June 2008, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 453-460 Unemployment Insurance Reform: Elements of a Social Provisioning Approach
by Janice Peterson - 461-468 John R. Commons’ Contributions to Health Care Reform in the 21st Century
by Stephen P. Paschall - 469-477 A Critical Assessment of Electricity and Natural Gas Deregulation
by Harry M. Trebing - 479-487 Economic Regulation - The Lights Are Still On: A View from the Inside
by Burl Haar - 489-498 Institutional Challenges in the Development of the World’s First Worker-Owned Free Trade Zone
by Paul Susman & Geoffrey Schneider - 499-508 The Role of Risk as an FDI Barrier to Entry during Transition: The Case of Bulgaria
by Aristidis Bitzenis & John Marangos - 509-516 Arguing for Policy Space to Promote Development: Prebisch, Myrdal, and Singer
by P. Sai-wing Ho - 517-526 “Silent Trade” and the Supposed Continuum between OIE and NIE
by Wilfred Dolfsma & Antoon Spithoven - 527-535 Logics of Justification and Logics of Action
by David Dequech - 537-544 Confronting Foster’s Wildest Claim: “Only the Instrumental Theory of Value Can Be Applied!”
by Baldwin Ranson - 545-552 Veblenian Concept of Habit and Its Relevance to the Analysis of Captured Transition
by Anna Klimina - 553-559 Organizational Learning: A Process between Equilibrium and Evolution
by David Cayla - 561-568 Galbraith’s Heterodox Teacher: Leo Rogin’s Historical Approach to the Meaning and Validity of Economic Theory
by Robert W. Dimand & Robert H. Koehn - 569-576 Formal Institutions in Historical Perspective
by William H. Redmond - 577-582 Veblen on Interpreting Veblen
by Matthew C. Wilson
March 2008, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by J. Ronald Stanfield & Richard V. Adkisson - 3-4 “Ken”
by Richard Parker - 5-11 Galbraith and Robinson’s Second Crisis of Economic Theory
by Mary Wrenn & James Ronald Stanfield & Michael Carroll - 13-24 John Kenneth Galbraith: Cultural Theorist of Consumption and Power
by William Waller - 25-35 Galbraith and the Problem of Uneven Development
by Jim Peach - 37-49 Economic Consequences of Armaments Production: Institutional Perspectives of J.K. Galbraith and T.B. Veblen
by James M. Cypher - 51-73 Socially Responsible Investment and Pro-Social Change
by Martha A. Starr - 75-96 Determinants of Housing Loan Patterns Toward Minority Borrowers in Mississippi
by Fidel Ezeala-Harrison & Glenda B. Glover - 97-114 What Accounts for Intra-Industry Wage Differentials? Results from a Survey of Establishments
by David Fairris & Erik Jonasson - 115-132 Rationality as a Social Construction: What Does Individual Behavior Have to Say about Development in an Amazon Community?
by Andrés Marroquín Gramajo - 133-151 American Prosperity and the “Race to the Bottom:” Why Won’t the Media Ask the Right Questions?
by Dell P. Champlin & Janet T. Knoedler - 153-173 Demand Constraints and Big Government
by Wray L. Randall - 175-194 Uncertainty and Exploitation in History
by Engelbert Stockhammer & Paul Ramskogler - 195-208 Institutionalism and New Trade Theory: Rethinking Comparative Advantage and Trade Policy
by Thomas I. Palley - 209-224 The Ideology of the Laissez Faire Program
by John F. Henry - 225-242 John R. Commons and John Maynard Keynes on Economic History and Policy: The 1920s and Today
by Charles J. Whalen - 243-247 The Free Lunch: Arbitrage Profits Associated with Credit Cards
by Austin H. Spencer - 249-253 A Minsky Moment: Reflections on Hyman P. Minsky (1919-1996)
by Charles J. Whalen - 255-268 Why Is This Cycle Different from All Other Cycles?
