- 192 Non-Exclusive Competition under Adverse Selection
by Andrea Attar & Thomas Mariotti & François Salanié - 191 Auctions versus Negotiations: Evidence from Public Procurement in the Italian Healthcare Sector
by Mercedes Vellez - 190 The Value of Diplomacy: Bilateral Relations and Immigrant Well-Being
by Leonardo Becchetti & Andrew E. Clark & Elena Giachin Ricca - 189 Body weight of Italians: the weight of Education
by Vincenzo Atella & Joanna Kopinska - 188 Experiments with the Traveler's Dilemma: Welfare, Strategic Choice and Implicit Collusion
by Kaushik Basu & Leonardo Becchetti & Luca Stanca - 187 Endogenous Growth, Monetary Shocks and Nominal Rigidities
by Barbara Annicchiarico & Alessandra Pelloni & Lorenza Rossi - 186 Drug therapy adherence and health outcomes in presence of physician and patient unobserved heterogeneity
by Vincenzo Atella & Federico Belotti & Domenico Depalo - 185 Don’t spread yourself too thin. The impact of task juggling on workers’ speed of job completion
by Decio Coviello & Andrea Ichino & Nicola Persico - 184 An Alternative Solution to the Autoregressivity Paradox in Time Series Analysis
by Gianluca Cubadda & Umberto Triacca - 183 Household Portfolio Choices, Health status and Health Care Systems A Cross-Country Analysis Based on SHARE
by Vincenzo Atella & Marianna Brunetti & Nicole Maestas - 182 Immigration, integration and terrorism: is there a clash of cultures?
by Justina AV Fischer - 181 The microstructure of the money market before and after the financial crisis: a network perspective
by Silvia Gabrieli
- 180 The Role of Publicity Requirements on Entry and Auctions Outcomes
by Decio Coviello & Mario Mariniello - 179 Tenure in Office and Public Procurement
by Decio Coviello & Stefano Gagliarducci - 178 Information Sharing and Cross-border Entry in European Banking
by Caterina Giannetti & Nicola Jentzsch & Giancarlo Spagnolo - 177 Market Structure, Countervailing Power and Price Discrimination: The Case of Airports
by Jonathan Haskel & Alberto Iozzi & Tommaso Valletti - 176 A Medium-N Approach to Macroeconomic Forecasting
by Gianluca Cubadda & Barbara Guardabascio - 175 Immigrant Over- and Under-education: The Role of Home Country Labour Market Experience
by Matloob Piracha & Massimiliano Tani & Florin Vadean - 174 Country-Specific Risk Premium, Taylor Rules, and Exchange Rates
by Barbara Annicchiarico & Alessandro Piergallini - 173 Inequality and happiness: When perceived social mobility and economic reality do not match
by Christian Bjørnskov & Axel Dreher & Justina A.V. Fischer & Jan Schnellenbach - 172 Science and Technology in World Agriculture: Narratives and Discourses
by Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo - 171 Entrepreneurship and Market Size. The Case of Young College Graduates in Italy
by Sabrina Di Addario & Daniela Vuri - 170 The Market for Lawyers and the Quality of Legal Services
by Elisabetta Iossa & Bruno Jullien - 169 The Adoption and Diffusion of GM Crops in USA: A Real Option Approach
by Sara Savastano & Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo - 168 Estimation of ordered response models with sample selection
by Giuseppe De Luca & Valeria Perotti - 167 Who is responsible for your health: You, your doctor or new technologies?
by Vincenzo Atella & Francesco D'Amico - 166 Sharing Risk Through Concession Contracts
by Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo & Marco Ventura - 165 The Height Production Function from Birth to Early Adulthood
by Elisabetta De Cao - 164 Accounting for Unobserved Country Heterogeneity in Happiness Research: Country Fixed Effects versus Region Fixed Effects
by Justina AV Fischer - 163 Risk Management and Regulation Compliance with Tradable Permits under Dynamic Uncertainty
by Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo & Odin K Knudsen - 162 Do Better Paid Politicians Perform Better? Disentangling Incentives from Selection
by Stefano Gagliarducci & Tommaso Nannicini - 161 Research standards for the Italian young academics: what has changed over the last thirty years?
