- 98 Bargaining Models of Household Behavior: An Empirical Test Using the Luxembourg Income Study
by Shelley Phipps & Peter Burton - 97 International Comparisons of Income Poverty and Extreme Income Poverty
by McKinley Blackburn - 96 Women and Poverty in Industrialized Countries
by Robert Wright - 95 Poverty in an International Perspective: A Reexamination
by Orit Kristal & Leah Achdut - 94 Working But Poor A Cross-National Comparison of Earnings Adequacy
by Inge O'Connor & Timothy Smeeding - 93 The Redistributive Effect of Direct Taxes: An International Comparison of Six LIS Countries
by John Bishop & Victor Chow & John Formby - 92 Canadian Child Benefits: Behavioral Consequences, Income Adequacy and Alternatives
by Shelley Phipps - 91 Changing Inequality in Five Countries: The Role of Markets, Transfers and Taxes
by Markus Jäntti - 90 Male Pre and Post Tax Wage Inequality: A Six Country Comparison
by Bruce Bradbury - 89 The Social Wage in the Income Package of Working Parents
by Lee Rainwater - 88 Income Inequality in Rich Countries During the 1980s
by Timothy Smeeding & John Coder - 87 Going to Extremes: An International Perspective on the Economic Status of the Untied States Aged
by Barbara Torrey & Lee Rainwater & Timothy Smeeding
- 86 Changes in Inequality of Family Income in Seven Industrialized Countries Responses to Growing Earnings Inequality
by Peter Gottschalk - 85 The Impact of Technology Change, Deindustrialization, and Internationalization of Trade on Earnings Inequality An International Perspective
by Mary Joyce & Peter Gottschalk - 84 Female Earnings and the Level and Distribution of Household Income in Developed Countries
by Robert Schoeni & Maria Cancian - 83 Gender, Poverty and Intra-Household Distribution of Resources
by Jeanette Findlay & Robert Wright - 82 Women and Social Security in Retirement: A Comparative Analysis
by Sandra Hutton & Peter Whiteford - 81 Old Age Security of Women in the Twelve EC-Countries - To What Extent are Beveridge s Two Main Principles of Universality and Guaranteed Minimum Fulfilled?
by Frank Tibitanzi & Gabriele Rolf & Richard Hauser & Diether Doring - 80 Poverty in American Eyes
by Lee Rainwater - 79 Noncash Income, Living Standards, and Inequality: Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study
by Michael Wolfson & Peter Saunders & Stephen Jenkins & Aldi Hagenaars & Richard Hauser & John Coder & Johan Fritzell & Timothy Smeeding - 78 The Public/Private Mix in the Income Package of the Elderly: A Comparative Study
by Juergen Kohl - 77 Women s Roles in Women s Poverty in Eight Industrialized Countries
by Annemette Sorensen & Lynne Casper & Sara McLanahan - 76 Single-Mother Families in Eight Countries: Economic Status and Social Policy
by Ying-Ling Irene Wong & Sara McLanahan & Irwin Garfinkel - 75 Household Structure and the Measurement of Poverty
by Robert Wright - 74 Does the Welfare State Work? Evidence on Antipoverty Effects from the Luxembourg Income Study
by Sheldon Danziger & Markus Jäntti - 73 Income Inequality Trends in the 1980 s: A Five Country Comparison
by Johan Fritzell - 72 How Fair is the Distribution of Private Pension Benefits?
by Pierre Pestieau
- 71 A Comparison of Poverty Rate Estimates Using Expenditure and Income Data
by Panos Tsakloglou - 70 U.S. Poverty and Income Security Policy in a Cross National Perspective: The War On Poverty - What Worked?
by Timothy Smeeding - 69 Cross National Patterns of Retirement and Poverty Among Men and Women in the 1980 s: Full Stop or Gradual Withdrawal?
by Timothy Smeeding - 68 Gold Mines and Mine Fields. A Summary of the LIS Conference: The Changing Structure of Income and Social Policy in Eastern Europe: A Comparative Focus
by Barbara Torrey & Timothy Smeeding - 67 Cross-National Trends in Income Poverty and Dependency: The Evidence for Young Adults in the Eighties
by Lee Rainwater & Timothy Smeeding - 66 Changes in Earnings Inequality -- an International Perspective
by Peter Gottschalk & Mary Joyce - 64 Single Parenthood and Poverty in France
by Robert Wright - 63 Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism or Four?
