May 1968, Volume 377, Issue 1
- 175-176 MARIO EINAUDI. The Early Rousseau. Pp. x, 294. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1967. $7.95
by Edward T. Gargan - 176-177 JOSEPH BUTTINGER. Viet Nam: A Dragon Embattled, Vol. I: From Colonialism to the Vietminh; Vol. II: Vietnam at War. Pp. x, 1,346. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. $18.50
by Harry J. Benda - 177-178 MICHAEL LEIFER. Cambodia: The Search for Security. Pp. ix, 209. New York : Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. $6.00
by Amry Vandenbosch - 178-179 WILLIAM E. WILLMOTT. The Chinese in Cambodia. Pp. 132. Vancouver: Publications Centre, University of British Columbia, 1967. $5.00
by Frank M. Lebar - 179-179 LUCIAN W. PYE. Southeast Asia's Political Systems. Pp. xi, 98. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. $4.95
by Russell H. Fifield - 179-180 HOWARD L. BOORMAN (Ed.), in association with Richard C. Boorman. Biographical Dictionary of Republican China, Vol. I: Ai-Ch'ü. Pp. xv, 483. New York: Columbia University Press, 1967. $20.00
by W. Allyn Rickett - 180-181 TIMOTHY D. BAKER and MARK PERL-MAN. Health Manpower in a Developing Economy: A Case Study in Planning. Pp. xi, 203. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. $6.50
by Wilfred Malenbaum - 181-182 AUDREY DONNITHORNE. China's Economic System. Pp. 592. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. $13.50
by E. Stuart Kirby - 182-183 RICHARD L. PARK. India's Political System. Pp. xi, 116. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. No price
by Myron Weiner - 183-183 B. N. PANDEY. The Introduction of English Law into India: The Career of Elijah Impey in Bengal, 1774-1783. Pp. xiii, 248. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1967. $6.75
by Holden Furber - 183-184 MARIE SETON. Panditji: A Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru. Pp. 515. New York : Taplinger, 1967. $12.95
by Margaret W. Fisher - 184-185 MOHAMMAD AYUB KHAN. Friends Not Masters: A Political Autobiography. Pp. x, 275. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. $7.50
by Masood Ghaznavi - 185-186 DAVID H. FINNIE. Pioneers East: The Early American Experience in the Middle East. Pp. x, 333. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967. $7.50
by Harry N. Howard - 186-187 LEOPOLD LAUFER. Israel and the Developing Countries: New Approaches to Co-operation. Pp. xiii, 298. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1967. $6.00
by E. Kanovsky - 188-188 IRA MARVIN LAPIDUS. Muslim Cities in the Later Middle Ages. Pp. xiv, 307. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967. $7.50
by Thomas Naff - 188-189 ROBERT GERAN LANDEN. Oman since 1865: Disruptive Modernization in a Traditional Arab Society. Pp. xv, 488. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1967. $12.50
by Majid Khadduri - 189-190 RICHARD G. HOVANNISIAN. Armenia on the Road to Independence, 1918. Pp. viii, 364. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1967. $8.50
by A.O. Sarkissian - 190-191 GERALD K. HELLEINER. Peasant Agriculture, Government, and Economic Growth in Nigeria. Pp. xx, 600. Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin, 1966. $9.25
by Emil Lengyel - 191-192 M. V. JACKSON HAIGHT. European Powers and South-East Africa: A Study of International Relations on the South-Eastern Coast of Africa, 1796-1856. Pp. xv, 368. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. $9.50
by Kenneth Kirkwood - 192-193 GEORGE W. BAER. The Coming of the Italian-Ethiopian War. Pp. viii, 404. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967. $9.50
by A.A. Castagno - 193-194 HERBERT J. MULLER. Adlai Stevenson: A Study in Values. Pp. xiii, 338. New York: Harper & Row, 1967. $6.95
by John Sparkman - 194-195 TERRY SANFORD. Storm over the States. Pp. xvi, 218. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. $5.95
by Norman Wengert - 195-196 LEONARD BAKER. Back to Back: The Duel between FDR and the Supreme Court. Pp. 311. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1967. $6.95