by Adriano Birolo & Annalisa Rosselli - 160 Vertical bargaining and countervailing power
by Alberto Iozzi & Tommaso Valletti - 159 Non-Exclusive Competition in the Market for Lemons
by Andrea Attar & Thomas Mariotti & François Salanié - 158 The functioning of the European interbank market during the 2007-08 financial crisis
by Silvia Gabrieli - 157 Sticks and Carrots in Procurement
by Maria Bigoni & Giancarlo Spagnolo & Paola Valbonesi - 156 Role of Governance and Institutional Environment in Affecting Cross Border M&As, Alliances and Project Financing: Evidence from Emerging Markets
by Leonardo Becchetti & Nada Kobeissi - 155 Building Reputation for Contract Renewal: Implications for Performance Dynamics and Contract Duration
by Elisabetta Iossa & Patrick Rey - 154 Optimal Farm Size under an Uncertain Land Market: the Case of Kyrgyz Republic
by Sara Savastano & Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo
- 153 Testing for Common Autocorrelation in Data Rich Environments
by Gianluca Cubadda & Alain Hecq - 152 Aging, cognitive abilities and retirement
by Fabrizio Mazzonna & Franco Peracchi - 151 On the Causal Impact of Relational Goods on Happiness
by Leonardo Becchetti & Elena Giachin Ricca & Alessandra Pelloni - 150 Regression with Imputed Covariates:a Generalized Missing Indicator Approach
by Valentino Dardanoni & Salvatore Modica & Franco Peracchi - 149 A bayesian estimation of a DSGE model with financial frictions
by Rossana Merola - 148 Testing for cointegration in high-dimensional systems
by Jorg Breitung & Gianluca Cubadda - 147 Contracts as Threats: on a Rationale For Rewarding A while Hoping For B
by Elisabetta Iossa & Giancarlo Spagnolo - 146 Income Distribution, Infant Mortality, and Health Care Expenditure
by Tilman Tacke & Robert J. Waldmann - 145 Estimating Income Poverty in the Presence of Missing Data and Measurement Error
by Cheti Nicoletti & Franco Peracchi & Francesca Foliano - 144 Credit rationing and credit view: empirical evidence from loan data
by Leonardo Becchetti & Melody Garcia & Giovanni Trovato - 143 Technical Efficiency, Specialization and Ownership Form: Evidences from a Pooling of Italian Hospitals
by Silvio Daidone & Francesco D'Amico - 142 Gender and regional differences in self-rated health in Europe
by Franco Peracchi & Claudio Rossetti - 141 Is Fair Trade Honey Sweeter? An Empirical Analysis on the Effect of Affiliation on Productivity
by Leonardo Becchetti & Stefano Castriota - 140 How variable is labor input in the Italian manufacturing: the case of the pharmaceutical industry
by Lorenzo Carbonari
- 139 The Simple Micro-Economics of Public-Private Partnerships
by Elisabetta Iossa & David Martimort - 138 Pharmaceutical industry, drug quality and regulation. Evidence from US and Italy
by Vincenzo Atella & Jay Bhattacharya & Lorenzo Carbonari - 137 Shipbuilding in Italy, 1861-1913:The Burden of The Evidence
by Carlo Ciccarelli & Stefano Fenoaltea - 136 Construction in Italy's Regions, 1861-1913
by Carlo Ciccarelli & Stefano Fenoaltea - 135 Predicting the Signs of Forecast Errors
by Nazaria Solferino & Robert J. Waldmann - 134 A refined Jensen’s inequality in Hilbert spaces and empirical approximations
by Samantha Leorato - 133 The Effects of Unification: Markets, Policy and Cyclical Convergence in Italy, 1861-1913
by Carlo Ciccarelli & Stefano Fenoaltea & Tommaso Proietti - 132 Cigarette Smoking, Pregnancy, Forward Looking Behavior and Dynamic Inconsistency
by Carlo Ciccarelli & Luigi Giamboni & Robert J. Waldmann - 131 Do collateral theories work in social banking ?
