March 1971, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-24 Philosophic Perspectives in Economic thought
by Ben B. Seligman - 25-25 Ben Seligman — an Appreciation
by Robert L. Heilbroner - 26-41 Environmental Control at the Crossroads
by Harold Wolozin - 42-46 Comments on Wolozin
by Anatol Murad - 47-56 The Correspondence Principle: A Superfluous Tool of Economic Analysis
by J. M. Finger - 57-66 On Profits and Hospitals
by Charles W. Baird - 67-76 The Nursing Home as a Public Utility
by Leahmae McCoy - 77-85 The Political Economy of Liberman-Type Reforms
by Anthony E. Scaperlanda - 86-97 Public Regulation of the Indian Steel Industry
by Irvin M. Grossack - 98-102 Value Judgments in Economic Science
by Vincent J. Tarascio
December 1970, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-22 On the Possibility of a Political Economics
by Robert L. Heilbroner - 23-37 Institutions for Allocating the Radio–TV Spectrum and the Vested Interests
by H. E. Frech - 38-55 Simon N. Patten’s Contributions to Economics
by E. K. Hunt - 56-67 Economic Development and the Cost of Foreign Trade and Exchange Controls
by Deena R. Khatkhate - 68-81 Perspectives on Black Economic Development
by William K. Tabb - 82-86 National Institutions and Indigenous Systems in Mexico: Some Problems of Analysis
by David Barkin - 86-88 Further Considerations on Mexico’s Economic Development
by James V. Cornehls & Edward Van Roy - 88-89 The Tâtonnement Revisited
by Dana N. Stevens - 90-93 The Design of Economic Policy – or Learning by Doing
by Claude Hillinger
June 1970, Volume 4, Issue 2-3
- 1-16 Sweden: From Great Power to Welfare State
by Hans Brems - 17-24 The Inevitability and Irrelevancy of the Increasing Income Gap
by William O. Thweatt - 25-39 Law and Economics
by Robert Lekachman - 40-59 On Unemployment and Overemployment, Assuming Price and Wage Stability
by Morris A. Copeland - 60-76 The Political Economy of Steel Import Quotas
by Ferdinand L. Molz - 77-86 Institutional Reforms to Moderate the Effects of Variable Price Levels
by David Meiselman - 87-102 International Commodity Agreements: Policies and Problems
by Alton D. Law - 103-110 Incomes Policy in a Free Society
by Joseph J. Walka
March 1970, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-22 Heterodox Economic Thinking and Public Policy
by Joseph Dorfman - 23-34 Is Fiscal Policy Dead?
by Harold Wolozin - 35-42 Reciprocity, Productivity and Poverty
by David Hamilton - 43-53 Agriculture as Van and Rear in Institutional Change
by Harold F. Breimyer - 54-63 Some Implications of a Changing Environment for the Monetary System of the United States
by Robert L. Bennett - 64-77 Some Evolutionary Developments in International Trade and Finance
by Jacob Oser - 78-94 The Changing Form and Status of Labor
by Irving H. Siegel & A. Harvey Belitsky
December 1969, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 3-20 Market Socialism: A Humane Economy?
by Frank Roosevelt - 21-38 Economic Development in Mexico and Thailand: An Institutional Analysis (Part II)
by Edward Van Roy & James V. Cornehls - 39-65 The Distribution of Industrial Production
by Warren S. Gramm - 66-78 Veblen’s Higher Learning after Fifty Years
by Thomas Sowell - 79-95 French Indicative Planning and the New Industrial State
by Niles M. Hansen - 96-103 Capital and Labor Intensive Technology in Developing Countries
by Robert Solo
September 1969, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 3-15 Harold Adams Innis: Canadian Economics
by Robin F. Neill - 16-32 Economic Development in Mexico and Thailand: An Institutional Analysis (Part One)
by James V. Cornehls & Edward Van Roy - 33-42 British Regional Development Policy
by William H. Miernyk - 43-62 The Employment Question and Development Policies in Latin America
by William P. Glade - 63-66 On Savings and Neo–Institutionalism
by Alan Nichols - 67-72 On the Future of Institutional Economics
by Warren J. Samuels - 73-75 Social Security: Perspectives for Reform
by Gaston V. Rimlinger - 75-77 The Theory of Economic Growth in the History of Economic thought
by Vincent J. Tarascio - 77-78 Civil Service Reform in Brazil. Principles versus Practice; Economic Policy-Making and Development in Brazil. 1947-1964
by B. Hughel Wilkins
June 1969, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 147-165 Goals in Social Economics
by Arthur Schweitzer - 166-176 Myrdal on South Asia
by Lauchlin Currie - 177-191 The Philosophy of Science and Alternative Approaches to Economic thought
by R. C. Linstromberg - 192-205 Marxian Economics and Contemporary Growth Analysis
by Morris Singer - 206-212 Bray Hammond on Wesley Mitchell and the North’s Empty Purse
by Abraham Hirsch - 213-218 Communications
by Robert A. Flammang
March 1969, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 2-2 A Note to Our Subscribers..
