2025, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-1. The new Dutch default community of acquests regime: key innovations from a comparative perspective
by Hannelore Thijs - 1-2. Barnekonvensjonen i norsk rett, Ingun Fornes, Anna Nylund, Anneken K. Sperr (eds)
by Kristian Gustafsson & Titti Mattsson
2024, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1 Disciplined parents and autonomous children: information sharing as governing device in Swedish identity-release gamete donation
by Matilda Lindgren - 1-001. Surrogacy in Latin America, Nicolás Espejo-Yaksic, Claire Fenton-Glynn, and Jens M. Scherpe (eds)
by Lottie Park-Morton - 1-002. What makes a father: differentiation of unmarried and divorced fathers in the context of custody under the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
by Tapio Koivula - 1-003. Default property rules for same-gender marriages: equivalence over equality?
by Hannelore Thijs & Alain-Laurent Verbeke - 1-004. Child support and income inequalities: a cross-continental comparison from welfare design to judicial implementation
by Emilie Biland - 1-005. Evaluating the need for legal guardianship in people with dementia: gaining insight into professionals’ assessment criteria
by Kaisa Näkki & Anna Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen & Kaijus Ervasti & Eino Solje - 1-006. Families by Agreement: Navigating Choice, Tradition, and Law, Brian Bix
by Sharon Thompson - 1-007. Right to Respect for Private and Family Life, Home and Correspondence – A Practical Guide to the Article 8 Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights, Päivi Hirvelä and Satu Heikkilä
by Carmen Draghici - 1-008. Eschewing the discretionary court-based approach to child maintenance in Singapore: towards a consistent and predictable legal framework
by Ming Ren Tan - 1-009. Surrogate Born Children’s Access to Information About Their Origins
by Elaine O’Callaghan - 1-009. Surrogates’, intended parents’, and professionals’ perspectives on ways to improve access to surrogacy in Australia
by Ezra Kneebone & Karin Hammarberg & Kiri Beilby - 1-010. Autonomy, Care and Family Law, Anna Heenan
by Bill Atkin - 1-012. Broken kinship: family property disputes and the common intention constructive trust in Singapore
by Hang Wu Tang
2023, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-021. Redressing the balance: how Australia’s approach under the Hague Abduction Convention is still endangering victims of domestic violence
by Annabelle Gray & Miranda Kaye - 1-034. What is ‘good’ domestic violence lawyering?: views from specialist legal services in Australia
by Jane Wangmann & Francesca Bartlett & Becky Batagol & Tracey Booth & Heather Douglas & Miranda Kaye & Kate Seear - 1-035. The relationship between compliance and compulsion, and dynamics of diversion, in child welfare decision-making
by Michelle Donnelly
2021, Volume 35, Issue 1
- -272 Adoption from Care: International Perspectives on Children’s Rights, Family Preservation and State Intervention, edited by Tarja Pösö, Marit Skivenes and June Thoburn
by Brian Sloan - 1-001. Intersection between Domestic Violence and International Parental Child Abduction: Protection of Abducting Mothers in Return Proceedings
by Katarina Trimmings & Onyója Momoh - 1-002. Review of Domestic Abuse and Human Rights, Jonathan Herring
by Ronagh McQuigg - 1-003. The Experience of Religious Same-Sex Marriage in England and Wales: Understanding the Opportunities and Limits Created by the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013
by Silvia Falcetta & Paul Johnson & Robert M Vanderbeck - 1-004. Wedlock or Wed-Lockup? A Case for Abolishing Restitution of Conjugal Rights in India
by Saumya Uma - 1-005. Understanding Arranged Marriage: An Unbiased Analysis of a Traditional Marital Institution
by Naema N Tahir - 1-006. Adults and Children in Postmodern Societies: A Comparative Law and Multidisciplinary Handbook, by Jehanne Sosson, Geoffrey Willems, and Gwendoline Motte
by Noam Peleg - 1-007. We Are Family: What Really Matters for Parents and Children, by Susan Golombok
by Alice Margaria - 1-008. Legal Progress and Socio-Economic Reflections on Child Marriage in Latin America
by Denise Wiedemann - 1-009. Surrogate Born Children’s Access to Information About Their Origins
by Elaine O’Callaghan - 1-010. Taming the Unruly Public Policy Horse in Private International Law in Family Law: A Pragmatic Singaporean Approach to the Recognition of Foreign Same-Sex Marriages and Divorces
by Leon Vincent Chan - 1-011. Accommodating the ‘Best Interests of the Child’ in Custody Disputes in the Indonesian System/s of Family Law
by Saraswati Rika - 1-013. International Survey of Family Law 2020, by Margaret Brinig (ed.)
