August 1999, Volume 400, Issue 6745
- 624-624 Eclipse of the Earth
by David Jones - 624-624 Turning the other cheek
by Alison Mitchell - 625-625 Slaying the crystal homunculus
by Robert W. Cahn - 627-628 Convergent evolution of cytokines
by Alain Beschin & Martin Bilej & Lea Brys & Els Torreele & Rudolf Lucas & Stefan Magez & Patrick De Baetselier - 628-628 Rise in carbon dioxide changes soil structure
by Matthias C. Rillig & Sara F. Wright & Michael F. Allen & Christopher B. Field - 629-629 Anisotropy of iron in the Earth's inner core
by S. C. Singh & J.-P. Montagner - 629-629 Nitrogen deposition and carbon sequestration
by D. S. Jenkinson & K. Goulding & D. S. Powlson - 629-630 Nitrogen deposition and carbon sequestration
by Herman Sievering - 630-630 Nitrogen deposition and carbon sequestration
by Knute J. Nadelhoffer & Bridget A. Emmett & Per Gundersen & Chris J. Koopmans & Patrick Schleppi & Albert Tietema & Richard F. Wright - 631-632 Culture clash in American anthropology
by Mary Douglas - 632-632 What did you do in the [cold] war, Daddy?
by Malcolm R. Dando - 632-633 Neural networks beyond Freud
by Terrence J. Sejnowski - 633-633 The first three billion years
by Stefan Bengtson - 634-634 Damsels and dragons
by Mike Siva-Jothy - 635-641 Streaks of microearthquakes along creeping faults
by Allan M. Rubin & Dominique Gillard & Jean-Luc Got - 642-644 Photon-stimulated desorption as a substantial source of sodium in the lunar atmosphere
by B. V. Yakshinskiy & T. E. Madey - 644-647 Systematic enumeration of crystalline networks
by Olaf Delgado Friedrichs & Andreas W. M. Dress & Daniel H. Huson & Jacek Klinowski & Alan L. Mackay - 647-649 The mechanisms for pressure-induced amorphization of ice Ih
by J. S. Tse & D. D. Klug & C. A. Tulk & I. Swainson & E. C. Svensson & C.-K. Loong & V. Shpakov & V. R. Belosludov & R. V. Belosludov & Y. Kawazoe - 649-651 A direct-methane fuel cell with a ceria-based anode
by E. Perry Murray & T. Tsai & S. A. Barnett - 652-655 Chronology, causes and progression of the Messinian salinity crisis
by W. Krijgsman & F. J. Hilgen & I. Raffi & F. J. Sierro & D. S. Wilson - 655-659 The origin of snake feeding
by Michael S. Y. Lee & Gorden L. Bell & Michael W. Caldwell - 659-661 Planktonic nutrient regeneration and cycling efficiency in temperate lakes
by Jeff J. Hudson & William D. Taylor & David W. Schindler - 661-664 Genome complexity, robustness and genetic interactions in digital organisms
by Richard E. Lenski & Charles Ofria & Travis C. Collier & Christoph Adami - 664-667 A general model for the structure and allometry of plant vascular systems
by Geoffrey B. West & James H. Brown & Brian J. Enquist - 667-671 Dynamics of disease resistance polymorphism at the Rpm1 locus of Arabidopsis
by Eli A. Stahl & Greg Dwyer & Rodney Mauricio & Martin Kreitman & Joy Bergelson - 671-675 Time-dependent reorganization of brain circuitry underlying long-term memory storage
by Bruno Bontempi & Catherine Laurent-Demir & Claude Destrade & Robert Jaffard - 675-677 Memory for places learned long ago is intact after hippocampal damage
by Edmond Teng & Larry R. Squire - 677-682 A basal ganglia pacemaker formed by the subthalamic nucleus and external globus pallidus
by Dietmar Plenz & Stephen T. Kital - 682-687 Continued RAG expression in late stages of B cell development and no apparent re-induction after immunizion
