August 2016, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 260-261 Book Review: JFK’s Forgotten Crisis—Tibet, the CIA, and the Sino-Indian War by Bruce Riedel
by Virendra Sahai Verma - 261-264 Book Review: China and Central Asia: Political, Economic and Security Co-operation by Krishnasri Das
by Preksha Shree Chhetri
May 2016, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 73-91 China’s New Urbanisation Plan 2014–20
by Martin Griffiths & Michael Schiavone - 92-111 China and the Ukrainian Crisis
by Dmitry V. Kuznetsov - 112-128 Vietnam–India Economic Ties
by Ngo Xuan Binh - 129-137 China, the World and India
by Shivshankar Menon - 138-150 China’s Bilateral Currency Swap Agreements
by Aravind Yelery - 151-153 Book Review: Constructing East Asia: Technology, Ideology, and Empire in Japan’s Wartime Era 1931–1945 by Aaron Stephen Moore
by Brij Tankha - 153-157 Book Review: Where Chiang Kai-shek Lost China: The Liao-Shen Campaign, 1948 by Harold M. Tanner
by B. R. Deepak - 158-160 Book Review: Sinophobia: Anxiety, Violence and the Making of Mongolian Identity by Franck Billé
by Ravi Bhoothalingam - 160-163 Book Review: The Noodlemaker of Kalimpong: The Untold Story of My Struggle for Tibet by Gyalo Thondup and Anne F. Thurston
by Sonia Shukla - 163-167 Book Review: China: Confucius in the Shadows by Poonam Surie
by Sabaree Mitra - 167-169 Book Review: The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy by Daniel A. Bell
by Kishan S. Rana - 170-173 Book Review: Connecting South Asia and Southeast Asia by Asian Development Bank and Asian Development Bank Institute & ASEAN–India Development and Cooperation Report, 2015 by Research and Information System for Developing Countries, ASEAN-India Centre
by Patricia Uberoi - 173-175 Book Review: The Global Rise of Asian Transformation: Trends and Developments in Economic Growth Dynamics edited by Pongsank Hoontrakul, Christopher Balding and Reena Marwah
by Ashwini Deshpande - 176-178 Book Review: Inside Out India and China: Local Politics Go Global by William Antholis
by Vaishali Singh
February 2016, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-18 Local Confucian Revival in China
by Alex Payette - 19-44 Problems and Prospects of the BCIM Economic Corridor
by Patricia Uberoi - 45-52 The Silk Road as a Global Brand
by Ravi Bhoothalingam - 53-56 Book Review: The Ashgate Research Companion to Chinese Foreign Policy, edited by Emilian Kavalski
by Kishan S. Rana - 56-58 Book Review: The South China Sea Arbitration: A Chinese Perspective, edited by Stefan Talmon and Bing Bing Jia
by Abhishek Pratap Singh - 58-62 Book Review: United States-China-India Strategic Triangle in the Indian Ocean Region, edited by Sithara Fernando
by Renu Rana - 62-65 Book Review: China, the European Union and the Developing World: A Triangular Relationship, edited by Jan Wouters, Jean-Christophe Defraigne and Burnay Mathew
by Vinod C. Khanna - 65-68 Book Review: Taming Tibet—Landscape Transformation and the Gift of Chinese Development, by Emily T. Yeh
by Jigme Yeshe Lama - 68-71 Book Review: The End of Cheap Labour? Industrial Transformation and ‘Social Upgrading’ in China, by Florian Butollo
by Annavajhula J.C. Bose
November 2015, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 293-310 A Historical and Anthropological Comparative of the Family Planning Strategies of India and China
by Aprajita Sarcar - 311-326 China’s Rising Nationalism and Its Forefront
by Liqing Li - 327-338 Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to China, May 2015
by Kishan S. Rana - 339-341 Book Review: Ideology Matters: China from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping by Manoranjan Mohanty
by M.V. Rappai - 341-344 Book Review: Emerging Trends in Factory Asia: International Capital Mobility, Global Value Chains and the Emerging Labour Movement in Asia by Surendra Pratap
by Annavajhula J.C. Bose - 345-347 Book Review: Translating Chinese Culture: The Process of Chinese-English Translation by Valerie Pellatt, Eric T. Liu and Yalta Ya-yun Chen
by Sabaree Mitra - 347-350 Book Review: India–China Borderlands: Conversations beyond the Centre by Nimmi Kurian
by Akihiro Iwashita & Edward Boyle - 350-354 Book Review: India in the Chinese Imagination: Myth, Religion, and Thought edited by John Kieschnick and Meir Shahar
by Kamal Sheel - 354-357 Book Review: Politics in the Era of Xi Jinping: Renaissance, Reform, or Retrogression? by Willy Wo-Lap Lam
by Prateeksha M. Tiwari - 357-360 Book Review: Media Transparency in China: Rethinking Rhetoric and Reality by Baohui Xie
