February 2020, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 129-138 The World as Viewed from China: Theorising Governance, Leadership and Relationality in the 21st Century
by Siddharth Mallavarapu - 139-141 Book Review: Leadership and the Rise of Great Powers by Yan Xuetong
by Shivshankar Menon - 141-144 Book Review: Active Defense: China’s Military Strategy Since 1949 by M. Taylor Fravel
by Samanvya Hooda - 144-148 Book Review: India’s Eastward Engagement: From Antiquity to Act East Policy by S. D. Muni and Rahul Mishra
by Sudhir T. Devare - 148-150 Book Review: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor of the Belt and Road Initiative: Concept, Context and Assessment by Siegfried O. Wolf
by Jeremy Garlick - 150-153 Book Review: International Migrants in China’s Global City: The New Shanghailanders by James Farrer
by T G Suresh - 154-156 Book Review: Last Boat Out of Shanghai by Helen Zia
by Mishi Saran - 156-159 Book Review: China, Russia and Twenty-First Century Global Geopolitics by Paul J. Bolt and Sharyl N. Cross
by P. S. Raghavan
November 2019, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 293-309 Doklam Plateau and Three Warfares Strategy
by Nagender S. P. Bisht & Rajeev Jain & Victor Gambhir - 310-327 Rajiv Gandhi’s Summit Diplomacy: A Study of the Beijing Summit, 1988
by Velpula Ramanujam & Manish S. Dabhade - 328-344 Confucian Influence: The Place of Soft Power in China’s Strategy Towards Central Asia
by Shabnam Dadparvar & Hamidreza Azizi - 345-363 Identifying the Factors of the Successful Implementation of Belt and Road Initiative on Small–Medium Enterprises in Malaysia
by Aye Aye Khin & Fong Yi Chiun & Lim Chee Seong - 364-392 Sri Lanka–China Economic Relations in Comparative Perspective: Ample Room to Grow
by N. P. Ravindra Deyshappriya - 393-409 The Transformation of the Indo-Tibetan Trade in Wool, 1904–1962
by Diki Sherpa - 410-412 Book Review: New Regional Initiatives in China’s Foreign Policy: The Incoming Pluralism of Global Governance by Matteo Dian and Silvia Menegazzi
by Rashmi Muraleedhar - 413-415 Book Review: To Govern China: Evolving Practices of Power Edited by Vivienne Shue and Patricia M. Thornton
by Rajdeep Pakanati - 416-418 Book Review: Polarized Cities: Portraits of Rich and Poor in Urban China by Dorothy J. Solinger
by Gunjan Singh - 418-420 Book Review: China’s Presence in the Middle East: The Implications of the One Belt, One Road Initiative by Anoushiravan Ehteshami and NivHoresh
by Behzad Abdollahpour - 420-422 Book Review: The China–India Rivalry in the Globalisation Era Edited by T. V. Paul
by Vinod C. Khanna - 422-425 Book Review: China in the Global Political Economy: From Developmental to Entrepreneurial by Gordon C. K. Cheung
by Biswajit Dhar - 426-426 Acknowledgement
by N/A - 427-427 Corrigendum
by N/A
August 2019, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 193-218 China’s Foreign Ministry: Fit for Purpose in the Era of Xi Jinping, BRI and ‘Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics’?