by Deborah Mitchell & Francis Castles
- 65 A Demographic Model of Poverty among Families with Children: A Comparative Analysis of Five Industrialized Countries Based on Microdata from the Luxembourg Income Study
by Janet Gornick & LaDonna Pavetti - 62 Is There a Trade-Off between the Efficiency and Effectiveness Goals of Income Transfer Programs?
by Deborah Mitchell - 61 Poverty As Inefficiency of the Welfare State. A Cross Country Comparison
by Mats Lindblom & Bjorn Gustafsson - 60 Single Mothers, Low Income and Women s Economic Risks. The Cases of Sweden, West Germany and the United States
by Annemette Sorensen - 59 An Alternative Attempt to Measure Poverty by Analyzing Relative Income Based Poverty Lines in the Federal Republic of Germany
by Bernhard Beerlage - 58 International Comparisons of Earnings Inequality for Men in the 1980 s
by John Coder & Gordon Green & Paul Ryscavage & Brian Gran - 57 Balancing Data Access and Data Protection: The Luxembourg Income Study Experience
by Marc Cigrang & John Coder - 56 Comparing Income Transfer Systems: Is Australia the Poor Relation
by Deborah Mitchell - 55 Poverty and Equivalence as Social Constructions
by Lee Rainwater - 54 A Note on the Returns to Human Capital in the Eighties: Evidence from Twelve Countries
by Wilhelm Lorenz & Joachim Wagner & Karel van den Bosch - 53 Working But Still Dependent: The Hourly Wage of Working Wives and that of their Husbands in Australia, Canada, Hungary, The Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, the Federal Republic of Germany Around 1980
by Henk Jan Dirven - 52 International Comparisons of Tax and Transfer Progressivity: New Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study
by John Bishop & Paul Thistle & John Formby - 51 The Meaning of Retirement: Cross-national Patterns and Trends
by Timothy Smeeding - 50 Minimum Standards in Old Age Security and the Problem of Poverty in Old Age
by Juergen Kohl - 49 Economic Well-Being among Men 55-64 Without Earnings: A Six Country Comparison
by Martin Rein & Lee Rainwater - 48 An International Comparison of Married Women s Labor Force Participation: A Cross-Country Analysis for Employees in Seven Countries
by Klaus Wolff - 47 The Change in the Economic Status of the Low-Income Elderly in Three Industrial Countries: Circa 1979-1986
by Timothy Smeeding & Barbara Torrey & John Coder - 46 Changing Inequality Structures in Europe: The Challenge to Social Science
by Lee Rainwater - 45 International Comparisons of Welfare and Poverty: Generalized Lorenz Orderings for Ten Countries
by John Bishop & W. James Smith & John Formby - 44 Redistribution Through Taxation: An International Comparison
by Sourushe Zandvakili - 43 International Comparison of Household Inequalities: Based on Micro Data with Decompositions
by Sourushe Zandvakili - 42 The Earnings Effects of Marital Status: An International Comparison
by Robert Schoeni - 41 Refinements in the Measurement of Income Redistribution: Sweden, the US and UK
by Jeff Ankrom
- 40 International Comparisons of Productive Efficiency and Welfare
by Donald Roy - 39 Horizontal Equity and the Redistributive Impact of Housing Allowance Programs in Norway and Sweden
by Jeff Ankrom - 38 The Gap Between Market Rewards and Economic Well-Being in Modern Societies
by Johan Fritzell - 37 Models of Pensions and Income Inequality: A Comparative Analysis
by Joakim Palme - 36 The Redistributive Effects of the Tax System in West Germany, Sweden, and the United States: A Comparative Tax Incidence Study
by Christoph Rosenberg - 35 Not Working: A Preliminary Look at Households with no Earners in the US, Canada, Germany and Sweden
by Katherine McFate & Ingo Fischer - 34 Income Inequality in Australia and New Zealand: International Comparisons and Recent Trades
by Garry Hobbes & Helen Stott & Peter Saunders - 33 The Inequality-Redistribution Interaction: Who Gains, Who Loses? In the East and West
