1980, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-20 Models with Several Regimes and Changes in Exogeneity
by J.-F. Richard - 21-45 An Empirical Application and Monte Carlo Analysis of Tests of Dynamic Specification
by Grayham E. Mizon & David F. Hendry - 47-74 A Life Cycle Model of Female Labour Supply
by James J. Heckman & Thomas E. Macurdy - 75-96 Discontinuous Budget Constraints and Estimation: The Demand for Housing
by Jerry A. Hausman & David A. Wise - 97-112 A Model of Wage-Price Inflation
by J. D. Sargan - 113-135 The Consumer Price Equation in the Post War British Economy: An Exercise in Equation Specification Testing
by J. D. Sargan - 137-159 Disequilibrium Estimates for Consumption Goods Markets in Centrally Planned Economies
by Richard Portes & David Winter - 161-181 The Relationship between Interest Rates and Metal Price Movements
by Geoffrey Heal & Michael Barrow - 183-224 Finite Sample Theory and the Distributions of Alternative Estimators of the Marginal Propensity to Consume
by P. C. B. Phillips - 225-238 Analysis of Covariance with Qualitative Data
by Gary Chamberlain - 239-253 The Lagrange Multiplier Test and its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics
by T. S. Breusch & A. R. Pagan - 255-273 The Bonferroni and the Scheffé Multiple Comparison Procedures
by N. E. Savin - 275-291 Testing Linear versus Logarithmic Regression Models
by Gwyn Aneuryn-Evans & Angus Deaton
1979, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 571-585 Equity, Efficiency and Increasing Returns
by Donald J. Brown & Geoffrey Heal - 587-599 Quality and Quantity Competition
by Avinash Dixit - 601-611 Uncertainty, Congestion and Peak Load Pricing
by J. A. Kay - 613-629 The Role of Speculation in Competitive Price-Dynamics
by Peter Howitt - 631-652 Market Equilibrium in a Model of a Planned Economy of the Soviet Type: A Proof of Existence and Results of Numerical Simulations
by Andrew Feltenstein - 653-665 Empirical Tests for the Existence of Group Utility Functions
by Perry Shapiro & Steven Braithwait - 667-673 On Variable Majority Rule and Kramer's Dynamic Competitive Process
by Douglas H. Blair - 675-693 Labour Unions and the Wage Structure: A General Equilibrium Approach
by John S. Pettengill - 695-705 The Demand for General and Specific Education with Occupational Mobility
by William R. Johnson - 707-718 Impatience, Information and Risk Taking in a General Equilibrium Model of Occupational Choice
by S. M. Kanbur - 719-736 The Estimation of a Vintage Model of Production for UK Manufacturing
by James M. Malcomson & Michael J. Prior - 737-740 A Theorem on Aggregation across Consumers in Neoclassical Labour Supply
by P. Simmons - 741-742 An Expected Utility Function for the Insurance Buying Gambler
by Benjamin Eden - 743-743 On the Consistency of Libertarian Claims: A Correction
by Kotaro Suzumura
1979, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 391-405 The Distance Function in Consumer Behaviour with Applications to Index Numbers and Optimal Taxation
by Angus Deaton - 407-417 Consumer Preferences, Linear Demand Functions and Aggregation in Competitive Asset Markets
by Frank Milne - 419-433 Existence and Optimality of Equilibrium in Labour-managed Economies
by Joseph Greenberg - 435-446 State Preference and the Riskless Interest Rate: A Markov Model of Capital Markets
by Avraham Beja - 447-465 Class Behaviour and the Distribution of Wealth
by R. N. Vaughan - 467-483 Household Bequest Behaviour and the National Distribution of Wealth
by John Laitner - 485-503 Human Capital and Earnings: British Evidence and a Critique
by George Psacharopoulos & Richard Layard - 505-511 Long-run Tax Incidence: A Comparative Dynamic Approach
by Robin Boadway - 513-525 Target Profits, Cost Expectations and the Incidence of the Corporate Income Tax
by John Beath - 527-531 On the Symmetry of Robinson Elasticities of Substitution: The General Case