by Alpana Verma - 361-364 Book Review: China under Mao: A Revolution Derailed by Andrew G. Walder
by Sreemati Chakrabarti - 364-366 Book Review: Strategic Direction of the Chinese Navy: Capability and Intent by Kamlesh K. Agnihotri
by Atul Bhardwaj - 367-369 Book Review: The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia’s New Geopolitics by Andrew Small
by Jeremy Garlick - 370-370 List of Reviewers for Volume 51
by N/A
August 2015, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 169-203 Between the Lines
by Debasish Roy Chowdhury - 204-229 Outbound Foreign Direct Investment from China and India
by Khanindra Ch. Das & Nilanjan Banik - 230-257 Rethinking Income Inequality in Japan and China (1995–2007)
by Stephen Tay - 258-269 The Dalai Lama’s Reincarnation Debate
by Tshering Chonzom - 270-272 Book Review: Confucianism: A Very Short Introduction
by Qin Zhu - 272-274 Book Review: Heart of Buddha, Heart of China: The Life of Tanxu, A Twentieth-century Monk
by Poonam Surie - 275-278 Book Review: China’s Uncertain Future
by Subir Rana - 278-280 Book Review: The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational State
by Ravi Bhoothalingam - 281-283 Book Review: F: Hu Feng’s Prison Years
by Ngeow Chow Bing - 283-288 Book Review: China’s Second Continent: How a Million Migrants Are Building a New Empire in Africa
by Vinod C. Khanna - 288-291 Book Review: China’s Urban Billion: The Story Behind the Biggest Migration in Human History
by P.K. Anand
May 2015, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 87-101 Smell of the Soil
by G. Balatchandirane - 102-120 Strategic Hedging and China’s Economic Policy in the Middle East
by Mohammad Salman & Gustaaf Geeraerts - 121-128 Narendra Modi Meets Shinzo Abe in Japan
by Tomoko Kiyota - 129-143 China’s Information Disclosure Initiative
by Renu Rana - 144-147 Book Review: A Dance with the Dragon: The Vanished World of Peking’s Foreign Colony
by Vinod C. Khanna - 147-150 Book Review: Leftover Women: The Resurgence of Gender Inequality in China
by Madhurima Nundy - 151-153 Book Review: Markets over Mao: The Rise of Private Business in China
by Aravind Yelery - 153-156 Book Review: The United States and China: A History from the Eighteenth Century to the Present
by Kishan S. Rana - 156-158 Book Review: Strangers Across the Border: Indian Encounters in Boomtown China
by M.V. Rappai - 158-162 Book Review: Choosing China’s Leaders
by Bhim B. Subba - 162-165 Book Review: The Evolution of the Japanese Developmental State: Institutions locked in by Ideas
by Peter Joy Hudson - 165-168 Book Review: China and New Left Visions: Political and Cultural Interventions
by Sabaree Mitra
February 2015, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-22 Involuntary Bachelorhood in Rural China
by Yan Wei & Li Zhang - 23-48 Clouds Over Half the Sky
by Manoranjan Mohanty - 49-65 Consolidation of the PRC’s Leadership Succession System from Hu Jintao to Xi Jinping
by Yijiang Ding - 66-75 The Fourth ‘Forum on the Development of Tibet’
by Tshering Chonzom Bhutia - 76-78 Book Review: China Goes Global: The Partial Power
by Kishan S. Rana - 79-83 Book Review: Comparative Study of Child Soldiering on Myanmar-China Border: Evolutions, Challenges and Countermeasures
by Subir Rana - 83-86 Book Review: Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power
by Jayshree Borah
November 2014, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 297-323 Diplomacy Systems and Processes
by Kishan S. Rana - 325-341 Becoming and Being a Middle Power
by Jojin V. John - 343-359 Key Points of China’s Economic Programme after the Third Plenum of the CPC
by Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard & Nis Grünberg - 361-372 ‘All Good is of Parents’ and its Chinese Context
by Shi Li - 373-376 Book Review: Tenth-century China and Beyond: Art and Visual Culture in a Multi-centered Age
by Hang Lin - 376-379 Book Review: From Frontier Policy to Foreign Policy: The Question of India and the Transformation of Geopolitics in Qing China
by Madhavi Thampi - 379-382 Book Review: China’s War with Japan, 1937–1945: The Struggle for Survival
by Nirmola Sharma - 382-385 Book Review: Wealth and Power: China’s Long March to the Twenty-first Century
by Ravi Bhoothalingam - 385-387 Book Review: Reflections on Chinese Management Styles and Business Ethics
by G. Venkat Raman - 388-391 Book Review: Women in Indian Borderlands
by Patricia Uberoi - 391-394 Book Review: Defending Rights in Contemporary China