by Wong Yu & Hitoshi Nagaoka & Mila Jankovic & Ziva Misulovin & Heikyung Suh & Antonius Rolink & Fritz Melchers & Eric Meffre & Michel C. Nussenzweig - 687-693 A SMAD ubiquitin ligase targets the BMP pathway and affects embryonic pattern formation
by Haitao Zhu & Peter Kavsak & Shirin Abdollah & Jeffrey L. Wrana & Gerald H. Thomsen - 693-696 Trigger factor and DnaK cooperate in folding of newly synthesized proteins
by Elke Deuerling & Agnes Schulze-Specking & Toshifumi Tomoyasu & Axel Mogk & Bernd Bukau
August 1999, Volume 400, Issue 6744
- 489-489 France to collaborate with UK
by David Dickson & Natasha Loder - 489-489 Wallace rescued from a grave injustice
by Natasha Loder - 490-490 Congress talks tough on funds for NASA and basic research
by Colin Macilwain - 490-490 UN call for action to clear up space junk
by Eva von Schaper - 490-490 BSE advisers admit giving up a purely scientific role
by Natasha Loder - 491-491 Asia backs E-Biomed ‘with peer review’
by Asako Saegusa - 491-491 Varmus speculates on a possible reorganization of the NIH
by Carina Dennis - 492-492 NSF urged to raise environmental efforts ⃛
by Colin Macilwain - 492-492 ⃛ as panel backs the return of the ‘green GDP’
by Tony Reichhardt - 493-493 Charity cools on stem cells after boycott by Catholics
by Meredith Wadman - 493-493 Russian Antarctic base falls prey to budget cuts
by Carl Levitin - 494-494 US plans giant effort on protein structure
by Meredith Wadman - 494-494 Emissions fall despite economic growth
by Tony Reichhardt - 495-495 ⃛as Brazilian scientists protest at GM ban
by Ricardo Bonalume Neto - 495-495 Africa seeks laws on GM food exports ⃛
by Ehsan Masood - 498-498 Tale of an intrepid duo unearthed
by Cynthia Reavell - 498-498 More haste, less science?
by Bradford A. Hawkins - 499-499 How to restore public trust in science
by Benny Haerlin & Doug Parr - 501-502 Bollworms, genes and ecologists
by M. J. Crawley - 503-505 Palaeoecology A breath of fresh air
by D. E. Canfield - 505-506 Quantum optics: Energy transfer under control
by William L. Barnes & Piers Andrew - 506-507 Malaria A blueprint of ‘bad air’
by Mats Wahlgren & Maria Teresa Bejarano - 507-509 Engineering Shark skin and other solutions
by Philip Ball - 509-510 Earth's productivity Ghosts of biospheres past
by Joe Berry - 510-511 Conservation biology Top dogs maintain diversity
by Bernt-Erik Sæther - 511-512 Oceanography: An ultimate limiting nutrient
by J. R. Toggweiler - 512-513 Materials science: Superdiffusion in solid helium
by Robert W. Cahn - 513-513 The insect plane
by David Jones - 514-514 Obituary J. John Sepkoski Jr (1948-99)
by Derek E. G. Briggs - 515-515 The tale of the great cuckoo egg
by George Klein - 517-518 Haem detoxification by an insect
by Marcus F. Oliveira & José R. Silva & Marílvia Dansa-Petretski & Wanderley de Souza & Ulysses Lins & Cláudia M. S. Braga & Hatisaburo Masuda & Pedro L. Oliveira - 518-518 reply ‘Raise the stakes’ evolves into a defector
by Thomas N. Sherratt & Gilbert Roberts - 518-518 ‘Raise the stakes’ evolves into a defector
by Timothy Killingback & Michael Doebeli - 519-519 Development time and resistance to Bt crops
by Yong-Biao Liu & Bruce E. Tabashnik & Timothy J. Dennehy & Amanda L. Patin & Alan C. Bartlett - 519-520 How was the Sdic gene fixed?
by Brian Charlesworth & Deborah Charlesworth - 520-520 reply: How was the Sdic gene fixed?