by Kiyoshi Kuga - 533-542 An Optimal Exchange Rate Peg in a World of General Floating
by M. June Flanders & Elhanan Helpman - 543-553 Equilibrium Comparison Shopping
by Louis L. Wilde & Alan Schwartz - 555-559 Diversification Theorems for Subsets of Risk Averters
by William R. Russell & Tae Kun Seo - 561-563 Imperfect Competition and the Resource Allocative Effects of Effective Protection: Comment
by John Dutton & Edward Tower - 565-566 Reply to Dutton and Tower
by Edward John Ray - 567-569 Labour Supply, Commodity Demand and the Allocation of Time: Correction
by Michael Abbott & Orley Ashenfelter
1979, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 181-184 Symposium on Incentive Compatibility: Introduction
by Peter J. Hammond - 185-216 The Implementation of Social Choice Rules: Some General Results on Incentive Compatibility
by Partha Dasgupta & Peter Hammond & Eric Maskin - 217-225 Outcome Functions Yielding Walrasian and Lindahl Allocations at Nash Equilibrium Points
by L. Hurwicz - 227-241 Efficient Collective Choice when Compensation is Possible
by Theodore Groves - 243-254 On Coalition Incentive Compatibility
by Jerry Green & Jean-Jacques Laffont - 255-262 Manipulation via Endowments
by Andrew Postlewaite - 263-282 Straightforward Individual Incentive Compatibility in Large Economies
by Peter J. Hammond - 283-292 Incentives in Planning Procedures for the Provision of Public Goods
by John Roberts - 293-303 On the Free Rider Problem in the M.D.P. Procedure
by Claude Henry - 305-313 Surplus-sharing Local Games in Dynamic Exchange Processes
by Henry Tulkens & Shmuel Zamir - 315-318 Incentives in Planning with Private Goods
by Françoise Schoumaker - 319-338 Large Economies with Trading Uncertainty
by Douglas Gale - 339-359 Unemployment Equilibrium with Myopic Complete Information
by Walter Perrin Heller & Ross M. Starr - 361-377 Temporary Equilibria with Quantity Rationing
by Volker Böhm & Pierre Lévine - 379-389 Majority and Positional Voting in a Probabilistic Framework
by Salvador Barbera
1979, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-30 Monopolistic Competition in a Large Economy with Differentiated Commodities
by Oliver D. Hart - 31-45 Demand for Fixed Factors, Inflation and Adjustment Costs
by Eytan Sheshinski & Yoram Weiss - 47-57 Optimal Depletion of an Uncertain Stock
by Richard J. Gilbert - 59-71 Optimal Population and Capital over Time: The Maximin Perspective
by Guillermo A. Calvo - 73-82 An OCE Analysis of the Effect of Uncertainty on Saving under Risk Preference Independence
by Larry Selden - 83-95 Labour Supply and Progressive Taxes
by T. J. Wales & A. D. Woodland - 97-108 Implicit Contracts and Employment Theory
by H. M. Polemarchakis - 109-130 Theoretical Foundations for the Rotterdam Model
by William A. Barnett - 131-147 The Determinants of Teacher Supply
by A. Zabalza - 149-162 On the Definition and Measurement of Instability and the Costs of Buffering Export Fluctuations
by A. H. Gelb - 163-173 Transitivity
by Peter C. Fishburn - 175-178 The Stability of a Generalized Tobin Model
by Michael G. Hadjimichalakis & Koji Okuguchi
1978, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 393-404 The Balance of Trade in a Model of Temporary Equilibrium with Rationing
by Avinash Dixit - 405-415 On the Efficiency of a Competitive Monetary Equilibrium with Transaction Costs
by Seppo Honkapohja - 417-425 Intermediation with Costly Bilateral Exchange
by Robert M. Townsend - 427-436 Ex-Post Efficiency and Resource Allocation Under Uncertainty
by Richard Harris - 437-445 On the Dynamic Behaviour of the Consumer and the Optimal Provision of Social Security
by Sheng Cheng Hu - 447-452 Optimal Redundancy Compensation
by A. A. Sampson - 453-467 The Role of Relative Wages and Excess Demand in the Sectoral Flow of Labour
by Christopher A. Pissarides - 469-477 An Econometric Model of Labour Turnover in U.K. Manufacturing Industries 1956–73