by Harvey H. Segal - 3-17 Neoinstitutionalism and the Economics of Dissent
by Allan G. Gruchy - 18-31 The Problems and Prospects of Collective Capitalism
by Gardiner C. Means - 32-48 What Is Distinctive about Contemporary Capitalism?
by Benjamin Ward - 49-65 Trade Unions Face a New Western Capitalist Society
by Solomon Barkin - 66-86 Capitalism and Technological Adaptation in Latin America
by Wendell Gordon - 87-109 Government Regulation and Modern Capitalism
by Harry M. Trebing - 110-125 Capitalism without Accumulation
by Harold G. Vatter - 126-143 Planning and the Market Economy
by Wallace Peterson
December 1968, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 365-383 State in, State Out—A Pattern of Development Policy
by Carter Goodrich - 384-392 The Early 19th Century Internal Improvement Reports and the Philosophy of Public Investment
by Lawrence G. Hines - 393-402 A Critique of Affluence: Mishan on
by Krishan G. Saini - 403-415 Foreign Investment and Technological Diffusion: The Case of British Colonial Africa
by Thomas R. De Gregori - 416-422 International Distribution of Income: 1950-1964
by James H. Weaver & Leroy P. Jones - 423-434 Institutionalism in the Folklore of Capitalism: A Critique of Thurman W. Arnold
by Rick Tilman - 435-437 Spengler on the History of Economics: A Comment
by Lewis E. Hill - 437-440 On the Economics of Leisure
by Stephen Enke - 441-444 Soviet Metal-Fabricating and Economic Development: Practice versus Policy
by Charles E. Butler - 444-445 Population Growth and Land Use
by Louis J. Rodriguez - 445-447 Research in Labor Problems in the United States
by Martin M. Perline - 447-448 The Government and the Economy: 1783-1861
by Gerald D. Nash - 448-449 Economics of Development in Village India
by Uwe J. Woltemade - 449-451 Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
by Edward J. Powers - 451-452 Review Sharing and the City
by Donald J. Curran - 452-454 How to Turn Eighty Million Workers into Capitalists on Borrowed Money
by Robert O. Krueger - 454-455 The Rich, Are They Different?
by James N. Morgan - 455-457 The Rich and the Super Rich: A Study in the Power of Money Today
by James N. Morgan - 458-459 Economic Development in Communist Rumania
by Gerhard Rosegger - 459-461 Reflections on Latin American Development
by Myron J. Frankman - 461-463 Social Policies for America in the Seventies: Nine Divergent Views
by Robert R. Schutz - 464-466 Books Received
by The Editors - 467-472 to Volume II, 1968
by The Editors
September 1968, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 275-282 Axioms of Economics and the Claim to Efficiency
by Sherman S. Krupp - 283-297 Institutional Bases of Economic Stagnation in Chile
by Milton D. Lower - 298-311 The Dynamics of Economic Growth, Technological Progress, and Institutional Change
by James W. Christian - 312-322 Liberal and Conservative: Turn and Turnabout
by Max E. Fletcher - 323-341 Education, Manpower, and Economic Growth
by August C. Bolino - 342-344 The Price System and Public Policy
by C. E. Ayres - 344-346 The Meaning of the Twentieth Century: Another View
by Robert D. Patton - 347-348 Politics and the Labor Movement in Latin America
by James V. Cornehls - 349-351 Trade Liberalization among Industrial Countries: Objectives and Alternatives
by K. C. Sen & Theodore Morgan - 352-358 Books Received
by The Editors
June 1968, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 157-165 America’s Challenge and Europe’s Response
by Niles M. Hansen - 166-172 Economic Welfare and Welfare Economics
by G. Warren Nutter - 173-186 Economics, Economic Development, and Economic Anthropology
by George Dalton - 187-199 Social Legislation Policies and Labor Force Behavior
by Jerome B. Komisar - 200-210 Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders: A Review Article
by Vernon M. Briggs - 211-218 The “Shortage” of School Teachers and the Principle of Equal Net Advantage
