- 201127 International Trade and Unemployment - the Worker-Selection Effect
by Marco de Pinto & Jochen Michaelis - 201126 Economic page turners
by Björn Frank - 201125 The Trophy Effect
by Christoph Bühren & Marco Pleßner - 201124 Identification Through Heteroscedasticity in a Multicountry and Multimarket Framework
by Bernd Hayo & Britta Niehof - 201123 Bayesian Estimation of a DSGE Model with Inventories
by Marcel Foerster - 201122 Inflation Targeting and Regional Inflation Persistence: Evidence from Korea
by Peter Tillmann - 201121 The Effects of High Skilled Immigration in a Dual Labour Market with Union Wage Setting and Fiscal Redistribution
by Moritz Bonn - 201120 Enforcing IPR through Informal Institutions: The possible role of religion in fighting software piracy
by Nora Elbialy & Moamen Gouda - 201119 Assessing Judicial Efficiency of Egyptian First Instance Courts: A DEA Analysis
by Nora Elbialy & Miguel A. García-Rubio - 201118 Factor-Biased Technical Change and Specialization Patterns
by Jana Brandt & Jürgen Meckl & Ivan Savin - 201117 Incentives and the Delegation of Decision Making Power in Sovereign Wealth Funds
by Artur Grigoryan - 201116 How to deal with resale price maintenance: What can we learn from empirical results?
by Jürgen-Peter Kretschmer - 201115 The Sequencing Problem in Sequential Investigation Processes
by Jürgen-Peter Kretschmer - 201114 Optimal Structuring of Assessment Processes in Competition Law: A Survey of Theoretical Approaches
by Jürgen-Peter Kretschmer - 201113 Feed-in-Tariffs Financed by Energy Taxes: When do They Lower Consumer Prices?
by Georg von Wangenheim & Tom Müller - 201111 Learning-by-doing in Two Sectors, Production Structure, Leisure and Optimal Endogenous Growth
by Matthias Göcke - 201111 Wo sind all die Klimamärkte hin?
by Sven Rudolph - 201110 Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Regional Labor Mobility of German University Graduates
by Stefan Krabel & Choni Flöther - 201109 Organisational Structures in Network Industries – An Application to the Railway Industry
by Benjamin Pakula & Georg Götz - 201108 Population Aging and Individual Attitudes toward Immigration: Disentangling Age, Cohort and Time Effects
by Lena Calahorrano - 201107 Coexistence of Service- and Facility-Based Competition: The Relevance of Access Prices for "Make-or-Buy"-Decisions
by Christian M. Bender & Georg Götz - 201106 Agglomeration, Congestion, and Regional Unemployment Disparities
by Ulrich Zierahn - 201105 Communication Matters: U.S. Monetary Policy and Commodity Price Volatility
by Bernd Hayo & Ali M. Kutan & Matthias Neuenkirch - 201104 Wie der klimapolitische Patient Japan den Anweisungen des umweltökonomischen Dok-tors folgte: Eine Analyse nationaler Treibhausgas-Emissionshandelssysteme in Japan
by Sven Rudolph & Matthias - 201103 Do Federal Reserve Presidents Communicate with a Regional Bias?
by Bernd Hayo & Matthias Neuenkirch - 201102 Prioritätsfragen im Verhältnis von Ökonomik, Ethik und Ontologie: Prolegomena zu einem transdisziplinären Fundament der Naturökonomik
by Károly Henrich - 201101 Heuristic model selection for leading indicators in Russia and Germany
by Ivan Savin & Peter Winker
- 201036 A One-Sector Model with Learning-by-doing, Investment, Leisure, and Optimal Growth
by Matthias Göcke - 201035 Mode of International Investment and Endogenous Risk of Expropriation
by Ramin Dadasov & Oliver Lorz - 201034 Mapping Constitutionally Safeguarded Judicial Independence—A Global Survey
by Bernd Hayo & Stefan Voigt - 201033 Empirical Methods in the Analysis of Collusion
by Johannes Paha - 201032 Do FOMC Members Herd?
