September 1967, Volume 3, Issue 5
- 24-26 A Note on China's African Trade
by G.P. Deshpande - 27-32 Cultural Revolution: The Soviet View
by N/A - 32-37 On the Anti-Soviet policy of Mao-Tse-tung and his Group
by N/A - 37-37 Cultural Revolution
by N/A - 38-40 Chronology
by N/A
July 1967, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-6 The Cultural Revolution And The Sino-Soviet Rift
by N/A - 7-8 Riots in Hong Kong
by N/A - 8-9 China And Burma
by N/A - 9-11 India Going Asian?
by N/A - 11-11 Naga Rebels and China
by N/A - 12-16 China's Economic Self-Destruction
by W. Klatt - 17-22 Nuptiality In China
by Amrit Lal - 23-25 Cultural Revolution And The Militarization Of China
by R. Ramakrishnan - 26-29 Book-Review : Vietnam: A Realist View
by M.K. Haldar - 29-29 Book-Review : From Page 16
by N/A - 30-32 Chronology
by N/A
May 1967, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-3 The New Phase
by N/A - 4-6 The Economy and the Cultural Revolution
by N/A - 6-8 Resistance in Tibet
by N/A - 8-8 After the Long Holiday
by N/A - 9-11 Revolution or Retreat?
by Vidya Prakash Dutt - 11-11 (Continued from page 3)
by N/A - 12-16 The PLA and The Cultural Revolution
by G.P. Deshpande - 17-23 Review Article : China's Foreign Trade And Economic Growth
by R.M. Maru - 24-26 Chen Po-ta
by N/A - 27-29 Book-Review : Instant Maoism
by N/A - 29-29 After the Long Holiday
by N/A - 30-32 Chronology
by N/A
March 1967, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-3 The Decline of Maoism
by N/A - 4-5 Walking on Two Nuclear Legs
by N/A - 5-7 The Purge of the Press
by N/A - 7-8 No Self-sufficiency Yet in Fertilizers
by N/A - 8-9 Macao, Not safe for James Bond
by N/A - 10-11 China Mum On "Questionable Commerce"
by N/A - 11-13 The UN's Invisible Member
by N/A - 14-16 The Civil War by Posters
by G.D. Deshingkar - 17-26 Sino-Soviet Relations
by Victor M. Fic - 27-32 India, China And The Himalayan States
by V.K. Sinha - 33-34 Book Review : Sino-Indian Border Dispute
by G.P. Deshpande - 34-34 Book Review : Letter to the Editor
by J.B.A.F. Mayor Polak - 35-35 Chronology
by N/A - 36-36 (Continued from page 3)
by N/A
January 1967, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-2 Cultural Revolution and The Economy
by N/A - 3-3 A Chinese First
by N/A - 4-8 Why Red Guards?
by Prabhakar Padhye - 8-8 A Chinese First
by N/A - 9-12 The Causes of The Cultural Revolution
by G.D. Deshingkar - 13-17 China's "Fire-Arrow"
by N/A - 17-17 The Causes of the Cultural Revolution
by N/A - 18-20 China and The Himalayan States
by G.P. Deshpande - 21-26 Mao's Concept of Guerrilla Warfare
by B.N. Majumdar - 26-26 Himalayan States
by N/A - 27-29 Russian Fears
by N/A - 30-35 Higher Education in Science & Technology in China
by N/A - 35-35 Himalayan States
by N/A - 36-37 Life in China Today
by N/A - 38-40 The Father of Chinese Rocketry
by N/A - 40-40 Russian Fears
by N/A - 41-42 Book-Review : Report from A Chinese Village
by N/A - 43-44 Chronology
by N/A
November 1966, Volume 2, Issue 6
- 1-7 The Meaning Of It All
by Prabhakar Padhye - 8-12 Chinese Economy
by N/A - 13-15 Lin Piao
by N/A - 16-20 Cambodia and China
by G.P. Deshpande - 21-25 Notes and Topics
by N/A - 26-27 Now It Is Official
by N/A - 27-27 Notes and Topics
by K.P. Karunakaran - 28-32 The Continuing Story of The Purge
by N/A - 33-34 Red Guards
by N/A - 35-39 China In India's International Relations
by K.P. Karunakaran - 40-40 Life In China Today
by N/A - 41-43 Chronology
by N/A - 43-43 Life in China Today
by N/A - 44-44 Recent Books on China
by N/A
September 1966, Volume 2, Issue 5
- 1-5 Theor of China's "Cultural Revolution"
by N/A - 6-15 The Story of the Purge
by N/A - 16-20 Schism in Chinese Leadership
by N/A - 20-20 (Continued from page 15)
by N/A - 21-23 P'eng Chen : A Profile
by N/A - 24-30 Notes and Topics
by N/A - 31-33 Book Review : The Story of a Commune
by N/A - 33-33 Book Review : Who's Who in China
by N/A - 34-36 Chronology
by N/A
July 1966, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 1-4 The Shake-up at the Top
by N/A - 5-12 Current Developments
by N/A - 13-16 The Party Vs. The Gun
by N/A - 17-20 Peking-Jakarta Disengagement
by N/A - 20-21 Behind the Gestapu Coup
by N/A - 22-26 The Four Histories Movement
by N/A - 27-29 Life in China Today
by N/A - 30-33 Book Review : The Communist Revolution in Asia
by N/A - 34-36 Chronology
by N/A - 36-36 Shake-up
by N/A
May 1966, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-2 Liu's Plain Speaking to Pakistan
by N/A - 3-11 Current Developments
by N/A - 12-13 Will China Talk to India?