by Howard J. Sherman & Paul D. Sherman - 269-270 The Economics of Consumer Credit
by Robert H. Scott - 270-272 The Innocents at Cedro: A Memoir of Thorstein Veblen and Some Others
by Jairo J. Parada - 272-273 Adam’s Fattacy: A Guide to Economic Theology
by Janice Peterson - 274-274 Globalization and the Politics of Pay: Policy Choices in the American States
by Michael V. Idoni - 275-276 Innovation and Its Discontents: How Our Broken Patent System Is Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What to Do about It
by Erik N. Dean - 276-277 Economics Confronts the Economy
by Frederic S. Lee - 278-279 Polarized America: The Dance of Ideology and Unequal Riches
by Janet T. Knoedler - 279-281 The Economics of Non-Selfish Behavior: Decisions to Contribute Money to Public Goods
by Ronnie J. Phillips - 281-282 Governing Fortune: Casino Gambling in America
by William A. Taggart - 283-283 Anarchy and the Law: The Political Economy of Choice
by Wayne Edwards - 284-285 Institutions and the Environment
by Jack Reardon
December 2007, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 903-925 Gender Norms as Asymmetric Institutions: A Case Study of Yoruba Women in Nigeria
by Irene van Staveren & Olasunbo Ode bode - 927-942 Intestate Succession and Heir Property: Implications for Future Research on the Persistence of Poverty in Central Appalachia
by B. James Deaton - 943-960 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: How the Credit Card Industry’s Perseverance Paid Off
by Robert H. Scott - 961-980 The Importance of Legislated Employment Mark Harcourt, Protection for Worker Commitment in Geoffrey Wood Coordinated Market Economies
by Mark Harcourt & Geoffrey Wood & Ian Roper
September 2007, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 625-660 The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment, Financial Crises and Organizational Culture on Managers’ Views as to the Finance-Growth Nexus
by David Tennant & Claremont Kirton - 661-680 Effective Central Bank Communication under Uncertainty
by Kevin X.D. Huang - 681-699 The Impact of Workers’ Compensation Experience-Rating on Discriminatory Hiring Practices
by Mark Harcourt & Helen Lam & Sondra Harcourt - 701-714 Competition, Selection and Rock and Roll: The Economics of Payola and Authenticity
by Joeri M. Mol & Nachoem M. Wijnberg - 715-728 U.S. Decline in the Context of Formal Education and Learning
by Paul R. Auerbach - 729-746 Charter Schools in Arizona: Does Being a For-Profit Institution Make a Difference?
by Kerry A. King - 747-764 The Role of “Instincts” in the Development of Corporate Cultures
by Christian Cordes - 765-781 Policymaking and Learning Actors, or Is A ‘Double Movement’ In Cognition Possible?
by Paolo Ramazzotti - 783-808 Karl Polanyi and Return of the “Primitive” in Institutional Economics
by Eyüp Özveren - 809-825 Professor Lester and the Neoclassicals: The ‘Marginalist Controversy’ and the Postwar Academic Debate Over Minimum Wage Legislation: 1945-1950
by Robert E. Prasch - 827-839 Toward an Evolutionary Economics: The ‘Theory of the Individual’ in Thorstein Veblen and Joseph Schumpeter
by Timothy A. Wunder - 841-862 Veblen and the Problem of Rationality
by Ferudun Yilmaz - 863-872 Do Conservative Governments Make a Difference in Fiscal Policy? Evidence from the U.S. and the U.K
by Panagiotis Liargovas & George Manolas - 873-875 The Economics of Microfinance
by Julie H. Gallaway - 875-877 Institutional Reforms: The Case of Colombia
by Christopher Michael Hannum - 877-879 Credit Markets for the Poor
by Robert H. Scott - 879-881 Sufficient Reason: Volitional Pragmatism and the Meaning of Economic Institutions
by Kurt Stephenson - 881-883 Alan Greenspan: The Oracle Behind the Curtain
by David A. Zalewski - 883-885 Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective
by William M. Dugger - 886-887 A People’s History of Science: Miners, Midwives, and “Low Mechanicks,”
by William M. Dugger - 888-889 The Evolution of Creditary Structures and Controls
by Dirk J. Bezemer - 890-892 Judge and Jury: American Tort Law on Trial
by Warren J. Samuels - 892-894 Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Utility: Happiness in Philosophical and Economic Thought
by Helge Peukert - 894-895 Poverty, Work, and Freedom: Political Economy and the Moral Order
by Dell Champlin - 896-898 Vienna & Chicago: Friends or Foes? A Tale of Two Schools of Free-Market Economics
by Russell Pittman - 898-899 Marxian Reproduction Schema: Money and Aggregate Demand in a Capitalist Economy
by Christopher J. Niggle - 900-901 The Globalizers: The IMF, the World Bank and Their Borrowers
by Cecilia Ann Winters
June 2007, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 311-311 The 2007 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient: Richard R. Nelson
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 313-323 Institutions and Economic Growth: Sharpening the Research Agenda
by Richard R. Nelson - 324-340 The Revival of Veblenian Institutional Economics
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 341-350 Evolutionary Institutional Economics
by Jason Potts - 351-358 The Evolutionary Policy Maker
by John Croenewegen & Marianne van der Steen - 359-367 Using the Social Fabric Matrix to Analyze Institutional Rules Relative to Adequacy in Education Funding
by Jerry L. Hoffman & F. Gregory Hayden - 369-374 Institutionalist Perspectives on Immigration Policy
by Jim Peach - 375-382 The Employment Relationship and the Social Costs of Labor
by Janice Peterson - 383-390 Tied to the Past – Bound to the Future: Ceremonial Encapsulation in a Maine Woods Land Use Policy
by Stephanie A. Welcomer & Mark E. Haggerty - 391-398 The French Competitiveness Clusters: Toward a New Public Policy for Innovation and Research?
