December 2014, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 08-13 Context-Aware Communications and IT - A New Paradigm for the Optimization of the Information Society towards the knowledge Based Society (Part 2)
by GREU, Victor - 14-18 The Value Contribution of Service Capacity Management to the Company s Operations and Performance
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 20-23 Art Therapy and Alternative Medicine with Prof. Dr. Bernd Hallier and Marie-Christin Hallier
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 24-27 The evolution of quality of life in the oncological ENT patients
by BUDU, Vlad et alia - 28-31 Hall of Fame of the European Retail Academy
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 32-34 The Gifted Education: an Essential Step toward Viable Solutions for Global Multiple Crises
by ALBA, Gabriela - 36-37 Contemporary Economics, Vol. 8, Issue 1
by PURCAREA, Irina
September 2014, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 06-09 Looking forward to meeting the challenges of an assessment of regulatory constraints on competition in three key sectors
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 10-17 Context Aware Communications and IT - A New Paradigm for the Optimization of the Information Society towards the knowledge Based Society (Part 1)
by GREU, Victor - 18-25 Distribution, the challenge of the super agility
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 26-29 Focusing Marketing Strategy with Segmentation
by TANASE, George Cosmin
June 2014, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 07-09 The Significance of Teamwork Governed by Values and Principles
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 11-15 Communicate on Communications - From a Conference every 2 years to the need to communicate everyday and everywhere
by GREU, Victor - 17-22 Advertising Policy and Geographic Information
by Tanase, George Cosmin - 25-26 Consumer Protection. A Point of View
by MIHAIESCU, Nicolaie - 36-37 Contemporary Economics, Vol. 7, Issue 4
by PURCAREA, Irina
March 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 06-11 Education and Communications within the Circular Economy, the Internet of Things, and the Third Industrial Revolution. Challenges ahead the Competency based Education Model
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 12-17 Information and communications technologies are learning from nature s research to push the performance limits
by GREU, Victor - 18-22 Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning as Key Performance Factors
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 24-29 The Need of Project Capabilities in Project Based Organizations
by GRIMM, Nina - 30-35 Main problems in the project management and the method of six thinking hats as possible solution
by KRCHOVA, Eva - 36-40 The Role of Human Resources in Project Management
by DEMILLIERE, Anne-Sophie - 42-43 Contemporary Economics, Vol. 7, Issue 3
by PURCAREA, Irina
December 2013, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 00-03 On the Path to Greater Trust While Going Through a Major Transformation
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 04-11 The Information Management The Essence Of Using Communications And Information Technologies To Develop The Knowledge Based Society
by GREU, Victor - 12-17 The Customer Interaction Process: Managing Customer, the Service Encounter and Service Recovery
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 13-20 The Supply Of Project Information To External Stakeholders
by WAGENER, Gina - 31-42 Why is the Risk Analysis Essential in the Project Management Process?
by RUBIN, Mylene - 43-56 Interactions between Organizational Culture, Leadership and Project Succes
by BEBIN, Pauline
September 2013, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 00-03 Editorial: If the art of creating the brand can do better, could we all in the global community do better?
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 04-11 The Code Division Multiple Access From Complicated To The Actual Mobile Communications Standards And Beyond
by GREU, Victor - 12-17 Global Product Policy Decisions: Developing New Products For Global Markets
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 18-21 It happens in Romania too
by MIHAIESCU, Nicolaie - 22-30 A Key Message about the Richness of Our Country Brand: The Fantastic in the Works of Our Great Romanian Classics
by ALBU, Tudorita - 31-35 The Conferences Corner: European Conference on Social Media 2014, Brighton, UK Mini Track on Social Media and Innovation at ECSM 2014
by PURCAREA, Irina
July 2013, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 06-11 Editorial: The Capital City of Romania, Bucharest, a Proper Place for Sharing Ideas on Competition Policy and Creating Shared Value within the Strong Commitment of Promoting the Competition Culture
by PURCAREA, Theodor - 12-15 Omni-Channel Retailing
by ROWELL, James - 16-21 The Exponential Development Of The Information And Communications Technologies A Complex Process Which Is Generating Progress Knowledge From People To People
by GREU, Victor - 22-25 Implementing and Adapting Services Marketing to the Companys Structure, Systems and Culture
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 27-29 Still I can repair my plane
by MIHAIESCU, Nicolaie - 30-33 A challenging contest in a time when the United States of America celebrated its significant legacy
by MARINESCU, Mihaela-Silvia
March 2013, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 03-07 The month of March 2013 in Romania, and the imperative of the “fight†to correlated unfolding of understanding and action of the evolution in society and nature
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 08-12 The Pace Of The Development In Communications And Information Technologies Is Driving The Information Society To Yesterday’S Incredible Steps
by GREU, Victor - 13-17 Organization And Planning Of Global Marketing Operations
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 18-20 Where to repair my plane..
