September 2004, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 857-861 Reorienting Economics
by Paul D. Bush - 861-862 Complex Systems Theory and Development Practice
by John T. Harvey - 863-865 Naming the System: Inequality and Work in the Global Economy
by William M. Dugger - 865-868 The Persistence of Poverty in the United States
by Roberto Pedace - 868-871 The Yo-Yo Yen and the Future of the Japanese Economy
by David Zalewski - 871-873 World Financial Orders: An Historical International Political Economy
by Amber Casolari - 873-875 The Perilous Road to the Market–The Political Economy of Reform in Russia, India, and China
by Jack Reardon - 875-877 Machine Dreams: Economics Becomes a Cyborg Science
by John J. Hisnanick - 878-880 Capital Flows and Crises
by Christopher J. Niggle - 880-882 The Crisis in Economics: The Post-Autistic Economics Movement: The First 600 Days
by Frederic S. Lee - 883-892 Books Received
by The Editors
June 2004, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 311-314 The 2004 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient: Howard J. Sherman
by Robert Pollin - 315-325 Political Economy of Evolution: Remarks upon Receiving the Veblen-Commons Award
by Howard J. Sherman - 326-337 Thorstein Veblen, Ty Cobb, and the Evolution of an Institution
by James Peach - 339-352 The Clarence Ayres Memorial Lecture: An Institutionalist Reconstruction of Culture
by Bruce R. McFarling - 353-361 Who Should Control the Firm? Insights from New and Original Institutional Economics
by John Groenewegen - 363-370 Governance and the legitimacy of Corporate Power: A Path for Convergence of Heterodox Economics?
by James Ronald Stanfield & Michael C. Carroll - 371-377 Old Habits Die Hard:Path Dependency and Behavioral Lock-in
by William Barnes & Myles Gartland & Martin Stack - 379-388 Veblen’s Theories of “Latecomer Advantage” and “The Machine Process”: Relevancy for Flexible Production
by Terutomo Ozawa - 389-395 The Appearance of Impairment: Veblen and Goodwill-Financed Mergers
by Eric R. Hake - 397-403 and Veblen’s Neglected Theory of Corporation Finance
by William T. Ganley - 405-412 Shifting Risk: The Divorce of Risk from Reward in American Capitalism
by Robert E. Prasch - 413-420 Cultural Contradictions of Global Capitalism
by Phillip Anthony O’Hara - 421-428 The Stem Cell Debate: A Veblenian Perspective
by Thomas Kemp - 429-437 A Utilitarian Twist? Performance Measurement in the English National Health Service
by Robert McMaster - 439-447 Health or Wealth Security? Public Policy Priorities in the New Millennium
by David A. Zalewski - 449-457 An Institutionalist Critique of the Bush Administration’s Energy Policy
by Jack Reardon - 459-466 Ceremonialism, Intellectual Property Rights, and Innovative Activity
by Richard V. Adkisson - 467-474 Open Source Software, the Wrongs of Copyright, and the Rise of Technology
by Terrel Gallaway & Douglas Kinnear - 475-482 The Role of the Press in a Democracy: Heterodox Economics and the Propaganda Model
by Pamela Taylor Jackson & James Ronald Stanfield - 483-491 Network Consequences Due to Oligopolists and Oligopsonists in the Hog Industry, Pollution from Hog Production, and the Failure to Regulate Ecological Criteria
by F. Gregory Hayden - 493-502 The Evolution of Environmental Legislation: A Strategic Transaction Approach
by Paul J. Thomassin & L. Martin Cloutier - 503-508 Green Revolution Myth and Agricultural Reality?