by Olivier Brette & Yves Chappoz - 399-408 China’s Technological Emergence and the Loss of Skilled Jobs in the United States: Missing Link Found?
by Yan Liang - 409-416 Reciprocal Transactions, Social Capital, and the Transformation of Bedouin Agriculture
by Rula Qalyoubi-Kemp & Thomas Kemp - 417-426 Sweden’s Economic Recovery and the Theory of Comparative Institutional Advantage
by Geoffrey E. Schneider - 427-434 Globalization and the Integration-Assisted Transition in Central and Eastern European Economies
by Aristidis Bitzenis & John Marangos - 435-442 Institutional Change in Post-Socialist Regimes: Public Policy and Beyond
by Christos Kalantaridis - 443-450 The Hospital Industry: The Consequences of the Reforms in Eastern Germany
by Irina Peaucelle - 451-458 Impact of Ideology on Institutional Solutions Addressing Women’s Role in the Labor Market in Poland
by Anna Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz - 459-468 The Global Spread of AIDS and HIV
by Phillip Anthony O’Hara - 469-476 The Transition from Planning to Markets in National Health Policy for Acute Care Hospitals: The Pittsburgh Experience
by Stephen P. Paschall - 477-484 Economic Institutions under Disaster Situations: The Case of Hurricane Katrina
by John P. Watkins - 485-494 Can the Fed Target Inflation? Toward an Institutionalist Approach
by Scott T. Fullwiler & Geoffrey Allen - 495-502 Institutional Adjustment Planning for Full Employment
by Fadhel Kaboub - 503-510 Improving Financial Stability: Uncertainty versus Imperfection
by Éiric Tymoigne - 511-517 Should the Oracle Have a Moral Compass? Social Justice and Recent Federal Reserve Policy
by David A. Zalewski - 519-527 Non-Trade Concerns in Agricultural and Environmental Economics: How J.R. Commons and Karl Polanyi Can Help Us
by Denis Barthélemy & Martino Nieddu - 529-537 European Contributions to Evolutionary Institutional Economics: The Cases of ‘Cumulative Circular Causation’ (CCC) and ‘Open Systems Approach’ (OSA). Some Methodological and Policy Implications
by Sebastian Berger & Wolfram Elsner - 539-546 Toward a Institutionalist Economics: Kapp’s Social Costs, Lowe’s Instrumental Analysis, and the European Institutionalist Approach to Environmental Policy
by Sebastian Berger & Mathew Forstater - 547-556 Minimizing Missed Opportunities: A New Model of Choice?
by Anton Oleinik - 557-566 Revisiting Institutionalist Law and Economics - The Inadequacy of the Chicago School: The Case of Personal Bankruptcy Law
by Wilfred Dolfsma & Robert McMaster - 567-574 Credit Card Use and Abuse: A Veblen ian Analysis
by Robert H. Scott - 575-582 Deficits and Institutional Theorizing about Households and the State
by Zdravka Todorova - 583-592 Need or Want: What Explains the Run-up in Consumer Debt?
by Christian E. Weller - 593-600 Capital, Power and Knowledge According to Thorstein Veblen: Reinterpreting the Knowledge-Based Economy
by Marc-André Gagnon - 601-608 The Consequences of Peace: Veblen on Proper Policy to Support Capitalist Economic Relations
by John F. Henry & Stephanie Bell-Kelton - 609-615 Constitutional Economics and Its Policy Agenda: A Veblen-Inspired Critique
by Matthew Wilson - 617-624 and Keynes’s Monetary Theory of Production
by L. Randall Wray
March 2007, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-42 Principles of Institutional-Evolutionary Political Economy – Converging Themes from the Schools of Heterodoxy
by Phillip Anthony O’Hara - 43-60 Economic Restructuring in Iraq: Intended and Unintended Consequences
by Yousif Bassam - 61-76 Thailand’s Financial Crisis: Its Causes, Consequences, and Implications
by Jonathan E. Leightner - 77-92 Industrial Policy and Economic Development: Korea’s Experience
by Jai S. Mah - 93-134 Macroeconomic Stabilization through an Employer of Last Resort
by Scott T. Fullwiler - 135-154 Turning Economics into an Evolutionary Science: Veblen, the Selection Metaphor, and Analogical Thinking
by Christian Cordes - 155-179 How Can Institutional Economics Be an Evolutionary Science?