by Dmitry I. Nurminsky & Daniel L. Hartl - 521-521 An epidemiology of the invention virus
by Crispin Tickell - 522-523 From a particular to a global perspective
by David Schimel - 523-524 A tale of two fronts
by Huw C. Davies - 524-524 Science in culture
by Martin Kemp - 525-531 The relative influences of nitrogen and phosphorus on oceanic primary production
by Toby Tyrrell - 532-538 The complete nucleotide sequence of chromosome 3 of Plasmodium falciparum
by S. Bowman & D. Lawson & D. Basham & D Brown & T. Chillingworth & C. M. Churcher & A. Craig & R. M. Davies & K. Devlin & T. Feltwell & S. Gentles & R. Gwilliam & N. Hamlin & D. Harris & S. Holroyd & T. Hornsby & P. Horrocks & K. Jagels & B. Jassal & S. Kyes & J. McLean & S. Moule & K. Mungall & L. Murphy & K. Oliver & M. A. Quail & M.-A. Rajandream & S. Rutter & J. Skelton & R. Squares & S. Squares & J. E. Sulston & S. Whitehead & J. R. Woodward & C. Newbold & B. G. Barrell - 539-541 A geometric distance to the galaxy NGC4258 from orbital motions in a nuclear gas disk
by J. R. Herrnstein & J. M. Moran & L. J. Greenhill & P. J. Diamond & M. Inoue & N. Nakai & M. Miyoshi & C. Henkel & A. Riess - 542-544 Identification of atomic-like electronic states in indium arsenide nanocrystal quantum dots
by Uri Banin & YunWei Cao & David Katz & Oded Millo - 544-547 Surface impact ionization of polar-molecule clusters through pickup of alkali atoms
by C. R. Gebhardt & H. Schröder & K.-L. Kompa - 547-550 Triple-isotope composition of atmospheric oxygen as a tracer of biosphere productivity
by Boaz Luz & Eugeni Barkan & Michael L. Bender & Mark H. Thiemens & Kristie A. Boering - 551-554 Relative influences of atmospheric chemistry and transport on Arctic ozone trends
by M. P. Chipperfield & R. L. Jones - 554-557 2-Methylhopanoids as biomarkers for cyanobacterial oxygenic photosynthesis
by Roger E. Summons & Linda L. Jahnke & Janet M. Hope & Graham A. Logan - 557-560 Spatial scaling laws yield a synthetic theory of biodiversity
by Mark E. Ritchie & Han Olff - 560-562 A mesoscale approach to extinction risk in fragmented habitats
by Renato Casagrandi & Marino Gatto - 563-566 Mesopredator release and avifaunal extinctions in a fragmented system
by Kevin R. Crooks & Michael E. Soulé - 566-569 Linking a genetic defect to its cellular phenotype in a cardiac arrhythmia
by Colleen E. Clancy & Yoram Rudy - 569-573 Developmental and activity- dependent regulation of kainate receptors at thalamocortical synapses
by Fleur L. Kidd & John T. R. Isaac - 573-576 Oligopeptide-repeat expansions modulate ‘protein-only’ inheritance in yeast
by Jia-Jia Liu & Susan Lindquist - 576-581 Skeletal muscle hypertrophy is mediated by a Ca2+-dependent calcineurin signalling pathway
by Christopher Semsarian & Ming-Jie Wu & Yue-Kun Ju & Tadeusz Marciniec & Thomas Yeoh & David G. Allen & Richard P. Harvey & Robert M. Graham - 581-585 IGF-1 induces skeletal myocyte hypertrophy through calcineurin in association with GATA-2 and NF-ATc1
by Antonio Musarò & Karl J. A. McCullagh & Francisco J. Naya & Eric N. Olson & Nadia Rosenthal - 586-590 Inner-arm dynein c of Chlamydomonas flagella is a single-headed processive motor
by Hitoshi Sakakibara & Hiroaki Kojima & Yukako Sakai & Eisaku Katayama & Kazuhiro Oiwa - 590-593 Myosin-V is a processive actin-based motor
by Amit D. Mehta & Ronald S. Rock & Matthias Rief & James A. Spudich & Mark S. Mooseker & Richard E. Cheney
July 1999, Volume 400, Issue 6743
- 389-389 UK ignored BSE vaccine advice, inquiry told
by Natasha Loder - 389-389 Japan declares five-year plan to double genome research funds
by Asako Saegusa - 390-390 Senate baulks at cost of collider project
by Colin Macilwain - 390-390 Neurogenetic institute comes to California
by Rex Dalton - 391-391 Michigan to use tobacco money to fund life sciences
by Colin Macilwain - 391-391 NIH budget prospect bright despite political stalemate
by Meredith Wadman - 392-392 Scaling the degree of danger from an asteroid
by Tony Reichhardt - 392-392 Self-navigation put to asteroid fly-by test
by Tony Reichhardt - 393-393 Spanish research to receive funding boost
by Xavier Bosch - 393-393 Monkey dispute halts Indian drug tests
by K. S. Jayaraman - 394-395 US fusion scientists seeking a fresh start
by Colin Macilwain - 395-395 NIH weighs in behind improved synchrotrons
by Meredith Wadman - 398-398 Flood warnings
by Stephen Blackmore - 398-398 Funding agencies must use their muscle
by Benjamin White - 398-398 Substance versus style in scientific papers
by Marta Pulido - 398-398 Precautionary principle stifles discovery
by Søren Holm & John Harris - 399-399 A manual for planetary management
by Philip Newton - 401-402 Rebuilding the road to cancer
by Jonathan B. Weitzman & Moshe Yaniv - 402-403 Mysteries of the Milky Way
by Gerry Gilmore - 403-405 What's eating the free lunch?
