1944, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 50-70 Regional Differences of Productivity in European Agriculture
by Arnold Dániel - 71-78 The Inter-relations of Shifts in Demand
by D. H. Robertson & J. R. Hicks & Oscar Lange
1944, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 61-76 Patent Reform
by Michael Polanvyi - 77-85 Rent Subsidies on a National Basis
by M. J. Elsas - 86-90 A Note on the Economics of Retaliation
by T. Balogh - 91-98 A Note on an Index Number Problem
by E. Rothbarth - 99-108 Rents, Rates and Incomes in Bristol
by A. W. T. Ellis
1943, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-19 The Beveridge Plan and Local Government Finance
by J. R. Hicks & U. K. Hicks - 20-30 The Welfare Significance of Productive Labour
by Hla Myint - 31-41 The Four Consumer's Surpluses
by J. R. Hicks - 42-51 Colonial Industrialisation and British Employment
by P. Ady - 52-56 Ex-Ante Saving and Liquidity-Preferences
by Pao-San Ou - 57-60 A Note on Profit Maximisation and its Implications
by T. de Scitovszky
1943, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 75-80 Swedish Economic Policy during the War
by Karin Kock - 81-105 The Incidence of Rates on Houses
by M. P. Fogarty - 106-114 The Sources of War Finance in The German War Economy
by H. W. Singer - 115-121 The Theory of International Capital Movements and its Verifications
by John Knapp - 122-125 The Geometrical Representation of Complementarity
by F. A.v. Hayek
1942, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-27 National Income in the United Kingdom and the United States of America
by Richard Stone - 28-42 Production Cost Indices
by L. M. Court & H. G. Lewis - 43-52 The Quantitative Aspect of the British Population Problem—A Survey
by E. Grebenik - 53-61 Indirect Taxes, Subsidies and the Cost-of-Living Index
by Tibor Barna - 62-67 Monopsony, Buying Costs, and Welfare Expenditure
by K. W. Rothschild - 68-72 Rationing and Index Numbers
by J. L. Nicholson - 73-74 Note on the Integrability Condition for Interrelated Demand
by Adolf Kozlik
1942, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 89-110 A Reconsideration of the Theory of Tariffs
by T. de Scitovszky - 111-125 The Precision of National Income Estimates
by Richard Stone & D. G. Champernowne & J. E. Meade - 126-137 Consumers' Surplus and Index-Numbers
by J. R. Hicks - 138-157 The Income Burden of Capital Taxes
by Nicholas Kaldor - 158-180 Voluntary Absenteeism in the Cutlery Trade
by F. A. Wells
1941, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-27 De-Rationing in the U.S.S.R
by E. M. Chossudowsky - 28-39 The Burden of Death Duties in Terms of an Annual Tax
by Tibor Barna - 40-57 Family Budget Data and Price-Elasticities of Demand
by C. E. V. Leser - 58-73 Protection and Real Wages
by Wolfgang F. Stolper & Paul A. Samuelson - 74-75 A Note on Professor Hicks' Value and Capital
by Choh-Ming Li - 77-88 A Note on Welfare Propositions in Economics
by T. de Scitovszky
1941, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 129-142 Earnings and Prices, 1904, 1914, 1937–8
by A. L. Bowley - 143-165 Rationing in the U.S.S.R
by E. M. Chossudowsky - 166-177 The Coal Question Reconsidered: Effects of Economy and Substitution
by H. W. Singer - 178-184 A Theorem on Technical Progress
by M. Kalecki - 185-187 Rationing and the Cost of Living Index
by Nicholas Kaldor
1941, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 69-88 Capital Accumulation, Employment and Price Rigidity
by T. de Scitovszky - 89-99 Lags in Tax Collection—a Neglected Problem in War Finance
by Ursula K. Hicks - 100-107 The Measurement of Changes in Real Income under Conditions of Rationing
by E. Rothbarth - 108-116 The Rehabilitation of Consumers' Surplus
by J. R. Hicks - 117-121 Consumer's Surplus and the Compensating Variation
by A. Henderson - 122-125 Monopolistic Competition and the Stability Conditions
by M. W. Reder - 126-128 Peculiarities of Indifference Maps Involving Money
