November 1939, Volume 206, Issue 1
- 217-218 DUBOIS, W. E. BURGHARDT. Black Folk Then and Now. Pp. x, 401. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1939. $3.50
by E.B. Reuter - 218-219 PENCE, OWEN E. The Y. M. C. A. and Social Need. Pp. xiv, 360. New York: Association Press, 1939. $2.75
by Thomas F. Neblett - 219-219 WILSON, J. G., and M. J. PESCOR. Prob lems in Prison Psychiatry. Pp. 275. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1939. $3.00
by A.Warren Stearns - 219-220 Letter To the Editor
by Karl Walter
September 1939, Volume 205, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by John S. Bradway - 1-8 Legal Aid and the Promotion of Justice
by Esther Lucile Brown - 9-15 Surveying the Need for Legal Aid
by Edmund Ruffin Beckwith - 16-23 Public Defenders in Criminal Cases
by Mayer C. Goldman - 24-29 Voluntary Defenders in Criminal Cases
by Louis Fabricant - 30-34 Benefits of Regulating the Small Loan Business
by William D.H. Donaghy - 35-42 The Small Loan Business Unregulated
by Richard H. Bachelder - 43-49 The Small Wage Earner in Legal Trouble
by Wayne Theophilus - 50-56 Legal Aid Service to Injured Workmen
by Joseph Bear - 57-64 Small Claims and Conciliation Courts
by Nathan Cayton - 65-71 Adapting Legal Aid to Social Change in Cincinnati
by George H. Silverman - 72-78 Legal Aid as Part of a Community Program
by Marguerite Raeder Gariepy - 79-83 A Legal Finger on the Social Pulse
by Claude E. Clarke - 84-88 A Bar Association Committee Does Legal Aid Work
by Joseph Nissley - 89-94 Law Students Do Legal Aid Work
by Ralph von Briesen - 95-100 Legal Aid Problems in a Rural County
by Frederick J. Templeton - 101-107 National Aspects of Legal Aid
by John S. Bradway - 108-113 Interest of the American Bar Association in Legal Aid Work
by Reginald Heber Smith - 114-120 Interest of State Bar Associations in Legal Aid Work
by John E. Gorsuch - 121-128 The Value of Legal Aid Work to Law Schools
by Leon Thomas David - 129-133 Social Agencies and Legal Aid Theory
by Joel D. Hunter - 134-140 A Social Worker in a Legal Aid Society
by Mary Isham - 141-141 WOYTINSKY, W. S. Seasonal Variations in Employment in the United States. Pp. x, 154. Washington: Committee on Social Security, Social Science Research Council, 1939. $1.50
by Witt Bowden - 141-142 WILLIAMS, EDWARD AINSWORTH. Federal Aid for Relief. Pp. iii, 269. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. $3.25
by V.O. Key JR - 142-143 WYNNE, WALLER, JR. Five Years of Rural Relief. Pp. xiii, 160. Washington: Works Progress Administration, 1938
by J.L. Hypes - 143-143 FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT OF THE WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION IN NORTH CAROLINA, TENNESSEE, GEORGIA, MEMBERS OF THE. These Are Our Lives. Pp. xx, 421. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1939. $2.00
by Jerome Dowd - 143-144 KULP, C. A. Social Insurance Coordination. Pp. xiv, 333. Washington: Social Science Research Council, 1938. $2.50
by Alfred Manes - 144-145 DEVINE, EDWARD T. When Social Work Was Young. Pp. 163. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $1.75
by Frank J. Bruno - 145-145 DODD, PAUL A., and E. F. PENROSE. Economic Aspects of Medical Services. Pp. xxii, 499. Washington: Graphic Arts Press, Inc., 1939. $3.75
by I.S. Falk - 145-146 RORTY, JAMES. American Medicine Mobilizes. Pp. 358. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1939. $3.00
by Douglass W. Orr - 146-147 HARRIS, HERBERT. American Labor. Pp. vii, 459. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1938. $3.75
by Herman Feldman - 147-148 BROOKS, ROBERT R. R. Unions of Their Own Choosing. Pp. 296. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1939. $3.00
by Herman Feldman - 148-149 PIGORS, PAUL, et al. Social Problems in Labor Relations. Pp. xxiii, 325. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1939. $3.00
by Smith Simpson - 149-150 GRIFFIN, JOHN I. Strikes: A Study in Quantitative Economics. Pp. 319. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. $4.00