by Gary J. Olsen - 405-406 Magnetic phases to order
by Neil Mathur - 406-407 Distinguished sperm in competition
by Tim Birkhead - 407-407 Roots of a conservationist
by Tim Lincoln - 409-410 Slow ruptures, roaring tsunamis
by Heidi Houston - 410-411 All's well that ends dead
by Timothy S. Zheng & Richard A. Flavell - 411-412 The business of research
by Henk F. Moed & Marc Luwel - 412-413 Two phases of proton translocation
by Denis L. Rousseau - 413-413 No difference at all
by David Jones - 414-414 George Brown (1920-99)
by Daniel S. Greenberg - 415-415 Detonator of the population explosion
by Vaclav Smil - 417-417 Chernobyl radioactivity persists in fish
by Bror Jonsson & TorbjØrn Forseth & Ola Ugedal - 417-418 Diamond formation from mantle carbonate fluids
by Yu. N. Pal'yanov & A. G. Sokol & Yu. M. Borzdov & A. F. Khokhryakov & N. V. Sobolev - 418-419 Ageing, fitness and neurocognitive function
by Arthur F. Kramer & Sowon Hahn & Neal J. Cohen & Marie T. Banich & Edward McAuley & Catherine R. Harrison & Julie Chason & Eli Vakil & Lynn Bardell & Richard A. Boileau & Angela Colcombe - 419-420 Developmental model for thalidomide action
by Reinhard Neubert & Hans-Joachim Merker & Diether Neubert - 420-420 Developmental model for thalidomide action
by Clifford J. Tabin - 421-422 Equality in glory and culpability
by David Joravsky - 422-423 Journey into a strange affliction
by Mary Robertson - 423-423 Getting at where it hurts
by John Carmody - 423-424 A provincial setting for the oceans
by Yves Dandonneau - 424-424 Loose round-up lacks even circular logic
by Ivor Grattan-Guinness - 425-430 Dynamic measurement of myosin light-chain-domain tilt and twist in muscle contraction
by J. E. T. Corrie & B. D. Brandmeier & R. E. Ferguson & D. R. Trentham & J. Kendrick-Jones & S. C. Hopkins & U. A. van der Heide & Y. E. Goldman & C. Sabido-David & R. E. Dale & S. Criddle & M. Irving - 431-433 Discovery of the acoustic Faraday effect in superfluid 3He-B
by Y. Lee & T. M. Haard & W. P. Halperin & J. A. Sauls - 433-437 Similarities between the growth dynamics of university research and of competitive economic activities
by Vasiliki Plerou & Luís A. Nunes Amaral & Parameswaran Gopikrishnan & Martin Meyer & H. Eugene Stanley - 437-440 Abrupt changes in North American climate during early Holocene times
by F. S. Hu & D. Slawinski & H. E. Wright & E. Ito & R. G. Johnson & K. R. Kelts & R. F. McEwan & A. Boedigheimer - 440-443 Large-scale freshening of intermediate waters in the Pacific and Indian oceans
by Annie P. S. Wong & Nathaniel L. Bindoff & John A. Church - 443-446 Rigidity variations with depth along interplate megathrust faults in subduction zones
by Susan L. Bilek & Thorne Lay - 446-449 Missing lithotroph identified as new planctomycete
by Marc Strous & John A. Fuerst & Evelien H. M. Kramer & Susanne Logemann & Gerard Muyzer & Katinka T. van de Pas-Schoonen & Richard Webb & J. Gijs Kuenen & Mike S. M. Jetten - 449-452 Sperm competition between Drosophila males involves both displacement and incapacitation
by Catherine S. C. Price & Kelly A. Dyer & Jerry A. Coyne - 452-457 Vanilloid receptors on sensory nerves mediate the vasodilator action of anandamide
by Peter M. Zygmunt & Jesper Petersson & David A. Andersson & Huai-hu Chuang & Morten Sørgård & Vincenzo Di Marzo & David Julius & Edward D. Högestätt - 457-461 Munc13-1 is essential for fusion competence of glutamatergic synaptic vesicles
