1983, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 111-120 Small-Sample Properties of Estimators of Regression Coefficients Given a Common Pattern of Missing Data
by Denis Conniffe - 121-131 Defects in Disneyland: Quality Control as a Two-Part Tariff
by Avishay Braverman & J. Luis Guasch & Steven Salop - 133-142 Reproductive Behaviour in Peasant Societies: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
by James McIntosh - 143-151 Dynamic Optimization with a Non-Convex Technology: The Case of a Linear Objective Function
by Mukul Majumdar & Tapan Mitra - 153-170 Straightforward Elections, Unanimity and Phantom Voters
by Kim C. Border & J. S. Jordan - 171-186 A Characterization of Strongly Locally Incentive Compatible Planning Procedures with Public Goods
by Jean-Jacques Laffont & Eric Maskin - 187-195 Myopic Versus Intertemporal Manipulation in Decentralized Planning Procedures
by Guy Laroque & Jean-Charles Rochet - 197-208 On the Simultaneous Existence of Full and Partial Capital Aggregates
by Franklin M. Fisher - 209-219 Non-joint Technologies
by Ulrich Kohli
1982, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 675-677 Special Issue on Unemployment
by Richard Layard - 679-705 Input Price Shocks and the Slowdown in Economic Growth: The Case of U.K. Manufacturing
by Michael Bruno & Jeffrey Sachs - 707-730 Causes of the Current Stagflation
by D. Grubb & R. Jackman & R. Layard - 731-759 Unemployment in the United Kingdom Since the War
by Martyn Andrews & Stephen Nickell - 761-782 Time Series Representations of Economic Variables and Alternative Models of the Labour Market
by Orley Ashenfelter & David Card - 783-824 The Intertemporal Substitution Model of Labour Market Fluctuations: An Empirical Analysis
by Joseph G. Altonji - 825-844 Labour Force Participation: Timing and Persistence
by Kim B. Clark & Lawrence H. Summers - 845-859 Energy and Resource Allocation: A Dynamic Model of the "Dutch Disease"
by Michael Bruno & Jeffrey Sachs
1982, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 485-497 An Equilibrium Analysis of Wage—Productivity Gaps
by J. Luis Guasch & Andrew Weiss - 499-516 Prices and Qualities in Markets with Costly Information
by Yuk-Shee Chan & Hayne Leland - 517-531 Monopolistic Price Adjustment and Aggregate Output
by Julio J. Rotemberg - 533-549 Serial Correlation and the Fixed Effects Model
by A. Bhargava & L. Franzini & W. Narendranathan - 551-565 Some Non-Nested Hypothesis Tests and the Relations Among Them
by Russell Davidson & James G. Mackinnon - 567-582 Invention and Innovation Under Alternative Market Structures: The Case of Natural Resources
by Partha Dasgupta & Richard J. Gilbert & Joseph E. Stiglitz - 583-594 Trade and Protection with Multistage Production
by Avinash K. Dixit & Gene M. Grossman - 595-614 Aggregate Investment and Consistent Intertemporal Technologies
by Charles Blackorby & William Schworm - 615-626 Aggregate Production Functions Revisited: The Mobility of Capital and the Rigidity of Thought
by Franklin M. Fisher - 627-635 A Note on Incentives in Large Economies
by Paul Champsaur & Guy Laroque - 637-643 On the Sign of the Optimum Marginal Income Tax
by Jesus Seade - 645-651 Ambiguities in the Sign of Excess Effective Demand by Firms
by Joaquim Silvestre - 653-657 Defensive Foresight Rather than Minimax: A Comment on Eaton and Lipsey's Model of Spatial Competition
by Rögnvaldur Hannesson - 659-660 Corrigendum on A Life Cycle Model of Female Labour Supply
by James J. Heckman & Thomas MaCurdy - 661-667 Catastrophic Walrasian Equilibrium from the Non-Walrasian Viewpoint: A Three-good Macroeconomic Example
by Paul Madden
1982, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 315-333 A Theory of Wage Dynamics
by Milton Harris & Bengt Holmstrom - 335-354 Estimation of a Labour Supply Model with Censoring Due to Unemployment and Underemployment
by John C. Ham - 355-372 Some Approaches to the Correction of Selectivity Bias