by Clifford Poirot - 181-200 The Decline of the Middle Class: An International Perspective
by Steven Pressman - 201-220 The Bubble Machine: Relative Capital Valuation, Distributive Shares and Capital Gains
by Craig Medlen - 221-241 Norm-Based Behavior and Corporate Malpractice
by Miguel A. Duran - 243-263 Heterodox Theoretical Convergence: Possibility or Pipe Dream?
by Baldwin Ranson - 265-276 A Response to Christian Cordes and Clifford Poirot
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 277-281 Can a Generalized Darwinism Be Criticized? A Rejoinder to Geoffrey Hodgson
by Christian Cordes - 283-287 Winners and Losers in Globalization
by Winston H. Griffith - 287-289 Cultures Merging: A Historical and Economic Critique of Culture
by Anne Mayhew - 289-291 Henry George’s Legacy in Economic Thought
by Jim Horner - 291-293 International Migration and Economic Development: Lessons from Low-Income Countries
by Kirk Dameron - 294-295 Veblen in Plain English: A Complete Introduction to Thorstein Veblen’s Economics
by Daniel A. Underwood - 295-297 The Limits of Market Organization
by Kerry King - 297-299 Is War Necessary for Economic Growth: Military Procurement and Technology Development
by James M. Cypher - 300-302 The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time
by David McClough - 302-305 Ethics and the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Paulette Olson - 305-307 Safeguarding Financial Stability: Theory and Practice
by Éric Tymoigne - 308-309 The Moral Economy of Class: Class and Attitudes in Comparative Perspective
by William M. Dugger
December 2006, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 861-874 Behind Malaysia’s “Miracle”: A Veblenian Perspective on Mahathir’s Era of Economic Modernization
by Choy Yee Keong - 875-894 Institutions, Recessions and Recovery in the Transitional Economies
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 895-918 The Two Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe as Processes of Institutional Transplantation
by Joachim Zweynert & Nils Goldschmidt - 919-940 The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: Institutional Transfers Seen through the Lens of Reforms in Russia
by Anton Oleinik - 941-953 Ex-Urban Sprawl as a Factor in Traffic Fatalities and EMS Response Times in the Southeastern United States
by Thomas E. Lambert & Peter B. Meyer - 955-966 State Lotteries: Using State Power to Fleece the Poor
by Jon D. Wisman - 967-990 Evolution of Macao’s Casino Industry from Monopoly to Oligopoly: Social and Economic Reconsideration
by Ricardo C.S. Siu - 991-1007 Economic Consequences of Conflict: The Rise of Iraq’s Informal Economy
by Robert Looney - 1009-1028 Cultural Lag: In the Tradition of Veblenian Economics
by Richard L. Brinkman & June E. Brinkman - 1029-1044 Budget Constraints and Business Enterprise: A Veblenian Analysis
by Matthew C. Wilson - 1045-1067 John R. Commons’ Successful Plan for Constitutional, Effective Labor Legislation
by Richard A. Gonce - 1069-1091 Why Is Economics Not a Complex Systems Science?
by John Foster - 1093-1112 Motives and Social Capital Consequence
by Jeffrey L. Jordan & Abdul B. A. Munasib - 1113-1136 Activist Management: Henry S. Dennison’s Institutional Economics
by Kyle Bruce - 1137-1151 Relating the Institutional Approach in Management Accounting to Institutional Economics: An Essay on Dual-mode Rationality
by Bernard H.J. Verstegen - 1153-1157 Comment on Geoffrey M. Hodgson’s “What Are Institutions?”
