Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 189 European Framework for Strategic Dependencies: insights from Portugal between 2019 and 2024
by Guida Nogueira & Paulo Inácio & Joana Almodovar
- 188 Too Many Changes? Post-Displacement Job Mobility and Wages: an Analysis of Displaced Workers in Portugal
by Tiago Leitão & Laura Bartolomeu & Francesca di Biase - 187 Inteligência Artificial no setor da saúde: desafios jurídicos e regulação
by Marta da Paixão Cansado - 186 Ethics and Responsibility in Artificial Intelligence: A Global Perspective and Portugal's AI Governance
by Ana Cristina Saraiva - 185 Utilização de IA para previsão de desastres naturais em Portugal
by Pedro Gomes & Tiago Cardoso - 184 Inteligência Artificial Ética - Contributos Interdisciplinares para a Ação
by Ana Cláudia Albergaria - 183 Artificial Intelligence and exporting performance:Firm-level evidence from Portugal
by Natália Barbosa - 182 Distance to Export: A Machine Learning Approach with Portuguese Firms
by Paulo Barbosa & João Cortes & João Amador - 181 EU-funded investment in Artificial Intelligence and regional specialization
by Anabela Marques Santos & Francesco Molica & Carlos Torrecilla Salinas - 179 A dependência da União Europeia no lítio e nas baterias de ião-de-lítio: análise à luz da autonomia estratégica
by Beatriz Raichande
- 178 Revisitar as Empresas Zombie em Portugal (2008-2021)
by Ricardo Pinheiro Alves & Nuno Tavares & Gabriel Osório de Barros - 177 Forging AI Pathways: Portugal's Journey within the EU Digital Landscape
by Gabriel Osório de Barros - 0176 Employment versus Efficiency: Which Firms Should R&D Tax Credits Target?
by Anna Bernard & Rahim Lila & Joana Silva - 0175 Science and productivity in European Firms: How do regional innovation modes matter?
by Natália Barbosa & Ana Paula Faria - 0174 Does scientific research output matter for Portugal’s economic growth?
by Tânia Pinto & Aurora Teixeira - 0173 R&D subsidies and Portuguese firms’ performance: A longitudinal firm-level study
by Inês Teixeira & Aurora Teixeira & LuÃs Santos - 172 Classification-N74, O33, O52, Q55 Autonomia Estratégica Aberta na União Europeia: desafios e oportunidades na era da tecnologia digital
by Gabriel Osório de Barros & Catarina Castanheira Nunes
- 0171 The Credit Channel of Public Procurement
by Ricardo Duque Gabriel - 0170 Supporting small firms through recessions and recoveries
by Diana Bonfim & Cláudia Custódio & Clara Raposo - 0169 Firm adaptation in COVID-19 times: The case of Portuguese exporting firms
by Joao Capella-Ramos & Romina Guri - 0168 Outward FDI, restructuring, performance upgrading and resilience: Firm-level evidence from Portugal
by Natália Barbosa - 0167 The impact of a rise in transportation costs on firm performance and behaviour
by Catarina Branco & Dirk C. Dohse & João Pereira Santos & José Tavares - 0166 Digital Technologies for Urban Greening Public Policies
by Maria José Sousa - 0165 Automation trends in Portugal: implications in productivity and employment
by Marta Candeias & Nuno Boavida & António Brandão Moniz - 0164 Is digital government facilitating entrepreneurship? A comparative statics analysis
by Joana Costa & LuÃs Carvalho - 0163 Job Creation and Destruction in the Digital Age: What about Portugal?