by Dafni Lima - 1-014. Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions, edited by Katharina Boele-Woelki, Frédérique Ferrand, Cristina González Beilfuss, Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg, Nigel Lowe, Dieter Martiny and Velina Todorova, Intersentia
by Andy Hayward - 1-014. Children and the European Court of Human Rights, by Claire Fenton-Glynn
by Dr Samantha Davey - 1-015. Informal Caregivers along the Work–Eldercare Axis: A Comparative Analysis of Australia, England, and Israel
by Hedva Vinarski-Peretz & Dafna Halperin - 1-016. Bringing the Adult Guardianship Regime in Line with the UNCRPD: The Chinese Experience
by Daisy Cheung - 1-017. One Trend, a Patchwork of Laws. An Exploration of Why Cohabitation Law is so Different throughout the Western World
by Elise Goossens - 1-017. Plus One: Who Decides Who is One’s Significant Other?
by Sharon Shakargy - 1-018. Parental Responsibility after Divorce: the Case of North Macedonia
by Dejan Mickovik & Arta Selmani-Bakiu - 1-018. Nicole Busby and Grace James, A History of Regulating Working Families: Strains, Stereotypes, Strategies and Solutions, Hart Publishing Plc, 2020, 174pp, £60.00, Hardback, ISBN 9781509904617
by Chris Barton - 1-019. What is the Family of Law? The Influence of the Nuclear Family, Alan Brown
by Kathryn O’Sullivan - 1-020. Children’s Rights—the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Danish Law, edited by Trine Schultz, Anne Mørk and Hanne Hartoft, Djøf Forlag
by Pernilla Leviner - 1-020. Corrigendum to: Intersection between Domestic Violence and International Parental Child Abduction: Protection of Abducting Mothers in Return Proceedings
by Katarina Trimmings & Onyója Momoh - 1-021. The Hague Child Abduction Convention and Re-relocation Disputes
by Rhona Schuz - 1-021. Children’s Constitutional Rights in the Nordic Countries, edited by Trude Haugli, Anna Nylund, Randi Sigurdsen, and Lena R.L. Bendiksen
by Ton Liefaard - 1-022. The Misuse or Abuse of Continuing Powers of Attorney: What Are Appropriate Safeguards?
by Rieneke Stelma-Roorda - 1-023. Legal Pluralism and the Future of Personal Family Laws in Africa
by Anthony Chima Diala - 1-024. Love, Labour and Law: Early and Child Marriage in India, edited by Samita Sen and Anindita Ghosh
by Shraddha Chaudhary - 1-025. Illegitimacy under Hindu Law: A Case for its Abandonment
by Ravi Gangal & Ravi Shankar Pandey - 1-030. Parental Equality in Turkey: Understanding Gender Roles Through the Legal Treatment of Working and Divorced Mothers
by Özgün Çelebi - 1-033. Compromised ‘consent’ in Australian Family Law Proceedings
by Miranda Kaye & Tracey Booth & Jane Wangmann - 1-33 Compendium of Inclusive Family Law, Søren Laursen
by Alina Tryfonidou - 1-034. Funeral Wills and the Autonomy of a Dying Person: Experiences of Older People in Palliative Care and their Carers
by Anna Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen & Suvi-Maria Saarelainen - 1-036. Reasoning between Rules and Discretion: A Comparative Study of the Normative Platform for Best Interest Decision-Making on Adoption in England and Norway
by Hege Stein Helland - 1-039. Bride Price in the Patriarchal South Sudanese Society: A Legal Perspective
by Mark A W Deng - 1-040. Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into National Law, Ursula Kilkelly, Laura Lundy and Bronagh Byrne (eds.)