by Jan-Christoph Rülke & Peter Tillmann - 201031 The Importance of Spatial Autocorrelation for Regional Employment Growth in Germany
by Ulrich Zierahn - 201030 Conditional grants to independent regional governments: The trade-off between incentives and wasteful grant-seeking
by Ivo Bischoff & Frédéric Blaeschke - 201029 Layoffs in a Recession and Temporary Employment Subsidies when a Recovery is ExpectedLayoffs in a Recession and Temporary Employment Subsidies when a Recovery is Expected
by Matthias Göcke - 201028 Managing Financial Market Expectations: The Role of Central Bank Transparency and Central Bank Communication
by Matthias Neuenkirch - 201027 Endogenous Constitutions: Politics and Politicians Matter, Economic Outcomes Don’t
by Bernd Hayo & Stefan Voigt - 201026 The Effect of IMF Lending on the Probability of Sovereign Debt Crises
by Markus Jorra - 201025 Explaining ECB and FED interest rate correlation: Economic interdependence and optimal monetary policy
by Martin Mandler - 201024 Nobelpreis in Wirtschaftswissenschaften für Elinor Ostrom: Ein Überblick über ihr ökonomisches Hauptwerk
by Hans G. Nutzinger - 201023 Parasites and Raven Mothers: A German-Japanese comparison on (lone) motherhood
by Anna Klabunde & Evelyn Korn - 201022 Relative-Price Changes and Demand Factors in the Period of Quantitative Easing in Japan
by Bernd Hayo & Hiroyuki Ono - 201021 Monetary Policy Committees and Model Uncertainty
by Peter Tillmann - 201020 Bank of Canada Communication, Media Coverage, and Financial Market Reactions
by Bernd Hayo & Matthias Neuenkirch - 201019 Chess players' performance beyond 64 squares: A case study on the limitations of cognitive abilities transfer
by Christoph Bühren & Björn Frank - 201018 Aging and Immigration Policy in a Representative Democracy
by Lena Calahorrano - 201017 Strategic Forecasting on the FOMC
by Peter Tillmann - 201016 Cultural Identity, Mobility, and Decentralization
by Christopher-Johannes Schild & Matthias Wrede - 201015 Foreign Direct Investment and Exchange Rate Regimes
by Matthias Busse & Carsten Hefeker & Signe Nelgen - 201014 Financial Integration in Autocracies: Greasing the Wheel or More to Steal?
by Ramin Dadasov & Philipp Harms & Oliver Lorz - 201013 The Fixed Wage Puzzle: Why Profit Sharing Is So Hard to Implement
by Jürgen Jerger & Jochen Michaelis - 201012 Macroeconomic dynamics and inflation regimes in the U.S. Results from threshold vector autoregressions
by Martin Mandler - 201011 A Generalized Condorcet Jury Theorem with Two Independent Probabilities of Error
by Roland Kirstein & Georg v. Wangenheim - 201010 Inexpressive Law
by Emanuela Carbonara & Francesco Parisi & Georg von Wangenheim - 201009 Women and Work: What Role Do Social Norms Play?
by Andreia Tolciu & Ulrich Zierahn - 201008 Regime-dependent effects of monetary policy shocks. Evidence from threshold vector autoregressions
by Martin Mandler - 201007 Simulation and Prosecution of a Cartel with Endogenous Cartel Formation
by Johannes Paha - 201006 Determinants of Constitutional Change: Why Do Countries Change Their Form of Government?
by Bernd Hayo & Stefan Voigt - 201005 Social information and bandwagon behaviour in voting: an economic experiment
by Ivo Bischoff & Henrik Egbert - 201004 Der Coupon-Handelsansatz als Modell für eine subjektbezogene Finanzierung der Kinderbetreuung
by Henrik Egbert & Andreas Hildenbrand - 201003 Die deutschen Ausbauziele für erneuerbare Energien: Eine Effizienzanalyse
by Sebastian Schröer & Ulrich Zierahn - 201002 The effects of enforced reflection in three simple experiments
by Björn Frank - 201001 Central bank independence and conservatism under uncertainty: Substitutes or complements?
by Carsten Hefeker & Blandine Zimmer
- 200949 Innovation, Income Distribution, and Product Variety
by Rainer Vosskamp - 200948 Ordoliberalismus und Gerechtigkeit: Zum Verhältnis von Eucken und Kant
by Olaf J. Schumann & Hans G. Nutzinger - 200947 Decomposing Federal Funds Rate forecast uncertainty using real-time data
by Martin Mandler - 200946 The Fed’s perceived Phillips curve: Evidence from individual FOMC forecasts
by Peter Tillmann - 200945 The Taylor Rule and Interest Rate Uncertainty in the U.S. 1970-2006
by Martin Mandler - 200944 News and Correlations of CEEC-3 Financial Markets
by David Büttner & Bernd Hayo - 200943 Asymmetric Tax Competition with Formula Apportionment
by Matthias Wrede - 200942 Why Don’t Labor and Capital Flow Between Young and Old Countries?