by Anabela M. Santos & Javier Barbero Jimenez & Andrea Conte - 0162 Digital adoption and productivity: understanding micro drivers of the aggregate effect
by Natália Barbosa & Ana Paula faria - 0161 Macroeconomic Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Some European Union Countries: A Counterfactual Analysis
by António Portugal Duarte & Fátima Sol Murta - 0160 How is the Minimum Wage Shaping the Wage Disitribution: Bite, Spillovers, and Wage Inequality
by Carlos Oliveira
- 0159 The Determinants of Competitiveness of the Portuguese Defense Industry
by Roxanne Merenda - 0158 The Impact of R&D tax incentives in Portugal
by Rita Bessone Basto & Ana Martins & Guida Nogueira
- 0157 International Sourcing in Portuguese Companies Evidence from Portuguese Micro Data
by Ana Martins & Guida Nogueira & Eva Pereira - 0156 Economic and social policies under EMU
by Ricardo Pinheiro Alves - 0155 Do short-term rentals increase housing prices? Quasi-experimental evidence from Lisbon
by Susana Peralta & João Pereira dos Santos & Duarte Gonçalves - 0154 Minimum wage and financially distressed firms: another one bites the dust
by Fernando Alexandre & Pedro Bação & João Cerejeira & Hélder Costa & Miguel Portela - 0153 Dream Jobs
by Luca David Opromolla & Giordano Mion & Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano - 0152 Employee Training and Firm Performance: Quasi-experimental evidence from the European Social Fund
by Pedro S. Martins - 0151 Public Expenditure and private firm performance: using religious denominations for causal inference
by Henrique Alpalhão & Marta Lopes & João Pereira dos Santos & José Tavares - 0150 Os modelos Input-Output, a estrutura setorial das economias e o impacto da crise da COVID 19
by Pedro N. Ramos & João Pedro Ferreira & Luís Cruz & Eduardo Barata - 0149 The Determinants of Total Factor Productivity in the Portuguese Quaternary Sector
by Paulo Matos & Pedro Neves - 0148 Da confluência entre Big Data e Direito da Concorrência: As concentrações digitais - O caso Facebook/WhatsApp
by Ana Rodrigues Bidarra - 0147 Collusion in Two-Sided Markets
by Yassine Lefouili & Joana Pinho - 0146 Digitalization in Two-Sided Platform
by Filomena Garcia & Muxin Li - 0145 Intangible investments and productivity performance
by Michele Cincera & Julie Delanote & Pierre Mohnen & Anabela Santos & Christoph Weiss - 0144 Portugal in the Global Innovation Index: A panel data analysis
by Marcelo P. Duarte & Fernando M. P. O. Carvalho - 0143 Digital innovation in higher education: A questionnaire to Portuguese universities and polytechnic institutes
by Paulo Nuno Vicente & Margarida Lucas & Vânia Carlos - 0142 Effectiveness of Simplex:The case of Portuguese Social Security
by António Alberto de Pinho Tavares - 0141 Built Like a House of Cards? - Corporate Indebtedness and Productivity Growth in the Portuguese Construction Sector
by José Santos & Nuno Tavares & Gabriel Osório de Barros - 0140 Corporate taxes and high-quality entrepreneurship: evidence from a tax reform
by Ana Venâncio & Victor Barros & Clara Raposo
- 0139 Can a small leak sink a great ship? A comprehensive analysis of the Portuguese household savings
by Tiago Domingues & Margarida Rego - 0138 The Financial Channels of Labor Rigidities: Evidence from Portugal
by Edoardo M. Acabbi & Ettore Panetti & Alessandro Sforza - 0137 Collateral Value and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Property Tax Reform
by Miguel Ferreira & João Pereira dos Santos & Ana Venâncio - 0136 Exporter Firms Behaviour, Evidence From Portuguese Firms Using Microdata
by Luís Pedro Manso Machado - 0133 The China Shock and Employment in Portuguese Firms
by Lee G. Branstetter & Brian K. Kovak & Jacqueline Mauro & Ana Venâncio - 0132 On the Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects of the Regulated Closure of Coal-Operated Power Plants
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui - 0131 On the Spillover Effects of CO2 Taxation on the Emissions of other Air Pollutants
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Marvão Pereira - 0130 Foreign Direct Investment, Income Inequality and Poverty in Portugal, 1973-2014: What does cointegration analysis tell us?
by Aurora Teixeira & Ana Sofia Loureiro - 0129 Financing Future Feed-in Tariffs from Currently Installed RES-E Generating Capacity
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Marvão Pereira - 0128 Picking Our Environmental Battles: Removal of Harmful Subsidies or Carbon Taxation?
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Marvão Pereira - 0127 Regulated Early Closures of Coal-Fired Power Plants and Tougher Energy Taxation on Electricity Production: Synergy or Rivalry?