by A. G. Holtmann - 219-224 Labor & Social Change: A Critique of Gus Tyler’s
by Robert Engler - 224-227 Does Economics Exist? A Note on Professor Machlup’s Methodology
by Piero V. Mini - 228-232 The Concept of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development
by Henry H. Schloss - 233-235 Economic Development Issues: Latin America
by Jan Peter Wogart - 235-237 Aspects of Social Change in Modern Japan
by M. Bronfenbrenner - 238-239 The Common Aid Effort: The Development Assistance Activities of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
by E. A. J. Johnson - 239-244 The Doctor Shortage: An Economic Diagnosis
by Robert L. Robertson - 244-246 Determinants of Investment Behavior: A Conference of the Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research
by James W. Christian - 246-249 The New Sweden: The Challenge of a Disciplined Democracy; The Social Programs of Sweden: A Search for Security in a Free Society
by Solomon Barkin - 249-250 The Development of Human Resources
by Robert L. Darcy - 250-252 R & D: Essays on the Economics of Research and Development
by Fredric Q. Raines - 252-254 The Cause of the Industrial Revolution in England
by C. E. Ayres - 254-256 Development Projects Observed
by W. Paul Strassman - 256-258 Work Incentive Practices and Policies in the People’s Republic of China, 1953-1965
by Helen Malenbaum - 258-259 The Advancing South: Manpower Prospects and Problems
by Carl W. Hale - 259-261 The Organization of Inquiry
by Kenneth E. Boulding - 261-263 Overhead Capital: A Study in Development Economics
by William Woodruff - 264-270 Books Received
by The Editors
March 1968, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-30 Economics: Its History, Themes, Approaches
by Joseph J. Spengler - 31-44 Fuller Employment with Uptrending Prices: The 1968 Economic Report
by Irving H. Siegel - 45-59 American Unionism: From Protest to Going Concern
by Jack Barbash - 60-68 On the Merits of the Convergence Hypothesis
by James R. Millar - 69-80 What Next for the Association for Evolutionary Economics?
by John S. Gambs - 81-86 C. E. Ayres and the Classical Economists: A Comment
by Abraham Hirsch - 86-88 CED’s Value-Added Tax Proposal
by Richard W. Lindholm - 88-89 Vayda’s “On the Anthropological Study of Economies”: A Comment
by Anne Mayhew - 90-92 Capital Movements and Economic Development
by Wendell Gordon - 92-94 The Economics of Poverty
by Dale B. Truett - 94-97 Monopoly Capital: An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order
by Robert B. Carson - 97-99 A Village Economy: Land and People of Huecorio
by Thomas R. De Gregori - 99-101 The Origins of Modern Town Planning
by Max E. Fletcher - 101-103 Farm Labor in the United States
by Lamar B. Jones - 103-104 British Honduras: Colonial Dead End, 1859-1900
by Robert J. Alexander - 104-105 The Economy of the American People
by W. N. Peach - 105-107 Economic Development of the North Atlantic Community: Historical Introduction to Modern Economics
by Carter Goodrich - 107-109 The Soviet Quest for Economic Efficiency: Issues, Controversies, and Reforms
by Warren J. Samuels - 109-111 Theory of Competition Policy: A Confrontation of Economic, Political and Legal Principles
by Henry Steele - 112-113 Negative Taxes and the Poverty Problem
by John J. Isenhower - 113-117 Labor in a Changing America
by Thomas O. Depperschmidt - 117-119 New Dimensions of Political Economy
by Melville J. Ulmer - 119-122 Fiscal and Monetary Problems in Developing States: Proceedings of the Third Rehovoth Conference
by David Felix - 122-125 The Teaching of Development Economics: Its Position in the Present State of Knowledge
by Robert L. Heilbroner - 125-126 The Politics of Federal Aid to Education in 1965: A Study in Political Innovation
by Troy J. Cauley - 126-128 Overcharge
by G. B. Reschenthaler - 128-131 Bargaining for Health: Labor Unions, Health Insurance and Medical Care