by Wlodzimierz Okrasa - 32 Relative Deprivation and Economic Welfare: A Statistical Investigation with Gini-Based Welfare Indices
by John Bishop & Paul Thistle & Subhabrata Chakraborti - 31 Luxembourg Income Study: Mikrotason Tulonjakotutkimusta European Sydamessa
by Robert Hagfors - 29 Living Arrangements of Young Adults Living Independently: Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study
by Kathleen Short & Thesia Garner - 28 Can Economic Structure Explain Gender Differences In Economic Reward? A Comparison of Australia, Sweden and the United States
by Shelley Phipps - 27 Measuring Inequality and Differing Social Judgments
by Anthony Atkinson - 26 International Comparisons of Income Inequality: Tests for Lorenz Dominance across Nine Countries
by John Bishop & W. James Smith & John Formby - 24 Generations and the Distribution of Well-Being and Poverty: Cross National Evidence for Europe, Scandinavia and the Colonies
by Timothy Smeeding
- 30 Quelques Elements de Comparaison Internationale sur les Revenus - La Position Relative de la France au Debut de la Decennie
by Jan Suesser - 25 Measuring Gender Differences in Wage Distributions for Five Countries
by Shelley Phipps - 23 An International Comparison of the Rates of Return to Human Capital: Evidence from Five Countries
by Joachim Wagner & Wilhelm Lorenz - 22 Earnings Functions under Test: Evidence from Five Countries
by Joachim Wagner - 21 Poverty, Affluence and the Income Costs of Children: Cross National Evidence from the LIS
by Timothy Smeeding - 20 Problems of Comparative Social Policy Analysis: The Case of Pension Systems and Income Security Systems for the Elderly
by Richard Hauser - 19 Inequalities in the Economic Well-Being of Children and Adults in Ten Nations
by Lee Rainwater - 17 Equivalence Scales, Well-Being, Inequality and Poverty: Sensitivity Estimates Across Ten Countries Using the LIS Database
by Timothy Smeeding & Gunther Schmaus & Brigitte Buhmann & Lee Rainwater - 16 Poor Children in Rich Countries
by Barbara Torrey & Timothy Smeeding - 11 Inequality and Poverty in Old Age
by Juergen Kohl
- 18 The Distribution of Cash and Noncash Income in the Netherlands
by Flip de Kam & Floor van Herwaarden & Leendert Ruitenberg & Aldi Hagenaars - 15 Selected Nonmonetary Types of Income in the Federal Republic of Germany: Macro Economic and Distributional Effects
by Richard Hauser & Susanne Standecke-Scheid & Irene Becker - 14 Cross National Analyses of Social Policy: Value, Resources and Challenge
by Timothy Smeeding - 13 Improving the LIS Income Measure: Microdata Estimates of the Size Distribution of Cash and Noncash Income in Eight Countries
by Timothy Smeeding & Richard Hauser & Brigitte Buhmann & Flip de Kam & Michael Wolfson & Peter Hedstrom & Michael O'Higgins & Peter Saunders & Gunther Schmaus & Aldi Hagenaars - 12 The Luxembourg Income Study: The Use of Telecommunications in the Social Sciences
by Lee Rainwater & Timothy Smeeding - 10 Public Sector Transfers and Income Taxes: An International Comparison with Micro Data
by Bjorn Gustafsson & Renato Aguilar - 8 Patterns of Income and Poverty: The Economic Status of the Young and the Old in Eight Countries
by Timothy Smeeding & Barbara Torrey & Martin Rein
- 6 The Relative Economic Status of One Parent Families in Six Major Countries
by Ingo Fischer & Richard Hauser - 5 Comparative Economic Status of the Retired and Nonretired Elderly
by Yossi Tamir & Leah Achdut - 4 Age and Income in Contemporary Society
by Peter Hedstrom & Stein Ringen & Stephen Jenkins - 3 Income Distribution and Redistribution
by Michael O'Higgins & Geoffrey Stephenson & Gunther Schmaus - 2 Poverty in Major Industrialized Countries
by Timothy Smeeding & Lee Rainwater & Gaston Schaber & Richard Hauser & Martin Rein - 1 An Introduction to LIS - The Luxembourg Income Study
by Timothy Smeeding & Gunther Schmaus & Serge Allegreza