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Manuel Pereira - 00126 Reference Forecasts for CO2 Emissions from Fossil-Fuel Combustion and Cement Production in Portugal
by José M. Belbute & Alfredo M. Pereira - 0125 ARFIMA Reference Forecasts for Worldwide CO2 Emissions and the National Dimension of the Policy Efforts to Meet IPCC Targets
by José M. Belbute & Alfredo Marvão Pereira - 00124 Brown Sugar, how come you taste so good? The impact of a soda tax on prices and consumption
by João Pereira dos Santos & Judite Gonçalves - 0123 Financing a Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff with a Tax on Carbon Dioxide Emissions: A Dynamic Multi-Sector General Equilibrium Analysis for Portugal
by Rui Marvão Pereira & Alfredo Marvão Pereira - 0122 Grande Guerra e Guerra Colonial: Quanto Custaram aos Cofres Portugueses?
by Ricardo Ferraz - 0121 How internationalization and competitiveness contribute to get public support to innovation? The Portuguese case
by Anabela Santos & Michele Cincera & Paulo Neto & Maria Manuel Serrano - 0120 A Look at the main channels of Potential Impact of Brexit on the Portuguese Economy
by Guida Nogueira & Paulo Inácio - 0119 Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas e suas Determinantes: Uma Aplicação à Economia Portuguesa
by Guida Nogueira & António Portugal Duarte - 0118 Firm heterogeneity and exports in Portugal - Identifying export potential
by Frederico Oliveira Torres
- 00134 Energy Taxation Reform with an Environmental Focus
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Marvão Pereira - 00117 Global Value Chains and Vertical Specialization: The case of Portuguese Textiles and Shoes exports
by Tiago Domingues - 00116 Entrepreneurial Human Capital and Firm Dynamics
by Francisco Queiró - 0115 Agglomeration and Industry Spillover Effects in the Aftermath of a Credit Shock
by José Jorge & Joana Rocha - 0114 The Determinants of TFP Growth in the Portuguese Service Sector
by Ana Martins & Tiago Domingues & Catarina Branco - 0113 Exploring the implications of di erent loan-to-value macroprudential policy designs
by Rita Basto & Sandra Gomes & Diana Lima - 0112 O Mercado Segurador em Portugal: O Papel dos Gestores na Constituição de Provisões
by Soraia de Sousa Bornett & Carlos Manuel Pinheiro - 0111 A General Equilibrium Theory of Occupational Choice under Optimistic Beliefs about Entrepreneurial Ability
by Michele Dell'Era & Luca David Opromolla & Luis Santos-Pinto - 0110 Assessing the Competitiveness of the Portuguese Chemical Sector
by Ana Rita Marques & Cátia Silva - 0109 Do Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Outperform the Market? Evidence from the Portuguese Stock Index
by Carlos Manuel Pinheiro & Hugo Hilário Varela - 00108 Competition and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Portugal
by Pedro Carvalho - 0107 The Effects of Highway Tolls on Private Business Activity – Results from a Natural Experiment
by João Pereira dos Santos & David B. Audretsch & Dirk Christian Dohse - 0106 Integration of Small Technology-Based Firms in Aeronautics
by Anabela Reis & Joana Mendonça & Ligia Urbina - 00105 Product market competition and gender discrimination
by Dudley Cooke & Ana P. Fernandes & Priscila Ferreira - 00104 Of course Collusion Should be Prosecuted. But Maybe... Or (The case for international antitrust agreements)
by Filomena Garcia & Jose Manuel Paz y Minõ & Gustavo Torrens - 00103 Measuring the Welfare of Intermediation in Vertical Markets
by Javier D. Donna & Pedro Pereira & Tiago Pires & André Trindade - 0102 Competition effect on innovation and productivity - The Portuguese case
by Anabela Santos & Michele Cincera & Paulo Neto & Maria Manuel Serrano - 00101 The effects of official and unofficial information on tax compliance
by Filomena Garcia & Luca David Opromolla & Andrea Vezzulli & Rafael Marques - 0100 Corporate Leverage and Investment in Portugal
by Ana Martins & José Henrique Gonçalves & João Mário Ferreira Duque - 0099 European Funds and Firm Dynamics: Estimating Spillovers from Increased Access
by João Pereira dos Santos & José Tavares - 0098 Innovation and the economic downturn: Insights from Portuguese firms
by Hugo Pinto & Tiago Santos Pereira & Elvira Uyarra - 0097 Innovations in digital government as business facilitators: implications for Portugal
by João Martins & Linda Veiga - 0096 Absorptive Capacity and Firms’ Generation of Innovation - Revisiting Zahra and George’s Model
by Dina Pereira & João Leitão - 0095 The effect of entrepreneurial origin on firms’ performance - The case of Portuguese academic spinoffs
by Natália Barbosa & Ana Paula Faria - 0094 Persistence in innovation and innovative behavior in unstable environments
by Joana Costa & Anabela Botelho & Aurora Teixeira - 0093 The efficiency of Portuguese Technology Transfer Offices and the importance of university characteristics