by Marianne Sakmann Linnenberg - 131-132 Promoting Economic Development: With Illustrations from Kenya
by James H. Street - 133-134 Poor Kids: A Report on Children in Poverty
by Valdemar Carlson - 134-135 Economic Organizations and Social Systems
by David Hamilton - 136-137 Campaigns against Hunger
by Nasrollah Vaqar - 138-139 Planning Reforms in the Soviet Union, 1962-1966: An Analysis of Recent Trends in Economic Organization and Management
by W. Robert Brazelton - 140-150 Books Received
by The Editors - 151-151 Editor’s Notes
by The Editors
December 1967, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 269-279 The Gold-Dollar Problem and World Monetary Reform
by Kenneth K. Kurihara - 280-296 Education as a Source of Economic Growth
by William L. Miller - 297-308 The Import-Substitution Strategy of Economic Development
by Robert J. Alexander - 309-320 The Political Economy of Poverty: Institutional and Technological Dimensions
by David Hamilton - 321-334 The Wages Fund in Historical Context
by Doris G. Phillips - 335-348 Laissez Faire, Pecuniary Incentives, and Public Policy
by Morris A. Copeland - 349-354 Boulding versus the Reviewers
by Louis J. Junker - 355-356 Problems of Regional Economic Planning
by Allan G. Gruchy - 356-358 Input and Output in Large-City Schools
by Harold M. Groves - 358-360 Manpower Policies for Youth
by Sar A. Levitan - 360-362 The Secular City: Secularization and Urbanization in Theological Perspective
by Ronald H. Wolf - 362-365 Tribal and Peasant Economies: Readings in Economic Anthropology
by Thomas De Gregori - 365-367 The New Industrial State
by G. William Trivoli - 368-369 The Limits of American Capitalism
by John S. Gambs - 370-371 The Challenge of Foreign Aid
by William O. Freithaler - 372-373 Europe’s Postwar Growth: The Role of Labor Supply
by Doris G. Phillips - 374-376 The Structure of Economic Science: Essays on Methodology
by Larry J. Kimbell - 376-378 Trade and Trade Policy for Development
by William E. Laird - 378-379 The Great Economists: A History of Economic thought
by Warren J. Samuels - 379-380 Types of Economic Theory from Mercantilism to Institutionalism
by William Breit - 380-382 The Economic Impact of TVA
by Horace M. Gray - 382-384 American Fiscal Policy: Experiment for Prosperity
by Wallace C. Peterson - 384-387 The Challenge of Development: Theory and Practice
by Morris Singer - 388-393 Books Received
by The Editors - 394-394 Editor’s Notes
by The Editors - 395-400 to Volume I, 1967
by The Editors
September 1967, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 149-160 Some Issues of Economic Development and of Development Economics
by Douglas F. Dowd - 161-167 John R. Commons and the Americanization of the Labor Problem
by Jack Barbash - 169-187 Obsolescence and Investment
by Royall Brandis - 189-198 A Comparison of Some Aspects of the Cambridge Theory of Wages and Marginal Productivity Theory
by Marjorie S. Turner - 199-210 Costs of Communicating by Transportation
by Gene Wunderlich - 211-218 Government Transfers, Interest and Subsidies in the National Income Accounts
by Jerry P. Simpson - 219-230 Industrialization and Economic Growth: Problems of Methodology
by E. A. J. Johnson - 231-232 Economic Development and American Foreign Policy, 1943–1962
by Charles Wolf - 232-234 A History of Economic thought
by Robert B. Ekelund - 234-235 France and the Economic Development of Europe, 1800–1914
by Clinton Warne - 235-236 The Application of Social Class in Market Segmentation
by Richard A. Scott - 237-239 The Technocrats: Prophets of Automation
by George W. Zinke - 239-240 Soviet Foreign Aid
by Hans E. Jensen - 240-243 Unemployment Insurance in the American Economy
by N. Arnold Tolles - 243-244 The Economics of African Development
by Thomas De Gregori - 244-246 Governmental Planning and Political Economy
by Jacob Oser - 246-248 Determining Forces in Collective Wage Bargaining
by Arthur D. Butler