by Kishan S. Rana - 219-240 Belt and Road Initiative in Africa: The Impact of Standard Gauge Railway in Kenya
by Nancy Muthoni Githaiga & Wang Bing - 241-264 Assessment of the Impact of Chinese and Indian Economic Activities in Africa: A Particular Focus on Ethiopia’s Economy
by Amsalu K. Addis & Zhu Zuping - 265-278 Vietnam’s Exports to the Chinese Market: Risks and Potential Mitigators
by Ngo Xuan Binh - 279-281 Book Review: China, Trade and Power: Why the West’s Economic Engagement Has Failed by Stewart Paterson
by Sharmila Kantha - 281-283 Book Review: What is China: Territory, Ethnicity, Culture and History Translated by Michael Gibbs Hill by Ge Zhaoguang
by Prasenjit Duara - 283-286 Book Review: China and Transboundary Water Politics in Asia by Hongzhou Zhang and Mingjiang Li
by Amit Ranjan - 286-288 Book Review: Stray Birds on the Huangpu: A History of Indians in Shanghai Edited by Mishi Saran And Zhang Ke
by Biren Nanda - 289-291 Book Review: Beyond Regimes: China and India Compared Edited by Prasenjit Duara and Elizabeth J. Perry
by Sonika Gupta
May 2019, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 79-80 In Memoriam
by N/A - 81-101 Remembrance of the Nanjing Massacre in the Globalised Era: The Memory of Victimisation, Emotions and the Rise of China
by Fengqi Qian & Guo-Qiang Liu - 102-124 Taiwan–ASEAN Trade Relations: Trade Structure and Trade in Value Added
by Truong Quang Hoan & Dong Van Chung & Nguyen Huy Hoang - 125-144 Rising Powers and International Organisations: The Case of China’s Counter-terrorism Strategy at the United Nations
by Vikash Chandra - 145-153 Cooperation with China to Advance Scientific and Technological Knowledge
by Shailesh Nayak - 154-171 The Political Status of Tibet During the Ming Dynasty: An Analysis of Some Historical Evidence
by Hon-Shiang Lau - 172-173 Book Review: Understanding China’s New Diplomacy: Silk Roads and Bullet Trains by Gerald Chan
by Kishan S. Rana - 174-176 Book Review: The Third Revolution: Xi Jinping and the New Chinese State by Elizabeth C. Economy
by Sreemati Chakrabarti - 176-179 Book Review: Regulatory Reform in China and the EU: A Law and Economics Perspective Edited by Stefan E. Weishaar, Niels Philipsen and Wenming Xu
by Bogdan J. Góralczyk - 179-181 Book Review: Red Flags: Why Xi’s China Is in Jeopardy by George Magnus
by Uday Khanapurkar - 182-186 Book Review: Galloping Horses: Artist Xu Beihong and His Family in Mao’s China by Xu Fangfang
by Alka Acharya - 186-189 Book Review: La Révolution culturelle en Chine et en France: Expériences, savoirs, mémoires by Miao Chi, Olivier Dard, Beatrice Fleury and Jacques Walter
by Alexandre De Saint-Denis - 189-192 Book Review: Shenghuo de luoji: Chengshi richang shijie zhong de Minguo zhishiren, 1927–1937 (Logic of Life: Intellectuals in the Daily Urban Worlds of the Republic of China, 1927–1937) by Hu Yuehan
by Hang Lin
February 2019, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-23 Compulsory Development: An Ideal Type of Land Acquisition in India and China, 1980–2014
by Yinghong Huang - 24-39 China’s Economic Diplomacy Approach in the Middle East Conflicts
by Mordechai Chaziza - 41-56 Should China Spend on UNPKOs? Findings from a Survey
by Christopher B. Primiano - 57-60 Book Review: Trade Governance of the Belt and Road Initiative: Economic Logic, Value Choices, and Institutional Arrangement by Dawei Cheng and China’s Great Wall of Debt: Shadow Banks, Ghost Cities, Massive Loans and the End of the Chinese Miracle by Dinny McMahon
by Sharmila Kantha - 60-63 Book Review: Higher Education in India and China: Select Perspectives edited by Sreemati Chakrabarti
by Eldho Mathews - 63-65 Book Review: End of an Era: How China’s Authoritarian Revival is Undermining its Rise by Carl Minzner
by Vinod C. Khanna - 65-68 Book Review: Chinese Perspectives on the International Rule of Law by Matthieu Burnay
by Santosh Pai - 68-74 Book Review: East of India, South of China: Sino-Indian Encounters in Southeast Asia by Amitav Acharya
by Baladas Ghoshal - 74-76 Book Review: China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative and South Asia: A Political Economic Analysis of its Purposes, Peril, and Promise edited by Jean-Marc R. Blanchard
by Jonathan Fulton - 76-78 Book Review: Rising China in a Changing World: Power Transitions and Global Leadership by Jin Kai
by Behzad Abdollahpour
November 2018, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 385-402 China’s Communist Party: From Mass to Elite Party
by Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard - 403-420 The Centralisation of the Chinese Communist Party’s Campaign against Corruption and Its Implications
by Fung Chan & Biyang Sun - 421-441 Breaking the South-South FTA Mould: Why China ‘Went OECD’ with New Zealand?