by Abhishek Pratap Singh - 394-396 Book Review: Law, Policy, and Practice on China’s Periphery: Selective Adaptation and Institutional Capacity
by Vinod C. Khanna
August 2014, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 173-175 Special Section on ‘India–China Relations in the Early 20th Century’
by N/A - 177-188 Hu Shih and ‘The Indianisation of China’
by Kamal Sheel - 189-201 An Assessment of Ambassador Luo Jialun’s Mission to India
by Fang Tien-Sze - 203-214 Window on a Changing China
by Madhavi Thampi - 215-231 India’s Political Leaders and Nationalist China
by B. R. Deepak - 233-242 The Changing Character and Survival Strategies of the Chinese Community in India
by Mei-Lin Pan - 243-258 Soft Balancing Strategy in the Middle East
by Mordechai Chaziza - 259-276 The Upcoming Indo-ASEAN CECA
by Debashis Chakraborty - 277-280 II Book Review: Will China Dominate the 21st Century?
by Fauziah Mohamad Taib - 280-282 II Book Review: China Story Yearbook 2013: Civilising China
by Stephen FitzGerald - 282-285 II Book Review: Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
by John Boyd - 285-288 II Book Review: Winner Take All: China’s Race for Resources and What it Means for Us
by Jasnea Sarma - 288-290 II Book Review: India and the Republic of Korea: Engaged Democracies
by G. S. Iyer - 290-293 II Book Review: The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution 1945–57
by Sreemati Chakrabarti - 293-296 II Book Review: China’s Hukou System: Markets, Migrants and Institutional Change
by T. G. Suresh
May 2014, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 91-107 The Role of the Government in R&D Promotion and the Development of Technology-Intensive Industries in China
by Jai S. Mah & Myeong Yeo - 109-129 Examining Representation of the Non-Local
by Jaibal Naduvath - 131-149 China–Sri Lanka Economic Relations
by Saman Kelegama - 151-160 Examining The End of Revolution
by Niv Horesh & Jonathan Sullivan - 161-164 II Book Review: Demystifying Pearl Harbour: A New Perspective from Japan
by Aftab Seth - 164-166 II Book Review: On China
by Amrita Jash - 166-169 II Book Review: Perspectives for a European Security Strategy Towards Asia – Views from Asia, Europe and the US
by Raviprasad Narayanan - 170-172 II Book Review: Samudra Manthan: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the Indo-Pacific
by Kishan S. Rana
February 2014, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-4 50 Years of China Report
by Alka Acharya & Madhavi Thampi - 5-9 The Scholar-Artist
by Manoranjan Mohanty - 11-30 Philosophy and the French Invention of Sinology
by Anne Cheng - 31-43 Transformation of Health Insurance Schemes in China
by Madhurima Nundy - 45-67 Financial Crisis of 2008 and Shifting Economic Power
by Manmohan Agarwal & Sayan Samanta - 69-78 Internal Control and External Constraints
by Ge Changyin - 79-82 Book Review: The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: A Major Turning Point for China edited by C.V. Ranganathan and Sanjeev Kumar
by Manoranjan Mohanty - 82-86 Book Review: Northeast Asia’s Difficult Past: Essays in Collective Memory edited by Mikyoung Kim and Barry Schwartz
by John Jojin V. - 86-89 Book Review: China’s Nightmare, America’s Dream: India as the Next Global Power by William H. Avery
by Rosali Raut
November 2013, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 365-370 Introduction
by Raviprasad Narayanan - 371-384 Taiwan–US Relations
by Tuan Y. Cheng - 385-397 Dilemma and Domestic Uncertainty
by Fu-Kuo Liu - 399-411 Embracing or Resisting the Giant Neighbour
by Mumin Chen - 413-424 Stability with Chinese Characteristics
by Raviprasad Narayanan - 425-439 Taiwan’s Relations with India
by Fang Tien-Sze - 441-444 Book Review: Chinese and Indian Strategic Behaviour: Growing Power and Alarm by George J. Gilboy and Eric Heginbotham
by M.V. Rappai - 444-447 Book Review: The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru, National Efficacy Beliefs and the Making of Foreign Policy by Andrew Bingham Kennedy
by Jayshree Borah
August 2013, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 273-298 India’s Diplomatic Entrepreneurism
by Vineet Thakur - 299-316 Can China Do IT? The PRC’s Software Strategy in Comparative Perspective
by Jyoti Saraswati - 317-335 Child Trafficking in China
by Quanbao Jiang & Jesús J Sánchez-Barricarte - 337-355 In Search of the ‘China Model’
by Niv Horesh - 357-361 Book Review: Poverty and Exclusion of Minorities in China and India by A.S. Bhalla and Dan Luo
by Debasish Chaudhuri - 361-363 Book Review: China Unveiled: Insights into Chinese Strategic Thinking by Jayadeva Ranade