by Paul A. Dodd - 150-151 NATIONAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE. Research—A National Resource. I. Relation of the Federal Government to Research. Pp. vii, 255. Washington, 1938. 50¢
by Harold W. Stoke - 151-151 ELMER, MANUEL CONRAD. Social Research. Pp. xvi, 522. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1939. $3.00
by Calvin F. Schmid - 151-152 YOUNG, PAULINE V. Scientific Social Surveys and Research. Pp. xxix, 619. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1939. $3.00
by Walter A. Lunden - 152-153 HOOTON, EARNEST ALBERT. Crime and the Man. Pp. xvi, 403. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1939. $3.75
by J.P. Shalloo - 153-154 LYND, ROBERT S. Knowledge for What? Pp. x, 268. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1939. $2.50
by Howard Woolston - 154-155 ALLEN, R. G. D. Mathematical Analysis for Economists. Pp. xvi, 548. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1938. $4.50
by Harold Hotelling - 155-156 GROVES, HAROLD M. Financing Government. Pp. xvi, 777. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1939. $3.75
by Alfred G. Buehler - 156-157 MACMAHON, ARTHUR W., and JOHN D. MILLETT. Federal Administrators. Pp. xiv, 524. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. $4.50
by Harvey Pinney - 157-157 WHITE, LEONARD D., and T. V. SMITH. Politics and Public Service. Pp. xii, 361. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1939. $3.00
by Harvey Pinney - 158-158 SCHEIBE, FRITZ HUBERTUS. The Civilian Conservation Corps. Pp. 80. Würzburg-Aumuhle : Konrad Triltsch, 1939
by Robert Fechner - 158-159 LEWIS, HAROLD MACLEAN. City Planning —Why and How. Pp. xxi, 257. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1939. $2.50
by Roy V. Peel - 159-160 PERRY, CLARENCE ARTHUR. Housing for the Machine Age. Pp. 261. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1939. $2.50
by Carol Aronovici - 160-161 THORNDIKE, E. L. Your City. Pp. 204. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1939. $2.00
by Malcolm M. Willey - 161-161 STONE, DONALD C. The Management of Municipal Public Works. Pp. xv, 344. Chicago: Public Administration Service, 1939. $3.75
by Charles S. Ascher - 161-163 KNEIER, CHARLES. Illustrative Materials in Municipal Government and Administration. Pp. xix, 632. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1939. $3.50
by Roy V. Peel - 163-163 ANDERSON, WILLIAM (Ed.). Local Government in Europe. Pp. xviii, 453. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1939. $4.00
by Thomas Harrison Reed - 163-164 WEINTRAUB, RUTH G. Government Corporations and State Law. Pp. 200. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. $2.75
by John McDiarmid - 164-165 Clark, John M. Social Control of Business. 2nd ed. Pp. xvi, 537. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1939. $4.00 school ed.; $5.00 trade ed
by Horace M. Gray - 165-165 BILJON, F. J. VAN. State Interference in South Africa. Pp. x, 322. London: P. S. King and Son, Ltd., 1939. 15 s
by John Thurston - 165-166 GIERKE, OTTO VON. The Development of Political Theory. Pp. 364. New York: W. W. Norton and Co., Inc., 1939. $4.00
by Edward McChesney Sait - 166-169 MOSCA, GAETANO. The Ruling Class. Pp. xli, 514. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1939. $4.50
by R. Heathcote Heindel - 169-169 ROUCEK, JOSEPH S. The Politics of the Balkans. Pp. xv, 168. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1939. $1.50
by Harry N. Howard - 169-170 ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. South-Eastern Europe. Pp. xvi, 203. New York: Oxford University Press, 1939. $2.00
by Joseph S. Roucek - 170-171 KOHN, HANS. Revolutions and Dictatorships. Pp. xii, 437. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1939. $3.50
by Harry N. Howard - 171-171 MARSHALL, JAMES. Swords and Symbols. Pp. 168. New York: Oxford University Press, 1939. $2.00
by Joseph S. Roucek - 171-172 BONN, M. J. The Crumbling of Empire. Pp. 432. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1938. 15/2
by Allen T. Bonnell - 172-173 TYLER, ALICE FELT. The Modern World. Pp. xi, 930. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1939. $3.75
