August 2000, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 455-462 Non ergodic aging in potassium niobo-tantalate crystals
by P. Doussineau & T. de Lacerda-Arôso & A. Levelut - 463-468 The Kondo effect in periodic narrow-band systems
by V.Yu. Irkhin & A.V. Zarubin - 469-474 Extension of ferromagnetism and metallicity to electron-rich manganites by Ru-doping: Generation of new CMR oxides Sm 0.2 Ca 0.8 Mn 1-x Ru x O 3
by C. Martin & A. Maignan & M. Hervieu & B. Raveau & J. Hejtmanek - 475-486 High temperature expansion for frustrated and unfrustrated S= $${1 \over 2}$$ spin chains
by A. Bühler & N. Elstner & G.S. Uhrig - 487-493 Low frequency dielectric spectroscopy of the Peierls-Mott insulating state in the deuterated copper-DCNQI systems
by M. Pinterić & T. Vuletić & M. Lončarić & S. Tomić & J.U. von Schütz - 495-500 Structure of spin polarons in the t-t′ -t″ -J z model
by J. Bała - 501-505 Growth exponent in the Domany-Kinzel cellular automaton
by A.P.F. Atman & J.G. Moreira - 507-513 Resonant quantum coherence of magnetization at excited states in nanospin systems with different crystal symmetries
by Jia-Lin Zhu & Rong Lü & Su-Peng Kou & Hui Hu & Bing-Lin Gu - 515-520 Aharonov-Bohm effect in one-channel weakly disordered rings
by E.P. Nakhmedov & H. Feldmann & R. Oppermann - 521-529 On dewetting dynamics of solid films of hydrogen isotopes and its influence on tritium ß spectroscopy
by L. Fleischmann & J. Bonn & B. Bornschein & P. Leiderer & E.W. Otten & M. Przyrembel & Ch. Weinheimer - 531-535 Non-equilibrium wetting transition in a magnetic Eden model
by J. Candia & E.V. Albano - 537-541 Globally coupled systems with prescribed synchronized dynamics
by D.H. Zanette - 543-547 Peristaltic transport in a slip flow
by W. Kwang-Hua Chu & J. Fang - 549-561 A statistical estimator of turbulence intermittency in physical and numerical experiments
by Y. Malécot & C. Auriault & H. Kahalerras & Y. Gagne & O. Chanal & B. Chabaud & B. Castaing - 563-567 Large scale correlations for energy injection mechanisms in swirling turbulent flows
by S. Aumaître & S. Fauve & J.F. Pinton - 569-571 On social percolation and small world network
by E. Ahmed & H.A. Abdusalam
July 2000, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 7-10 On the origin of biquadratic exchange in spin 1 chains
by F. Mila & Fu-Chun Zhang - 11-17 Preparation and characterization of nano-sized Ag/PVP composites for optical applications
by G. Carotenuto & G.P. Pepe & L. Nicolais - 19-24 Photoreflectance characterization of InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots grown by ALMBE
by M. Geddo & R. Ferrini & G. Guizzetti & M. Patrini & S. Franchi & P. Frigeri & G. Salviati & L. Lazzarini - 25-35 Lattice model for translational and rotational motions based on generalised diffusion equations: I. General formalism
by F. Volino & G. Gebel & H. Gérard - 37-41 Magnetic structure of $$L{i_{1 - x}}N{i_{1 + x}}{o_2}$$
by M.D. Núnez-Regueiro & E. Chappel & G. Chouteau & C. Delmas - 43-48 The use of energy and co-energy for the evaluation of forces in non-linear, anisotropic dielectric solids
by S. Bobbio† - 49-58 Ab initio study of phonons and structural stabilities of the perovskite-type $$MgSi{O_3}$$
by K. Parlinski & Y. Kawazoe - 59-66 Structural instability and superconductivity in $$B{a_{1 - x}}{K_x}Bi{o_3}$$