by Lung-Fei Lee - 373-390 Information and Incentives: The Agency Information Problem
by Frøystein Gjesdal - 391-402 Price Discrimination Based On Imperfect Information: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions
by Hans Wiesmeth - 403-409 True and Spurious Duration Dependence: The Identifiability of the Proportional Hazard Model
by Chris Elbers & Geert Ridder - 411-425 Integrability of Incomplete Systems of Demand Functions
by Larry G. Epstein - 427-438 Stochastic Dominance and the Investment Horizon With Riskless Assets
by Haim Levy & Azriel Levy - 439-446 Implementation of Democratic Social Choice Functions
by John A. Ferejohn & David M. Grether & Richard D. McKelvey - 447-460 Some Properties of Topological Social Choice Functions
by Maurice McManus - 461-472 Stability of the Neumann Ray in a Dynamic Leontief System with Finite Forecast Horizons
by Hajime Hori - 473-475 Approximate Equilibria with Bounds Independent of Preferences
by Robert M. Anderson & M. Ali Khan & Salim Rashid - 477-481 Testing Linear versus Logarithmic Regression Models: A Comment
by Neil R. Ericsson - 483-484 A Note on Imperfect Information and Optimal Pollution Control
by Rafael Repullo
1982, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 155-181 Imperfect Price Discrimination and Welfare
by Raymond Chiang & Chester S. Spatt - 183-201 The Comparison of Multi-Dimensioned Distributions of Economic Status
by A. B. Atkinson & F. Bourguignon - 203-216 Search and Consumer Theory
by R. Manning & P. B. Morgan - 217-227 Wage Determination and Efficiency in Search Equilibrium
by Peter A. Diamond - 229-240 A Generalized Model of Pricing for Homogeneous Goods under Imperfect Information
by Asha Sadanand & Louis Wilde - 241-261 The Inefficiency of the Stock Market Equilibrium
by Joseph E. Stiglitz - 263-271 "Learning by Doing" and "Investment in Training": A Synthesis of Two "Rival" Models of the Life Cycle
by Mark R. Killingsworth - 273-290 The Estimation and Interpolation of Inequality Measures
by Frank A. Cowell & Fatemeh Mehta - 291-305 Risk Aversion and Optimal Trade Restrictions
by Leslie Young & James E. Anderson - 307-311 Determinateness of the Utility Function: Revisiting a Controversy of the Thirties
by Kaushik Basu - 313-314 Monopolistic Competition in a Large Economy with Differentiated Commodities: A Correction
by Oliver D. Hart
1982, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Oliver Hart & Mervyn King - 3-13 Relaxing Price Competition Through Product Differentiation
by Avner Shaked & John Sutton - 15-30 Perfect Competition and the Core
by Andreu Mas-Colell - 31-42 Information Aggregation and Policy
by Laurence Weiss - 43-53 The Determinants of Occupational Success in Britain
by Stephen Nickell - 55-67 The Efficient Estimation of Econometric Models with Rational Expectations
by M. R. Wickens - 69-82 Compulsory Arbitration, Arbitral Risk and Negotiated Settlements: A Case Study in Bargaining under Imperfect Information
by Vincent P. Crawford - 83-90 Welfare Economics of Decision Making with Changing Preferences
by Paul A. Grout - 91-107 "Automatic" Output Stability and the Exchange Arrangement: A Multi-Country Analysis
by Michael Jones - 109-116 Models and Estimation of Disequilibrium for Centrally Planned Economies
by Wojciech Charemza & Richard E. Quandt - 117-135 Achieving Macroeconomic Goals
by Mike O'Brien - 137-142 Inventory and Price Behaviour
by Patricia B. Reagan - 143-149 Nonbinary Social Choice: An Impossibility Theorem
by David M. Grether & Charles R. Plott - 151-153 Testing for Sample Selection Bias
by Angelo Melino
1981, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 541-559 An Introduction to the Theory of Rational Expectations Under Asymmetric Information
by Sanford J. Grossman - 561-577 An Empirical Method of Approximating the Separable Structure of Consumer Preferences
by S. E. Pudney - 579-586 On the Problem of Missing Data in Linear Models
by Christian Gourieroux & Alain Monfort - 587-597 Strategy-Proof Allocation Mechanisms at Differentiable Points