by Leonidas Dodson - 173-173 RADER, MELVIN. No Compromise: The Conflict between Two Worlds. Pp. 403. New York: Macmillan Co., 1939. $3.50
by Fritz Morstein Marx - 173-174 PETERSON, H. C. Propaganda for War. Pp. x, 357. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1939. $3.00
by Harwood L. Childs - 174-175 SOMBART, WERNER. Vom Menschen. Pp. xxiii, 463. B e r l i n—Charlottenburg: Buchholz & Weisswange, 1938. RM 12.00
by Hans Kohn - 175-176 HAYS, ARTHUR GARFIELD. Democracy Works. Pp. xiii, 334. New York: Random House, 1939. $3.00
by Leslie Lipson - 176-177 ALBIG, WILLIAM. Public Opinion. Pp. xiii, 486. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1939. $4.00
by W.C. Clark - 177-177 SMITH, CHARLES W., JR. Public Opinion in a Democracy. Pp. ix, 598. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1939. $3.00
by Claude E. Robinson - 177-178 PRIESTLEY, HERBERT INGRAM. France Overseas. Pp. ix, 463. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1938. $5.00
by Grayson Kirk - 178-180 BEARD, CHARLES A. and MARY R. America in Midpassage. Pp. 977. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $3.50
by Leland P. Lovette - 180-180 MILLER, ALPHONSE B. Thaddeus Stevens. Pp. xi, 440. New York : Harper & Brothers, 1939. $4.00
by Burton Alva Konkle - 180-181 VILLARD, OSWALD GARRISON. Fighting Years. Pp. 543. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Co., 1939. $3.75
by Malcolm M. Willey - 181-182 NEVINS, ALLAN. Frémont: Pathmarker of the West. Pp. xiv, 649. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1939. $5.00
by Alphonse B. Miller - 182-182 VAN DOREN, CARL. Benjamin Franklin. Pp. xix, 845. New York: The Viking Press, Inc., 1938. $3.75
by Alphonse B. Miller - 182-183 SHIPPEE, LESTER BURRELL. Canadian-American Relations 1849-1874. Pp. xv, 514. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1939. $3.00
by Carl Wittke - 183-183 DE BEUS, J. G. The Jurisprudence of the General Claims Commission, United States and Mexico under the Convention of September 8, 1923. Pp. xii, 342. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1938. Gld. 6.00
by Grayson Kirk - 184-184 GRISWOLD, A. WHITNEY. The Far Eastern Policy of the United States. Pp. 530. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1938. $3.75
by Payson J. Treat - 184-185 PADELFORD, NORMAN J. International Law and Diplomacy in the Spanish Civil Strife. Pp. xxvii, 710. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $6.00
by Roscoe R. Hill - 185-186 PROFESSORS OF THE GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES. The World Crisis. Pp. xii, 385. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1938. $4.00
by Phillips Bradley - 186-187 GILBERT, MILTON. Currency Depreciation and Monetary Policy. Pp. xiii, 167. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1939. $2.00
by Walter Lichtenstein - 187-187 EINZIG, PAUL. World Finance 1937-1938. Pp. xvii, 336. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1938. $3.00
by Ralph A. Young - 187-188 STALEY, EUGENE. World Economy in Transition. Pp. xi, 340. New York City: Council on Foreign Relations, 1939. $3.00
by Ernest Minor Patterson - 188-189 DIETRICH, ETHEL B. World Trade. Pp. vi, 458. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1939. $2.75
by John Donaldson - 189-189 NORTHROP, MILDRED B. Control Policies o f the Reichsbank, 1924-1933. Pp. 405. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938. $4.00
by Ralph A. Young - 189-190 FAY, C. R. Co-operation at Home and Abroad. Vol. II, 1908-1938. Pp. x, 450. London: P. S. King and Son, Ltd., 1939. 18 s
by Otto E.M. Ruhmer - 190-191 PANUNZIO, CONSTANTINE, et al. Self-Help Coöperatives in Los Angeles. Pp. viii, 148. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1939. $1.50
by Arthur E. Albrecht - 191-191 WAITE, WARREN C., and RALPH CASSADY, JR. The Consumer and the Economic Order. Pp. x, 389. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1939. $3.50