by Robert E. Burke - 196-197 ALAN F. WESTIN. Privacy and Freedom. Pp. xvi. New York: Atheneum, 1967. $10.00
by Osmond K. Fraenkel - 197-197 THOMAS J. MCCORMICK. China Market: America's Quest for Informal Empire, 1893-1901. Pp. 241. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1967. $6.50
by Donald L. Kemmerer - 197-198 HERBERT KLEIN. Slavery in the Americas: A Comparative Study of Virginia and Cuba. Pp. xi, 270. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967. $6.95
by Frank J. Klingberg - 198-199 RICHARD HARRISON SHRYOCK. Medical Licensing in America, 1650-1965. Pp. xi, 124. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. $5.00
by Vaughn D. Bornet - 199-200 FREDERICK B. PIKE. The Modern History of Peru. Pp. xix, 386. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. $7.50
by William P. Tucker - 200-201 SERAFINO ROMUALDI. Presidents and Peons : Recollections of a Labor Ambassador in Latin America. Pp. xvi, 524. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1967. $8.95
by Robert J. Alexander - 201-202 G. WILLIAM DOMHOFF. Who Rules America? Pp. 184. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. $4.95
by Adolf A. Berle - 202-203 ARTHUR NIEDERHOFFER. Behind the Shield: The Police in Urban Society. Pp. vi, 253. Garden City, N.Y.: Double-day, 1967. $5.95
by David J. Bordua - 203-204 THEODORE M. MILLS. The Sociology of Small Groups. Pp. viii, 136. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. $4.50
by A. Paul Hare - 204-204 WALTER BUCKLEY. Sociology and Modern Systems Theory. Pp. xii, 227. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. $5.95
by Paul E. Mott - 204-205 LEWIS A. COSER. Continuities in the Study of Social Conflict. Pp. x, 272. New York: Free Press, 1967. $7.95
by Allen D. Grimshaw - 205-206 GARY T. MARX. Protestant Prejudice: A Study of Belief in the Black Community. Pp. xxviii, 228. New York: Harper & Row, 1967. $8.95
by Arnold M. Rose - 206-207 F. RAY MARSHALL and VERNON M. BRIGGS, JR. The Negro and Apprenticeship. Pp. x, 283. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. $8.00
by Howard D. Marshall - 207-207 DONALD R. MATTHEWS and JAMES W. PROTHRO. Negroes and the New Southern Politics. Pp. xvi, 551. New York : Harcourt, Brace & World, 1966. $12.50
by Thomas F. Pettigrew - 207-208 CHARLES FLINT KELLOGG. NAACP: A History of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Vol. I: 1909-1920. Pp. xii, 332. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. $8.75
by George Osborn - 208-209 JAY ANDERS HIGBEE. Development and Administration of the New York State Law against Discrimination. Pp. xxii, 396. University of Alabama Press, 1967. $10.00
by Frederick Shaw - 209-210 CHARLES Y. GLOCK and RODNEY STARK. Christian Beliefs and Anti-Semitism. Pp. xxi, 266. New York: Harper & Row, 1967. $8.50. CHARLES Y. GLOCK, GERTRUDE J. SELZ-NICK, and JOE L. SPAETH. The Apathetic Majority: A Study Based on Public Responses to the Eichmann Trial. Pp. xii, 222. New York: Harper & Row, 1967. $6.95
by Harold W. Pfautz - 210-211 DAVID P. GARDNER. The California Oath Controversy. Pp. xi, 329. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1967. $6.50
by W.H. Cowley - 211-212 ALLEN F. DAVIS. Spearheads for Reform: The Social Settlements and the Progressive Movement, 1890-1914. Pp. xviii, 322. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. $7.50. JOHN C. FARRELL. Beloved Lady: A History of Jane Addams' Ideas on Reform and Peace. Pp. 272. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. $6.95
by Arthur E. Fink - 212-213 JAMES S. COLEMAN, ELIHU KATZ, and HERBERT MENZEL. Medical Innovation: A Diffusion Study. Pp. xxi, 246. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1966. $2.95
by William Stephenson - 213-214 HERBERT ZUCKER. Problems of Psychotherapy. Pp. viii, 194. New York: Free Press, 1967. $5.95
by Robert A. Clark - 214-215 HANS C. FURTH. Thinking without Language : Psychological Implications of Deafness. Pp. xvi, 236. New York: Free Press, 1966. $6.95
by Edna M. O'Hern - 215-216 ROBERT D. HESS and JUDITH V. TORNEY. The Development of Political Attitudes in Children. Pp. xviii, 228. Chicago: Aldine, 1967. $9.75