by Mark A. Satterthwaite & Hugo Sonnenschein - 599-605 Rawls' Maximin Criterion and Time Consistency: A Generalization
by Alvaro Rodriguez - 607-619 Expected Interruptions in Labour Force Participation and Sex-Related Differences in Earnings Growth
by Yoram Weiss & Reuben Gronau - 621-631 Earnings by Size: A Tale of Two Distributions
by Alan Harrison - 633-642 On the Existence of an Optimal Income Tax Schedule
by Mamoru Kaneko - 643-647 Efficiency, Weak Value Maximality and Weak Value Optimality in a Multisector Model
by Tapan Mitra - 649-656 A Nonlinear Dynamic Model of Short Run Fluctuations
by Garry J. Schinasi - 657-658 Consumer Search and Market Equilibria: A Note
by Avishay Braverman & Avinash Dixit - 659-660 Expectations and the Dynamics of Devaluation: A Comment
by David Burton - 661-665 Stability of Zero Production Under Life-Cycle Savings
by Robert M. Costrell - 667-670 On the Complete Solution of the Linear Cournot Oligopoly Model
by Wilhelm Gehrig - 671-672 A Note on Weak Separability
by F. P. Murphy - 673-675 On the Ricardian Theory of Value: A Note
by Luigi L. Pasinetti
1981, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 365-384 Improving Coalitions in a Monetary Economy
by Douglas Gale - 385-394 On Measuring the Variance-Age Profile of Lifetime Earnings
by Benjamin Eden & Ariél Pakes - 395-405 On the Diffusion of New Technology: A Game Theoretic Approach
by Jennifer F. Reinganum - 407-416 The Proportional Veto Principle
by Hervé Moulin - 417-433 Instrumental Variable Estimation of a Characteristics Model of Demand
by S. E. Pudney - 435-445 Fiscal Policy, Inflation and the Accumulation of Risky Capital
by Jonathan Eaton - 447-457 Evaluation of Public Projects under Optimal Taxation
by Vidar Christiansen - 459-471 Rational Choice and Erratic Behaviour
by Jess Benhabib & Richard H. Day - 473-485 Incentives in the Generalized MDP Procedure for the Provision of Public Goods
by Yoshifumi Fujigaki & Kimitoshi Sato - 487-496 Testing Linear and Log-Linear Regressions for Functional Form
by L. G. Godfrey & M. R. Wickens - 497-505 Seasonal Variability in a Distributed Lag Model
by P. K. Trivedi & B. M. S. Lee - 507-510 Certainty Planning in an Uncertain World: A Reconsideration
by Jean-Pierre Danthine & John B. Donaldson - 511-519 Games with Self-Generating Distributions
by H. M. Shefrin - 521-532 Some Results on the Optimal Depletion of Exhaustible Resources Under Negative Discounting
by Tapan Mitra - 533-535 A Note on the Interpretation and Estimation of Parkin's Discount House Portfolio Model
by Kenneth W. Clements - 537-539 Tariffs, The Terms of Trade and Domestic Prices in a Monetary Economy: A Further Analysis
by Richard K. Anderson & Akira Takayama
1981, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 189-197 Incomplete Information, Risk Shifting, and Employment Fluctuations
by Herschel I. Grossman - 199-216 Toward a Theory of Competitive Price Adjustment
by Benjamin Eden - 217-234 The Self-Regulating Profession
by Avner Shared & John Sutton - 235-253 Non-Convexities in Continuous Time Investment Theory
by Russell Davidson & Richard Harris - 255-270 Estimating Input Demand Equations by Direct and Indirect Methods
by H. R. Wills - 271-280 Constant, Increasing and Decreasing Risk Aversion with Many Commodities
by Richard E. Kihlstrom & Leonard J. Mirman - 281-287 Growth with Exhaustible Resources and Endogenous Population
by Alessandro Cigno - 289-309 Debt with Potential Repudiation: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
by Jonathan Eaton & Mark Gersovitz - 311-316 Corporate Tax Policy and the Service Life of Capital Equipment
by James M. Malcomson - 317-325 The Price Effects of Spatial Competition
by H. Ohta - 327-342 Import Substitution Policies: A Two-Sector, Fix-Price Model
by John T. Cuddington - 343-349 Social Decision Functions and Strongly Decisive Sets
by Edward W. Packel - 351-354 Kuhn's Intensity Hypothesis Revisited