by Leonardo Becchetti & Melody Garcia - 130 Job Mobility and the Gender Wage Gap in Italy
by Emilia Del Bono & Daniela Vuri - 129 Dynamically Inconsistent Preferences and Money Demand
by Emanuele Millemaci & Robert J. Waldmann - 128 Money laundering in a two sector model: using theory for measurement
by Amedeo Argentiero & Michele Bagella & Francesco Busato - 127 Easterlin-types and Frustrated Achievers: the Heterogeneous E¤ects of Income Changes on Life Satisfaction
by Leonardo Becchetti & Luisa Corrado & Fiammetta Rossetti - 126 A "Double Coincidence" Search Model of Money
by Nicola Amendola - 125 Studying Co-Movements in Large Multivariate Data Prior to Multivariate Modelling
by Gianluca Cubadda & Alain Hecq & Franz C. Palm - 124 Height and the normal distribution: Evidence from Italian military data
by Brian A'Hearn & Franco Peracchi & Giovanni Vecchi - 123 Are employers discriminating with respect to weight? European Evidence using Quantile Regression
by Vincenzo Atella & Noemi Pace & Daniela Vuri - 122 On estimating the conditional expected shortfall
by Franco Peracchi & Andrei V. Tanase - 121 Aid and Corruption: Do Donors Use Development Assistance to Provide the “Right” Incentives?
by Alessia Isopi & Fabrizio Mattesini - 120 Lump-Sum Taxes in a R&D Model
by Xin Long & Alessandra Pelloni & Robert Waldmann - 119 Dual Labour Markets and Matching Frictions
by Dario Sciulli & Antonio Gomes de Menezes & José Cabral Vieira - 118 Bank shareholding and lending: complementarity or substitution? Some evidence from a panel of large Italian firms!
by Emilio Barucci & Fabrizio Mattesini - 117 Relational Goods, Sociability, and happiness
by Leonardo Becchetti & Alessandra Pelloni & Fiammetta Rossetti - 116 Informal central bank independence: an analysis for three European countries
by David Cobham & Stefania Cosci & Fabrizio Mattesini - 115 Active and Passive Waste in Government Spending: Evidence from a Policy Experiment
by Oriana Bandiera & Andrea Prat & Tommaso Valletti - 114 Is Volatility Good for Growth? Evidence from the G7
by Elena Andreou & Alessandra Pelloni & Marianne Sensier - 113 The stock market and the Fed
by Fabrizio Mattesini & Leonardo Becchetti - 112 Real Time Estimation in Local Polynomial Regression, with Application to Trend-Cycle Analysis
by Tommaso Proietti & Alessandra Luati - 111 Indicators and Tests of Fiscal Sustainability: An Integrated Approach
by Giancarlo Marini & Alessandro Piergallini - 110 Testing the “Waterbed” Effect in Mobile Telephony
by Christos Genakos & Tommaso Valletti - 109 Structural Time Series Models for Business Cycle Analysis
by Tommaso Proietti - 108 Height and Economic Development in Italy, 1730–1980
by Franco Peracchi - 107 Buyer Power and the “Waterbed Effect”
by Roman Inderst & Tommaso M. Valletti - 106 Common Shocks, Common Dynamics, and the International Business Cycle
by Marco Centoni & Gianluca Cubadda & Alain Hecq
- 105 Technology shocks, structural breaks and the effects on the business cycle
by Vincenzo Atella & Marco Centoni & Gianluca Cubadda - 104 Band Spectral Estimation for Signal Extraction
by Tommaso Proietti - 103 Wealth Effects, the Taylor Rule and the Liquidity Trap
by Barbara Annicchiarico & Giancarlo Marini & Alessandro Piergallini - 102 A Unifying Framework for Analysing Common Cyclical Features in Cointegrated Time Series
by Gianluca Cubadda - 101 The Impact of Vintage on the Persistence of Gross Domestic Product Shocks
by Christian Macaro - 100 Forecasting Oil Price Movements: Exploiting the Information in the Future Market
by Andrea Coppola - 99 Polynomial Cointegration between Stationary Processes with Long Memory
by Marco Avarucci & Domenico Marinucci - 98 New proposals for the quantification of qualitative survey data