by M. R. Wickens - 479-494 A Vintage Model of the Demand for Energy and Employment in Australian Manufacturing Industry
by R. G. Hawkins - 495-510 Estimation of a Vintage Capital Model for Electricity Generating
by Hugh R. Wills - 511-518 Growth Accounting with Intermediate Inputs
by Charles R. Hulten - 519-526 Ownership Concentration and Market Power in Urban Land Markets
by James R. Markusen & David T. Scheffman - 527-534 Information, Managerial Choice and Stockholder Unanimity
by Hayne Leland - 535-545 On Stochastic Entry and Exit without Expectations
by Frederick S. Inaba - 547-557 Potential Rivalry, Monopoly Profits and the Pace of Inventive Activity
by Morton I. Kamien & Nancy L. Schwartz - 559-570 Stability of Separable Hamiltonians and Investment Theory
by José Alexandre Scheinkman - 571-574 Collective Rationality, Unanimity and Liberal Ethics
by Edi Karni - 575-594 Instability of Simple Dynamic Games
by Norman Schofield - 595-604 Arbitration of Two-party Disputes under Uncertainty
by Robert W. Rosenthal - 605-610 Ordering Uncertain Prospects: The Multivariate Utility Functions Case
by William R. Russell & Tae Kun Seo - 611-615 Stochastic Dominance Rules for Multi-attribute Utility Functions
by C. C. Huang & D. Kira & I. Vertinsky - 617-620 Expectations and Stability with Gross Complements
by David G. Tarr - 621-636 The Optimal Exploitation of an Unknown Reserve
by Glenn C. Loury - 637-644 Resource Extraction when a Future Substitute has an Uncertain Cost
by Michael Hoel
1978, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 215-227 Marginal Cost Pricing of Recursive Lumpy Investments
by David A. Starrett - 229-238 Towards a General Comparison of Price Controls and Quantity Controls under Uncertainty
by Gary W. Yohe - 239-250 Uncertainty and International Trade in the Presence of Stock Markets
by Elhanan Helpman & Assaf Razin - 251-261 Production Flexibility and the Behaviour of the Competitive Firm under Price Uncertainty
by Larry Epstein - 263-266 Consistent Intertemporal Decision-making under Uncertainty
by Paul Weller - 267-271 A Limit Theorem on the Core of an Economy with Individual Risks
by Yaffa Machnes Caspi - 273-278 On the Dynamics of Disequilibrium: A Simple Remark
by Guy Laroque - 279-283 Why the Edgeworth Process Assumption Isn't That Bad
by Paul Madden - 285-298 The Econometrics of Growth and Underdevelopment: A Test of the Dual Hypotheses
by James McIntosh - 299-309 The Short-run Demand for Workers and Hours: A Recursive Model
by R. A. Hart & T. Sharot - 311-327 Aggregation and the Demand for New and Used Automobiles
by Terry R. Johnson - 329-342 On the Consistency of Libertarian Claims
by Kotaro Suzumura - 343-346 Some Further Results on Consistency, Rationality and Collective Choice
by Jeffrey Richelson - 347-354 Substitution Among Exhaustible Resources and Intergenerational Equity
by John M. Hartwick - 355-367 Optimal Depletion of an Exhaustible Resource with Research and Development towards an Alternative Technology
by R. Davison - 369-375 The Political Business Cycle: A Complementary Study
by Ulrich Lächler - 377-380 Consumer's Surplus when Consumers are Subject to a Time and an Income Constraint
by Kenneth S. Lyon - 381-384 Economic Welfare with Rank Order Price Weighting
by Peter J. Hammond - 385-388 A Note on the Yaari Life Cycle Model
by Denis Moffet - 389-390 Distributional Goals and Optimal Growth
by Owen Stanley - 391-391 Money in a Sequence Economy: A Correction
by Ross M. Starr
1978, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-17 On Non-Walrasian Equilibria
by Frank Hahn - 19-31 Quantity Constraints, Spillovers and the Hahn Process
by Franklin M. Fisher - 33-38 A Note on Conjectural Equilibria
by Douglas Gale - 39-65 Optimal Saving and Risk in Continuous Time
by Lucien Foldes - 67-75 Planning Algorithms to deal with Increasing Returns
by C. Henry & A. Zylberberg - 77-84 Discrete Procedures of Economic Planning: A Unified View from Feasible Direction Methods