by S. Zherlitsyn & B. Lüthi & V. Gusakov & B. Wolf & F. Ritter & D. Wichert & S. Barilo & S. Shiryaev & C. Escribe-Filippini & J.L. Tholence - 67-72 Field-induced phase transitions and giant magnetoresistance in Dy $$D{y_3}Co$$ Co single crystals
by N.V. Baranov & E. Bauer & R. Hauser & A. Galatanu & Y. Aoki & H. Sato - 73-80 Vibrational states of glassy and crystalline orthoterphenyl
by A. Tölle & H. Zimmermann & F. Fujara & W. Petry & W. Schmidt & H. Schober & J. Wuttke - 81-84 Spin-wave excitations in finite chain segments of the diluted one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet $$CsM{n_{1 - x}}M{g_x}B{r_3}$$
by A. Furrer & H.-U. Güdel - 85-105 Strong-coupling perturbation theory of the Hubbard model
by S. Pairault & D. Sénéchal & A.-M.S. Tremblay - 107-111 Effects of crossed columnar defects on vortex pinning in Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8
by V. Hardy & S. Hébert & J. Provost & Ch. Simon - 113-117 Variation of cluster properties in lattice percolation problem: A prototype of phase transition
by B. Borštnik & D. Lukman - 119-126 Measuring effective temperatures in out-of-equilibrium driven systems
by R. Exartier & L. Peliti - 127-131 External fluctuations in front dynamics with inertia: The overdamped limit
by J.M. Sancho & A. Sánchez - 133-136 Critical quantum chaos in 2D disordered systems with spin-orbit coupling
by G.N. Katomeris & S.N. Evangelou - 137-145 Propagation and ignition of fast gasless detonation waves of phase or chemical transformation in condensed matter
by A. Pumir & V.V. Barelko - 147-155 Spike-burst and other oscillations in a system composed of two coupled, drastically different elements
by V.I. Nekorkin & V.B. Kazantsev & M.G. Velarde - 157-168 Thermal convection in a rotating layer of a magnetic fluid
by G.K. Auernhammer & H.R. Brand - 169-182 Molecular dynamics of comminution in ball mills
by V. Buchholtz & J.A. Freund & T. Pöschel - 183-187 Instabilities in population dynamics
by K. Sznajd-Weron - 189-194 Optimizing conflicts in the formation of strategic alliances
by R. Florian & S. Galam - 195-201 Clustering of volatility as a multiscale phenomenon
by M. Pasquini & M. Serva
June 2000, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 401-403 Splitting of the Cr 2p ions states in some ternary sulphides and selenides
by V. Tsurkan & St. Plogmann & M. Demeter & D. Hartmann & M. Neumann - 405-421 Small bipolarons in the 2-dimensional Holstein-Hubbard model. II. Quantum bipolarons
by L. Proville & S. Aubry - 423-434 A spin- $${1 \over 2}$$ model for CsCuCl 3 in an external magnetic field
by A. Honecker & M. Kaulke & K.D. Schotte - 435-443 The scattering and transmission of elastic waves in quasi-two-dimensional planar waveguides with linear defect boundaries
by M. Belhadi & O. Rafil & R. Tigrine & A. Khater & J. Hardy & A. Virlouvet & K. Maschke - 445-450 Ordering phenomena in C 60 -tetraphenylphosphonium bromide
by P. Launois & R. Moret & N.-R. de Souza & J.A. Azamar-Barrios & A. Pénicaud - 451-459 Electron transport properties of ß-phase Co 0.50 Ti 0.50 alloy films with various degrees of long range order
by Y.P. Lee & K.W. Kim & J.Y. Rhee & Y.V. Kudryavtsev & V.V. Nemoshkalenko & V.G. Prokhorov - 461-468 Influence of high-energy electron irradiation on the transport properties of La 1-x Ca x MnO 3 films ( $$(x \approx 1/3)$$ )
by B.I. Belevtsev & V.B. Krasovitsky & V.V. Bobkov & D.G. Naugle & K.D.D. Rathnayaka & A. Parasiris - 469-474 Percolation with constraints in the highly polarizable oxide KTaO 3 :Li