by Albert Gailord Hart
1940, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-19 Economics by Motion Symbols
by M. Polanyi - 20-32 Capital Levies in Central Europe, 1919–1924
by L. Rostas - 33-44 Local Rates and Housing Subsidies
by Marian Bowley - 44-48 The Nature of the Inducement to Invest
by G. L. S. Shackle - 49-53 Uncertainty and Inducements to Invest
by Albert Gailord Hart - 54-57 A Reply to Professor Hart
by G. L. S. Shackle - 58-63 Complementarity and Interrelations of Shifts in Demand
by Oscar Lange - 64-65 A Comment
by J. R. Hicks
1940, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 139-158 Recent Industrial Concentration, Especially in the Midlands
by A. J. Wensley & P. Sargant Florence - 159-168 Anglo-French Financial Co-operation during the War, 1914–18
by J. C. Gilbert - 169-179 Capital Theory and the Trade Cycle
by Tom Wilson - 180-184 The Keynesian Equations and the Balance of Payments
by M. Bronfenbrenner - 185-195 A Theoretical Account of Futures Markets
by J. C. R. Dow - 196-201 A Symposium on the Theory of the Forward Market: I. A Note on the Theory of the Forward Market
by Nicholas Kaldor - 201-202 A Symposium on the Theory of the Forward Market: II. Addenda to Mr. Kaldor's Note
by J. C. R. Dow - 202-205 A Symposium on the Theory of the Forward Market: III. Mr. Kaldor on the Forward Market
by R. G. Hawtrey
1940, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 73-90 Econometric Business Cycle Research
by J. Tinbergen - 91-112 The Supply Curve of an Industry under Imperfect Competition
by M. Kalecki - 113-122 The Premature Abandonment of Machinery
by Benjamin Caplan - 123-135 Mr. Keynes and Mr. Marx
by S. S. Alexander - 136-137 Money Wage Cuts in Relation to Unemployment: A Rejoinder to Mr. Kaldor
by H. M. Somers - 137-137 Money Wage Cuts in Relation to Unemployment: A Rejoinder to Mr. Kaldor
by Nicholas Kaldor
1939, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-27 Speculation and Economic Stability
by Nicholas Kaldor - 28-41 Keynes and Marx on the Theory of Capital Accumulation, Money and Interest
by Fan-Hung - 42-58 Regional Labour Markets and the Process of Unemployment
by H. W. Singer - 59-72 The Proposal for a Coal Subsidy
by A. Beacham
1939, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 165-176 Elasticities of Demand for Tea and Price-Fixing Policy
by E. J. Broster - 177-188 The Process of Unemployment in the Depressed Areas. (1935–1938)
by H. W. Singer - 189-199 Trends in the "Rigidity" of English Wage Rates
by John T. Dunlop - 200-208 Investment in the Building Industry: 1930–1935. Part II
by Ian Bowen - 209-214 A Note on Unoccupied Houses
by H. W. Robinson - 215-221 The Theory of Value Applied to Retail Selling
by A. Smithies - 222-225 Group Equilibrium with Selling Costs Variable
by Ronald D. Soucey - 226-231 The Excess Burden of Indirect Taxation
by M. F. W. Joseph - 232-235 Money Wage Cuts in Relation to Unemployment: A Reply to Mr. Somers
by Nicholas Kaldor
1939, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 79-99 International Propagation of Business Cycles
by J. J. Polak - 100-110 Commodity Stocks and Prices
by J. K. Eastham - 111-124 The Uneven Distribution of Unemployment in the United Kingdom, 1929–1936
by D. G. Champernowne - 125-126 The Main Cause of Variation of the Unemployment Percentage Between Industries—A Correction
by D. G. Champernowne - 127-146 The Soviet Conception of Economic Equilibrium
by E. M. Chossudowsky - 147-155 Public Finance in the National Income
by J. R. Hicks & U. K. Hicks - 156-160 Investment in the Building Industry: 1930—1935. Part I
by Ian Bowen - 161-163 Money Wage Cuts in Relation to Unemployment
by H. M. Somers
1938, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Marginal Propensity to Consume and the Multiplier: A Statistical Investigation
by Richard Stone & W. M. Stone - 25-32 Elasticity of Demand and Stabilisation
by Helen Makower - 33-55 The Establishment of the Jute Industry: A Problem of Location Theory?