by Tommaso Proietti & Cecilia Frale - 97 A dynamic model for binary panel data with unobserved heterogeneity admitting a Vn-consistent conditional estimator
by Francesco Bartolucci† & Valentina Nigro - 96 Maximum likelihood estimation of an extended latent markov model for clustered binary panel data
by Francesco Bartolucci & Valentina Nigro - 95 A sample selection model for unit and item nonresponse in cross-sectional surveys
by Giuseppe De Luca & Franco Peracchi - 94 Monetary Policy and Potential Output Uncertainty: A Quantitative Assessment
by Simona Delle Chiaie - 93 Inflation persistence: Implications for a design of monetary policy in a small open economy subject to external shocks
by Karlygash Kuralbayeva - 92 Welfare Implications of Capital Account Liberalization
by Ester Faia - 91 Monitoring Bands and Monitoring Rules: how currency intervention can change market composition
by Luisa Corrado & Marcus Miller & Lei Zhang - 90 Global social preferences and the demand for socially responsible products: empirical evidence from a pilot study on fair trade consumers
by Leonardo Becchetti & Furio Rosati - 89 Global Monetary Policy Shocks in the G5: a SVAR Approach
by Joao Miguel Sousa & Andrea Zaghini
- 88 Bids for the UMTS system: An empirical evaluation of the Italian case
by Pasquale L. Scandizzo & Marco Ventura - 87 Bringing Social Standards into Project Evaluation Under Dynamic Uncertainty
by Odin K. Knudsen & Pasquale L. Scandizzo - 86 Economic Evaluation in the age of Uncertainty
by Giuseppe Pennisi & Pasquale L. Scandizzo - 85 Inflation Shocks and Interest Rate Rules
by Barbara Annicchiarico & Alessandro Piergallini - 84 On the Model Based Interpretation of Filters and the Reliability of Trend-Cycle Estimates
by Tommaso Proietti - 83 Measuring Core Inflation by Multivariate Structural Time Series Models
by Tommaso Proietti - 82 Testing for Parameter Stability in Dynamic Models Across Frequencies
by Bertrand Candelon & Gianluca Cubadda - 79 Corporate Social Responsibility and Stock Market Performance
by Leonardo Becchetti & Rocco Ciciretti - 76 The Migration and FDI Puzzle: Complements or Substitutes?
by Elena D'Agosto & Nazaria Solferino & Giovanni Tria - 75 Parallel Trade, International Exhaustion and Intellectual Property Rights: A Welfare Analysis
by Tommaso Valletti & Stefan Szymanski - 74 Market Analysis in the Presence of Indirect Constraints and Captive Sales
by Roman Inderst & Tommaso Valletti - 73 Price Discrimination in Input Markets
by Roman Inderst & Tommaso Valletti - 72 Mixing Goods with Two-Part Tariffs
by Steffen Hoernig & Tommaso Valletti
- 71 Affordability of Medicines and Patients' Cost Reduction Behaviors: Empirical Evidence Based on SUR Estimates from Italy and the United Kingdom
by Vincenzo Atella & Peter R. Noyce & Ellen Schafheutle & Karen Hassell - 69 Pricing Discretion and Price Regulation in Competitive Industries
by Alberto Iozzi & Roberta Sestini & Edilio Valentini - 68 Parallel Monies, Parallel Debt: Lessons from the EMU and Options for the New EU
by Giorgio Basevi & Lorenzo Pecchi & Gustavo Piga - 67 Fiscal Implications of Pension Reforms in Italy
by Agar Brugiavini & Franco Peracchi - 66 On the Sources of the Inflation Bias and Output Variability
by Gustavo Piga - 65 Interest Rate Pegs, Wealth Effects and Price Level Determinacy
by Barbara Annicchiarico & Giancarlo Marini - 64 Survey Response and Survey Characteristics: Micro-level Evidence from the European Commission Household Panel
by Cheti Nicoletti & Franco Peracchi & Vincenzo Atella
- 63 Bringing Social Standards into Project Evaluation Under Dynamic Uncertainity
by Odin K. Knudsen & Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo - 62 Fair Trade: A 'Third Generation' Welfare Mechanism to Make Globalisation Sustainable
by Fabrizio Adriani & Leonardo Becchetti - 61 Macroeconomic Sources of Risk in the Term Structure