by Iris Augustin & Christian Rosenmund & Thomas C. Südhof & Nils Brose - 461-464 Cohesin Rec8 is required for reductional chromosome segregation at meiosis
by Yoshinori Watanabe & Paul Nurse - 464-468 Creation of human tumour cells with defined genetic elements
by William C. Hahn & Christopher M. Counter & Ante S. Lundberg & Roderick L. Beijersbergen & Mary W. Brooks & Robert A. Weinberg - 468-472 Essential role for oncogenic Ras in tumour maintenance
by Lynda Chin & Alice Tam & Jason Pomerantz & Michelle Wong & Jocelyn Holash & Nabeel Bardeesy & Qiong Shen & Ronan O'Hagan & Joe Pantginis & Hao Zhou & James W. Horner & Carlos Cordon-Cardo & George D. Yancopoulos & Ronald A. DePinho# - 472-475 Structure of the C-terminal domain of FliG, a component of the rotor in the bacterial flagellar motor
by Scott A. Lloyd & Frank G. Whitby & David F. Blair & Christopher P. Hill - 476-480 Structure of cytochrome c nitrite reductase
by Oliver Einsle & Albrecht Messerschmidt & Petra Stach & Gleb P. Bourenkov & Hans D. Bartunik & Robert Huber & Peter M. H. Kroneck - 480-483 Proton translocation by cytochrome c oxidase
by Michael I. Verkhovsky & Audrius Jasaitis & Marina L. Verkhovskaya & Joel E. Morgan & Mårten Wikström
July 1999, Volume 400, Issue 6742
- 297-297 US researchers losing battle to hide their data from prying eyes
by Colin Macilwain - 297-297 Computer upgrade for Canadian science
by David Spurgeon - 298-298 ⃛ as questions emerge over cost-effectiveness
by Tony Reichhardt - 298-298 US sends mixed message in GM debate ⃛
by Tony Reichhardt - 299-299 Germany aims for younger professors
by Alison Abbott - 299-299 UK physics postdocs turn to jobs in industry
by Heather McCabe - 300-300 Russian environmental researcher falls foul of security services
by Carl Levitin - 300-300 Merger of top Californian medical schools turns sour
by Rex Dalton - 301-301 White House cool on obtaining human embryonic stem cells
by Meredith Wadman - 301-301 Britain faces up to transparency review
by Natasha Loder - 302-302 $3m deal launches major hunt for drug leads in Brazil
by Ricardo Bonalume Neto & David Dickson - 302-302 Plan to create agency for US weapons labs under strong criticism
by Colin Macilwain - 302-302 Outspoken science minister ousted in reshuffle
by Ricardo Bonalume Neto - 303-303 Brookhaven's heavy ion collider goes live
by Colin Macilwain - 303-303 Leading a laboratory out of the mire
by Colin Macilwain - 307-307 Unfamiliar citations breed mistakes
by Janne S. Kotiaho & Joseph L. Tomkins & Leigh W. Simmons - 307-308 Ethics of population genomics research
by Jeffrey R. Gulcher & Kari Stefansson - 308-308 Striking the right note
by Alan Longhurst - 308-308 Heisenberg, the bomb and the historical record
by Jonothan L. Logan - 308-308 Heisenberg, the bomb and the historical record
by Paul Lawrence Rose - 309-310 Strengthening biomedicine's roots
by Ken A. Dill - 311-312 Speciation without isolation
by Tom Tregenza & Roger K. Butlin - 312-313 Superhard ceramics
by R. J. Brook - 315-316 Discriminating migrations
by Pasko Rakic - 316-317 Big planets and little stars
by James Liebert & William B. Hubbard - 317-319 Breaking the chain of addiction
by Gary Aston-Jones & Jonathan Druhan - 319-320 Randomness everywhere
by C. S. Calude & G. J. Chaitin - 320-320 Fiery compositions
by David Jones - 321-321 Princess of palaeontology
