 Recursion method and one-hole spectral function of the Majumdar-Ghosh model
by R. Kuzian & R. Hayn & J. Richter - 33-39 Specific heat behavior of high temperature superconductors in the pseudogap regime
by I. Tifrea & C. Moca - 41-47 Effect of electron-phonon interaction on surface states in zinc-blende GaN, AlN, and InN under pressure
by Z. Yan & S. Ban & X. Liang - 49-55 Growth atomic mechanisms of pulsed laser deposited La modified- $\mathsf{PbTiO_3}$ perovskites
by E. Vasco & C. Polop & C. Ocal - 57-68 Hund’s rule magnetism in C $\mathsf{_{60}}$ ions?
by M. Lüders & N. Manini & P. Gattari & E. Tosatti - 69-75 Effects of magnetic impurity Co on stripe phase of (Bi/Tl) $_\mathsf2$ (Sr/Ba) $_\mathsf2$ CaCu $_\mathsf2$ O $_\mathsf{8+\delta}$ superconductors
by A. Poddar & B. Chattopadhyay - 77-91 Density and current response functions in strongly disordered electron systems: diffusion, electrical conductivity and Einstein relation
by V. Janiš & J. Kolorenc & V. Špicka - 93-101 Dynamical exchange effects in the dielectric function of the two-dimensional electron gas
by K. Hameeuw & F. Brosens & J. Devreese - 103-110 The “quasiparticle” peak in the angular resolved spectrum of the superconducting underdoped Bi $\mathsf{_2}$ Sr $\mathsf{_2}$ CaCu $\mathsf{_2}$ O $\mathsf{_8}$
by A. Rozhkov - 111-116 Thermostatistics of the g-on gas
by F. Büyükkiliç & H. Uncu & D. Demirhan - 117-123 Phase transitions in unstable cancer cell populations
by R. Solé - 125-132 Adsorption of oxygen on Si(100) steps: a study at semiempirical level
by A. Mazzone - 133-141 Turbulent thermal convection in a closed domain: viscous boundary layer and mean flow effects
by R. Verzicco - 143-152 Dynamics of multi-frequency minority games
by A. Martino
August 2003, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 381-394 Exchange bias like effect induced by domain walls in FeGd/FeSn bilayers
by F. Canet & C. Bellouard & S. Mangin & C. Chatelain & C. Senet & R. Siebrecht & V. Leiner & M. Piecuch - 395-398 Evidence of an ion-beam induced crystalline-to-crystalline phase transformation in hafnia
by A. Benyagoub - 399-407 Heavy fermions in transition metals and transition-metal oxides
by H.-A. Krug von Nidda & R. Bulla & N. Büttgen & M. Heinrich & A. Loidl - 409-413 Symmetry, phonons and rigid-layers modes in commensurate double wall carbon nanotubes
by E. Dobardzic & I. Miloševic & T. Vukovic & B. Nikolic & M. Damnjanovic - 415-419 Optical transmission spectra of a silicate glass containing nanocrystallites of cadmium sulphoselenide
by L. Grigoryan & P. Petrosyan & S. Petrosyan & V. Bellani & F. Maglia - 421-428 Electrical resistivity of the Ti $\mathsf{_4}$ O $\mathsf{_7}$ Magneli phase under high pressure
by C. Acha & M. Monteverde & M. Núñez-Regueiro & A. Kuhn & M. Alario Franco - 429-440 Point-defect properties in HCP rare earth metals with analytic modified embedded atom potentials
by Wangyu Hu & Huiqiu Deng & Xiaojian Yuan & Masahiro Fukumoto - 441-446 The Luttinger sum rule in the slave-particle theories
by I. Mrkonjic & S. Barišic - 447-453 Spin glass and antiferromagnetism in Kondo-lattice disordered system
by S. Magalhães & A. Schmidt & F. Zimmer & A. Theumann & B. Coqblin - 455-466 Symmetric Hubbard systems with superconducting magnetic response
by A. Callegari & M. Cini & E. Perfetto & G. Stefanucci - 467-471 Magnetic and exchange studies in amorphous $\mathsf{Co_{80-x}Ho_xB_{20}}$ alloys
by O. Marrakechi & A. Kaal & S. Sayouri & M. Tlemçani & H. Lassri - 473-478 Theory and simulation of positionally frozen Heisenberg spin systems