by Michael R. Wickens & Chiona Balfoussia - 60 Inflation Bias after the Euro: Evidence from the UK and Italy
by Giancarlo Marini & Alessandro Piergallini & Pasquale Scaramozzino - 59 The Determinants of Child Labor: The Role of Primary Product Specialization
by Leonardo Becchetti & Giovanni Trovato - 58 Convergence in Per-capita GDP Across European Regions: A Reappraisal
by Valentina Meliciani & Franco Peracchi - 57 Multiplicity of Dynamic Equilibria and Global Efficiency
by Giancarlo Marini & Pietro Senesi - 56 Aversion to Inequality in Italy and its Determinants
by Vincenzo Atella & Jay S. Coggins & Federico Perali - 55 The Anticipated and Concurring Effects of the EMU
by Michele Bagella & Leonardo Becchetti & Iftekhar Hasan - 54 Sustainable Development: Renewable Resources and Technological Progress
by Simone Valente - 53 Health Effects of Child Work: Evidence from Rural Vietnam
by Owen A O'Donnell & Furio C. Rosati & Eddy van Doorslaer - 52 Industry and Time Specific Deviations from Fundamental Values in a Random Coefficient Model
by Leonardo Becchetti & Roberto Rocci & Giovanni Trovato - 51 Semiparametric Mixture Models for Multivariate Count Data, with Application
by Marco Alfò & Giovanni Trovato - 50 Monetary Policy and Fiscal Rules
by Giancarlo Marini & Alessandro Piergallini & Barbara Annicchiarico - 49 The Term Structure of Interest Rates and the Public Debt Issuance Policy: A Note
by Gustavo Piga & Giorgio Valente - 48 Could do Better: The Effectiveness of Incentives and Competition in Schools
by Gianni De Fraja & Pedro Landeras - 47 Extending Logistic Approach to Risk Modelling Through Semiparametric Mixing
by Marco Alf˜ & Giovanni Trovato & Stefano Caiazza - 46 Subjective Health Measures, Reporting Errors and Endogeneity in the Relationship Between Health and Work
by Maarten Lindeboom & Marcel Kerkhofs - 45 Ranking Intersecting Lorenz Curves
by Rolf Aaberge - 44 A New Indicator of Technological Capabilities for Developed and Developing Countries (ArCo)
by Daniele Archibugi & Alberto Coco - 43 Financing Technology: An Assessment of Theory and Practice
by Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo
- 42 Individual Mortality and Macro Economic Conditions from Birth to Death
by Maarten Lindeboom & France Portrait & Gerard J. van den Berg - 41 On the Generic Strategic Stability of Nash Equilibria if Voting is Costly
by Francesco De Sinopoli & Giovanna Iannantuoni - 40 Capital Structure in South Korea: A Quantile Regression Approach
by Bassam Fattouh & Laurence Harris & Pasquale Scaramozzino - 39 Private Medical Insurance and Saving: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey
by Alessandra Guariglia & Mariacristina Rossi - 38 Reverse Discrimination and Efficiency in Education
by Gianni De Fraja - 37 Nonlinear Phillips Curves, Mixing Feedback Rules and the Distribution of Inflation and Output
by Luisa Corrado & Sean Holly - 36 Determinants of Access to Physician Services in Italy: A Latent Class Seemingly Unrelated Probit Approach
by Vincenzo Atella & Francesco Brindisi & Partha Deb & Furio C. Rosati - 35 Financial Intermediation as a Source of Aggregate Instability
by Fabrizio Mattesini - 34 Observed and 'Fundamental' Price Earning Ratios: A Comparative Analysis of High-tech Stock Evaluation in the US and in Europe
by Leonardo Becchetti & Michele Bagella & Fabrizio Adriani - 33 Unknown Talents and the Brain Drain: The Informational Role of Migration
by Pasquale Scaramozzino & Yasmeen Khwaja - 32 Investment and Exchange Rate Under Uncertainty
by Vincenzo Atella & Gianfranco Enrico Atzeni & Pier Luigi Belvisi - 31 A Spatial Voting Model Where Proportional Rule Leads to Two-Party Equilibria
by Francesco De Sinopoli & Giovanna Iannantuoni - 30 Bankruptcy Risk and Productive Efficiency in Manufacturing Firms