by Dennis Chapman - 56-59 A Note on Duopoly
by Thorkil Kristensen - 60-64 A Note on the Multiplier
by E. S. Shaw - 65-70 The Numerical Representation of Ordered Classifications and the Concept of Utility
by Paul A. Samuelson - 71-75 Theory and Practice in Socialist Economics
by A. P. Lerner - 76-77 Marx and the Trade Cycle: A Reply
by Henry Smith
1938, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 159-171 François Simiand's Theory of Economic Progress
by Robert Marjolin - 172-186 Some Regional Aspects of the Building Boom, 1924–36
by Marian Bowley - 187-194 The Mechanism of Interregional Redistributions of Money
by J. C. Gilbert - 195-217 Measuring the Power of Undervalued Currency to Stimulate Exports: Part II
by Victor Edelberg - 218-233 The Power of Undervalued Currency: Further Considerations
by Wilfred Malenbaum - 234-237 Expectations and the Scope of Economics
by Paul M. Sweezy
1938, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 79-92 The Divisibility of Time Series
by Elmer C. Bratt - 93-106 The Uneven Distribution of Unemployment in the United Kingdom, 1929–36
by D. G. Champernowne - 107-113 A Note on Marx and the Trade Cycle
by John D. Wilson - 114-122 Notes on the British Income Tax and Company Reserves
by Ronald S. Edwards & Duncan Black - 123-131 Family Endowment Reconsidered
by W. B. Reddaway - 132-138 Market Research: A Critical Study
by Gertrud Wagner - 139-142 The Classification of Inventions
by Joan Robinson - 143-151 The Power of Undervalued Currency
by Wilfred Malenbaum - 152-157 A Reply
by Victor Edelberg
1937, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-16 Measuring the Power of Undervalued Currency to stimulate Exports
by Victor Edelberg & A. Krishnaswami - 17-31 Some Notes on Monopoly Price
by R. H. Coase - 32-52 Economics and Insurance
by L. T. Little - 53-59 Note on Inter-Commodity Relationships in Demand
by E. E. Lewis - 60-65 Numerical Computation of the Elasticity of Substitution
by A. L. Bowley - 66-71 A Note on Gold Movements in the Present International Monetary System
by F. Lutz - 72-74 Note on Uncertainty and Planning
by T. W. Hutchison - 75-77 A Note on Spatial Price Discrimination
by H. W. Singer
1937, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 167-181 Fluctuations in House-building and the Trade Cycle
by Marian Bowley - 182-191 Spatial Price Discrimination
by Edgar M. Hoover - 192-204 Marx and the Trade Cycle
by Henry Smith - 205-214 A General Method for the Comparison of the Price of Living
by H. Staehle - 215-222 A Middle-Class Budget Enquiry
by P. K. O'Brien - 223-230 Note on Dr. Lange's Interest Theory
by Frank H. Knight - 231-235 Professor Knight's Note on Interest Theory
by Oskar Lange - 236-239 On the Determinateness of the Utility Function
by F. Zeuthen
1937, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 77-97 A Theory of the Business Cycle
by Michal Kalecki - 98-107 A Simplified Model of Mr. Keynes' System
by J. E. Meade - 108-122 Dynamics of the Crisis: A Suggestion
by G. L. S. Shackle - 123-142 On the Economic Theory of Socialism: Part Two
by Oskar Lange - 143-144 Mr. Lerner's Note on Socialist Economies
by Oskar Lange - 145-154 Income and Rent: A Study of Family Expenditure
by H. W. Singer - 155-161 A Note on Measurement of Utility
by Paul A. Samuelson - 162-165 Limitational Factors and the Elasticity of Substitution
by Nicholas Kaldor
1936, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-12 Distribution and Economic Progress: A Revised Version
by J. R. Hicks - 13-32 Rationalisation in the Tin Industry
by J. K. Eastham - 33-52 Real Income, Expenditure Proportionality, and Frisch's "New Methods of Measuring Marginal Utility"
by Abram Burk - 53-71 On the Economic Theory of Socialism
by Oskar Lange - 72-76 A Note on Socialist Economics
by A. P. Lerner
1936, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 159-192 The Place of Interest in the Theory of Production
by Oskar Lange - 193-200 Planning and Plotting: A Note on Terminology
by Henry Smith - 201-216 Unemployment, Basic and Monetary: the Classical Analysis and the Keynesian
by D. G. Champernowne - 217-225 South African Native Taxation
by Daphne Trevor - 226-229 Banking Policy and the Exchanges
by Joan Robinson - 230-234 Commodity Stocks and Equilibrium
by L. M. Lachmann
1936, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 81-99 The Doctrine of Liquidity
by A. M. Neuman - 100-105 On the Notion of Equilibrium and Disequilibrium
by Ragnar Frisch - 106-119 Italian Attempts to Encourage Population Growth
by D. V. Glass - 120-129 Professor Slutsky's Theory of Consumers' Choice
by R. G. D. Allen - 130-139 The Need for a Specific Overcrowding PolicyCan Overcrowding "Automatically" Disappear?