by E. Lomba & C. Martín & N. Almarza - 479-487 Fractal geometry of critical Potts clusters
by J. Asikainen & A. Aharony & B. Mandelbrot & E. Rausch & J.-P. Hovi - 489-494 Error diagrams and temporal correlations in a fracture model with characteristic and power-law distributed avalanches
by Y. Moreno & M. Vázquez-Prada & J. Gómez & A. Pacheco - 495-500 Spot foreign exchange market and time series
by F. Petroni & M. Serva
August 2003, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 257-263 On the dechanneling of protons in Si [110]
by M. Kokkoris & G. Perdikakis & S. Kossionides & S. Petrovic & E. Simoen - 265-268 Localized states of acoustic waves in three-dimensional periodic composites with point defects
by Fugen Wu & Huilin Zhong & Shao Zhong & Zhengyou Liu & Youyan Liu - 269-273 Electromagnetically induced tunnelling suppression in a flux qubit
by R. Migliore & A. Messina - 275-280 Pre-formed superconducting and quadrupolar fluctuations and heavy electron mass in an exactly solvable model
by A. Zvyagin - 281-284 Intermittency at the edge of a stochastically inhibited pattern-forming instability
by F. Pétrélis & S. Aumaître - 285-292 Front propagation under periodic forcing in reaction-diffusion systems
by E. Zemskov & K. Kassner & S. Müller - 293-303 Slow-fast dynamics in Josephson junctions
by E. Neumann & A. Pikovsky - 305-319 Classical basis for quantum spectral fluctuations in hyperbolic systems
by S. Müller - 321-324 Phenomenological renormalization group approach to the anisotropic two-layer Ising model
by B. Mirza & T. Mardani - 331-341 Beyond the Kolmogorov Johnson Mehl Avrami kinetics: inclusion of the spatial correlation
by M. Fanfoni & M. Tomellini - 343-350 Break of universality for an Ising model with aperiodic Rudin-Shapiro interactions
by R. Andrade & S. Pinho - 351-357 Electric-field and magnetic-field effects on electronic tunneling through magnetic-barrier nanostructures
by Maowang Lu & Zhenhong Dai & Lide Zhang & Xiaohong Yan - 359-365 Electron spin precession in semiconductor quantum wires with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
by M. Valín-Rodríguez & A. Puente & L. Serra - 367-372 Realistic bus route model considering the capacity of the bus
by Rui Jiang & Mao-Bin Hu & Bin Jia & Qing-Song Wu - 373-377 Intelligent minority game with genetic crossover strategies
by M. Sysi-Aho & A. Chakraborti & K. Kaski
July 2003, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 135-142 Influence of temperature on the nodal properties of the longitudinal thermal conductivity of YBa $\mathsf{_2}$ Cu $\mathsf{_3}$ O $\mathsf{_{7-x}}$
by R. Ocaña & P. Esquinazi - 143-153 Photoconductivity detected magnetic resonance (PDMR) in crystalline tetracene
by T. Barhoumi & S. Romdhane & A. Ben Fredj & F. Henia & H. Bouchriha - 155-162 Magnetism of nanocrystalline Finemet alloy: experiment and simulation
by O. Crisan & J. Grenèche & J. Le Breton & A. Crisan & Y. Labaye & L. Berger & G. Filoti - 163-171 Synthesis of $\mathsf{\gamma}$ -Fe $\mathsf{_2}$ O $\mathsf{_3}$ nanoparticles coated on silica spheres: Structural and magnetic properties
by S. Chakrabarti & S. Mandal & B. Nath & D. Das & D. Ganguli & S. Chaudhuri - 173-177 Continuous melting of a driven two-dimensional flux lattice with strong pins
by L. Fruchter - 179-192 EELS study of interfaces in magnetoresistive LSMO/STO/LSMO tunnel junctions
by L. Samet & D. Imhoff & J.-L. Maurice & J.-P. Contour & A. Gloter & T. Manoubi & A. Fert & C. Colliex - 193-199 Aging phenomena in nonlinear dissipative chains
by F. Gobet & S. Ciliberto & T. Dauxois - 201-204 Limit current density in 2D metallic granular packings