by Aurora Teixeira & André Monteiro - 0092 Assessing the Competitiveness of the Metalworking Sector
by João Marinho & Pedro Carvalho - 0091 Who Seeks Re-Election: Local Fiscal Restraints and Political Selection
by Susana Peralta & João Pereira dos Santos
- 0090 A Lower VAT Rate on Electricity in Portugal: Towards a Cleaner Environment, Better Economic Performance, and Less Inequality
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Manuel Pereira - 0089 Collective bargaining through the magnifying glass: A comparison between the Netherlands and Portugal
by Alexander Hijzen & Pedro S. Martins & Jante Parlevliet - 0088 Empresas Zombie em Portugal - Os sectores não transacionáveis da Construção e dos Serviços
by Gabriel Osório de Barros & Filipe Bento Caires & Dora Xarepe Pereira - 0087 The Diffusion of Knowledge via Managers’ Mobility
by Giordano Mion & Luca David Opromolla & Alessandro Sforza - 0086 Learning, Prices, and Firm Dynamics
by Paulo Bastos & Daniel A. Dias & Olga A. Timoshenko - 0086 Learning, Prices, and Firm Dynamics
by Paulo Bastos & Daniel A. Dias & Olga A. Timoshenko - 0086 Learning, Prices, and Firm Dynamics
by Paulo Bastos & Daniel A. Dias & Olga A. Timoshenko - 0085 Foreign acquisition and internal organization
by Paulo Bastos & Natália P. Monteiro & Odd Rune Straume - 0084 Is deregulation of product and labour markets promoting employment and productivity? A difference-in-differences approach
by Hugo Correia & Ana Fontoura Gouveia - 0083 Health Care Investments and Economic Performance in Portugal: An Industry Level Analysis
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Manuel Pereira & Pedro G. Rodrigues - 0082 Assessing Competition With the Panzar-Rosse Model: An empirical analysis of European Union banking industry
by Suzana Cristina Silva Andrade - 0081 On the Effects of Infrastructure Investments on Industrial CO2 Emissions in Portugal
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Manuel Pereira - 0080 Understanding productivity dynamics:a task taxonomy approach
by Tiago Fonseca & Francisco Lima & Sonia C. Pereira - 0079 Goods and Factor Market Integration: A Quantitative Assessment of the EU Enlargement
by Lorenzo Caliendo & Fernando Parro & Luca David Opromolla & Alessandro Sforza - 0078 Infrastructure Investment in Portugal and the Traded/Non-Traded Industry Mix
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Manuel Pereira - 0077 The Role of Gravity Models in Estimating the Economic Impact of Brexit
by Graham Gudgin & Ken Coutts & Neil Gibson & Jordan Buchanan - 0076 Why Virtuous Supply-Side Effects and Irrelevant Keynesian Effects are not Foregone Conclusions: What we Learn from an Industry-Level Analysis of Infrastructure Investments in Portugal
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Manuel Pereira - 0075 Is All Infrastructure Investment Created Equal? The Case of Portugal
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Manuel Pereira - 0074 For Whom the Bell Tolls: Road Safety Effects of Tolls on Uncongested SCUT Highways in Portugal
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Marvão Pereira & João Pereira dos Santos - 0073 Case Study: DBRS Sovereign Rating of Portugal. Analysis of Rating Methodology and Rating Decisions
by Annika Luisa Hofmann & Miguel Ferreira & João Lampreia - 0072 Boom, Slump, Sudden stops, Recovery, and Policy Options. Portugal and the Euro
by Olivier Blanchard & Pedro Portugal - 0071 Infrastructure Investment, Labor Productivity, and International Competitiveness: The Case of Portugal
by Alfredo Marvão Pereira & Rui Manuel Pereira - 0070 Portugal: a Paradox in Productivity
by Ricardo Pinheiro Alves - 0069 Short-run effects of product markets’ deregulation: a more productive, more efficient and more resilient economy?
by Ana Gouveia & Sílvia Santos & Gustavo Monteiro - 0068 Determinants of the Portuguese GDP stagnation during the 2001-2014 period: an empirical investigation
by Carlos Figueira - 0067 The empirics of agglomeration economies: the link with productivity
by Ana Gouveia & Sílvia Santos & Marli Fernandes - 0066 Assessing the Competitiveness of the Portuguese Footwear Sector
by Fábio Batista & José Eduardo Matos & Miguel Costa Matos - 0065 The short-term impact of structural reforms on productivity growth: beyond direct effects
by Ana Gouveia & Sílvia Santos & Inês Gonçalves - 0064 The impact of structural reforms of the judicial system: a survey
by Ana Gouveia & Sílvia Santos & Corinna Herber
- 0063 Practical contribution for the assessment and monitoring of product market competition in the Portuguese Economy – estimation of price cost margins
by Luis Folque - 0062 The Determinants of TFP Growth in the Portuguese Manufacturing Sector
by Daniel Gonçalves & Ana Martins - 0061 Is the ECB unconventional monetary policy effective?