by Thomas R. De Gregori - 509-517 Conflicting Views: Neoclassical, Porterian, and Evolutionary Approaches to the Analysis of the Environmental Regulation of Industrial Activity
by Rachel Hilliard - 519-525 Literacy and Women’s Empowerment in Indonesia: Implications for Policy
by Julie H. Gallaway & Alexandra Bernasek - 527-535 Pinochet meets Polanyi? The Curious Case of the Chilean Embrace of “Free” Market Economics
by James M. Cypher - 537-544 Myrdal’s Backwash and Spread Effects in Classical Economics: Implications for Multilateral Trade Negotiations
by P. Sai-wing Ho - 545-552 J. M. Clark and the Economics of Responsibility
by Dell P. Champlin & Janet T. Knoedler - 553-561 The Influence of Thorstein Veblen’s on the Economic Theories of Edward Chamberlin
by Steven Sawyer - 563-570 The Human Mind, Institutions, and Economic Behavior
by Harold Wolozin - 571-581 Principles of Macroeconomics: Toward a Multiparadigmatic Approach
by Daniel A. Underwood - 583-583 In Memory
by Paul Sweezy
March 2004, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-27 Assessing Deregulation: The Clash between Promise and Reality
by Harry M. Trebing - 29-58 Veblen’s Theory of Finance Capitalism and Contemporary Corporate America
by James V. Cornehls - 59-83 Healthy Economics Healing Autistic Accounting Theory: Visiting a Neglected Area of Institutional Economics
by Roman Lanis & Bruce R. McFarling - 85-111 A Model of Network Capitalism: Basic Ideas and Post-Soviet Evidence
by Anton Oleinik - 113-137 Analyzing Job Mobility with Job Turnover Intentions: An International Comparative Study
by Alfonso Sousa-Poza & Fred Henneberger - 139-154 Policy Orthodoxies, the Minimum Wage, and the Challenge of Social Science
by Oren M. Levin-Waldman - 155-172 Karl Mannheim, Max Weber, and the Problem of Social Rationality in Thorstein Veblen
by Rick Tilman - 173-188 On Institutional Rationality
by William H. Redmond - 189-200 Endogenous Preferences and Embeddedness: A Reappraisal of Karl Polanyi
by João Rodrigues - 201-226 The Three Laws of Thermodynamics and the Theory of Production
by Elias L. Khalil - 227-252 Institutions and Land-Use Conflicts: Harm, Dispute Processing, and Transactions
by Joshua M. Duke - 253-266 Planning in the Housing Market and Bellamy’s Influence on Private Governments
by William H. Rogers - 267-269 Policy Option: Tort Law versus Social Insurance as Solutions to Certain Medical Problems
by Warren J. Samuels - 270-274 The Market as Traffic—An Economic Metaphor
by George R. McDowell - 275-276 Confronting Consumption
by David Hamilton - 276-278 Towards a Well-Functioning Economy: The Evolution of Economic Systems and Decision-Making
by James L. Webb - 279-280 Veblen in Perspective: His Life and Thought
by Fadhel Kaboub - 281-282 Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Economy
by Richard V. Adkisson - 283-285 Making Money: An Insider’s Perspective on Finance, Politics, and Canada’s Central Bank
by Éric Tymoigne - 285-287 Distant Proximities: Dynamics beyond Globalization
by Cecilia Ann Winters - 287-290 The Philosophy of Keynes’ Economics: Probability, Uncertainty, and Convention
by Matthew Wilson - 290-292 Rethinking Sustainability: Power, Knowledge, and Institutions
by Doug Brown - 292-294 Reforming Korea’s Industrial Conglomerates
by Jonathan E. Leightner - 294-296 Technology and Social Inclusion: Rethinking the Digital Divide
by Jerry Gray - 296-298 The Enigma of Globalization: A Journey to a New Stage of Capitalism
by Federico Guerrero - 299-305 Books Received
by The Editors - 307-307 In Memory
by The Editors
December 2003, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 851-880 Timeliness and the Fed’s Daily Tactics
by Scott T. Fullwiler - 881-907 Employer of Last Resort: Could It Deliver Full Employment and Price Stability?
by Malcolm Sawyer - 909-941 Extreme Monetary Regime Change: Evidence from Currency Board Introduction in Bulgaria
by Nikolay Nenovsky & Yorgos Rizopoulos - 943-966 Was Shock Therapy Really a Shock?