by S. Dorbolo & M. Ausloos & N. Vandewalle - 205-217 Shape dependence of the finite-size scaling limit in a strongly anisotropic $\mathsf{O(\infty)}$ model
by S. Caracciolo & A. Gambassi & M. Gubinelli & A. Pelissetto - 219-223 Dimer as a challenge to the second law
by V. Cápek - 225-229 Statistical approach of the modulational instability of the discrete self-trapping equation
by A. Visinescu & D. Grecu - 231-235 Nucleation of superconductivity in mesoscopic star-shaped superconductors
by D. Dikin & V. Chandrasekhar & V. Misko & V. Fomin & J. Devreese - 237-246 Magnetoconductance oscillations in semiconductor-superconductor junctions with a laterally isolating barrier layer inside semiconductor region
by Young-Chung Hsue & Tzong-Jer Yang & Ben-Yuan Gu & Jian Wang - 247-253 Self-similar analytical solutions for blast waves in inhomogeneous atmospheres with frozen-in-magnetic field
by J. Vishwakarma & A. Yadav
July 2003, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 3-8 Synchronization of underdamped Josephson-junction arrays
by G. Filatrella & N. Falsig Pedersen & C. John Lobb & P. Barbara - 9-24 Excitons in quantum wires
by M. Combescot & T. Guillet - 25-31 An ellipsometric investigation of Ag/SiO $\mathsf{_2}$ nanocomposite thin films
by R. Roy & S. Mandal & D. Bhattacharyya & A. Pal - 33-39 Renormalization of the hopping parameters in quasi-one-dimensional conductors in the presence of a magnetic field
by S. Haddad & S. Charfi-Kaddour & C. Nickel & M. Héritier & R. Bennaceur - 41-46 Magnetic anisotropy of ferromagnetic layered manganites
by J.-P. Renard & M. Velázquez - 47-53 A vibrational model of F centres in alkali halides
by M. Salis - 55-61 Boundary and particle number effects on the thermodynamic properties of trapped ideal Bose gases
by Yee-Mou Kao & D. Lin & Pin Han & Pi-Gang Luan - 63-67 Electron-phonon interaction in carbon clathrate hex- $\mathsf{C_{40}}$
by I. Spagnolatti & M. Bernasconi & G. Benedek - 69-84 Singular behavior of the Emery model with O-O hopping for high-T $\mathsf{_c}$ superconductors
by I. Mrkonjic & S. Barisic - 85-98 A causal multifractal stochastic equation and its statistical properties
by F. Schmitt - 99-103 Phonon-mediated anomalous dynamics of defects
by A. Najafi & R. Golestanian - 105-114 A statistical mechanics model of isotropic turbulence well-defined within the context of the $\mathsf{\epsilon}$ expansion
by J.-M Park & M. Deem - 115-118 Colored non-Gaussian noise driven systems: Mean first passage time
by B. Bag - 119-129 On the aging dynamics in an immune network model
by M. Copelli & R. Zorzenon dos Santos & D. Stariolo - 131-131 Covalent magnetism in the RFe $_\mathsf{6}$ Ge $_\mathsf{6}$ series
by T. Mazet & J. Tobola & B. Malaman
June 2003, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 381-390 Normal state conduction in Gd(Ba 2–x Pr x )Cu 3 O 7+δ
by M. Mohammadizadeh & M. Akhavan - 391-396 Renormalization of the electron-phonon interaction: a reformulation of the BCS-gap equation
by A. Hübsch & K. Becker - 397-411 Thermal conductivity in 3D NJL model under external magnetic field
by E. Ferrer & V. Gusynin & V. Incera - 413-418 Phase separation effects in charge-ordered Pr 0.5 Ca 0.5 MnO 3 thin film
by S. Brion & G. Storch & G. Chouteau & A. Janossy & W. Prellier & E. Rauwel Buzin - 419-438 Charge density waves and bond order waves in a quarter filled extended Hubbard ladder
by E. Orignac & R. Citro - 439-445 Reduction of spin glasses applied to the Migdal-Kadanoff hierarchical lattice