by Fernando M. Schmidt Hernandez - 442-466 Exploiting the Trade Potential from Integration: Analysing the Impact of Free Trade Agreements between ASEAN and India and China
by Nguyen Xuan Trung & Nguyen Duc Hung & Nguyen Thi Hien - 467-469 Book Reviews: China’s Transformation: The Success Story and the Success Trap by Manoranjan Mohanty
by Kamal Sheel - 469-472 Book Reviews: Shadow States: India, China and the Himalayas, 1910–1962 by Bérénice Guyot-Réchard
by Nirmola Sharma - 472-474 Book Reviews: Translation and Travelling Theory: Feminist Theory and Praxis in China by Min Dongchao
by Usha Chandran - 474-476 Book Reviews: Thirteen Months in China: A Subaltern Indian and the Colonial World (An Annotated Translation of Thakur Gadadhar Singh’s ChÄ«n Me Terah MÄ s) Edited by Anand A. Yang, Kamal Sheel and Ranjana Sheel (trans.)
by Madhavi Thampi - 476-478 Book Reviews: Chinatown Days by Rita Chowdhury
by Jayani Bonnerjee - 479-479 Acknowledgements
by N/A
August 2018, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 267-284 A New Game Started? China’s ‘Overseas Strategic Pivots’ in the Indian Ocean Region
by Mike Chia-Yu Huang - 285-305 Facets of Trade Facilitation
by Malini L. Tantri & C. Nalin Kumar - 306-324 Achievements and Problems in Vietnam
by Nguyen Xuan Cuong & Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa - 325-340 Collaborators! Aftermath of Wartime Support for the INA among Indians in China
by Nirmola Sharma - 341-353 Deciphering the Pauk Phaw* between Myanmar and China
by Sampa Kundu - 354-357 Book Discussion: India, China and the World: A Connected History by Tansen Sen
by Upinder Singh - 358-360 Book Discussion: India, China and the World: A Connected History by Tansen Sen
by Arunabh Ghosh - 361-363 Book Discussion: India, China and the World: A Connected History by Tansen Sen
by Shivshankar Menon - 364-366 Book Review: Xinjiang and the Chinese State: Violence in the Reform Era by Debasish Chaudhuri
by Vijay K. Nambiar - 367-369 Book Review: Demystifying China’s Mega Trends: The Driving Forces That Will Shake Up China and the World by Chi Lo
by Debasish Chaudhuri - 369-372 Book Review: Foreign Direct Investment and the Chinese Economy: A Critical Assessment by Chunlai Chen
by Sharmila Kantha - 372-374 Book Review: China, the United States, and the future of Southeast Asia Edited by David B.H. Denoon
by Vinod C. Khanna - 374-376 Book Review: The Book Worlds of East Asia and Europe, 1450–1850: Connections and Comparisons Edited by Joseph P. McDermott and Peter Burke
by Hang Lin - 377-379 Book Review: India–China Relations 1947–2000: A Documentary Study Edited by Avtar Singh Bhasin
by Kishan S Rana - 379-381 Book Review: China’s India War: Collision Course on the Roof of the World by Bertil Lintner
by Ashok K. Kantha - 382-384 Book Review: Japan’s Foreign Policy Making: Central Government Reforms, Decision-Making Processes, and Diplomacy by Karol Zakowski, Beata Bochorodycz, and Marcin Socha
by Sukalpa Chakrabarti
May 2018, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 159-174 Cultural Heritage on China’s 21st-century Maritime Silk Road
by Ying-kit Chan - 175-193 Korea’s Foreign Direct Investment in the Automotive Industry in China
by Jungmin Lee & Jai S. Mah - 194-212 Not without Blood, Sweat and Tears
by G. Balatchandirane - 213-230 Sino-globalisation
by William H. Thornton & Songok Han Thornton - 231-240 Looking to China and Back