by S.A. Prosandeev & V.S. Vikhnin & S. Kapphan - 475-481 A numerical study of the formation of magnetisation plateaus in quasi one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg models
by R.M. Wießner & A. Fledderjohann & K.-H. Mütter & M. Karbach - 483-492 A model for the self-organization of microtubules driven by molecular motors
by B. Bassetti & M. Cosentino Lagomarsino & P. Jona - 493-498 Metastable states of spin glasses on random thin graphs
by D.S. Dean - 499-505 Random walks in one-dimensional environments with feedback-coupling
by B. Schulz & S. Trimper & M. Schulz - 507-516 Precise determination of the conductivity exponent of 3D percolation using exact numerical renormalization
by J.P. Clerc & V.A. Podolskiy & A.K. Sarychev - 517-521 Phase transitions in generalized chiral or Stiefel's models
by D. Loison - 523-529 Heat transport through a quantum dot with one-dimensional interacting leads under Coulomb blockade regime
by M.V. Moskalets - 531-538 Effect of electron-phonon interaction on surface states in a ternary mixed crystal
by Zu Wei Yan & Xi Xia Liang - 539-546 Complexity of two-dimensional patterns
by Yu.A. Andrienko & N.V. Brilliantov & J. Kurths - 547-549 Domino effect for world market fluctuations
by N. Vandewalle & Ph. Boveroux & F. Brisbois - 551-555 New evidence of earthquake precursory phenomena in the 17 January 1995 Kobe earthquake, Japan
by A. Johansen & H. Saleur & D. Sornette - 557-566 Scaling approach of the convective drying of a porous medium
by P. Coussot - 567-600 A wavelet-based method for multifractal image analysis. I. Methodology and test applications on isotropic and anisotropic random rough surfaces
by A. Arnéodo & N. Decoster & S.G. Roux
May 2000, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 3-6 Parametric stabilization of the Rosensweig instability
by F. Pétrélis & É. Falcon & S. Fauve - 15-20 Dependence of T c on hydrostatic pressure in a 123 superconductor
by S. Sadewasser & J.S. Schilling & A. Knizhnik & G.M. Reisner & Y. Eckstein - 21-27 Spin density distribution of the conduction electrons in diperylene hexafluorophosphate analysed by high-resolution NMR
by G. Fischer & E. Dormann - 29-33 Effects of Ca substitution on the phonon anomalies in the Raman scattering of YBa 2 Cu 4 O 8
by N. Watanabe & N. Koshizuka - 35-40 Neutron scattering study of transverse magnetism in the metamagnet FeBr 2
by Ch. Binek & T. Kato & W. Kleemann & O. Petracic & D. Bertrand & F. Bourdarot & P. Burlet & H. Aruga Katori & K. Katsumata & K. Prokes & S. Welzel - 41-50 Evidence of bcc Mn epitaxial growth in Mn/M x V 1–x (001) (M=Fe, Nb) superlattices
by P.Y. Friot & P. Turban & S. Andrieu & M. Piecuch & E. Snoeck & A. Traverse & E. Foy & C. Theodorescu - 51-57 Noise-induced bifurcations and chaos in the average motion of globally-coupled oscillators
by Ying Zhang & Gang Hu & Shi Gang Chen & Yugui Yao - 77-86 An analytical method to compute an approximate value of the site percolation threshold P c
by A. Rosowsky - 87-96 Distribution of eigenfrequencies for vibrating plates
by P. Bertelsen & C. Ellegaard & E. Hugues - 97-104 Short-time behavior of the kinetic spherical model with long-ranged interactions
by Yuan Chen & Shuohong Guo & Zhibing Li & Aijun Ye - 105-113 Brownian particles far from equilibrium
by U. Erdmann & W. Ebeling & L. Schimansky-Geier & F. Schweitzer - 115-126 Phase transitions in “small” systems
by D.H.E. Gross & E.V. Votyakov - 143-148 Anharmonic oscillators energies via artificial perturbation method