by Kazuo Nishimura - 355-361 A Comment on "Stable Spillovers among Substitutes"
by G. Laroque - 363-364 Large Economies with Trading Uncertainty: A Correction
by Douglas Gale
1981, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Oliver Hart & Mervyn King - 3-19 Market Power in a Non-Malleable City
by Neil Vousden - 21-36 Linear Aggregation in Neoclassical Labour Supply
by John Muellbauer - 37-49 Jobs as Dam Sites
by George A. Akerlof - 51-61 Existence and Characterization of Optimal Growth Paths Including Models with Non-Convexities in Utilities and Technologies
by Graciela Chichilnisky - 63-80 The Elasticity of Derived Net Supply and a Generalized Le Chatelier Principle
by W. E. Diewert - 81-95 Duality Theory and Functional Forms for Dynamic Factor Demands
by Larry G. Epstein - 97-111 Spatial Competition and Spatial Price Discrimination
by George Norman - 113-129 On the Local Uniqueness of the Fixed Price Equilibria
by Guy Laroque - 131-137 Transaction Costs, Uncertainty and Generally Inactive Futures Markets
by H. M. Shefrin - 139-145 A Combinatorial Analysis of the Overlapping Generations Model
by Stephen A. Clark - 147-158 The Morishima Elasticity of Substitution; Symmetry, Constancy, Separability, and its Relationship to the Hicks and Allen Elasticities
by Charles Blackorby & R. Robert Russell - 159-166 Recovering Cardinal Utility
by Philip Dybvig & Heraklis Polemarchakis - 167-171 On Uniqueness of General Equilibrium
by Jun Iritani - 173-178 Heterogeneous Labour and the Fundamental Marxian Theorem
by Ulrich Krause - 179-183 On Sums of Production Set Frontiers
by John A. Weymark - 185-186 A Note on Pasinetti's "Ricardian System"
by P. J. Eygelshoven & S. K. Kuipers
1980, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 821-841 Multi-Product Quantity-Dependent Prices and Profitability Constraints
by A. Michael Spence - 843-856 A Possible Procedure for Analysing Quality Differentials in the Egg Market
by W. M. Gorman - 857-860 On Imperfect Information and Optimal Pollution Control
by Partha Dasgupta & Peter Hammond & Eric Maskin - 861-873 On Testing Theories of Financial Intermediary Portfolio Selection
by Ernst R. Berndt & Thomas H. McCurdy & David E. Rose - 875-892 Disaggregated Demand Analysis: The Estimation of a Class of Non-linear Demand Systems
by S. E. Pudney - 893-906 Evidence on the Impact of Income Distribution on Consumer Demand in the UK 1955–68
by P. Simmons - 907-926 Direct and Indirect Trade Utility Functions
by A. D. Woodland - 927-932 The Optimal Policies for Restricting Trade under Uncertainty
by Leslie Young & James E. Anderson - 933-944 A Neoclassical Model of the Dual Economy with Capital Accumulation in Agriculture
by Masanori Amano - 945-958 On Distribution According to Labour—A Concept of Fairness in Production Economies
by Mikiro Otsuki - 959-963 Continuous Representation of Preferences
by Graciela Chichilnisky - 965-973 Restricted Preferences and Strategy-Proofness of a Class of Group Decision Functions
by Prasanta K. Pattanaik & Manimay Sengupta - 975-986 Constrained Plott Equilibria, Directional Equilibria and Global Cycling Sets
by Linda Cohen & Steven Matthews - 987-997 Structure of the Correspondence Principle at an Extremum Point
by Tatsuo Hatta - 999-1002 Economics of Depletable Resources and Price Ceiling Induced Bias
by Dwight R. Lee - 1003-1004 Characterizing a Production or a Cost Function by Elasticities of Substitution
by Heejoon Kang & Gardner Brown
1980, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 645-651 Efficiency with Uncertain Supply
by Peter Diamond - 653-664 Wages as Sorting Mechanisms in Competitive Markets with Asymmetric Information: A Theory of Testing
by J. Luis Guasch & Andrew Weiss - 665-678 Worker Cooperatives as Industrial Policy: the Case of the "Scottish Daily News"
by Keith Bradley & Alan Gelb - 679-704 Expectations and the Dynamics of Devaluation
by Stephen J. Turnovsky - 705-722 A Model of Stochastic Equilibrium in a Quasi-Competitive Industry