by Els van Dongen - 241-245 Explaining Xi Jinping’s China, in Three Volumes: China’s World, CEO China and The New Emperors by Kerry Brown
by Jeremy Garlick - 246-248 Book Review: China’s Approach towards Territorial Disputes: Lessons and Prospects by Sana Hashmi
by Ravi Bhoothalingam - 248-251 Book Review: Revitalising the Silk Road—China’s Belt and Road Initiative by Richard T. Griffiths
by Debasish Chaudhuri (å‘¨å£«ç †) - 251-253 Book Review: Embassies to China: Diplomacy and Cultural Encounters Before the Opium Wars by Michael Keevak
by Nirmola Sharma - 253-256 Book Review: The Chinese and Indian Corporate Economies: A Comparative History of Their Search for Economic Renaissance and Globalization by Rajeswary Ampalavanar Brown
by Sharmila Kantha - 256-257 Book Review: Analysing China’s Soft Power Strategies and Comparative Indian Initiative by Parama Sinha Palit
by Kishan S. Rana - 258-260 Book Review: Asian Megatrends by Rajiv Biswas
by Srinivas Rao Adige - 260-262 Book Review: Universities in the National Innovation Systems: Experiences from the Asia-Pacific Edited by V. V. Krishna
by Sreemati Chakrabarti - 262-265 Book Review: Science, Public Health and Nation-Building in Soekarno-Era Indonesia by Vivek Neelakantan
by Madhurima Nundy
February 2018, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-14 Special Issue on ‘Hong Kong: Identity, Intellectual History and Culture’
by Patricia Uberoi - 15-24 Significance of Hong Kong’s Perspective on China
by C.Y. Shih - 25-47 Hong Kong in the Midst of Colonialism, Collaborative and Critical Nationalism from 1925 to 1930
by Lin Shaoyang - 48-65 The Experiences and Participation of Immigrant Intellectuals in the Cultural Development of Hong Kong
by Chan Hok Yin - 66-80 The Academic Role of Hong Kong in the Development of Chinese Culture, 1950s–70s
by Au Chi Kin - 81-98 A Mighty River Flowing Eastward
by Hou Guanghao - 99-117 The Changing ‘China’ Elements in China Studies in the University of Hong Kong
by Mariko Tanigaki - 118-136 Positioning China Watching
by Chih-Yu Shih - 137-140 Power, Law and Maritime Order in South China Sea by Tran Truong Thuy and Le Thuy Trang and China, Japan, and Senkaku Islands: Conflict in the East China Sea amid an American Shadow by Monika Chansoria
by Atul Bhardwaj - 141-143 Book Review: China’s Social Policy Transformations and Challenges Edited by Kinglun Ngok and Cha Kwan Chan
by Ravni Thakur - 143-146 Book Review: China’s Asian Dream, Empire Building Along the New Silk Road by Tom Miller
by Poonam Surie - 146-148 Book Review: Assessing China’s Power Edited by Jae Ho Chung
by Kishan S. Rana - 148-150 Book Review: The Logic of Chinese Politics—Cores, Peripheries and Peaceful Rising by Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk and Peter W. Preston
by Debasish Chaudhuri - 150-152 Book Review: Xi Jinping: Red China, the Next Generation by Agnès Andrésy
by NGEOW Chow Bing - 152-154 Book Review: Central Asia: Democracy, Instability and Strategic Game in Kyrgyzstan by P. Stobdan
by Rakesh Kumar Yadav - 154-156 Book Review: Wish Lanterns: Young Lives in New China by Alec Ash
by Ravi Bhoothalingam - 156-158 Book Review: The Sino-Indian War of 1962: New Perspectives Edited by Amit R. Das Gupta and Lorenz Luthi
by Sonia Shukla
November 2017, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 429-446 China’s Nationalist Discourse and Taiwan
by Aleš Karmazin - 447-466 Qatar and Rising China
by Brahim Saidy - 467-489 Framing Diplomatic Relations