by O. Mustafa & M. Odeh - 149-153 Dynamic exponent in extremal models of pinning
by S. Krishnamurthy & A. Tanguy & S. Roux - 155-160 Plateau transitions in fractional quantum Hall liquids
by Ken-Ichiro Imura - 161-168 Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier controlled slope selection in epitaxial growth
by S. Schinzer & S. Köhler & G. Reents - 177-185 Finite-size effects in the self-organized critical forest-fire model
by K. Schenk & B. Drossel & S. Clar & F. Schwabl - 187-192 Reversible charge transfer in solids; binary approximation
by M.S. Mikhelashvili - 193-197 Novel mechanism for discrete scale invariance in sandpile models
by M.W. Lee & D. Sornette
March 2000, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-10 Superconducting and magnetic properties of Nb/Pd 1-x Fe x /Nb triple layers
by M. Schöck & C. Sürgers & H. v. Löhneysen - 11-17 Orthogonality constraints and entropy in the SO(5)-theory of high T c -superconductivity
by F.J. Wegner - 19-28 Dynamical mean-field theory of a simplified double-exchange model
by B.M. Letfulov - 29-42 Anisotropic magnetic exchange in orthorhombic RCu 2 compounds (R=rare earth)
by M. Rotter & M. Loewenhaupt & S. Kramp & T. Reif & N.M. Pyka & W. Schmidt & R. van de Kamp - 43-46 Some metallic properties in the framework of Tsallis generalized statistics
by I.S. Oliveira - 47-52 Generalized nonlinear sigma model approach to alternating spin chains and ladders
by M. Bocquet & Th. Jolicoeur - 53-61 Symmetry breaking induced by a magnetic field in a quasi-two-dimensional d-wave superconductor
by A. Ben Ali & M. Héritier & S. Charfi-Kaddour & R. Bennaceur - 63-72 Form-factor measurements on chromium with high-energy synchrotron radiation
by J. Strempfer & Th. Brückel & W. Caliebe & A. Vernes & H. Ebert & W. Prandl & J.R. Schneider - 73-82 Localization effects in the charge density wave state [4]of the quasi-two-dimensional monophosphate tungsten bronzes $${(P{O_2})_4}{(W{O_3})_{2m}}(m=7,8,9)$$
by J. Dumas & C. Hess & C. Schlenker & G. Bonfait & E. Gomez Marin & D. Groult & J. Marcus - 83-90 On the 240 K anomaly in the magnetic properties of LiNiO 2
by F. Reynaud & A.M. Ghorayeb & Y. Ksari & N. Menguy & A. Stepanov & C. Delmas - 91-97 Exactly solvable spin ladder model with degenerate ferromagnetic and singlet states
by D.V. Dmitriev & V.Ya. Krivnov & A.A. Ovchinnikov - 99-113 Melting of a Wigner crystal in an ionic dielectric
by S. Fratini & P. Quémerais - 115-124 Photo-excitation from dia- to ferri-magnetism in a Rb-Co-hexacyanoferrate Prussian blue analogue
by A. Goujon & O. Roubeau & F. Varret & A. Dolbecq & A. Bleuzen & M. Verdaguer - 125-137 First and second order transition of frustrated Heisenberg spin systems
by D. Loison & K.D. Schotte - 139-144 Diffusive growth of a single droplet with three different boundary conditions
by Z. Tavassoli & G.J. Rodgers - 145-155 A Monte-Carlo study of meanders
by O. Golinelli - 157-168 Uphill motion of active brownian particles in piecewise linear potentials
by F. Schweitzer & B. Tilch & W. Ebeling - 169-176 Spin glass behavior upon diluting frustrated magnets and spin liquids: a Bethe-Peierls treatment
by R. Mélin & S. Peysson - 177-182 Photoemission study of the epitaxial Ce/Pd(100) interface
by N. Witkowski & F. Bertran & F. Dulot & D. Malterre & G. Panaccione & A. Taleb - 183-190 Shocks in non-loaded bead chains with impurities
by E. Hascoët & H.J. Herrmann - 191-200 Laser Doppler velocimetry analysis of transitional pipe flow