by MIHAIESCU, Nicolaie - 20-24 Bitdefender , the award-winning provider of innovative antivirus solutions
by PAVEL, Cosmin
October 2012, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 01-02 Editorial: SANABUNA International Congress, a good team work to inspire to action, and win-win-win
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 03-08 Observing The Information And Communications Technologies Competition With The Time
by GREU, Victor - 03-13 Health Value for Sustainable Development, a Real Challenge
by PURCAREA, Theodor Purcarea - 14-19 The Confluence of Culture and Social Media in Changing Service Expectations
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 20-26 Entrepreneurship and higher education. An outlook on some best practices in entrepreneurship education
by PURCAREA, Irina
September 2012, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 01-04 More than a happy coincidence: Twentieth Anniversary of Valahia University of Targoviste, and Supply Chain Management for Efficient Consumer Response Conference 2012, organized by ECR Department of Valahia University of Targoviste
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 05-30 The end of the Eurozone: European North against European South
by NEGREPONTI-DELIVANIS, Maria - 31-35 Smarter Information And Communications Technologies For Smarter People
by GREU, Victor - 36-40 The Significance of Strategic Service Innovation Management in Retailing
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 41-49 Inflation targeting: dead or alive?
by BARBALAU, Adelina Georgiana - 50-54 A short presentation of the latest issue of our partner journal, Contemporary Economics , Vol.6, issue 2/2012, Quarterly of University of Finance and Management in Warsaw
by PURCAREA, Irina - 55-56 Photography as a Spiritual Path
by ALBA, Gabriela - 57-58 The Conference Corner: ECRM 2012 (Bolton,England) and GIKA 2012 (Valencia, Spain)
by PURCAREA, Irina
June 2012, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 01-03 Editorial: Refusing to be passive recipients as customers and striving to contribute to the courageous map of this new world of consumer space by encouraging authentic partners in great tasks of transformation
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 04-09 Open letter by Maria Negreponti-Delivanis to Mrs. Christine Lagarde,Head of the IMF in relation to her statement that Greeks do not pay taxes
by NEGREPONTI-DELIVANIS, Maria - 10-16 The Cognitive Approaches Of The Communication And Information Technologies A Leverage For The Progress Of Knowledge Based Society
by GREU, Victor - 17-23 The Expansion of Online Retailing as a Supplementary Shopping Channel for Customers
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 24-34 Social Media: At the crossroads of efficient marketing and ethics
by GOGA, Traian & VARLAN, Filip - 38-46 More than a happy coincidence: Twentieth Anniversary of Valahia University of Targoviste, and Supply Chain Management for Efficient Consumer Response Conference 2012, organized by ECR Department of Valahia University of Targoviste
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin
February 2012, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 01-02 Editorial: Facing a paradigm shift, by choosing to fight against displacing human values,against the order out of the truth
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 03-06 Message on the occasion of the First International Congress Health-Nutrition-Wellbeing, 15-17 October, 2011, Aro Palace, Brasov
by WEGNEZ, Leon F. - 07-13 Searching The Right Tracks Of New Technologies In The Earth Race For A Balance Between Progress And Survival
by GREU, Victor - 14-18 Professor Radu Titus MARINESCU, a true provider of vision and direction for his students through excellent teaching and support, and promoter of community engagement, of public-private partnerships, and lifelong learning, serving both, as a Teacher, and as an ambassador of his hometown Buftea
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 19-25 The Impact of Restructuring and Changes in the Managerial Processes of the European Retail Organizational Structures
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 26-27 - MIC.Ro end of the road ?
by MIHAIECU, Nicolae - 28-29 From INBAM 2012 to INBAM 2013, Third Conference of the International Network of Business and Management Journals (INBAM),9-11 May, 2013 Lisbon, Portugal - a challenging responsible road
by PURCAREA, Irina
December 2011, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 01-03 Editorial: Asuming the responsibility for upholding the shared goal of quality higher education. The policy of hope and faith in the future
by PURCAREA, Valentin Theodor - 04-10 GDP Concept and the GPI
by IYODA, Mitsuhiko - 11-19 Evaluating The Development Steps Based On Life-Inspired Strategies For The Information And Communications Technologies
by GREU, Victor - 20-27 Energy Management Systems: from EN 16001 to ISO 50001
by DUGLIO, Stefano - 28-33 The Retail Growth Strategies on the International Market and the Global Development Opportunities for Retailers
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 34-40 A Great Career, a Great Man, Professor Dumitru Patriche. A Testimony coming from the last former PhD Student trying to look beyond the Electronic Commerce topic that they focused on
by IYODA, Mitsuhiko - 41-48 Should EU countries maintain labour movement restrictions for Romania?