by Yang Lai Fong & Teoh Yong Chia - 490-492 Book Review: Enhancing Economic Relations between India and Mongolia: Tasks and Opportunities by Prabir De and Sreya Pan
by Yogendra Kumar - 492-495 Book Review: China and India: Asia’s Emergent Great Powers by Chris Ogden
by Vinod C. Khanna - 495-496 Book Review: Power Transition in Asia Edited by David Walton and Emilian Kavalski
by Suresh K. Goel - 497-499 Book Review: Understanding China: The Silk Road and the Communist Manifesto by Peter Nolan
by Jyotishman Bhagawati - 499-501 Book Review: Xinjiang—China’s Western Frontier Edited by K. Warikoo
by Bhavna Singh - 502-504 Book Review: The Perfect Dictatorship: China in the 21st Century by Stein Ringen
by Bhim B. Subba - 505-506 Book Review: Revisiting Gender Inequality: Perspectives from the People’s Republic of China Edited by Qi Wang, Min Dongchao and Bo Arenlund Sorensen
by Sanghamitra Bora - 507-507 III Acknowledgements
by N/A
August 2017, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 307-330 The Internationalisation of Chinese NGOs and Their Engagement with the United Nations
by Wenjuan Zhang - 331-353 Examining Leader–Follower Interactions through the Lens of Chinese Politeness
by Alexis P. I. Goh & Peirchyi Lii - 354-354 Editor’s Note
by N/A - 355-366 Main Characteristics of Vietnam–China Trade Relations, 2000–15
by Ngo Xuan Binh - 367-385 China’s Strategic Adjustments
by Nguyen Quang Thuan - 386-399 Using Economic Instruments for Urban Environment Management in Vietnam
by Nguyen Thi Ngoc - 400-408 India–Vietnam Relations since September 2016
by Le Thi Hang Nga - 409-411 Book Review: Thinking through China by Jerusha McCormack and John G. Blair
by Jabin T. Jacob - 412-414 Book Review: Population in China by Nancy E. Riley
by Kishan S. Rana - 414-417 Book Review: Merchants of Canton and Macao: Success and Failure in Eighteenth-century China by Paul A. Van Dyke
by Madhavi Thampi - 417-421 Book Review: Renminbi Rising: A New Global Monetary System Emerges by William H. Overholt, Guonan Ma and Cheong Kwok Law
by Sharmila Kantha - 421-424 Book Review: India-China Boundary Issues: Quest for Settlement by Ranjit Singh Kalha
by M. S. Prathibha - 424-426 Book Review: Changing Dynamics of India Japan Relations: Buddhism to a Special Strategic Partnership by Shamshad Ahmed Khan
by Aftab Seth - 427-427 Corrigendum
by N/A
May 2017, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 87-106 India and China in Asia
by Kishan S. Rana - 107-124 China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Strategy
by Richard W. Hu - 125-142 The Making of One Belt, One Road and Dilemmas in South Asia
by Khanindra Ch. Das - 143-157 If You Can’t Beat ’em, Join ’em
by Jeremy Garlick - 158-171 China–India Relations under Modi
by Prem Shankar Jha - 172-187 Beyond Soft Power
by L.H.M. Ling - 188-213 Some Thoughts on India, China and Asia-Pacific Regional Security
by Shivshankar Menon - 214-231 Institutional Distances and Economic Engagement Between India and China
by Santosh Pai & Aravind Yelery - 232-252 OBOR and EuroAsia’s New Great Game
by Andrew Sheng - 253-258 India, China & Asia
by Stephen FitzGerald - 259-263 Changing Dynamics in India–China Relations
by Shyam Saran - 264-274 Re-imagining the Silk Road: The Emperor Far Away: Travels at the Edge of China by David Eimer Imperial China and Its Southern Neighbours by Victor H. Mair and Liam C. Kelley The World of the Tamil Merchant: Pioneers of International Trade by Kanakalatha Mukund and Caravans: Indian Merchants on the Silk Road by Scott C. Levi