by Mikiro Otsuki - 85-91 Cheatproofness Properties of the Plurality Rule in Large Societies
by Elisha A. Pazner & Eugene Wesley - 93-96 A Theorem on Utilitarianism
by Eric Maskin - 97-102 Some Notes on Time Inconsistency and Rawls' Maximin Criterion
by Guillermo Calvo - 103-120 Rawlsian Growth: Dynamic Programming of Capital and Wealth for Intergeneration "Maximin" Justice
by E. S. Phelps & J. G. Riley - 121-131 On Revealed Preference Analysis
by Andreu Mas-Colell - 133-153 An Experimental Examination of Two Exchange Institutions
by Charles R. Plott & Vernon L. Smith - 155-163 Financial Assets, Non-Traded Goods and Devaluation
by John F. Kyle - 165-178 The Horizontal Integration of the Banking Firm, Credit Rationing and Monetary Policy
by Alex Cukierman - 179-196 Optimal Exhaustible Resource Depletion with Endogenous Technical Change
by Morton I. Kamien & Nancy L. Schwartz - 197-199 A Note on Feldstein's Criticism of Mean-Variance Analysis
by Joram Mayshar - 201-201 A Note on Feldstein's Criticism of Mean-Variance Analysis: A Reply
by Martin S. Feldstein - 203-207 Prices vs. Quantities: A Critical Note on the Use of Approximations
by James M. Malcomson - 209-210 Reply to "Prices vs. Quantities: A Critical Note on the Use of Approximations" by James M. Malcomson
by Martin L. Weitzman - 211-211 More on Prices vs. Quantities: Erratum
by Jean Jacques Laffont
1977, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 389-391 Symposium on Economics of Information: Introduction
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 393-406 The Noisy Monopolist: Imperfect Information, Price Dispersion and Price Discrimination
by Steven Salop - 407-430 Monopoly, Non-linear Pricing and Imperfect Information: The Insurance Market
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 431-449 The Existence of Futures Markets, Noisy Rational Expectations and Informational Externalities
by Sanford J. Grossman - 451-463 The Non-existence of Informational Equilibria
by Jerry Green - 465-491 Equilibrium Distributions of Sales and Advertising Prices
by Gerard R. Butters - 493-510 Bargains and Ripoffs: A Model of Monopolistically Competitive Price Dispersion
by Steven Salop & Joseph Stiglitz - 511-518 A Bidding Model of Perfect Competition
by Robert Wilson - 519-531 The Value of Information for Crop Forecasting in a Market System: Some Theoretical Issues
by David F. Bradford & Harry H. Kelejian - 533-547 A Bayesian Approach to the Production of Information and Learning By Doing
by Sanford J. Grossman & Richard E. Kihlstrom & Leonard J. Mirman - 549-560 Guarantees and Risk-Sharing
by Geoffrey Heal - 561-572 Consumer Misperceptions, Product Failure and Producer Liability
by Michael Spence - 573-583 On the Choice of Numeraire and Certainty Price in General Equilibrium Models of Price Uncertainty
by John S. Flemming & Stephen J. Turnovsky & Murray C. Kemp - 585-594 Risk Sharing, Sharecropping and Uncertain Labour Markets
by David M. G. Newbery - 595-601 To Tell the Truth: Imperfect Information and Optimal Pollution Control
by Evan Kwerel
1977, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 199-209 Equity and the Informational Basis of Collective Choice
by Claude D'Aspremont & Louis Gevers - 211-225 A Characterization of Societies with Consistent Majority Decision
by Steven Slutsky - 227-233 Expected Plurality Voting Equilibrium and Social Choice Functions
by Arthur T. Denzau & Amoz Kats - 235-247 A Game of Fair Division
by Vincent P. Crawford - 249-263 Uncertainty and Lags in the Investment Decisions of Firms
by Stephen Nickell - 265-285 Business Strategies in Inflationary Economies
by Jacques F. Lesourne & Raymond Leban - 287-303 Inflation and Costs of Price Adjustment
by Eytan Sheshinski & Yoram Weiss - 305-320 Aggregate Production Functions: Some CES Experiments
by Franklin M. Fisher & Robert M. Solow & James M. Kearl - 321-327 Some Dynamic and Comparative Static Properties of a Spatial Model of Production