by John Marangos - 967-986 Veblen’s Q-Tobin’s Q
by Craig Medlen - 987-998 The Economic Case for Mergers: Old, New, Borrowed, and Blue
by Gráinne Collins - 999-1022 Institutional Restructuring in the Japanese Economy since 1985
by Kazuyoshi Matsuura & Michael Pollitt & Ryoji Takada & Satoru Tanaka - 1023-1044 Access to Supervisory Jobs and the Gender Wage Gap among Professionals
by Aparna Mitra - 1045-1074 On the Natural Intelligence of Women in a World of Constrained Choice: How the Feminization of Clerical Work Contributed to Gender Pay Equality in Early Twentieth Century Canada
by Morris Altman & Louise Lamontagne - 1075-1105 Understanding the Retail Business Potential of Inner Cities
by Stephan Weiler & Jesse Silverstein & Kace Chalmers & Erin Lacey & William Rogers & Benjamin Widner - 1107-1119 Ethnic Business Development: Toward a Theoretical Synthesis and Policy Framework
by Gamal Ibrahim & Vaughan Galt - 1121-1137 Thorstein Veblen’s Theory of Business Competition
by Tuna Baskoy - 1139-1160 Marshall’s Dilemma: Equilibrium versus Evolution
by Neil Hart - 1161-1167 Ayres and Dewey: Forward to the Future-- A Critique of James L. Webb’s Article
by Thomas R. DeGregori - 1168-1174 Reply
by James L. Webb - 1175-1178 Two reviews of the Institutionalist Approach to Public Utility Regulation
by F. Gregory Hayden & Martin Stack - 1179-1180 Visions of Development: A Study of Human Values
by Haider A. Khan - 1180-1182 Innovation and the Growth of Cities
by William H. Rogers - 1182-1185 The Basic Income Guarantee: Ensuring Progress and Prosperity in the 21st Century
by Marc-André Pigeon - 1185-1188 Encyclopedia of Political Economy
by Mayo Toruño - 1188-1190 The Economics of Power, Knowledge, and Time
by Edythe Miller - 1191-1192 Learning and Innovation in Organizations and Economies
by Daniel T. Ostas - 1192-1194 The Conscience of Capitalism: Business Social Responsibility to Communities
by Colleen Johnson - 1194-1196 Human Ecology: Following Nature’s Lead
by Gerald F. Vaughn - 1196-1198 Decisions, Uncertainty, and the Brain: The Science of Neuroeconomics
by William H. Redmond - 1199-1200 Engendering Economics: Conversations with Women Economists in the United States
by Julie H. Gallaway - 1201-1203 Beyond the Market: The Social Foundations of Economic Efficiency
by John P. Watkins - 1203-1206 Thinking the Unthinkable: The Immigration Myth Exposed
by Enrico A. Marcelli - 1207-1212 Index Volume XXXVII-2003
by The Editors
September 2003, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 527-545 Keynes and Commons on Money
by Éric Tymoigne - 547-576 John R. Commons and the Foundations of Institutional Economics
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 577-600 The Misappropriation of Health Care Reform: The Case of Washington State
by Lynne Bownds - 601-619 From Parents to Children: Intra-household Altruism as Institutional Behavior
by Dipankar Purkayastha - 621-642 Institutions and the Business Cycle
by Howard Sherman - 643-663 Dollarization in Latin America: Wave of the Future or Flight to the Past?
by Kenneth P. Jameson - 665-679 Innovation, Diffusion, and Institutional Change
by William H. Redmond - 681-696 Institutional Economics and Community Development: The Pioneering Roles of Henry C. Carey and Van Buren Denslow
by Gerald F. Vaughn - 697-725 Teaching the Principles of Economics: A Proposal for a Multi-paradigmatic Approach
by Janet T. Knoedler & Daniel A. Underwood - 727-746 Social Structure in Economic Theory
by William A. Jackson - 747-767 Under What Circumstances Do Social Accords Work?
by Mark Harcourt & Geoffrey Wood - 769-787 Economic Sociology and Embeddedness: How Shall We Conceptualize Economic Action?