by Ravi Bhoothalingam - 275-277 Book Review: China, State Sovereignty and International Legal Order by Phil C.W. Chan
by Abhishek Pratap Singh - 277-280 Book Review: The China Reader: Rising Power edited by David Shambaugh
by Alka Acharya - 280-282 Book Review: This Brave New World: India, China and the United States by Anja Manuel
by Bhartendu Kumar Singh - 282-285 Book Review: The Ethnic Conflict and Protest in Tibet and Xinjiang—Unrest in China’s West edited by Ben Hillman and Gray Tuttle
by Diki Sherpa - 285-287 Book Review: The Dictator’s Dilemma: The Chinese Communist Party’s Strategy for Survival by Bruce J. Dickson
by Eric Gonsalves - 288-290 Book Review: China’s Borders: Settlements & Conflicts: Selected Papers by Neville Maxwell
by Kishan S. Rana - 290-292 Book Review: Party and State in Post-Mao China by Teresa Wright The Global Rise of China by Alvin Y. So and Yin Wah Chu and Governing China—How the CPC Works edited by Xie Chuntao
by M.V. Rappai - 292-295 Book Review: Inside China’s Grand Strategy: The Perspective from the People’s Republic by Ye Zicheng
by Rajiv Ranjan - 296-300 Book Review: China’s Twentieth Century: Revolution, Retreat and the Road to Equality by Wang Hui
by Sabaree Mitra - 300-303 Book Review: BCIM: Economic Corridor Chinese and Indian Perspectives edited by Swaran Singh and Zhu Cuiping
by Tridib Chakraborti - 303-306 Book Review: Rise of China and India: Implications for Asia Pacific edited by Amitabh Mattoo and Mallika Joseph
by Vinod C. Khanna
February 2017, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-25 The Impact of Ethnic Minorities on China’s Foreign Policy
by Michael Clarke - 26-45 Foreign Direct Investment Flows from China to Korea in the Automobile Industry
by Ka-Hyun Lee & Jai S. Mah - 46-58 The Party’s Maritime Power
by M.H. Rajesh - 59-64 Review: Look East to Act East Policy: Implications for India’s Northeast edited by Gurudas Das and C. Joshua Thomas BCIM Economic Corridor: The Road Ahead edited by Rajiv Bhatia and Rahul Mishra and The Agartala Doctrine: A Proactive Northeast in Indian Foreign Policy edited by Subir Bhaumik
by Vinod C. Khanna - 65-68 Book Review: Contemporary China: Between Mao and Market by Francois Godement
by Ekta Singh - 68-72 Book Review: China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know by Arthur R. Kroeber
by Sharmila Kantha - 72-75 Book Review: China and Global Capitalism: Reflections on Marxism, History, and Contemporary Politics by Lin Chun
by Naina Singh - 75-78 Book Review: The Advance of the State in Contemporary China: State–Market Relations in the Reform Era by Sarah Eaton
by Vaishali Singh - 78-80 Book Review: A China Primer: An Introduction to a Culture and a Neighbour by G.S. Iyer
by Sabaree Mitra - 80-83 Book Review: Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute with China: A New Look at Asian Relationships by Willem van Eekelen
by Virendra Sahai Verma - 83-86 Book Review: Contentious Activism and Inter-Korean Relations by Danielle L. Chubb
by Jojin V. John
November 2016, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 265-283 Sino-Turkish ‘Solid Strategic Partnership’
by Mordechai Chaziza - 284-305 Not So Simple
by Jeremy Garlick - 306-323 Bilingual Education in Xinjiang in the Post-2009 Period
by Sonika Gupta & R. Veena - 324-327 Book Review: Mao’s Little Red Book: A Global History by Alexander C. Cook (ed.)