by Hanne Hartoft - 1-041. Law and the Relational Self, Jonathan Herring
by Sharon Shakargy - 1-042. Relational Vulnerability: Theory, Law and the Private Family, Ellen Gordon-Bouvier
by Alan Brown - 1-043. Erratum to: La autoinseminación: decisiones reproductivas privadas y formación de relaciones familiares, Amaia Forcada Rubio
by Giulia Giovannini - 1-044. Elderly Care and Upwards Solidarity. Historical, Sociological and Legal Perspectives, Elisabeth Alofs and Wendy Schrama
by Paula Távora Vítor - 1-047. Erratum to: Funeral Wills and the Autonomy of a Dying Person: Experiences of Older People in Palliative Care and their Carers
by Anna Mäki-Petäjä-Leinonen & Suvi-Maria Saarelainen - 1-049. There’s No Place Like Home: The Role of Informal Carers under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
by Sheila Varadan - 1-051. Social Scientists Operating in the Law: A Case Study of Family Assessment Experts in the Australian Family Law System
by Zoe Rathus - 1-052. Understanding Sharia Processes: Women’s Experiences of Family Disputes, Farrah Ahmed and Ghena Krayem
by Islam Uddin - 1-054. The Use of Assisted Reproductive Technology to Create Posthumous Grandchildren
by Lisa Cherkassky - 176-176 Cohabitation and Religious Marriage: Status, Similarities and Solutions, edited by Rajnaara C. Akhtar, Patrick Nash and Rebecca Probert
by Russell Sandberg - 200-200 A History of Divorce Law: Reform in England from the Victorian to Interwar Years, edited by Henry Kha
by Jennifer Aston - 218-218 Legal Recognition of Non-Conjugal Families: New Frontiers in Family Law in the US, Canada and Europe, Nausica Palazzo
by Robert Leckey - 240-240 The Interaction between Family Law, Succession Law and Private International Law: Adapting to Change, by Jens M. Scherpe and Elena Bargelli
by Laure Sauvé - 263-263 Safeguarding Children’s Rights in Immigration Law, Klaassen, M., Rap, S., Rodrigues, P. & Liefaard, T
by Sara Lembrechts - 287-287 The Queer Outside in Law: Recognising LGBTIQ People in the United Kingdom, edited by Senthorun Raj and Peter Dunne
by C L Quinan - 297-297 Divorce in China: Institutional Constraints and Gendered Outcomes, Xin He
by Lei Shi - 319-319 Family Law in America (Third Edition), by Sanford N. Katz
by N V LoweQC - 320-320 Fundamental Rights and Best Interests of the Child in Transnational Families, by Elisabetta Bergamini and Chiara Ragni
by Aoife Daly - 390-390 Medical Decision-Making on Behalf of Young Children: A Comparative Perspective, by Imogen Goold, Cressida Auckland and Jonathan Herring (eds)
by Stevie Martin - 396-396 Die Familienschiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Recht und Praxis—eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung des deutschen und englischen Rechts [Family Arbitration in Law and Practice—A Comparative Study of German and English Law], by Saskia Constanze Zellerhoff
by Christiane von Bary - 400-400 La autoinseminación: decisiones reproductivas privadas y formación de relaciones familiares, Amaia Forcada Rubio
by Giulia Giovannini - 531-531 La responsabilidad civil en el ejercicio de la parentalidad. Un estudio comparado entre Italia y Colombia, Natalia Rueda
by Laura Esteve Alguacil - 566-566 A Magna Carta for Children? Rethinking Children’s Rights, Michael Freeman
by Katrien Klep - 672-672 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article-by-Article Commentary
by Tristan Cummings