by Hazel Kyrk - 191-192 KNIGHT, BRUCE WINTON. Economic Principles in Practice. Pp. xvii, 606. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1939. $3.25. O'HARA, FRANK, et al. Economics: Principles and Problems. Pp. x, 672. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1939. $3.50
by Emerson P. Schmidt - 192-193 GREEN, CONSTANCE MCLAUGHLIN. Holyoke, Massachusetts: A Case History of the Industrial Revolution in America. Pp. xiii, 425. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1939. $4.00
by Carle C. Zimmerman - 193-194 HEMPEL, EDWARD HENRY. Industrial Political Economy. Pp. xiv, 454. New York: Pitman Publishing Corp., 1939. $3.50
by Glenn E. McLaughlin - 194-194 THOMSON, LESSLIE R. The Canadian Railway Problem. Pp. xiii, 1080. Toronto: The Macmillan Co. of Canada Ltd., 1938. $12.50
by G. Lloyd Wilson - 194-195 WELFLING, WELDON. Savings Banking in New York State. Pp. xiv, 205. Durham : Duke University Press, 1939. $3.00
by F. Cyril James - 195-196 WRIGHT, MILTON. Public Relations for Business. Pp. ix, 346. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1939. $3.00
by Edward L. Bernays - 196-196 WEIGEL, STANLEY A. The Fair Trade Acts. Pp. xii, 260. Chicago: The Foundation Press, Inc., 1938. $5.00
by Ralph F. Breyer - 196-197 COULTON, G. G. Medieval Panorama. Pp. xiv, 801. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1938. $4.00
by Harry Elmer Barnes - 197-198 PIRENNE, HENRI. A History of Europe. Pp. 624. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1939. $5.00
by James Westfall Thompson - 198-199 COON, CARLETON STEVENS. The Races of Europe. Pp. xvi, 739. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1939. $7.00
by Clark Wissler - 199-200 REUTER, EDWARD B. The American Race Problem. Rev. Ed. Pp. xiii, 430. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1938. $3.00
by Charles S. Johnson - 200-200 VAN DEUSEN, JOHN G. The Black Man in White America. Pp. 338. Washington: The Associated Publishers, Inc., 1938. $3.25
by Horace R. Cayton - 200-201 REID, IRA DE A. The Negro Immigrant. Pp. 261. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. $3.50
by Herbert A. Miller - 201-202 POWDERMAKER, HORTENSE. After Freedom. Pp. xx, 408. New York: The Viking Press, 1939. $3.00
by Horace Mann Bond - 202-202 GALLAGHER, BUELL G. American Caste and the Negro College. Pp. xx, 463. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938. $2.50
by W.E.B. Du Bois - 202-203 YOUNG, CHARLES H., et al. The Japanese Canadians. Pp. xxx, 295. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 1938. $2.25
by Geoffrey May - 203-204 INNES, JOHN W. Class Fertility Trends in England and Wales 1876-1934. Pp. xiii, 152. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1938. $2.50
by E.P. Hutchinson - 204-205 ALPERT, HARRY. Emile Durkheim and His Sociology. Pp. 233. New York: Columbia University Press, 1939. $2.75
by W. Rex Crawford - 205-206 BROWN, FRANCIS J. The Sociology of Childhood. Pp. xxii, 498. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1939. $2.25
by George B. Mangold - 206-206 BAYLOR, EDITH M. H., and ELIO D. MONACHESI. The Rehabilitation of Children. Pp. xii, 560. New York: Harper & Bros., 1939. $3.75
by James H.S. Bossard - 206-207 LUNDEN, WALTER A. The Dynamics of Higher Education. Pp. xviii, 402. Pittsburgh : Pittsburgh Printing Co., 1939. $4.25
by Malcolm M. Willey - 207-208 MARTIN, ROBERT F. National Income in the United States 1799-1938. Pp. xv, 146. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1939. $3.50
by James G. Smith - 208-209 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH. Studies in Income and Wealth, Volume Two. Pp. xii, 331. New York, 1938
by James G. Smith - 209-210 LAUFENBURGER, HENRY. L'intervention de l'etat en matière économique. Pp. 371. Paris : Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1939
by Gerhard Colm - 210-211 MOSSÉ, ROBERT. L'économie collectiviste. Pp. 210. Paris: Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1939
by Eduard Heimann - 211-212 SCHMIDT, CARL T. The Corporate State in Action. Pp. 173. New York: Oxford University Press, 1939. $2.25
by Henry S. Miller - 212-213 UNIVERSITÀ CATTOLICA DEL S. CUORE. Gli aggruppamenti di imprese nell'economia corporativa. Pp. viii, 220. Milano, 1939. 18 lire