by S. Boettcher - 447-455 Stratifications of cellular patterns: hysteresis and convergence
by C. Oguey & N. Rivier & T. Aste - 457-467 3D Large scale Marangoni convection in liquid films
by M. Bestehorn & A. Pototsky & U. Thiele - 469-485 Numerical study of homogeneous dynamo based on experimental von Kármán type flows
by L. Marié & J. Burguete & F. Daviaud & J. Léorat - 487-494 Nonlinear breakup of an asymmetric electrohydrodynamic jet
by Doo-Sung Lee - 495-503 Study of the non-linear autocorrelations within the Gaussian regime
by R. Kutner & F. Świtała
March 2003, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 5-11 Insulator-metal transition shift related to magnetic polarons in La 0.67-x Y x Ca 0.33 MnO 3
by G. Li & S.-J. Feng & F. Liu & Y. Yang & R.-K. Zheng & T. Qian & X.-Y. Guo & X.-G. Li - 13-26 Onset of the nonlinear dielectric response of glasses in the two-level system model
by J. Le Cochec & F. Ladieu - 27-33 A theoretical analysis of the magnetic properties of La 2 CuO 4
by A. Avella & F. Mancini - 35-42 Magnetic phases in Mn 1 _ x Fe x WO 4 studied by neutron powder diffraction
by E. García-Matres & N. Stüßer & M. Hofmann & M. Reehuis - 43-47 Magnetic susceptibility in quasi one-dimensional Ba a2 V 3 O 9 : chain segmentation versus the staggered field effect
by B. Schmidt & V. Yushankhai & L. Siurakshina & P. Thalmeier - 49-63 Kondo insulators in the periodic Anderson model: a local moment approach
by V.E. Smith & D.E. Logan & H.R. Krishnamurthy - 65-71 Solitons in the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO 3
by A.S.T. Pires - 73-79 Propagation of waves and chaos in transmission line with strongly anharmonic dangling resonator
by P. Zieliński & A. Kułak & L. Dobrzyński & B. Djafari-Rouhani - 81-86 Cluster Monte Carlo dynamics for the Ising model on fractal structures in dimensions between one and two
by P. Monceau & P.-Y. Hsiao - 87-95 Polymers with self-avoiding interaction in random medium: a localization-delocalization transition
by Y.Y. Goldschmidt & Y. Shiferaw - 97-107 Comparison between the rotating wave and Feynman-Vernon system-reservoir couplings in the non-Markovian regime
by F. Intravaia & S. Maniscalco & A. Messina - 109-118 Calculations of ferromagnetic surface dynamics using the Green's functions theory and matching procedure
by M. Tamine - 119-126 Frontier induced semi-infinite-medium (FISIM) states at semiconductor surfaces and interfaces
by D. Olguın & J.A. Rodrıguez & R. Baquero - 127-136 Spatial variations of the mean and statistical quantities in the thermal boundary layers of turbulent convection
by J. Wang & K.-Q. Xia
November 2002, Volume 30, Issue 2
January 2002, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 131-134 Super-slippery carbon nanotubes
by M. Damnjanović & T. Vuković & I. Milošević - 135-138 Separation of dissipation from diffusion
by Tong Zhou - 139-146 Electronic structure of Pu monochalcogenides and monopnictides
by L. Petit & A. Svane & W.M. Temmerman & Z. Szotek - 147-153 The two dimensional classical anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnetic model with nearest- and next-nearest neighbor interactions
by M.E. Gouvêa & A.S.T. Pires - 155-165 Diamagnetic interactions in disordered suspensions of metastable superconducting granules
by A. Peñaranda & C.E. Auguet & L. Ramırez-Piscina - 167-176 Structure and magnetic properties of epitaxial cobalt islands
by M. Demand & M. Hehn & R.L. Stamps & C. Meny & K. Ounadjela - 177-189 Modeling of the current lines in discontinuous metal/insulator multilayers
by F. Ernult & L. Giacomoni & A. Marty & B. Dieny & A. Vedyayev & N. Ryzhanova