by E. Nino & C. Serio
February 2000, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 405-408 Very low friction for natural diamond in water of different pH values
by S.E. Grillo & J.E. Field - 409-412 Critical exponents of random XX and XY chains: Exact results via random walks
by H. Rieger & R. Juhász & F. Iglói - 413-416 Learning, competition and cooperation in simple games
by M.A.R. de Cara & O. Pla & F. Guinea - 417-420 An NMR approach to the superconducting regime of the spin ladder compound Sr 2 Ca 12 Cu 24 O 41
by Y. Piskunov & D. Jérome & P. Auban-Senzier & P. Wzietek & U. Ammerahl & G. Dhalenne & A. Revcolevschi - 421-427 Density-matrix renormalization study of the Hubbard model [4]on a Bethe lattice
by M.-B. Lepetit & M. Cousy & G.M. Pastor - 437-443 Simultaneous measurements of thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and thermopower with application to copper and ceramic superconductors
by H. Bougrine & J.F. Geys & S. Dorbolo & R. Cloots & J. Mucha & I. Nedkov & M. Ausloos - 445-450 Magnetization dynamics and relaxation in epitaxial FePd thin films with a stripe domain structure
by N. Vukadinovic & H. Le Gall & J. Ben Youssef V. Gehanno & A. Marty & Y. Samson & B. Gilles - 451-456 Dynamic triggering of a spin-transition by a pulsed magnetic field
by A. Bousseksou & N. Negre & M. Goiran & L. Salmon & J.-P. Tuchagues & M.-L. Boillot & K. Boukheddaden & F. Varret - 457-475 89 Y NMR probe of Zn induced local magnetism in YBa 2 (Cu 1-y Zn y ) 3 O 6+x
by A.V. Mahajan & H. Alloul & G. Collin & J.F. Marucco - 477-489 Field-induced magnetic reorientation and effective anisotropy of a ferromagnetic monolayer within spin wave theory
by P. Fröbrich & P.J. Jensen & P.J. Kuntz - 491-494 Charge ordering and elastic constants in Fe 3-x Zn x x O 4
by H. Schwenk & S. Bareiter & C. Hinkel & B. Lüthi & Z. Kakol & A. Koslowski & J.M. Honig - 503-511 Optical and photoemission evidence for a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in the Bechgaard salts
by V. Vescoli & F. Zwick & W. Henderson & L. Degiorgi & M. Grioni & G. Gruner & L.K. Montgomery - 513-525 Magnetic impurities in gapless Fermi systems: perturbation theory
by M.T. Glossop & D.E. Logan - 527-530 Noise effects on one-Pauli channels
by Julian Juhi-Lian Ting - 539-545 How to evaluate ground-state landscapes of spin glasses thermodynamical correctly
by A.K. Hartmann - 547-560 On the properties of small-world network models
by A. Barrat & M. Weigt - 561-569 Dielectric resonances in three-dimensional binary disordered media
by G. Albinet & L. Raymond - 571-578 Experimental study of the porosity of loose stacks of stiff cylindrical fibres: Influence of the aspect ratio of fibres
by M. Novellani & R. Santini & L. Tadrist - 579-583 Enskog-Landau kinetic equation for multicomponent mixture. Analytical calculation of transport coefficients
by A.E. Kobryn & M.V. Tokarchuk & Y.A. Humenyuk - 585-588 Detecting quantum signatures of optical fields by ultrasmall Josephson junctions
by R. Migliore & A. Messina & A. Napoli - 589-593 Surface shape resonances of ridges on a thin film
by J.M. Pereira & R.N. Costa Filho & V.N. Freire & G.A. Farias - 595-599 Apparent multifractality in financial time series
by J.-P. Bouchaud & M. Potters & M. Meyer - 601-606 A history-dependent stochastic predator-prey model: Chaos and its elimination