by Leonardo Becchetti & Jaime Humberto Sierra Gonzalez 2 - 29 ICT Investment, Productivity and Efficiency: Evidence at Firm Level Using a Stochastic Frontier Approach
by Leonardo Becchetti & Luigi Paganetto & David Andres Londono Bedoya - 28 Estimation of the Sharing Rule Between Adults and Children and Related Equivalence Scales Within a Collective Consumption Framework
by Vincenzo Atella & Carlos Arias & Federico Perali & Raffaella Castagnini - 27 The Inflationary Consequences of a Currency Changeover: Evidence from the Michelin Red Guide
by Giancarlo Marini & Fabrizio Adriani & Pasquale Scaramozzino - 26 Endogenous Monetary Policy with Unobserved Potential Output
by Alex Cukierman & Francesco Lippi - 25 Children's Working Hours and School Enrollment: Evidence from Pakistan and Nicaragua
by Furio C. Rosati & Mariacristina Rossi - 24 The Italian Overnight Market: Microstructure Effects, the Martingale Hypothesis and the Payment System
by Emilio Barucci & Claudio Impenna & Roberto Reno - 23 Monetary Policy and the Exchange Rate During the Asian Crisis: Identification Through Heteroscedasticity
by Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Andrea Cipollini & Panicos Demetriades - 22 Money, Endogenous Fertility and Economic Growth
by Alberto Petrucci - 21 A Note on Forward Induction in a Model of Representative Democracy
by Francesco De Sinopoli - 20 Consolidation and Efficiency in the Financial Sector: A Review of the International Evidence
by Dean F. Amel & Colleen Barnes & Fabio Panetta & Carmelo Salleo - 19 Asset Price Anomalies Under Bounded Rationality
by Emilio Barucci & Roberto Monte & Roberto Reno - 18 Threshold Effects in the US Budget Deficit
by Philip Arestis & Andrea Cipollini & Bassam Fattouh - 17 Strategic Monetary Policy with Non-Atomistic Wage Setters
by Francesco Lippi - 16 Monetary Union, Institutions and Financial Market Integration, Italy 1862-1905
by Gianni Toniolo & Leandro Conte & Giovanni Vecchi - 15 Fiscal Deficits and Currency Crises
by Giancarlo Marini & Giovanni Piersanti - 14 Devaluation (Levels versus Rates) and Balance of Payments in a Cash-in-Advance Economy
by Alberto Petrucci - 13 Risk Quantification of Retail Credit: Current Practices and Future Challenges
by Anthony M. Santomero & William Lang - 12 Estimation of Unit Values in Cross Sections without Quantity Information and Implications for Demand and Welfare Analysis
by Vincenzo Atella & Martina Menon & Federico Perali - 11 Spatial Duopoly under Uniform Delivered Pricing when Firms Avoid Turning Customers Away
by Alberto Iozzi - 10 Are Mergers Beneficial to Consumers? Evidence from the Italian Market for Bank Deposits
by Fabio Panetta & Dario Focarelli - 9 International Money and Common Currencies in Historical Perspective
by Gerald P. Dwyer & James R. Lothian - 8 Exchange Monitoring Bands: Theory and Policy
by Luisa Corrado & Marcus H. Miller & Lei Zhang - 7 Fiscal Policy and Exchange Rates
by Barbara Annicchiarico - 6 Pensions and Retirement Incentives. A Tale of Three Countries: Italy, Spain and the USA
by Agar Brugiavini & Franco Peracchi & David A. Wise - 5 Uncertainty and Endogenous Selection of Economic Equilibria
by Pasquale Scaramozzino & Nir Vulkan - 4 Does the Digital Divide Matter? The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Cross-country Level and Growth Estimates?
by Leonardo Becchetti & Fabrizio Adriani - 3 Why do Banks Merge?
by Fabio Panetta & Dario Focarelli & Carmelo Salleo - 2 Population Dynamics and Life-Cycle Consumption
by Pietro Senesi - 1 Cost to the Patient or Cost to the Healthcare System? Which one Matters the Most for GP Prescribing Decisions? A UK-Italy Comparison
by Vincenzo Atella & Karen Hassell & Ellen Schafheutle & Marjorie C. Weiss & Peter R. Noyce