by W.G. Eliasberg - 216-217 PATRICIA CAYO SEXTON. The American School: A Sociological Analysis. Pp. vi, 122. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1967. $4.50
by Richard Olmsted - 217-218 JOHN STUART MILL. Essays on Economics and Society, Vols. I and II. (Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Vols. IV and V) Edited by J. M. Robson. Pp. lv, 847. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967. $25.00
by David Spitz - 218-219 JEROME ROTHENBERG. Economic Evaluation of Urban Renewal: Conceptual Foundation of Benefit-Cost Analysis. Pp. xiii, 277. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1967. $6.75
by William L. Baldwin - 219-220 JOHN MICHAEL MONTIAS. Economic Development in Communist Rumania. Pp. xiv, 326. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1967. $10.00
by L.A.D. Dellin - 220-221 JAMES G. MADDOX, with E. E. LIEBHAF-SKY, VIVIAN W. HENDERSON, and HERBERT M. HAMLIN. The Advancing South: Manpower Prospects and Problems. Pp. xvi, 276. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1967. $6.50
by Herbert J. Lahne - 221-222 F. THOMAS JUSTER. Household Capital Formation and Financing, 1897-1962. Pp. xiv, 146. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research (Distributed by Columbia University Press), 1966. $6.00
by Harry T. Oshima - 222-226 ABRAHAM J. BRILOFF. The Effectiveness of Accounting Communication. Pp. xx, 338. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. $17.50
by Sidney I. Simon
March 1968, Volume 376, Issue 1
- 1-5 Taking Stock of Studies of Sex
by Edward Sagarin - 6-17 The Decline and Fall of the Double Standard
by Erwin O. Smigel & Rita Seiden - 18-24 The Beige Epoch: Depolarization of Sex Roles in America
by Charles Winick - 25-35 Sex and Family Life
by J. Richard Udry - 36-52 Attitudes toward Sex in American "High Culture"
by Robert Boyers - 53-60 Sex Education and the Roles of School and Church
by Mary S. Calderone - 61-75 Sexual Patterns in Three Ethnic Subcultures of an American Underclass
by Bernard Rosenberg & Joseph Bensman - 76-85 Sex Behavior and the American Class Structure: A Mosaic
by Theodore N. Ferdinand - 86-95 The "Sexless Older Years"—A Socially Harmful Stereotype
by Isadore Rubin - 96-105 Sexual Manifestations of Emotionally Disturbed Behavior
by Albert Ellis - 106-122 Sexual Deviance in Contemporary America
by John H. Gagnon & William Simon - 123-135 Prostitution in the United States
by T.C. Esselstyn - 136-147 Abortion
by Edwin M. Schur - 148-155 Sex Offenses and Sex Offenders
by Donal E.J. Macnamara - 156-213 Book Department
by N/A
January 1968, Volume 375, Issue 1
- 1-2 Women Around the World: An Introductory Comment
by Althea K. Hottel - 3-14 The Status of Women in Modern Patterns of Culture
by Jessie Bernard - 15-25 Demographic Change and the Roles and Status of Women
by Jeanne Clare Ridley - 26-33 Impact of the World Social Situation on Women
by Julia J. Henderson - 34-43 From Constitutional Recognition to Public Office
by Lakshmi N. Menon - 44-51 Status of Women in Private Law
by Inger Margrete Pedersen - 52-57 Women and Politics in the United States and Canada
by Rosamonde Ramsay Boyd - 58-60 Women in Public Life in Peru
by Nelly Festini - 61-66 Political Participation of Western European Women
by Marcelle Stanislas Devaud - 67-71 Political Activity of Women in Eastern Europe
by Kamila Chylinska - 72-81 Women in the Middle East And North Africa and Universal Suffrage
by Beraët Zeki Üngör - 82-85 Political Participation of Women in Africa South of the Sahara
by Angie E. Brooks - 86-90 The Political Role of Southeast Asian Women
by Amara Raksasataya - 91-95 Women and Politics in Japan
by Taki Fujita - 96-101 Women's Political Participation in the South Pacific
by Ada Norris - 102-114 Women in Economic Life: Rights and Opportunities
by Elizabeth Johnstone - 115-123 Women in the Rural Areas
by Alison Raymond Lanier - 124-132 Women and American Trade Unions
by Alice H. CooK - 133-144 Access to Education at All Levels
by Nicole M. Friderich - 145-153 The UNESCO Long-Range Program for the Advancement of Women