by R. Gerami & M.R. Ejtehadi - 607-607 Erratum to: A polymer chain trapped between two parallel repulsive walls: A Monte-Carlo test of scaling behavior
by A. Milchev & K. Binder
December 1999, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 319-322 Positive and negative Hanbury-Brown and Twiss correlations in normal metal-superconducting devices
by J. Torrès & T. Martin - 323-330 Pump and probe nonlinear processes: new modified sum rules from a simple oscillator model
by F. Bassani & V. Lucarini - 331-334 The Rhodes-Wohlfarth parameter as assessment of the displacive degree in ferroelectrics: The case of the Ф 4 > model
by J.M. Perez-Mato & I. Etxebarria & S. Radescu & S. Ivantchev - 335-341 Magnons localised on surface steps: a theoretical model
by M. Abou Ghantous & A. Khater - 343-346 Ge clusters in Si matrix: structure and dynamics
by J. Dalla Torre & N. Barriquand & M. Djafari Rouhani & G. Landa - 347-350 Polaronic effects on the energy levels of a double donor impurity in quantum wells in the presence of a magnetic field
by Zi-xin Liu & Zhen-jiang Lai & Yong-chang Huang & Ya Liu & Guo-jun Cheng - 351-365 Spin susceptibility of interacting electrons in one dimension: Luttinger liquid and lattice effects
by H. Nélisse & C. Bourbonnais & H. Touchette & Y.M. Vilk & A.-M.S. Tremblay - 367-372 Analysis of infrared reflectivity of conducting polymers: example of camphor-sulphonic-acid-doped polyaniline
by N. Petit & F. Gervais & P. Buvat & P. Hourquebie & P. Topart - 373-385 X-ray dichroism in biaxial gyrotropic media: Differential absorption and fluorescence excitation spectra
by J. Goulon & C. Goulon-Ginet & A. Rogalev & V. Gotte & C. Brouder & C. Malgrange - 387-391 Superconductivity in weakly correlated electron systems
by R. Jursa & S. Wermbter & G. Czycholl - 393-396 Cation disorder and size effects on the magnetic transition in Ba-containing ferromagnetic manganites
by M.M. Savosta & A.N. Ulyanov & N.Yu. Starostyuk & M. Maryško & P. Novák - 397-404 Influence of polydispersity on the phase behavior of statistical multiblock copolymers with Schultz-Zimm block molecular weight distributions
by H.J. Angerman & G. ten Brinke & J.J.M. Slot - 405-411 Encapsulation of filaments of a self-assembling bicopper complex in polymer nanowires
by D. Lopez & J.-M. Guenet - 413-419 Attractive forces between anisotropic inclusions in the membrane of a vesicle
by R. Holzlöhner & M. Schoen - 421-429 Cubic phases of amphiphilic molecular aggregates
by V.P. Dmitriev & G.R. Ouriques - 431-449 Calculation of scattering from stretched copolymers using the tube model: a generalisation of the RPA
by D.J. Read - 451-455 A dynamic scattering approach for a gated interacting wire
by I. Safi - 457-469 Rare events in a log-Weibull scenario - Application to earthquake magnitude data
by T. Huillet & H.-F. Raynaud
November 1999, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-3 Discrete scale invariance in viscous fingering patterns
by A. Roy & S. Roy & A.J. Bhattacharyya & S. Banerjee & S. Tarafdar - 5-8 Flow equations and the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction
by J. Stein - 9-12 N-body study of anisotropic membrane inclusions: Membrane mediated interactions and ordered aggregation
by P.G. Dommersnes & J.-B. Fournier - 13-15 Electron spin resonance and magnetic susceptibility suggest superconductivity in Na doped WO 3 samples
by A. Shengelaya & S. Reich & Y. Tsabba & K.A. Müller - 17-22 Optical properties of an interacting large polaron gas