by John Sutton - 723-731 Optimal Pricing to Retard Entry
by Steven A. Lippman - 733-746 Vertical and Horizontal Communication in Economic Processes
by Robert L. Welch - 747-753 Monopolistic Behaviour, Prices and Quantities
by Xavier Freixas - 755-765 Optimal Taxation with some Non-Taxable Commodities
by Knud Jørgen Munk - 767-776 The Impact of Technical Change on the Holotheticity of Production Functions
by Ryuzo Sato - 777-785 A Life-Cycle Model of the Linear Income Tax
by Nancy L. Stokey - 787-796 Continuous-Valued Binary Decision Procedures
by John A. Ferejohn & David M. Grether & Steven A. Matthews & Edward W. Packel - 797-807 On the Efficiency of a Competitive Equilibrium in Infinite Horizon Monetary Economies
by Masahiro Okuno & Itzhak Zilcha - 809-811 The Existence of Optimal Invariant Stocks in a Multi-Sector Economy
by James Flynn - 813-815 Notes and Comments: On Professor Hahn's Tâtonnement Stability Theorem: Comment and Example
by Akio Kagawa & Kiyoshi Kuga - 817-819 A Comment on the Theory of Second Best
by Vassilis T. Rapanos
1980, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 473-486 Cournot Equilibrium with Free Entry
by William Novshek - 487-502 Consumer Search and Alternative Market Equilibria
by Avishay Braverman - 503-511 Employment and Dividend Policy of the Firm under Risk
by Pierre Dehez - 513-520 Price Variability, Utility and Savings
by Jonathan Eaton - 521-531 On the Structure of Additive Inequality Measures
by Frank A. Cowell - 533-537 Consistent Plans
by Steven M. Goldman - 539-549 Optimal Claims in Automobile Insurance
by Itzhak Venezia & Haim Levy - 551-556 On Hartwick's Rule for Regular Maximin Paths of Capital Accumulation and Resource Depletion
by Avinash Dixit & Peter Hammond & Michael Hoel - 557-565 Incentives in Discrete-time MDP Processes with Flexible Step-size
by Jerry Green & Françoise Schoumaker - 567-585 The Computation of Optimum Linear Taxation
by Christopher J. Heady & Pradeep K. Mitra - 587-593 Uncertain Lifetime, Imperfect Insurance Markets and the Valuation of Pension Wealth
by David Ulph & Richard Hemming - 595-601 Symmetry Conditions for Market Demand Functions
by W. E. Diewert - 603-616 On the Possibility of Consistent Voting Procedures
by Bhaskar Dutta - 617-627 Algorithms for Social Choice Functions
by Donald E. Campbell - 629-635 A Note on Soviet Pricing, Profits and Technological Choice
by Morgan Åberg & Håkan Persson - 637-639 A Note on Regime Classification in Disequilibrium Models
by Nicholas M. Kiefer - 641-644 Uzawa's Preference Axioms: A Comment
by S. Fuchs-Seliger
1980, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 293-303 Rational Expectations and the Non-neutrality of Systematic Monetary Policy
by David K. H. Begg - 305-320 Adaptive Expectations and Uncertainty
by T. Lawson - 321-338 The Implicit Contract Theory of Unemployment meets the Wage Bill Argument
by George A. Akerlof & Hajime Miyazaki - 339-355 Effective Demand and Stochastic Rationing
by Lars E. O. Svensson - 357-370 A Structured Logit Model of Auto Ownership and Mode Choice
by Kenneth Train - 371-384 Unobservables and the Use of Overlapping Measures as Proxy Variables
by G. J. Anderson - 385-392 A Self-administered Solution of the Bargaining Problem
by Vincent P. Crawford - 393-407 Monotonicity, Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives and Strategy-Proofness of Social Decision Functions
by Manimay Sengupta - 409-420 Possibility Theorems with Interpersonally Comparable Welfare Levels
by Kevin W. S. Roberts - 421-439 Interpersonal Comparability and Social Choice Theory
by Kevin W. S. Roberts - 441-450 Social Choice Theory: The Single-profile and Multi-profile Approaches
by Kevin W. S. Roberts - 451-457 Target Controllability
by Alfred L. Norman & Woo S. Jung - 459-463 Tariffs, The Terms of Trade and Domestic Prices in a Monetary Economy
by Raveendra N. Batra & Rama Ramachandran - 465-471 Efficient Programmes for Polyhedral Technologies are Competitive
by Ahmet U. Alkan