by Jeanne Henriette Chaton - 154-162 Education Is the Key for Women
by Ina M. Beasley - 163-175 An Account of United Nations Action to Advance the Status of Women
by Margaret K. Bruce - 176-195 Recent Developments in United States History, 1963-1966
by James H. Soltow - 196-246 Book Department
by N/A
November 1967, Volume 374, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Lloyd E. Ohlin & Henry S. Ruth JR - 1-15 On Exploring the "Dark Figure" of Crime
by Albert D. Biderman & Albert J. Reiss JR - 16-33 Surveys of Population Samples for Estimating Crime Incidence
by Albert D. Biderman - 34-46 Public Attitudes toward Crime and Law Enforcement
by Jennie McIntyre - 47-57 Interrogation and the Criminal Process
by Albert J. Reiss JR & Donald J. Black - 58-69 The Role of the Police
by Bruce J. Terris - 70-81 The Negotiated Guilty Plea
by Arthur Rosett - 82-91 Community-Based Correctional Treatment: Rationale and Problems
by Elmer K. Nelson JR - 92-100 Systems Analysis and the Criminal Justice System
by Alfred Blumstein - 101-112 Methodological Problems in the Study of Organized Crime as a Social Problem
by Donald R. Cressey - 113-122 Why Organized Crime Thrives
by Henry S. Ruth JR - 123-134 Public Attitudes toward Gambling and Corruption
by John A. Gardiner - 135-146 Drugs, Behavior, and Crime
by Richard H. Blum - 147-156 Public Drunkenness: Crime or Health Problem?
by Gerald Stern - 157-170 The Crisis of Overcriminalization
by Sanford H. Kadish - 171-184 Recent Developments in Research on Social Institutions
by Robin M. Williams JR - 185-252 Book Department
by N/A
September 1967, Volume 373, Issue 1
- 1-15 Some Dangers in "Valid" Social Measurement
by Amitai Etzioni & Edward W. Lehman - 16-52 Poverty, Inequality, and Conflict
by S.M. Miller & Martin Rein & Pamela Roby & Bertram M. Gross - 53-78 Democratic Participation
by Sidney Verba - 79-101 Education and Learning
by Wilbur J. Cohen - 102-119 Employment and the "New Economics"
by Leon H. Keyserling - 120-140 Science, Technology, and Change
by John McHale - 141-155 The Art of Measuring the Arts
by Alvin Toffler - 156-179 Social Breakdown
by Nathan Goldman - 180-192 Societal Feedback
by Raymond A. Bauer - 193-207 Health and Well-Being
by Philip R. Lee - 208-218 New Goals for Social Information
by Bertram M. Gross & Michael Springer - 219-231 Language and Communication
by John J. Gumperz - 232-296 Book Department
by N/A
July 1967, Volume 372, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by James C. Charlesworth - 1-15 United States-Soviet Co-operation: Incentives and Obstacles
by Robert C. Tucker - 16-32 The Changing Nature of Soviet and American Relations with Western Europe
by David S. McLellan - 33-39 The Present Viability of NATO, SEATO, and CENTO
by A.E.P. Duffy - 40-58 Fissures in the Eastern European Bloc
by Norman J.G. Pounds - 59-63 The Chinese Threat to World Order
by Sukich Nimmanheminda - 64-71 Significance of the Rift between the Chinese Communist Regime and the Soviet Union
by Chow Shu-Kai - 72-79 International Broadcasting and the Changing World Audience
by John Chancellor - 80-92 The Influence of Small States in a Changing World
by Wayne A. Wilcox - 93-104 Africa and the World: Nonalignment Reconsidered
by Fred L. Hadsel - 105-112 The Revival of Trade between the "Communist Bloc" and the West
by Anthony M. Solomon - 113-123 Cultural Exchanges between Communist Countries and the United States
by Frederick C. Barghoorn - 124-137 American Party Politics, Elections, and Voting Behavior
by Hugh A. Bone - 138-202 Book Department
by N/A
May 1967, Volume 371, Issue 1
- 1-19 A New Orientation in American Government
by Bertram M. Gross & Michael Springer - 20-37 Individual and Group Values
by Robin M. Williams JR - 38-58 Civil Liberties
by Milton R. Konvitz - 59-71 Electoral Participation
by Richard M. Scammon - 72-84 The Mass Media—A Need for Greatness
by André Fontaine - 85-103 Discrimination against Negroes
by Otis Dudley Duncan - 104-126 National Goals and Indicators for the Reduction of Crime and Delinquency