by N/A - 14-16 Reverses in the "Countryside"
by N/A - 16-16 Will China Talk to India?
by N/A - 17-20 Another "Poisonous Weed"
by N/A - 21-24 Psychology and the Maoists
by N/A - 25-29 Book Review : China, America and Asia
by N/A - 30-32 Isolated and "Encircled"
by N/A - 32-32 China, America and Asia
by N/A - 33-37 Life In China Today
by N/A - 38-40 Chronology
by N/A
March 1966, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-3 A New Year Augury
by N/A - 4-7 Current Developments
by N/A - 8-10 Lin Piao's Global Strategy
by N/A - 11-14 War Preparations in China
by N/A - 15-19 Security of Southern Asia
by N/A - 20-24 Book-Review : China and the Bomb
by N/A - 25-27 The Soviet Offensive
by N/A - 27-27 Dahomey & the CAR
by N/A - 28-32 Tibet : Autonomy or Integration?
by N/A - 33-35 Capitalist Millionaires in Socialist China
by N/A - 35-37 Life in China Today
by N/A - 38-40 Chronology
by N/A
January 1966, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-3 Will the "Countryside" oblige Mao?
by N/A - 4-10 Current Developments
by N/A - 11-15 India and China : Towards Self-Reliant Economies
by N/A - 17-19 The Upheaval In Indonesia
by Vishal Singh - 20-22 China's Methods of Subversion
by N/A - 23-25 Life In China Today
by N/A - 25-26 The Struggle for Asia
by N/A - 27-29 Vietnam : A Tragedy
by N/A - 30-32 Chronology
by N/A - 32-32 China's Methods of Subversion
by N/A
November 1965, Volume 1, Issue 6
- 1-1 An Alliance In Frustration
by N/A - 2-8 Current Developments
by N/A - 8-8 An Alliance In Frustration
by N/A - 9-12 Language Reform In China
by N/A - 13-14 The Chinese Gold Puzzle
by N/A - 15-17 Life In China Today
by N/A - 18-23 Some Implications For India
by N/A - 24-27 China's Strategy For Economic Development
by N/A - 28-29 Nuclear China and Asia
by N/A - 30-31 The Private Sector in Chinese Agriculture
by N/A - 32-32 Chronology
by N/A
September 1965, Volume 1, Issue 5
- 3-8 Two Demands on Science
by N/A - 9-14 Current Developments
by N/A - 15-17 China's Economic Development—II
by N/A - 18-20 The Vietnam Backdrop
by N/A - 21-22 Life in China Today
by N/A - 23-24 Teng Hsiao-p'ing
by N/A - 25-28 China's Population Policy
by Amrit Lal - 29-31 Soviet Scientist in Red China
by N/A - 32-34 Chronology
by N/A - 34-34 Teng Hsiao-p'ing
by N/A - 34-34 China's Population Policy
by N/A
July 1965, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 1-3 Mao Tse-tung : A Worried Man at 72 ?
by N/A - 4-8 Sino-Pakistani Relations
by N/A - 9-10 Diplomatic Hitch-Hike
by N/A - 11-16 Current Developments
by N/A - 16-17 T.T. and T.M.T.T
by N/A - 18-20 China and Southeast Asia
by Henry G. Schwarz - 21-23 A Decade of Adventurism : 1949-59
by N/A - 24-25 Book Review : China's Foreign Policy
by N/A - 26-28 Chronology
by N/A
May 1965, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-4 The Revolution and the Intellectuals
by N/A - 5-8 The Changing Hierarchy in China
by N/A - 9-16 Current Developments
by N/A - 16-18 China's Military Strength And Industry
by N/A - 19-22 Review Article : Techniques of Mass Persuasion In China
by N/A - 22-23 The End of the Lull
by N/A - 24-26 The State of the Parties
by N/A - 27-28 Chronology
by N/A - 28-28 The End of the Lull
by N/A
March 1965, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-4 'Every One A Soldier' Again
by N/A - 5-8 The Third National People's Congress
by N/A - 9-14 Current Developments
by N/A - 15-16 Educational Reform in China
by N/A - 17-18 Chinese Historiography
by Albert Feuerwerker - 19-20 Ideology and Hairstyle
by N/A - 20-20 Third N.P.C
by N/A - 20-20 'Every One A Soldier' Again
by N/A - 21-24 Review Article : What Does Mao Really Want ?
by N/A - 25-26 The Quiet Contest
by N/A - 27-28 Chronology
by N/A