by Alka Acharya
May 2013, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 1-1 Review of Chinese Studies in India
by N/A - 185-196 China Studies in India—3
by Patricia Uberoi - 197-204 Reinterpreting History
by Madhavi Thampi - 205-226 Indian and Chinese Engagement in UN Complex Peacekeeping Operations: A Comparative Perspective
by Yeshi Choedon - 227-250 Trajectories of China’s Integration with the World Economy through SEZs: A Study of Shenzhen SEZ
by Malini L. Tantri - 251-263 Global Ethics in the Thought of Laozi: Constructing China’s Soft Power
by Song Tianyang - 265-268 Book Review: China’s New Social Policy: Initiatives for a Harmonious Society by Zhao Litao and Lim Tin Seng (eds)
by P.K. Anand - 268-271 Book Review: China and Africa: A Century of Engagement by David H. Shinn and Joshua Eisenman
by Sithara Fernando
February 2013, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction
by P. R. Kumaraswamy - 5-23 China and the Arab Awakening: The Cost of Doing Business
by John Calabrese - 25-41 Fundamentally Unacceptable yet Occasionally Unavoidable: China’s Options on External Interference in the Middle East
by Yitzhak Shichor - 43-67 The Dragon Nests: China’s Energy Engagement of the Middle East
by Manochehr Dorraj & James English - 69-88 China–Iran Relations: Cautious Friendship with America’s Nemesis
by John Garver - 89-101 Toeing the Line, Drawing the Line: China and Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions
by Bernt Berger & Phillip Schell - 103-118 China–Middle East Relations in Light of Obama’s Pivot to the Pacific
by Robert R. Bianchi - 119-141 Sino-Turkish Strategic Partnership: Prudent Hedging or Irreversible Shift?
by Atul Kumar - 143-159 China, Israel and the US: The Problematic Triangle
by P. R. Kumaraswamy - 161-175 China’s Policy on the Middle East Peace Process after the Cold War
by Mordechai Chaziza - 177-181 II Book Review: Xinying Hu, China’s New Underclass: Paid Domestic Labour
by Ila Joshi - 181-184 II Book Review: Michael E. Clarke, Xinjiang and China’s Rise in Central Asia, A History
by Debasish Chaudhuri
November 2012, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 375-392 Between Copper, Silver and Gold: Japanese Banks of Issue in Taiwan, Northeast China and Korea, 1879–1937
by Niv Horesh - 393-405 Aftermath of the Revolution: Experiments in Western-style Democratic Politics in Early Republican China
by Wang Chaoguang - 407-426 Forging New Frontiers: Integrating Tawang with India, 1951
by Sonia Shukla - 427-448 The Stages of Political Innovation in Rural China’s Local Democratisation: Four Cases of Villagers’ Political Innovations
by Liyan Zhang - 449-468 Chinese Monopoly in Rare Earth Elements: Supply–Demand and Industrial Applications
by Nabeel A. Mancheri - 469-470 Book Review: The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers
by Gunjan Singh - 471-473 Book Review: Where China Meets India: Burma and the New Crossroads of Asia
by K. Yhome
August 2012, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 227-236 Introduction: Evolving Complexities of Southeast Asia–China Relations
by Vibhanshu Shekhar - 237-251 Great Power Politics in East Asia: The US and China in Competition
by Harsh V. Pant - 253-268 ASEAN’s Response to the Rise of China: Deploying a Hedging Strategy
by Vibhanshu Shekhar - 269-281 Myanmar’s China Policy: Agendas, Strategies and Challenges
by Alistair D. B. Cook - 283-301 China and Vietnam in the South China Sea Dispute: A Creeping ‘Conflict–Peace–Trepidation’ Syndrome
by Tridib Chakraborti - 303-315 Indonesia’s Relations with China: Productive and Pragmatic, but not yet a Strategic Partnership
by Christine Susanna Tjhin - 317-326 China in Southeast Asia: The Search for a Chinese Model of International Relations
by Jabin T. Jacob - 327-349 ASEAN and China: New Dimensions in Economic Engagement
by Debashis Chakraborty & Animesh Kumar - 351-364 In Search of El Dorado: Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia
by P. A. Mathew - 365-368 Book Review: Strong Society, Smart State: The Rise of Public Opinion in China’s Japan Policy
by Abanti Bhattacharya - 369-371 Book Review: Transformative Journeys: Travel and Culture in Song China
by Hang Lin - 371-374 Book Review: Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power
by Sithara Fernando
February 2012, Volume 48, Issue 1-2
- 1-10 Introduction: Ji Xianlin and Sino-Indology
by Tansen Sen - 11-27 The Spread of Buddhism to China: A Re-examination of the Buddhist Interactions between Ancient India and China
by Tansen Sen - 29-59 What is Geyi, After All?