by Lena Calahorrano & Philipp an de Meulen - 200941 Wodurch wird die Lohnelastizität der Arbeitsnachfrage bestimmt? - die Hicks-Marshall-Regeln
by Jochen Michaelis & Marco de Pinto - 200940 Asymmetric capital-tax competition, unemployment and losses from capital market integration
by Rüdiger Pethig & Frieder Kolleß - 200939 Long-term Care Insurance Facilities and Interregional Migration of the Elderly in Japan
by Akihiro Kawase & Katsuyoshi Nakazawa - 200938 How to Measure the Rule of Law
by Stefan Voigt - 200937 How (Not) to Measure Institutions
by Stefan Voigt - 200936 Positive Constitutional Economics II—A Survey of Recent Developments
by Stefan Voigt - 200935 Canadian Interest Rate Setting: The Information Content of Canadian and U.S. Central Bank Communication
by Bernd Hayo & Matthias Neuenkirch - 200934 Multinational Capital Structure and Tax Competition
by Matthias Wrede - 200933 What determines workers’ preferences for efficiency over equity wages?
by Prosper F. Bangwayo-Skeete & Afaf H. Rahim & Precious Zikhali - 200932 Determinants of European Stock Market Integration
by David Büttner & Bernd Hayo - 200931 When economic growth is less than exponential
by Christian Groth & Karl-Josef Koch & Thomas M. Steger - 200930 Anyone up for helping the Fisherman's wife? More solidarity with accidental misery than with man-made misery
by Björn Frank & Sha Li & Heike Minich & Nina Muraro & Marco de Pinto & Christoph Sänger & Stephan Meisenzahl & Duncan Roth & Nils Saniter - 200929 Using Accounting Data in Cartel Damage Calculations – Blessing or Menace?
by Johannes Paha - 200928 Does education engender cultural values that matter for economic growth?
by Prosper F. Bangwayo-Skeete & Afaf H. Rahim & Precious Zikhali - 200927 The Impact of U.S. Central Bank Communication on European and Pacific Equity Markets
by Bernd Hayo & Ali M. Kutan & Matthias Neuenkirch - 200926 Aging, Factor Returns, and Immigration Policy
by Lena Calahorrano & Oliver Lorz - 200925 Do Federal Reserve Communications Help Predict Federal Funds Target Rate Decisions?
by Bernd Hayo & Matthias Neuenkirch - 200924 Competition, Regulation, and Broadband Access to the Internet
by Georg Götz - 200923 Federal Reserve Communications and Emerging Equity Markets
by Bernd Hayo & Ali M. Kutan & Matthias Neuenkirch - 200922 Heterogeneous Skills and Homogeneous Land: Segmentation and Agglomeration
by Matthias Wrede - 200921 Wage and (Un-)Employment Effects of an Ageing Workforce
by Jochen Michaelis & Martin Debus - 200920 Geringqualifizierte Arbeit, Marktlöhne und Sozialpolitik: Konzepte für Deutschland
by Jochen Michaelis & Alexander Spermann - 200919 Efficiency Wages and Negotiated Profit-Sharing under Uncertainty
by Matthias Göcke - 200918 Firing versus Continuing Employment if an Economic Setback is Expected
by Matthias Göcke - 200917 Individual Heterogeneity, Group Interaction, and Co-operative Behaviour: Evidence from a Common-Pool Resource Experiment in South Africa and Namibia
by Bernd Hayo & Björn Vollan - 200916 Spatial Point Pattern Analysis and Industry Concentration
by Reinhold Kosfeld & Hans-Friedrich Eckey & Jørgen Lauridsen - 200915 Labor Market Regulation and the Legal System
by Carsten Hefeker & Michael Neugart - 200914 Forecasting Russian Foreign Trade Comparative Advantages in the Context of a Potential WTO Accession
by Ivan Savin & Peter Winker - 200913 Uncertainty and fiscal policy in an asymmetric monetary union
by Carsten Hefeker & Blandine Zimmer - 200912 Livelihood and Care of the Elderly: Determinants of Public Attitudes in Japan
by Bernd Hayo & Hiroyuki Ono - 200911 Taxation, Corruption and the Exchange Rate Regime
by Carsten Hefeker - 200910 K-Funktionen als Instrument zur Analyse räumlicher (De-)Konzentrationsprozesse
by Hans-Friedrich Eckey & Reinhold Kosfeld & Alexander Werner - 200909 Contracting still matters! Or: How to design a letter of intent
by Evelyn Korn & Stephan Meisenzahl - 200908 Domestic or U.S. News: What Drives Canadian Financial Markets?