by Henry S. Miller - 213-215 DAVIS, JOSEPH S. On Agricultural Policy 1926-1938. Pp. vii, 494. Stanford University, Calif.: Food Research Institute, 1939. $3.00
by Bernhard Ostrolenk - 215-215 WOOFTER, T. J., JR., and ELLEN WINSTON. Seven Lean Years. Pp. xi, 187. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1939. $1.50
by C. Arnold Anderson - 215-216 GARRIGOU-LAGRANGE, ANDRÉ. Production agricole et économie rurale. Pp. 211. Paris: Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1939
by Karl Brandt - 216-217 SERING, M., and C. voN DIETZE. Agrarverfassung der deutschen Auslandssiedlungen in Osteuropa. Band I. Pp. lx, 311. Berlin: Verlag Franz Vahlen, 1939. RM 18.00
by Carle C. Zimmerman - 217-217 HUMPERT, MAGDALENE. Bibliographie der Kameralwissenschaften. Pp. xv, 1184. Köln: Balduin Pick, 1937. RM 62.00
by N/A
July 1939, Volume 204, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Thorsten Sellin - 1-8 Foreign Influences in Latin America
by Richard F. Behrendt - 9-16 Lima Conference and the Totalitarian Issue
by Samuel Guy Inman - 17-25 Latin America and the Fascist "Holy Alliance"
by David Efron - 26-33 Repercussions of National Socialism upon Foreign Countries
by Ernst Wilhelm Meyer - 34-41 America Looks Southward
by Max Winkler - 42-48 The Struggle for Mineral Resources1
by C.K. Leith - 49-53 The Defense of the Americas
by George Fielding Eliot - 54-58 Some Observations and Conclusions After a Tour of South America
by James H. Ryan - 59-65 Trading with Dictators
by Percy W. Bidwell - 66-71 New Approaches in Inter-American Commercial Relations
by James S. Carson - 72-79 Political Economy and the Industrialist
by Morris E. Leeds - 80-85 Social Responsibilities of Business: A Labor View
by Robert J. Watt - 86-92 Social Responsibilities of Business: A Manager's View
by A.P. Young - 93-101 The Atlantic Union Plan and the Americas
by Clarence K. Streit - 102-110 The Need for Maturity
by Roy Helton - 111-118 The Monroe Doctrine and Pan-Americanism
by William R. Castle - 119-125 Lima Conference in Relation to World Peace
by Charles G. Fenwick - 129-136 Introduction
by Samuel Guy Inman - 137-140 The Larger Significance of the Lima Conference
by L.S. Rowe - 141-146 The Future of Inter-American Relations
by Ricardo J. Alfaro - 147-154 Inter-American Trade Problems
by Eugene P. Thomas - 155-163 Transportation Problems
by Charles H.C. Pearsall - 164-168 Some Inter-American Financial Problems
by Otto T. Kreuser - 169-174 Protection of Business Enterprise in the Americas
by William S. Culbertson - 175-226 Book Department
by N/A
May 1939, Volume 203, Issue 1
- 1-1 Foreword
by Francis J. Brown - 1-17 Minorities—A Basis of the Refugee Problem
by Joseph S. Roucek - 18-25 European Power Politics and the Refugee Problem
by Vera Micheles Dean - 26-36 Extent and Nature of the World Refugee Problem
by Walter Adams - 37-44 Refugees in Europe
by Walter Adams - 45-54 The White Russian Refugees
by Tatiana Schaufuss - 55-62 Refugees in the Far East
by Cyrus H. Peake - 63-73 Exiles and Refugees in American History
by Frances L. Reinhold - 74-82 Status of the Refugee Under American Immigration Laws
by Read Lewis & Marian Schibsby - 83-93 Political Refugees
by Oscar Jászi - 94-98 Difficulties in the Placement of Refugees
by Clarence E. Pickett - 99-105 Starting Life Anew in a Strange Country
by Hertha Kraus - 106-113 The Refugee Speaks
by Eduard Heimann - 114-123 Minimizing Social Conflicts
by Morris R. Cohen - 124-135 The League of Nations and the Refugee Problem
by Louise W. Holborn - 136-141 The Evian Conference and the Intergovernmental Committee
by Eric Estorick - 142-154 Private and Governmental Aid of Refugees
by Erika Mann & Eric Estorick - 155-161 Adjustment of the Professional Refugee
by Marie Ginsberg - 162-167 A Stimulus for American Industry: Nonprofessional Refugees
by Bernard Wolbarst Levmore - 168-176 A Homeland for Refugees
by David H. Popper - 177-182 Refugees and an Underdeveloped Economy
by C. Hartley Grattan - 183-193 Refugee Settlement in Latin America