by CIOBANU, Mircea
September 2011, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 01-06 Editorial: From the challenge of ensuring the interface with the structure of capitalist economy to doing meaningful stuff that matters the most, to people, society, and the future
by PURCAREA, Theodor Purcarea - 07-12 Innovating the information A modern approach to improve the knowledge based systems
by GREU, Victor - 13-18 A Global Perspective Of The Evolution Of Romanian Telecommunication Market In The Last Two Decades
by RATIU, Dan & RATIU, Monica Paula - 19-21 What is this?
by MIHAILESCU Nicolaie - 22-29 A BRAND, Professor MOISÄ‚ ALTÄ‚R and the ecosystem of professional conversation as the expression of the intelligent management
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 30-36 The Paradigm of Customer Relationship Management in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Retail Industry
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 37-40 Penalties National Championships
by MIHAIESCU, Nicolaie
June 2011, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 01-03 Editorial: The challenge of the invisible revolution, right thinking about people
by PUCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 04-21 Global Innovation Cycles by Retail
by HALLIER, Bernd - 22-32 Marketing Contra to the Trend: Back to basic
by STANTON, John L. & WILEY, James B. & WIRTH, Ferdiand - 33-47 Aligning Balanced Scorecard to Collaborative Management in Consumer Goods Supply Chain
by POPA, Virgil & BADEA, Leonardo & BARNA, Madalina - 48-54 The Network Centric And Cloud - A New Paradigm For The Optimization Of The Technical And Human Information Systems
by GREU, Victor - 55-61 The Retailers' Merchandise Mix Planning and the Process of Category Management
by TANASE, George Cosmin
March 2011, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 64-70 Photographing the relationship between corporate culture and implementation of quality practices
by MAG, Andreea-Dora - 71-77 Facebook Effect
by STOICA, Anamaria - 78-82 Cloud Computing Out Of The Cloud
by GREBLES, Ruxandra Dana - 83-88 Quality Assessment and Management In Educational Systems Japan vs. Romania
by CAZAN, Madalina-Nicoleta - 84-92 Quality Assessment and Management In Educational Systems Japan vs. Romania
by IONESCU, Ruxandra
June 2011, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 00-01 Editorial: How rich together are we today?
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 02-12 A Comparison of Process and Ingredient Claims on US and EU Foods
by STATON, John L & HOOKER, Neal H & SALNIKOVA, Ekaterina - 13-18 Supply Chain Sustainability: a Retailer Perspective
by ROWELL, James - 19-22 Funding Innovation, Development and Restructuring: A Study of a Czech Engineering Manufacturer
by JINDRICHOVSKA, Irena - 23-27 Masters must be appreciated appropriately!
by MIRON, Dumitru - 28-34 Communications And It On The Long Way Of The Information Society Towards Knowledge Based Society
by GREU, Victor - 35-39 An Overview of Retail Branding and Positioning as Marketing Management Concepts. The Advantages of Establishing a Strong Brand Image for Retailers
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 40-46 An outlook on the competitive framework of Romanian SMEs challenged by the economic crisis
by PURCAREA, Irina - 47-52 Living inside a PR world-between ethics and spinning
by GRIGORE, Larisa-Alexandra - 48-55 Virtual currency trading: friend or foe?
by BARBALAU, Adelina-Georgiana - 56-63 Virtual currency trading: friend or foe?