by H. W. Singer - 139-139 The German Bank Act of 1934: A Correction
by M. Dessauer - 140-146 Three Economic Systems Clash in Burma
by J. Russell Andrus - 147-148 Further Notes on Elasticity of Substitution: I. Note on Dr. Machlup's Article
by Milton Friedman - 148-150 Further Notes on Elasticity of Substitution: II. Dr. Machlup's Commonsense of the Elasticity of Substitution
by Joan Robinson - 150-151 Further Notes on Elasticity of Substitution: III. The Question of Symmetry
by A. P. Lerner - 151-152 Further Notes on Elasticity of Substitution: IV. Reply
by Fritz Machlup - 153-155 Further Notes on Index Numbers: I
by H. Staehle - 155-157 Further Notes on Index Numbers: II. Mr. Lerner's Supplementary Limits for Price Index Numbers
by M. F. W. Joseph - 157-158 Further Notes on Index Numbers: III. A Reply
by A. P. Lerner
1935, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Period of Production and Derived Concepts
by J. Marcus Fleming - 18-34 The Present Position of the Theory of International Trade
by J. C. Gilbert - 35-39 Dr. Schneider and the Theory of Production
by Herbert Zassenhaus - 40-49 Fixed Coefficients of Production and the Marginal Productivity Theory
by N. Georgescu-Roegen - 50-56 A Note on the Theory of Price Index Numbers
by A. P. Lerner - 57-66 Some Observations on the Theory and Practice of Price Index Numbers
by R. G. D. Allen - 67-78 Did Foreign Investment Pay?
by A. K. Cairncross
1935, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 163-188 A Development of the Economic Theory of Price Index Numbers
by H. Staehle - 189-201 Marxian Economics and Modern Economic Theory
by O. Lange - 202-213 The Commonsense of the Elasticity of Substitution
by Fritz Machlup - 214-224 The German Bank Act of 1934
by Marie Dessauer - 225-231 Selling Costs
by Robert M. Shone - 232-244 The Schematic Representation of the Structure of Production
by Ragnar Nurkse
1935, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 79-98 Federal Reserve Aid to Foreign Central Banks
by Aaron Goldstein - 99-103 A Note on the Consumption Function
by K. E. Boulding - 104-116 The "Chicago Plan" of Banking Reform: I A Proposal for Making Monetary Management Effective in the United States
by Albert G. Hart - 117-121 The "Chicago Plan" of Banking Reform: II The Application of the Proposals in England
by Charles H. Walker - 122-136 Materials for a Theory of the Duration of the Process of Tax Shifting
by Mauro Fasiani - 137-143 The Problem of Duopoly Reconsidered
by R. H. Coase - 144-151 Economic Theory and Socialist Economy: A Reply
by Maurice Dobb - 152-154 Economic Theory and Socialist Economy: A Rejoinder
by A. P. Lerner - 155-158 A Note on the Determinateness of the Utility Function
by R. G. D. Allen - 159-161 A Note on Tautologies and the Nature of Economic Theory
by T. W. Hutchison
1934, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Glasgow Building Industry (1870–1914)
by A. K. Cairncross - 18-30 Taxation and ProductionThe Wicksell Analysis
by Ursula K. Webb - 31-37 A Note on the Elasticity of Supply
by J. R. Hicks - 38-50 Fluctuations in Capital and the Demand for Money
by S. P. Chambers - 51-61 Economic Theory and Socialist Economy
by A. P. Lerner - 62-65 Advertising Costs and Equilibrium
by H. Smith - 66-69 Notes on the Determinateness of the Utility Function: I
by E. H. Phelps Brown - 69-75 Notes on the Determinateness of the Utility Function: II
by Harro Bernardelli - 75-77 Notes on the Determinateness of the Utility Function: III
by O. Lange
1934, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 157-175 The Concept of Monopoly and the Measurement of Monopoly Power
by A. P. Lerner - 176-185 The Interpretation of Subjective Value Theory in the Writings of the Austrian Economists
by Alan R. Sweezy - 186-195 A Contribution to the Theory of Price Fluctuations
by J. B. S. Haldane