by Daniel Glaser - 127-140 The Natural Environment
by Joseph L. Fisher - 141-158 Urban Conditions: New York City
by Barry Gottehrer - 159-177 Urban Conditions: General
by Daniel P. Moynihan - 178-197 Chinese and Japanese Historiography: Some Trends, 1961-1966
by Arthur F. Wright & John Whitney Hall - 198-267 Book Department
by N/A
March 1967, Volume 370, Issue 1
- 1-1 Preface
by Don Martindale - 1-7 Anthropological Perspectives on National Character
by E. Adamson Hoebel - 8-15 National Character in the Perspective of Cultural Geography
by Jan O.M. Broek - 16-22 Juridical Perspectives on National Character
by Joseph Lazar - 23-29 National Character in the Perspective of Political Science
by James C. Charlesworth - 30-35 The Sociology of National Character
by Don Martindale - 36-47 Some Questions about the Study of American Character in the Twentieth Century
by David Riesman - 48-56 Canadian Character in the Twentieth Century
by John Porter - 57-62 Brazilian National Character in the Twentieth Century
by Gilberto Freyre - 63-73 On Mexican National Character
by Michael Maccoby - 74-81 English Character in the Twentieth Century
by Geoffrey Gorer - 82-92 French National Character in the Twentieth Century
by Reino Virtanen - 93-98 Swedish Character in the Twentieth Century
by Gösta Carlsson - 99-115 The Essential Characteristics of the Russian Nation in the Twentieth Century
by Pitirim A. Sorokin - 116-123 Israeli Identity: Problems in the Development of the Collective Identity of an Ideological Society
by S.N. Eisenstadt - 124-132 Indian National Character in the Twentieth Century
by Dhirendra Narain - 133-142 Japanese Character in the Twentieth Century
by Douglas Gilbert Haring - 143-155 Strategy and National Psychology in China
by Howard L. Boorman & Scott A. Boorman - 156-163 The Australasian Character
by John Forster - 164-175 Econometrics and Model-Building
by Carl F. Christ - 176-239 Book Department
by N/A
January 1967, Volume 369, Issue 1
- 1-8 A Long-Range View of World Population Growth
by John D. Durand - 9-15 Population Projections for the World, Developed and Developing Regions: 1965-2000
by M.A. El-Badry - 16-25 The Control of Mortality
by T.E. Smith - 26-36 The Character of Modern Fertility
by Norman B. Ryder - 37-47 Reproductive Performance and Reproductive Capacity in Less Industrialized Societies
by G.W. Roberts - 48-60 Prospects for Reducing Natality in the Underdeveloped World
by Dudley Kirk - 61-72 Estimating China's Population
by John S. Aird - 73-83 Population and Food Supply1
by Conrad Taeuber - 84-97 Population, Natural Resources, and Technology
by Edward A. Ackerman - 98-108 Effects of Population Growth on the Economic Development of Developing Countries
by Richard A. Easterlin - 109-120 Population Growth and Educational Development
by B. Alfred Liu - 121-130 Labor Supply and Employment in Less Developed Countries
by Jan L. Sadie - 131-140 Demographic Transitions and Population Problems in the United States
by Irene B. Taeuber - 141-148 Recent Trends in Ethnology
by Robert T. Anderson - 149-163 Recent Trends: Deviant Behavior and Social Control
by David J. Bordua - 164-241 Book Department
by N/A
November 1966, Volume 368, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Richard D. Lambert - 1-10 A Statistical Overview of Americans Abroad
by Ernest Rubin - 11-20 A Historical View of Americans Abroad
by Foster Rhea Dulles - 21-30 Missionaries Abroad
by Kenneth Scott Latourette - 31-42 The Military Abroad
by David W. Tarr - 43-59 American Students Abroad: Professional versus Personal Development
by Jeanne E. Gullahorn & John T. Gullahorn - 60-70 The Professor Abroad: Twenty Years of Change
by Edward W. Weidner - 71-82 The Foreign Service Officer
by Glen H. Fisher - 83-94 The Businessman Abroad
by Mira Wilkins - 95-108 Role Shock: An Occupational Hazard of American Technical Assistants Abroad
by Francis C. Byrnes - 109-118 The American Tourist
by Somerset R. Waters - 119-131 The Legal Status and Problems of the American Abroad
by Murdaugh Stuart Madden & Sherman L. Cohn - 132-145 The American Family in India
by Ruth Hill Useem