by BARBALAU, Adelina-Georgiana
June 2010, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 5-8 Editorial: Being under the pressure, lets return to knowledge for understanding and assuming the integrative thinking management style
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 8-14 Differences between a normal and a great crisis. A comparison between the one in 1929 and the current one in 2007 (this text is a part of the Introduction of the authors last book entitled The lethal crisis)
by NEGREPONTI-DELIVANIS, Maria - 15-17 - Global Economic System and Domestic Policy
by IYODAU, Mitsuhiko - 18-28 The SCATOL8TM: an innovation for shifting from Environmental and Landscape Management System (ELMS) to the Eco-Land-Web-Scape Management System (ELWSMS)
by BELTRAMO, Riccardo - 29-51 La Praxis De Responsabiliteì Comme Management D'Action- Rupture-Apprentissage, Gouvernance Deì Mocratique Et Performance Des Entreprises
by RUS, Helene - 52-56 The information society today and tomorrow the market, services/products, technologies and standards of communications and IT (CiT)
by GREU, Victor - 61-65 EN 16001: the Energy Management System.The Italian situation after the first year of its implementation
by DUGLIO, Stefano - 66-71 Trading Area Analysis and the importance of location to Retail CompaniesKeywords: European Standard, energy management, enterprises, strengths and weaknesses
by TANASE, George Cosmin - 75-79 Customer preference for a Romanian Software Company over local competitors on the basis of the economic crisis
by TOADER, Irina Stefania - 80-84 Friends or false friends
by MIHAIESCU, Nicolaie
August 2010, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 01-03 Editorial: An invitation to maturing interdisciplinary dialogue and to becoming architects of conversations generating responsible action
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 08-09 Quel avenir pour la distribution? (What is the Future of Distribution?)
by WEGNEZ, Lon F. - 10-18 The Evolution Tornado Retail
by HALLIER, Bernd - 20-21 La roue de la distribution tourne (The wheel of distribution turnes)
by MAGNAN, Claude - 23-24 Competition Council - achievements and perspectives
by CHIRITOIU, Bogdan M. - 26-29 About the interactive nature of medical service in an unconventional marketing vision. Transposing the marketing spiral to the benefit of the doctor-patient community. Interview with Professor Florian Popa, Rector of the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences
by POPA, Florian - 32-40 World developments and trends in distribution models
by BRATUCU, Gabriel - 42-43 The actuality of a message of Prof. Dr. Bernd HALLIER
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin - 44-44 Intellectuality at high peaks: Professor Beniamin COTIGARU
by CONSTANTINESCU, Jean - 46-50 An electric market design based on the nodal model of power transmission service
by McCOLLUM, James K. - 51-55 An electric market design based on the nodal model of power transmission service
by CONSTANTINESCU , Jean - 58-62 Using renewable energy one of the solutions to global problems of mankind
by DULGHERU, Valeriu - 64-68 The role and the forms of personal selling in tourism and the hospitality industry
by ISPAS, Ana - 72-75 Romanian tourism under pressure. The need for energizing through effective partnership in tourist benefit. Tourist trust, into challenge heart
by ALBU, Nicolae - 79-83 Facing the challenges of the distribution process through interactive information exchange and innovation
by PURCAREA, Theodor Valentin & IONESCU, Alexandru & RATIU, Monica Paula & NEGRICEA, Costel Iliuta & PURCAREA, Irina - 84-85 Professor Constantin FLORICEL, a real source of inspiration, a character developed in full stream of human life
by POTECEA, Valeriu - 87-87 Incredible Volatility and Anxiety
by STANCIU, Constantin C - 89-91 Vertical distribution systems advantages and restrictions
by TECAU, Alina Simona & CHITU, Ioana Bianca - 92-92 Opening together windows of opportunities in times of crises, by accepting the ongoing challenges of the supply chain management and by acting to meet the customer challenge
by MOLDOVAN, Andrei - 94-98 The importance of logistic and distribution services for the activity of economic undertakings
by CONSTANTIN, Cristinel - 99-106 Psychological factors affecting the successful implementation of total quality management initiatives
by ANDREWS, Kate - 107-108 Organizational behaviours within the distribution channels the abuse of dominant position
by TECAU, Alina Simona & CHITU, Ioana Bianca - 110-110 Knowledge-Based Economy and Sustainable Development. Recognition of rational awareness as an important source of purposeful action in challenging directions
by SABAU, Gabriela L. - 115-115 Study on the internet as a selling channel for construction materials in Romania
by BÄ‚JENARU, Alexandru - 117-122 Study regarding the selling of construction materials through the Internet in Romania
by BÄ‚JENARU, Alexandru - 124-126 The impact of the new concepts regarding economic circuits
by TANASESCU, Virgil Romeo - 127-127 Thoughts of a conversation architect through connecting in silence
by RADU, Constantin-Cristinel - 129-130 The characteristics of the car market in Romania (part 1)
by BENZAL, Andrei - 131-133 Learning as a source of change
by NABARJOIU, Neculae - 134-138 Une maison de tolerances: en chantier avec des des inadequate(A house of tolerances: on the building site with inadequates)
by RADU, Florinel - 139-142 The evolution of FMCG distribution networks on the Romanian market in the context of the economic crisis
by TANASE, George Cosmin