by Jens Beckert - 789-791 Entry Point: Comment on W.Brown
by Howard J. Sherman - 792-794 Paradigms of Value and the Value of Paradigms: A Reply to Howard Sherman
by Robert F. Garnett - 795-796 Value Theory and Institutionalism: Reply to Garnett
by Howard J. Sherman - 797-804 Ronald Coase and the Institutionalists Once Again: A Note on a Neglected Essay by Lawrence Kelso Frank
by Luca Fiorito - 805-812 A Note on the Implications of Global Convergence under a Non-redistributive Solution
by Michael Haynes & Rumy Husan - 813-815 The Color of Credit: Mortgage Discrimination, Research Methodology, and Fair-Lending Enforcement
by Reynold F. Nesiba - 815-817 Networking Knowledge for Information Societies: Institutions and Intervention
by Ronnie J. Phitlips - 817-818 Insatiable Is Not Sustainable
by Stewart Long - 818-820 The Greening of Business in Developing Countries: Rhetoric, Reality, and Prospects
by Kurt Stephenson - 820-822 Richard T. Ely: The Story of Economics in the United States
by Gerald F. Vaughn - 823-826 A New Guide to Post Keynesian Economics
by Charles J. Whalen - 826-828 Capitalist Development in the Twentieth Century: An Evolutionary-KeynesianAnalysis
by Mark Setterfield - 829-831 Financial Markets, Money, and the Real World
by Christopher Brown - 831-833 The High Price of Materialism
by Terrel Gallaway - 833-835 Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages
by Marie-Aimee Tourres - 835-836 Veblen and Modern America: Revolutionary Iconoclast
by Bob Dick - 836-838 Globalising Intellectual Property Rights: The TRIPs Agreement
by Richard V. Adkisson - 838-840 The Myth of Ownership: Taxes and Justice
by J. Dennis Chasse - 841-847 Books Received
by The Editors - 849-849 In Memory
by John W. Ballantine
June 2003, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 239-241 The 2003 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient: F. Gregory Hayden
by Marc R. Tool - 243-258 Endangered Democratic Institutions and Instrumental Inquiry: Remarks upon Receiving the Veblen-Commons Award
by F. Gregory Hayden - 260-290 Are Democracy and Common Property Possible on Our Small Earth?
by James A. Swaney - 291-304 Clarence Ayres Memorial Lecture: Does Pragmatism Imply Institutionalism
by Erkki Kilpinen - 305-313 Corporations, Workers, and the Public Interest
by Dell P. Champlin & Janet T. Knoedler - 315-323 Labor Market Policy: One Institutionalist’s Agenda
by Deborah M. Figart - 325-331 Immigration and Poverty Reduction: Policy Making on a Squirrel Wheel
by Vernon M. Briggs - 333-341 Ghosts in the Global Machine: New Immigrants and the Redefinition of Work
by David H. Ciscel & Barbara Ellen Smith & Marcela Mendoza - 343-351 Female Headship and the Economic Status of Young Men in the United States, 1977-2001
by Christopher Brown & Randall Kesselring - 353-361 Feminist Explanations for the Feminization of Poverty
by Steven Pressman - 363-369 Technology and Institutions in the Process of Economic Reform: Achieving Growth with Poverty Reduction in South Asia
by /John Adams & Hans-Peter Brunner - 371-379 The Andean Group: Institutional Evolution, Intraregional Trade, and Economic Development
by Richard V. Adkisson - 381-388 Equality and Growth in Asia
by Jonathan E. Leightner - 389-396 Globalization and the Poorest of the Poor: Global Integration and the Development Process in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Geoffrey E. Schneider - 397-404 Social Capital, Karl Polanyi, and American Social and Institutional Economics
by Michael C. Carroll & James Ronald Stanfield - 405-413 Subjects and Boundaries: Contesting Social Capital-Based Policies
by Wilfred Dolfsma & Charlie Dannreuther - 415-423 Beyond Social Capital in Poverty Research
by Irene van Staveren - 425-432 Consumer-Driven Health Plans: More Choice Is Not Always Better
by Lynne Bownds - 433-442 Universal Service: How Much Is Enough?
by Robert Loube - 443-449 Regulating Financial Markets: Assessing Neoclassical and Institutional Approaches
by David Nickerson & Ronnie J. Phillips - 451-459 Superfund: The Ascendance of Enabling Myths
by Mark Haggerty & Stephanie A. Welcomer - 461-470 Cognitive and Cultural Embeddedness: Combining Institutional Economics and Economic Sociology
by David Dequech - 471-478 Capitalism, Complexity, and Inequality
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 479-485 Technical Change, Competition, and the Poor
by Robert E. Prasch - 487-494 Path Creation, Path Dependency, and Alternative Theories of the Firm
by Martin Stack & Myles P. Gartland - 495-501 Institutional Destruction of Entrepreneurship through Capitalist Transformation
by Bruce A. McDaniel - 503-509 Corporate Objectives–Maximizing Social versus Private Equity
by David A. Zalewski - 511-517 Is There an Active Role for Monetary Policy in the Endogenous Money Approach?