by Crispin Tickell - 323-324 Magnet levitation at your fingertips
by A. K. Geim & M. D. Simon & M. I. Boamfa & L. O. Heflinger - 324-325 Extraocular magnetic compass in newts
by M. E. Deutschlander & S. C. Borland & J. B. Phillips - 325-326 Dating the origin of HIV-1 subtypes
by Jaap Goudsmit & Vladimir V. Lukashov - 327-327 Under the covers or under a lens
by Carl Djerassi - 327-328 Life as we don't know it
by Joseph A. Burns - 329-330 Energetic Victorians
by John Meurig Thomas - 330-330 Thinking ahead (and why politicians don't)
by Joseph T. Coyle - 331-336 Directional guidance of neuronal migration in the olfactory system by the protein Slit
by Wei Wu & Kit Wong & Jin-hui Chen & Zhi-hong Jiang & Sophie Dupuis & Jane Y. Wu & Yi Rao - 337-340 Reducing vortex density in superconductors using the ‘ratchet effect’
by C.-S. Lee & B. Jankó & I. Derényi & A.-L. Barabási - 340-342 Synthesis of cubic silicon nitride
by Andreas Zerr & Gerhard Miehe & George Serghiou & Marcus Schwarz & Edwin Kroke & Ralf Riedel & Hartmut Fueß & Peter Kroll & Reinhard Boehler - 342-344 Extending the methodology of X-ray crystallography to allow imaging of micrometre-sized non-crystalline specimens
by Jianwei Miao & Pambos Charalambous & Janos Kirz & David Sayre - 344-348 Forcing of the cold event of 8,200 years ago by catastrophic drainage of Laurentide lakes
by D. C. Barber & A. Dyke & C. Hillaire-Marcel & A. E. Jennings & J. T. Andrews & M. W. Kerwin & G. Bilodeau & R. McNeely & J. Southon & M. D. Morehead & J.-M. Gagnon - 348-351 Asynchronous deposition of ice-rafted layers in the Nordic seas and North Atlantic Ocean
by J. A. Dowdeswell & A. Elverhøi & J. T. Andrews & D. Hebbeln - 351-354 Interactions among quantitative traits in the course of sympatric speciation
by Alexey S. Kondrashov & Fyodor A. Kondrashov - 354-357 On the origin of species by sympatric speciation
by Ulf Dieckmann & Michael Doebeli - 358-360 Environmental determination of a sexually selected trait
by Simon C. Griffith & Ian P. F. Owens & Terry Burke - 360-363 Neuronal pacemaker for breathing visualized in vitro
by Naohiro Koshiya & Jeffrey C. Smith - 364-367 Temporal dissociation of parallel processing in the human subcortical outputs
by Yijun Liu & Jia-Hong Gao & Mario Liotti & Yonglin Pu & Peter T. Fox - 367-371 Sensory experience modifies the short-term dynamics of neocortical synapses
by Gerald T. Finnerty & Langdon S. E. Roberts & Barry W. Connors - 371-375 Selective inhibition of cocaine-seeking behaviour by a partial dopamine D3 receptor agonist
by Maria Pilla & Sylvie Perachon & FranÇois Sautel & Fabrice Garrido & André Mann & Camille G. Wermuth & Jean-Charles Schwartz & Barry J. Everitt & Pierre Sokoloff - 375-378 Circadian rhythms in olfactory responses of Drosophila melanogaster
by Balaji Krishnan & Stuart E. Dryer & Paul E. Hardin - 378-382 Interleukin-4-dependent production of PPAR-γ ligands in macrophages by 12/15-lipoxygenase
by Jannet T. Huang & John S. Welch & Mercedes Ricote & Christoph J. Binder & Timothy M. Willson & Carolyn Kelly & Joseph L. Witztum & Colin D. Funk & Douglas Conrad & Christopher K. Glass - 382-386 Regulation of cell movement is mediated by stretch-activated calcium channels
by Juliet Lee & Akira Ishihara & Gerry Oxford & Barry Johnson & Ken Jacobson
July 1999, Volume 400, Issue 6741
- 197-197 UK spotlight on alternatives to using animals
by Ehsan Masood