by Inês Pereira - 0060 Reallocation of Resources between Tradable and Non-Tradable Sectors in Portugal: Developing a new Identification Strategy for the Tradable Sector
by Ana Fontoura Gouveia & Filipa Canas - 0058 The effect of developing countries' competition on regional labour markets in Portugal
by Tiago Pereira - 0056 Finanças Públicas Portuguesas Sustentáveis no Estado Novo (1933-1974)?
by Ricardo Ferraz
- 0059 Fiscal Multipliers in the 21st century
by Pedro brinca & Hans A. Holter & Per Krusell & Laurence Malafry - 0057 What Determines Firm-level Export Capacity? Evidence from Portuguese firms
by Ana Gouveia & Ana Luisa Correia
- 0055 Economic Growth and the High Skilled: the Role of Scale Effects and of Barriers to Entry into the High Tech
by Pedro Mazeda Gil & Oscar Afonso & Paulo Brito - 0054 Prescription Patterns of Pharmaceuticals
by Ana Sofia Gonçalves - 0053 O Acordo de Parceria Transatlântica entre a UE e os EUA constitui uma ameaça ou uma oportunidade para a Economia Portuguesa?
by João Leão & Guida Nogueira - 0052 Financiamento da Economia Portuguesa: um Obstáculo ao Crescimento?
by João Leão & Ana Martins & João Gonçalves
- 0051 Youth Unemployment in Southern Europe
by João Leão & Guida Nogueira - 0050 Institutions and Firm Formation: an Empirical Analysis of Portuguese Municipalities
by Simão Arouca - 0049 Regional and Sectoral Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal since Joining the EU: A Dynamic Portrait
by Irina Melo & Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes - 0010 Productive experience and specialization opportunities for Portugal: an empirical assessment
by Miguel Lebre de Freitas & Susana Salvado & Luis Catela Nunes & Rui Costa Neves
- 0048 The influence of Doing Business’ institutional variables in Foreign Direct Investment
by Andreia Olival - 0047 Evaluating the forecast quality of GDP components: An application to G7
by Paulo Júlio & Pedro M. Esperança - 0046 Organizational Characteristics and Performance of Export Promotion Agencies: Portugal and Ireland compared
by Inês Veloso Ferreira & Aurora Teixeira
- 0041 Classification-C52, C53, E37 Evaluating the forecast quality of GDP components
by Paulo Júlio & Pedro M. Esperança & João C. Fonseca - 0045 Public Debt Stabilization: Redistributive Delays Versus Preemptive Anticipations
by Paulo Júlio - 0044 Corporate taxes and the location of FDI in Europe using firm-level data
by Tomas Silva & Sergio Lagoa - 0043 Labor Adjustment Dynamics: An Application Of System Gmm
by Pedro M. Esperança - 0042 Assessing The Endogeneity Of Oca Conditions In Emu
by Carlos Vieira & Isabel Vieira - 0040 FDI and institutional reform in Portugal
by Paulo Júlio & Ricardo Pinheiro-Alves & José Tavares - 0039 Financial constraints, exports and monetary integration - Financial constraints and exports: An analysis of Portuguese firms during the European monetary integration
by Filipe Silva & Carlos Carreira - 0038 The importance of Intermediaries organizations in international R&D cooperation: an empirical multivariate study across Europe
by Aurora A. C. Teixeira & Margarida Catarino - 0037 Economic performance and international trade engagement: the case of Portuguese manufacturing firms
by Armando Silva & Oscar Afonso & Ana Paula Africano - 0036 Criação de empresas em Portugal e Espanha: análise comparativa com base nos dados do Banco Mundial
by Elsa de Morais Sarmento & Alcina Nunes - 0035 The role of subsidies for exports: Evidence from Portuguese manufacturing firms
by Armando Silva - 0034 The usefulness of State trade missions for the internationalization of firms: an econometric analysis
by Ana Paula Africano & Aurora A.C. Teixeira & André Caiado
- 0033 Tax Competition in an Expanding European Union
by Ronald B. Davies & Johannes Voget - 0032 The choice of transport technology in the presence of exports and FDI
by José Pedro Ponte & Armando J. Garcia Pires - 0031 The Politics of Growth: Can Lobbying Raise Growth and Welfare?