by Takahiro Miyao - 329-336 Turnpike Properties for the Optimal Use of a Natural Resource
by A. Haurie & N. M. Hung - 337-346 A Rawlsian Intertemporal Consumption Rule
by Paul Grout - 347-361 Devaluation, the Specie Flow Mechanism and the Steady State
by Richard K. Anderson & Akira Takayama - 363-368 Gains from Diversification
by Josef Hadar & William R. Russell & Tae Kun Seo - 369-379 Portfolio Theory, Asset Demand and Taxation: Comparative Statics with Many Assets
by Agnar Sandmo - 381-384 Durable Goods in the Extended Linear Expenditure System
by Peter B. Dixon & Constantino Lluch - 385-387 A Note on Producer Taxation and Public Production
by Efraim Sadka
1977, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-21 A Theory of Piecemeal Policy Recommendations
by Tatsuo Hatta - 23-29 Price Distortion and the Second Best Optimum
by Kunio Kawamata - 31-41 A Model of Short-Term Capital Movements, the Foreign Exchange Market and Official Intervention in the UK, 1963–1970
by John P. Hutton - 43-57 A Variable-Parameter Model of Exporting Behaviour
by R. A. Batchelor - 59-69 Reserve Stocks as External Targets and the Stability of Alternative Exchange Rate Systems
by Jay H. Levin - 71-93 The Static Economic Effects of the UK joining the EEC: A General Equilibrium Approach
by Marcus H. Miller & John E. Spencer - 95-109 Optimal Control and Stabilization Policy: An Application to the Coffee Economy
by Alan H. Gelb - 111-123 Optimal Time Paths with Age-Dependence: A Theory of Population Policy
by W. Brian Arthur & Geoffrey McNicoll - 125-141 Economics of Depletable Resources: Market Forces and Intertemporal Bias
by James L. Sweeney - 143-151 Dual Stability in a Cambridge-type Model
by Masahiko Aoki - 153-168 Rate of Growth Effects on Aggregate Savings: Further Analysis
by Thomas Russell - 169-172 The Effect of State and Private Pensions on Retirement Behaviour and Personal Capital Accumulation
by R. C L. Hemming - 173-176 On the Symmetry of Robinson Elasticities of Substitution: A Three-Factor Case
by Takeshi Murota - 177-182 More on Prices vs. Quantities
by Jean Jacques Laffont - 183-186 Ideal Prices vs. Prices vs. Quantities
by N. J. Ireland - 187-188 Comments on a Probabilistic Model of Social Choice
by P. M. Rice - 189-190 Uncertainty and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem: A Comment
by Sandwip K. Das - 191-192 A Note on Aoki's Perfect Controllability of a Linear Macro-economic Model
by G. Uebe - 193-194 Public Goods and Technology of Consumption: A Comment
by A. Zabalza - 195-196 Interest Payments on Money and the Efficiency of Monetary Equilibrium: A Comment on Grandmont and Younes
by Gerhard O. Orosel - 197-197 Optimum Savings Under Uncertainty: A Correction
by D. Levhari & T. N. Srinivasan
1976, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 371-382 The Economic Contribution of Michael James Farrell
by Malcolm R. Fisher - 383-387 Exact Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Regression Models with Finite Order Moving Average Errors
by A. R. Pagan & D. F. Nicholls - 389-411 Labour Supply, Commodity Demand and the Allocation of Time
by Michael Abbott & Orley Ashenfelter - 413-421 Soviet Pricing, Profits and Technological Choice
by Michael Manove - 423-429 On Efficient Capital Accumulation in a Multi-Sector Neoclassical Model
by Tapan Mitra - 431-438 On Competitive Prices in a Multi-Sector Economy with Stochastic Production and Resources
by Itzhak Zilcha - 439-445 Money, Expectations and the Existence of a Temporary Equilibrium
by Bryce Hool - 447-450 An Impossibility Theorem for Fixed Preferences: A Dictatorial Bergson-Samuelson Welfare Function
by Robert P. Parks - 451-457 Consistency, Rationality and Collective Choice
by Georges Bordes - 459-464 Social Choice and Parties
by k. g. binmore - 465-468 Exact Measures of Welfare and the Cost of Living
by George McKenzie & Ivor Pearce