by Samuel Guy Inman - 194-201 The Economics of an Imprisoned World—A Brief for the Removal of Immigration Restrictions
by Bernhard Ostrolenk - 202-208 An Annotated Bibliography on the Refugee Problem
by Francis J. Brown - 209-210 SIMPSON, SIR JOHN HOPE. Refugees. Pp. xviii, 233. New York: Oxford Univer sity Press, 1938. $1.25
by Francis J. Brown - 210-211 GRZESINSKI, ALBERT C. Inside Germany. Pp. 374. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1939. $3.50
by Paul F. Douglass - 211-212 ABEL, THEODORE. Why Hitler Came into Power. Pp. xi, 323. New York: Pren tice-Hall, Inc., 1938. $2.75
by Clifford Kirkpatrick - 212-213 KIRKPATRICK, CLIFFORD. Nazi Germany: Its Women and Family Life. Pp. 353. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1938. $3.00
by Marie Munk - 213-214 HUTTON, GRAHAM. Survey After Munich. Pp. 253. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1939. $2.50
by Joseph S. Roucek - 214-215 SONTAG, RAYMOND JAMES. Germany and England: Background of Conflict, 1848- 1894. Pp. xvii, 362. New York: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1938. $3.50
by Vernon J. Puryear - 215-215 POLLOCK, JAMES K. The Government of Greater Germany. Pp. xiii, 213. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1938. $1.75
by Fritz Morstein Marx - 215-216 BURLINGHAM, CHARLES C., et al. The German Reich and Americans of Ger man Origin. Pp. xiii, 45. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $1.50
by Harwood L. Childs - 216-217 ASCOLI, MAX, and ARTHUR FEILER. Fas cism for Whom? Pp. 341. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1938. $3.00
by Joseph S. Roucek - 217-217 WALTER, KARL. The Class Conflict in It aly. Pp. ix, 137. London: P. S. King & Son, Ltd., 1938. 5 s
by H. Arthur Steiner - 217-218 WELK, WILLIAM G. Fascist Economic Pol icy. Pp. xx, 365. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1938. $4.00
by Henry S. Miller - 218-219 ZIFF, WILLIAM B. The Rape of Palestine. Pp. xiv, 616. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1938. $3.50
by Francis J. Brown - 219-219 TAYLOR, GRIFFITH. Environment, Race, and Migration. Pp. xv, 483. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1937. $4.00
by Lester E. Klimm - 219-220 RAPPARD, WILLIAM E. The Crisis of De mocracy. Pp. xiii, 288. Chicago: Uni versity of Chicago Press, 1938. $2.50
by Harold D. Lasswell - 220-220 ROCKER, RUDOLF. Nationalism and Cul ture. Pp. 574. New York: Covici, Friede, Inc., 1937. $3.50
by Herbert A. Miller - 220-222 MAXEY, CHESTER C. Political Philoso phies. Pp. xiii, 692. New York: Mac millan Co., 1938. $4.00
by Karl Loewenstein - 222-222 HACKER, LOUIS M. American Problems of Today. Pp. xiii, 354. New York: F. S. Crofts & Co., 1938. $3.00
by Charles Callan Tansill - 222-223 ODEGARD, PETER H., and E. ALLEN HELMS. American Politics. Pp. xi, 882. New York: Harper and Bros., 1938. $3.50
by John J. George - 223-223 STODDARD, HENRY L. It Costs to be Presi dent. Pp. xiii, 340. New York: Harper & Bros., 1938. $3.50
by Alphonse B. Miller - 223-224 DAVIDSON, FRANK P., and GEORGE S. VIE- RECK, JR. (Eds.). Before America De cides. Pp. xiv, 318. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1938. $3.00
by Dexter Perkins - 224-225 FLEMING, DENNA FRANK. The United States and World Organization, 1920- 1933. Pp. xiv, 569. New York: Colum bia University Press, 1938. $4.00
by Johannes Mattern - 225-226 GELBER, LIONEL M. The Rise of Anglo- American Friendship. Pp. 292. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $3.75
by Guy V. Price - 226-227 CUMMING, HENRY H. Franco-British Ri valry in the Post-War Near East. Pp. 220. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938. $3.00
by Harry N. Howard - 227-227 ANASTASOFF, CHRIST. The Tragic Penin sula. Pp. 369. St. Louis: Blackwell Wielandy, 1938. $3.00
by Harry N. Howard - 227-228 McNAIR, ARNOLD DUNCAN. The Law of Treaties. Pp. xxx, 578. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938. $7.50
by Clyde Eagleton - 228-229 FRANKFURTER, FELIX. Mr. Justice Holmes and the Supreme Court. Pp. 139. Cam bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1938. $1.50
by Walter Wheeler Cook