by Manoranjan Mohanty - 327-330 Book Review: Will This Be China’s Century? A Skeptic’s View by Mel Gurtov
by Vinod C. Khanna - 330-332 Book Review: Political Thought and China’s Political Transformation: Ideas Shaping Reform in Post-Mao China by He Li
by Jabin T. Jacob - 332-335 Book Review: Maoism at the Grassroots: Everyday Life in China’s Era of High Socialism by Jeremy Brown and Mathew D. Johnson (eds)
by Sreemati Chakrabarti - 335-337 Book Review: Science and Technology in Contemporary China: Interrogating Policies and Progress by Varaprasad S. Dolla
by Prateeksha Tiwari - 337-339 Book Review: Indian and Chinese Immigrant Communities by Jayati Bhattacharya and Coonoor Kripalani (eds)
by M.V. Rappai - 339-342 Book Review: One Child: The Story of China’s Most Radical Experiment by MEI FONG
by Madhurima Nundy - 343-345 Book Review: Media at Work in India and China: Discovering and Dissecting by Robin Jeffrey and Ronojoy Sen (eds)
by Jesna Jayachandran - 346-348 Book Review: Sinology in Post-Communist States: Views from the Czech Republic, Mongolia, Poland and Russia by Chih-Yu Shih (ed.)
by Kishan S. Rana - 349-351 Book Review: Unique Asian Triangle: India, China, Nepal by Geeta Kochar and Pramod Jaiswal (eds)
by Y.M. Bammi - 352-353 Book Review: Diplomacy at the Cutting Edge by Kishan S. Rana
by Atul Bhardwaj - 354-354 Acknowledgement
by N/A
August 2016, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 179-191 Domestic Factors in the Making of Chinese Foreign Policy
by Andrew J. Nathan - 192-210 China’s Approach to Regional Cooperation
by Michal Kolmas - 211-223 Taiwan’s 2016 Elections
by Bhim B. Subba - 224-227 China’s National People’s Congress 2016
by M. V. Rappai - 228-234 The National Development Reform Commission’s Report at the 4th Session of 12th National People’s Congress
by Aravind Yelery - 235-236 Academician Mikhail L. Titarenko, 1934–2016
by Alka Acharya - 237-238 Tribute to an Outstanding Student of China
by C.V. Ranganathan - 239-242 Book Review: The Modern Spirit of Asia by Peter van der Veer
by Srinivas Rao Adige - 242-245 Book Review: The Crisis of Global Modernity: Asian Traditions and a Sustainable Future by Prasenjit Duara
by Sabaree Mitra - 245-250 Book Review: The Sacred Routes of Uyghur History by Rian Thum
by Debasish Chaudhuri - 250-253 Book Review: Britain and China, 1840–1970: Empire, Finance and War edited by Robert A. Bickers and Jonathan J. Howlett
by Shilpa Sharma - 253-256 Book Review: China’s Future by David Shambaugh
by Kishan S. Rana - 256-260 Book Review: The People’s Liberation Army and Contingency Planning in China edited by Andrew Scobell, Arthur S. Ding, Phillip C. Saunders and Scott W. Harold
by Sanal Kumar