by V. Cataudella & G. De Filippis & G. Iadonisi - 23-30 Mutual inductance effects in rf driven planar Josephson junctions arrays
by G. Filatrella & A. Petraglia & G. Rotoli - 31-33 Luminescence quantum yield and multiplication of electronic excitations in the corundum crystals
by V.V. Harutunyan & T.S. Hakobyan & V.A. Gevorkyan & V.N. Makhov - 35-38 Luminescence property studies of α-Al 2 O 3 by means of nanosecond time-resolved VUV spectroscopy
by V.V. Harutunyan & V.A. Gevorkyan & V.N. Makhov - 39-46 Dipolar interaction and incoherent quantum tunneling: a Monte Carlo study of magnetic relaxation
by A. Cuccoli & A. Fort & A. Rettori & E. Adam & J. Villain - 47-53 Dynamical correlations in the one-dimensional electron gas with short-range interactions
by E. Demirel & B. Tanatar - 55-59 Relationship between resistivity and specific heat in a canonical non-magnetic heavy fermion alloy system: UPt 5-x Au x
by B. Andraka & R. Pietri & S.G. Thomas & G.R. Stewart & E.-W. Scheidt & T. Schreiner - 61-65 Excess thermal-noise in the electrical breakdown of random resistor networks
by C. Pennetta & L.B. Kiss & Z. Gingl & L. Reggiani - 67-73 Uniform foam production by turbulent mixing: new results on free drainage vs. liquid content
by A. Saint-Jalmes & M.U. Vera & D.J. Durian - 75-78 Boundary effects on the maximal angle of stability of a granular packing
by P. Boltenhagen - 79-82 Simple model for attraction between like-charged polyions
by J.J. Arenzon & J.F. Stilck & Y. Levin - 83-90 Statics and kinetics at the nematic-isotropic interface in porous media
by V. Popa-Nita - 91-97 Structure and size distribution of percolating clusters. Comparison with gelling systems
by J.C. Gimel & T. Nicolai & D. Durand & J.M. Teuler - 99-114 Density matrix renormalization group and reaction-diffusion processes
by E. Carlon & M. Henkel & U. Schollwöck - 115-118 Effective scaling behavior of magnetization and Hamming distance in Ising thin films under a surface field
by E.M. de Sousa Luz & A.F. Siqueira & U.M.S. Costa & M.L. Lyra - 119-122 Phase transitions in a bistable system driven by two colored noises
by S. Z. Ke & D. J. Wu & L. Cao - 123-127 A parity conserving dimer model with infinitely many absorbing states
by M.C. Marques & J.F.F. Mendes - 129-133 A sharp transition between a trivial 1D BTW model and self-organized critical rice-pile model
by M. Bengrine & A. Benyoussef & A. El Kenz & M. Loulidi & F. Mhirech - 135-146 Misinterpretation yields supervelocities during transmission of wave packets through a barrier
by J. Weis & O. Weis - 147-155 CuCl nanocrystals in alkali-halide matrices under hydrostatic pressure
by M. Haselhoff & K. Reimann & H.-J. Weber - 157-162 Non-linear elastic behavior of light fibrous materials
by M. Baudequin & G. Ryschenkow & S. Roux - 163-166 Incoherent energy transfer within light-harvesting complexes
by Julian Juhi-Lian Ting
October 1999, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 535-550 Spectral densities of response functions for the O(3) symmetric Anderson and two channel Kondo models
by S. Bradley & R. Bulla & A. Hewson & G Zhang - 535-550 Spectral densities of response functions for the O(3) symmetric Anderson and two channel Kondo models
by S. Bradley & R. Bulla & A. Hewson & G Zhang - 551-557 Small polaron formation in many-particle states of the Hubbard-Holstein model: The one-dimensional case
by M. Capone & M. Grilli & W. Stephan - 559-564 Ab initio calculation of local vibrational modes by the Green’s function method. Application to GaAs:C and GaN:As