by Bernd Hayo & Matthias Neuenkirch - 200907 Horizontal Mergers, Involuntary Unemployment, and Welfare
by Oliver Budzinski & Jürgen-Peter Kretschmer - 200906 Does Arbitration Blossom when State Courts are Bad?
by Stefan Voigt - 200905 The Economic Effects of Federalism and Decentralization – A Cross-Country Assessment
by Stefan Voigt & Lorenz Blume - 200904 Clean Evidence on Face-to-Face: Why Experimental Economics is of Interest to Regional Economists
by Björn Frank - 200903 The Impact of Foreign Macroeconomic News on Financial Markets in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland
by David Büttner & Bernd Hayo & Matthias Neuenkirch - 200902 Trade and Variety in a Model of Endogenous Product Differentiation
by Oliver Lorz & Matthias Wrede - 200901 Auswirkungen der Bevölkerungsentwicklung auf das wirtschaftliche Niveau der Regionen in Deutschland
by Hans-Friedrich Eckey & Reinhold Kosfeld & Nina Muraro
- 200828 The Relevance of Judicial Procedure for Economic Growth
by Bernd Hayo & Stefan Voigt - 200827 Margin Squeeze in Fixed-Network Telephony Markets – competitive or anticompetitive?
by Wolfgang Briglauer & Georg Götz & Anton Schwarz - 200826 Do we (still) need to regulate fixed network retail markets?
by Wolfgang Briglauer & Georg Götz & Anton Schwarz - 200825 Voting experiments: Bandwagon voting or false-consensus effect?
by Ivo Bischoff & Henrik Egbert - 200824 Good Policy Choices Even When Voters Entertain Biased Beliefs: A Model with Endogenous Valence
by Ivo Bischoff & Lars Siemers - 200823 Does the Currency Board Matter? U.S. News and Argentine Financial Market Reaction
by Bernd Hayo & Matthias Neuenkirch - 200822 Values and Norms Matter – On the Basic Determinants of Long-Run Economic Development
by Sang-Min Park & Stefan Voigt - 200821 Federalism and Decentralization – A Critical Survey of Frequently Used Indicators
by Lorenz Blume & Stefan Voigt - 200820 The (Economic) Effects of Lay Participation in Courts - A Cross-Country Analysis
by Stefan Voigt - 200819 Does Membership in International Organizations Increase Governments’ Credibility? Testing the Effects of Delegating Powers
by Axel Dreher & Stefan Voigt - 200818 Agglomeration, tax competition, and fiscal equalization
by Matthias Wrede - 200817 Voting for mobile citizens
by Matthias Wrede - 200816 Optimal Sequential Investigation Rules in Competition Law
by Wolfgang Kerber & Jürgen-Peter Kretschmer & Georg von Wangenheim - 200815 EMU-related News and Financial Markets in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland
by David Büttner & Bernd Hayo - 200814 Market Access, Regional Price Level and Wage Disparities: The German Case
by Reinhold Kosfeld & Hans-Friedrich Eckey - 200813 Do regional Trade and Specialization drive intra-regional Risk-Sharing?
by Barbara Pfeffer - 200812 FDI and FPI - Strategic Complements?
by Barbara Pfeffer - 200811 Sports Business and the Theory of Multisided Markets
by Oliver Budzinski & Janina Satzer - 200810 Die Lohnkurve in Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung des regionalen Preisniveaus
by Hans-Friedrich Eckey & Reinhold Kosfeld & Alexander Werner - 200809 Kinship and friendship in a trust game with third party punishment
by Björn Vollan - 200808 Financial Market Reaction to Federal Reserve Communications: Does the Crisis Make a Difference?
by Bernd Hayo & Ali M. Kutan & Matthias Neuenkirch - 200807 Merger Simulation in Competition Policy: A Survey
by Oliver Budzinski & Isabel Ruhmer - 200806 Europäische Medienmärkte: Die Rolle der Wettbewerbspolitik
by Oliver Budzinski - 200805 Participation and Decision Making: A Three-person Power-to-take Experiment
by Max Albert & Vanessa Mertins - 200804 Product Quality in a Simple OLG Model of Scientific Competition
by Max Albert - 200803 A Note on Competing Merger Simulation Models in Antitrust Cases: Can the Best Be Identified?
by Oliver Budzinski - 200802 Inefficient but Effective? A field experiment on the effectiveness of direct and indirect transfer mechanisms
by Hannes Koppel & Günther G. Schulze - 200801 Power over Prosecutors Corrupts Politicians: Cross Country Evidence Using a New Indicator
by Anne van Aaken & Lars P. Feld & Stefan Voigt