by Giuseppe Fontana & Alfonso Palacio-Vera - 519-526 Japan’s Dual Industrial Structure as a Welfare System: “The Lexus and the Olive Tree ”—and “the Vulture ”
by Terutomo Ozawa
March 2003, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editor’s Note
by Glen Atkinson - 7-9 The Evolution of Evolutionary Economics: The Saga of a Wayward Book
by David Hamilton - 11-16 Technology Is Not Ancillary: The Dramatic and Prosaic in Economic Theory
by David Hamilton - 17-33 Muck and Magic or Change and Progress: Vitalism versus Hamiltonian Matter-of-Fact Knowledge
by Thomas R. De Gregori - 35-45 It’s Culture All the Way Down
by William Waller - 47-50 Hamilton versus Plato
by Walter C. Neale - 51-63 Evolution and Stasis: The Institutional Economics of David Hamilton
by Edythe S. Miller - 65-73 David Hamilton: A Radical’s Institutionalist
by William M. Dugger - 75-83 Evolutionary Economics from a Radical Perspective
by Howard J. Sherman - 85-97 Darwinism and Institutional Economics
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 99-109 Internal Processes of Evolutionary Change within an Institutional Genre: The Case of Universities
by Charles G. Leathers & J. Patrick Raines - 111-122 Are Institutionalists an Endangered Species?
by David Colander - 123-132 Hamiltonian and Teleological Dynamics a Century after Veblen
by James T. Peach - 133-173 Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Forrester, and a Foundation for Evolutionary Economics
by Michael J. Radzicki - 175-207 Institutionalism: On the Need to Firm up Notions of Social Structure and the Human Subject
by Tony Lawson - 209-210 A Selected Bibliography of David Hamilton’s Works
by William M. Dugger - 211-214 How Economics Forgot History: The Problem of Historical Specificity in Social Science
by Doug Brown - 214-216 Reclaiming Evolution: A Dialogue between Marxism and Institutionalism on Social Change
by Margaret Lewis - 217-219 The Fed: The Inside Story of How the World’s Most Powerful Financial Institution Drives the Markets
by Éric Tymoigne - 219-221 The Architecture of Markets: An Economic Sociology of Twenty-First Century Capitalist Societies
by Jonathon E. Mote - 221-223 Living Wages, Equal Wages: Gender and Labor Market Policies in the United States
by David H. Ciscel - 223-225 Altruistically Inclined?
by John F. Henry - 226-228 Ecological Planning: A Historical and Comparative Synthesis by Forster Ndubisi;
by Gerald F. Vaughn - 228-231 Debunking Economics: The Naked Emperor of the Social Sciences
by Ted Oleson - 233-237 Books Received
by The Editors
December 2002, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 843-875 Intended versus Unintended Consequences: Evaluating the New Orleans Living Wage Ordinance
by Robert Pollin & Mark Brenner & Stephanie Luce - 877-891 Wages in the Public Interest: Insights from Thorstein Veblen and J. M. Clark
by Dell P. Champlin & Janet T. Knoedler - 893-906 Analyzing Income Convergence at the County Level: The Case of Development in Central Appalachia
by George D. Santopietro - 907-933 Institutional Investors: The External Costs of a Successful Innovation
by Lukas Menkhoff - 935-952 Coordination and Competition in Small Business Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Australia and Denmark
by Rachel Parker - 953-979 The Organizational Effect of the Economic System
by Bruno Dallago - 981-1003 Dewey: Back to the Future
by James L. Webb - 1005-1024 Schmoller, Durkheim, and Old European Institutionalist Economics
by Heino Heinrich Nau & Philippe Steiner - 1025-1043 Alternative Visions of Change in Douglass North’s New Institutionalism
by Stefano Fiori - 1045-1078 Theorizing the "Third Sphere": A Critique of the Persistence of the "Economistic Fallacy"
by Fikret Adaman & Yahya M. Madra - 1079-1096 Sabotage versus Public Choice: Sports as a Case Study for Interest Group Theory
by Ian Hudson - 1097-1103 Is Fagg Foster Still Relevant?
by Baldwin Ranson - 1104-1110 Durkheim and Veblen on the Social Nature of Individualism
by Rick Tilman - 1111-1116 Class, Political Economy, and Institutionalism: Toward a Rapprochement?
by Janet T. Knoedler & Geoffrey E. Schneider