by C. Göbel & K. Petzke & C. Schrepel & U. Scherz - 559-564 Ab initio calculation of local vibrational modes by the Green’s function method. Application to GaAs:C and GaN:As
by C. Göbel & K. Petzke & C. Schrepel & U. Scherz - 565-573 Size dependence of dielectric properties and structural metastability in ferroelectrics
by L. Zhang & W. Zhong & C. Wang & Y. Peng & Y. Wang - 565-573 Size dependence of dielectric properties and structural metastability in ferroelectrics
by L. Zhang & W. Zhong & C. Wang & Y. Peng & Y. Wang - 575-582 Electronic properties of quasiperiodic Fibonacci chain including second-neighbor hopping in the tight-binding model
by A. Ghosh & S. Karmakar - 575-582 Electronic properties of quasiperiodic Fibonacci chain including second-neighbor hopping in the tight-binding model
by A. Ghosh & S. Karmakar - 583-591 Limiting phenomena for the spreading of water on polymer films by electrowetting
by M. Vallet & M. Vallade & B. Berge - 583-591 Limiting phenomena for the spreading of water on polymer films by electrowetting
by M. Vallet & M. Vallade & B. Berge - 593-608 Undulation instability of lamellar phases under shear: A mechanism for onion formation?
by A. Zilman & R. Granek - 593-608 Undulation instability of lamellar phases under shear: A mechanism for onion formation?
by A. Zilman & R. Granek - 609-614 Morphology transition and slow dynamics in the collapse of amphiphilic monolayers at the air-water interface
by E. Hatta & D. Suzuki & J. Nagao - 609-614 Morphology transition and slow dynamics in the collapse of amphiphilic monolayers at the air-water interface
by E. Hatta & D. Suzuki & J. Nagao - 615-619 Humidity effects on the stability of a sandpile
by N. Fraysse & H. Thomé & L. Petit - 615-619 Humidity effects on the stability of a sandpile
by N. Fraysse & H. Thomé & L. Petit - 621-627 Entropy and multi-particle correlations in two-dimensional lattice gases
by M. Donato & S. Prestipino & P. Giaquinta - 621-627 Entropy and multi-particle correlations in two-dimensional lattice gases
by M. Donato & S. Prestipino & P. Giaquinta - 629-634 Scaling and infrared divergences in the replica field theory of the Ising spin glass
by T. Temesvári & C. Dominicis & I. Kondor - 629-634 Scaling and infrared divergences in the replica field theory of the Ising spin glass
by T. Temesvári & C. Dominicis & I. Kondor - 635-641 Response function of coarsening systems
by L. Berthier & J. Barrat & J. Kurchan - 635-641 Response function of coarsening systems
by L. Berthier & J. Barrat & J. Kurchan - 643-654 Interband collective electronic excitations in resonant Raman scattering of two-subband quantum wires
by M. Sassetti & F. Napoli & B. Kramer - 643-654 Interband collective electronic excitations in resonant Raman scattering of two-subband quantum wires
by M. Sassetti & F. Napoli & B. Kramer - 655-663 The finite-temperature photoluminescence correlation function in semiconductor heterostructures
by M. Tavares & G. Marques & C. Tejedor - 655-663 The finite-temperature photoluminescence correlation function in semiconductor heterostructures
by M. Tavares & G. Marques & C. Tejedor - 665-676 Corrective measures in turbulent pipe flows and extended self-similarity
by M. Johansen & P. Alstrom & J. Borg & M. Levinsen - 665-676 Corrective measures in turbulent pipe flows and extended self-similarity
by M. Johansen & P. Alstrom & J. Borg & M. Levinsen