by Paulo Júlio - 0030 The Ease of Doing Business Index as a tool for Investment location decisions
by João Zambujal Oliveira & Ricardo Pinheiro Alves - 0029 Business creation in Portugal: Comparison between the World Bank data and Quadros de Pessoal
by Elsa Morais Sarmento & Alcina Nunes - 0028 Análise comparativa de sobrevivência empresarial: o caso da região Norte de Portugal
by Elsa Morais Sarmento & Alcina Nunes - 0027 Building Bridges: Heterogeneous Jurisdictions, Endogenous Spillovers, and the Benefits of Decentralization
by Paulo Júlio & Susana Peralta - 0026 Which Portuguese Manufacturing Firms Learn by Exporting?
by Armando Silva & Óscar Afonso & Ana Paula Africano - 0025 Regulação de Mercados por Licenciamento
by Patrícia Cerqueira & Ricardo Pinheiro Alves - 0024 Digging Out the PPP Hypothesis: an Integrated Empirical Coverage
by Miguel de Carvalho & Paulo Júlio - 0023 Business Demography Dynamics in Portugal: a Semi-parametric Survival Analysis
by Alcina Nunes & Elsa Sarmento - 0022 Business Demography Dynamics In Portugal: A Non-Parametric Survival Analysis
by Alcina Nunes & Elsa Sarmento - 0021 Sectoral and regional impacts of the European Carbon Market in Portugal
by Margarita Robaina Alves & Miguel Rodríguez & Catarina Roseta-Palma
- 0020 Outward FDI Effects on the Portuguese Trade Balance, 1996-2007
by Miguel Fonseca & António Mendonça & José Passos - 0019 A hipótese do Investment Development Path: Uma Abordagem por Dados em Painel. Os casos de Portugal e Espanha
by Miguel Fonseca & António Mendonça & José Passos - 0018 Does the location of manufacturing determine service sectors’ location choices? Evidence from Portugal
by Nuno Crespo & Maria Paula Fontoura - 0017 The Macroeconomic Determinants of Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions and Greenfield Investments
by Paula Neto & António Brandão & António Cerqueira - 0016 Aggregate and sector-specific exchange rate indexes for the Portuguese economy
by Fernando Alexandre & Pedro Bação & João Cerejeira & Miguel Portela - 0015 Employment and Exchange rates: the Role of Openness and Technology
by Fernando Alexandre & Pedro Bação & João Cerejeira & Miguel Portela - 0014 The Relevance of Productive Experience in the Process of Economic Growth: an Empirical Study
by Diana Vieira - 0013 Coordination and Stabilization Gains of Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union
by Susana Salvado - 0012 Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union: Gains from Changing Institutions
by Susana Salvado - 0011 The Portuguese Active Labour Market Policy During The Period 1998-2003 - A Comprehensive Conditional Difference-In-Differences Application
by Alcina Nunes & Paulino Teixeira
- 0009 Structural Transformation and the role of Foreign Direct Investment in Portugal: a descriptive analysis for the period 1990-2005
by Miguel Lebre de Freitas & Ricardo Paes Mamede - 0008 Behavioural Determinants Of Foreign Direct Investment
by Ricardo Pinheiro Alves - 0007 Election Results And Opportunistic Policies: An Integrated Approach
by Toke S. Aidt & Francisco José Veiga & Linda Gonçalves Veiga - 0006 Export Diversification And Technological Improvement: Recent Trends In The Portuguese Economy
by Manuel de Heredia Caldeira Cabral
- 0005 Produtividade, Competitividade e Quotas de Exportação
by Jorge Santos - 0004 Competitiveness and convergence in Portugal
by Jorge Braga de Macedo - 0003 Are The Dynamics Of Knowledge-Based Industries Any Different?
by Ricardo Paes Mamede & Daniel Mota & Manuel Mira Godinho - 0002 Nowcasting an Economic Aggregate with Disaggregate Dynamic Factors: An Application to Portuguese GDP
by António José Morgado & Luis Catela Nunes & Susana Salvado
- 0001 Evolução do Comércio Externo Português de Exportação (1995 -2004)
by João Ferreira do Amaral
- 180 Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: Revolutionizing Methods and Practices in Portugal
by Maria José Sousa