by Matthew Wilson - 1159-1161 Neo-Liberal Economic Policy: Critical Essays
by Christopher J. Niggle - 1162-1164 The Consumer Trap: Big Business Marketing in American Life
by Robert E. Prasch - 1164-1166 The Evolving Pension System: Trends, Effects, and Proposals for Reform
by Charles J. Whalen - 1167-1168 Joan Robinson’s Economics: A Centennial Celebration
by James Ronald Stanfield - 1168-1169 Policymaking for a Good Society: The Social Fabric Matrix Approach to Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation
by Jim Peach - 1169-1174 The Evolution of Institutional Economics: Agency, Structure and Darwinism in American Institutionalism
by John Gowdy - 1174-1176 Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Development?
by W.H. Griffith - 1177-1181 Technology, Institutions, and Economic Growth
by F. Gregory Hayden - 1181-1183 Institutions, Industrial Upgrading, and Economic Performance in Japan: The ‘Flying Geese’ Paradigm of Catch-up Growth
by Jonathan E. Leightner - 1183-1185 Capital and Collusion: The Political Logic of Global Economic Development
by Andrew J. Prelog - 1185-1187 How Society Makes Itself
by Richard L. Brinkman - 1188-1190 The Ethics and Economics of the Basic Income Guarantee
by William M. Dugger - 1191-1197 Index Volume XL – 2006
by The Editors
September 2006, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editor’s Note
by Glen Atkinson - 539-574 Cultural Species and Institutional Change in China
by Carsten Herrmann-Pillath - 575-601 Self-Organization and Design in Capitalist Economies
by Igor Matutinović - 603-628 The “Job-Loss” Recovery: Not New, Just Worse
by L. Josh Bivens & Christian E. Weller - 629-649 Asset Price Instability and Policy Responses: The Legacy of Liberalization
by Stephen Bell & John Quiggin - 651-672 Veblen’s Radical Theory of Social Evolution
by William M. Dugger - 673-691 Varieties of Scientific System: From Veblen to the Postmoderns
by Robin Neill - 693-706 An Intellectual History of Abundance Putting Abundance in Context
by Jim Peach & William M. Dugger - 707-742 Technology Stability and Change: An Integrated Evolutionary Approach
by Javier Carrillo-Hermosilla & Gregory C. Unruh - 743-766 An Institutional Critique of Recent Attempts to Measure Technological Capabilities across Countries
by Jeffrey James - 767-777 Erring on the Side of Caution? The Heterogeneity of Public Perceptions of Biotechnology Applications in the European Union
by Joan Costa-Font & Elias Mossialos & Montserrat Costa-Font - 779-798 Human Capital Attainment and Female Labor Force Participation—The Kerala Puzzle
by Aparna Mitra & Pooja Singh - 799-807 Economic Forecasting Evaluation: Re-examination of the Track Record of Macroeconomic Forecasting
by Arshad A. Taseen - 808-812 Can the Wall Street Journal’s Economic Forecasters Predict Turning Points?
by Mark R. Greer - 813-824 Public Subsidies of Low-Wage Employment: The Case of Uncompensated Health Care
by C. Jeffrey Waddoups - 825-827 Feeding the World: An Economic History of Agriculture, 1800–2000
by Thomas R. De Gregori - 827-830 The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-first Century
by Douglas Brown - 830-832 The Ecological Economics of Consumption
by Bill Barnes - 832-834 The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One: How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry
by Robert E. Prasch - 834-836 Evolution and Economic Complexity
by Oleg V. Pavlov - 836-838 Review of Theories of Financial Disturbance: An Examination of Critical Theories of Finance from Adam Smith to the Present Day
by L. Randall Wray - 839-841 Adam Smith’s Moral Philosophy: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective on Markets, Law, Ethics, and Culture
by John F. Henry - 841-843 A Guide to What’s Wrong with Economics
by Charles G. Leathers - 843-845 Restoring Trust in American Business
by Daniel T. Ostas - 845-846 Understanding Lewis Mumford: A Guide for the Perplexed
by Stewart Long - 847-848 Der Geist des Kapitalismus und der Aufbau Ost (The Spirit of Capitalism and the Building up of the East)
by Helge Peukert - 848-850 Democratizing Innovation
by Terrel Gallaway - 850-853 Political Crises, Social Conflict and Economic Development: The Political Economy of the Andean Region
by Kenneth P. Jameson - 853-855 Leviathans: Multinational Corporations and the New Global History
by John Groenewegen - 857-859 Books Received
by The Editors
June 2006, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 247-248 The 2006 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient: James Ronald Stanfield
by Phil O’Hara - 249-259 From DIE and NIE toward EE
by James Ronald Stanfield - 261-275 Christian Morals and the Competitive System Revisited
by Charles M. A. Clark