by Victor H. Mair - 61-88 How Xuanzang Learned about NÄ landÄ l
by Kuwayama ShŠlshin - 89-113 ‘Show Me the Land Where the Buddha Dwelled…’ Xuanzang’s 玄奘 ‘Record of the Western Regions’ (Xiyu ji 西域記 ): A Misunderstood Text?
by Max Deeg - 115-124 Yixing 一行 (673–727) and Jiugong ä¹ å®« (‘Nine Palaces’): A Case of Chinese Redefinition of Indian Ideas
by Chen Jinhua - 125-145 The Bengal Connections in Yunnan
by Yang Bin - 147-170 The Colonial Connections: Indian and Chinese Nationalists in Japan and China
by B.R. Deepak - 171-185 Kang Youwei’s Journey to India: Chinese Discourse on India During the Late Qing and Republican Periods
by Liu Xi - 187-198 The Ramayana in China
by Ji Xianlin - 199-205 Fond Memory of Sino-Indian Camaraderie: The Beloved and Respected Ji Xianlin I Knew
by Tan Chung - 207-210 Remembering My Meetings with Ji Xianlin
by Narayan C. Sen - 213-216 Book Review: Challenging the Aid Paradigm: Western Currents and Asian Alternatives
by Priyanka Singh - 216-219 Book Review: China and India in Central Asia: A New ‘Great Game’?
by Khush-Hal Singh Lagdhyan - 219-223 Book Review: China, India and Beyond: Development Drivers and Limitations
by Joe Thomas Karackattu - 223-226 Book Review: The Making of Northeast Asia
by Sandip Kumar Mishra
November 2011, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 243-262 China’s Emergence as a Global Nanotech Player: Lessons for Countries in Transition
by Sujit Bhattacharya & Madhulika Bhati - 263-277 Hindustan as a Geographic and Political Concept in Qing Sources, 1700–1800
by Matthew W. Mosca - 279-302 Why Coins Turned Round the World Over? A Critical Analysis of the Origins and Transmission of Ancient Metallic Money
by Niv Horesh & Hyun Jin Kim - 303-314 Local Government in India and China
by Mani Shankar Aiyar - 315-317 Book Review: China, the United States, and Global Order
by Vinod C. Khanna - 317-320 Book Review: Tragedy in Crimson: How the Dalai Lama Conquered the World but lost the Battle with China
by Bhavna Singh - 320-323 Book Review: India & China: The Battle between Soft and Hard Power
by G. Balatchandirane
August 2011, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 179-200 China, India and the US
by Manmohan Agarwal - 201-216 Two Competing Asian Giants
by Seema Joshi - 217-232 The Patterns of Japan’s Foreign Direct Investment in China
by Sunyoung Noh & Jai S. Mah - 233-235 Book Review: Sino–Indian Equation in the Changing World Scenario
by M.V. Rappai - 235-238 Book Review: India China: Neighbours Strangers
by Madhavi Thampi - 238-241 Book Review: Japanese (Re)Militarisation and Asia
by Samaddar Sujeet
May 2011, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 65-69 Revisiting the China–India Border Dispute: An Introduction
by Dibyesh Anand - 71-82 Why the Sino–Indian Border Dispute is Still Unresolved after 50 Years: A Recapitulation
by Neville Maxwell - 83-98 After the Hiatus
by Zorawar Daulet Singh